BE :: Volume #20

#1913: Self-torture promotion

When Xie Aoyu leaves, Bing Wu is untidy, the chignon is scattered in disorder, the elegant face is flesh color, in a pair of charming pupil flatters intent to be full, as if drops the water leakage to come, breath shortness, if the man saw that is inevitably infuriated, particularly her front front piece is disorderly, had been clearly enjoyed by the Xie Aoyu both hands invasion devastation, even one-piece dress not entire, does not know whether was entered to stroke by the Xie Aoyu evil clutches booth densely. 谢傲宇离开的时候,冰舞衣衫不整,发髻散乱,俏脸粉红,一双迷人的眸子中媚意十足,仿佛滴出水来,呼吸急促,若是个男人看到,必然火冒三丈的,尤其是她胸前衣襟凌乱,分明被谢傲宇双手入侵蹂躏享受过,甚至连衣裙都不整,也不知是否被谢傲宇魔掌摊入抚摸过密地。 This sexual harasser, pulls up the human to be perturbed, is really.” The Bing Wu tender sound track, that weak sound, can make the bone of person fall crisply. “这个色狼,撩得人七上八下的,真是的。”冰舞娇声道,那懦懦的声音,能够让人的骨头酥掉。 Is good left because of Xie Aoyu, otherwise it is estimated that will thoroughly hold Bing Wu. 好在谢傲宇已经离开,不然估计会彻底将冰舞占有的。 Xie Aoyu at this moment has not left demon Reisekizan, but treats is being away from Bing Wu more than 500 meters places, approached the crest of demon Reisekizan. 此刻的谢傲宇也没有离开魔灵石山,而是待在距离冰舞大约500多米的地方,已经接近魔灵石山的顶峰。 Here, Xie Aoyu can feel very strong perfect thunder the strength. 在这里,谢傲宇能够感受到很强的极致之雷的力量。 According to his present strength, stimulates to movement thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god, although consumes very in a big way, may be able to preserve about 30% strengths, therefore does not need to waste the opportunity that time instantaneous restores, when here, buys in the strength of thunder of acme with the aid of the thunder of half god unceasingly. 依他如今的实力,催动半神之雷1的力量,虽然消耗很大,可还是能够保存三成左右的力量,故而并不需要浪费那次瞬间恢复的机会,待在这里,不断地借助半神之雷吸纳极致之雷的力量。 The thunder of acme, the wind and acme earth of acme are focus, in addition demon Ling, four coincide, each needs to meet certain requirements to mold the wind and thunder health/guard. 原本极致之雷,极致之风和极致之土为主,再加上魔灵石,四者相合,每一个都需要达到一定要求才能够塑造风雷卫。 Now Bing Wu is tranquil, relieved practice. 如今冰舞平静下来,安心修炼。 The fusion of wind of acme, naturally must try to go here perfect wind also to give to pull into, this is the perfect wind is unable to go to the situation of request, finally is one group of people therefore has the accident, is killed violently at the scene. 极致之风的融合,自然是要试着去将这里的极致之风也给扯入来,这样就是的极致之风无法达到要求的地步,结果就是一群人因此出现意外,当场毙命。 Xie Aoyu uses the thunder of half god to buy in the thunder of acme, this buys in can with crazy describe that cannot imagine simply, then lets the thunder of distant not being able to achieve request acme all of a sudden, thereupon saw that often some people exploded died, the death soared, this tendency, feared that was a person is hard to survive. 紧接着谢傲宇利用半神之雷吸纳极致之雷,这个吸纳是能够用疯狂来形容的,简直不可想象,一下子便让极致之雷远远的达不到要求,于是乎就看到不时地有人爆炸死去,死亡数字直线上升,就这势头,怕是一个人都难以存活下来的。 Xie Aoyu is also replying on the Thun­der and Light­ning strength, opens an enough big space. 谢傲宇也借助着雷电力量,开辟出一个足够大的空间。 Puts out the spirit spar palace, puts out the best quality goods spirit spar, puts out the beforehand collection the thin perfect earth its smashing, then Xie Aoyu then enters the spirit spar palace, starts the comprehensive practice. 拿出灵晶石宫殿,拿出极品灵晶石,拿出之前收集的稀薄的极致之土将其粉碎,然后谢傲宇便进入灵晶石宫殿,开始全面的修炼起来。 This time practices, that is an unusual opportunity. 此番修炼,那就是一个非常的机会。 It can be said that various strengths have satisfied, making the Xie Aoyu practice speed be able to go to a very astonishing situation, must know that this is the duplexing assemblies of thunder and acme earth of acme, may the meet requirement. 可以说各种力量满足了,让谢傲宇的修炼速度能够达到一个非常惊人的地步,要知道这可是极致之雷和极致之土的双重组合,均可满足要求的。 Puts behind that the outside all, Xie Aoyu enters the elusive condition. 忘却外界的一切,谢傲宇进入空灵状态。 Unmanned altruism, wholeheartedly self-torture. 无人无我,一心苦修。 Suddenly, the hell demon air/Qi between world seems received the hauling of some strength general, from surges crazily in all directions, that stance, seems cloudy, in abundance to fascinated Reisekizan, not only bought in the practice by Xie Aoyu, because are too many, the spirit spar of spirit spar palace buys, becomes sufficient, such words, even if leaves here, so long as enters the spirit spar palace to practice, can still maintain the quickest speed. 一时间,天地间的地狱魔气好似受到了某种力量的牵引一般,疯狂地从四面八方涌动过来,那种架势,仿佛乌云密布般,纷纷的冲入魔灵石山内,不但被谢傲宇吸纳修炼,因为太多,还是灵晶石宫殿的灵晶石吸纳,变得充足起来,如此的话,就算是离开这里,只要进入灵晶石宫殿修炼,仍旧可以保持最快的速度。 They practice, the three perfect strength fierce turbulence of pulling comprehensively, these god master who quenchings the wind and thunder health/guard in inside starts explosions. 两人全面修炼,扯动的三股极致力量一阵剧烈的动荡,那些个在里面淬炼风雷卫的神界高手开始一个个的爆炸。 They buy in the essence of three big perfect strength and demon Ling can become the wind and thunder health/guard, this need four strengths balance mutually, once were broken, that each other will dash, explosion strength that produces is very astonishing, at least the master of immortal boundary is irresistibly. 他们吸纳三大极致力量和魔灵石的精华才能够成为风雷卫,这需要四股力量相互平衡才可以,一旦被打破,那就会彼此冲撞起来,产生的爆炸力量那是非常惊人的,至少长生境界的高手是无法抵抗的。 The master explosion of god immortal boundary, is being these controls their going crazy clans and falling from the sky of Lei Mozu master. 一个个的神界长生境界的高手爆炸,连带着就是那些控制他们的风魔族和雷魔族高手的陨落。 The rapidness of death speed, but in a minute, originally god and two big demon clan masters total more than 200, nowadays only remaining 60-70 people. 死亡速度之快,不过片刻间,原本神界和两大魔族高手共计200多的,现如今只剩下六七十人。 Moreover died is still continuing. 而且死亡还在继续。 What's the matter, why can like this?” “怎么回事,为什么会这样?” Does not have the wind of essence and acme thunder of essence strength acme, is insufficient so the defeat of degree, in this has certainly the issue.” “就算是没有极致之风精华和极致之雷精华力量,也不至于如此程度的失败吧,这里面一定有问题。” You looked that the strength of thunder of this acme is clearly insufficient, moreover is serious insufficient, this and our beforehand estimates are entirely different . Moreover the thunder of acme is our Lei Mozu spends countless painstaking care to condense, absolutely impossible insufficient, certainly some people fudged.” “你们看,这极致之雷的力量分明不足,而且是严重不足,这和我们之前的预计截然不同,而且极致之雷是我们雷魔族花费无数心血凝聚起来的,也绝对不可能不够,一定是有人动了手脚。” That inevitably is world Xie Aoyu, he is the thunder is the surname, heard that controls the forces of nature in world, grasps the innumerable world heavy treasure, is perhaps same, then can buy in the thunder of acme.” “那必然是人间界的谢傲宇,他是雷属姓的,听说在人间界呼风唤雨,掌握无数的人间界重宝,说不定其中一样,便可以吸纳极致之雷呢。” How to discuss that the fact is the refinement of wind and thunder health/guard infinitely approaches at the outright failure. 无论怎样议论,事实就是风雷卫的炼制无限接近于彻底失败。 This is going crazy clansman and thunder demon clansman is unable to accept absolutely. 这是风魔族人和雷魔族人绝对无法接受的。 They spend countless painstaking care, had the present opportunity, helplessly watches the defeat, asked how they can accept. 他们花费无数的心血,才有了现在的机会,就眼睁睁的看着失败,试问他们如何能够接受的了。 Karst mobilizes the strength immediately, all people start to seek for Xie Aoyu, pledged that is turns the sod three feet, must Xie Aoyu clutching. 卡斯特立刻发动力量,所有人开始寻找谢傲宇,发誓就是挖地三尺,也一定要将谢傲宇给揪出来。 Thereupon, around demon Reisekizan, two big demon clan masters moved comprehensively. 于是乎,魔灵石山周围,两大魔族高手全面活动起来了。 But they look everywhere each corner not to have the Xie Aoyu trail. 可是他们找遍每一个角落也没有谢傲宇的踪迹。 Elder, that can Xie Aoyu in demon Reisekizan?” Some people asked. “长老,那谢傲宇会不会在魔灵石山上?”有人问道。 You are silly, hard degree of demon Reisekizan, even if the exceedingly high level master is also very difficult to puncture, in the surface, we can see how he possibly goes.” Karst scolded the human. “你傻啊,魔灵石山的坚硬程度,就算是通天级高手也很难打穿,在表面,我们都能看到,他怎么可能进去。”卡斯特将人骂走。 Other people also think reasonable. 其他人也觉得有道理。 Then continues to seek. 便继续寻找。 The time in this seeks passes, Xie Aoyu also during this period the full speed practice, the strength progresses by leaps and bounds, can say that he breaking of hurricane unreliably Senior the superior golden color soul, and does not have any stay, launched the fierce impact toward the white soul of higher level. 时间就在这寻找中流逝,谢傲宇也在这期间全速的修炼,实力突飞猛进,可以说他是一路狂飙的冲入玄尊上位金色灵魂的,并且没有任何的停留,向着更高层次的白色灵魂发起了猛烈的冲击。 Corresponding Xie Aoyu the spirit spar in spirit spar palace gathered completely the hell demon air/Qi, and after certain quenchinging, very sufficient, even if were Xie Aoyu enters one not to have the no war zone of hell demon air/Qi, similarly can carry on the fast practice with the aid of the spirit spar palace. 相应的谢傲宇的灵晶石宫殿内的灵晶石蓄满了地狱魔气,且都经过一定的淬炼,非常的充足,就算是谢傲宇进入一处没有地狱魔气的真空地带,同样可以借助灵晶石宫殿进行快速的修炼。 The massive hell demon air/Qi comes in waves, in this period was mixing with the strength of thunder and acme earth of acme, Xie Aoyu naturally must seize the chance to quenching own unsurpassed god body with the aid of this strength. 大量的地狱魔气滚滚而来,期间更是夹杂着极致之雷和极致之土的力量,谢傲宇自然要趁机借助这力量来淬炼自己的无上神体。 The unsurpassed god body promotes a point every time, possibly are many one point of life opportunity, particularly to using the help of thunder of half god is bigger, so long as the physical quality constantly is strengthened, that is the consumption is fierce, similarly can use the thunder of half god, is insufficient to waste too many strengths, even can then be able not to carry on the immortal boundary lower position restores instantaneously, only needs 12 bottles of Fond Il­lu­sion Licor to restore such as beginning. 无上神体每提升一分,就可能多出一分的活命机会,尤其是对使用半神之雷的帮助更大,只要身体素质不断地增强,那就算是消耗厉害,同样可以使用半神之雷,不至于浪费太多的力量,甚至能够在长生境界下位便能够不进行瞬间恢复,只需要12瓶迷梦酒便可恢复如初呢。 Electric lights, rustic from top of the head, from the under foot, the fast spread, Xie Aoyu also runs Ao Yu to practice the body technique, guides two perfect strengths to quenching the body, and tries to guide that snow white color thin, if the Saint thunder of gossamer is involved, continually is enhancing own physical quality. 一道道的电光,一股股的土气从头顶,从脚下,快速的蔓延,谢傲宇也运行着傲宇练体术,导引两股极致力量淬炼身体,并且试着引导那雪白色的细若游丝的圣雷加入其中,不断地提升着自己的身体素质。 During the practice, mind also opening of Xie Aoyu cannot help but. 修炼期间,谢傲宇的心眼也不由自主的开启。 This time the mind opens, is not Xie Aoyu desirably for it, is very natural start, mind the Xie Aoyu mind of condition understanding then shakes, almost stops practicing, but he has stabilized quickly then, finally discovered that even if the mind opens, the masters of these immortal boundary lower positions have not induced. 此番心眼开启,并非是谢傲宇刻意为之,是很自然的启动,对于心眼的境况十分了解的谢傲宇心神便是一震,差点停止修炼,但是他很快便稳定了,结果就发现,即便是心眼开启,那些长生境界下位的高手们也没有感应到。 Boundary has promoted, has immortal boundary been hard to realize the mind opening observation or not?” In the Xie Aoyu heart flashes through a thought. “境界提升了,长生境界已经难以察觉到心眼开启观测与否了?”谢傲宇心中闪过一个念头。 If so, to Xie Aoyu help that is very big. 若是如此,对谢傲宇的帮助那是非常大的。 The master quantity of immortal boundary are many, exceedingly high level is very scarce, several hundreds in hundred million also about 200-300, again said that the exceedingly high level master mostly wants into half giant, the giant boundary, therefore they do not have the important matter, in peaceful mind self-torture, therefore little will also bump into. 长生境界的高手数量很多,通天级的却很稀少的,数百亿中也不过两三百左右,再说,通天级高手大都想要成为半巨头,巨头境界,所以他们没有重要的事情,都是在静心苦修的,所以也很少会碰到的。 Opening of mind, is shining upon outside all. 心眼的开启,映照着外面的一切。 Thunder, strong winds writings. 电闪雷鸣,狂风大作。 Looks at that picture, the Xie Aoyu mind is really having the sign of fission, part is controlling the practice in grass, part then cannot help but reappears the sudden and violent thunder fist Fights Technique practice content. 望着那景象,谢傲宇的心神竟然有分裂的迹象,一部分在艹控着修炼,一部分便不由自主的浮现出暴雷拳斗技的修炼内容。 That sudden and violent thunder fist then in mine field practice. 那暴雷拳便是在雷区修炼才可以的。 This environment exactly. 这个环境恰恰可以。 Practices many top Fights Technique by Xie Aoyu, fuses many Fights Technique abilities, practices Fights Technique for him, does not have others to be so difficult. 谢傲宇修炼诸多顶尖斗技,更是融合诸多斗技的能力,修炼斗技对他来说,远没有别人那么困难。 Before although has not practiced, but he has also studied sudden and violent thunder fist the law of practice, how to display, therefore now once were practiced, immediately then very free linked up, without any stagnation, as if grasps very long Fights Technique. 之前虽没有修炼,但是他也研究了暴雷拳的修炼之法,如何施展,所以现在一经修炼,立刻便很自如的连贯起来,没有任何的停滞,仿佛是掌握很久的斗技 Looks in both eyes of Xie Aoyu again, as if person's shadow, arrogant stands void, shaking the fist rumbles, agitation everywhere Thun­der and Light­ning dances in the air, a fist packing entire world, the world is flooding everywhere Thun­der and Light­ning, can give to puncture general this stretch of world. 再看谢傲宇的双目之中,似乎有一个人影,倨傲的站立虚空,挥拳轰出,搅动的漫天雷电飞舞,一拳填充整个天地,更是将天地间充斥着漫天的雷电,能够将这片天地都给打穿一般。 This is the sudden and violent thunder fist. 这就是暴雷拳。 Under a fist, the earth-shattering, is unstoppable, it may be said that is overbearing incomparable. 一拳之下,天崩地裂,无可抵挡,可谓是霸道无比。 The might of pure sudden and violent thunder fist, enough has called top Fights Technique, making innumerable Fights Technique be overshadowed, coordinated the thunder of surrounding Saint thunder strength that half god again, both unified, then under a sudden and violent thunder fist fist, then really can achieve the landslide cracks in the earth, invincible fist. 单纯暴雷拳的威力,已经足够称之为顶尖斗技,令无数的斗技都黯然失色,再配合那半神之雷周围的圣雷力量,两者相结合,那么暴雷拳一拳之下,便真的可以做到山崩地裂,无敌一拳了。 Original Xie Aoyu disguises as Lei Tianze, this status lets him always some hands tied feet tieds, the reason lies, does not have enough tyrannical Fights Technique support. 本来谢傲宇假扮雷天泽,这个身份让他总有些束手束脚,原因就在于,没有足够强横的斗技支撑。 Like the Xie Aoyu main body, falls to execute Divine Knife even without the moon/month, has the promotion version ten thousand dragon worships, has the energetic storm, has the anger of real dragon wait / etc. many Fights Technique, each type has the characteristics, can help him to jump the ranks the challenge, but Lei Tianze only then Lei Shazhi and treads the thunder technique to take gets rid, only has Lei Shazhi the function to be biggest, but is also easiest to guard, particularly when the group war, Lei Shazhi the function was minor. 谢傲宇本尊,哪怕是不用月陨诛神刀,有升级版万龙朝拜,有精神风暴,有真龙之怒等等诸多斗技,每一种都有特色,可以助他越级挑战,可是雷天泽只有雷杀指和踏雷术能够拿得出手,其中也唯有雷杀指的作用最大,但也最容易防备,尤其是在群战的时候,雷杀指的作用就非常小了。 Has the sudden and violent thunder fist, and might is more intrepid, is helpful to Xie Aoyu playing the role of Lei Tianze status very much. 有暴雷拳,且威力更强悍,也很有助于谢傲宇发挥雷天泽身份的作用。 Keeps one eye on, fully practice. 一心二用,全力修炼。 One point of self-torture promotion strength \; One point of self-torture sudden and violent thunder fist, although has not displayed, actually may simulate, and achieves with the real practice well situation. 一分苦修提升战力\;一分苦修暴雷拳,虽未真的施展,却可模拟出来,并且做到与真实修炼无恙的地步。 Is practicing crazily the time, an anxious feeling climbs up the Xie Aoyu heart, as if has any danger arrival to be the same, this feels a appearance, Xie Aoyu stops practicing suddenly. 正在修炼最疯狂地时候,一股焦急的感觉爬上谢傲宇的心头,仿佛有什么危险到来一样,这感觉一出现,谢傲宇猛然停止修炼。 Ru Yan has the danger! 如烟有危险!
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