BE :: Volume #9

#899: Another god of journeys mark 【One】 First!

How many people Xue Jiaoke had once said some snow and ice dense within the boundaries?” Xie Aoyu pursues asks, this is a very fearful news. “薛娇可曾说过冰雪密境内到底有多少人?”谢傲宇追问道,这可是一个非常可怕的消息。 The accurate Battle Emperor boundary and accurate Battle Emperor peak level, that completely is two concepts. 战皇境界和准战皇巅峰级,那完全是两个概念。 Resembles the Battle King level and Battle King peak level, the Battle King peak level and Battle King level master showdown, at most is also 67 moves, can solve it. 就好像战王级和战王巅峰级,战王巅峰级与战王级高手对决,顶多也就是67招,便可将之解决的。 An accurate Battle Emperor peak level is to sweep away all existences absolutely. 一个准战皇巅峰级绝对是横扫一切的存在。 She had not said.” Ru Yan spoke of here, somewhat strange looks at Xie Aoyu, reason that she will say, my total feeling was she has to the suspicion that I showed good will, seemed has moved to you , when you appeared the true body, determined after you were Xie Aoyu, she kept her shadow to cancel you immediately, was really an out of the ordinary woman.” “她没说。”如烟说到这里,有些古怪的看着谢傲宇,“她之所以会说出来,我总感觉是她有向我示好的嫌疑,似乎是对你真的动心了,不过,当你现出真身,确定你是谢傲宇之后,她马上将你留在她心里的影子抹去了,果然是个非同凡响的女人。” Xie Aoyu where also has the thoughts and Ru Yan teases, „, since snow and ice dense within the boundaries has so many masters, why they sooner do not come out, if all sends out, feared that already swept away the mainland.” 谢傲宇哪里还有心思和如烟调笑,“既然冰雪密境内存在如此多的高手,为什么他们不早些出来呢,若是全部出动,怕是早就横扫大陆了。” Ru Yan said with a smile: This is not they can decide that it is said this snow and ice dense boundary is 600 years opens one time, otherwise, is the accurate Battle Emperor peak level master is unable to open, reason that has the snow and ice dense boundary , because Ice Snow God Clan was printed Wangfeng, this seal having been through repeatedly for several thousand years later, finally had feebly, therefore they then supposed the snow and ice dense boundary, in making the strength unusual master enter the self-torture 600 years, can thus be born 600 years later together, collaborated to break the seal, finally Wu Zhancang must persecute the race of then many world of ice and snow exactly, finally initiated the northern border. A disaster, Ice Snow God Clan can explain the seal with the aid of this disaster ahead of time, but has not de-archived that snow and ice dense boundary to the present, but the distance opens, as if was also within 35 years.” 如烟笑道:“这可不是他们能决定的,据说这个冰雪密境是600年整开启一次,不然的话,就是准战皇巅峰级高手也无法打开的,之所以有冰雪密境,是因为冰雪神族被人王封印起来的,这个封印在历经数万年之后,终于有了衰弱,所以他们便设下了冰雪密境,让实力超凡的高手入内苦修600年,从而能够在600年后一起出世,联手打破封印,结果恰好武战苍要迫害当时的诸多冰天雪地的种族,最后引发北疆的。一场灾难,冰雪神族借助这场灾难得以提前破解封印,而那冰雪密境到现在还未解封,但是距离开启,似乎也就是35年之内了。” Said that within 35 years, the Brilliant City strength definitely met the violent to increase.” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “这么说,35年之内,神武城的实力必然会暴增了。”谢傲宇沉声道。 Indeed so.” The Ru Yan nod said. “的确如此。”如烟点头道。 Xie Aoyu was lost in thought. 谢傲宇陷入了沉思。 Brilliant City situation, since Han Family was extinguished, the strength greatly reduces, in addition they were strongest, under Holy City and Zheng Xiao Fang collaborates, has given them a very serious attack, can say that in Ten Kings Level and level of Battle King level master mainstay, Brilliant City has been inferior comprehensively, but they spend the plans to recover the ice soul coverall, finally has actually helped Senior of Purple Gold Lord Dragon King! true achievement Saint dragon, had been ruined by Xie Aoyu, was finished thoroughly. 神武城的情况,自从韩家被灭,实力可谓是大减,加上本来他们最强,圣城和郑萧方联手之下,给予过他们一次非常沉重的打击,可以说在十王级战王级高手这个中流砥柱的层次,神武城已经全面处于劣势,而他们花费心机要复原冰魂套装,结果却成全了紫金尊王龙真正成就圣龙之尊,更是被谢傲宇毁掉了,彻底完蛋。 Brilliant City instead becomes a three parties weakest side, even there are to drop the tripartite balanced trend, but Brilliant City actually once again rises now, and to make the speed that person some are unable to believe rapidly rise, joining of Tianyang Clan and Female Wing Clan, their two clan influences are strong, even some people are attacking the accurate Battle Emperor boundary, but may also the success. 以至于,神武城反而成为三方最弱的一方,甚至有要跌落三方平衡的趋势,可现在神武城却再度崛起,并且以让人有些无法相信的速度在快速崛起,天阳族翼女族的加入,他们两族势力强劲,甚至都有人在冲击准战皇境界,还有可能成功。 Itself so made one feel the great strength of Brilliant City, if Ice Snow God Clan had a snow and ice dense boundary, and inside also many masters, then Brilliant City really had in the middle of the possibility once more achievement three parties most powerhouse, even possibly surpassed Xie Aoyu Holy City a large number, dominated above Holy City. 本身如此就令人感到神武城的强大,若是冰雪神族真的存在一个冰雪密境,并且里面还有诸多高手的话,那么神武城就真的有可能再次成就三方当中最强者,甚至可能超过谢傲宇圣城相当一部分,凌驾圣城之上了。 Therefore now best means that before the snow and ice dense boundary opens, as far as possible weakens the Brilliant City strength, particularly Tianyang Clan and Female Wing Clan, since the choice supports Brilliant City, that must complete the extinguished consequence, this probably is not only his idea, Zheng Batian definitely so, could collaborate foreign. 所以现在最好的办法,是在冰雪密境开启之前,尽可能的削弱神武城的力量,尤其是天阳族翼女族,既然选择支持神武城,那就要做好被灭的后果,这大概不光是他的想法,郑霸天肯定如此,或许可以联手对外。 Xie Aoyu is tumbling at heart innumerable thoughts. 谢傲宇心里翻滚着无数的念头。 Does the snow and ice dense domestic master add on Li Qingbiao, who Brilliant City can also contend? Feared that is Holy City and Zheng Xiao Fang joins up, not necessarily is their matches. 冰雪密境内的高手加上李庆彪,神武城还有谁能够抗衡?怕是圣城和郑萧方联合起来,都未必是他们的对手。 Must eradicate ahead of time. 必须提前铲除。 Li Qingbiao cannot get out of trouble absolutely. 李庆彪绝对不能脱困而出。 These thoughts are getting more and more clear, the Xie Aoyu war intent is also soaring, the difficulty that faces is bigger, he more has the battle efficiency. 这些个念头越来越清晰起来,谢傲宇的战意也高昂起来,面对的困难越大,他越是有战斗力。 Rumbling “轰轰” In the Xie Aoyu ponder, suddenly, the earth shivers, the sky cloud is lax, the world vitality fierce fluctuation, the side world of inspiring seems also swaying. 就在谢傲宇沉思中,陡然间,大地颤动,天空云彩涣散,天地元气也剧烈的波动起来,引动的这方天地似乎在摇晃。 Xie Aoyu was also awakened. 谢傲宇也被惊醒了。 „Is God Mark born?!” Ru Yan shouted lowly. 神纹出世?!”如烟低呼道。 Xie Aoyu also feels this situation as if with, when 3 rd said the aspect that God Mark is born is similar, quick, in the past had a look!” They pick up the speed suddenly. 谢傲宇也感觉这情形似乎与当初三道神纹出世的局面非常相似,“快,过去看看!”两人骤然加快速度。 Qi Kuai who they fly. 他们飞的奇快。 Then clashes several li (0.5km) in a flash, but does not have to judge including the crack according to the ground, they are away from the place that God Mark is born really not to be near. 转瞬间便冲出去几里地,可是根据地面连裂缝都没有来判断,他们距离那神纹出世的地方还真不近。 Probably after more than ten minutes, they from afar noticed that the innumerable person's shadows rock. 大概十多分钟之后,他们才远远地看到无数的人影晃动。 In the front has the thousands master to float in airborne, the giant gulfs appear, some people from the sky battle, resembling is robbing God Mark. 在前方有数以万计的高手漂浮在空中,更有一个巨大的深坑出现,还有一些人在空中激战,似是在抢夺神纹 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan then fly to shoot horizon to wait and see. 谢傲宇如烟便飞射天际观望。 This looked that the Xie Aoyu complexion changed, he just the coming to a stop personal appearance, saw master brains of that Huo one fist from Clouds Holy Island destroying, then has robbed God Mark in that Clouds Holy Island master hand, is laughing wildly departure, flies into Zheng Xiao Fang master camp. 这一看,谢傲宇的脸色就变了,他刚刚站稳身形,就看到那霍都一拳将一名来自云雾圣岛的高手头脑给打碎了,接着一把抢走了那名云雾圣岛高手手中的神纹,狂笑着离开,飞入郑萧方高手阵营内。 Huo!” “霍都!” That Clouds Holy Island Luo Ke Dru is infuriated immediately, malignant influences steaming overrunning. 云雾圣岛洛克德鲁顿时火冒三丈,煞气腾腾的冲了过去。 Dares to proceed again one step, I have killed you!” Huo desolate say (way). “再敢往前一步,我杀了你!”霍都冷森森的道。 The Luo Ke Dru complexion is pale, his strength and Huo have the disparity, then looks to Zheng Batian, Zheng Batian, you explained to me, what's all this about, God Mark was obtained by my Clouds Holy Island person obviously, why you must send Huo to rob, but also killed my Clouds Holy Island person, was this our cooperation?” 洛克德鲁脸色铁青,他的实力和霍都还是有差距的,便转而看向郑霸天,“郑霸天,你给我解释一下,这是怎么回事,神纹明明被我云雾圣岛的人得到,你们为什么要派霍都抢夺,还杀我云雾圣岛的人,难道这就是我们双方的合作吗?” This matter is a little truly improper, but, since has completed, I can only say that was sorry.” Although Zheng Batian to Huo getting rid murder quite unhappy, may Huo status not be after all ordinary, moreover Luo Ke Dru in his eyes, anything is not, unexpectedly also interrogated him, making him not be feeling well, then let somebody cool off or calm down replied. “此事确实有点不妥,不过,既然已经做好了,那我只能说抱歉。”郑霸天虽然对霍都的出手杀人相当的不快,可毕竟霍都身份不一般,而且洛克德鲁在他的眼里,什么都不是,居然还质问他,令他更是不爽,便冷冷的回答道。 You, good, when our island hosts go out, I will decide however this matter truthfully Bing Bao, ahem, your such collaborators, I will request the island host absolutely intensely, will cut off the beforehand cooperation agreement with you, respectively will be henceforth irregular!” Say (Way) that Luo Ke Dru ablazes with anger. “你,好,等我们岛主出关,我定然会将此事如实禀报,哼哼,你们这样的合作者,我绝对会强烈请求岛主,与你们断绝之前的合作协议,从此各不相干!”洛克德鲁怒气冲冲的道。 On Zheng Batian face muscle spasm, this indeed is he undesired, but was interrogated by Luo Ke Dru in the presence of everyone, the threat, made him angry, the superiority feeling that this type fostered for a long time already has become the custom, subconscious will then make the decision, „were you are threatening me?” 郑霸天脸上肌肉抽动,这的确是他不希望看到的,可是被洛克德鲁当众质问,威胁,更令他愤怒,这种长期养成的优越感早就成了习惯,下意识的便会作出决定,“你是在威胁我吗?” I Luo Ke Dru said. “我”洛克德鲁道。 Threatens you to be also what kind of!” Xie Aoyu there will again also endure patiently, he knows that this is also a turning point, command Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island will not receive with the opportunity of Zheng Xiao Fang cooperation restraint motion, he then walked from the hidden place with Ru Yan. “威胁你又怎样!”谢傲宇那里还会再忍耐下去,他知道这也将是一个契机,一个令云雾圣岛圣甲岛不会太受与郑萧方合作约束行动的机会,他便和如烟从暗处走了出来。 Island host, you may come back.” Luo Ke Dru sees the Xie Aoyu cannot help but pleasantly surprised say (way). “岛主,你可回来了。”洛克德鲁看到谢傲宇不由得惊喜道。 Xie Aoyu beckons with the hand. 谢傲宇摆摆手。 Luo Ke Dru retrocedes immediately, returns to camp. 洛克德鲁立刻后退,回归阵营。 Only has Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan stands in Zheng Batian et al. the opposite, as for that just now also very haughty bald Huo, sees Xie Aoyu, on some complexion changes, draws back quietly backward. 唯有谢傲宇如烟站在郑霸天等人的对面,至于那个方才还很狂傲的光头霍都,看到谢傲宇,就脸色有些变化,悄悄地向后退。 Zheng Batian, explanation!” Xie Aoyu both hands recited backwards from the end, cold order said. “郑霸天,解释!”谢傲宇双手倒背,冷然的命令道。 This tone keeps aloof absolutely. 这口气绝对是高高在上的。 Changed to the Luo Ke Dru's Zheng Batian face by so the stance green, his sinking sound track: Qin Ziao Ao Daozhu, you did not have the authority to order me probably.” 本来以这般姿态对洛克德鲁的郑霸天脸都变绿了,他沉声道:“秦紫傲岛主,好像你还没有权力来命令我吧。” Right?” On the face of Xie Aoyu reappears wipes the light happy expression, reason that I the agreement and your Zheng Family form an alliance, one is because Wu Dongtian is lackluster, one is the Zheng Family big elder Zheng Hanzhou manner, making me feel that cooperates with Zheng Family, is hopeful, but I once had also said that I must have a look at your Zheng Batian ability, but now looks like, you disappoint me, therefore I decided that from now on, the forming an alliance agreement became invalid before thoroughly, henceforth my Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island and Zheng Xiao Family does not have any implication again.” “是吗?”谢傲宇的脸上浮现一抹淡淡的笑意,“我之所以同意和你们郑家结盟,一个是因为武动天表现一般,还有一个就是郑家大长老郑汉舟的态度,让我感觉与郑家合作,还是有希望的,但是我也曾说过,我要看看你郑霸天的能力,可现在看来,你让我很失望,所以我决定,从现在开始,之前结盟协议彻底作废,从此我云雾圣岛圣甲岛与郑萧家再无任何牵连。” Not!” “不可以!” Bi Yuzhen hurried stop. 毕玉真急忙阻拦。 Zheng Batian complexion also changed, if Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island choice breaks the relations, indeed has the influence to their strength, but is insufficient to be big, but the issue will be this will provoke the chain-reaction, the person who these before joined Zheng Xiao Fang, how regarded them, in addition sowing dissension of some enemies, extremely possibly presented very big danger, moreover matter that Clouds Holy Island had half Astrologer master, will cause therefore some not necessary troublesome. 郑霸天的脸色也变了,若是云雾圣岛圣甲岛选择脱离关系的话,对他们实力的确有影响,但不至于非常大,可问题是这样会引起连锁反应的,那些之前加入郑萧方的人呢,如何看待他们,加上一些敌人的挑拨离间,极可能出现非常大的危险,而且云雾圣岛存在半个星相师的事情,也会因此引起一些不必要的麻烦的。 Why not?” Xie Aoyu light asking, Zheng Batian also a little potential, does the potential mean in the future certainly? His status in my eyes, anything is not, moreover is the Zheng Family true being in power person before me, must respect, remembers my status, although we age is similar, but I am Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island island host, will not be your so-called future successors, unexpectedly dares saying that I will not have the qualifications to say him.” “为什么不可以?”谢傲宇淡淡的问道,“郑霸天也不过有点潜力而已,难道潜力就意味着未来一定可以吗?他的身份在我眼里,什么都不是,而且就算是郑家真正的掌权人在我面前,也是要尊重的,记住我的身份,我们虽然年龄差不多,但我是云雾圣岛圣甲岛的岛主,不是你们所谓的未来继承人,居然敢说我没资格说他。” Island host, this matter truly was we have made a mistake, but you cannot such careless made the decision?” Bi Yuzhen said that I think our beforehand cooperation are not , the small issue should not affect our relations.” “岛主,此事确实是我们错了,但是你也不能这么草率的做出决定吧?”毕玉真说道,“我想我们之前的合作不是很好吗,一点小问题不该影响我们的关系。” Zheng Batian deeply inspires, said: Jade said really right, cannot because of this minor matter, but 郑霸天深吸一口气,道:“玉真说的没错,不能因为这点小事而” Minor matter?” Xie Aoyu smiles to look at Zheng Batian, I twist your brothers' head, robs can make one become God Mark of accurate Battle Emperor level together, you will also say that this is the minor matter?” “小事?”谢傲宇笑看着郑霸天,“我把你兄弟的脑袋拧掉,抢走一道能够令人成为准战皇级的神纹,你还会说这是小事吗?” I Zheng Batian was said am at a loss for words. “我”郑霸天被说得张口结舌。 Reason that he before has not prevented Huo, indeed attracting by God Mark, after all God Mark is not the ordinary thing, that will be can achieve accurate Battle Emperor the best quality goods in marvelous work in the future, but how he has not thought that Huo unexpectedly will kill people, this will make him be caught off guard, will be hates Huo darkly, but Huo status there pendulum, he cannot make Huo pay with a life. 他之前之所以没有阻止霍都,的确是被神纹给吸引了,毕竟神纹可不是普通的东西,那是可以让一个人未来达到准战皇的神品中的极品啊,可是他怎都没想到霍都居然会杀人,这令他措手不及,也是暗恨霍都,怎奈霍都身份在那里摆着,他总不能让霍都去偿命吧。 Gives me a satisfactory answer, otherwise your I break all relations officially, I will lead the sea area strength to cut to kill your Zheng Xiao Fang completely!” Xie Aoyu spoke of behind, the sound became cold incomparable, seemed nine quiet cold winds. “给我一个满意的答案,否则你我正式脱离一切关系,我将率领海域力量将你郑萧方全部斩杀!”谢傲宇说到后面,声音变得寒冷无比,好似九幽寒风。 PS: Today eight, must erupt again, was still 200 distinguished guest ticket in addition one chapters! PS:今天八更,再要爆发,仍旧是200贵宾票加更一章!
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