BE :: Volume #10

#900: Another god of journeys mark 【Two】 Second!

The hegemon who itself Xie Aoyu now or sea area forms an alliance temporarily, the status is putting on there, perhaps other such as the scud island, thousand said the island, south a day of island and other people in five big islands not to be convinced to him, is they not silly to God Mark at present, they will give up. 本身谢傲宇现在还是海域暂时结盟的盟主,身份就在那里放着,或许其他的诸如飞云岛、千曰岛、南天岛等另外五大岛的人对他还不服气,可是他们也不会傻到神纹就在眼前,他们会放弃。 Can have the opportunity to obtain, naturally can find the way to obtain. 能有机会得到,自然会想办法得到的。 This is Xie Aoyu dares to say with the aid of the sea area strength cancels the reason of Zheng Xiao Fang master, because they do not have anything to implicate with Zheng Xiao Fang, actually eyes covetously to God Mark. 这就是谢傲宇敢于说出借助海域力量抹去郑萧方高手的原因,因为他们都与郑萧方没有什么牵连,却又对神纹虎视眈眈。 Qin Ziao Ao Daozhu.” Zheng Batian sinking sound track. 秦紫傲岛主。”郑霸天沉声道。 Xie Aoyu cold did not speak, was waiting for that he gave the reasonable explanation. 谢傲宇冷然不语,就是在等待他给予合理的解释。 Facing the Xie Aoyu powerful, must die, he who Zheng Batian laments discovered that since Huo follows, he starts bad luck, cannot help but criticizes Huo to accomplish to mess things up insufficient. 面对谢傲宇的强势,郑霸天悔恨的要死,他发现自从霍都跟随之后,他就开始倒霉,不由得暗骂霍都成事不足败事有余。 Zheng brother, hands over God Mark.” Bi Yuzhen said with a sigh. “郑兄,交出神纹吧。”毕玉真叹息道。 Zheng Batian also wants to say anything, may see Bi Yuzhen to smile bitterly shaking the head, he also helpless say (way): Huo, gives the island host the God Mark exchange.” 郑霸天还想说什么,可看到毕玉真苦笑着摇头,他也无奈的道:“霍都,将神纹交换给岛主。” Does not hand over!” “不交!” Although Huo fears Xie Aoyu, is the time of this while, he obtained the approval of God Mark, thinks that God Mark will probably bring the endless future to oneself, his instead guts one strong, at the scene rejection. 霍都虽然惧怕谢傲宇,可是这一会儿的功夫,他已经得到了神纹的认可,想到神纹可能给自己带来无尽的未来,他反而胆量一壮,当场拒绝。 Huo, hands over God Mark!” Zheng Batian shouts to clear the way. “霍都,交出神纹!”郑霸天喝道 I said that I do not hand over.” Huo is cold the sound track, now I obtained the approval of God Mark, anybody gave up any idea of that makes me hand over God Mark.” “我说我不交。”霍都冷声道,“现在我已经得到神纹的认可了,任何人都休想让我将神纹交出去。” Zheng Batian gets angry: You link my order also to dare to revolt.” 郑霸天怒道:“你连我的命令也敢反抗。” Huo snort, had not replied. 霍都哼了一声,没有回答。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Xie Aoyu laughs at one, „is this your Zheng Batian ability? Cannot fetter including own subordinate, it seems like I misread you, cooperated with your Zheng Family, that was really wrong, perhaps I should go with the Xie Aoyu cooperation, he performance on Angel Holy Island was quite good.” 谢傲宇则嗤笑一声,“这就是你郑霸天的能力吗?连自己的手下都束缚不得,看来我真的是看错你了,与你们郑家合作,那真的是错误,或许我该去和谢傲宇合作,他在天使圣岛上的表现还是相当不错的。” Nearby Ru Yan almost smiles to make noise, indulges in self-glorification. 旁边的如烟差点笑出声,自卖自夸啊。 May fall in Zheng Batian ear, was different, he has not known that now the Brilliant City condition, thought throughout one and Holy City aspect is equally matched, if Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island join Holy City, is in inverse proportion, he will fall in leeward. 可落在郑霸天耳中,却不同了,他现在还不知道神武城的境况,始终觉得自己和圣城方面不相上下,若是云雾圣岛圣甲岛加入圣城,那么此消彼长,他就会落于下风了。 Huo, hands over God Mark!” Zheng Batian shouts to clear the way. “霍都,交出神纹!”郑霸天喝道 Say (Way) that Huo lets somebody cool off or calm down: Does not hand over!” 霍都冷冷的道:“不交!” The two circles of Zheng Ba weather open the eyes, cut-throat is staring at Huo, but Huo does not care, God Mark will take to his possible future, making him go crazy, that will also estimate others' feeling. 郑霸天气的两眼圆睁,凶狠的盯着霍都,可是霍都根本不在乎,神纹带给他的可能的未来,让他为之发狂,那还估计别人的感受。 Your Zheng Batian is very indeed disappointing.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), then looks to Huo, hands over God Mark, I give you a happiness, either I bring back God Mark from your on own initiative, then makes you suffer greatly dead, you choose.” “你郑霸天的确很差劲。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,转而看向霍都,“交出神纹,我给你一个痛快,要么我主动从你那取回神纹,然后让你受尽折磨而死,你选择吧。” „To kill me, hey, Qin Ziao is arrogant, I feared that you do not have that skill.” Huo proudly said that just now I obtain God Mark, the obvious strength has the promotion again, you must kill me now, perhaps was not easy, moreover you, if has killed me, must wait for my clansman's retaliations to your two islands, do not think that Clouds Holy Island and Holy Armor Island are very fierce, tell you, looks like in our clansmen, your anything is not, must extinguish you, is similar to takes something out of the pocket.” “想杀我,嘿嘿,秦紫傲,我就怕你没那个本事。”霍都傲然道,“方才我得到神纹,明显实力再有提升,你现在要杀我,恐怕没那么容易了,而且你要是杀了我,就要等着我的族人对你们两岛的报复吧,不要以为云雾圣岛圣甲岛很厉害,告诉你,在我们族人看来,你们什么都不是,要灭你们,就如同探囊取物。” Xie Aoyu sneers saying: Your clansman, scoffs, nothing but is the roaring flame god clan, if you thought that your roaring flame god clan is so fierce, I must try, today I must kill you, I must have a look at the roaring flame god clan to be able but actually to be what kind, if they dare to visit sea area, I will them die in sea area completely!” 谢傲宇冷笑道:“你的族人,嗤,无非就是烈焰神族罢了,如果你觉得你们烈焰神族有那么厉害,那我更要试试了,今天我必杀你,我倒要看看烈焰神族能怎样,他们要是敢踏足海域,我必要他们全部死在海域!” Huo shouts to clear the way: Knows that my roaring flame god clan, you also dares such to rodomontade.” 霍都喝道:“知道我烈焰神族,你还敢这么大言不惭。” Ha Ha “哈哈” The entire sea area people smiled. 整个海域的人都笑了。 Their laughter have been full of the taunt, probably in the ignorant idiot, these non- sea area people looks at Huo with a look of taunt. 他们的笑声充满了嘲讽,好像在无知的蠢材,就连那些非海域的人都用一种嘲讽的眼神看着霍都。 Who does not know that the roaring flame god clan his entire life two big mortal enemies, first without doubt is Ice Snow God Clan, they as if are the inborn enemies, another is sea area, because sea area restrains them, moreover once historically, each time the roaring flame god clan was in the decline time time, is almost the sea area master behaviors. 谁不知道,烈焰神族一生有两大死敌,第一个无疑就是冰雪神族,他们似乎就是天生的敌人,另外一个就是海域,因为海域克制他们,而且曾经历史上,每次烈焰神族处于衰落期的时候,几乎都是海域的高手所为。 Asked that the sea area person will fear the roaring flame god clan? 试问海域人会惧怕烈焰神族吗? The sea area person is very sloppy, but historically meets the invasion of roaring flame god clan each time, will join up immediately, beats severely the roaring flame god clan, moreover sea area is extremely widespread, many influences, many masters hide anyone not to know, once the roaring flame god clan appears, they will brave, is makes the roaring flame god clan dirty leave each time, but Huo unexpectedly threatens the sea area person with the roaring flame god clan. 海域人很散漫,但是历史上每次遇到烈焰神族的入侵,都会在第一时间内联合起来,痛打烈焰神族,而且海域太过广泛,到底有多少势力,多少高手隐藏着谁也不知道,一旦烈焰神族出现,他们就会冒出来,每次都是让烈焰神族灰头土脸的滚回去,而霍都居然用烈焰神族威胁海域人。 Idiot!” Xie Aoyu curls the lip to say. “蠢材!”谢傲宇撇嘴道。 Huo also smiled being red in the face, he gets angry: Qin Ziao is arrogant, God Mark on me, there is a skill you to come to take, displaying one's eloquence is any skill.” 霍都也被笑的面红耳赤,他怒道:“秦紫傲,神纹就在我身上,有本事你就过来拿,耍嘴皮子算什么本事。” Good, I help you!” Xie Aoyu walks toward Huo gradually. “好吧,我成全你!”谢傲宇缓步向霍都走去。 Is that imposing manner, lets a Huo sensation of asphyxia, his has drawn back backward one step, may feel that such did not have the face. 仅仅是那股气势,就让霍都有一种窒息感,他不由的向后退了一步,可又感到那样太没面子了。 When Xie Aoyu arrives at his body first 67 meters, that constriction was stronger, in the face of face and surname life, Huo one cruel-hearted, backs up suddenly backward, falls into Zheng Xiao Fang camp central zone all of a sudden. 谢傲宇走到他身前67米的时候,那种压迫感更强了,在面子和姓命面前,霍都一狠心,猛然向后倒退,一下子落入郑萧方的阵营中心地带。 Nobody can save you.” Xie Aoyu icy is staring at Huo, this time you died!” He continues stand forth, completely disregards Zheng Batian that pale complexion. “没有人可以救你。”谢傲宇冷冰冰的盯着霍都,“这次你死定了!”他继续向前走去,完全无视郑霸天那铁青的脸色。 Looks at each other in blank diamay as for Zheng Xiao Fang masters. 至于郑萧方的高手们则是面面相觑。 They do not begin right, does not begin not to be as if good, looks to Zheng Batian, waits for his speech, but this time Zheng Ba day was actually facing very difficult choice. 他们动手不对,不动手似乎也不好,纷纷看向郑霸天,等待他的发话,可这时候的郑霸天却面临着非常难的抉择。 Huo behind is roaring flame god clan, moreover is the roaring flame god clan is grasping real power three elder Huo Xingjia, this Huo Xingjia is in the roaring flame god clan grasps the only woman of real power, most loves Huo this son, reason that Huo now so the surname sentiment, is Huo Xingjia is used, therefore he is very difficult to offend. 霍都背后是烈焰神族,而且是烈焰神族掌握着实权三长老霍兴佳,这个霍兴佳是烈焰神族中掌握实权的唯一一个女人,最是疼爱霍都这个儿子,之所以霍都现在这般姓情,就是霍兴佳惯出来的,所以他很难得罪。 But at present this Qin Ziao Ao Daozhu is overbearing, with their peers, has the real power of two mahatma islands, others a few words, then thoroughly break the relations with your Zheng Xiao Family. 可是眼前这位“秦紫傲岛主”更是霸道,与他们同辈,却掌握两大圣岛的实权,人家一句话,便和你郑萧家彻底脱离关系。 Jade real, what to do should I?” Zheng Ba sun. “玉真,我该怎么办?”郑霸天道。 The Bi Yuzhen forced smile said: I suspected very much that Xie Aoyu looked for Qin Ziao to be arrogant, they definitely have the contact, but the performance of Xie Aoyu in Angel Holy Island, you also knows that definitely will attract their, person who now Huo has killed their, but also has robbed God Mark, this again gives them a excuse.” 毕玉真苦笑道:“我很怀疑,谢傲宇曾经找过秦紫傲,他们两个肯定有过接触的,而谢傲宇天使圣岛的表现,你也知道,肯定会吸引他们的,现在霍都杀了他们的人,还抢走了神纹,这就是再给他们一个借口。” If in this case, we Zheng Ba sun. “若是这样的话,我们”郑霸天道。 We cannot make the Qin Ziao arrogant choice give up on own initiative with our cooperation.” The Bi Yuzhen sinking sound track, he has displayed to control sea area each strength the ability, the key is Clouds Holy Island has the Astrologer master, they coordinate appropriately, in the future might definitely the control entire sea area strength, that will be very huge strength, will strive to excel compared with the roaring flame god clan, therefore we must choose as far as possible with them cooperate, but will not be the fission, but, this premise will be, Zheng brother, you must make him believe that you will be better than Xie Aoyu.” “我们也不能主动让秦紫傲选择放弃与我们的合作。”毕玉真沉声道,“他已经表现出了有控制海域各个力量的能力,关键是云雾圣岛有个星相师,他们配合得当,将来绝对有可能控制整个海域的力量,那将是非常庞大的力量,甚至比烈焰神族都要强,所以我们必须要尽可能的选择与他们合作,而不是分裂,不过,这个的前提是,郑兄,你要让他相信你比谢傲宇更强才行。” Zheng Batian knits the brows, said: You were said that I was inferior to Xie Aoyu?” 郑霸天一皱眉,道:“你是说我不如谢傲宇了?” Sees Zheng Batian like that appearance, Bi Yuzhen secretly sighs, this is understanding the matter, oneself cannot put aside that superiority feeling at heart, how to accomplish? 看到郑霸天那般模样儿,毕玉真暗自叹息,这都是明白着的事情,自己心里还是放不下那份优越感,如何成事? This thought more than once climbed up the Bi Yuzhen heart, made her be each time disappointed. 这个念头已经不止一次爬上毕玉真的心头了,每次都令她感到失望。 This matter, you had better be able process appropriately, otherwise, will likely cause very big turbulence.” Bi Yuzhen depresses the disappointment in heart, light saying. “此事,你最好能处理妥当,不然的话,可能会引起非常大的动荡。”毕玉真压下心中的失望之情,淡淡的说道。 Zheng Batian also realized that shift in attitude of Bi Yuzhen, the facial expression is fluctuates erratically, his personal appearance rocks, one blocks the Xie Aoyu way, island host, God Mark I give certainly back to you, but Huo asked you to show mercy.” 郑霸天也意识到毕玉真的态度变化,神情更是变幻不定,他身形晃动,一下拦住谢傲宇的去路,“岛主,神纹我一定还给你,但是霍都请你手下留情。” „Did my Clouds Holy Island person die in vain?” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “那我云雾圣岛的人就白死了?”谢傲宇冷冷的道。 This matter I think that can compensate Zheng Ba sun with other thing. “此事我想可以用别的东西来赔偿”郑霸天道。 Thing is unable to repay the surname life.” The Xie Aoyu sinking sound track, Huo must die.” Was saying he takes a step to forward, brushes from Zheng Batian side. “东西无法偿还姓命。”谢傲宇沉声道,“霍都必须死。”说着他迈步向前,从郑霸天的身边擦身而过。 Zheng Batian also wants to say anything, but he has turned around, actually discovered that Xie Aoyu one step surmounts more than 30 meters distances unexpectedly, arrived at Huo's front directly. 郑霸天还想说什么,可是他一转过身,却发现谢傲宇竟然一步跨越30多米的距离,直接到达了霍都的面前。 Thick killing intent, the ice-cold aura stubbornly locks Huo, making him unable to move aside, so long as moves slightly, immediately encounters the Xie Aoyu squally shower -type attack. 浓浓的杀意,冰冷的气息将霍都死死的锁定,令他根本无法躲闪,只要稍微一动,就立刻遭到谢傲宇狂风骤雨式的攻击。 I spelled with you!” “我跟你拼了!” At this time, Huo knew unable to shunt, he must attack. 这时候,霍都知道躲不开了,他只得出击。 He moves, then has everywhere roaring flame to soar, that roaring flame Qi is surges, both hands interlocked, shake the fist then the bang to hit, displayed was still the roaring flame beastly shape fist. 他一动,便有漫天烈焰腾飞,那烈焰斗气更是激荡不已,双手交错,挥拳便轰打了出去,施展的仍旧是烈焰兽形拳。 Roaring flame beastly shape fist is one of the roaring flame god clan strongest Fights Technique, might according to displaying some Demon Beast stance changes, has the terror lethality absolutely. 烈焰兽形拳是烈焰神族最强斗技之一,威力根据施展的某一种魔兽的姿态而变化,绝对有着恐怖的杀伤力。 Huo gets rid is Long Xingquan. 霍都一出手便是龙形拳。 Strongest fist potential. 最强的拳势。 Xie Aoyu sees that cannot help but has smiled, he discovered that a very serious issue, that was these strengths has achieved the Emperor level superior boundary youth masters, most formidable Fights Technique that as if in the hand grasped, or the card in a hand rank, was only then one type, this made him realize an issue, although these people not inferior with him, but the energy place practice above constantly, was mostly few regarding perceiving through meditation of top Fights Technique, therefore gave an example with Huo, even if the roaring flame god clan had many top Fights Technique, his actually not time practice. 谢傲宇见状,不由得笑了,他发现一个很严肃的问题,那就是这些实力达到了天王级上位境界的青年高手们,似乎手中掌握的最强大的斗技,或者底牌级别的,都是只有一种,这令他意识到一个问题,这些人虽然不逊色与他,但大都是将精力一味的放在修炼上面,对于顶尖斗技的参悟却很少,所以拿霍都来举例,就算烈焰神族有很多的顶尖斗技,他却没时间去修炼。 This discovery makes Xie Aoyu cannot help but laugh in one's heart, if so, he indeed is surpasses the same level master to be many. 这一发现让谢傲宇不由得暗笑,若是如此的话,他的确是超出同级的高手很多。 A top Fights Technique function that cannot play absolutely jumps the ranks the function of murder. 一门顶尖斗技的作用那绝对不是能够起到越级杀人的作用的。 Long Xingquan, Huo, the words of your this skill, that accepts the penalty.” The Xie Aoyu backhand will execute Divine Knife pulling out. “还是龙形拳,霍都,你就这点本事的话,那就接受惩罚吧。”谢傲宇反手将诛神刀给拔了出来。 He will not be fastidious about any fair war to Huo again. 他根本不会再对霍都讲究什么公平大战。 Has then been cutting to that Long Xing fist. 对着那龙形拳便斩了下去。 Roar!” “吼!” Roaring flame Shenlong that in Long Xing the fist forms just exuded one to whoosh, immediately was executed Divine Knife to cut, the inconsistency of immediately then cutting, Mars scatter, but executes Divine Knife is the trend does not reduce, immediately then cuts above Huo double fist. 那龙形拳内形成的烈焰神龙刚刚发出一声嘶吼,登时被诛神刀斩中,当即便斩的七零八落,火星四溅,而诛神刀则是趋势不减,当即便斩在霍都的双拳之上。 „!” “咔嚓!” In the blood light splash, two hands have then flown from. 血光飞溅中,两只手便飞离了出去。 The blade cuts Huo both hands. 刀斩霍都双手。 „!!!” “啊!!!” Huo sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, backs up again and again. 霍都发出一声凄厉的惨叫,连连倒退。 The Xie Aoyu skill turns, executes Divine Knife to refer to the vault of heaven slantingly, forwarding that lets somebody cool off or calm down, kills intent to be full. 谢傲宇手腕一翻,诛神刀斜指苍穹,冷冷的向前,杀意十足。 Qin Daozhu!” Zheng Batian noticed that Xie Aoyu began, moreover so cut-throat, worried, opens the mouth to ask favor hurriedly once again. “秦岛主!”郑霸天看到谢傲宇真的动手了,而且是如此的凶狠,也着急了,急忙再度开口求情。 Xie Aoyu just likes has not heard, leaves blade once more. 谢傲宇恍若未闻,再次出刀。 „To make me die, I draw you to front the back!” Huo fierce exclaiming, his body swiftly inflates, in that glabellas is to present together the tiny light, is God Mark, dies!” “想让我死,我拉你垫背!”霍都狰狞的吼道,他的身体倏然膨胀起来,在那眉心间更是出现一道细小的光影,正是神纹,“去死吧!” From exploding requires the time. 自爆是需要时间的。 But Huo from exploding is actually the time of flash, makes Xie Aoyu seize the chance the time that gets rid to prevent not to have continually, he must retrocede rapidly. 可是霍都的自爆却是一瞬间的功夫,连让谢傲宇趁机出手阻止的时间都没有,他只得急速后退。 But they in the position are Zheng Xiao Fang strongly, other people do not have that quick response, did not have that quick speed. 可是他们所在位置乃是郑萧方的集中地,其他人却没有那么快的反应,也没有那么快的速度了。 Bang!” “轰!” Huo's body explodes, the complementary waves instantaneous outward diffusion that has suddenly. 霍都的身体猛然爆炸,产生的余波瞬间向外扩散出去。 Backing up Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to divide a blade. 倒退的谢傲宇伸手劈出一刀。 Bang!” “嘭!” May after all be Emperor level superior master from exploding, that might can compare favorably with Ten Kings Level Master to strike absolutely fully, even if the dispersion to all around situation, Xie Aoyu that still shook flies upside down backward, is other Zheng Xiao Fang masters, as long as the master in 50 meters, almost 80% people including the pitiful yell without enough time, was rumbled to kill. 可毕竟是天王级上位高手的自爆,那威力绝对能够媲美十王级高手全力一击的,就算是分散向四周的情况下,仍然震的谢傲宇向后倒飞出去,可是其他郑萧方的高手但凡在50米以内的高手,几乎80的人连惨叫都来不及,便被轰杀。 But when Zheng Batian also by at present one shocking, that said that God Mark also appears in the explosion center place, but it has also stopped the flash, loudly explodes, has a more intense strength, covers a surrounding area 300-400 meters range, gave to cover the entire Zheng Xiao Fang masters. 而就在郑霸天还被眼前一幕震惊的时候,那道神纹也出现在爆炸中心地点,可是它也只是停顿了一刹那,随之也轰然爆炸,产生更为强烈的力量,覆盖方圆三四百米的范围,将整个郑萧方高手都给笼罩了进去。
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