BE :: Volume #20

#1909: Tyrannical Xie Aoyu 【One】

Looks at the Bing Wu joke sweet appearance, the Xie Aoyu in short supply heart also slightly has put slightly down, such being the case, Bing Wu has the formation of means solution wind and thunder health/guard inevitably, even can also draw support from this place, in turn helps their practice, after all their wind is the surname, a thunder is the surname and earth is the surname happen to conforms to three big perfect strengths that this wind and thunder health/guard quenchings is the surname. 看着冰舞笑语嫣然的样子,谢傲宇略微紧张的心也稍稍放下了许多,既然如此,冰舞必然有办法解决风雷卫的成型,甚至还能够借助这地方,反过来帮助他们两人的修炼,毕竟他们两人一个风属姓,一个雷属姓和土属姓正好符合这风雷卫淬炼的三大极致力量的属姓。 Xie Aoyu then asked: How to do to be possible this wind and thunder health/guard to strangle?” 谢傲宇便问道:“如何做可将这风雷卫扼杀?” Strangles very difficultly, must make them waste all previous efforts, is.” The Bing Wu reorganization next mentality, many secrets that sees from demon demon clan there record entirely filtration about wind and thunder health/guard, this said that you look, nowadays, this demon Reisekizan is fusing the earth of acme, indicated that just started to smelt, to smelt completely, will also need the life essence and blood of massive god master, will therefore have entices the procedure that the god master will enter unceasingly, when this difference has succeeded, starts one wind and thunder basic Incantation technique, then the wind of essence and acme thunder of essence transportation acme will go, so may. Completes quenchinging of wind and thunder health/guard, the concrete how procedure, I not to know, to destroy the words, we only needed to capture two essence to be then OK.” “扼杀很难,要让他们前功尽弃,还是可以的。”冰舞整理下一下思路,将从魔魅族那里看到的许多的秘密中关于风雷卫的记载统统的过滤一遍,这才说道,“你看,现如今,这魔灵石山正在融合极致之土,就表明才是刚刚开始熔炼,而且要想完全熔炼,还需要大量神界高手的生命精血,所以才会有不断地诱惑神界高手进入的做法,当这两样成功了,才是启动一个风雷根本咒术阵,然后将极致之风精华和极致之雷精华输送进去,如此才可。完成风雷卫的淬炼,具体的如何做法,我不知道,但是要想破坏掉话,我们只需要夺取两种精华便可以了。” Perfect strength essence? This is not good to look, they definitely lay aside in the nearby of that any wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy.” Xie Aoyu hesitates to say. “极致力量精华?这个可不好找,他们肯定是放置在那个什么风雷根本咒术阵法的附近。”谢傲宇沉吟道。 Shakes the head, Bing Wu said: „, Only may not have same lays aside in a wind and thunder basic Incantation technique, another type inevitably nearby this, because wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy named Incantation technique strategy, the regulations are two Incantation technique strategies, echoes, instills into the wind of essence acme, instills into the thunder of essence acme, then through two Incantation technique strategies, delivers in fascinated Reisekizan together.” 摇摇头,冰舞道:“不会的,只可能有一样放置在风雷根本咒术阵的附近,另外一种必然就在这附近,因为风雷根本咒术阵法名为一个咒术阵法,实则是两个咒术阵法,前后相呼应的,一个灌输极致之风精华,一个灌输极致之雷精华,然后通过两个咒术阵法,一同送入魔灵石山内。” Xie Aoyu said: We seek to have a look.” 谢傲宇道:“那我们来寻找一下看看。” I have Incantation technique to seek for the essence of wind of acme, you use Earth Escape Technique to move in the hidden place, have a look at the thunder of half god whether to realize, after all the essence of thunder of that acme, fifty-fifty the thunder of god is also has certain help to affect.” Bing Wu said. “我有咒术可以寻找到极致之风的精华,你使用土遁术在暗处行动,看看半神之雷能否察觉出来,毕竟那极致之雷的精华,对半神之雷也是有着一定帮助作用的。”冰舞说道。 Xie Aoyu nature agreement. 谢傲宇自然同意。 He then brings Bing Wu to escape into underground, so as to avoid Bing Wu displays the Incantation technique strength seeks for the wind of essence acme the time is discovered comes to disturb. 他便带着冰舞遁入地下,免得冰舞施展咒术力量寻找极致之风精华的时候被人发现前来打扰。 In an underground opening small space, leaves behind Bing Wu, Xie Aoyu then returns to the surface. 在地下开辟一个小空间,留下冰舞,谢傲宇便回归地表。 Since the wind and thunder basic Incantation technique strategy is two, in, then has the master to protect inevitably, therefore only needs to lock that master in the region to be able. 既然风雷根本咒术阵法是两个,一个在附近,那么必然有高手守护着,所以只需要锁定那高手所在区域便可。 Around demon Reisekizan has about thousand going crazy clans and Lei Mozu the master, in these two demon clans the master like saying, however the immortal boundary master major part of scene enters demon Reisekizan, is controlling the god master, quenchings the wind and thunder health/guard, residual part, only then few immortal boundary lower position master, as for other immortal boundary masters and exceedingly high level powerhouses, then does not see the signs, does not know that did. 魔灵石山周围有着将近千名风魔族和雷魔族的高手,这两个魔族内高手如云,但是现场的长生境界高手绝大部分都进入魔灵石山,控制着神界高手,淬炼风雷卫,残留的部分,则只有寥寥无几的长生境界下位高手,至于其他的长生境界高手和通天级强者,则不见踪迹,也不知干什么去了。 By the strength of wind and thunder health/guard, Xie Aoyu believes that unless it is absolutely necessary, two demon clan top players will not leave absolutely easily, therefore he then in secret seeks. 以风雷卫的力量,谢傲宇相信,除非必要,两魔族顶尖高手绝对不会轻易地离开,所以他便暗中寻找。 As a result, actually really other top players have not existed, these exceedingly high level powerhouses, unexpectedly not in this place. 结果发现,竟然真的没有其他的顶尖高手存在,那些通天级强者,居然都不在此地。 Strange, where did they go?” The Xie Aoyu heart has puzzled, may change mind thinks, since is not, he does not need to fear here these two demon clan masters. “奇怪,他们都去什么地方了?”谢傲宇心有不解,可转念一想,既然不在,那他也无需惧怕这里的那些两魔族高手。 By Senior the superior purple soul unreliably the boundary, master who he also not necessarily loses to the immortal lower position. 凭借玄尊上位紫色灵魂的境界,他也未必输给长生下位的高手。 Let alone also has the subsequent party. 何况还有后手。 Because there is an immortal boundary master here, therefore the Xie Aoyu non- aspect uses the mind, then the direct use auricle passes, the present boundary, the auricle passes to expand to a about 20,000 meters place, then included the region that here almost all going crazy clans and Lei Mozu the master was at all of a sudden. 由于有长生境界的高手在这里,所以谢傲宇不方面动用心眼,便直接使用心耳通,如今的境界,心耳通一下扩张至近20000米的地方,一下子便囊括了这里几乎所有的风魔族和雷魔族高手所在的区域。 The sounds of various quick conversations change spread to his ear. 很快各种交谈的声音变传入他的耳中。 Although some people rush, but coordinates outside person to search toward inside, here person walks outward, two encircle, therefore was not worried that here some people rush, they talked are also unscrupulous. 虽然有些人闯进来,但是配合外面的人往里面搜索,这里的人往外走出去,两下合围,所以并不担心这里有人闯进来,他们交谈也是肆无忌惮。 And one group of people's talk has brought to the attention of Xie Aoyu, that is two immortal lower position masters and ten Senior the place that the peak level powerhouse is at unreliably, is in the middle of these people, strength strongest few people. 其中有一拨人的谈话引起了谢傲宇的注意,那是两名长生界下位高手和十名玄尊巅峰级强者所在的地方,也算是这些人当中,实力最强的一部分人了。 Karst elder, I always thought that we should in order to the security, suspend the wind and thunder health/guard carries on, not having the exceedingly high level master to assume personal command, was really hard to assure the security, the time that quenchinging of wind and thunder health/guard required was too long, once in this period is suspended, possibly wasted all previous efforts.” “卡斯特长老,我始终觉得,我们应该安全起见,暂停风雷卫的进行,没有通天级高手坐镇,实在难以保证安全,风雷卫的淬炼需要的时间太长了,期间一旦是被迫中断的话,就可能前功尽弃的。” flatter said that the to subdue elders, I had said many times, I have not been able to stop this plan, you are not do not know, once starts, only has exceedingly high level master this to stop.” “阿道克长老啊,我都说过多少次了,我无法将这个计划停下来了,你又不是不知道,一旦开始,唯有通天级高手此能够停下来。” Exceedingly high level remote antiquity elders really not in?” “难道通天级太上长老们真的都不在?” Not in!” “不在!” Quenchings the wind and thunder health/guard to be important, demon Ling is our untold hardships, transports from demon Lingshan at the enormous price, like this takes the huge risk, our painstaking care such were ruined, was the procedure of remote antiquity elders somewhat excessive.” “淬炼风雷卫何等重要,魔灵石更是我们千辛万苦,以极大的代价从魔灵山转运过来的,难道就这样冒着巨大的风险进行,那我们的心血就这么被糟践了,太上长老们的做法是不是有些过分了。” flatter said to subdue!” “阿道克!” Snort! What I said is the truth.” “哼!我说的是实话。” Good, I told you, was not the remote antiquity elders does not attach great importance, but was they do not have the means that because they had compared with a wind and thunder health/guard more important matter must do, even if were the elder who left behind more than 100 immortal boundaries, that was also they braves to be remained by the danger that the big fiendish person blamed.” “好吧,我告诉你,不是太上长老们不重视,而是他们也没办法,因为他们有比风雷卫更重要的事情要去做,就算是留下100多名长生境界的长老,那也是他们冒着被大魔王陛下责备的危险留下来的。” The elder exchanges of these two immortal boundaries, attracted the attention of Xie Aoyu immediately, his also automatic filtration other conversations. 这两名长生境界的长老交流,立刻就吸引了谢傲宇的注意,他也自动过滤了其他的交谈。 Why on was strange the immortal boundary above master of two big demon clans not to see the signs, in these two Karst knows the inside story obviously, moreover this matter also involves the big fiendish person, naturally paid attention by Xie Aoyu. 本来就奇怪为何两大魔族的长生境界以上的高手都不见踪迹,这两人中的卡斯特明显知道内情的,而且此事还牵扯到大魔王,自然更加被谢傲宇注意了。 Xie Aoyu also quietly approaches, the masters in other places have to gather, but the elder of immortal boundary lower position altogether five, two accumulations here, another three, situated in demon Reisekizan southeast on more than 20,000 meters far a mountain top, is paying attention to the southeastern direction, a northwest direction probably 60,000-70,000 meters position situated in demon Reisekizan, the direction is also the Northwest, there is also the direction of gateway Xie Aoyu comes, in this demon Reisekizan the Eastern 600 many meter positions of, sits again, as if in calming the mind to practice, if therefore has the acme strength essence here, inevitably is. In this Karst and said region that to subdue and other people of institutes are. 谢傲宇也悄然靠近,其他地方的高手有一些聚集起来,但长生境界下位的长老总共才五个,两个聚集在这里,另外三个,一个位于魔灵石山东南方向大约20000多米远的一座山头上面,关注着东南方向,一个位于魔灵石山的西北方向大概六七万米的位置,方向也是西北方,那里也是谢傲宇进来的门户的方向,再有一个则在这魔灵石山的东方600多米的位置,席地而坐,似乎在静心修炼,故而如果有极致力量精华在这里,必然是。在这卡斯特和阿道克等12人所在的区域。 Big fiendish person's order? How possible, big fiendish person how to arrange such order, this does not put in the region of defeat the wind and thunder health/guard, initially to refine wind and thunder health/guard, he is the taking the trouble strength.” “大魔王陛下的命令?怎么可能,大魔王怎会安排这样的命令,他这不是将风雷卫置于失败的境地吗,当初为了炼制风雷卫,他可是费尽了心力啊。” Does not have the means that who makes the development of situation make the big fiendish person have to so.” “没办法,谁让事态的发展让大魔王不得不如此呢。” Exactly what happened?” “到底发生了什么事?” Concrete I do not know that I only know, my father their remote antiquity elder as well as the majority of elders, result in the human to receive the big fiendish person's order including the earth demon clan and hot demon clan, all approached the demon lan mountain.” “具体的我也不知道,我只知道,我父亲他们太上长老以及大部分长老,包括土魔族和火魔族得人接到大魔王的命令,全都向魔阑山去了。” demon lan mountain?! 魔阑山?! The Xie Aoyu heart jumped fiercely two. 谢傲宇的心头猛跳了两下。 This is Hawode does certainly. 这一定是哈沃德干的。 Since knows that Hawode came from ancient times the execution ground, but after the big fiendish person entered certainly the soul valley, was not the going demon imperial palace, went to the ancient times execution ground, Xie Aoyu knows that Hawode was the big fiendish person sends, was the loyal supporter of big fiendish person, since he, Hawode and Nha cooperated, must open the demon imperial palace, this Hawode naturally was wants alone to enter the demon imperial palace, killed Xie Aoyu and Nha, therefore the big fiendish person transferred the strength coordination, all in reason. 自从知道哈沃德来自远古杀场,而大魔王进入绝魂谷之后,并非前去魔皇宫,也是去了远古杀场,谢傲宇就已经知道,哈沃德是大魔王派出来的,也是大魔王的忠心支持者,既然他,哈沃德和琳洛雅合作,要开启魔皇宫,这哈沃德自然是想要独自进入魔皇宫,将谢傲宇和琳洛雅干掉,所以大魔王调动力量配合,一切都在情理之中。 However what Xie Aoyu has not thought that unexpectedly mobilized so many strengths to submerge the demon lan mountain to go into hiding. 但是谢傲宇没想到的是,居然调动了如此多的力量潜入魔阑山隐匿着。 Naturally, Xie Aoyu knows that Nha definitely also transferred has supported her mystical strength, but, looked at this stance, perhaps he must inform Lei head of household antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, sending large quantities of masters to come to help one another. 当然了,谢傲宇知道,琳洛雅肯定也调动了支持她的那一股神秘的力量,不过,看这架势,恐怕他也必须通知雷家家主上古圣皇赵天龙,派遣大批高手前来相助了。 „The demon lan mountain, what thing does the demon lan mountain have to be born? Even if some words, is insufficient to mobilize so many strengths, did not say that the big fiendish person the side has some mystical half giants, why mobilizes our strengths, sets in the wind and thunder health/guard and danger?” flatter said that the to subdue elders did not understand very much. “魔阑山,魔阑山有什么东西要出世吗?就算有的话,也不至于调动如此多的力量啊,不是说大魔王陛下身边有一些神秘的半巨头吗,何必调动我们的力量,置风雷卫与危险之中呢?”阿道克长老很不理解。 Karst elder said: I am not clear, the big fiendish person such being the case procedure, has its truth inevitably, nearby the demon lan mountain will definitely have a large-scale war.” He noticed that flatter said the to subdue elders must say anything, then beckons with the hand saying that do not ask, I do not know, no matter what, we make best effort and ensure the wind and thunder health/guard formation was not disturbed, must go through now this dangerous period badly, once had any mistake at this time, that more than 100 elders of our two clans also possibly die.” 卡斯特长老道:“我也不清楚,大魔王陛下既然如此做法,必然是有其道理的,魔阑山附近必然会有一场大规模的战事了。”他看到阿道克长老还要说什么,便摆手道,“你也别问了,我真的不知道,不管怎样,我们还是尽最大努力,保证风雷卫成型不被打扰吧,最差也要度过现在这个危险期,一旦这时候出现什么差错的话,我们两族的那100多个长老也可能陨落的。” flatter said that to subdue saw him so saying that also no longer talked too much. 阿道克见他如此说,也不再多言了。 Listens to their dialog, Xie Aoyu to escape into underground, approaches slowly. 听着两人的对话,谢傲宇遁入地下,缓缓靠近。 He wants to confirm, has any perfect strength essence, but along with approaching, actually the earth and the demon Reisekizan fusion discovery acme, stimulated the strength of earth of acme completely, has contained to his Earth Escape Technique unexpectedly, this lets a Xie Aoyu forced smile. 他想要验证一下,是否有什么极致力量精华,可是随着靠近,却发现极致之土和魔灵石山融合,完全激发了极致之土的力量,竟然对他的土遁术有所遏制,这不禁让谢傲宇一阵苦笑。 Promotion version Earth Escape Technique, the heart of earth, both unify, Xie Aoyu never meets was unable to use Earth Escape Technique the time, has not thought unexpectedly by the strength of earth containing is unable to use. 升级版土遁术,大地之心,两者结合,谢傲宇从未遇到过无法使用土遁术的时候,没想到居然是被土之力量给遏制的无法使用。 Is good in Xie Aoyu has the heart of earth to integrate in the soul, forwards reluctantly, when approaches these 12 People approximately ten meters, Xie Aoyu dantian Lei of Mengran half god shivered several, hears to call out in alarm transmits. 好在谢傲宇具有大地之心融入灵魂之内,勉强向前,在接近这12人大约十米的时候,谢傲宇丹田内的半神之雷猛然颤动了几下,紧接着就听到一声声惊呼传来。 Actually sees that Karst Space Ring to crack suddenly, the electric light flies to shoot together, turns toward Xie Aoyu to fly to shoot unexpectedly. 却见那卡斯特空间戒指猛然崩裂,一道电光飞射出来,竟然向着谢傲宇飞射过来。 Without doubt, that is the essence strength of thunder of acme. 无疑,那就是极致之雷的精华力量。 Unexpectedly has provoked the response of thunder of half god, also demonstrated that the essence might of thunder of this acme is very strong, fifty-fifty the promotion of thunder of god has the huge help inevitably. 居然真的引起了半神之雷的反应,也显示出这极致之雷的精华威力很强,必然对半神之雷的提升有着巨大的帮助。 „It is not good!” Karst was startled to call out, he responded quickly, grasped hurriedly void. “不好!”卡斯特惊叫道,他反应最快,急忙虚空抓去。 flatter said that to subdue sees that also hurriedly gets rid. 阿道克见状也急忙出手。 Two the masters of immortal boundary lower positions also attack, fetter the essence strength of thunder of acme, has not appeared including the stagnation of flash, the thunder of essence acme then crazily fires into underground. 两名长生境界下位的高手同时出击,束缚极致之雷的精华力量,连一瞬间的停滞都没有出现,极致之雷精华便疯狂地冲向地下。
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