BE :: Volume #20

#1914: Nha's fearfulness

Between Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan have a subtle relation, that is the function of Profound Spirit, but after Profound Spirit was built up thoroughly, weakened in this aspect, had been well below carefree that mind channel between Xie Aoyu and Evil Spirit came, but there is any danger words, can induce. 谢傲宇如烟之间有一种微妙的联系,那是玄灵的作用,只是玄灵被彻底炼化之后,在这方面减弱了一些,远远不如谢傲宇邪灵之间的心灵通道来的畅快,但是有什么危险的话,还是能够感应到的。 Here practices, the time is not very long, harvest actually very big of Xie Aoyu. 在这里修炼,时间不是很长,谢傲宇的收获却非常之大的。 The sudden and violent thunder fist practice has in next. 暴雷拳修炼有成在其次。 The key is the boundary above promotion, he from Senior the superior purple soul to bridge over the golden soul unreliably, went to the situation of white soul, that is unreliably Senior the superior crest the situation, if can continue to practice, with not too how long, can break in Senior the peak boundary unreliably. 关键是境界上面的提升,他已经从玄尊上位紫色灵魂跨过金色灵魂,达到了白色灵魂的地步,那就是玄尊上位顶峰的地步,若是能够继续修炼下去,用不太多久,便可冲入玄尊巅峰境界的。 Ru Yan has difficult, has to give up. 只是如烟有难,不得不放弃。 Xie Aoyu takes the bull by the horns, displays Earth Escape Technique rapid departure demon Reisekizan, then direct room deep meaning, to enter the space microcosm, some difficulties to Xie Aoyu, but must exit, does not have the difficulty, space mysterious twinkle, if Xing Yun turnover, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 谢傲宇当机立断,施展土遁术迅速的离开魔灵石山,然后直接施展空间奥义,要想进入空间小世界,对谢傲宇来说有些难度,但是要出去,却毫无难度,一步之间,空间奥妙闪烁,若星云周转,神秘莫测。 All in his line of sight then had the transformation. 他的视线中的一切便发生了转变。 The both feet touches the ground once again time, arrived at outside the space microcosm, Xie Aoyu immediately the promotion version such as the light electricity and thunder clouds day wing will display, and display speed of being outspoken. 双脚再度触及地面的时候,已经到了空间小世界外面,谢傲宇当即将升级版如光似电和雷云天翼施展出来,并且毫无保留的发挥速度。 Now has the promotion again, displays the speed comprehensively, almost then stretches across dozens li (0.5km) distance suddenly. 如今再有提升,全面发挥速度,几乎是眨眼间便横跨几十里的距离。 When he sees Ru Yan, discovered that Ru Yan still by Lei Tianze the appearance foreign, complexion dignified front looks at the human, but surrounding Ru Yan impressively is Hawode and other people. 当他看到如烟的时候,就发现如烟仍然以雷天泽的模样儿对外,脸色凝重的看着面前之人,而包围如烟的赫然是哈沃德等三人。 This aspect indeed makes Xie Aoyu be startled, is surprised. 这个局面的确让谢傲宇吃了一惊,也是大感意外。 Unexpectedly was Hawode gets rid. 居然是哈沃德出手了。 It looks like in Xie Aoyu, Hawode is to have sole possession of the treasure in demon imperial palace, at least must wait till there to say again, moreover Hawode is presents the big fiendish person to order to come, now the big fiendish person transferred large quantities of masters to arrive at the demon lan mountain, for this reason the outright failure of wind and thunder health/guard loses refuses to balk, why does he want to begin ahead of time? Will eagerly anticipate, begins not to be late again, but also easy. 谢傲宇看来,哈沃德就算是想要独吞魔皇宫内的宝物,至少也要等到了那里再说吧,而且哈沃德是奉大魔王命令前来的,如今大魔王已经调动大批高手到达魔阑山,为此风雷卫的彻底失败损失都在所不惜,他又为什么要提前动手呢?将自己引领过去,再动手也不迟啊,还更加的容易。 Cannot think through to turn over to unable to think through, Xie Aoyu from airborne descends. 想不通归想不通,谢傲宇还是从空中降落下来。 Any person!” Hawode responded extremely quickly. “什么人!”哈沃德反应极快。 He just gained ground, Xie Aoyu already fell, separates the spatial palm of the hand then to grasp to Hawode forehead, he does not want to kill people, but wants to capture Hawode, making Ru Yan read to remember that could have the unexpected harvest. 他刚刚抬头,谢傲宇的已然落下来,隔空一巴掌便抓向哈沃德的头部,他并不想杀人,而是想要擒拿哈沃德,让如烟读取记忆,或许能有意想不到的收获。 Hawode is angry, wielded to fight with the fists. 哈沃德大怒,也挥拳打了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Present Xie Aoyu is not unreliably Senior the position, but is Senior the superior crest unreliably the boundary, Hawode is intrepid far more than a least bit, even if same level may the second kill his. 现在的谢傲宇可不是玄尊中位,而是玄尊上位顶峰的境界,比哈沃德强悍何止一点半点,即便是同级都可秒杀他的。 A fist contact, sees biting cold cold air immediately Hawode ice-bound, his body of formidable strength vibration presents the fissure, blood directing current, the human also calls out pitifully to fly horizontally more than 100 meters. 拳头一接触,登时就看到一股彻骨的寒气将哈沃德冰封起来,强大的力量震动的他身体出现裂痕,鲜血直流,人也惨叫着横飞出去100多米。 Has Ru Yan of mind relation also to seize the chance to shoot first with one hand and then the other with Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇有心灵方面一丝联系的如烟也趁机左右开弓。 „!” „!” “啪!”“啪!” Two revere the lower position master also hitting by Ru Yan unreliably flying upside down. 两名玄尊下位高手也被如烟给打的倒飞出去。 Ru Yan was unreliably is also revering lower position almost to be invincible. 如烟也算是在玄尊下位几乎无敌了。 Captures them!” Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan look at each other, said. “擒拿他们!”谢傲宇如烟相视一眼,同时说道。 Their thoughts are the same, captures the Hawode three people, reads their memories, hopes that can obtain some useful things. 两人的心思一样,就是擒拿哈沃德三人,读取他们的记忆,希望能够得到一些有用的东西。 The personal appearance moves, Xie Aoyu then flies to like the big bird. 身形一动,谢傲宇便如大鸟般飞临过去。 Just approached Hawode, saw that still revealed the strange smiling face on the Hawode face in ice-bound, his facial features have the change, no longer is an appearance of young people, is 40 -year-old middle-aged person appearances, and body inflated all of a sudden. 刚刚接近哈沃德,就看到仍旧在冰封中的哈沃德脸上流露出诡异的笑容,他的面容也在发生变化,不再是一个年轻人的模样儿,是一个40来岁的中年人模样儿,并且身体一下子膨胀起来。 Draws back!” Xie Aoyu distance person 56 meters distances, have not been able to prevent, at once thinks Ru Yan must capture the other two, then loudly exclaimed. “退!”谢傲宇距离此人还有56米的距离,根本无法阻止,旋即想到如烟要擒拿另外两人,便大声吼道。 Before him , the personal appearance that clashes flies upside down suddenly. 他前冲的身形猛然倒飞回去。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!”“轰!” Three bangs. 三声巨响。 These three people occur from exploding to perish, the formidable energy of having wreak havoc eight sides, gives hollow getting down of bombing this surrounding area hundred meters earth. 这三人发生自爆而亡,产生的强大能量肆虐八方,将这方圆百米的大地都给轰炸的凹陷下去。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan by in the same place, they look one, somewhat is still shaken, if not responded promptly, must meet with a disaster. 谢傲宇如烟靠在一起,两人对望一眼,都有些惊魂未定,若非反应及时,恐怕就要遭殃了。 They gradually flutter to this place. 他们缓缓地飘离此地。 Falls above a not far away lofty tree. 落在不远处的一处参天大树之上。 Hawode is fake!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “哈沃德是假的!”谢傲宇沉声道。 The Ru Yan forced smile said: I am also today discovered that they on own initiative have attacked finally, the promptness that you hurry back fortunately, otherwise, the consequence does not dare to imagine.” 如烟苦笑道:“我也是今天才发现的,结果他们就主动出击了,还好你赶回来的及时,不然的话,后果不敢想象。” By fake Hawode et al. procedures, clearly are the people ready dead, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause. 以假哈沃德等人的做法,分明就是死士,不成功便成仁。 You relate demon demon clan immediately, making them seek for Hawode fully, the situation of examining the demon lan mountain.” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “你马上联系魔魅族,让他们全力寻找哈沃德,查看魔阑山的情况。”谢傲宇沉声道。 Ru Yan nods, she then puts out a Incantation technique disc, was formerly same as the procedure of demon demon clan relation with Bing Wu. 如烟点头,她便拿出一个咒术圆盘,与冰舞先前和魔魅族联系的做法一样。 Does not wait for her to recite the incantation, airborne hears a clear neighing sound, but sees a palm of the hand size the angel, dances in the air from the distant place. 不等她念动咒语,空中传来一声清脆的嘶鸣声,但见一个巴掌大小的天使,从远处飞舞过来。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan look one, two manpower each other are pulling, Ru Yan uses the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, their appearances change immediately. 谢傲宇如烟对望一眼,两人手彼此牵着,如烟使用灵欲百变术,他们的模样儿立刻发生变化。 Xie Aoyu changes to Lei Tianze the appearance. 谢傲宇重新化作雷天泽的模样儿。 Quick, the angel of that palm of the hand size then flies to Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan front. 很快,那巴掌大小的天使便飞临到谢傲宇如烟的面前。 This cherub is Nha's appearance, is without change, is only the diminished version, but she is one Incantation technique mystique that Angel Clan unique that transmission secret intelligence office uses, if some people want to capture, then automatically will vanish, it can be said that wonderful not measured. 这小天使就是琳洛雅的模样儿,一般无二,只是缩小版的,而她便是天使族特有的那种传递秘密情报所用的一种咒术秘法,若是有人想要擒拿,便会自动消失,可说是非常的神妙莫测。 Arrives at them, cherub that pair of slightly close eyes pupil opens. 来到两人近前,小天使那双微闭的眼眸睁开。 Wipes the familiar feeling to transmit. 一抹熟悉的感觉传来。 Xie Aoyu knows that can see itself in elsewhere Nha by the eyes of this cherub, can start talking, transmitted through the cherub, but he spoke, similarly can make Nha hear. 谢傲宇知道,远在别处的琳洛雅能够透过这小天使的眼睛看到自己,能够开口说话,通过小天使原封不动的传递过来,而他说话,同样能够让琳洛雅听到的。 I know that you have many questions, do not reply that listening to me saying that I grasped this mystique, the time of however maintaining was very short.” Nha's voice passes from the mouth of cherub. “我知道你有很多的疑问,不要回答,听我说,我掌握了这种秘法,但是维持的时间很短。”琳洛雅的声音从小天使的口中传出来。 You said!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “你说!”谢傲宇沉声道。 Cherub any hesitation, has not transmitted Nha already to prepare the good excuse, is false in together Hawode with you, he arrived at the demon lan mountain, Hawode has come from ancient times the execution ground, reason that he went ancient times the execution ground, because ancient times in the execution ground had one that Sky Demon left behind after hell demon was captured, demon emperor place of arteries concealment staging a comeback, is the big fiendish person already arranged, but big fiendish person also through certainly the Incantation technique strategy of soul valley, since some ancient times execution ground place, as for whether and Hawode in together, me does not know, now I tell you, I. Initially reason that must cooperate with you, wants to reply on your strength, guided the Lei person going demon lan mountain, then gave a pretext found the demon imperial palace secret entrance, Victor parents one group of Angel Clan scouring who will cruelly harm my parents directed, competed for the entrance to have the fierce combat, seized the chance to kill them, afterward Hawode joined on own initiative, I then gave up with the aid of the strengths of Lei, after all we with belonging to god, moreover you also knew my some secrets, therefore I then through Hawode, making the big fiendish person assign the massive demon master to come, nowadays the secret passage opened, their battles were still continuing.” 小天使没有任何的犹豫,传来琳洛雅早就准备好的说辞,“跟你在一起的哈沃德是假的,真的他已经到达了魔阑山,哈沃德来自远古杀场,他之所以前去远古杀场,因为远古杀场内有天魔留下的一处为地狱魔界被攻陷之后,魔皇一脉隐匿东山再起之地,是大魔王早就安排好的,而大魔王也通过绝魂谷的咒术阵法,进入远古杀场某一处地方,至于是否与哈沃德在一起,我不知道,现在我告诉你,我。当初之所以要与你合作,是想借助你的力量,引导雷家人前去魔阑山,然后借口找到魔皇宫秘密入口,将残害我父母的维克多父母在内的一群天使族人渣引过去,争夺入口而发生激战,趁机杀死他们,后来哈沃德主动加入,我便放弃借助你们雷家的力量,毕竟我们同属于神界,而且你也知道我的一些秘密,所以我便通过哈沃德,让大魔王调派大量的魔界高手前来,现如今秘密通道已经开启,他们的争斗仍在继续。” My personal enemy had been cut to kill by the person of big fiendish person, I do not have anything is good to conceal, finally told you two points, deceives your apology, did you accept, I was also speechless, first, the demon imperial palace indeed had the secret passage, but that secret passage early 1 million years ago, three giants has fought time was affected to discard thoroughly \; Second, in the demon imperial palace simply does not have what treasure, some are one Incantation technique transmission, the destination was an ancient times execution ground restricted area, there also only had in Incantation technique transmission through demon imperial palace to enter, even if discovered in the ancient times execution ground that ten big giants collaborated unable to enter, inside had anything, probably only then the big fiendish person knew, finally said one, hopes that we also had the opportunity of cooperation.” “我的仇人已经被大魔王的人斩杀,我也没什么好隐瞒的了,最后告诉你两点,也算是欺骗你的道歉吧,你接受不接受,我也无话可说,第一,魔皇宫的确有秘密通道,但是那秘密通道早已经在1000000年前,三界巨头大战的时候被波及到彻底废掉\;第二,魔皇宫内根本没有什么宝物,有的是一个咒术传送阵,目的地是远古杀场一处禁地,那里也唯有通过魔皇宫内的咒术传送阵才可以进入,就算是在远古杀场内发现,十大巨头联手也无法进入的,里面到底有什么,大概只有大魔王知道了,最后说一声,希望我们还有合作的机会。” After saying, the cherub then changes to the dust. 说完之后,那小天使便化作尘埃。 Listens content that Nha was saying, Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan are speechless for a very long time. 听着琳洛雅说的内容,谢傲宇如烟久久无语。 From the beginning, Nha is actually wants to use Xie Aoyu, at is not the cooperation, her goal is only because must kill the personal enemy. 从一开始,琳洛雅竟然就是想要利用谢傲宇,根本不是合作,她的目的只是因为要杀死仇人。 That demon lan mountain so-called dense say (way) is also fake. 如此说来,那个魔阑山所谓的密道也就是假的了。 Must want to enter the demon imperial palace, needs through that the key, but must use the key, first is defeated to the demon imperial palace has the god many top players of idea, was still the difficulty is enormous. 要想进入魔皇宫,还是需要通过那把钥匙,而要用到钥匙,首先就是打败对魔皇宫有想法的神界诸多顶尖高手才可以,仍旧是难度极大的。 Nha Nha, can deceive me, making me have to be vigilant that was still used, you are first!” The Xie Aoyu forced smile said. “琳洛雅啊琳洛雅,能够骗得了我,让我有所警惕,仍被利用的,你是第一个!”谢傲宇苦笑道。 It seems like we had still underestimated Nha, her wisdom, should with Meng Yao and a cloudy god Ge Mingde scale.” Ru Yan said. “看来我们仍旧低估了琳洛雅,她的智慧,应该与梦瑶和阴神葛明德一个档次的。”如烟说道。 Xie Aoyu looks out to be bewitched the direction of lan mountain, is distanced extremely remotely, cannot see turbulence that the war causes, but results in conceivably, there is what kind of war. 谢傲宇遥望着魔阑山的方向,相距太过遥远,看不到大战引发的动荡,但是可以想象得出来,在那里是怎样一场大战。 Perhaps was not only Nha has revenged, the big fiendish person and Angel Clan master will also lose seriously, particularly big fiendish person, lost wind and thunder Wei Chedi for this reason, does not know that he thought through after the inside story, can be what kind of mood, probably depressed must die. 恐怕不但是琳洛雅报仇了,大魔王和天使族高手也将损失惨重,尤其是大魔王方面,为此还将风雷卫彻底损失了,不知道他想通其中内幕之后,会是怎样的心情,大概郁闷的要死吧。 You thought why Nha does want to tell us these?” Xie Aoyu said. “你觉得琳洛雅为什么要告诉我们这些?”谢傲宇道。 Does not think clearly, she does not need to tell us these, particularly in the demon imperial palace is only one Incantation technique transmission, the destination was the view of ancient times execution ground, was unnecessary.” Ru Yan hesitates saying that she said should not be false.” “想不明白,她根本没有必要将这些告诉我们的,尤其是魔皇宫内只是一个咒术传送阵,目的地是远古杀场的说法,更是毫无必要。”如烟沉吟道,“她说的该不会是假的吧。” Xie Aoyu said: Is hard to judge, but, intuition told me, she said was not necessarily false, moreover those who most made the human have doubts, she selected this act unexpectedly the goal is to revenge, this was not equal to saying to revenge, even not hesitating made the massive Angel Clan people therefore die, was equal to that made us attain her handle, if we held this matter to Angel Clan, then she surely came under the attack of Angel Clan top layer deconstruction surname, after all this big fiendish person sent out was the top players, can fight with his strength, inevitably was the Angel Clan top layer character.” He hesitates slightly, said: Ru Yan, you relate the demon demon clan immediately, making them not hesitate at all costs, collects entirely all that the demon lan mountain has, in detail is better, what if Nha said is real, then she really must pester in our benefits together, later cooperates, possibly does not have the sincere trust of rear guard.” 谢傲宇道:“难以判断,不过,直觉告诉我,她说的未必是假的,而且最让人疑惑的是,她居然点出此举的目的就是为了报仇,这不等于说为了报仇,甚至不惜让大量的天使族人因此而死,等于让我们拿到她的把柄,若是我们将此事捅给天使族,那么她必然遭到天使族顶层毁灭姓的打击,毕竟此次大魔王出动的都是顶尖高手,能与他的力量争锋,必然是天使族的顶层人物。”他略微一沉吟,道:“如烟,你马上联系魔魅族,让她们不惜一切代价,将魔阑山发生的一切统统收集起来,越详细越好,如果琳洛雅说的是真的,那么她就是真的要将我们的利益纠缠在一起,以后合作,才可能是没有后路的真心合作。” Ru Yan sits on the branch of lofty tree immediately, starts to contact the demon demon clan. 如烟马上坐在参天大树的一根树枝上面,开始联络魔魅族。 This tree has 60-70 meters high fully, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, sit , the bystander do not discover. 此树足有六七十米高,枝叶繁茂,坐在其中,外人根本发现不到。 The Xie Aoyu thoughts unceasingly are rotating, is thinking deeply about the Nha's possible goal, recalled again they meet to start, each detail, each process, he wants to seek for Nha to suppose this in view of the flaw of personal enemy snare, but recalled several not to discover that a flaw, Xie Aoyu also only some felt the exclamation to Nha's performance, this female was not simple. 谢傲宇的心思则不断地转动着,思索着琳洛雅的可能目的,再回想两人相见开始,每一个细节,每一个过程,他想要寻找出琳洛雅设下这个针对仇人圈套的破绽,可是回忆了数遍都没有发现一点破绽,谢傲宇也唯有对琳洛雅的表现感到惊叹,此女不简单啊。 Um? Some people came.” In the Xie Aoyu mind flashes before the forms of three people, on his face reveals to wipe the murderous intention immediately, Ru Yan, you contact the demon demon clan relieved, I urge to go faster then return.” “嗯?有人过来了。”谢傲宇心眼中闪现三个人的身影,他的脸上登时流露出一抹杀机,“如烟,你安心联络魔魅族,我去去便回。”
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