BE :: Volume #20

#1908: Going crazy clan goal

Senior the superior to take to the Xie Aoyu most obvious change unreliably is, the strength buys in the speed and quantity of hell demon air/Qi turns time obviously, is about three times of promotion, in other words practices the speed to be quicker, naturally to this boundary, to break through, the difficulty of surmounting is bigger, therefore instead on the other hand, to break through is more difficult, but has the best quality goods spirit spar, has Xie Aoyu of spirit spar palace, is just the opposite, the speed that therefore he promotes does not reduce speed. 玄尊上位带给谢傲宇最明显的变化就是,战力吸纳地狱魔气的速度和量明显翻倍,还是将近三倍的提升,也就是说修炼速度更快,当然了到了这个境界,要想突破,跨越的难度更大,所以反而相对来说,要想突破更难,但是拥有极品灵晶石,拥有灵晶石宫殿的谢傲宇来讲,则是恰恰相反的,所以他提升的速度丝毫不减慢。 At this time, the body of Xie Aoyu is a bottomless pit, no matter the hell demon air/Qi wells up many, how huge, he is 11 info clerks, and terminus of this buying is very full, even affects relatively speaking is not very pure hell demon air/Qi that in the spirit spar palace has also surges, causes the revolution of Xie Aoyu dantian also starts rapidly to speed up, quenchings unceasingly, transforms as the strength unceasingly, making the Xie Aoyu strength straight line increase. 此时,谢傲宇的身体就是一个无底洞,不管地狱魔气涌来多少,如何的庞大,他都是11收纳,并且这股吸纳的尽头很足,甚至牵动灵晶石宫殿内所具有的相对而言并不是很纯粹的地狱魔气也涌动过来,使得谢傲宇丹田的运转也开始急速的加快起来,不断地淬炼,不断地转化为战力,令谢傲宇的力量直线攀升着。 When the Xie Aoyu practice speed reaches a limit, Lei of Douran that half god shivered. 谢傲宇的修炼速度达到一个极限的时候,那半神之雷陡然颤动了一下。 Mutation occurrence. 紧接着异变发生。 The Xie Aoyu dantian quenchinged hell demon to be mad a time surname the quantity, draws an analogy, is a quantity of small winecup, then along with the tremor of thunder of half god, the quantity of that surname, the violent increases ten times suddenly, has become a quantity of bowl, so naturally was makes the Xie Aoyu practice speed have the archery target change. 原本谢傲宇的丹田淬炼地狱魔气一次姓的量,打个比方来说,是一个小酒盅的量,那么随着半神之雷的颤动,那一次姓的量,陡然暴增十倍有余,成了一个茶碗的量,如此自然是令谢傲宇的修炼速度有了质的变化。 Formerly examined these hell demon air/Qi, Xie Aoyu estimated that required day to buy in probably, transformed as the strength, now only has spent for a half hour. 先前查看那些地狱魔气,谢傲宇估计大概需要一天的时间吸纳完毕,转化为战力,现在则只花费了半个小时。 All hell demon air/Qi quenching for the strength entirely, and equivalent the hell demon air/Qi of spirit spar palace was giving to quenching. 所有的地狱魔气统统淬炼为战力,并且连带着相当量的灵晶石宫殿的地狱魔气都给淬炼了一些。 Drinks!” “喝!” The Xie Aoyu yawn spits the sound. 谢傲宇的张口吐声。 The strength in within the body is suddenly turbulent, changes to a long line to flow in the meridians, the semblance can see, around the thunder of that half god is surrounding some thin, if the Saint thunder of gossamer also receives the stimulation to be common, scatters suddenly from the Xie Aoyu body surface, changes to have ten centimeters thickness fully, about 56 meters in length electric light, scatters in all directions to project. 体内的战力猛然动荡起来,化作一条长龙在经脉内流动,外表都能够看到,那半神之雷周围环绕着的一些细若游丝的圣雷也受到刺激一般,猛然从谢傲宇的体表散射出来,化作一道道足有十厘米粗细,长约56米的电光,四散射出去。 That Saint thunder rapid walks randomly in the whole body. 连带着那圣雷迅速的在全身游走。 „” “噼里啪啦” A sound, that Saint thunder gave to quenching the whole body of Xie Aoyu unexpectedly. 一阵响动,那圣雷竟然将谢傲宇的全身都给淬炼了一番。 Do not look walks one quenchinging, must know that is the Saint thunder, displays the strength completely, can the second kill the strength of giant. 别看只是一走一过的淬炼,要知道那可是圣雷,完全发挥出力量,能够秒杀巨头的力量。 After Xie Aoyu initially entered unsurpassed god body, must advance to the unsurpassed god body accomplishment boundary, somewhat was difficult, is very difficult, but this turns quenchings, but made the unsurpassed god body of Xie Aoyu have the enormous promotion, he even suspected, if every day such one time, it is estimated that were less than one year, possibly unsurpassed god body accomplishment. 原本谢傲宇初入无上神体之后,要迈向无上神体大成境界,就有些困难了,还是非常的艰难,可这一翻淬炼,可是让谢傲宇的无上神体有了极大的提升,他甚至怀疑若是每天来这么一次,估计不到一年,就可能无上神体大成了。 When excited, Xie Aoyu Zhang Shen, sends out a long and loud cry. 兴奋之余,谢傲宇张身而起,发出一声长啸。 snow white color Saint thunder auto-regression, is surrounding around the thunder of half god. 雪白色的圣雷自动回归,重新环绕着半神之雷周围。 These Saint thunder most preliminary Saint thunder, are flowing around the thunder of half god, when they can also through the strength promotion of thunder of half god to thunder of half god situation, then the thunder of half god also had the qualifications to complete day God of the Earth Lei Jinjie. 这些圣雷只是最低级的圣雷,在半神之雷周围流动着,当它们也能够通过半神之雷的力量提升至半神之雷的地步,那么半神之雷也就是有资格向完整的天地神雷进阶了。 Xie Aoyu took the soul jade to examine. 谢傲宇拿过魂玉查看了一下。 The black soul really had the change, transformed into the purple soul, and this color is the deep purple, in other words, he has even traced to the intensity of golden soul. 黑色灵魂果然发生了变化,已经蜕变为紫色灵魂,并且这颜色是深紫色,也就是说,他甚至已经摸到金色灵魂的强度了。 Striving of strength made Xie Aoyu excited. 实力的精进令谢傲宇兴奋不已。 What Xie Aoyu also is a little but speechless, this time through the mind examination soul, actually a feeling does not have specially finally, why the soul has the tourmaline, why needs to discover through the soul jade that his actually harvest does not have. 可是谢傲宇也有点无语的是,他这次特别通过心眼查看灵魂,结果竟然一点感觉都没有,灵魂为什么有颜色变化,为什么需要通过魂玉才可以发现,他竟然一点收获也没有。 However changes mind thinks that Xie Aoyu has also felt relaxed, this soul change is the King, Wan Jie the first person of Fang Jun fine jade discovery, is bridges over the giant boundary mystery to be, if can find the reason by him easily, that instead was worth suspecting. 不过转念一想,谢傲宇也就释然了,这灵魂变化是王中王,万界第一人方君瑜发现的,更是跨过巨头境界的奥妙所在,要是被他轻易地就能找到缘由,那反而值得怀疑了。 Xie Aoyu does not care, at the worst later continues to observe. 谢傲宇也就不在意,大不了以后继续观察。 From Senior boundary promotion each time unreliably, starts to observe, until the giant boundary, he does not believe that mysteriously will not discover. 从玄尊境界每次的提升,就开始观察,直到巨头境界,他就不相信,会一点奥妙都发现不了。 Hears him to cry loud and long excitedly, Bing Wu also from closing up the condition awakes to turn around, arrives at front, with the Xie Aoyu round. 听到他兴奋地长啸,冰舞也从闭关状态醒转过来,来到前面,与谢傲宇回合。 Senior the lower position white soul unreliably!” Xie Aoyu then saw the Bing Wu concrete boundary by the soul jade. “玄尊下位白色灵魂!”谢傲宇透过魂玉便看出冰舞的具体境界了。 Bing Wu is also somewhat excited say (way): Can achieve purple soul at most, but after who knows you break through, once more practices time, has inspired in this spirit spar palace all hell demon air/Qi, I then taking the opportunity practice, has not thought that rushes to the present situation all of a sudden, had the one pace from the breakthrough.” 冰舞也是有些激动的道:“本来顶多能够达到紫色灵魂的,可谁知你突破之后,再次修炼的时候,引动了这灵晶石宫殿内所有的地狱魔气,我便借机修炼,没想到一下子冲到现在的地步,距离突破也只有一步之遥了。” Coordinates seven times of Qi might the strengths, Senior the master probably unreliably, few had confidence to defeat you personally.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, „, it seems like should in this going crazy clan space microcosm, seek for the essence of wind, making your profound wind transform into the wind of acme is good, such on real strength unparalleled.” “配合七倍斗气威力的战力,大概玄尊中位的高手,也没有几个人有把握击败你了。”谢傲宇笑道,“嗯,看来是该在这风魔族空间小世界内,寻找风之精华,让你的玄风蜕变为极致之风才行,那样就真的战力无双了。” Now what Bing Wu has is profound wind, but is enters in the step, the might is stronger than the accomplishment profound wind, it can be said that the wind of accurate acme. 冰舞现在拥有的是玄风,但已经是进阶中了,威力远比大成的玄风更强,可说是准极致之风。 The going crazy clan is in itself wind is the race of surname, naturally has the wind of acme, this point, without a doubt. 风魔族本身就是一个风属姓的种族,自然具有极致之风的,这一点,毋庸置疑。 Receives to begin the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket the spar palace, Xie Aoyu has not returned to the surface, he found the place that thin perfect earth extends once more, except for was swept across by him is used to practice the breakthrough the perfect earth, part. 收起灵晶石宫殿,谢傲宇并没有回归地表,他再次找到那稀薄的极致之土延伸下去的地方,除了被他席卷用来修炼突破的极致之土,还有一部分。 Xie Aoyu then displays to absorb the spatial technique , to continue to collect. 谢傲宇便施展摄空术,继续收集。 This time he does not worry to practice, then seems the path that along that the thin perfect earth forms, flees, collection. 这次他不着急修炼,便沿着那好似稀薄的极致之土形成的道路,一路遁走,收集。 After 78 li (0.5km), the thin perfect earth measures suddenly to increase suddenly, and no longer is visible atheistic that but true has the perfect earth of terrifying might. 78里之后,稀薄的极致之土陡然量暴增,并且不再是有形无神的那种,而是真正的具有恐怖威力的极致之土。 The visible non- being an excellent likeness person body does not go bad, the soul dissipates, is the good-for-nothing, was the wood was the same, but now is the complete perfect earth. 有形无神似人身体不坏,灵魂消散,是行尸走肉,根本就是木头一样了,可现在则是完整的极致之土。 Xie Aoyu feels that vigorous oppression strength. 谢傲宇更是感觉到那雄浑的压迫力。 The earth of acme is at the strength full condition unexpectedly, that i.e., the exceedingly high level master rushes, was possibly extinguished kills, Xie Aoyu then stops collecting, return surface. 极致之土竟然处于力量全开的状态,那就是说,通天级高手闯进去,也可能被灭杀的,谢傲宇便停止收集,回归地表。 The place that he is a hill top, looks in the direction toward the earth of that complete acme. 他所在的地方是一处小山头,向着那完整极致之土所在方向看去。 Inconceivable!” “不可思议!” Xie Aoyu reveals the unbelievable expression. 谢傲宇流露出难以置信的表情。 Bing Wu was shocked. 冰舞更是惊呆了。 The front about 30,000-40,000 meters place, is standing erect a mountain, has about one kilometer high, but this mountain entire was wrapped unexpectedly by the earth of acme. 前方大约三四万米的地方,矗立着一座山,高有一千米左右,而这座山居然被极致之土给整个包裹起来了。 The perfect strength releases completely, can cover a kilometer distance, but will be very thin at that time, even is similar to paper general thin, the might is limited, but this covers a kilometer mountain the perfect earth is actually abundant to each part of several meters thickness, in brief, the earth of this acme, if separates, even can divide to make several hundred independent perfect earth individuals, in perfect water the quantity of compared with world Water Deity Arteries must many many times. 极致力量完全释放出来,也可以笼罩千米距离,但是那时候会很稀薄,甚至如同纸张一般的薄,威力有限,而这个笼罩千米高山的极致之土却是雄厚到每一部分都有十几米的厚度,简而言之,这极致之土若是分开来的话,甚至能分作几百道的单独的极致之土个体,比人间界水神脉内的极致之水的量还要多很多倍。 This was astonishing enough. 这已经足够惊人了。 But what made their dumbfounded was, that mountain was not the ordinary mountain, but was an entire demon Ling. 而更令他们两个目瞪口呆的是,那山不是普通的山,而是一整块的魔灵石。 demon Ling, this is a hell demon treasure, the fable is Sky Demon collects from ten thousand vestiges, was named as by Sky Demon one of the demon eight precious ingredients. 魔灵石,这是地狱魔界的一宝,传说是天魔从万界遗迹中收集来的,更是被天魔定名为魔界八宝之一。 As for the use of demon Ling, only then, that can quenching in the fable to aid hell demon the wind and thunder health/guard. 至于魔灵石的用处,只有一个,那就是能够淬炼传说中护佑地狱魔界的风雷卫。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu nearness cautiously. 谢傲宇冰舞小心翼翼的靠近。 Stops about about two kilometers position, here, can feel the unequalled vigorous sincere perfect earth the aura. 在大约两千米左右的位置停下来,在这里,能够感受到无与伦比的雄浑厚重的极致之土的气息。 They can also see that is similar to kilometer mountain range demon Ling has many person's shadows. 他们也能看到,那如同千米山峦的魔灵石上面有着许多的人影。 The east side is going crazy clansman, more than 30 people, strength lowest is also the immortal boundary lower position master, everyone uses the hand according to a forehead of master, but that master or is Angel Clan, or casts the clan for the god, either is Lei Jia people, either for the wind family member wait / etc., is the god master, moreover cultivation for is also above the immortal boundary. 东侧是风魔族人,大约有30多人,实力最低的也是长生境界下位高手,每个人都用手按在一名高手的头部,而那高手则或为天使族,或为神铸族,或为雷家人,或为风家人等等,全都是神界高手,而且修为也都是长生境界以上的。 The west side is the thunder demon clansman, condition and going crazy clansman is the same, same is controlling one group of god immortal boundary above masters, but the quantity are more, has achieved the astonishing 70 people, in other words, arrives at the going crazy clan territory, 100 god immortal boundary above masters who breaks in the space microcosm were controlled. 西侧是雷魔族人,状态与风魔族人一样,也一样控制着一群神界长生境界以上的高手,但数量更多,达到了惊人的70人,也就是说,来到风魔族领地,冲入空间小世界的100名神界长生境界以上高手都被控制了起来。 This is in the refinement wind and thunder health/guard. 这是在炼制风雷卫。 „Can Bing Wu, in the demon demon clan have the concrete view about wind and thunder health/guard?” Xie Aoyu said. 冰舞,魔魅族内可有关于风雷卫的具体说法?”谢傲宇道。 Bing Wu said: A little, but are not many, but mentioned, the wind and thunder health/guard refinement needs by god the artificial basis, what because the person of god practiced to use was the air/Qi of Spiritual God, supplemented with again integrates earth of acme demon Ling to carry on some degree of change the body of person of god, such achievement wind and thunder Wei Ke had the unusual defensive power, finally was supplements with the step the perfect wind and acme thunder of quenchings, can the achievement wind and thunder health/guard.” 冰舞道:“有一点,但不多,只是提及,风雷卫炼制需要以神界之人为根本,因为神界之人修炼用的是神灵之气,再辅以融入极致之土的魔灵石将神界之人的身体进行某种程度的改变,这样成就风雷卫可拥有超凡的防御力,最后则是辅以进阶的极致之风和极致之雷进行淬炼,便可成就风雷卫。” „The earth and demon Ling acme, a defense unparalleled, firm incomparable, both fuse, perhaps the defense of wind and thunder health/guard does not miss many compared with my present unsurpassed god body.” The Xie Aoyu analysis said that enters step the perfect wind and acme thunder, although is inferior to the Saint wind, Saint thunder, but plays the might completely, may make half giant retreat, the wind and thunder health/guard that so builds perhaps, is equal to the strength of half giant, here has 100 god masters, even if the success ratio, only then 10%, can forge ten -and-a-half giants, depends upon their defensive powers and striking power, ten people collaborated definitely to contend with a giant.” “极致之土和魔灵石,一个防御无双,一个坚固无比,两者融合,风雷卫的防御恐怕比我现在的无上神体都不差多少。”谢傲宇分析道,“进阶的极致之风和极致之雷,虽然不及圣风,圣雷,但是完全发挥威力,可令半巨头退却,如此打造出来的风雷卫,恐怕等同于半巨头的力量,这里有100名神界高手,就算是成功率只有一成,也能锻造出十名半巨头,依靠他们的防御力和攻击力,十人联手完全可抗衡一名巨头了。” Issue is, records according to the demon demon clan, wind and thunder health/guard refinement, if there is an enough demon Ling, the success ratio may reach as high as 70%, in other words, can quenching 70 -and-a-half giant ranks the wind and thunder health/guard!” Bing Wu complexion dignified say (way). “问题是,根据魔魅族记载,风雷卫炼制,若是有足够的魔灵石,成功率可高达七成,也就是说,能淬炼出70名半巨头级别的风雷卫!”冰舞脸色凝重的道。 70 wind and thunder health/guard! 70名风雷卫! The Xie Aoyu heart jumped fiercely several. 谢傲宇心头猛跳了几下。 According to the strength of wind and thunder health/guard, isn't 70 that equal to may contend with seven big giants? Naturally, the wind and thunder health/guard based on immortal boundary master, possibly the idealization is ten people may contend with a giant after all, even if the actual situation is not good, but 70 wind and thunder health/guard collaborate to kill 2-3 giants to be able. 依照风雷卫的力量,70名那不等同于可与七大巨头抗衡?当然了,风雷卫毕竟是以长生境界高手为基础的,可能理想化是十人可抗衡一名巨头,就算实际情况没那么好,可70名风雷卫联手杀死两三个巨头应该可以的吧。 Must prevent the wind and thunder health/guard birth!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “必须阻止风雷卫诞生!”谢傲宇沉声道。 If wants to prevent with the brute force, the non- giant level is unable to achieve, we can only come across.” Bing Wu said. “要想用蛮力阻止,非巨头级无法做到,我们只能走巧。”冰舞说道。 Xie Aoyu said: How to do?” 谢傲宇道:“如何做?” Bing Wu said with a smile: Naturally helped us with the aid of this.” 冰舞笑道:“自然是借助这个来成全我们自己了。”
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