BE :: Volume #10

#902: The letter of nebula 【Two】 Fourth!

In the letter only then few five characters fast go to dark green Langshan! 信件上只有寥寥五个字速去苍狼山! The Xie Aoyu turn over letter looked several, is such five characters, in not other any contents, moreover looks at itself, that fast character. 谢傲宇翻转信件看了好几遍,就是这么五个字,在没有其他的任何内容,而且看自己,那个“速”字。 Fast goes, that instantly starts. 速去,那就是即刻启程了。 Smashing that the letter pinches conveniently, changes into the powder, Xie Aoyu said: Xing Yun except for this, has not said other?” 将信件随手捏的粉碎,化为粉末,谢傲宇道:“星云除了这个,就没说别的吗?” Has, Sir Xing Yun added that if you must start, specially urged the island to advocate one, can only the one person alone go, cannot lead anybody, may not lead Long Chong.” Luo Ke Dru said. “有,星云大人还说,如果您要启程,就特别叮嘱岛主一句,只能孤身前去,决不可带任何人,更不可带着龙宠。”洛克德鲁说道。 Um? 嗯? Xie Aoyu turns head to look suddenly to Luo Ke Dru, said: He said that I can't lead Long Chong?!” 谢傲宇猛然扭头看向洛克德鲁,道:“他说我决不可带龙宠?!” Yes, Sir Xing Yun said that if the island hosts are leading Long Chong, perhaps the island main dragon will favor will be in danger, because of that place, Dragon Clan cannot stride.” Luo Ke Dru said. “是,星云大人说,如果岛主带着龙宠的话,恐怕岛主的龙宠会有生命危险,因为那个地方,龙族决不可跨入的。”洛克德鲁说道。 Long Chong, who does not know that his dragon favors is the tyrannosaurus! 龙宠,谁不知道他的龙宠就是霸王龙! Has the danger including the tyrannosaurus, makes him go, what truth this is, does that place have in view of the Dragon Clan strength specially? 连霸王龙都有危险,却让他一个人去,这是什么道理,难道说那个地方专门有针对龙族的力量? Although Xie Aoyu is somewhat puzzled, actually also understands that Xing Yun is not the Clouds Holy Island first several generations of Astrologer teachers, the beforehand Astrologer master is half Astrologer master, cannot forecast completely, but Xing Yun is actually the true complete Astrologer master, reason that he so urged, decided however has the reason. 谢傲宇虽然有些不解,却也明白,星云不是云雾圣岛前几代的星相师,以前的星相师都是半个星相师,不能完全预测,可是星云却是真正的完整的星相师,他之所以如此叮嘱,定然有原因的。 Must a person go. 必须一个人去。 Why Xie Aoyu does not understand, but since pointed out emphatically that wants, when Li Qingbiao gets out of trouble, gives him the letter, making Xie Aoyu feel faintly that in this perhaps has a very big secret, but this was possibly concerning the Angel Holy Island secret, even also involved Li Qingbiao's some secrets. 谢傲宇不明白为什么,可既然着重点明,要在李庆彪脱困的时候,将信件交给他,令谢傲宇隐隐感觉到,这里面恐怕有着一个非常大的秘密,而这可能关乎着天使圣岛的秘密,甚至还牵扯到李庆彪的一些隐秘。 Therefore he must go. 所以他必须去。 He was urging Ru Yan to disguise as Qin Ziao to assume personal command simply arrogantly beside, strict order Luo Ke Dru and Chilao, banned that Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island person left, the matter of this time Li Qingbiao getting out of trouble, Xie Aoyu was worried very much that will involve to six mahatma places, that group of mystical lunatics. 他在简单叮嘱如烟假扮秦紫傲坐镇之外,严令洛克德鲁和奇拉奥两人,禁制云雾圣岛圣甲岛的人离开,此次李庆彪脱困之事,谢傲宇很担心,会牵扯到六大圣地,还有那群神秘的疯子。 But he returns to dressing up of Xie Aoyu, the one person alone leaves. 而他本人则重新回归谢傲宇的装扮,孤身离开。 Before leaving, he had inquired information about dark green Langshan, is Luo Ke Dru tells him, he arrives at Angel Holy Island, then went to dark green Langshan, the place in detail had also told Xie Aoyu. 离开前,他已经询问过关于苍狼山的信息,却是洛克德鲁告诉他,他来到天使圣岛,便去过苍狼山,地点也详细告诉了谢傲宇 Dark green Langshan is located in the Angel Holy Island central zone. 苍狼山位于天使圣岛的中心地带。 The Angel Holy Island range is huge, it can be said that a mainland. 天使圣岛范围庞大,可说是一块大陆。 Xie Aoyu rushes to dark green Langshan, is the Angel Holy Island central zone, spent enough two days to rush actually, his speed needs the so long time, thus it can be seen, huge of Angel Holy Island, to know on Xie Aoyu, the words that he full speed hurried along, arrived at the central zone as if also only to take about three days from continental margin. 谢傲宇赶往苍狼山,也就是天使圣岛的中心地带,硬是花费了足足两天的时间才赶到,他的速度都需要如此长的时间,由此可见,天使圣岛的庞大,就谢傲宇所知,他全速赶路的话,从奇奥大陆边缘到达中心地带似乎也只需要三天左右的时间而已。 Sees dark green Langshan truly, Xie Aoyu knows why called dark green Langshan. 真正看到苍狼山,谢傲宇才知道,为什么叫苍狼山。 That mountain looks from afar, was a dark green wolf, the appearance was too lifelike, if real general, occupied there, stance of ground-to-air long and loud cry. 那山远远看去,根本就是一条苍狼,形貌太逼真了,如果真实的一般,盘踞在那里,对空长啸的姿态。 Xie Aoyu stands in the distant place waits and sees, examines dark green Langshan, discovered that does not have what unique element. 谢傲宇站在远处观望,查看苍狼山,发现并没有什么特殊之处。 He then approaches the forward flight to go. 他便向前飞去。 But when he approaches, felt that some changes, the dark green Langshan as if free wheeling, changed to one to have ten thousand meters high genuine dark green wolf fully, when that imposing aura made Xie Aoyu felt to be surprised, is somewhat stunned, will a mountain bring so felt? 可当他靠近的时候,就感觉到了一些变化,苍狼山似乎活转了过来,化作一条足有万米之高的真正的苍狼,那股凛然的气息令谢傲宇感到惊疑之余,也有些错愕,一座山怎会带来如此感觉? This made him cannot help but associate to Snow Luo Mountain! 这令他不由得联想到了雪罗山 Initially he on foot walked Snow Luo Mountain, carried on a time sudden enlightenment, that feeling very intense, at the present as if is also so, was only two feelings somewhat is faintly different, where actually did not talk clearly differently. 当初他徒步行走雪罗山,进行一次顿悟,那一次的感觉就非常的强烈,而今似乎也是这般的,只是两种感觉隐隐有些不同,却说不清楚哪里不同。 Xie Aoyu slows down the speed, nearness slowly, simultaneously comprehensively opens the auricle to pass. 谢傲宇减缓速度,慢慢的靠近,同时全面开启心耳通。 He must receive in the ear all sounds. 他要将一切声息都收入耳中。 Approaches gradually, Xie Aoyu then felt that the change of that imposing aura, as if changed to one sharp sword of sheath, can pierce world the air/Qi of unsurpassed slaughtering. 逐步靠近,谢傲宇便感觉到那股凛然的气息的变化,似乎化作了一把出鞘的利剑,能够洞穿天地的无上杀戮之气。 Xie Aoyu more approaches, this feeling is intense. 谢傲宇越是靠近,这种感觉越是强烈。 In as if dark green Langshan hides one to pierce the unsurpassed god soldier sharp weapon of world fully. 仿佛苍狼山内就隐藏着一把足可洞穿天地的无上神兵利器。 Clank “铮铮” This feeling transmits, Moon Falling Blade also shivered. 这种感觉传来的时候,月陨刀也颤动了起来。 After a drop of essence and blood Run of tyrannosaurus , the Gold Flame Hawk design in Moon Falling Blade already incomparable clear, does not know that because whether Gold Flame Hawk had treated many years in his within the body, is the master tyrannosaurus of that drop of essence and blood with his relational reason, he and Moon Falling Blade relation has made closer, is taking it, resembles part of body. 经过霸王龙的一滴精血润和,月陨刀内的金焱神鹰图案已经无比的清晰了起来,也不知道是否因为金焱神鹰曾经在他的体内待过很多年,还是那一滴精血的主人霸王龙与他的关系缘故,他与月陨刀的联系更加的密切了,拿着它,就好像自己身体的一部分似地。 Therefore Moon Falling Blade trembles, Xie Aoyu first then induces one feeling that it has sent out, that is frightened! 所以月陨刀震颤,谢傲宇第一时间便感应到了它散发出来的一种感觉,那就是恐惧! This answer made Xie Aoyu almost call out in alarm makes noise. 这个答案令谢傲宇差点惊叫出声。 Will Moon Falling Blade fear? 月陨刀会恐惧? Naturally looks like Emperor level god soldier sharp weapon, some spirit surnames, the bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty were very normal, will be why Moon Falling Blade will fear? 自然像天王级神兵利器,都是有一些灵姓的,嗜杀、嗜血等很正常,可是月陨刀为什么会恐惧? Must know that Moon Falling Blade may be called in the Emperor god soldier sharp weapon supreme existence, can say, in the middle of god soldier sharp weapon that currently speaking, Xie Aoyu sees, including You Lan Ruo the eclipse month Excalibur in that Moon Eclipse Set Dress, head of the clan Ice Snow God Clan the ice soul god spear in ice soul coverall, has not fallen the Emperor blade more intrepid than the moon/month, only that executes the Divine Knife might also to be able with it almost. 要知道月陨刀可是堪称天王神兵利器中至尊的存在,可以说,就目前来说,谢傲宇见到的神兵利器当中,包括幽兰若的那蚀月套装中的蚀月神剑,还有冰雪神族族长的冰魂套装中的冰魂神枪,都不比月陨天王刀强悍,唯独那诛神刀的威力还能与之差不多。 So can say weapon, Moon Falling Blade was invincible. 如此可以说兵器方面,月陨刀无敌了。 But it fears unexpectedly. 可它居然恐惧。 Xie Aoyu looks to that dark green Langshan, what in this mountain is hiding? Difficult to be inadequate is the god soldier sharp weapon of some before the Flood unsurpassed powerhouse? 谢傲宇不由看向那苍狼山,这山里面到底隐藏着什么?难不成是某一种上古时代无上强者的神兵利器? Because only has the weapon to make Moon Falling Blade produce fears, like executing Divine Knife will only shoulder it to with war intent that it fights, other weapons, it has not responded. 因为唯有兵器才能够令月陨刀产生惧怕,像诛神刀只会挑起它要与之争锋的战意,其他的兵器,它根本就没反应的。 Unsurpassed god soldier sharp weapon? 无上神兵利器? Xie Aoyu thinks of here, cannot help but accelerates to the forward flight goes. 谢傲宇想到这里,不由得加速向前飞去。 More approaches, felt the aura that is bone-chilling cold, is frigid, more makes a great show of one's talents, probably the sharp sword of that sheath is sending out the unsurpassed pressure. 越是靠近,感觉到的气息越是凛冽,越是惨烈,越是锋芒毕露,好像那出鞘的利剑正在散发出无上的威压。 Moon Falling Blade tremor was also fiercer. 月陨刀颤动的也更厉害了。 However the moment, Xie Aoyu then arrives at the dark green Langshan summit. 不过片刻,谢傲宇便来到苍狼山颠。 Station here, that aura strong, and takes to Xie Aoyu one type the feeling of sandy plain that enters the war, the air/Qi of that type of slaughtering is especially frigid. 站在这里,那气息更加的浓重,并且带给谢傲宇一种进入金戈铁马的沙场的感觉,那种杀戮之气尤其惨烈。 Xie Aoyu looks to the surroundings, discovered that these stones very much have the characteristics, each passes probably sends out one to murder the aura, he puts out a hand to touch. 谢傲宇看向周围,发现那些石块都很有特色,每一个好像都透发出一股杀伐气息,他伸手一碰。 „!” “啪!” That stone ruptures immediately, strength projects from inside together. 那石块当即爆裂,一道劲气从里面射出。 Xie Aoyu receives the hand hurriedly, that strength scratches his cheeks to fly, his cheeks that moves is a painful feeling, sends the silk also by stage several. 谢傲宇急忙收手,那劲气擦着他的脸颊飞过去,吹动的他的脸颊都是一阵生疼的感觉,发丝也被阶段几根。 He turns head to look to that strength. 他扭头看向那劲气。 The strength hole shoots void, at this time waited and saw, will discover that strength was similar to a god spear. 劲气洞射虚空,这时候观望,会发现那劲气如同一把神枪。 Here conceal an unsurpassed god spear!” Xie Aoyu has made the judgment immediately. “这里藏着一把无上神枪!”谢傲宇立即做出了判断。 The strength of god spear is extremely terrifying, already achieved the strength that sends out to pour into the earth stone fully the situation, Xie Aoyu is feeling that depressing strength, he as if also received some disturbances. 神枪的力量极其恐怖,已然达到散发出来的力量足可灌入大地石块的地步,谢傲宇感受着那种压抑的力量,他似乎也受到了一些干扰。 At this moment, he gives birth unexpectedly must at the impulsion of this place practice. 这一刻,他竟然生出要就在此地修炼的冲动。 „The air/Qi of murdering, this is one type after the ability of fostering thousand th hundred fight, this kind of strength is also strength one, if can build up, then my Qi not only has the possibility of growth, what is main, can let my Qi rupturing, the might is more tyrannical.” Xie Aoyu is somewhat excited. “杀伐之气,这是一种历经千世百战的养成的能力,此类力量也属于力量的一种,若是能够炼化,那么我的斗气不但有增长的可能,更主要的是,可以让我的斗气更加的爆裂,威力更强横。”谢傲宇有些兴奋。 His steps then go to that air/Qi of final place murdering. 他踏步便来到那杀伐之气最终的地方。 If good, this place should hide the place of that unsurpassed god spear, the strong degree of air/Qi of murdering but that ground embodiment has made Xie Aoyu some not dare to get rid, because the intuition told him, if he got rid to stroke the ground, definitely will initiate all air/Qi of murdering to fly to shoot, his ability, feared that could not resist, was not rumbled to kill may not, therefore he has not attacked, but sat above, prepared to guide the air/Qi of these murdering to quenching own Qi, making own Qi have stronger attack surname. 若不错的话,这个地点应该就是藏着那无上神枪的地方,只是那地面内蕴含着的杀伐之气的浓重程度令谢傲宇有些不敢出手,因为直觉告诉他,若是他出手击打地面的话,肯定会引发所有的杀伐之气飞射出来,他的能力,怕是抵抗不住,非被轰杀不可,所以他没有攻击,而是一屁股坐在上面,准备导引那些杀伐之气来淬炼自己的斗气,令自己的斗气带有更强的攻击姓。 He just sat down, has not started to buy in these air/Qi of murdering, hears the distant place to hear the broken rumor. 他刚刚坐下,还未开始吸纳那些杀伐之气,就听到远处传来破风声。 Did some people come? 有人来了? Xie Aoyu knits the brows, these people come also is really not the time, he must set out to leave, hides in the hidden place, always the direction of person looks. 谢傲宇一皱眉,这些人来的还真不是时候,他只得起身离开,隐藏在暗处,向来人的方向看去。 This looks, cannot help but heart one tight, Xie Aoyu sees unexpectedly is two groups of people, more than 100 people, they are the two of head, he is the understanding, one is Zhuo Fan Ting of evil sacred place, one is the floating world of day of sacred place is far, what so in other words they bring is evil sacred place and day sacred place youth one generation sharp. 这一看,不由得心一紧,谢傲宇看到的居然是两拨人,都有100多人,他们为首的两人,他是认识的,一个是邪罗圣地的卓凡婷,一个是天罗圣地的浮世远,如此也就是说他们带来的是邪罗圣地和天罗圣地青年一代的精锐了。 Will they come here? 他们怎么会来到这里? In the Xie Aoyu heart wonders, regarding six mahatma places, his understanding is very limited, what are more is feels mystical, the time that after all their six mahatmas have was too remote, rescued long ago to the antiquity seven respected families before them, can only be the little little brother, but they were several thousand years never some people have actually left their respective sacred place, although did not know any reason, but six mahatmas were born at this time completely, always the feeling is not the good deed. 谢傲宇心中甚是纳闷,对于六大圣地,他的认识还是非常有限的,更多的是感到神秘,毕竟他们六大圣地存在的时间太久远了,救久远到上古七大家族在他们面前,都只能算是小小弟,可他们却又是数万年从未有人离开过他们各自的圣地,虽不知道什么原因,可这时候六大圣地全部出世,总是感觉不是什么好事。 He then hidden waits and sees in the hidden place. 他便隐在暗处观望。 Evil sacred place and day Luo Shengdi are always hostile, is similar to the hei deep pool palace and bright sea in sea area aspect is hostile, mainland authority Xuantian Gong and day lonesome mountain are hostile, they each other have very big gratitude and grudges, what the opposition is fiercest is evil sacred place and day sacred place, because two places both are situated in the desert, is in itself under-populated, and follower are few, what is main, their two places it is said are the only eruption excessively major wars. \\ N 邪罗圣地和天罗圣地向来是敌对的,就如同海域方面的黒渊殿和光明海是敌对的,奇奥大陆方面玄天宫和天寂山是敌对的,他们彼此都有着很大的恩怨,其中对立最厉害的还是邪罗圣地和天罗圣地,因为两地都地处沙漠内,本身就人口稀少,且信徒少,更主要的是,他们两地据说是唯一爆发过大规模战争的。\\n Those but who made Xie Aoyu strange was, this time both sides were very unexpectedly friendly. 可是令谢傲宇奇怪的是,这时候的双方居然很友好。 Especially the floating world of Zhuo Fan Ting and day sacred place of evil sacred place is far, before Xie Aoyu incarnation Qin Ziao arrogant time, they are in sharp opposition, at this time was actually a stance of sincere cooperation. 尤其是邪罗圣地的卓凡婷和天罗圣地的浮世远,之前谢傲宇化身秦紫傲的时候,两人可是针锋相对,这时候却是一副真诚合作的姿态。 He looks that wonders, then raises up the ear to listen attentively. 他看着更是纳闷,便竖起耳朵倾听。 „Could Zhuo girl, put out map?” The floating world of day sacred place said. “卓姑娘,是不是可以拿出地图了?”天罗圣地的浮世远说道。 Zhuo Fan Ting has put out a map, said: Map of your day sacred place.” 卓凡婷拿出了一份地图,道:“你们天罗圣地的地图呢。” Floats the world also to put out a map. 浮世远也拿出一份地图。 They map one pair, added up to a map, Xie Aoyu hid in the hidden place, looked that was not quite clear, actually also saw an outline the general idea. 两人将地图一对,凑成了一张地图,谢傲宇隐藏在暗处,看不太清晰,却也看到一个轮廓的大概。 That is the dark green Langshan map. 那是苍狼山地图。 The Xie Aoyu heart shakes, he is at first strange, six mahatmas simultaneously are born very much make one wonder, at the present they are bringing the map of dark green Langshan unexpectedly, that explained obviously that they already had the goal, but this dark green Langshan should be their destinations. 谢傲宇心头不由一震,起初他就奇怪,六大圣地同时出世就很令人纳闷,而今他们居然是带着苍狼山的地图来的,那显然说明,他们早就有目的的,而这苍狼山应该就是他们的目的地吧。 In this!” Floats the world the place that puts out a hand figure of two maps to dock. “在这!”浮世远伸手一指两张地图相接的地方。 In the past had a look.” Zhuo Fan Ting said. “过去看看。”卓凡婷说道。 Floats the world then saying: You stay here, cannot toward the first half step, but also a little must keep firmly in mind, every bit of property of dark green Langshan, all may not move.” 浮世远回头说道:“你们都留在这里,切不可往前半步,还有一点要牢记,苍狼山的一草一木,皆不可触碰。” The people of two mahatma places then floated airborne, more than 100 meters the places sky over dark green Langshan, so almost can receive the eyeground surroundings all. 两大圣地的人便漂浮到了空中,在苍狼山上空大约100多米的地方,如此几乎可以将周围一切都收入眼底。 In Xie Aoyu shouted this darkly clearly is bans the bystander to enter. 谢傲宇暗叫这分明就是禁制外人入内嘛。 He also displays Earth Escape Technique to hide underground, but enters the ground, felt that has the fluctuation of air/Qi of very astonishing murdering, makes manipulation that he has to be careful. 他也施展土遁术隐藏到地下,可是一入地面,就感到有着非常惊人的杀伐之气的波动,令他不得不小心谨慎的应付。
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