BE :: Volume #9

#898: God Wucheng taboo secret 【Two】 15

After cultivation to achieve the Emperor level boundary, generally fight experience is very rich, therefore often competes is the Fights Technique strong and weak. 当修为达到天王级境界之后,一般都在战斗经验方面很丰富,所以往往比拼的就是斗技的强弱。 Before Xie Aoyu, can rely on Fights Technique, challenges the Emperor level master in Sage level, when strides in the Emperor level boundary, particularly faces similarly very outstanding youth one generation of Emperor level masters, many opportunities have not actually jumped the ranks the murder, the reason is these people similarly has terror Fights Technique, even does not lose to Fights Technique of Dragon Overlord Boxing fist. 谢傲宇之前能够凭借斗技,在至圣级挑战天王级高手,可是当跨入天王级境界,尤其是面对同样非常出色的青年一代的天王级高手,却并没有多少机会越级杀人,原因就是那些人同样有着恐怖的斗技,甚至不输给霸龙拳的斗技 But the blue eyes golden eagle cannot. 可是碧眼金雕不会。 Does not have Fights Technique with it contending, how Xie Aoyu to fear it. 没有斗技与之抗衡,谢傲宇如何会怕它。 Suffers to death!” Xie Aoyu raises the blade to chase down. “受死吧!”谢傲宇提刀追杀过去。 Roar!” “吼!” Other three big Demon Beast attack in abundance, 67 masters simultaneously get rid to stop. 其他三大魔兽纷纷出击,更有67名高手同时出手阻拦。 Bombardment that they go all out, the strength is also the suitable terror, particularly that three big Demon Beast strength cannot compare the blue eyes golden eagle, actually does not lose to Xie Aoyu many. 他们拼命的轰击,力量也是相当的恐怖,尤其是那三大魔兽的力量比不得碧眼金雕,却也是不输给谢傲宇多少的。 Xie Aoyu still went to the forward flight, regards them with not having the thing. 谢傲宇仍旧是向前飞去,视他们与无物。 If rain wind! 如雨似风! Disregards many powerhouses to kill, the Xie Aoyu personal appearance speeds up suddenly, in these line of sight of Demon Beast and master, vanishes baseless general, such did not have the trail, making them throw spatial. 无视诸多强者杀来,谢傲宇身形骤然加快,就在这些魔兽和高手的视线中,凭空消失一般,就这么没了踪迹,让他们扑了一个空。 Roar!” “吼!” And a flying apsaras jade tiger response is fast, looks back to exude one to roar hurriedly to remind is seriously battered the blue eyes golden eagle to be careful. 其中一只飞天玉虎反应最是迅捷,急忙回首发出一声怒吼来提醒遭受重创的碧眼金雕要小心。 But its roar just had, the time of having turned around, actually saw that Xie Aoyu has stood in that blue eyes golden eagle front unexpectedly, Moon Falling Blade has then been cutting to the blue eyes golden eagle. 可是它吼声刚起,转过身来的时候,却看到谢傲宇竟然已经站在那碧眼金雕的面前,月陨刀对着碧眼金雕便斩了下去。 Hissing “嘶” The blue eyes golden eagle stretches out the neck to neigh. 碧眼金雕引颈嘶鸣。 Its that looks like the appearance of depilate chicken, although is laughable, at this moment actually erupts the astonishing fluctuation of energy, the terrifying wind system magic element crazy gathering, changes to an appearance of Shenlong, is in the middle of the wind system magic the might Qi Da tyrannosaurus volume! 它那看上去好像脱毛鸡的样子虽然可笑,这一刻却爆发出惊人的能量波动,恐怖的风系魔法元素疯狂的汇聚过来,化作一条神龙的模样儿,正是风系魔法当中威力奇大的暴龙卷! Xie Aoyu just likes has not actually heard, looked radically did not look , to continue to fall the blade. 谢傲宇却恍若未闻,根本看都不看,继续落刀。 Humanity, you want to perish together!” Blue eyes golden eagle by the Xie Aoyu action doing sends out a frightened scream, in two blue eyes is glittering Moon Falling Blade ray greatly abundant falling. “人类,你想同归于尽!”碧眼金雕被谢傲宇的举动给搞的发出一声恐惧的尖叫,两只碧眼中闪烁着的月陨刀光芒大盛的落下。 Puff!” “噗!” Moon Falling Blade submerges the blue eyes golden eagle the body. 月陨刀没入碧眼金雕的身体。 Xie Aoyu draws back backward floating, displays was still the speed quickly to the limit such as rain wind, in vision that in the blue eyes golden eagle does not dare to believe that he displayed to exceed tyrannosaurus volume such wind system magic the speed actually the situation, was separated from the tyrannosaurus volume attack range, fell on the safety seat. 谢傲宇随之向后飘退,施展的仍旧是速度快到极限的如雨似风,就在碧眼金雕不敢置信的目光中,他硬是将速度发挥到超过暴龙卷这样的风系魔法的地步,脱离暴龙卷攻击范围,落在安全位置。 The blue eyes golden eagle brings unable to believe that the head has drooped. 碧眼金雕带着不敢相信,脑袋耷拉了下去。 It dies is not very willingly. 它死的很不甘心。 Then, was one's turn you!” Xie Aoyu does not go to control that tyrannosaurus volume to fly the consequence that causes to the distant place, he selected to refer to Qin Yuer et al., said with a smile loudly crazily. “接下来,轮到你们了!”谢傲宇不去管那暴龙卷飞向远处带来的后果,他点指秦玉儿等人,放声狂笑道。 Roar!” “吼!” The flying apsaras jade tiger was roaring killing in the past. 飞天玉虎率先咆哮着扑杀过去。 Other people and beasts also continuously attack. 其他的人、兽也连续出击。 Broken Shield Cut! 破盾斩 Xie Aoyu cold snort, personal appearance flashes, appears in the back of flying apsaras jade tiger swiftly, what that Moon Falling Blade walks is Broken Shield Cut Fights Technique, but does not divide to cut, but is downward maliciously inserts. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,身形闪动,倏然出现在飞天玉虎的背部,那月陨刀走的是破盾斩斗技,但不是劈斩,而是向下狠狠的插去。 Depends upon the sharpness of Moon Falling Blade, in addition Broken Shield Cut broken against ability. 依靠月陨刀的锋利,加上破盾斩的破防能力。 „!” “咔嚓!” That Moon Falling Blade directly the nape of the neck of flying apsaras jade tiger piercing, was bringing it the Moon Falling Blade insertion ground, by the absolute speed, made to strike with his strength suitable flying apsaras jade tiger continually is unable to catch, this was such as the rain wind, this was the trump card strength mystery. 月陨刀直接就将飞天玉虎的脖颈给洞穿了,带着它将月陨刀插入地面,凭借绝对的速度,令与他实力相当的飞天玉虎连一击都无法接住,这就是如雨似风,这就是王牌力量的奥妙。 If battles normally, Xie Aoyu can kill the flying apsaras jade tiger is also quite troublesome. 若是正常交战,谢傲宇能杀飞天玉虎也是比较麻烦的。 The blade inserts the ground, flying apsaras jade tiger also has the faint trace wail, the scene of body spasm very callously, Xie Aoyu this act also deeply shocks other human and Demon Beast. 刀插地面,飞天玉虎还有丝丝哀鸣,身体抽动的场面非常的冷酷,谢傲宇此举也是深深震撼其他人和魔兽 But they do not know, at this moment, the innumerable golden luminous spots have been centered on Moon Falling Blade, in underground outward diffusion. 可他们不知道,此时此刻,无数的金色的光点已经以月陨刀为中心,在地下向外扩散出去了。 Certainly Bing Qi Shu! 绝兵奇术! Xie Aoyu draws out Moon Falling Blade suddenly, a that flying apsaras jade tiger long wail, the air/Qi died certainly, the corresponding ground sends out pit-a-pat the sound, the innumerable golden light shoot up to the sky. 谢傲宇猛然拔出月陨刀,那飞天玉虎一声长长的哀鸣,绝气身亡,相应的地面发出“突突”的响动,无数的金光冲天而起。 That is takes Moon Falling Blade as basis the blade light of vertically and horizontally. 那是以月陨刀为根本的纵横刀光。 Each blade is having the shining hot flame, that is Gold Flame, terrifying Gold Flame, one of them is bad luck, is hit by the gold blade that from underground emits, should not be divided into two halves at the scene, Gold Flame passed over gently and swiftly, is reduced to ashes, the residual does not remain. 每一把刀都带着金灿灿的火炎,那是金焱,恐怖的金焱,其中一人最是倒霉,正好被从地下冒出的金刀击中,当场别分成两半,金焱掠过,化为灰烬,残渣不剩。 Cuts!” Xie Aoyu breaks shouts to clear the way. “斩!”谢傲宇喝道 That several hundreds are burning long blade revolving of Gold Flame in abundance, cut down to cut to other two big Demon Beast, other these masters. 那数百把燃烧着金焱的长刀纷纷的旋转起来,劈斩向剩余的两大魔兽,还有其他的那些高手们。 Works as ding-dong “当当当” Ka ka “咔咔咔” Puff puff “噗噗噗” Suddenly, three sounds have formed a song, but is the melody of reactionary reign of terror, they or block the impacts of 12 gold blades, after is not actually able to block. 一时间,三种响声形成了一首曲子,只不过是血雨腥风的曲调,他们或挡住12把金刀的冲击,却毕竟无法全挡住。 Shortly, the gold sword strap walks surname lives, Gold Flame keeps the last memory in society to give to cancel them, the residual does not remain. 顷刻间,金刀带走一条条的姓命,金焱将他们留在世间的最后一点记忆都给抹去,残渣不剩。 In a flash, the fight then ended. 只是转瞬间,战斗便结束了。 Xie Aoyu turns around to look broadmindedly to the distant place, was actually Xue Jiao and Qin Yuer and other residual 34 people, saw that Xie Aoyu was so valiant, there also dares to stay, first then ran away, ran very was really quick.” 谢傲宇豁然转身看向远处,却是薛娇和秦玉儿等残留的34人,看到谢傲宇如此彪悍,那里还敢停留,第一时间便逃走了,“跑的很真是快。” Do not pursue.” Ru Yan breaks the thought that Xie Aoyu must chase down first, we have more important matter processing, if pursued them to delay, feared that was the regret.” “别追了。”如烟先打断了谢傲宇要去追杀的念头,“我们还有更重要的事情处理,要是追她们耽搁了,怕是后悔的。” What matter is?” Xie Aoyu asked. “到底是什么事?”谢傲宇问道。 Ru Yan holds the arm of Xie Aoyu directly, displays the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, making their personal appearance have the change, Xie Aoyu transformed sea area Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island island advocates the Qin Ziao arrogant appearance, Ru Yan turned into a pretty appearance of clever maidservant. 如烟直接抓住谢傲宇的胳膊,施展灵欲百变术,令两人的身形发生了变化,谢傲宇转化成了海域云雾圣岛圣甲岛的岛主秦紫傲的模样儿,如烟则变成了一个乖巧的侍女的娇俏模样儿。 First goes to Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island station, we make Zheng Xiao Fangmian set out the master to besiege with the aid of this status, then informs Angel Clan and Xin Jie Clan.” Ru Yan said. “先去云雾圣岛圣甲岛的驻地,我们借助这个身份来让郑萧方面出动高手围攻,然后再去通知天使族心劫族。”如烟说道。 Somewhat could not feel the brains Xie Aoyu still to fly toward two island master stations. 有些摸不着头脑的谢傲宇仍然是向着两岛高手驻地飞去。 Ru Yan will also execute Divine Knife to give him. 如烟也将诛神刀交给了他。 They fly, Xie Aoyu asked: Ru Yan, what taboo secret did you obtain about the Brilliant City aspect? Such worries, even I also feel your some terrified.” 两人飞行中,谢傲宇问道:“如烟,你到底得到了关于神武城方面什么样的禁忌隐秘?这么着急,甚至我还感觉到你心里的一些惶恐。” I obtain two secrets from their there, extremely shocks, therefore I absent-minded under give oneself away, the day of profound gust of wind beast also recognized me to come, if not they were worried to chase down in my process, might be discovered the mystery, thus obstructed, therefore sent Xue Jiao to bring the massive masters, was that four Demon Beast is the day of profound gust of wind beast brings, gave Brilliant City four in many Demon Beast.” Ru Yan said. “我从他们那里得到两个秘密,太过震撼,所以我失神之下露出马脚,还有天玄疾风兽也认出我来了,若非他们担心追杀我的过程中,有可能被人发现奥妙,从而进行阻挠,所以只是派了薛娇带来大量高手,就是那四只魔兽都是天玄疾风兽带来的,送给神武城的诸多魔兽中的四只。”如烟说道。 Day profound gust of wind beast? Is related with that his Li Qingbiao?” The Xie Aoyu complexion also became dignified. “天玄疾风兽?难道跟那他李庆彪有关?”谢傲宇脸色也变得凝重了起来。 Li Qingbiao, this fellow who listens to the name a little local ruffian to be mad, is the absolute super powerhouse, feared that is Master Ge Telixie the heyday, if he is born, that was also most powerhouse at that time. 李庆彪,这个听上去名字有点痞气的家伙,可是绝对的超级强者,怕是哥特里谢大师全盛时期,他若出世,那也是当时最强者了。 If related with Li Qingbiao, is very obvious, inevitably is the super fearful matter. 若是与李庆彪有关,那么很显然,必然是超级可怕的事情。 Right.” The Ru Yan sinking sound track, I listen with one's own ears, Li Qingbiao before dying, two daughters, result these two daughters have married the Wu Family person.” “没错。”如烟沉声道,“我亲耳所听,李庆彪在死之前,有两个女儿,结果这两个女儿都嫁给了武家人。” Anything!” “什么!” Xie Aoyu surprised say (way). 谢傲宇吃惊的道。 You listen right, Li Qingbiao should be in present Brilliant City the ancestors of a large number of Wu Family people!” Ru Yan said an astonishing answer slowly. “你听的没错,李庆彪应该是现在神武城内相当一部分武家人的先祖!”如烟缓缓地说出了一个惊人的答案。 Words that spoke, once Li Qingbiao is separated from Feng Kun, he will be the Brilliant City person.” Xie Aoyu said. “这么说的话,李庆彪一旦脱离封困,他就将是神武城的人了。”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan layer on layer nods, said: Properly speaking, Li Qingbiao daughter already died for several thousand years, he can reactivate, was already light with present Wu Family some people blood relationships, even can say that could not pull anything to relate, is Li Qingbiao now also by Feng Kun, he must be separated from Feng Kun to have two means that one was the antiquity powerhouse in gathering wind spirit jade did not extinguish the energetic brand mark, through the descendant bloodline, stimulated Incantation technique that he grasped, was separated from Feng Kun, this has been doomed, he definitely will become the Wu Family patron god, Li Qingbiao's strength, basic cannot the personnel weigh., Once gets out of trouble, I suspected very much that his strength itself possibly is the Battle Emperor level, badly is also a foot strides in super existence of Battle Emperor level, such master, Master Ge Telixie the strength declines after at present, nobody has been able to contend.” 如烟重重点头,道:“按理说,李庆彪女儿早就死去好几千年了,他能够复活,与现在的武家的一些人血缘早就淡薄了,甚至可以说扯不上什么关系了,可是李庆彪现在还被封困,他要脱离封困只有两个办法,一个是聚风灵玉内的上古强者的不灭精神烙印,还有一个则是通过后代血脉,激发一种他所掌握的咒术,进而脱离封困,这就注定了,他必然会成为武家的守护神,李庆彪的实力,根本不能用人来衡量了。,一旦脱困,我很怀疑,他的实力本身就可能是战皇级,最差也是一只脚跨入战皇级的超级存在,那样的高手,目前哥特里谢大师力量衰退之后,已经无人可以抗衡了。” Must prevent them!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “必须阻止他们!”谢傲宇沉声道。 May prevent them to be too difficult.” The Ru Yan forced smile said that did not say the day of profound gust of wind beast is following, your psychic force is unable grass to control again, is not already able to threaten it, even if Li Qingbiao, can rout Incantation technique big with ease, obviously also unusual, therefore I hope that we advance Zheng Xiao Fang making to prevent, but Angel Clan and Xin Jie Clan and Li Qingbiao must be mortal enemies, definitely will go, now can the key is the masters of six mahatma places go, six mahatmas, we communicate well, because them Xuantian Gong and hei deep pool palace, the bright sea very much wants to cooperate with us, therefore we by this. The status meets, could play the better role.” \\ N “可阻止他们太难了。”如烟苦笑道,“不说天玄疾风兽跟随着,你的精神力无法再艹控,已然无法威胁到它,就算是李庆彪,能够轻松的击溃咒术大阵,显然也非同寻常,所以我希望我们先行将郑萧方给弄去阻挡,而天使族心劫族与李庆彪必是死敌,也肯定会去的,现在关键是六大圣地的高手会不会去,六大圣地内,我们沟通最好,因为他们当中玄天宫、黒渊殿、光明海等都很想与我们合作,所以我们还是以这个。身份去见面,或许能够起到更好的作用。”\\n Xie Aoyu hear [words/that] nods, this procedure is the only means. 谢傲宇闻言点点头,这个做法是唯一的办法。 Copes with Li Qingbiao, prevents his remove Feng Kun, the most basic means are the strengths of six mahatma places, but is not Holy City and Zheng Xiao Fang and other masters. 对付李庆彪,阻止他解除封困,最根本的办法还是六大圣地的力量,而不是圣城、郑萧方等方面的高手。 They then rapidly rush to the inhabited areas of two island masters. 他们便飞速的赶往两岛高手的居住地。 You also obtained any Brilliant City secret, probably before said two.” Xie Aoyu asked. “你还得到了什么神武城的隐秘,好像之前说有两个。”谢傲宇问道。 Ru Yan has gathered together luxuriant, said: Another secret, pours not the too big secret, before we guessed, is only not official, is Tianyang Clan and Female Wing Clan, they progress in the negotiations of outside and Brilliant City are very smooth, although did not have the accomplishment final agreement, but was similar, has again is, Tianyang Clan and Female Wing Clan really proposed relative strength between they and Ice Snow God Clan, hopes must become with two possibilities the accurate Battle Emperor master frightens Ice Snow God Clan, result Ice Snow God Clan has shown their genuine cards in a hand.” 如烟拢了一下秀发,道:“另外一个隐秘,倒也不算太大的秘密,之前我们都猜测到的,只是没有正式,就是天阳族翼女族,他们在外界与神武城的谈判进展很顺利,虽然还没有大成最后的协议,但是已经差不多了,再有就是,天阳族翼女族果然提出了他们与冰雪神族之间的实力对比,本来希望用两个可能要成为准战皇的高手来震慑冰雪神族的,结果冰雪神族亮出了他们真正的底牌。” What card in a hand? Enchanters?” In the Xie Aoyu heart moves, blurted out. “什么底牌?咒师?”谢傲宇心中一动,脱口而出道。 „It is not.” Ru Yan sighed lightly that enchanter indeed disappeared, moreover vanishes is exterminated the king, because must become the genuine enchanter depends upon the bloodline stimulation unexpectedly, but person Wangfeng has printed all bloodline, therefore the enchanter was impossible born again, their genuine cards in a hand are the snow and ice dense boundaries!” “不是。”如烟轻叹道,“咒师的确消失了,而且消失是被人王灭绝的,因为要成为真正的咒师居然是依靠血脉激发,而人王封印了一切血脉,所以咒师已经不可能再诞生了,他们真正的底牌是冰雪密境!” Say (Way) of Xie Aoyu doubts: What is snow and ice dense boundary? Listens to the name probably is a place.” 谢傲宇疑惑的道:“冰雪密境是什么?听名字好像是个地方。” Ru Yan said: Is the geographic name, is the most mystical restricted area in Ice Snow God Clan station, it is said only then the head of the clan and big elder know that said according to Xue Jiao, the snow and ice dense within the boundaries as if many Ice Snow God Clan powerhouses, they were close up least over 500 years, the concrete strength was hard to determine, but can affirm that inside will certainly have existence of accurate Battle Emperor peak level, as for several accurate Battle Emperor, was actually unknown.” 如烟道:“就是地名,是冰雪神族驻地内的最神秘的禁地,据说只有族长和大长老才知道,根据薛娇所言,冰雪密境内似乎有多名冰雪神族的强者,他们都是闭关最少500年以上的,具体实力难以判定,但是可以肯定,里面一定会存在准战皇巅峰级的存在,至于到底有几位准战皇,却不得而知。”
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