BE :: Volume #20

#1915: Fate

In three people who in the Xie Aoyu mind presents, a person impressively is plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, this person in Lei Tianze remembers that is clear, because Lei Tianze and plain-clothed security policeman magnificent is doomed is the match in fate, is the sworn enemy, they separately are representing the different Lei two big cliques, is the optiman who competes for the head of household, as for other head of household candidates, compared with them, inferior are too many, is nothing to speak of radically. 谢傲宇心眼中呈现出来的三个人,其中一个人赫然便是雷子华,此人在雷天泽记忆中可是非常清晰的,因为雷天泽和雷子华注定是宿命中的对手,还是死对头,他们分别代表着不同的雷家两大派系,更是争夺家主的最佳人选,至于其他的家主候选人,则与他们相比,逊色太多,根本不值一提。 Therefore after Xie Aoyu sees plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, immediately then has seizes the chance its idea of writing off. 所以谢傲宇看到雷子华之后,立刻便生出趁机将其抹杀的想法。 So long as plain-clothed security policeman magnificent were killed, was the Lei big elder clique again promotes a Cenozoic master, was hard to shake the Xie Aoyu status, he can utilize Lei Tianze this status freely, handled something. 只要雷子华被杀,那么就算是雷家大长老派系再推出一名新生代高手,也难以撼动谢傲宇的地位,他就更能够自如的运用雷天泽这个身份,做一些事情了。 Reminded Ru Yan one, Xie Aoyu then changes to together the time, moved forward to meet somebody on own initiative. 提醒如烟一声,谢傲宇便化作一道流光,主动迎上去。 Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, since two years ago after genuine Lei Tianze died, is almost being settled below lets the Lei head of household, when the time comes, Lei to be grasped by the big elder clique inevitably, takes the lead, regarding the laborious several thousand years, the world master who reluctantly stands firm, absolutely is the deathblow. 雷子华,自从两年前真正的雷天泽死亡之后,几乎就是板上钉钉的下任雷家家主,到时候,雷家必然被大长老派系掌握,占据主动,对于辛苦数万年,才勉强站稳脚跟的人间界高手来说,绝对是致命的打击。 Therefore will have Xie Aoyu to appear, Lei head of household antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong made it disguise as Lei Tianze without hesitation, goal not pure protection Xie Aoyu, what was main, entire Lei Jia nei all minutes were the world strength security, otherwise, once plain-clothed security policeman magnificent became a head of household, ordered through the head of household, discovered among celebrities the master to go into hiding, possible entire to involve. 所以才会有谢傲宇出现,雷家家主上古圣皇赵天龙毫不犹豫的让其假扮雷天泽,目的不单纯的保护谢傲宇,更主要的是,整个雷家内所有分属于人间界的力量的安全,否则,一旦雷子华成为家主,通过家主命令,发现一名人间界高手隐匿,就可能整个牵扯出来。 Therefore, plain-clothed security policeman magnificent must die. 故而,雷子华必须死。 He dies, did not have what to be dangerous, even if the Xie Aoyu exposition were insufficient to threaten these people. 他一死,就没有什么危险了,哪怕谢傲宇暴露都不至于威胁到那些人。 In the Xie Aoyu mind the memory about plain-clothed security policeman magnificent is two years ago, that time plain-clothed security policeman magnificent just strided in Senior shortly after the position unreliably, present plain-clothed security policeman magnificent already achieved unreliably Senior the crest of position, the strength is intrepid. 谢傲宇脑海中关于雷子华的记忆是两年前,那时候的雷子华刚刚跨入玄尊中位不久,如今的雷子华已然达到玄尊中位的顶峰,实力可谓是强悍之极。 Follows side plain-clothed security policeman magnificent is two immortal lower position boundaries masters. 跟随在雷子华身旁的则是两名长生下位境界的高手。 This time assassinates Lei Tianze, must carefully handle affairs, cannot leave behind our a wee bit flaws absolutely, therefore two elders please do not care about the face countenance, should better get rid of it to kill together.” In the flight plain-clothed security policeman China's Lei Jia elder to two immortal boundary lower positions said. “此次暗杀雷天泽,务必要谨慎行事,绝对不能留下我们一丁点的破绽,所以两位长老请不要顾及颜面,最好一起出手将其袭杀。”飞行中雷子华对两名长生境界下位的雷家长老说道。 Left that Lei Jia elder said with a smile: Child magnificent, you felt relieved, before coming, the remote antiquity elder had confessed we, how should do, we are very clear.” 左侧那名雷家长老笑道:“子华,你放心吧,来之前,太上长老已经交代过我们了,该怎么做,我们都很清楚。” The right that Lei Jia elder said: Key is that said information that the fellow who Hawode transmits real, if false, after waiting, our two accompany you to go out secretly, by three elder discoveries, when the time comes he was decided inevitably however will get suspicious, then contacts with Lei Tianze, our goals possibly were then inferred, at that time, will make us fall into violent passive.” 右侧的那名雷家长老道:“关键是那个自称哈沃德的家伙传递的情报是不是真的,若是假的,等回去之后,我们两个陪你私自外出,必然被三长老发现的,到时候他定然会起疑心,然后与雷天泽联系,我们的目的便可能被推断出来,那时候,才会让我们陷入极端的被动之中的。” Relax, will not have the vacation.” Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent self-confident say (way). “放心吧,不会有假的。”雷子华自信的道。 How about although does not know plain-clothed security policeman Huawei this self-confidently, but two elders know that should not have the mistake, after all they look that plain-clothed security policeman magnificent grows, is the discretion of clear plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, if not there is a full assurance, will not take risk easily, particularly this Lei two cliques cooperate, moves in Lei Mozu Territory, each other is diverting, to leave in secret, but was not discovered by a person of head of household department, is very difficult, for this reason plain-clothed security policeman magnificent this department paid something to divert the house main one is here for three elders rank. 虽然不知道雷子华为何如此自信,但是两名长老知道,应该不会有错了,毕竟他们看着雷子华成长起来,最是清楚雷子华的谨慎,若非有十足把握,绝不会轻易冒险的,尤其是这次雷家两个派系合作,在雷魔族领地活动,彼此牵制着,要想暗中离开,而不被家主一系的人发现,是非常困难的,为此雷子华这一系可是付出了一些东西才牵制住家主一系在这里为首的三长老等人的。 The mind along with the boundary promotion of Xie Aoyu, then cannot expand the range, is other practices because of the mind alone, the auricle general rule is different, along with the Xie Aoyu boundary continually promotes, the range of listening attentively to be also getting more and more widespread, directly soars 30,000 meters range, when Xie Aoyu is the mind and auricle colludes now opens. 心眼并没有随着谢傲宇的境界提升,便可以扩展范围,因心眼是另外单独修炼的,心耳通则不同,随着谢傲宇境界不断提升,倾听的范围也越来越广泛,直奔30000米的范围,所以谢傲宇现在是心眼和心耳通同时开启的。 Naturally their conversations fell in the ear of Xie Aoyu. 自然他们的交谈都落在谢傲宇的耳中了。 Xie Aoyu also through Earth Escape Technique, in secret approaches about the kilometer position, then draws support from the auricle to pass examines the situation within 30,000 meters range, has other people to approach. 谢傲宇也通过土遁术,暗中靠近千米左右的位置,然后借助心耳通查看30000米范围内的情况,是否有其他人靠近。 Child magnificent, fights god clan to occupy Lei Mozu Territory, is your idea?” “子华,斗神族占据雷魔族领地,是不是你的主意?” Ha-ha, the elder looked, right, indeed was my idea.” “呵呵,长老看出来了,没错,的确是我的主意。” Could not see that these years you develop in secret, with fighting god clan was so intimate, if with the aid of fighting the strength of god clan, Lei Mozu the strength, our time may give the head of household really one creates the deathblow.” “看不出,这些年你暗中发展,和斗神族方面已经如此亲密了,若是借助斗神族的力量,还有雷魔族的力量,我们这次真的有可能给家主一系造成致命的打击啊。” That is certain, my plain-clothed security policeman magnificent does not get rid already, gets rid to be inevitably fatal strikes, a head of household department that in this time Lei Mozu Territory arrives, but there are the head of household right-hand three elders and 12 elders, they die, was equal to cutting off the two arms of head of household, even if I am unable to become under finally let the head of household, we can still suppress a head of household department, once I became a head of household, hey, I had confidence a head of household department completely eradicate.” “那是一定的,我雷子华不出手则已,一出手必然是致命一击,此次雷魔族领地内到来的家主一系,可是有家主左膀右臂的三长老和12长老,他们两人一死,就等于斩断了家主的两条臂膀,哪怕最终我无法成为下任家主,我们仍然可以压制家主一系,一旦我成为家主,嘿嘿,我有把握将家主一系彻底铲除。” Be careful, here did not discuss this matter's place, if were heard by others, will be very disadvantageous to us.” “小心,这里不是谈论此事的地方,若被别人听到,对我们会很不利的。” Railing peak, you timidly are afraid of getting into trouble, you had forgotten I practice the space mine to listen to the wind technique, the surrounding area in five kilometers, even if there is exceedingly high level master, I can also discover that I can guarantee, in these five kilometers, absolutely does not have anybody to pass through.” “雷林峰,你就是胆小怕事,你难道忘记了我修炼有天雷听风术,方圆五千米内哪怕是有通天级高手,我也能够发现的,我敢保证,在这五千米内,绝对没有任何人经过。” Ha-ha, forest peak elder, if not the thunder elder has on this day Lei Tingfeng the technique, how I will say these, do not forget me to handle affairs is discrete, I think after you were also worried to kill Lei Tianze, may eliminate a potential informant by the big elder, told you these, was equal to attaining the handle, should believe me.” “呵呵,林峰长老,若非雷正长老有这天雷听风术,我如何会说出这些,别忘了我行事最是谨慎,我想你们也担心杀了雷天泽之后,可能会被大长老灭口吧,告诉你们这些,就等于拿到了把柄,应该相信我了吧。” Ha Ha, child Hua chatted, how we possibly suspected that you must eliminate a potential informant to us.” “哈哈,子华说笑了,我们怎么可能怀疑你要对我们灭口呢。” The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth overflow one to sneer. 谢傲宇嘴角溢出一丝冷笑。 It seems like must capture plain-clothed security policeman Hua Cai in advance is, making Ru Yan read its memory more essential, in the mind of this boy had too many secrets. 看来要先行擒拿雷子华才是,让如烟读取其记忆更为关键,这小子的脑海中有太多的秘密了。 Unexpectedly dares with the aid of fighting the god clan and Lei Mozu the strength in view of a master of Lei head of household department, is sinister enough. 居然敢借助斗神族和雷魔族的力量针对雷家家主一系的高手,够阴险的。 Xie Aoyu displays promotion version Earth Escape Technique rapid nearness. 谢傲宇施展升级版土遁术迅速的靠近。 He plans unexpectedly, to capture plain-clothed security policeman magnificent in advance, province is similar to fake Hawode is the same, from exploding dead, that was awful. 他打算出其不意,先行擒拿雷子华,省的如同假哈沃德一样,自爆而死,那就糟糕了。 When Xie Aoyu approaches their three People approximately 20 meters, that thunder complexion changes, big shouts to clear the way: Be careful, some people in underground!” 谢傲宇靠近他们三人大约20米的时候,那雷正脸色微变,大喝道:“小心,有人在地下!” Lift-off!” First shooting up to the sky of plain-clothed security policeman magnificent conditioned reflex, simultaneously both hands, saw that his coat suddenly becomes bright, constitutes a purple Thun­der and Light­ning light cover, its package. “升空!”雷子华条件反射的第一个冲天而起,同时双手一张,就看到他的外衣猛然变得明亮起来,构成一个紫色的雷电光罩,将其包裹起来。 Another two elders also rapidly lift off. 另外两名长老也迅速的升空。 Xie Aoyu sees that sighed one darkly, has not come. 谢傲宇见状,暗叹一声,没有现身。 After all he now is Lei Tianze the appearance, if comes, has Earth Escape Technique, that natural exposure he was the Xie Aoyu status. 毕竟他现在是雷天泽的模样儿,如果现身,拥有土遁术,那自然暴露他就是谢傲宇的身份了。 Absolute assurance that not at one fell swoop three people of annihilating, do not take risk, what particularly looks at that plain-clothed security policeman magnificent is really the caution and care, on him that clothes clearly have the enormous might, on the Xie Aoyu judgment, perhaps that defense strength can make the immortal boundary masters not have the full assurance to rout. 没有一举将三人歼灭的绝对把握,还是不要冒险,尤其是看那雷子华的确是非常的谨慎小心,他身上的那件衣服分明就是有着极大的威力,就谢傲宇判断,恐怕那防御力量能够让长生境界高手都没有十足的把握击溃的。 He should better good that take risks to expose. 他最好还是不要冒险暴露的好。 Xie Aoyu then fast departure, the return distant place, from underground braves, then displays to tread the thunder technique to approach toward the plain-clothed security policeman magnificent three people. 谢傲宇便快速的离开,回归远处,从地下冒出来,然后这才施展踏雷术向着雷子华三人靠近。 Since Lei Zheng has the space mine to listen to the wind technique, can discover including his Earth Escape Technique that the obvious sneak attack is impossible, only had the short distance to fight. 既然雷正拥有天雷听风术,连他的土遁术都能够发现,显然偷袭是不可能的,唯有近距离一战了。 Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent!” “雷子华!” Is separated by hundred meters, Xie Aoyu stops, by far loud shouts to clear the way. 相隔百米,谢傲宇停下来,远远地大声喝道 The plain-clothed security policeman magnificent three people surprisedly are still looking to the ground, finally has not discovered anything, was talking whether was some type has to drill the Demon Beast process of ability. 雷子华三人还在惊疑看向地面,结果并没有发现什么,正交谈是否是某种具有钻地能力的魔兽经过。 Hears Xie Aoyu to berate suddenly, they lock Xie Aoyu immediately. 陡然听到谢傲宇喝斥,他们马上锁定谢傲宇 The railing peaks and thunder two elders depart from about, form a big triangle to surround Xie Aoyu, preventing him to run away. 雷林峰和雷正两名长老从左右飞出,形成一个大三角要包围谢傲宇,防止他逃走。 These two are the immortal boundary lower position boundaries, but has striven to excel obviously Lei Mozu Karst, going crazy clan flatter said that to subdue et al., because of them is the immortal boundary lower position golden color souls. 这两人都是长生境界下位的境界,但是明显要强过雷魔族卡斯特,风魔族阿道克等人,因他们都是长生境界下位金色灵魂。 You are kill my.” Xie Aoyu looked does not look at two elders, the vision desolate is staring at plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, the sound ice is cold. “你是来杀我的。”谢傲宇看都不看两名长老,目光冷森森的盯着雷子华,声音冰寒无比。 Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent two narrow the eyes, examines about, here is the flat land, does not have the massif of height fluctuating, does not have what thick forest, if there is a human, is unable to hide, determined, only then after a Xie Aoyu person, he sneers saying: Among your me, the person must die eventually, this is the arrangement of fate.” 雷子华两眼眯起,查看左右,此处是平地,没有高低起伏的山丘,也没有什么浓密的林木,若有人的话,也无法隐藏,确定只有谢傲宇一人之后,他冷笑道:“你我之间,终究有一人要死去,这是宿命的安排。” Fate? My this person never believes the so-called fate.” Xie Aoyu sneers saying that two years ago, my running amuck god, you withdraw a corner, unexpectedly was determined the head of household candidate after us, then has nearly ten years not to meet, now is you have the courage to provoke I, same dies!” “宿命?我这人从不相信所谓的宿命。”谢傲宇冷笑道,“两年前,我横行神界,你龟缩一隅,竟然从我们被确定家主候选人之后,便有将近十年未曾见面,现在就算是你有胆子来挑衅我,也一样是死!” Ha Ha, you are really should not the extremely arrogant original surname.” Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent laughs heartily to say. “哈哈,你果然是一点不该狂妄本姓。”雷子华纵声大笑道。 Xie Aoyu shot a look at the railing peak and thunder their, you think such two waste, can threaten me?” 谢傲宇瞥了雷林峰和雷正两人一眼,“你觉得这么两个废物,也能威胁到我吗?” Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent say (way) with a smile: Two elders have not begun, when treats.” 雷子华笑吟吟的道:“两位长老还不动手,更待何时。” Kills!” “杀!” By in the presence of everyone the satire is the waste, two big elders fly into a rage. 被当众讽刺为废物,两大长老勃然大怒。 They also attack, from about converging attack, but , the strength of immortal boundary golden color soul, absolutely is intrepid incomparable, far demon clan Karst's strong many. 他们两人同时出击,从左右夹击而至,长生境界金色灵魂的实力,绝对是强悍无比的,远比雷魔族卡斯特强的多。 Xie Aoyu also today we are no longer as we have been. 谢傲宇也今非昔比。 Senior the superior crest boundary unreliably, distance Senior the peak unreliably, only then separation, if not Ru Yan has the danger, Xie Aoyu perhaps unreliably Senior the peak now. 玄尊上位顶峰境界,距离玄尊巅峰只有一线之隔,若非如烟有危险,谢傲宇现在恐怕已经是玄尊巅峰了。 Such boundary, coordinates that might is the Qi 12 times of many strengths, can resist with the immortal boundary lower position purple soul, in addition intrepid Fights Technique, Xie Aoyu has certain confidence. 此等境界,配合那威力是斗气12倍多的战力,就已经能够和长生境界下位紫色灵魂抗争了,加上强悍的斗技,谢傲宇有一定的信心。 Treads Lei Shu! 踏雷术! The Xie Aoyu priority target is plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, has not met the tough head-on with toughness with two big elders, the personal appearance moves slightly, the under foot snow white color electric light twinkle, suddenly surmounts hundred meters distance. 谢傲宇的首要目标就是雷子华,也没有与两大长老硬碰硬,身形微动,脚下雪白色的电光闪烁,瞬息间跨越百米的距离。 Two big elders strike to fail, they cannot help but with amazement. 两大长老一击落空,两人不由得骇然。 This speed made them blush with shame, similarly grasped them who trod Lei Shu, is unable to compare favorably unexpectedly, moreover their boundaries were higher. 这速度令他们汗颜,同样掌握踏雷术的他们,竟然无法媲美,而且他们的境界可是更高的。 Lei Shazhi! 雷杀指! The Xie Aoyu reassignment Saint thunder strength, a right hand figure, the numerous points only cover above in that. 谢傲宇调动圣雷力量,右手一指,重重的点在那光罩上面。 So the speed, plain-clothed security policeman magnificent even continually dodges the opportunity of getting rid of not to have, he Senior the position crest unreliably, with Xie Aoyu disparity that is considerably large. 这般速度,雷子华甚至连躲闪出手的机会都没有,他是玄尊中位顶峰,与谢傲宇的差距那是相当大的。 The strength, Saint thunder coordinates Lei Shazhi the strength, strikes to make the immortal boundary masters have the sorrow of surname life. 战力,圣雷配合雷杀指的力量,一击可令长生境界高手都有姓命之忧。 Bang!” “嘭!” Center the Xie Aoyu finger that only covers. 谢傲宇手指正中那光罩。
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