BE :: Volume #20

#1912: Enters demon Reisekizan

demon Ling is one of the hell demon eight precious ingredients, is the Sky Demon time time, by one of eight precious ingredients Sky Demon chooses a name, compared with the present so-called hell demon heavy treasure, that naturally was high more than one least bit, the so heavy treasure, Xie Aoyu did not have many assurance to be able using promotion version Earth Escape Technique to enter, particularly the strength of earth of acme was stimulated completely, in quantity also that many situations, whether to approach through promotion version Earth Escape Technique is an issue. 魔灵石是地狱魔界八宝之一,还是天魔时代的时候,被天魔定名的八宝之一,与现在的所谓地狱魔界重宝相比,那自然是高了不止一点半点,如此重宝,谢傲宇也没有多少把握能够利用升级版土遁术进入其中,尤其是极致之土的力量被完全激发出来,量还那么多的情况下,能否通过升级版土遁术靠近都是个问题。 However, Xie Aoyu also wants to enter in demon Reisekizan to have a look, has any difference, has again is if can enter, in inside practice is a very good choice. 不过,谢傲宇也想要进入魔灵石山内看看,到底有什么不同,再有就是若能进入,在里面修炼是个很不错的选择。 The thunder of acme enters the step the might full, coordinates the spirit spar palace, has the best quality goods spirit spar again, the thin perfect earth that formerly collected, the breakthrough strides in Senior the peak to have the possibility unreliably. 极致之雷还是进阶的威力全开,配合灵晶石宫殿,再有极品灵晶石,还有先前收集的稀薄的极致之土,突破跨入玄尊巅峰都是有可能的。 Nature, to break through, that requires the time. 自然,要想突破,那是需要时间的。 Is good has not induced because of Xie Aoyu to the feeling that in mind Ru Yan transmits, does not worry to leave here, returned with Ru Yan round. 好在谢傲宇没有感应到如烟传来的心灵方面的感觉,也就不怎么着急离开这里,返回和如烟回合了。 Enters demon Reisekizan, do you have confidence thoroughly destroy the wind and thunder health/guard?” Xie Aoyu said. “进入魔灵石山,你有把握彻底摧毁风雷卫?”谢傲宇道。 Bing Wu self-confident say (way): 80% assurances, moreover that more than 100 going crazy clans and Lei Mozu the elder kill entirely, moreover in demon Reisekizan is very safe, I in the words of inside self-torture, help be also enormous me, takes one year because of the wind and thunder health/guard formation, one year of words, I have the confidence to attack the immortal boundary in inside!” 冰舞自信的道:“八成把握,而且连带着那100多个风魔族和雷魔族的长老统统干掉,而且魔灵石山内很安全,我在里面苦修的话,对我帮助也是极大的,因风雷卫成型需要一年时间,一年的话,我有信心在里面冲击长生境界!” Looks at the Bing Wu self-confident appearance, Xie Aoyu has one type to return more than ten years ago feelings, then Bing Wu then so self-confident. 看着冰舞自信的样子,谢傲宇有一种回到十多年前的感觉,当时的冰舞便是这般的自信。 I give a try.” Xie Aoyu said. “那我就试试看。”谢傲宇说道。 Bing Wu also knows, to enter demon Reisekizan not to be absolutely simple, said: Reluctantly, do not place oneself in the dangerous situation, the safety first.” 冰舞也知道,要想进入魔灵石山绝对不简单,道:“不要勉强,将自己置身于危险境地,安全第一。” Relax, I haggle over innately.” Xie Aoyu has kissed on the red lip of Bing Wu with a smile, then uses Earth Escape Technique to leave this place, approaches to demon Reisekizan. “放心吧,我自有计较。”谢傲宇笑着在冰舞的红唇上亲吻了一下,便使用土遁术离开此地,向魔灵石山靠近。 He must give a try in advance, could find the means to approach demon Reisekizan. 他要先行试试看,能否找到办法靠近魔灵石山。 Bing Wu full is anticipates and anxious. 冰舞则满是期待和紧张。 Formerly in dying out city, but could also not feel that what oneself is the burden, but since entered this space microcosm, the Bing Wu strong feeling oneself were a burden. 先前在寂灭城,还感觉不到自己的是累赘,可自从进入这空间小世界,冰舞强烈的感觉到自己就是个累赘。 Almost does not affect, why needs Xie Aoyu to protect, shares his energy, this lets strive to excel Bing Wu not being feeling well, she is not one only hopes concubine who obtains the man to protect, what she wants helps Xie Aoyu, becomes her boost, at least is not her burden. 几乎毫无作用,干什么都需要谢傲宇保护着,分担他的精力,这让好强的冰舞十分的不爽,她不是一个只希望得到男人保护的小女人,她想要的是帮助谢傲宇,成为她的助力,至少不是她的累赘。 But this demon Reisekizan clearly is a turning point, changes is in itself the turning point of burden. 而这魔灵石山分明就是一个契机,改变自己是累赘的契机。 Bing Wu was very clear this time demon Reisekizan to mean anything to her, particularly grasped to have the best quality goods spirit spar, after the winds of two acme, her hope here. 冰舞很清楚这个时候的魔灵石山对她意味着什么,尤其是掌握有极品灵晶石,还有两道极致之风之后,她的希望就在这里。 Meanwhile, Xie Aoyu already approached demon Reisekizan about 100 meters position, this place convenience had certain resistance, the function of earth of that acme contains him. 与此同时,谢傲宇已然靠近魔灵石山大约100米的位置,这个地方便有了一定的阻力,还是那极致之土的作用对他进行遏制。 The earth of acme as if gave to transform the strength that very close wacke united this ground to be like that tenacious. 极致之土似乎将这地面都给改造成非常接近玄土凝聚起来的力量那般坚韧了。 By the Xie Aoyu strength, destroys very easily, was discovered easily. 谢傲宇的力量,打碎很容易,容易被发现的。 Just now the Xie Aoyu impact, is forced to initiate the Incantation technique strategy forcefully, causes the going crazy clan and Lei Mozu the masters from all directions gathers, they also gave up searching for these blue eyes golden eagle man and white crane beautiful woman et al., only then a goal, protected here. 方才谢傲宇冲击,更是被迫强行启动咒术阵法,使得风魔族和雷魔族的高手都从四面八方汇聚过来,他们也放弃搜寻那些碧眼金雕男子和白鹤美女等人了,只有一个目的,就是将这里守护起来。 The population has about ten thousand audiences fully. 人数足有近万之众。 In which immortal boundary lower position master formerly only then five people, was killed them by Xie Aoyu, a severely wounded person, nowadays increases to 13 people, ten people surround in the surroundings of demon Reisekizan, side hundred unreliably revere the superior above master to follow, can say the demon Reisekizan blockade inside and outside airtight. 其中的长生境界下位高手先前只有五人,被谢傲宇干掉两人,重伤一人,现如今则是增加至13人之多,其中十人环绕在魔灵石山的周围,身边都有百名玄尊上位以上的高手跟随着,可以说将魔灵石山封锁的里外不透。 Xie Aoyu judges own strength secretly, if were discovered that also only then became a fugitive a road. 谢傲宇暗自判断自己的力量,若是被发现,也只有逃亡一条路了。 Only if his cultivation to stride in Senior the peak unreliably, even is the immortal boundary lower position, may in besieging of these ten thousand masters, has room for maneuver. 除非他的修为跨入玄尊巅峰,甚至是长生境界下位,方有可能在这万名高手的围攻中,进退自如的。 In order to security, Xie Aoyu caution and care. 安全起见,谢傲宇就更加谨慎小心了。 His auricle passes opens, in more than 20,000 meters scopes all sounds include. 他的心耳通张开,20000多米的范围内一切声响收录进来。 Xie Aoyu then found one relatively speaking, master slightly few places, try to approach to demon Reisekizan. 谢傲宇便找到一处相对而言,高手略少的地方,试着向魔灵石山靠近。 Heart of promotion version Earth Escape Technique and earth is the only way that Xie Aoyu underground flees again, does not have to hinder, earth is at least unhindered, but actually receives the earth of strength full later oppression acme now. 升级版土遁术和大地之心是谢傲宇再地下遁走的不二法门,更是无所阻碍,至少大地方面不受阻碍的,可现在却受到极致之土力量全开之后的压迫。 More is approaches demon Reisekizan, to exceed can feel the earth of strength acme astonishing place. 越是靠近魔灵石山,越能感觉到极致之土力量的惊人之处。 Xie Aoyu more approaches, is more difficult, received very big hindrance. 谢傲宇越是靠近,越是艰难,受到了非常大的阻碍。 When he is not really able in the advance, to have a about ten meters distance from demon Reisekizan, no matter what he sends out fully, is unable to shake the iota. 当他实在无法在前进的时候,距离魔灵石山还有将近十米的距离呢,任他全力出动,也无法撼动分毫。 The Xie Aoyu rotation is the surname, transforms strength as earth is the surname. 谢傲宇转动属姓,将战力转化为土属姓的。 So actually has agreed with the earth of acme, even some kind meanings, but was still hard to visit forward half step, by containment outside. 如此与极致之土倒是契合了许多,甚至有一些亲切之意,但仍旧难以向前踏足半步,被生生的遏制在外面。 Is hard to lead the way, Xie Aoyu can only stop. 难以前行,谢傲宇只能停下来。 What to do? 怎么办? Xie Aoyu looks that in that demon Reisekizan several people die, but the god master of immortal peak level boundary obviously can insist, obviously can become the wind and thunder health/guard. 谢傲宇看着那魔灵石山内又有几人陨落,但其中长生巅峰级境界的神界高手明显能够坚持下来的,显然是可以成为风雷卫的。 Even if immortal superior boundary master, although is somewhat dangerous, but also the parts can insist that only the master of this two boundary had 20-30 people many, achievement wind and thunder health/guard, has very big help to a hell demon big fiendish person side. 就算是长生上位境界的高手,虽然有些危险,但也有一部分可以坚持,仅此两个境界的高手已经有二三十人之多了,都成就风雷卫,也是对地狱魔界大魔王一方有着非常大的帮助。 Xie Aoyu thinks it over, has not thought of any good means. 谢傲宇思来想去,也没想到什么好的办法。 Outside going crazy clan and thunder demon clansman fully is alerting, they had not discovered that arrival of Xie Aoyu, is only the static protection, that airborne is the rumor is intermittent, thunderous unceasingly, is similar to end said that approaches. 外面的风魔族和雷魔族人则全力戒备着,他们并没有发现谢傲宇的到来,只是静静的守护着,那空中就是风声阵阵,雷鸣不断,如同末曰来临般。 Xie Aoyu vision cannot help but looks to that thunderous lightning flash the strength of thunder of entering step acme. 谢傲宇的目光不由自主的看向那雷鸣电闪的进阶极致之雷的力量。 Wants initially thunder of essence strength acme slightly to be trembled by the thunder of half god, then gave the attraction to pass, that this entered the step the perfect thunder, although compared with that pure perfect thunder essence somewhat inferior, but quantity are many, whether can attract with the aid of the strength of thunder of half god? 想当初极致之雷精华力量被半神之雷稍微一颤,便给吸引过去了,那这进阶的极致之雷,虽然与那纯粹的极致之雷精华相比有些逊色,但是量多啊,是否可以借助半神之雷的力量来吸引一下呢? Even if there is formidable Incantation technique strategy hauling, at least can have the relation, so long as relates, then can break in the strength of thunder of acme. 就算是有着强大的咒术阵法牵引,至少能有联系吧,只要联系,那么便可借着极致之雷的力量冲入其中了。 Thinks of this point, a Xie Aoyu cannot help but excitement. 想到此点,谢傲宇不由得一阵兴奋。 Lei of Ke half god is not the ordinary strength, once touches, that is very fearful, the consequence that has, Xie Aoyu cannot guarantee that will be what kind. 只是半神之雷可不是普通的力量,一旦触动,那可是非常可怕的,产生的后果,谢傲宇都不敢保证会怎样。 He dives to underground kilometer position first, here is on the other hand safe, even if were above the masters of two big demon clans has discovered that was also hard to injure to a short time his. 他先下潜至地下千米位置,这里相对来说是安全的,就算是上面的两大魔族的高手发现了,也难以在短时间内伤害到他的。 Stabilizes the mind, Xie Aoyu then tries to stimulate to movement the thunder of half god. 稳定一下心神,谢傲宇便试着催动半神之雷。 He is also clear, must stimulate to movement the thunder of half god, is impossible to stimulate to movement many strengths, Senior the position unreliably time, can stimulate to movement about 1/1000 strengths, then unreliably Senior the superior now, should be able to stimulate to movement are more, many that excessively but Xie Aoyu does not want to stimulate to movement, such consumption is extremely astonishing, he does not want to waste the opportunity of instantaneously restoring casually, after all a day can only use one time, but here the den of enemy. 他也清楚,要催动半神之雷,不可能催动多少力量的,玄尊中位的时候,能够催动大约1的力量,那么现在玄尊上位,应该能够催动的更多一些,但谢傲宇并不想催动的过多,那样消耗太过惊人,他可不想随随便便的浪费瞬间恢复的机会,毕竟一天只能使用一次的,这里可是敌人的老巢。 Xie Aoyu still stimulated to movement thunder of strengths 1/1000 half god. 谢傲宇仍旧是催动1的半神之雷力量。 This strength is unable to strike the master who kills immortal superior, but the second kills in the immortal the master to achieve, was only a pity that outside person are too many are too scattered, Xie Aoyu is unable to destroy them with the aid of this strength surname. 这力量无法击杀长生上位的高手,但是秒杀长生中位的高手还是可以做到的,只可惜外面的人太多太分散,谢傲宇无法借助这力量一次姓摧毁他们。 A snow white electric light then drifts away from the thunder of half god, arrives at the Xie Aoyu palm, forms a small electric light group to roll. 一丝雪白的电光便从半神之雷内游离出来,来到谢傲宇的手掌心,形成一个小小的电光团滚动着。 When this snow white electric light appears after the Xie Aoyu palm, on that demon Reisekizan perfect thunder appears obviously the fierce turbulence, this turbulence, makes more than ten god in the immortal boundaries the lower position master be killed violently finally immediately at the scene, going crazy clan and Lei Mozu master also along with it being killed. 当这雪白电光出现在谢傲宇手掌心之后,那魔灵石山上面的极致之雷明显出现的了剧烈的动荡,结果这一下动荡,立刻让十多名神界的长生境界中下位的高手当场毙命,连带着风魔族和雷魔族高手也随之丧命。 Xie Aoyu counts on the fingers a ball. 谢傲宇屈指一弹。 That snow white electric light then slowly forward spreads, forms one thin, if the ray of gossamer, from underground approaches toward that demon Reisekizan. 雪白的电光便缓缓地向前蔓延出去,形成一条细若游丝的光线,从地下向着那魔灵石山靠近。 This snow white electric light is not that surrounds thunder of half god preliminary Saint thunder, but is the fundamental force of thunder of half god, even if one, might by far Saint thunder many times, once again bump into the hindrance of earth of acme, is only stop slightly, the electric light then penetrates containment of earth of acme, arrives under the Lightning Spirit rocky mountain with ease, connects with the thunder of that huge acme, Xie Aoyu will then be trying then this snow white electric light and half god thunder of relates. 雪白电光可不是那环绕半神之雷的低级圣雷,而是半神之雷的根本力量,就算是一线,威力都远胜圣雷很多倍的,再度碰到极致之土的阻碍,只是略微的停顿一下,电光便穿透极致之土的遏制,轻松地到达雷灵石山下,与那庞大的极致之雷连接起来,然后谢傲宇便试着将这雪白电光和半神之雷联系起来。 So the thunder of half god one absorbs the thunder of acme quantity, immediately fully has two meters thick or thin perfect Lei An that snow white ray to fly to shoot the arrival, Xie Aoyu by the thunder of acme, then not by the hindrance of earth of acme, in very relaxed entry demon Reisekizan. 如此半神之雷一下吸取极致之雷的量,登时就有一条足有两米粗细的极致之雷按着那雪白光线飞射到来,谢傲宇透过极致之雷,便不受极致之土的阻碍,很轻松的进入魔灵石山内。 May procedure like this be, the thunder of fierce turbulence acme, is unable to meet the requirements, wind and thunder Wei Men who these formed died all of a sudden more than 30 people, some people were also in the situation that is hard to withstand. 可这样的做法就是,极致之雷剧烈的动荡,无法达到要求,那些正在成形的风雷卫们一下子死去30多人,还有一些人也到了难以承受的地步。 The wind and thunder health/guard was destroyed, is only the time issue. 风雷卫被毁灭,只是时间问题。 Tested one time, Xie Aoyu also had the confidence, his then old route returned, found Bing Wu, was bringing Bing Wu, according to just now means that returned in demon Reisekizan. 实验了一次,谢傲宇也就有信心了,他便原路返回,找到冰舞,带着冰舞,按照方才的办法,重新回到魔灵石山内。 In demon Reisekizan, Xie Aoyu, other Bing Wu and people are different. 同是在魔灵石山上,谢傲宇,冰舞与其他人则不同。 These two open not a big space to practice in Shi Shan nei, but the going crazy clansman, the thunder demon clansman and they are controlling god elders in the surface of demon Reisekizan, both are distanced the recent also several hundred meters distances, does not need to be worried that was discovered. 这两人是在石山内开辟出一个不大的空间进行修炼,而风魔族人,雷魔族人和他们控制着的神界长老们则是在魔灵石山的表面,两者相距最近的也有几百米的距离,也无需担心被发现。 I must in this practices for at least one year, in this year middle, you may be careful, remember are certainly safe, I do not want to notice next time you have anything to damage.” Bing Wu supple sound track. “我要在此修炼至少一年的时间,这一年当中,你可要小心,记住一定要安全,我不想下次看到你有什么损伤。”冰舞柔声道。 Xie Aoyu put out a hand to pinch the Bing Wu tender and delicate cheek, blew the mouth steam in her ear, looks at the Bing Wu elegant face flesh color appearance, said in a low voice: I meet your time, overthrows your time.” 谢傲宇伸手捏了一下冰舞娇嫩的脸蛋儿,在她耳边吹口热气,看着冰舞俏脸粉红的样子,低声道:“等我来接你的时候,就是推倒你的时候。” Amorist.” Bing Wu his eyes, may think that in vain must separate one year, even possibly for a long time, in a low voice said that I wait for you to pick.” “好色之徒。”冰舞白他一眼,可想到要分开一年之久,甚至可能更长时间,低声道,“我等着你来采摘。” Thump!” “咕咚!” But Xie Aoyu first time hears the Bing Wu so enticement the words, then gives to fall down Bing Wu all of a sudden, presses under the body. 谢傲宇可是第一次听到冰舞如此诱惑的话语,一下子便将冰舞给扑倒,压在身下。
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