BE :: Volume #10

#937: The thing of seeking 【Two】

Six of six mahatma places big protected the Demon Beast form completely presented. 六大圣地的六大守护魔兽身影全部呈现了出来。 That moment that they present, to the utmost the horizon of remote place, spread bang the sound, is that is floating the great mountain is actually shivering. 它们出现的那一刻,在极尽遥远处的天际,传出了“轰隆”的响声,却是那漂浮着的巨山在颤动。 Roar!” “吼!” The passing Tianlong lions of six big Demon Beast most powerhouses to are exuding one to whoosh void, the world vitality fierce tumbling of vibration, a boundless strength then from passing the body of Tianlong lion erupts. 六大魔兽最强者的通天龙狮对着虚空发出一声嘶吼,震动的天地元气剧烈的翻滚起来,一股磅礴的力量便从通天龙狮的身上爆发出来。 Other five big Demon Beast also in abundance bloom their strength. 其他五大魔兽也纷纷绽放出自己的力量。 Six strengths simultaneously explode to shoot. 六股力量同时爆射出去。 Goal that float mountain. 目标正是那悬浮之山。 Clank!” “铮铮!” On that float mountain, transmits the sonorous sword to call the acoustic shock three great distances immediately, even if distanced not to know that many great distances Xie Aoyu feels in the air as if sword air/Qi to fluctuate, the air fettering, changes to the innumerable sword edges to dance in the air, that feeling is simply shocking. 那悬浮之山上面,登时传来铿锵剑鸣声震三千里,就算是相距不知有多少千里的谢傲宇都感觉到空气中似乎都有一股剑气波动,将空气给束缚起来,化作无数的剑刃在飞舞,那种感觉简直骇人听闻。 So is away from has strength so, asked that on that float mountain can reactivate the human to have how fearfully? 如此距离都有这般的力量,试问那悬浮之山上要复活之人到底有多么的可怕? Thump!” Thump!” Thump!” Thump!” Thump!” Thump!” “咚!”“咚!”“咚!”“咚!”“咚!”“咚!” The void six dull thumping sounds spread. 虚空中六声闷响传出。 Six big Demon Beast strengths were routed completely. 六大魔兽的力量被全部击溃。 Roar!” “吼!” Passes the Tianlong lion to send out the startled day to roar, one month later, the Angel Holy Island closure said that is you thoroughly falls from the sky, cuts off the vitality the time!” 通天龙狮发出惊天怒吼,“一个月之后,天使圣岛关闭之曰,便是你彻底陨落,断绝生机的时刻!” Clank!” “铮铮!” On that float mountain hears the sword whining noise, the highest heaven cloud layer of shake bursts, changes constantly, is the world vitality of inspiring in the fierce tumbling, concentrate to gather, changes to the innumerable sword air/Qi, from that float mountain, dense and numerous emits to all around, opens the innumerable space channels. 那悬浮之山上面传来剑鸣声,震荡的九霄云层破裂,风云变幻,更是引动的天地元气都在剧烈的翻滚,凝合,化作无数的剑气,从那悬浮之山上面,密密麻麻的向四周放射出去,开辟出无数的空间通道。 The display of weapons oppresses the world. 兵势压迫天地。 Xie Aoyu is looks at two to brave the light, he is staring at that sword air/Qi scene vertically and horizontally, hidden has a feeling, that should be antiquity Fights Technique. 谢傲宇更是看得两眼直冒光,他盯着那剑气纵横的场面,隐有一种感觉,那应该是一种上古斗技 One month later, does to mediate again!” “一个月之后,再做了断!” Passes the Tianlong lion not to counter-attack, but leaves behind a few words, dives, other five big Demon Beast are also so, the day lonesome demon wolf from dives void, enters in that gulf. 通天龙狮对此并没有反击,而是留下一句话,随之俯冲下去,其他五大魔兽也是如此,天寂魔狼从虚空俯冲下来,直入那深坑内。 Then in the gulf blooms the fluctuation of energy certainly. 接着深坑内绽放出强绝的能量波动。 Similarly sharp sword air/Qi is surging from inside together. 一道同样犀利的剑气从里面激荡着。 Thump “咚咚咚” This mountain shivers again. 这座山再颤动。 The thing in gulf seems born, a tired dead dog startled day probably is also the spirit shakes, he hurries to proceed to crawl, will talk about in that gulf, the sword air/Qi that inside scatters meets his body not to attack, instead submerges its within the body directly, Xie Aoyu obviously feels that the strength of startled day consumption rapidly is recovering. 深坑内的东西似乎在出世,累的好像死狗似地项惊天也是精神一震,他赶紧往前爬去,将头谈到那深坑内,里面散射出来的剑气遇到他的身体并没有进行攻击,反而直接没入其体内,谢傲宇就明显感觉到,项惊天消耗的力量在快速的恢复着。 Six big Demon Beast forms dissipate, float mountain also quiet. 六大魔兽身影消散,悬浮之山也沉寂了下来。 All seemed to be tranquil. 一切似乎都平静了。 But all people knew, Angel Holy Island one month will also close. 可是所有人都知道了,天使圣岛还有一个月就会关闭。 One month, said that was long, said was short. 一个月的时间,说长不长,说短不短。 Place of self-torture rich world vitality, one month is the Emperor level superior boundary master can also have the considerable promotion, even is hopeful to break through. 浓郁的天地元气之地苦修,一个月就算是天王级上位境界的高手也能够有相当的提升的,甚至有望突破的。 Xie Aoyu calculates secretly, if after he returns, when self-torture in dragon valley, then he also really possibly leaves Angel Holy Island time, strides in Ten Kings Level, completes itself before the goal of entering Angel Holy Island setting. 谢傲宇暗自盘算,若是他回归之后,待在龙谷内苦修的话,那么他还真的可能离开天使圣岛的时候,跨入十王级,完成自己在进入天使圣岛之前定下的目标。 Thinks that Ten Kings Level and Emperor level superior that huge disparity, Xie Aoyu somewhat is eager to try. 想到十王级天王级上位那巨大的差距,谢傲宇就有些跃跃欲试。 Once strides in Ten Kings Level, that really stood in the high-end of mainland strength, no longer was existence of allowing to be oppressed, once even the person king's bloodline seal were opened, he can stand with these in the peak master goes forward together, having a look at the speed that who promoted to be quicker, who reached most peak the first boundary. 一旦跨入十王级,那就真的站在了大陆实力的高端,不再是任人宰割的存在,甚至一旦人王之血脉封印被揭开,他就可以与那些站在巅峰的高手一起前进,看看到底谁提升的速度更快,谁更先达到最巅峰的境界。 Thinks of here, Xie Aoyu has the intense impulsion. 想到这里,谢傲宇就有着强烈的冲动。 „It is not good, has the human!” “不好,有人!” Few, some people came!” “项少,有人来了!” At this time, the white clothing man has sent out calling out in alarm. 就在这时候,白衣男子发出了一声声的惊呼。 Startled day look is motionless , to continue the sword air/Qi that absorbs in that gulf to send out, is restoring own strength, goes to remove them!” 项惊天神色不动,继续吸收着那深坑内散发出来的剑气,恢复着自己的力量,“去将他们除掉!” Yes.” Is the white clothing man point of head refers to six people, your six go along with me, other people keep the protection, preventing other people to rush.” “是。”为首的白衣男子点指其中六人,“你们六个随我去,其他人留下来守护,防止他人闯进来。” Xie Aoyu of hidden place sees that also quietly moves the position. 暗处的谢傲宇见状也悄然移动位置。 Since deep sea quiet night Saint dragon soul makes him protect a startled day to obtain the treasure, Xie Aoyu also has to strive, he goes to the place that some people present. 既然深海幽夜圣龙魂让他保护项惊天得到宝物,谢傲宇也只好出出力了,他来到那有人出现的地方。 Hides with the angle of cliff. 与悬崖的一角藏身。 Here, Xie Aoyu can see human, that is four unusual solid master who will have the cape to wrap, both hands have wrapped, will unable to see they skin. 在这里,谢傲宇能够看到来人,那是四名有斗篷将自己包裹的非常严实的高手,就连双手都包裹了起来,根本看不到他们一丝的皮肤。 Six white clothing men rush ahead together. 六名白衣男子一起冲杀下去。 And is the white clothing man of head kills alone a cape person, other six people are two people attack a cape person separately, carries on the fierce combat. 其中为首的白衣男子单独扑杀其中一名斗篷人,其他六人分别是二人攻打一名斗篷人,进行激战。 Kills!” “杀!” Is the first white clothing man person sword unites, cuts from upper air fierce dividing, that power and influence may below the master any Emperor level dividing fully for two halves. 为首白衣男子人剑合一,从高空凶猛的劈斩下去,那股威势足可将任何一名天王级中位以下的高手给劈为两半。 The quick speed, the formidable strength made the sharp sword rub the air to blow out a piece of spark certainly. 绝快的速度,强大的力量令利剑摩擦空气爆出一片的火花。 Certainly a sword. 强绝一剑。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Attacked cape person has not moved aside, instead attacks rapidly upwardly, when is very near after both distance, the sleeve vibration of cape person, two hands searched. 被攻击的斗篷人没有躲闪,反而急速向上冲击,待到两者距离很近之后,斗篷人的袖子一抖动,两只手探了出来。 Wipes the green glow sparkle. 一抹绿芒闪耀。 Ka!” “咔!” Both hands hold that to bring certainly the strength sharp sword, two forms then static in midair. 双手抓住那带着强绝力量的利剑,两条身影便静止在半空中。 Bang!” “轰!” This confronts is also two seconds, that cape person pulls both hands suddenly, then saw that sharp sword one was then torn to pieces, simultaneously both hands forward, one held is the shoulders of first white clothing man, made an effort to pull. 这对峙也就是两秒钟的时间,那斗篷人猛然扯动双手,接着就看到那利剑一下便被扯碎了,同时双手向前,一下抓住了为首白衣男子的双肩,用力一扯。 The blood rain dances in the air. 血雨飞舞。 Was the white clothing man of head is broken to pieces the fragment stiffly. 为首的白衣男子被硬生生碎成了碎片。 At this time other three cape people were also so, gave to tear into shreds six white clothing men. 这时候其他三个斗篷人也是如此,将六名白衣男子也都给撕碎了。 Xie Aoyu also saw at this time palm that four cape people reveal, where is the hand, clearly is Long Zhao, only then three fingers, and surface has the green scale, the nail also three centimeters lengths, present cancel the shape, is glittering gloomy cold Mang. 谢傲宇这时候也看到了四个斗篷人露出来的手掌,那哪里是手,分明是龙爪,只有三根手指,且表面都有着绿色的鳞片,指甲也有三厘米的长度,呈现勾状,闪烁着阴森的冷芒。 Sees these, in the Xie Aoyu mind collapses two characters suddenly. 看到这些,谢傲宇的脑海中猛然崩出两个字。 Queue! 人龙! This is the queue, by that group of mystical lunatics one brand-new life body queue that is used for Long Dan and human refines! 这是人龙,被那群神秘疯子用来龙蛋和人炼制出来的一种全新的生命体人龙! Finally appeared! 终于出现了! The Xie Aoyu vision becomes the woods is cold. 谢傲宇的目光变得森寒起来。 Regarding queue, from entering Angel Holy Island first day, he got the answer from Nangong Ge Nali, then gave birth to intense killing to read, particularly made the status of that group of mystical lunatics the queue was born, made him have the intense suspicion, is who so was crazed? What person can disregard the Angel Holy Island rule, the survival in Angel Holy Island is for a long time not affected? They are so formidable, what person was actually given the restraint? 对于人龙,从进入天使圣岛的第一天,他就从南宫戈那里得到了答案,便生出了强烈的杀念,尤其是制造人龙出世的那群神秘疯子的身份,更令他产生了强烈的怀疑,到底是什么人如此丧心病狂?什么人能够无视天使圣岛的规则,在天使圣岛内长期生存不受影响?他们如此强大,却又是被什么人给约束的? All questions are puzzling Xie Aoyu. 一切疑问都困扰着谢傲宇 Nowadays, the queue appears, happen to can seize to inquire. 现如今,人龙出现,正好可以擒来询问。 Xie Aoyu got hold has hung the crescent moon on neck hangs to fall, he was staring at four queues indifferently, feels fluctuation of energy that on them was sending out. 谢傲宇握紧了挂在脖子上的月牙吊坠,他冷眼盯着四名人龙,感受着他们身上散发出来的能量波动。 The strength of queue is very unusual, is not Qi, is similar to the Dragon Clan strength. 人龙的力量很奇特,不是斗气,类似于龙族力量。 Seven white clothing men were torn into shreds time the pitiful yell sound, has alarmed a startled day, in that gulf the sword air/Qi through strength that scatters, 50%-60% startled day complexion a little startled gaining ground that restored, loud shouts to clear the way: Prevents them to clash!” 七名白衣男子被撕碎时候的惨叫声,也惊动了项惊天,通过那深坑内剑气散射出来的力量,已经恢复的五六成的项惊天脸色有点惊慌的抬起头,大声喝道:“阻止他们冲过来!” The remaining five white clothing men comply with one, attacks. 剩下的五名白衣男子答应一声,同时出击。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!” Five sad sounds transmit. 五声沉闷的响动传来。 Five white clothing men just attacked, that four queues then suddenly accelerate, one of them double fist rumbles, pierces the heart positions of two white clothing men, other three people respectively pierce a chest of white clothing man. 五名白衣男子刚刚出击,那四名人龙便骤然加速,其中一人双拳轰出,洞穿两名白衣男子的心脏位置,其他三人则各自洞穿一名白衣男子的胸口。 Divides to cut as for the sharp swords of five white clothing men, numerous falling on the bodies of four queues. 至于五名白衣男子的利剑则纷纷劈斩下去,重重的落在四名人龙的身上。 In the report, their cape entirely scraps, have revealed the true colors. 爆裂声中,他们的斗篷统统的炸碎,露出了真面目。 Just like Xie Aoyu said that all was the queue. 正如谢傲宇所言,全都是人龙。 Before their appearances and Xie Aoyu, has seen queue Southern China is very similar, the forehead is not the number of people, but is the fierce dragon head, in the top of the head also has two corners, appears fierce fearful, opens the large-mouthed vessel big mouth blowout the odor of making person dizziness, the nape of the neck place also receives Long Lin. 他们的样子与谢傲宇之前见过的人龙南华很相似,头部不是人头,而是狰狞的龙首,头顶上还都有着两根犄角,显得狰狞可怕,张开血盆大嘴喷出的令人眩晕的恶臭,脖颈处也都收龙鳞。 In addition, body surface many scales, instead somewhat are not sparse, can see the skin of person, however in both hands and skill places is the dense scale. 除此之外,身体表面并没有多少鳞片,反而有些稀疏,能够看到人的皮肤,但是在双手、手腕处则全都是密实的鳞片。 The body of queue! 人龙之身! The sharp swords of five white clothing people cut on their bodies, splashes piece of Mars, fell 12 not to have the scale, actually being hard wound to their bases, even has not flowed out many including the blood, was killed. 五名白衣人的利剑斩在他们的身上,也只是溅起一片火星,掉了12没鳞片,却难以伤到他们的根本,甚至连鲜血都没流出多少,便被打死了。 The corpse throws. 尸体扔出去。 Ruins the animal bones sword!” “毁掉兽骨剑!” And a strength wants the strong queue to send out the stiff incomparable words obviously. 其中一名实力明显要强一些的人龙发出生硬无比的话语。 Other three queues attack in abundance, plunge in that gulf, remaining fire into a startled day. 其他三名人龙纷纷出击,扑向那深坑内,剩下的这个则冲向项惊天。 Animal bones sword? 兽骨剑? Xie Aoyu has swept a that gulf, can feel in the turbulent sword air/Qi, he also no longer hides himself, presses the crescent moon to hang to fall, the moon/month falls the Emperor blade to appear in the hand. 谢傲宇扫了一眼那个深坑,能够感受到里面动荡的剑气,他也不再隐藏自己,一按月牙吊坠,月陨天王刀出现在手中。 If light electricity! 如光似电! If he time projects together. 他若一道流光射出。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!” That three plunge gulf queue immediately trampling by the Xie Aoyu consecutively three feet backs up backward, he simultaneously a blade cut down, will kill a startled day the left shoulder of queue in dividing, bringing a piece of blood to fly horizontally. 那三名扑向深坑的人龙当即被谢傲宇连续三脚给踹的向后倒退出去,他同时一刀劈出,将扑杀项惊天的人龙给劈中左肩,带着一片鲜血横飞出去。 Xie Aoyu also falls before the gulf. 谢傲宇也落在深坑前。 He seizes the chance to look to under. 他趁机向下方看去。 Sees only in that gulf, has the fluctuation of innumerable Incantation technique mark, one has the long sword that the animal bones build become purely, is glittering the nattierblue halo, ascends slowly, often ascends one centimeter, the wall above Incantation technique mark of that process it place will change to the golden halo to enter in the animal bones sword, on that animal bones sword sword hilt end also follows the inflow of Incantation technique mark strength, formation day lonesome demon wolf the wolf first appearance of gradually. 只见在那深坑内,有着无数的咒术符号的波动,一把纯粹有兽骨打造而成的长剑,闪烁着淡青色的光晕,缓缓地升腾起来,每每升腾一厘米,那经过之处的墙壁上面的咒术符号就会化作点点金色光晕进入兽骨剑内,那兽骨剑剑柄尾端上面也伴随着咒术符号力量的流入,渐渐的形成天寂魔狼的狼首样子。 The animal bones sword distance is born, still had two meters distance. 兽骨剑距离出世,尚有两米的距离。
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