BE :: Volume #20

#1911: Tyrannical Xie Aoyu 【Three】

Lowering the head that the crucial moment, Karst goes all out. 生死关头,卡斯特拼命的低头。 Puff!” “噗!” A piece brings the body of hair to fly, Karst has preserved the surname life, was tolerating the severe pain, did not have the blood that cleaned to keep, making him seem just like satanically. 一片带着头发的皮肉飞出去,卡斯特算是保住了姓命,强忍着剧痛,也没去擦拭留下来的鲜血,令他看上去活似个恶魔般。 Panic-stricken Karst retrocedes to evacuate rapidly. 惊恐的卡斯特急速的后退撤离。 Same that going crazy head of the clan old Xie Aoyu energetic storm gives the impact all of a sudden crazily is also spurted the blood, flies upside down, is carries the severe wound shortly, Bicas also wants fierce many. 同样的那名风魔族长老也被谢傲宇的精神风暴一下子给冲击的狂喷鲜血,倒飞回去,眼看是身负重伤,比卡斯特还要厉害的多。 Treating that the master who so the result, immediately lets another two immortal boundary lower positions is hard to be calm and steady in distant place, they were also shouting angrily, raised the weapon to kill to rush. 如此结果,登时让另外两名长生境界下位的高手难以安稳的待在远处,他们也怒喝着,提着兵器杀奔过来。 Xie Aoyu laughs, stamped the feet, one of the brushing then vanishes. 谢傲宇哈哈一笑,一跺脚,刷的一下便消失了。 Promotion version Earth Escape Technique! 升级版土遁术 It is not able to approach demon Reisekizan, but moves in the surroundings is not limited. 无法靠近魔灵石山,可是在周围活动还是不怎么受到限制的。 Karst is almost the conditioned reflex then rises straight from the ground, enters the upper air, so as to avoid jumped out the ground by Xie Aoyu, gives fatally his strikes. 卡斯特几乎是条件反射的便拔地而起,直入高空,免得被谢傲宇窜出地面,给他致命的一击。 That old was also felt uneasy by going crazy head of the clan of energetic storm heavy losses, he also wants to lift off rapidly, but the injury is extremely serious, particularly the effect on the spiritual level is very big, responded that somewhat is obviously slow, when he must lift off, woods cold blade air/Qi already and body. 那名被精神风暴重创的风魔族长老也感到不妙,他也想要迅速升空,怎奈伤势极重,尤其是对精神层面的影响很大,反应明显有些慢,待他要升空的时候,一股森寒的刀气已经及体。 Xie Aoyu appears under this going crazy head of the clan old body, Divine Knife passed over gently and swiftly, cut two halves it directly. 谢傲宇出现在这风魔族长老的身下,神刀掠过,直接将其斩成了两半。 Kills two immortal boundary lower position masters continually they, making the Xie Aoyu confidence increase, jumps the ranks to challenge the immortal boundary purple soul following master to be able. 连杀两名长生境界下位高手两人,令谢傲宇信心大增,越级挑战长生境界紫色灵魂以下的高手还是可以的吗。 Naturally, if facing the immortal boundary lower position golden color soul, by the feeling that Xie Aoyu just now fights, does not have the stratagem which ensures success. 当然,若是面对长生境界下位金色灵魂的话,以谢傲宇方才交手的感觉来看,毫无胜算啊。 Strikes to kill this person, Xie Aoyu looked that kills two immortal boundary lower position masters to that a white soul, a golden soul, clearly arrived must attack in the immortal boundary the boundary of position. 击杀此人,谢傲宇看向那扑杀来两名长生境界下位高手,一个白色灵魂,一个金色灵魂,分明都到了要冲击长生境界中位的境界了。 He stamps the feet immediately, thorough underground. 他当即一跺脚,深入地下。 This time, he does not have to get rid again, entered underground found seeks for Bing Wu of wind of essence acme there through Incantation technique, but this moment Bing Wu stopped seeking, was waiting for Xie Aoyu. 这次,他没有再出手,直入地下找到在那里通过咒术寻找极致之风精华的冰舞,而此刻冰舞已经停止寻找,正等待谢傲宇 Wind of essence acme in southwest.” Bing Wu said. “极致之风精华就在西南方向。”冰舞道。 Xie Aoyu is embracing Bing Wu, goes toward the Southwest through promotion version Earth Escape Technique. 谢傲宇揽着冰舞,通过升级版土遁术向着西南方而去。 During flees, the ground is also a turbulence, is these going crazy clans and Lei Mozu the master shells the earth the strength, wants to force him to leave underground. 遁走之中,地面也是一阵动荡,是那些风魔族和雷魔族高手轰击大地的力量,想要逼迫他离开地下。 Under the direction of Bing Wu, Xie Aoyu before demon Reisekizan southeast approximately a mountain stream of Shisanli. 冰舞的指引下,谢傲宇到了魔灵石山东南方向大约十三里的一处山涧前。 This mountain stream, the strong winds writings, sway on the body, seems the steel knife blows the bone general discomfort, even if some unsurpassed god body as if feeling of Xie Aoyu, do not say others. 此山涧,狂风大作,吹拂在身上,好似钢刀刮骨一般的难受,就算是谢傲宇的无上神体似乎都有一些感受,更不要说别人了。 This wind is not the wind of acme, is not the profound wind, how to have the so formidable strength.” Outside the body of Xie Aoyu reappearing patron god light, wraps him and Bing Wu. “这风既不是极致之风,也不是玄风,怎得会有如此强大的力量。”谢傲宇的身外浮现守护神光,将他和冰舞包裹起来。 They, that strong winds naturally are hard to break through the protection of patron god light. 两人在其中,那狂风自然难以突破守护神光的保护。 That is because revolved located here wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy, wind mystery at the same time will display, makes transformation that here wind has, although is the ordinary wind, but draws support from that Incantation technique strategy, the might may also have the characteristics of wind of some accomplishment boundary acmes, but on the overall might, Lian Xuanfeng was inferior that is of paper tiger, can only frighten the human, does not have any true might.” Bing Wu said. “那是因为设在这里的风雷根本咒术阵法已经运转起来了,将其中的风一方面的奥妙发挥出来,令这里的风发生的蜕变,虽然是普通的风,但是借助那咒术阵法,威力也可具有一些大成境界极致之风的特点,但是就整体威力而言,则连玄风都不如,属于纸老虎的那种,只能吓唬人,没什么真正的威力。”冰舞说道。 Said the essence of wind of acme certainly here.” Xie Aoyu embraces Bing Wu to go to the forward flight, you induce, specifically where.” “这么说极致之风的精华一定在这里了。”谢傲宇揽着冰舞向前飞去,“你感应一下,具体在什么地方。” Bing Wu early started to seek. 冰舞早已经开始寻找起来。 The strength of wind she grasps, enters the profound wind in step, only needs the essence of a wee bit wind to be able the wind of achievement acme, then grasps the wind of acme, her battle efficiency naturally has the promotion of progressing by leaps and bounds. 她掌握的风之力量,已经是进阶之中的玄风,只需要一丁点的风之精华便可成就极致之风,那么掌握极致之风,她的战斗力自然是有着突飞猛进的提升。 Under eagerly anticipating of Bing Wu, Xie Aoyu arrives at the central zone of this huge mountain stream quickly. 很快在冰舞的引领之下,谢傲宇就来到这庞大山涧的中心地带。 Bing Wu stands before the left face. 冰舞站在左侧山壁前。 This face is very been smooth, as if the mirror surface that the strong winds sway is the same, does not have edges and corners. 这山壁都被狂风吹拂的很平整,仿佛镜面一样,没有一点棱角。 „!” “啪!” Bing Wu puts out a hand according to that face, the strength spout. 冰舞伸手按在那山壁上面,战力喷涌。 That face presents the tremor, does not have the disintegration, Bing Wu cold snort, the breeze dances in the air together from her left hand. 那山壁出现颤动,却没有崩碎,冰舞冷哼一声,一道微风从她的左手内飞舞出来。 „The wind of acme?” Xie Aoyu escapes the tastes, indeed, I remember that you have used the wind of acme probably.” “极致之风?”谢傲宇脱口道,“我说呢,我记得你好像使用过极致之风的。” Bing Wu said with a smile: „The wind of this acme from Wind God Arteries, but I start to grasp Spirit Wind that from Angel Holy Island, transforms the present profound wind accomplishment situation, therefore only needed the essence of certain wind to transform into the wind of acme, so I can wind of fusions two acme, even if cannot become the accomplishment boundary perfect wind, will not be far.” 冰舞笑道:“这极致之风来自风神脉的,而我本身从天使圣岛开始掌握的灵风,蜕变到了现在玄风大成的地步,所以只需要一定风之精华蜕变为极致之风,如此我便可将两道极致之风融合,就算不能成为大成境界的极致之风,相去也不会太远的。” So good.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “如此甚好。”谢傲宇笑道。 But your performance is poor.” Bing Wu ill-humored his eyes, I have the wind of acme in vain obviously, you formerly also once saw me to display, before unexpectedly had forgotten, you, do not know that really has me.” “可是你的表现不怎么好。”冰舞没好气的白他一眼,“我明明具有极致之风,你先前也曾见我施展过,之前居然忘记了,你心里啊,真不知道有没有我。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile dry: I have made a mistake the line.” 谢傲宇干笑道:“我错了行吧。” About the Bing Wu perfect wind, Xie Aoyu indeed has seen, but not special caring, finally since arrives at hell demon, after these many, Bing Wu simply does not have the opportunity to display, once gets rid, the profound wind of entering step also displays, instead makes Xie Aoyu subconscious thinks that Bing Wu has the profound wind of step, but does not have the wind of acme. 关于冰舞的极致之风,谢傲宇的确见过,但并没有特别的在意,结果自从来到地狱魔界,历经这么多,冰舞根本没有机会表现,而且一旦出手,也施展的进阶的玄风,反而让谢傲宇给下意识的认为冰舞拥有进阶的玄风,而没有极致之风的。 Bing Wu snort said: Looked, in you protect in my share, this time has forgiven you, snort, such will not care next time me again, looked how I tidy up you.” 冰舞哼道:“看在你一路保护我的份上,这次饶了你,哼,下次再这么不把我放在心上,看我怎么收拾你。” „, Cannot absolutely.” Xie Aoyu beckons with the hand saying that he also knows the Bing Wu vitality, may not to oneself forget really this matter somewhat is not feeling well very much, memory has problems, judges the matter to later, will make often the mistake, therefore cannot forget absolutely. “不会了,绝对不会了。”谢傲宇摆手道,他也知道冰舞没有真的生气,可对自己忘记这个事情很有些不爽,记忆方面出问题,对以后判断事情,也是往往会有差错的,所以绝对不能遗忘。 The wind of acme attacks, that face then disrupts immediately. 极致之风出击,那山壁登时便碎裂开来。 Flash of face disruption, a formidable strength revolves to shell from inside. 山壁碎裂的一瞬间,一股强大的力量从里面旋转着轰击出来。 Only this strength emergence, Xie Aoyu then knows that inside should go into hiding the master who is revering the peak level unreliably, his mind very natural opening. 只这力量一出现,谢傲宇便知道,里面应该隐匿着一名玄尊巅峰级的高手,他的心眼很自然的开启。 As a result, goes into hiding the master who in the space in this face two are revering the peak level unreliably, a person gets rid, another person has been ready, waited for the effect that this strikes gets rid again, so may give the human to attack fatally. 结果发现,在这山壁内的空间内隐匿着两名玄尊巅峰级的高手,一人出手,另外一人已经做好准备,等待这一击的效果再出手,如此可给人致命攻击了。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu sees the strength of these two, has not avoided, resists with the patron god light directly. 谢傲宇看到这两人的实力,也没躲避,直接用守护神光抵挡。 That attack falls on the patron god light, caused merely has wiped the turbulence, has not presented any fissure, Xie Aoyu then directly kills with Bing Wu. 那攻击落在守护神光上面,也仅仅是引起了一抹动荡,并没有出现什么裂痕,谢傲宇便与冰舞直接杀进去。 „It is not good, the enemy is too strong, initiates the Incantation technique strategy!” The People of that attack exclaimed. “不好,敌人太强,启动咒术阵法!”那攻击之人大吼道。 Moreover that prepares to get rid Senior the peak level master to stimulate to movement the strength unreliably immediately, saw that the blue purple ray covers in this piece of cave, the innumerable Incantation technique marks fluctuate, that hard mountainous region suddenly started to sink, two revere the peak level master to stand in unreliably rapidly, was only covered by that cover, formerly got rid Senior the peak level master unreliably rapidly puts out together the green crystal ball from Space Ring, crumb, inside then one wipes the essence of wind of acme to send out, covers toward the wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy. 另外那名准备出手的玄尊巅峰级高手立刻催动力量,就看到青紫色的光芒笼罩这片山洞内,无数的咒术符号波动起来,那原本坚硬的山地突然开始下沉,两名玄尊巅峰级高手迅速的站在其中,被那光罩笼罩起来,其中先前出手的玄尊巅峰级高手迅速的从空间戒指内拿出一道青色的水晶球,一下捏碎,里面便有一抹极致之风的精华散发出来,向着风雷根本咒术阵法覆盖上去。 Stays behind!” The Xie Aoyu steps stepped the past, then arrived at the near all of a sudden, put out a hand then to grasp. “留下!”谢傲宇踏步跨过去,一下子便到了近前,伸手便抓了过去。 In the blue and purple colored light that his palm then penetrates that all of a sudden thicken covers. 他的手掌一下子便穿透那正在加厚的青紫色光罩内。 Two revere the peak level master to see that unreliably, gets rid. 两名玄尊巅峰级高手见状,纷纷出手。 The sword cuts wickedly, must the arm of Xie Aoyu cutting off. 刀剑恶狠狠地斩下,要将谢傲宇的手臂给斩断。 Xie Aoyu sneers, protects his patron god light is seeming the mercury same flows to his arm palm on, forms the thick defense. 谢傲宇冷笑一声,守护着他的守护神光好似水银一样流动到他的手臂手掌上面,形成厚厚的防御。 Works as!” Works as!” “当!”“当!” Two revere the peak level master sword to cut unreliably, has not cut broken, but the Xie Aoyu arm of vibration trembles, he also seized the chance to hold the essence of wind of that acme. 两名玄尊巅峰级高手刀剑斩中,也未曾斩碎,只是震动的谢傲宇手臂一颤,他也趁机一把抓住了那极致之风的精华。 Xie Aoyu also wants to intrude, destroys the wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy, finally discovered that blue purple light covers to reinforce the considerable degree unexpectedly, making him unable to break through with ease, sees that Xie Aoyu received to reach behind the back hurriedly, was attacking fully. 谢傲宇还想闯入其中,摧毁风雷根本咒术阵法,结果发现那青紫色的光罩竟然已经加固到相当的程度,令他未能轻松突破,见状,谢傲宇急忙收回手,然后在全力出击。 Bang!” “轰!” A Dragon Overlord Boxing fist hits hard. 一记霸龙拳重击过去。 That blue and purple colored light covered also merely shivered two, including saying the fissure has not appeared. 那青紫色光罩也仅仅是颤动了两下,连道裂痕都没有出现。 Xie Aoyu secretly one startled, this defense was too strong, if rush, perhaps is not necessarily able to clash again. 谢傲宇暗自一惊,这防御太强了,若是自己闯进去,恐怕未必能够再冲出来的。 We walk!” And Senior peak level master low shouts to clear the way unreliably. “我们走!”其中一名玄尊巅峰级高手低喝道 They simultaneously put out a hand according to two huge Incantation technique marks, saw that the Incantation technique strategy shivers violently, flashes through wipes the eye-catching blue and purple colored light glow, then vanished without a trace. 两人同时伸手按在两个巨大的咒术符号上面,随之就看到咒术阵法猛烈地颤动起来,闪过一抹夺目的青紫色光芒,随之便消失得无影无踪了。 The Xie Aoyu mind cannot catch their trail again. 谢傲宇的心眼再也捕捉不到他们的踪迹。 These two left the Xie Aoyu surrounding 10,000 meters scopes thoroughly. 这两人已经彻底离开谢傲宇周围10000米的范围了。 „The thunder of essence and acme wind of essence acme was obtained by us, thinks that they know is unable to reply on these two strengths, then forcefully initiated the wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy.” Bing Wu said. “极致之雷精华和极致之风精华都被我们得到,想必他们知道无法在借助这两种力量,便强行启动风雷根本咒术阵法了。”冰舞说道。 Xie Aoyu said: „The start, can be useful forcefully.” 谢傲宇道:“强行启动,能有什么用。” Bing Wu shakes the head saying: I not really am clear, but thinks that should be useful, in content that in the demon demon clan records, has proposed a few words, said the wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy infinitely subtle, but, even if quenchings the wind and thunder health/guard successfully, possibly strength will come under the influence of certain extent.” 冰舞摇头道:“我也不甚清楚,但是想必应该有用的,在魔魅族记载的内容中,提过一句话,说风雷根本咒术阵法奥妙无穷,不过,就算是成功淬炼出来风雷卫,可能实力方面会受到一定程度的影响。” Gives Bing Wu the essence of wind of acme, Xie Aoyu said: You enter the step the profound wind first.” 将极致之风的精华交给冰舞,谢傲宇道:“你先将玄风进阶吧。” Has the wind of essence acme, that the profound wind in step, very much easily then entered the step to succeed, and has not spent how much time, so Bing Wu then had the winds of two acme. 拥有极致之风精华,那本来就在进阶中的玄风,很容易便进阶成功了,而且也没花费多少时间,如此冰舞便具有两道极致之风了。 Must want to let wind of fusions two acme, is not simple. 要想让两道极致之风融合,可没那么简单的。 Therefore Bing Wu had not expected that now starts to fuse. 所以冰舞也没奢望现在就开始融合。 They leave this place, returns to nearby demon Reisekizan. 他们离开此地,重新返回魔灵石山附近。 demon Reisekizan at this moment was already incompatible formerly appearance, had very big change, in the upper air, the thunder, the strong winds writings, are cloudy, covers in a surrounding area kilometer range , the perfect winds of entering steps drop from the clouds to fall on demon Reisekizan, perfect thunder in the entering steps also unceasingly fall. 此时此刻的魔灵石山已然不符先前的模样儿,发生了很大的变化,高空之中,电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,乌云密布,覆盖方圆千米的范围内,一道道的进阶的极致之风从天而降落在魔灵石山上面,一道道的进阶中的极致之雷也不断地落下。 Forcefully the start wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy, is these three perfect strength and demon Ling fusion of forcefully, this requests to be higher to the masters who these must be quenchinged the wind and thunder health/guard, after Xie Aoyu arrives, saw the Angel Clan master and god who two immortal boundary lower positions cast the clan masters unable to withstand, the body explodes, was controlling their two head of the clan Lei Mo old also to be killed. 强行启动风雷根本咒术阵法,便是这三道极致力量和魔灵石的强行融合,这就对那些要被淬炼成风雷卫的高手们要求更高了,谢傲宇来到之后,就看到有两名长生境界下位的天使族高手和神铸族高手承受不住,身体爆炸,连带着控制他们的两名雷魔族长老也随之被炸死。 Two big perfect strength essence, it seems like that the success ratio do not drop large scale.” Xie Aoyu naturally hopes such result. “没有两大极致力量精华,看来成功率要大幅度下降了。”谢傲宇自然是希望这样的结果了。 Bing Wu has thought that then said: Wind of wash demon Reisekizan acme, in addition best quality goods spirit spar in my hand, Ao Yu, you, if can deliver in fascinated Reisekizan me, I not only practice the speed to promote ten times to continue, but can also make their wind and thunder health/guard quenching the outright failure.” 冰舞想了一下,便说道:“极致之风洗涤魔灵石山,加上我手中的极品灵晶石,傲宇,你如果能够将我送入魔灵石山内,我不但修炼速度提升十倍不止,还能让他们的风雷卫淬炼彻底失败。”
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