BE :: Volume #9

#896: Becoming aware such as the rain wind 【Two】 13!

Whiz!” “嗖!” The immersion Xie Aoyu personal appearance moves slightly, then changes to the blue smoke to pass together, integrates in that dewdrop fog cool breeze, he seems genuine will turn into wisp of curling smoke from kitchen chimneys, a whole body not weight, breeze then can its moving about sways, he also integrates in that fog, with dispersing of fog, his body also in the assembling and parting meeting and parting, very mysterious feeling, this is such as the true deep meaning of rain wind. 沉浸其中的谢傲宇身形微微一动,便化作一道青烟流逝,融入那露珠云雾清风中,他好似真正的将自己变成了一缕袅袅炊烟,全身没有一丝的重量,一阵微风便能够将其吹动的上下飘摇,他也融入那云雾中,伴随着云雾的散开,他的身体也在聚散离合,很神奇的感觉,这便是如雨似风的真正奥义。 The Xie Aoyu personal appearance moves slightly, human then did not have the trail. 谢傲宇身形微微一动,人便没了踪迹。 Brushes 刷刷刷 Airborne breeze as before, but the Xie Aoyu personal appearance is actually similar to flickers to move to the general, often appearance in east , south , west and north each direction, can say that will be about and display the limit lightly. 空中微风依旧,可谢傲宇的身形却如同瞬移一般,不时的出现在东西南北各个方向,可以说将快、轻发挥到了极限。 The movement Fights Technique aspect, is fastidious quickly has, and speed is not slow, but this light character comprehends its meaning truly is actually not many. 身法斗技方面,讲究快的有很多,且速度都不慢,但是这个轻字真正领悟其含义的却是不多的。 So-called light, will not inspire the air current to fluctuate in the flight, sound size, the momentum that if after all inspires was big, path that was caught very much easily. 所谓的轻,就是在飞行中不会引动气流波动,声音的大小,毕竟如果引动的声势大了,很容易被人捕捉到的轨迹的。 Even if such as only resembles the electricity, in quick character, displayed the limit, but still had the slight defect, that was in the flight, the inspiring world vitality was volatile, thus was caught the flight trajectory easily \; Like Clouds fog light displaying limit, is similar to the curling smoke from kitchen chimneys, visible actually silent. 就算是如光似电,在快字方面,发挥到了极限,可是却仍然有瑕疵,那就是飞行中,引动天地元气动荡,从而容易被人捕捉到飞行轨迹\;如云似雾则是将“轻”给发挥到了极限,如同袅袅炊烟,有形却无声。 As for such as the rain wind two characteristics perfect fusions of movement Fights Technique. 至于如雨似风则是将两种身法斗技的特点完美的融合起来。 Once displays, that seems the unsurpassed magical powers in fable flickers move, making one unable to feel unable to completely understand that could not hear the sound, what end was mysterious incomparable. 一旦施展的话,那就好似传说中的无上神通瞬移似地,令人摸不着看不透,听不到声息,端的是玄妙无比。 Sensibility heartily such as the rain wind, Xie Aoyu flies to flutter in the dragon valley, partly visible, is not very real, long time he stops. 尽情的感悟如雨似风,谢傲宇在龙谷内飞行飘荡,若隐若现,很不真实,良久他才停下来。 Floating falls, stands on a stone. 飘然而落,站在一石块上面。 Calmly stands, both eyes shut, but also immersion in. 静静地站立,双目微闭,还沉浸其中。 All around is quiet, only then the weak breathing, everyone is practicing, the Xie Aoyu mind extends infinitely, must receive in the inner world the entire dragon valley. 四周静悄悄的,只有微弱的呼吸声,每一个人都在修炼,谢傲宇的心神无限延伸,要将整个龙谷都收入心海中。 „!” “啪!” Then in this quiet, is away from Xie Aoyu about ten meters place, on a pink flower petal of floret, drop of dewdrop falls, clear delightful. 便在这静谧中,距离谢傲宇大约十米的地方,一朵小花的粉红色的花瓣上面,一滴露珠滑落,清脆悦耳。 Xie Aoyu opens the eye swiftly, his vision caught that dewdrop, the human also moves. 谢傲宇倏然睁开眼睛,他目光捕捉到那露珠,人也动了。 The personal appearance trembles, Xie Aoyu vanishes same place, the appearance, already arrived at the place above of that floret once again, he leaps these ten meters distances, does not have the slight air fluctuation, without a breeze fluctuation, does not have the Xie Aoyu form to flash before, is similar to flickers to move general. 身形微颤,谢傲宇原地消失,再度出现,已然到了那小花的上方,他飞跃这十米的距离,没没有丝毫的空气波动,没有一丝的微风波动,更没有谢傲宇的身影闪现,就如同瞬移一般。 Leaps, but , the Xie Aoyu tip of the toe steps on the dewdrop that falls gently. 一跃而至,谢傲宇脚尖轻轻一踩那滑落的露珠。 bo!” “啵!” The dewdrop is slightly hollow, actually by Xie Aoyu stepping on broken, reviews Xie Aoyu is similar to the real incarnation is the blue smoke, or one group of fog, do not have the weight, that dewdrop hollow, produces counter- tension that can definitely ignore, actually his ejection. 露珠微微凹陷,却没有被谢傲宇给踩碎,反观谢傲宇就如同真的化身为青烟,或者说一团云雾,毫无重量,那露珠凹陷一丝,产生的完全可以忽略不计的反弹力,却将他弹射了出去。 This is the true rebound, Xie Aoyu has not used own Qi. 这是真正的反弹,谢傲宇没有动用自己的斗气 He moves, then once again vanishes. 他一动,便再度消失。 When he appears, already stood on lofty tree a branch of most peak, this branch only then the caudula of person refers to like that thick or thin, Xie Aoyu steps on above, the branch actually does not rock, as if he is the insignificant thing. 等他出现,已然站在一棵参天大树的最顶端的一根树枝上面,这树枝只有人的小尾指那般粗细,谢傲宇踩在上面,树枝却不晃动一下,仿佛他就是鸿毛。 Succeeded!” “成功了!” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu muttered, now he felt finally he has perceived through meditation the Wind and rain line three movement Fights Technique mysteries thoroughly truly thoroughly. 谢傲宇喃喃自语的道,现在他终于感觉到自己已经彻底将风雨行三种身法斗技的奥妙给真正参悟透彻了。 Movement Fights Technique true deep meaning! 身法斗技的真正奥义! Wind and rain Emperor Chu Tiankuang perceived through meditation this movement Fights Technique not to measure in the past seriously mysteriously that by this such as the rain wind, fights with Ten Kings Level Master, should not be the difficult problem.” Xie Aoyu is confident. “风雨天王楚天狂当年参悟出这身法斗技当真是玄妙莫测,凭借这如雨似风,与十王级高手大战一场,应该不是什么难题了。”谢傲宇对此信心十足。 If that type promotes the strength by the outside strength forcefully Ten Kings Level Master, Xie Aoyu is when just broke through enters the Emperor level superior boundary, has confidence to defeat them, but strides in Ten Kings Level by oneself strength truly, is the battle efficiency is fearful. 若是那种凭借外界力量强行提升实力的十王级高手,谢傲宇就算是在刚刚突破进入天王级上位境界的时候,就有把握击败他们,可是真正凭借自己实力跨入十王级的,却是战斗力非常可怕的。 That did not say is defeated, but does not depend upon the energetic storm the words, can insist several moves in others hands, so far, his psychic force storm obviously before reaching the Battle King level, was impossible to use, this caused him to face Ten Kings Level Master, again non- card in a hand. 那就不是说打败,而是不依靠精神风暴的话,能够在人家手上坚持几招,就目前为止,他的精神力风暴显然在达到战王级之前,是不可能动用了,这就造成他面对十王级高手,再无底牌可言。 At the present this such as the rain wind practices successfully, will make him have the trump card once again. 而今这如雨似风修炼成功,将再度令他拥有王牌。 If the rain wind, mysterious movement Fights Technique, can definitely make Xie Aoyu challenge true Ten Kings Level Master, he even now wants to look for Ten Kings Level Master to dispute. 如雨似风,玄妙的身法斗技,完全可以令谢傲宇挑战一下真正的十王级高手,他甚至现在都想找十王级高手来较量较量。 Xie Aoyu stands on the branch, is looking out the distant place. 谢傲宇站在树枝上,遥望着远方。 His heart never has tranquility. 他的心从未有过的平静。 The body and mind is peaceful, the spirit had the sublimation, he then felt Wen Wen the quantity of heat that Profound Spirit of heart deep place transmits, feels that light love. 身心安宁,精神就有了升华,他便感到心脏深处的那一点玄灵传来的温温的热量,感受到那淡淡的爱意。 In process of tyrannosaurus transformation, Xie Aoyu crisis-charged time, Ru Yan that kiss, that I and others you, make Xie Aoyu feel until now unforgettable, that pure is in love to infect his heart, making his moral nature that love to Ru Yan also ascend. 在霸王龙蜕变的过程中,谢傲宇面临危机的时候,如烟那一吻,还有那一句“我等你”,至今令谢傲宇感到难忘,那纯纯的爱恋感染着他的心扉,令他心底那股对如烟的爱意也在升腾着。 He wants to support Ru Yan, is feeling the love from Ru Yan. 他想要拥着如烟,感受着来自如烟的爱意。 This impulsion came from Profound Spirit , came from his heart of hearts, Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to cover own chest, perhaps in his mind pan- a thought that should make Ru Yan also come to here to practice one to be good, Ru Yan obtained the Kowloon soul, Profound Spirit, she, if practices in this, the promotion should be quicker. 这种冲动源自玄灵,也源自他的内心深处,谢傲宇伸手捂着自己的胸膛,他脑海中泛起一丝念头,或许该让如烟也来这里修炼一番才好,如烟得到了九龙魂,还有玄灵,她若是在此修炼,提升应该更快的。 In he considers, feels Profound Spirit suddenly pit-a-pat beat. 就在他思虑中,却陡然感到玄灵“突突”的跳动了起来。 The Xie Aoyu eyebrow selects, he actually felt that Profound Spirit brings before is not like that Ru Yan arrives at his nearby feeling, but is bringing an anxiety, worried, some anxious. 谢傲宇眉毛一挑,他竟然感到那玄灵带来的不是以前那般,如烟来到他附近的感觉,而是带着一丝的焦急,一份担忧,还有一些紧张。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? The Xie Aoyu heart pan- is the whisper, Ru Yan meets to trouble? 谢傲宇心头泛起了嘀咕,难道是如烟遇到麻烦了? Thought, Xie Aoyu felt a strange fluctuation that Profound Spirit transmits, but flows in his mood, unexpectedly changes to the sense of crisis. 念头一起,谢傲宇就感到玄灵传来的一股奇异的波动,而流入他的心境中,居然化作危机感。 Really has the crisis! 果然有危机! The Xie Aoyu heart shakes, he knows that this should be the function of Profound Spirit, will not have the mistake, infers according to the time, Ru Yan should replace him becomes Qin Ziao is arrogant, governs the strength in sea area aspect, if she has the crisis, that may the exposition, even made Ru Yan beset with a crisis enormously. 谢傲宇心头震荡,他知道这应该是玄灵的作用,不会有错的,按照时间推断,如烟应该已经代替他成为秦紫傲,掌管海域方面的力量,要是她有危机的话,那就有可能暴露,甚至令如烟陷入极大地危机。 It is not good, must go! 不行,必须去! Xie Aoyu then soars to jump immediately, he stands in the upper air, looks all around, all people are practicing, some even arrived at the critical moment of practice, for example Shao Jie, Bing Ge, Ya Qing et al., as for the tyrannosaurus and female celestial dragon, they do not know where hid, Xie Aoyu had not found their trails unexpectedly. 谢傲宇当即便腾空跃起,他站在高空,环顾四周,所有人都在修炼,有些甚至到了修炼的关键时刻,比如邵杰冰戈雅清等人,至于霸王龙和仙女龙,它们也不知道隐藏到了什么地方,谢傲宇居然没有找到它们的踪迹。 He felt the sense of crisis that in Profound Spirit transmits is getting more and more intense , the control can not that many, then hurriedly leave, according to the feeling of Profound Spirit hauling, leaves Long Gu. 他感到玄灵内传来的危机感越来越强烈,也管不得那么多,便急匆匆的离开了,按照玄灵牵引的感觉,离开龙谷。 The Profound Spirit direction direction is Long Gu the north. 玄灵指引方向是龙谷的北方。 Xie Aoyu then launches the speed, is similar to together the aurora, will draw near the limit. 谢傲宇便展开速度,就如同一道极光,快到了极限。 He has not displayed such as the rain wind, that movement Fights Technique now is his trump card, displays easily is not only easy to expose, but also displays, the consumption is also big, is not most suitable to hurry along, only suits with the enemy fights the time applies. 他没有施展如雨似风,那身法斗技现在已经是他的王牌,轻易施展不但容易暴露,而且施展的时候,消耗也大,最不适合赶路,只适合与敌人大战的时候应用。 The hurricane, Xie Aoyu also gradually felt Ru Yan the tremor of Profound Spirit. 一路狂飙,谢傲宇也逐步感觉到了如烟玄灵的颤动。 He even can feel that by Profound Spirit Ru Yan this time mood was intense and worried, even also the horridness, this made Xie Aoyu feel anxious. 他甚至能够透过玄灵感觉到如烟此时的心境是紧张、担忧,甚至还有一丝惶恐,这令谢傲宇更感到焦急。 Is what danger makes the spirit desire hundred change technique accomplishment Ru Yan is terrified? 是什么危险让灵欲百变术大成的如烟惶恐? At least was not the death! 至少不是死亡! By the Ru Yan mood, facing death, instead can calm down, captured a slim chance of survival in the face of the death, but she was actually scared. 如烟的心境,面对死亡,反而能够冷静下来,在死亡面前夺取一线生机的,可她却是恐慌。 The Xie Aoyu speed was faster. 谢傲宇的速度更快了。 Probably after a half hour, the Xie Aoyu hurricane several thousand li (0.5km), finally saw Ru Yan. 大概半个小时之后,谢傲宇一路狂飙数千里,终于看到了如烟 Sees only Ru Yan to grasp that deriving the Tianyang Clan ultra Saint sword, with Xue Jiao, Qin Yuer, Fang Han as well as another ten masters at close fighting, four Demon Beast, are the Emperor level superior boundaries, including blue eyes golden eagle is the Emperor level superior breakthrough nears unexpectedly, in other words this blue eyes golden eagle a foot strided in Ten Kings Level. 只见如烟手持那把得自天阳族的超圣剑,与薛娇、秦玉儿、方涵以及另外十多名高手在拼战,其中还有四只魔兽,都是天王级上位境界的,其中有一只碧眼金雕居然是天王级上位突破在即的,也就是说这碧眼金雕已经一只脚跨入十王级了。 This aspect made Xie Aoyu knit the brows. 这局面令谢傲宇一皱眉。 Said the Ru Yan danger actually, but was Xue Jiao et al. uses so many strengths to encircle Ru Yan unexpectedly, why was this? Even if Ru Yan has exposed, her strength as if also by far being insufficient lets they use so the strength, pure Xue Jiao can kill to be equally matched with Ru Yan, its four big Demon Beast, more than ten powerhouses help one another. 倒不是说如烟的危险,而是薛娇等人居然动用了如此多的力量来围剿如烟,这是为什么?就算如烟暴露了,她的实力似乎还远远不至于让他们动用如此力量的啊,单纯一个薛娇就能够和如烟杀个不相上下了,还有其四大魔兽,十多名强者相助。 What has Ru Yan done? 如烟干了什么? Xie Aoyu at heart pan- whisper, only if makes Brilliant City grasp the crazy matter, meets this appearance, does not leave behind a life to her the possibility. 谢傲宇心里泛起了嘀咕,除非是非常让神武城抓狂的事,才会这个样子的吧,不给她留下一点活命的可能。 Clank!” “铮铮!” Xie Aoyu also no longer remains, intention moves, the moon/month falls the Emperor blade to appear. 谢傲宇也不再多留,心念一动,月陨天王刀出现。 The blade recited the turbulence, making these investors feel that a formidable killing intent transmitted. 刀吟动荡,令那些围攻者就是感到一股强大的杀意传递出来。 Brush! 刷! The Xie Aoyu personal appearance flashes, such as the deep meaning of rain wind shows, he probably flickers to move general, that mystical appearance in the Ru Yan body bank. 谢傲宇身形闪动,如雨似风的奥义展现,他就好像瞬移一般,就那么神秘的出现在如烟的身畔。 Xie Aoyu!” 谢傲宇!” Xue Jiao sees Xie Aoyu, being able not help calls out in alarm makes noise, she also discrete backs up backward one step, other masters and Demon Beast also in abundance retrocede, only has that foot strided in the Ten Kings Level boundary blue eyes golden eagle arrogantly still from the sky is soaring, sign that prepared to dive at any time. 薛娇看到谢傲宇,情不自禁的惊呼出声,她也谨慎的向后倒退一步,其他的高手、魔兽也纷纷的后退,唯有那一只脚跨入十王级境界的碧眼金雕仍旧高傲的在空中飞翔着,一副随时准备俯冲下去的迹象。 Regarding this blue eyes golden eagle, Xie Aoyu also has the impulsion that is eager to try. 对于这碧眼金雕,谢傲宇也生出跃跃欲试的冲动。 The blue eyes golden eagle, wind system Demon Beast, speed dominates a side absolutely, but Xie Aoyu had just practiced such as the rain wind, happen to competes with him, must know that the blue eyes golden eagle has by the speed, strikes to kill the Ten Kings Level boundary Demon Beast record by the Emperor level superior, this is well-known. 碧眼金雕,风系魔兽,速度方面绝对是称霸一方的,而谢傲宇刚刚修炼了如雨似风,正好与他比拼一下,要知道碧眼金雕可是有着凭借速度,以天王级上位击杀十王级境界魔兽的记录,这是人人皆知的。 If defeats this only more formidable blue eyes golden eagle by the speed, that indicated that such as the function of rain wind has achieved became the Xie Aoyu trump card Fights Technique ability. 若是凭借速度打败这只更强大的碧眼金雕,那就表明如雨似风的作用已经达到了成为谢傲宇王牌斗技的能力。 „Do you come?” Ru Yan sees Xie Aoyu, cleans on the forehead gently the close sweat, her strength resistance so many powerhouses, indeed very laborious, may also make her harvest like this very in a big way, can comprehend some mysteries. “你来啦?”如烟看到谢傲宇,轻轻地擦拭额头上细密的汗水,她一人之力抗拒如此多的强者,的确非常的辛苦,可这样也令她收获很大的,能够领悟一些奥妙。 Xie Aoyu said: You have the danger, how I can not come.” 谢傲宇道:“你有危险,我怎么能不来。” Disgusting!” Qin Yuer watched, cannot bear curl the lip to say. “恶心!”秦玉儿看在眼里,忍不住撇嘴道。 Qin Yuer.” Xie Aoyu wear a look of happy expression looks to her, looked like initially I gave your lesson to be insufficient, this time must give you a profound lesson to be good.” “秦玉儿。”谢傲宇面带笑意的看向她,“看来当初我给你的教训还不够啊,这次要给你一个深刻的教训才行。” Qin Yuer has been startled, immediately stared the greatly wonderful item, was pointing at Xie Aoyu, screamed: You, are you, initially was you and Ru Yan obtains the approval of Profound Spirit, was you have stolen Wu Zhancang paternal great-grandfather's spirit fire!” 秦玉儿怔了一下,随即瞪大妙目,指着谢傲宇,尖叫道:“你,是你,当初就是你和如烟得到玄灵的认可,是你窃走了武战苍曾祖的灵火!” Xie Aoyu shrugs, said: Qin Yuer, you spoke to depend on the conscience, was that I steals? That clearly is Wu Zhancang gives to me.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,道:“秦玉儿,你说话要凭良心,那是我偷得吗?那分明是武战苍送给我的。”
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