BE :: Volume #20

#1916: Half thunder of + sudden and violent thunder fist god

Protects the light of plain-clothed security policeman magnificent to cover to be suddenly withered, may actually not disrupt, moreover on the face of that plain-clothed security policeman magnificent also reveals to wipe the gloomy smiling face. 保护雷子华的光罩猛然干瘪下去,可却没有碎裂开来,而且那雷子华的脸上也流露出一抹阴森的笑容。 It is not good! 不好! When Xie Aoyu shouted darkly was not wonderful, only cover that witheredly gets down was similar to the spring by the super-compression, rebounded the formidable strength, all of a sudden Xie Aoyu rebounding. 谢傲宇暗叫不妙之时,那干瘪下去的光罩如同弹簧被过度压缩,反弹出去强大的力量,一下子就将谢傲宇给反弹出去。 Formidable rebound strength, making the finger of Xie Aoyu somewhat be sore, he was similar to the shell of chest cavity, uncontrolled flew upside down backward, rapidness that came, the speed of going back was not slow, otherwise struck the railing peak and thunder two Lei who elders failed actually early noted Xie Aoyu to lash out the protection light cover of plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, immediately then knows what matter will have to occur. 强大的反弹力量,令谢傲宇的手指都有些酸痛,他本人更是如同出膛的炮弹,不受控制的向后倒飞出去,来的快,回去的速度也丝毫不慢,反之一击落空的雷林峰和雷正两大雷家长老却早已经注意到谢傲宇出手攻击雷子华的守护光罩,立刻便知道会有什么样的事情发生了。 These two people attack immediately fully, the Xie Aoyu back that maliciously to flying upside down pounds. 这两人马上全力出击,狠狠地向倒飞回来的谢傲宇后背砸去。 So the coordination, it may be said that is flawless. 如此配合,可谓是天衣无缝。 Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu is relying on the quality of unsurpassed god body, forcefully from the sky turns around, changes facing them, and along with turning around, deviated the original flying upside down path. 谢傲宇凭借着无上神体的素质,强行的在空中转身,化作面对两人,并且随着转身,也偏离原来的倒飞轨迹了。 Before was Xie Aoyu hits to their fists. 之前是谢傲宇撞向两人的拳头。 Nowadays is Xie Aoyu touches and goes Lei Zheng a fist attack, bangs into Lei Zheng the bosom, the strength of that rebound adds on the stimulation of movement of Xie Aoyu strength, his fist bowel movement hits maliciously in the thunder heart position. 现如今则是谢傲宇擦过雷正的一拳攻击,撞入雷正的怀中,那反弹的力量加上谢傲宇战力的催动,他的拳头便恶狠狠地打在雷正的心脏位置。 Bang!” “轰!” Thunder right hit body disintegration. 雷正当即被打的身体崩碎。 The Xie Aoyu also forward hurricane exits a about 200 meters distance, this melts that rebound the strength, stands firm the personal appearance. 谢傲宇也向前狂飙出去近200米的距离,这才化解那股反弹的力量,稳住身形。 Lei Zheng!” The railing peak and Lei Zheng relate well, saw that Lei Zheng was killed, immediately then goes crazy killing to Xie Aoyu, in the hand also presents a Excalibur, kills crazily. “雷正!”雷林峰和雷正关系最好,看到雷正被杀,登时便发狂似的扑杀向谢傲宇,手中也出现一把神剑,疯狂地杀过去。 Everywhere sword shade mixes with the swift and fierce sword air/Qi to dance in the air, in the surrounding area kilometer leaves behind the Daoist priest to reach more than hundred meters gullies together, spreads across, demonstrated that fierce degree of railing peak attack, during is that is void the fissures, was cut by the sword air/Qi, is indicated that the railing peak the strength is tyrannical. 漫天的剑影夹杂着凌厉的剑气飞舞,方圆千米内留下一道道长达百余米的沟壑,纵横交错,显示出雷林峰攻击的凶猛程度,就是那虚空之中都有一道道的裂痕,是被剑气划破的,更是表明雷林峰的力量强横。 Does mystery that the clear plain-clothed security policeman magnificent defense light covers, Xie Aoyu was also at heart confident. 搞明白雷子华防御光罩的奥妙,谢傲宇心里也有底了。 Clearly, that defense light cover should be a plain-clothed security policeman magnificent department, some exceedingly high level remote antiquity elder gives him to defend self, the might is very strong, perhaps by the Xie Aoyu judgment, can compare favorably with the strength of immortal peak level master, to explain, is very difficult, the pure attack is invalid. 很明显,那防御光罩应该是雷子华一系,某位通天级太上长老给予他防身之用的,威力很强,以谢傲宇判断,恐怕能够媲美长生巅峰级高手的力量,要想破解,很困难,单纯的攻击根本无效的。 Looks that the railing peak sweeps across the inundation Sky Sword shade that comes, Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, the railing peak may unable to constitute anything to threaten to him. 看着雷林峰席卷而来的漫天剑影,谢傲宇淡然一笑,雷林峰可对他构不成什么威胁的。 He one step steps. 他一步跨出去。 If the spirit passes through void, enters in that sword shade. 若幽灵般穿越虚空,直入那剑影之中。 Kills! Kill! Kills!” The railing peak goes crazy crazy cut down to cut fiercely. “杀!杀!杀!”雷林峰发狂似的狂猛劈斩。 He is so crazy, the Xie Aoyu not good head confrontation, that definitely to consume greatly, even there is a danger, therefore Xie Aoyu one then passes through that sword shade, puts aside the railing peak, flushes away to plain-clothed security policeman magnificent once again. 他如此疯狂,谢傲宇也不好正面交锋,那肯定会消耗巨大,甚至有危险的,所以谢傲宇一下便穿越那剑影,撇开雷林峰,再度向雷子华冲去。 Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent sneers saying: I stand here, visits you to be able my what!” 雷子华冷笑道:“我就站在这里,看你能奈我何!” „A defense!” Xie Aoyu shakes the fist then to hit. “一个防御而已!”谢傲宇挥拳便打。 The railing peak of wild attack sees Xie Aoyu to evade not to fight unexpectedly, roars, returns to turn around suddenly, is lifting up high the Excalibur to Xie Aoyu. 狂暴攻击的雷林峰一见谢傲宇竟然避而不战,怒吼一声,猛然回转身,对着谢傲宇高举起神剑。 Cut! 斩! Uses the full railing peak to volatilize by the stance of this sword all strengths. 倾尽全力的雷林峰将所有的力量都以这一剑的姿态挥发出去。 Sword light of half meter length is revolving, then flies to shoot to the back of Xie Aoyu, is having the incisive howling sound, as if must crack a side world. 一个只有半米长短的剑光旋转着,便向谢傲宇的后背飞射过去,带着尖锐的呼啸声,仿佛要崩裂一方世界。 That strength is the railing peak strength reflects, it can be said that since birth the sword of most essence. 那力量是雷林峰力量的集中体现,可说是有生以来最精华的一剑。 Saw that sword light then must hit Xie Aoyu time, a Xie Aoyu nose oven that first clashes, has let that sword light suddenly, instead arrives at the sword light from the airborne turn over behind. 眼看着那剑光便要击中谢傲宇的时候,前冲的谢傲宇猛然一个倒翻,让过了那剑光,反而从空中翻转来到剑光的后面。 So that sword light then long jab plain-clothed security policeman magnificent goes. 如此那剑光便直击雷子华而去。 „!” “啪!” Xie Aoyu holds their palms together, two index fingers and middle fingers find out together, follow that sword light, the front are delivering suddenly, this is Lei Shazhi the strength. 谢傲宇双手合十,两手的食指和中指一起探出,跟随着那剑光,胸前猛然一送,这是雷杀指的力量。 Thunder of surrounding Saint thunder rapid flowing half god, fuses the strength, exploding altogether shoots. 半神之雷周围的圣雷迅速的流动出来,融合战力,一股脑儿的爆射出去。 Bang!” “轰!” The sword light hits the defense light cover of plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, erupts the startled day bang, plain-clothed security policeman Hua Town must fly upside down, has not left, Lei Shazhi the strength then arrives. 剑光率先撞中雷子华的防御光罩,爆发出惊天巨响,将雷子华镇的要倒飞出去,还未离开,那雷杀指的力量便随之到来。 Bang!” “轰!” Center the sword light cut down that point. 正中剑光劈中的那一点。 The fierce attack, that defense light, if covers twice continuously presented a fissure finally, plain-clothed security policeman magnificent also by the formidable strength bombardment together meteor flying upside down more than 1000 meters, the numerous hits in the ground. 连续两次凶猛的攻击,那防御光罩终于出现了一丝的裂痕,雷子华也被强大的力量轰击的若一道流星般倒飞出去1000多米,重重的撞击在地面上。 These collides, making plain-clothed security policeman magnificent also receive creation of strength to strike. 这一下碰撞,令雷子华也受到了力量的创击。 That only covered disperses then vanishes. 那光罩一散便消失了。 Xie Aoyu looks is this opportunity, he treadons the snow white color electric light, explodes to shoot, dashes maliciously, suddenly then arrived at the near of plain-clothed security policeman magnificent. 谢傲宇找的就是这个机会,他脚踏雪白色电光,爆射过去,狠狠地冲撞过去,瞬息间便到了雷子华的近前。 Whole face startled plain-clothed security policeman magnificent reveals to wipe to grin fiendishly suddenly. 满脸惊慌的雷子华陡然间流露出一抹狞笑。 Two elders help me to kill the enemy!” On plain-clothed security policeman magnificent that brings the protection the clothing to disrupt loudly, forms a circular in his back, above Incantation technique strength fluctuates, changes to one not to see the bottom profoundly the black space and time channel, in that opposite, there is a person's shadow to be partly visible. “二长老助我杀敌!”雷子华身上的那件带来保护的衣衫轰然碎裂,在他的背后形成一个圆形,上面咒术力量波动,化作一个深邃不见底的黑色时空通道,在那对面,有一条人影若隐若现。 Who dares to injure my Lei person!” Sound that the rear area of illicit thoroughfare transmits cold Ao. “谁敢伤我雷家人!”黑色通道的后方传来一个冷傲的声音。 In a flash, Xie Aoyu has thought. 一瞬间,谢傲宇想到了很多。 That is this two elders inevitably is diverts the head of household one is three elders et al. the people, then three elders of head of household department can also note here situation inevitably. 那就是这个二长老必然就是牵制家主一系三长老等人的人,那么家主一系的三长老必然也能注意到这里的情况。 I am Lei Tianze, plain-clothed security policeman magnificent must assassinate me!” Xie Aoyu backlash rapidly, simultaneously bellows to make noise. “我是雷天泽,雷子华要暗杀我!”谢傲宇急速的后退,同时大吼出声。 At this moment, in a cave in that Lei Mozu Territory, the Lei four big elders who is responsible for this place matters concerned the conversation matter. 此时此刻,在那雷魔族领地内的一处山洞内,负责此地事宜的雷家四大长老正在交谈事情。 Fluctuation of energy that side two elders experiences, the space and time channel of constitution transmission strength, naturally hid the truth from three elder and 12 elder as well as another 18 elders of big elder department. 二长老身边出现的能量波动,构成传递力量的时空通道,自然瞒不过三长老和12长老以及大长老一系的另外一名18长老了。 Three elders and 12 elders have not cared, they think that plain-clothed security policeman magnificent has encountered the danger, prays for rescue. 只是三长老和12长老并没有在意,他们只是以为雷子华遇到了危险,才来求救的。 But suddenly in transmits roaring of Xie Aoyu, three elders and 12 elders respond immediately. 可是陡然间里面传来谢傲宇的吼叫,三长老和12长老立刻反应过来。 Two elders, you dare!” Three elders as a head of household department, his true status are the world masters, naturally is knows that so-called Lei Tianze is the Xie Aoyu matter, understood two elders make them come this place, is gives the plain-clothed security policeman the Chinese opportunity to kill Xie Aoyu radically, has not thought that must kill plain-clothed security policeman magnificent by Xie Aoyu in turn. “二长老,你敢!”三长老作为家主一系,他的真正身份乃是人间界的高手,自然是知道所谓雷天泽就是谢傲宇的事情,同时也明白了二长老让他们来此地,根本就是给予雷子华机会去杀谢傲宇的,没想到被谢傲宇反过来要杀雷子华。 Three elders of being angry plunge two elders reckless. 大怒的三长老不顾一切的扑向二长老。 12 elder horizontal bodies block 18 elders. 12长老则横身挡住18长老。 On the strength, two elders and three elders are equally matched, is the exceedingly high level superior boundaries, looked that three elders attack fully, the stance of being outspoken, two elder where dare to despise, immediately shakes the fist to resist, simultaneously very optional is then springing one figure to that channel. 论实力,二长老和三长老根本不相上下,都是通天级上位的境界,一看三长老全力出击,毫无保留的架势,二长老哪里敢轻视,立刻挥拳抵挡,同时很随意的对着那通道便弹出一指。 Two elders display is also Lei Shazhi. 二长老施展的也是雷杀指。 This strength is very optional, can his exceedingly high level superior peak strength, even if such optional, perhaps even if the master of immortal peak level also has the total destruction. 这力量很随意,可以他通天级上位巅峰的力量,就算是这么随意的一下,就算是个长生巅峰级的高手恐怕也有灭顶之灾的。 This strength by that channel, changes has the light beam of two meters length together fully, is similar to a long spear, exudes the incisive howling sound, the bang kills like lightning. 此力量透过那通道,化作一道足有两米长短的光束,如同一条长枪,发出尖锐的呼啸声,闪电般轰杀过来。 The opportunity that so the speed, Xie Aoyu even continually dodges does not have. 这般速度,谢傲宇甚至连躲闪的机会都没有。 If were hit, that must die without doubt. 若是被击中,那必死无疑。 Spelled! 拼了! Xie Aoyu both eyes are completely red, the present was really to the crucial moment, his there also had reservation, the sudden and violent thunder fist attacked immediately, transferred comprehensively the thunder of half god. 谢傲宇双目尽赤,现在算是真的到了生死关头,他那里还有保留,暴雷拳当即出击,更是将半神之雷全面调动起来。 Senior the position golden color soul unreliably time, Xie Aoyu can stimulate to movement thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god , helping wind Zhaokang who he strikes to kill the immortal boundary superior, at the present Senior the superior white soul unreliably, the strength promotion surmounts ten times, stimulates to movement the thunder of half god comprehensively, that might strong? 玄尊中位金色灵魂的时候,谢傲宇可以催动半神之雷1的力量,助他击杀长生境界上位的风兆康,而今玄尊上位白色灵魂,实力提升超越十倍,全面催动半神之雷,那威力有多强? At least is 1%, even is more formidable. 至少是1,甚至更强大。 Sudden and violent thunder fist many of astonishing strength guiding are surrounding the thunder of half god thin, if the Saint thunder of gossamer, these Saint thunder under lead of thunder of strength half god, can say that also suddenly stimulates the strength of Saint thunder. 连带着暴雷拳的惊人力量导引的诸多环绕半神之雷的细若游丝的圣雷,这些圣雷在半神之雷力量的带动之下,可以说将圣雷的力量也猛然激发出来。 The Thun­der and Light­ning strength belongs to Xie Aoyu, although is unable to play the complete might, but stimulates several tenths strength, Xie Aoyu is very clear. 雷电力量属于谢傲宇,虽然无法发挥出全部威力,但是刺激出几成的力量,谢傲宇还是很清楚的。 This time moves, he was also startled. 此番一动,他也是吃了一惊。 That Saint himself according to his strength, can urge to send out 1/80 to be also good, because at the present the thunder of half god was transferred, instead erupts about 1/10 might through the strength exciting Saint thunder of thunder of half god unexpectedly all of a sudden, so superimposes thunder of 1% strengths half god, that might may compare favorably with the Saint thunder one-seventh strengths fully. 那圣雷本身依他的实力,能够催发出1也就不错了,而今因为半神之雷被调动,竟然通过半神之雷的力量一下子刺激的圣雷反而爆发出将近1的威力,如此叠加半神之雷1的力量,那威力足可媲美圣雷1的力量。 The Saint thunder is any strength, displays completely, even if the giant crest masters can cut to kill. 圣雷是什么力量,完全发挥出来,就算是巨头顶峰的高手都能够斩杀的。 Perhaps one-seventh might, that needs the exceedingly high level superior master reluctantly to display, but transferred the thunder of half god actually to stimulate the Saint thunder the might to so the situation comprehensively, let a Xie Aoyu pleasant surprise, this may be an accidental big discovery. 1的威力,那恐怕需要通天级上位高手才勉强发挥得出来,而全面调动半神之雷却可以刺激圣雷的威力到了这般地步,也让谢傲宇一阵惊喜,这可算是一次意外的大发现啊。 Later does not need to transfer thunder of complete might half god, the strengths of 1/1000 strength fusion Saint thunder, that might also same can go to the unusual situation, the immortal lower position boundary master can the second kill absolutely. 以后不需要调动半神之雷全部威力,1的力量融合圣雷的力量,那威力也一样能够达到非常的地步,长生下位境界高手绝对可以秒杀的。 The accident discovers pleasantly surprised merely is a twinkling, after all the present is the crucial moment. 意外发现的惊喜仅仅是一瞬息,毕竟现在是生死关头。 Fist of Xie Aoyu then cut-throat hits. 谢傲宇的拳头便凶狠的打出去。 The fist wind was billowing, passed over gently and swiftly plain-clothed security policeman magnificent that grinned fiendishly, therefore saw that on the plain-clothed security policeman magnificent face was still hanging the eccentric and unreasonable fierce smiling face, but his body was similar to the wind has blown the flying ash, including selecting the residual has not stayed behind, thorough dissipation in world. 拳风滚滚,掠过那狞笑的雷子华,于是就看到雷子华脸上仍旧挂着乖张狰狞的笑容,但是其身体则如同风吹过的飞灰,连点残渣都没留下,彻底的消散在天地间。 Senior position crest plain-clothed security policeman magnificent unreliably in the face of so the strength, does not have including the opportunity of revolt, the disparity was too big. 玄尊中位顶峰的雷子华在这般力量面前,连反抗的机会都没有,差距太大了。 The strength of this fist bumps into that two elders optional strikes, does not have any resistivity, that two meters light beam then destruction voluntarily, but the strength of this terror tears that channel, cut-throat impact in the past. 这一拳的力量碰上那二长老随意的一击,也是没有任何的抵抗力,那两米长的光束便自行的销毁,而这恐怖的力量则撕裂那通道,凶狠的冲击过去。 At this moment, three elders angry strikes with two elder fists collides. 此刻,三长老愤怒的一击与二长老拳头碰撞。 They are the exceedingly high level superior boundaries, the comprehensive strength resistance, complementary waves send out, the mountain that they are at changes to the powder to scatter loudly. 两人都是通天级上位的境界,全面力量对抗,一丝余波散发出来,他们所在的高山轰然化作粉末飘散。 Their strength quite, fully strikes, their personal appearance simultaneously trembles, has not injured to the opposite party is tiny bit, but the also shaken vitality turns wells up. 他们实力相当,都是全力一击,两人身形同时一颤,并没有伤害到对方一分一毫,但是也都是被震的气血翻涌。 Three elders, all had finished, Lei Tianze dies!” In two elder minds, recognized that Xie Aoyu is impossible to resist that to strike at will, after all that is the immortal peak level master must die without doubt, therefore thought that Xie Aoyu died, does not need to fight with three elders again, but his words have not said that felt a strength of deconstruction surname clashes. “三长老,一切都结束了,雷天泽死啊!”二长老心目中,认定谢傲宇是不可能抵挡那随意一击的,毕竟那就算是长生巅峰级高手也是必死无疑的,所以觉得谢傲宇已死,与三长老无需再战,可是他话还没说完,就感到一股毁灭姓的力量冲来。 This strength, can threaten his life and death absolutely. 此力量之强,绝对可以威胁到他的生死。 When two elders are panic-stricken, moves aside already without enough time, rapid fist attack. 二长老惊骇之余,躲闪已经来不及,迅速的出拳攻击。 Three elders as well as are confronting 12 elders and 18 elders saw in the channel of that transmission strength flies to project a snow white color fist, brings to make them feel that the alarmed and afraid strength has pounded. 三长老以及对峙着的12长老和18长老都看到了那传递力量的通道内飞射出一个雪白色的拳头,带着令他们感到惊惧的力量砸了过来。
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