BE :: Volume #9

#897: God Wucheng taboo secret 【One】 14

All Brilliant City people are one grasp crazily. 所有神武城的人都是一阵抓狂。 The spirit fire, that is kindling material Qi Pin, non- is the thing that ordinary Qi Huo different water Spirit Wind and so on can compare, that is can inherit, Qi Pin in genuine marvelous work. 灵火,那可是火种奇品,非是普通的奇火异水灵风之类所能比拟的东西,那可是能够传承的,真正的神品中的奇品啊。 But Xie Aoyu unexpectedly obtained from Wu Zhancang the hand. 可是谢傲宇居然从武战苍手中得到了。 Those who made them grasp is crazy, that thing they did not have the opportunity to obtain, was treated as the gift to give their common enemy Xie Aoyu by Wu Zhancang unexpectedly. 更令他们抓狂的是,那东西他们没有机会得到,竟然被武战苍当做礼物送给了他们共同的敌人谢傲宇 Thinks depressed. 想想就让人郁闷。 You are really mean!” Qin Yuer bit the silver slivers tooth, the point refers to Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan, your people, you robbed unexpectedly were our Profound Spirit and spirit fires!” “你真是卑鄙!”秦玉儿咬碎银牙,点指谢傲宇如烟,“你们两个狗男女,你们竟然抢走了属于我们的玄灵和灵火!” Profound Spirit must approve, is then hopeful to attack the Battle Emperor level! 玄灵得认可,便有望冲击战皇级! The say (way) approval of spirit fire, can inherit the decendants, forever guarantees the formidable descendant. 灵火的道认可,便可传承后代子孙,永远保证强大的后代。 Two types of marvelous work both make the human be jealous. 两种神品都让人眼红。 That is not mean, that called the wisdom and guts.” Xie Aoyu light say (way), „, if cannot see through including this point, your Qin Yuer life so, was also difficult the achievement.” “那不是卑鄙,那叫智慧和胆量。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,“若是连这一点都看不穿,你秦玉儿一生也就如此了,再难有成就。” The complexion of Qin Yu childishness was pale. 秦玉儿气的脸色铁青。 Right.” Xue Jiao at the right moment aperture, has stopped Qin Yuer rebuttal. “没错。”薛娇适时的开口,制止了秦玉儿的反唇相讥。 Xie Aoyu turns head with Xue Jiao four items of relative. 谢傲宇扭头和薛娇四目相对。 Their vision seem from the sky encounter, pan- piece of Mars, Xue Jiao has been repulsed finally, her complexion some pan- red, is somewhat ugly, very complex facial expression. 两人的目光好似在空中交锋,泛起一片火星,最后还是薛娇败退了,她的脸色有些泛红,有些难看,很复杂的神情。 Breathes out “嘘” Xue Jiao lip wriggles, puts out foul air gently, closes the eye, static quiet several seconds, opens the eye once again, in her eye already incomparable firmness. 薛娇嘴唇蠕动,轻轻地吐出一口浊气,闭上眼睛,静静的沉寂了几秒钟,再度睁开眼睛,她的眼中已经无比的坚定。 Guts, your Xie Aoyu dares to enter Brilliant City this unexpectedly solitarily to you, absolutely is existence of dangerous spot, has made us very surprised, but you also dare the incarnation Ru Yan lover unexpectedly, competes Profound Spirit with her together, even can also in my head of the clan Ice Snow God Clan, Brilliant City Wu Zhancang in front of senior et al., but at will is, not only did not make them suspect you, but can also appreciate you, then presented as a gift to the spirit fire, this was the wisdom, was very fierce, was very great.” Xue Jiao voice is gentle, making human unable to listen is excited or angry. “胆量,你谢傲宇竟然敢于只身进入神武城这个对你而言,绝对是龙潭虎穴的存在,已经让我们很惊奇了,可是你居然还敢化身如烟的情侣,与她一起竞逐玄灵,更甚至还能在我冰雪神族族长,神武城武战苍前辈等人面前,随意而为,不但不令他们怀疑你,还能欣赏你,进而赠给灵火,这就是智慧,很厉害,很了不起。”薛娇语音平缓,让人听不出是激动还是愤怒。 Ha Ha, Xue Guniang overpraised, initially I was really was also worried, you for I used the ice language sound of the heart the time, making me expose weaknesses.” Xie Aoyu laughs saying that „, but, to be honest, if not at that time I observed the heart of girl martial arts to be firm, the faith was rigid, I then broke your ice language sound of the heart, then before forever was not detained.” “哈哈,薛姑娘过奖了,当初我还真是担心,你对我使用冰语心音的时候,让我露出破绽呢。”谢傲宇哈哈大笑道,“不过,说实话,当时若非我观姑娘武道之心坚定,信念执着,我便破你的冰语心音,进而永远滞留不前。” Qin Yuer listened, to curl the lip saying: Joke, thinks oneself infallible, depends on you also to be able the ice-breaking language sound of the heart?” 秦玉儿一听,撇嘴道:“笑话,自以为是,就凭你也能破冰语心音?” On the contrary is Xue Jiao complexion becomes dignified, she just the stable heart unexpectedly pan- ripples, you indeed have been able to break me to ice the language sound of the heart, what a pity from now on, you will not have the opportunity, I must put to death you personally, cut in the heart to hold to read!” 反倒是薛娇脸色变得凝重起来,她刚刚稳定的心扉竟然泛起了一丝涟漪,“你的确能破我冰语心音,可惜从现在开始,你没机会了,我要亲手将你诛杀,斩去心中一丝执念!” Holds to read, holds to read, ha Ha Ha Xie Aoyu laughs laughs wildly. “执念,执念,哈哈哈”谢傲宇纵声狂笑。 Qin Yuer et al. were the look sudden changes. 秦玉儿等人则是神色骤变。 So-called holds to read, that i.e. Xue Jiao already had the sign of moving, but saw that Xue Jiao look is indifferent, in their cannot help but heart a secure, obviously Xue Jiao really broke out of the influence of Xie Aoyu. 所谓执念,那就是说薛娇已然有动心的迹象了,可是看到薛娇神色淡然,他们不由得心中一安,显然薛娇真正摆脱了谢傲宇的影响。 Blue eyes golden eagle ties down Xie Aoyu, other people kill Ru Yan, ceases her to expose my Brilliant City taboo secret!” Xue Jiao indifferent issuing order. “碧眼金雕缠住谢傲宇,其他人去杀如烟,杜绝她将我神武城的禁忌隐秘暴露出去!”薛娇冷漠的下达命令。 Taboo secret?!” Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing looks to Ru Yan. “禁忌隐秘?!”谢傲宇哑然的看向如烟 A smiling face that because Ru Yan just the Xie Aoyu arrival revealed vanished, what replaces it is wiped dignifiedly, never had dignity. 如烟刚刚因为谢傲宇到来流露出来的一丝笑容消失了,取而代之的是一抹凝重,从未有过的凝重。 This also made Xie Aoyu read the terrifying degree of that taboo secret. 这也让谢傲宇读到了那禁忌隐秘的恐怖程度。 In front of the secret also adds on the taboo, the feeling that the Xie Aoyu one types rejoice suddenly, he rejoiced very much one insist on the Ru Yan arrangement throughout when Brilliant City, even if initially in facing Tianyang Clan and Female Wing Clan obtained incantation that made them transform, still endured patiently, has not braved to reveal the status the possibility. 隐秘前面还加上禁忌,谢傲宇突然有一种庆幸的感觉,他很庆幸自己始终坚持将如烟安排在神武城,就算当初在面对天阳族翼女族得到那令他们蜕变的咒器时,仍旧忍耐住,没有冒着揭穿身份的可能。 Hissing!” “嘶!” That blue eyes golden eagle was already eager to try. 那碧眼金雕早就跃跃欲试了。 A its foot makes great strides forward Ten Kings Level, its wisdom absolutely be better than high much the average person, naturally can feel oppression surname that Xie Aoyu brings, more exciting its fight desire. 它一只脚迈进十王级,其智慧绝对要比一般人好高的多,自然能够感觉到谢傲宇带来的压迫姓,更加刺激了它的战斗欲望。 Xie Aoyu looks up to the blue eyes golden eagle, extended the right hand index finger to swing swinging gently, it did not have the ability to tie down me, Xue Jiao, this time you prepared for by that I all extinguished.” 谢傲宇抬头看向碧眼金雕,伸出右手食指轻轻摇了摇,“它还没能力缠住我,薛娇,这次你们还是做好被我全灭的准备吧。” Humanity, you were too extremely arrogant!” The blue eyes golden eagle is angry, the mouth spits berating of criticism. “人类,你太狂妄了!”碧眼金雕大怒,口吐人言的喝斥。 Doesn't believe?” Xie Aoyu has swept many masters and Demon Beast, you can try.” “不信?”谢傲宇扫过诸多高手和魔兽,“你们可以试一下。” Hissing!” “嘶!” The blue eyes golden eagle is supine the neck to exude one to neigh, the wings vibrates, endless wind element then rapid gathered the past to it, the terrifying wind system magic was forming. 碧眼金雕仰起颈子发出一声嘶鸣,双翼震动,无尽的风元素便迅速的向它汇聚过去,恐怖的风系魔法在形成。 The fermentation magic requires the time. 酝酿魔法需要时间。 The Xie Aoyu intention moves, the personal appearance rocks, vanishes in the line of sight of people swiftly, his such as the rain wind displayed the limit movement Fights Technique, absolutely was above the imagination. 谢傲宇心念一动,身形晃动,倏然在众人的视线中消失,他的如雨似风将身法斗技发挥到了极限,是绝对超乎想象的。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The blue eyes golden eagle did not shout darkly wonderfully, has not moved aside with enough time, felt that the back one sank, a huge pressure transmitted, Xie Aoyu stood in its back unexpectedly. 碧眼金雕暗叫不妙,还未来得及躲闪,就感到背部一沉,一股庞大的压力传来,谢傲宇竟然站在了它的背部。 Simultaneously wiped the cold and gloomy cold brightness also to transmit the past. 同时一抹森冷的寒光也传递了过去。 Hissing “嘶” The blue eyes golden eagle exudes the sharp cry, endless wind blade edge crazy flies to shoot to Xie Aoyu, its also suddenly forward wind shoots. 碧眼金雕发出尖锐的叫声,无尽的风刃疯狂的向谢傲宇飞射过去,它也猛然向前飙射出去。 If before having traded, so the wind blade edge, Xie Aoyu affirmed that the choice moves aside in advance, will otherwise decide however is hit injured, will endanger life, was the present was different, had such as the rain wind, he had the absolute assurance, the speed exceeds the speed of wind blade edge, therefore his blade fast did not reduce. 若是换了以前,如此风刃,谢傲宇肯定选择先行躲闪,不然定然会被击中受伤,甚至危及生命的,可是现在不同了,有了如雨似风,他有绝对的把握,速度超过风刃的速度,所以他的刀速不减。 Puff!” “噗!” The blood light splash, a piece of feather dances in the air. 血光飞溅,一片羽毛飞舞。 In blue eyes golden eagle pitiful yell sound, flies to shoot, on its nape of the neck leaves behind the deep blood trough, under the ache flees together more than 100 meters. 碧眼金雕惨叫声中,飞射出去,它的脖颈上留下一道深深的血槽,疼痛之下窜出去100多米。 After leaving the blade, before these wind edges also arrived at the Xie Aoyu body, less than three centimeters distance, that dense chill in the air can feel approximately, Xie Aoyu actually shows a faint smile, gently rocking stature. 出刀之后,那些风刃也到达了谢傲宇身前大约不足三厘米的距离,那森森的寒意都能感受到,谢傲宇却是微微一笑,轻轻晃动身躯。 Brushes 刷刷刷 The wind blade edge that everywhere dances in the air then does not have the goal to four flies, some even attack to the Brilliant City master and Demon Beast, because the might is oversized, is the blue eyes golden eagle crisis time releases, jumping for joy that these people kill, scene very funny, but Xie Aoyu stands on a leaf, with a smile looks. 漫天飞舞的风刃便毫无目的的向四下飞去,有些甚至攻击向神武城的高手和魔兽,由于威力过大,是碧眼金雕危机时刻释放出来的,将那些人杀的活蹦乱跳的,场面非常的滑稽,而谢傲宇则站在一片树叶上,笑吟吟的看着。 Humanity, you suffer to death!” The blue eyes golden eagle is angry. “人类,你受死吧!”碧眼金雕则是大怒。 It vibrates the wing, tornado has then formed, but is not that seed grafting day continually place mammoth, is just the opposite with it, seems the small giant small tornado, howls to depart, that strength fluctuation suitable strong vigor, the place visited, making all crush, the speed was also extremely quick. 它震动羽翼,一股龙卷风便形成了,但不是那种接天连地的声势浩大的,与之恰恰相反,好似小巨人般的小旋风,呼啸飞出,那力量波动相当的强劲儿,所过之处,令一切都粉碎,速度也是极快。 Narrowed the eye to watch intently that small tornado, Xie Aoyu is tightening the moon/month to fall the Emperor blade. 眯眼逼视着那小旋风,谢傲宇紧了紧月陨天王刀。 This is one treadons into Ten Kings Level the strength of Emperor level crest master, Xie Aoyu self-examines also has certain distance, he wants truely realized that he has the big disparity with this boundary. 这是一只脚踏入十王级天王级顶峰高手的实力,谢傲宇自问还有一定的距离,他想要真正的去体会他与这一境界有多大的差距。 According to the view of Xuantian Gong easy southern China, before the Flood time, the Emperor level can be divided into nine boundaries, he probably is equal in the Emperor level now the seventh boundary, but the blue eyes golden eagle is equal to the ninth boundary, their disparities have, can be big? 按照玄天宫易华南的说法,上古时代的时候,天王级可划分为九个境界,他现在大概相当于天王级中第七个境界,而碧眼金雕相当于第九个境界,两人的差距还是有的,可到底多大呢? After all that is only several thousand years ago the differentiating grade of before the Flood, but is not the present strength division. 毕竟那只是数万年前上古时代的等级划分,而不是现在的实力划分。 Has not moved aside, Xie Aoyu brandishes a sword to cut to strike. 没有躲闪,谢傲宇挥刀斩击。 Meet the tough head-on with toughness! 硬碰硬! Bang!” “轰!” Under a blade, blade light, if the lightning, hits hard that small tornado. 一刀之下,刀光若闪电,重击那小旋风。 Immediately a formidable strength fluctuation to sends out, Xie Aoyu felt both arms numb and aching, human shaken flies upside down backward, that small tornado was also chopped into pieces. 登时一股强大的力量波动向四下散发出去,谢傲宇就感到双臂一阵酸麻,人就被震的向后倒飞出去,那小旋风也被劈碎。 The tornado is to shatter, a form also sprints, but. 旋风破碎,一条身影也冲刺而至。 The blue eyes golden eagle displayed the limit its speed, the wings vibrated, then changed to together the golden ray, arrived at the Xie Aoyu near swiftly, that bright eye emitted the cold and gloomy cold brightness, the hawk beak raises, golden can grasp breaks to pieces all steel fingernails maliciously also grasped. 碧眼金雕将它的速度发挥到了极限,双翼震动,便化作一道金色的光线,倏然到达谢傲宇的近前,那双碧色的眼睛放射出森冷的寒光,鹰喙扬起,金色的能够抓碎一切的钢爪也狠狠的抓去。 Broken Shield Cut! 破盾斩 The Xie Aoyu personal appearance tenesmuss, avoids the holding in the mouth calligraphy stroke of that hawk beak, in the hand Moon Falling Blade like lightning cleans, cuts to strike the blue eyes golden eagle that pair of claw. 谢傲宇身形下坠,躲避那鹰喙的叼啄,手中月陨刀则闪电般扫除,斩击碧眼金雕的那双爪子。 „!” “啪!” This blue eyes golden eagle had also realized the sharpness of Moon Falling Blade, shrinks the claw then to fall unexpectedly suddenly, shunts the attack, the claw hits the Moon Falling Blade knife. 这碧眼金雕也是体会过月陨刀的锋利,竟然猛然一缩爪子然后再下落,躲开攻击,爪子击中月陨刀刀身。 The formidable strength transmits once again. 强大的力量再度传来。 Xie Aoyu almost cannot hold Moon Falling Blade, lets go, the human also crashes from the upper air, the ground that the double foot pedal place, smashes is shaking, he is also the chest gives off heat, has to spurt the impulsion of blood. 谢傲宇差点抓不住月陨刀,松手而出,人也从高空坠落,双脚踏地,砸的地面都在摇颤,他本人也是胸口发热,有要喷血的冲动。 This is the disparity of Emperor level master. 这就是天王级高手的差距。 Until this time, Xie Aoyu really believes words that easy southern China to speak, understands why before the Flood, the present will be only three boundaries Emperor level boundaries at that time is divided as nine boundaries, indeed reasonable, he will stride in the Ten Kings Level boundary blue eyes golden eagle indeed to have certain disparity with a foot. 直到这时候,谢傲宇才真正相信易华南所说的话,也明白为什么上古时代,现在只是三个境界的天王级境界在那时候会被划分为九个境界,的确是有道理的,他与一只脚跨入十王级境界的碧眼金雕的确有着一定的差距。 Xie Aoyu has also thought of Xing Ye, Wu Dou Kun et al. initially when Yanjing displayed, with was the Emperor level superior boundary, but Xing Ye after perceiving through meditation Snow Middle Line Mountain Map, was still in this boundary, can actually easily defeat Wu Dou Kun that once made no distinction between victory and defeat, this was the disparity. 谢傲宇也想到了星野武斗坤等人当初在图罗燕京的时候表现,同为天王级上位境界,而星野在参悟雪中行山图之后,仍旧处于这一境界,却能够将曾经不分胜负的武斗坤轻松击败,这就是差距。 The both feet falls to the ground, the tremendous strength by the body of Xie Aoyu, falls on the ground. 双脚落地,巨大的力量透过谢傲宇的身体,落在地面。 The earth presents the fissure, the Xie Aoyu both feet also hollowly enters underground about three centimeters, making the human look that then knows the Xie Aoyu strength and blue eyes golden eagle has certain disparity. 大地出现裂痕,谢傲宇双脚也凹陷入地下将近三厘米,令人一看便知道谢傲宇的实力与碧眼金雕有一定的差距。 Snort, this strength, but also the wild talk must kill us, you radically are not the blue eyes golden eagle match!” Qin Yuer noticed that Xie Aoyu was repelled, immediately taunted. “哼,就这点实力,还妄言要杀我们,你根本就不是碧眼金雕的对手!”秦玉儿看到谢傲宇被击退,当即嘲讽道。 Xue Jiao is the delicate eyebrows is pressed. 薛娇则是秀眉蹙起。 Her feeling, Xie Aoyu will not be aimless absolutely, definitely has anything to rely on, therefore she still very discrete, to other three big Demon Beast as well as many master shouts to clear the way: Begins together!” Also transferred to Qin Yuer said that jade, you led three people to siege Ru Yan, do not make her run.” 她的感觉,谢傲宇绝对不会无的放矢,肯定有什么凭仗,所以她仍旧十分的谨慎,对其他三大魔兽以及诸多高手喝道:“一起动手!”又转对秦玉儿道,“玉儿,你带三个人围困如烟,不要让她跑了。” Does not have the issue.” Qin Yuer said. “没问题。”秦玉儿道。 Xue Jiao has pulled out own cold air dense sharp sword, waits for the opportunity to act. 薛娇则抽出了自己的寒气森森的利剑,伺机而动。 Hissing!” “嘶!” The blue eyes golden eagle gets the winning side, cannot help but sends out eccentric and unreasonable neighing, the vibration wings must attack once again, other three big Demon Beast have rushed simultaneously ahead the past. 碧眼金雕占据上风,不由得发出乖张的嘶鸣,再度震动双翼要出击,同时其他三大魔兽也冲杀了过去。 Silly bird, you are very indeed strong, but I must kill you not to be difficult!” Xie Aoyu stands firm the personal appearance, the Qi circulation, has subsided quickly then the vitality of shaken tumbling, he is staring at the blue eyes golden eagle indifferently, lifts the hand swiftly is a blade cut down to cut, this time has displayed Fights Technique. “傻鸟,你的确很强,可我要杀你也不难!”谢傲宇稳住身形,斗气流转,很快便平息了被震荡的翻滚的气血,他冷眼盯着碧眼金雕,倏然抬手便是一刀劈斩出去,这次施展了斗技 What the blade walks is Dragon Overlord Boxing fist third Dragon roaring vault of heaven, cutting maliciously strikes, that no longer is the tyrannosaurus form underlines, destroys the day to extinguish, but is similar to one pierces Divine Knife of world vault of heaven, inside is mixing with the boundless vast aura, has bucket thick or thin Divine Knife fully just like the black dragon direct impact nine days, the blue eyes golden eagle raises the hawk beak, maliciously said. 刀走的是霸龙拳第三式“龙啸苍穹”,狠狠的斩击,那不再是霸王龙身影突显,毁天灭地,而是如同一把洞穿天地苍穹的神刀,里面夹杂着磅礴浩瀚的气息,足有水桶粗细的神刀宛若苍龙直冲九天,碧眼金雕则是扬起鹰喙,狠狠的叨去。 Works as!” “当!” In the deafening sound, that Divine Knife light is to shatter, however giant blue eyes golden eagle also equally shaken backs up backward, and forehead feather flies randomly. 震耳欲聋的响声中,那神刀光影破碎,但是巨大的碧眼金雕也一样被震的向后倒退出去,并且头部的羽毛一阵乱飞。 Strength, actually does not understand Fights Technique.” The Xie Aoyu taunt said that some Fights Technique can make up for the strength the disparity, among humanity can Fights Technique spell mutually, but your Demon Beast actually does not understand, therefore kills you not to be difficult.” “力量强,却不懂得斗技。”谢傲宇嘲讽道,“有些斗技是可以弥补实力的差距的,人类之间可以斗技互拼,可是你魔兽却不懂的,所以杀你根本不难。” He speaks, the human also once again attacks. 他说着话,人也再度出击。 Fights Technique Battle Dragon broken! 斗技战龙破! Under a blade, in the world reappears a huge form, the form of that tyrannosaurus, the huge light is having rumble the sound, the bang is broken, once again bombardment. 一刀之下,天地间浮现一个巨大的身影,那正是霸王龙的身影,庞大的光影带着隆隆的响动,轰碎虚空,再度轰击。 Blue eyes golden eagle fast uses some wind system magics, it simply does not have the time fermentation large-scale magic. 碧眼金雕快速的施展一些风系魔法,它根本没有时间酝酿大型的魔法。 Bang!” “轰!” In the report, the form of that terror then covered all loudly. 轰然爆裂声中,那恐怖的身影便将一切覆盖了。 When the ray diverges, the people noticed that the blue eyes golden eagle was calling out pitifully, feather flew to shoot in all directions, sprinkles everywhere the blood to knock down 67 big trees. 当光芒散去,众人就看到碧眼金雕惨叫着,身上的羽毛四处飞射,洒下漫天的鲜血撞倒67棵大树。
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