BE :: Volume #20

#1910: Tyrannical Xie Aoyu 【Two】

Xie Aoyu has been ready, must get rid to rob, has not thought that the thunder of half god so is unexpectedly intrepid, unexpectedly on own initiative thunder of acme essence pulling into, this has saved lots of troubles. 谢傲宇都已经做好准备,要出手抢夺了,没想到半神之雷居然如此强悍,竟然主动将极致之雷的精华给扯入过来,这可是省却了很多麻烦。 Looks that the thunder of essence acme then breaks in all of a sudden underground, he moves forward to meet somebody immediately forward. 看着极致之雷精华一下子便冲入地下,他马上向前迎上去。 Seals to be stranded this place!” Karst hurried big shouts to clear the way. “封困此地!”卡斯特急忙大喝道 flatter said that to subdue stimulates to movement together the accomplishment boundary profound wind immediately, plays the acme its might, overcomes the ground suddenly, saturated say (way): Profound wind, Feng Tian sleepily!” 阿道克立刻催动一道大成境界的玄风,将其威力发挥到极致,猛然打下地面,饱和道:“玄风,封天困地!” Saw that the profound wind of that accomplishment boundary proliferates immediately, constitutes pen general existence, then the cover to the ground, must be stranded all of a sudden here. 就看到那大成境界的玄风立刻扩散开来,构成牢笼一般的存在,一下子便罩向地面,要将这里封困起来。 They move, the immortal boundary lower position master who then calmly cultivation east demon Reisekizan also immediately has the induction, he face upwards to cry loud and long, grasps void, sees the strong winds rapid gathering of that everywhere a huge palm, ten meters, are containing the strength of wind of acme fully, then grasps all of a sudden to the ground. 他们一动,那在魔灵石山东侧静修的长生境界下位高手也立刻生出感应,他仰天长啸一声,虚空一抓,就看到那漫天的狂风迅速的汇聚成一只庞大的手掌,足有十米大小,更是蕴含着极致之风的力量,一下子便向地面抓去。 Two big immortal boundary lower position masters collaborate to attack, although is unable to prevent the thunder of essence acme to integrate the thunder of half god, actually fully may Xie Aoyu capturing. 两大长生境界下位高手联手出击,虽然无法阻止极致之雷精华融入半神之雷,却足可将谢傲宇给擒拿住的。 Attacks on own initiative! 主动出击! Xie Aoyu takes the bull by the horns, his fight is experienced, once makes the strength of these two fuse, then probably forces him to use the thunder of half god possibly to run away. 谢傲宇当机立断,他的战斗经验丰富,一旦让这两人的力量融合起来,那么真的可能逼迫他动用半神之雷才可能逃走的。 The thunder of half god, that is unless it is absolutely essential, Xie Aoyu will not use, after all exposes, the influence that has will possibly make the giant who god closes up stop closing up to seek forcefully his, after all the thunder of half god can play 50% might also the second to kill the giant. 半神之雷,那是不到万不得已,谢傲宇绝不会动用的,毕竟暴露出去,产生的影响可能会让神界闭关的巨头强行停止闭关出来寻找他的,毕竟半神之雷就算是能够发挥出一半的威力也是可以秒杀巨头的。 Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu clashes to suddenly. 谢傲宇猛然向上一冲。 Therefore a person of strength then airborne overlaps, thunder of essence strength that acme immediately by the thunder of half god buying, enabling the strength of thunder of half god to obtain certain enhancement. 于是一人一力量便空中交叠,那极致之雷精华力量立刻就被半神之雷给吸纳过去,使得半神之雷的力量得到一定的增强。 Naturally thunder of essence this acme in others' eyes, even if the Saint thunder, will have certain change, is thunder of half god words, appears is not very obvious. 当然这极致之雷精华在别人的眼中,哪怕是圣雷,都会有一定的变化的,可是半神之雷的话,就显得很不明显了。 The thunder of so-called half god, that is the day God of the Earth thunder half strength appearance, compared with Saint Lei Qiang many, but has some characteristics of Saint thunder, if wants the complete achievement day God of the Earth thunder, that to be the road endless. 所谓半神之雷,那就是天地神雷一半力量的样子,比圣雷强的多,但是其中还是具有圣雷的一些特点,所以要想完全成就天地神雷,那可是路漫漫的很呢。 Xie Aoyu too does not pay attention to thunder of own transformation half god, after all that has gone beyond his present area of competence, moreover Lei Tianze this status use the strength of thunder of half god, then the main body is unuseful, so as to avoid being seen through, even if the probability is very small, Xie Aoyu does not allow to leave behind the flaw. 谢傲宇并不太关注半神之雷自身的蜕变,毕竟那已经超出他现在的能力范围了,而且雷天泽这个身份动用的半神之雷的力量,那么本尊就不能使用,免得被人识破,就算是几率很小,谢傲宇也不允许留下破绽。 Therefore he had decided that when the use main body strength, will not use the thunder is surnamed Fights Technique. 故而他已经决定,在动用本尊力量的时候,是不会使用雷属姓斗技的。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Thunder of essence strength admission acme, Xie Aoyu also along with it running out ground. 接纳极致之雷精华力量,谢傲宇也随之冲出地面。 The moon/month falls to execute Divine Knife in the hand, then had east the ebb tide passing water Fights Technique hitting the tide. 月陨诛神刀在手,便将潮起潮落东逝水斗技给打了出去。 This Fights Technique folds the wave fist, to say evilly Yao day, breaks the wave to cut with thousand edges to break the wave to cut and other big Fights Technique fusions, the might is the overwhelming power is naturally incomparable. 斗技是叠浪拳、邪曰耀天、断浪斩和千刃断浪斩等四大斗技融合而成的,威力自然是威猛无比的。 Bang!” “轰!” Under a blade, first is the profound wind strength that Dauksch unfolds directly is rumbled broken, the Xie Aoyu person blade unites, changes to wisp of blade light, dashes like lightning. 一刀之下,首先就是阿道克施展的玄风力量直接被轰碎,谢傲宇人刀合一,化作一缕刀光,闪电般冲撞过去。 flatter said that to subdue is careful!” Karst elder running together of two syllables in rapid speech shouts to clear the way. “阿道克小心!”卡斯特长老急声喝道 flatter said that the gram is the immortal boundary lower position master, responded that also especially rapid, immediately stops the personal appearance, the arm overlapping, resists that to strike. 阿道克身为长生境界下位的高手,反应也格外的迅速,马上止住身形,手臂交叉,抵挡那一击。 But he actually does not know that what Xie Aoyu uses is the moon/month falls to execute Divine Knife. 可他却不知道,谢傲宇用的乃是月陨诛神刀 This blade is exceedingly high level Divine Knife, it can be said that three first Divine Knife, even if Xie Aoyu is unable to pull out it, may along with the promotion of strength, the might of display also be naturally getting more and more formidable, let alone resists with the body, even if Xie Aoyu own unsurpassed god body is unable to contend. 此刀乃是通天级神刀,可说是三界第一神刀,就算是谢傲宇无法将其拔出来,可随着实力的提升,发挥的威力自然也越来越强大,别说用身体抵挡,就算是谢傲宇自己的无上神体都无法抗衡的。 A fault, killed flatter to say the surname life of to subdue. 一个失误,也断送了阿道克的姓命。 „!” “咔嚓!” The blade only passed over gently and swiftly, cut off flatter to say the both arms of to subdue directly. 刀光掠过,直接就斩断了阿道克的双臂。 flatter said that the strength of to subdue does not have the opportunity to display, the moon/month falls to execute the Divine Knife might to make him be incapable of contending stiffly, Xie Aoyu is falling to execute Divine Knife to hit with the moon/month says to subdue in flatter. 阿道克的力量都没有机会发挥出来,月陨诛神刀的威力硬生生令他无力抗衡的,连带着谢傲宇用月陨诛神刀撞在阿道克的身上。 Bang!” “轰!” Feels sorry for flatter saying that to subdue has not displayed including the strength, all of a sudden was given to cut to break to pieces by Xie Aoyu, under the formidable strength dashes, Xie Aoyu does not have continuation that the least bit stays to hit forward. 可怜阿道克连力量都没有发挥出来,就被谢傲宇一下子给斩碎了,强大的力量冲撞之下,谢傲宇也没有半点停留的继续向前撞去。 In flatter said that to subdue behind has the master who Karst and does Senior the peak level unreliably. 在阿道克身后的有卡斯特和一干玄尊巅峰级的高手。 Xie Aoyu is not silly, he does not think that has the opportunity after striking to kill flatter to say to subdue, causes heavy losses to Karst, after all strikes to kill flatter to say to subdue, the reason of sneak attack occupies the main merit here. 谢傲宇也不傻,他可不认为有机会在击杀阿道克之后,重创卡斯特的,毕竟击杀阿道克,偷袭的原因在这里占主要的功劳。 Therefore the Xie Aoyu goal is the master who behind ten big revere the peak level unreliably. 所以谢傲宇的目标便是后面的十大玄尊巅峰级的高手。 Puff puff “噗噗噗” Master who Senior the peak level unreliably, is very strong, however in the Xie Aoyu eye, has been hard to pose the threat, particularly these people are unreliably revere the peak boundary black soul and purple soul, is the crest white souls, how can resist his to kill fiercely. 玄尊巅峰级的高手,很强,但是在谢傲宇的眼中,已经难以构成威胁,尤其是这些人都是玄尊巅峰境界黑色灵魂和紫色灵魂的,都是顶峰的白色灵魂的,如何能够抵挡他的这一通猛杀。 Suddenly the reactionary reign of terror, four unreliably revere the peak level master to be cut to kill, their severe wound. 一时间血雨腥风,四名玄尊巅峰级高手被连带斩杀,两人重伤。 A Xie Aoyu sprint then leaves behind a piece of bloody road, but he also relaxed the immortal boundary lower position master from that east side mountain displays the giant palm that to cover to be separated. 谢傲宇一个冲刺便留下一片血路,而他也轻松的从那东侧高山之上的长生境界下位高手施展的巨大手掌覆盖中脱离开来。 Month falls to execute Divine Knife!” “月陨诛神刀!” Tide has east the ebb tide passing water!” “潮起潮落东逝水!” He is world Crazy Blade Violent Monarch Xie Aoyu!” “他是人间界刀狂暴君谢傲宇!” Calls out in alarm the sound to resound through the horizon all of a sudden. 惊叫声一下子响彻天际。 The going crazy clan and Lei Mozu the master also panic-strickenly look at Xie Aoyu, really has flash stunned of that had forgotten seizes the chance to get rid. 风魔族和雷魔族高手也惊骇的看着谢傲宇,竟然有那么一瞬间的错愕,忘记了趁机出手。 Xie Aoyu sees that stamps the feet, then must leave through Earth Escape Technique. 谢傲宇见状,一跺脚,便要通过土遁术离开。 Stays behind to me!” “给我留下!” In the roaring sound, that east side mountain above immortal boundary lower position master condenses the giant palm that the strong winds become to take shape once again, mixes with is going crazy the strength of wind of Qi and acme, then grasps to grasp all of a sudden from the left. 怒吼声中,那名东侧高山上面的长生境界下位高手凝聚狂风而成的巨大手掌再度成型,夹杂着风魔斗气和极致之风的力量,从左侧一下子便抓握过去。 Xie Aoyu cold snort, thinks really one are not a match. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,真的以为自己不是对手吗。 Fights Technique is conceited! 斗技唯我独尊! He is then cutting to that giant palm. 他对着那巨大的手掌便斩出去。 The moon/month falls to execute Divine Knife to wield, immediately has everywhere blade shade to appear, covers a stretch of world, and rapid to the Divine Knife gathering in the past, enabling above Divine Knife as if to have the inexhaustible strength, the Xie Aoyu makings also suddenly changed, seemed this side world's control, that haughty aggression made one have the alarmed and afraid color. 月陨诛神刀一挥动,立刻就有漫天的刀影出现,覆盖一片天地,并且迅速的向神刀汇聚过去,使得神刀之上仿佛具备了无穷尽的力量,谢傲宇的气质也陡然一变,好似这方天地的主宰,那股狂傲的霸气令人产生惊惧之色。 Bang! 轰! Under a blade, that giant palm was cut fully immediately broken. 全力一刀之下,那巨大的手掌当即被斩碎。 The palm is to shatter, Karst's attack also arrives, in his hand is an demon blade, is glittering everywhere black electric light, displays his Lei Mozu strength. 手掌破碎,卡斯特的攻击也随之到来,他的手中是一把魔刀,闪烁着漫天的黑色电光,展现出他雷魔族的力量。 Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, a personal appearance revolution, then floating draws back. 谢傲宇淡然一笑,身形一转,便飘然退开。 Let Karst strike, Xie Aoyu is revering the peak level master then to sweep away a blade to other six unreliably, forcing them to retrocede, then Xie Aoyu raised the blade then to attack the past to Karst. 让过卡斯特一击,谢傲宇对着剩余的六名玄尊巅峰级高手便横扫一刀,逼迫他们后退,然后谢傲宇提刀便向卡斯特冲击过去。 Meanwhile, master also rave of summit of that east side mountain, the lasing comes. 与此同时,那东侧高山之巅的高手也狂吼一声,激射过来。 He must meddle this war, has not meddled as for other both sides immortal boundary lower position masters, but is the examination of alert the surrounding situation, preventing some people to seize the chance to rush ahead, but defends the masters in demon Reisekizan in abundance clashes, meaning that must meddle. 他要插手此战,至于另外两侧的长生境界下位高手则未曾插手,而是戒备的查看着周围的情况,防止有人趁机冲杀进来,但是守在魔灵石山的高手则纷纷的冲过来,都是要插手的意思。 „!” “嗷!” Karst also rave, plunges Xie Aoyu. 卡斯特也狂吼一声,扑向谢傲宇 They seem two mountains hit maliciously in together, erupts the strength fluctuation of fright, making the masters who these have not achieved the immortal boundary unable to approach. 两人好似两座高山狠狠地撞击在一起,爆发出惊魂的力量波动,令那些未达到长生境界的高手都无法靠近。 Their two blades present the appearances of slanting cross, four items of relative, kill intent Beng Xian. 他们两把刀呈现斜十字的模样儿,四目相对,杀意崩现。 Kills!” “杀!” To, him tied down by elder.” “冲啊,他被长老缠住了。” Kills Xie Aoyu! Captures the moon/month to fall to execute Divine Knife!” “杀死谢傲宇!夺取月陨诛神刀!” These masters rushed including that immortal boundary lower position powerhouse together. 那些高手包括那名长生境界下位的强者一起冲了上去。 Xie Aoyu cold snort, left hand loosens the moon/month to fall to execute Divine Knife, the index finger, immediately a little cold glow flashes before void, the biting cold cold wind clamps the roaring flame of superhigh temperature to fly vertical to come out. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,左手松开月陨诛神刀,食指虚空一点,登时就有一点寒芒闪现,紧接着彻骨的寒风夹着超高温的烈焰飞纵出来。 Suddenly, these revere the master to be frozen unreliably in abundance, the roaring flame adheres to stick cohere its. 一时间,那些玄尊高手纷纷被冰冻,烈焰附着其身。 This is the god kills the ice of flame incantation to explode! 这正是神杀咒之冰炎爆! Shortly, Senior the lower position unreliably and Senior the master then to fall from the sky unreliably dozens people, Senior the superior severe wound unreliably, only has Senior the peak to contend unreliably, but was still actually prevented, including that immortal boundary lower position master, he was treated specially, is ice-bound several, the roaring flame flaming, prevents his time in a flash. 顷刻间,玄尊下位和玄尊中位的高手便陨落数十人之多,玄尊上位者重伤,唯有玄尊巅峰可抗衡,但是却仍旧被阻止了一下,包括那长生境界下位高手,他被特殊对待,更是冰封十几道,烈焰熊熊,也只是阻止他一瞬间的功夫。 Broken!” “破!” This going crazy head of the clan old shouted , the ice-bound strength then thorough smashing, his going crazy Qi gathered on the palm, was mixing with the wind of acme, did not use any weapon, direct palm of the hand then racket to the forehead of Xie Aoyu. 这风魔族长老一声断喝,冰封的力量便彻底的粉碎,他的风魔斗气聚集在手掌上面,夹杂着极致之风,也不动用任何兵器,直接一巴掌便拍向谢傲宇的头部。 Has Karst's diversion, Xie Aoyu is unable to fall to execute Divine Knife to confront with him with the next month. 有着卡斯特的牵制,谢傲宇也无法拿出月陨诛神刀与他对峙。 So waits, if two immortal boundary lower position masters collaborated to attack. 如此等若两名长生境界下位高手联手攻击了。 Xie Aoyu also can only divert attention the resistance. 谢傲宇也只能分心对抗。 Karst sees that suddenly the thrust augmentation, then the strength gets the winning side all of a sudden, must break in the body of Xie Aoyu with thunder demon Qi, is broken its bang. 卡斯特见状猛然加力,一下子便力量占据上风,要用雷魔斗气冲入谢傲宇的身体,将其轰碎。 Suppresses this impact, Xie Aoyu is turning head to look that is old suddenly to the going crazy head of the clan. 强忍着这种冲击,谢傲宇猛然扭头看向风魔族长老。 Their four items of relative, an inexplicable sense of fear climbs up the going crazy head of the clan old heart, he saw Xie Aoyu filled has killed the eye of intent. 两人四目相对,一股莫名的恐惧感爬上风魔族长老的心头,他看到了谢傲宇充满了杀意的眼睛。 Energetic storm! 精神风暴! Early has in the preparation Xie Aoyu glabellas to explode immediately projects together the semicircle aperture, the rapid expansion, spreads outward. 早有准备的谢傲宇眉心间立刻爆射出一道半圆光圈,迅速的扩大,向外蔓延出去。 Senior superior purple soul by him unreliably the boundary, coordinating the air/Qi of two dragon god kings to stimulate the liquid psychic force that the energetic storm that displays, that might naturally compared with formerly he rushed, the energetic storm that displays has 56 times tyrannicalally, lethality naturally terror. 以他玄尊上位紫色灵魂的境界,配合两道龙神王之气激发的液态化精神力,施展出来的精神风暴,那威力自然是比先前他闯进来的时候,施展的精神风暴强横足足有56倍之多的,杀伤力自然更加的恐怖。 Brush! 刷! It seems the breeze has stroked, the aperture that psychic force storm condenses proliferates, immediately neighbor profound will revere master entirely writing off, does not have a life. 好似微风拂过,那精神力风暴凝聚的光圈扩散出去,立刻就将附近的玄尊高手统统的抹杀,无一活命的。 Most focuses on part of bang being old to the going crazy head of the clan. 最集中力量的一部分则轰向风魔族长老。 The part flushes away to Karst. 更是有一部分向卡斯特冲去。 An impact, then made the Karst stuffy pshaw, backing up that backward the corners of the mouth bled. 一个冲击,便令卡斯特闷哼声,嘴角流血的向后倒退。 As soon as he draws back, the strength was vibrated, Xie Aoyu turns around suddenly, wields the moon/month to fall to execute Divine Knife cut-throat dividing to cut, speed, perfect manifestation of strength. 他一退,力量受到震动,谢傲宇猛然转身,挥动月陨诛神刀凶狠的劈斩出去,速度,力量的完美体现。 Karst lifts the blade to resist hurriedly. 卡斯特急忙举刀抵挡。 „!” “咔嚓!” His blade can only be the accurate Battle Emperor demon blade extremely, in displaying the moon/month of stronger might falls to execute in front of Divine Knife, simply does not have the resistivity, one cut off. 他的刀只能算是准战皇极的魔刀,在发挥出更强威力的月陨诛神刀面前,根本没有抵抗力,一下就被斩断。 The blade breaks, Karst retrocedes rapidly. 刀断,卡斯特急速的后退。 The Xie Aoyu skill turns, the moon/month fell to execute Divine Knife from the sky to draw an arc. 谢傲宇手腕一翻,月陨诛神刀在空中划了一道弧线。 A huge time corona reappears, emerges out of thin air above Karst's top of the head, one then fetters it, Xie Aoyu also sweeps off along with a blade. 一个巨大的时间光轮浮现,凭空出现在卡斯特的头顶上方,一下便将其束缚起来,谢傲宇也随着一刀扫去。 Karst disintegration time corona, blade light also arrives. 卡斯特崩碎时间光轮,刀光也随之到来。
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