BE :: Volume #20

#1907: Senior the superior unreliably

Xie Aoyu thinks others must seize the chance to close the gateway, preventing the massive masters to rush ahead to disturb, finally is actually just the opposite, complete opening. 原本谢傲宇以为人家要趁机关闭门户的,防止大量的高手冲杀进来捣乱,结果却是恰恰相反,完全开启。 When Xie Aoyu doubts, but sees that immortal boundary lower position master to make a hand imprint rapidly, has the demon light together to pass through the gateway, throws the horizon, afterward his then both hands wield, that gateway slowly shuts down. 谢傲宇疑惑之际,但见那名长生境界下位高手急速的打出一个手印,有一道魔光穿过门户,直投天际,随后他便双手一挥,那门户才缓缓关闭。 When the front door closure of this space microcosm, Xie Aoyu sees outside horizon about ten thousand meters place, presented the dense and numerous masters, fully about ten thousand people, clearly are the masters of going crazy clan, these people once appeared, then entirely has surrounded the master outside mountain valley. 在这空间小世界的大门关闭的时候,谢傲宇看到外面天际万米开外的地方,出现了密密麻麻的高手,足有近万人,分明是风魔族的高手,这些人一经出现,便将外面山谷内的高手统统的包围了起来。 Sees these, Xie Aoyu also enhanced vigilance to the going crazy clan. 看到这些,谢傲宇也不禁对风魔族提高了警惕。 This race was also too sinister a point. 这个种族也太阴险了一点吧。 So the motion, for one year, does not know that killed many god masters, moreover outside going crazy clansman clearly was also the concealment in an unusual space of similar space microcosm, otherwise, Xie Aoyu flew, under the mind observation, was impossible not to discover. 如此行动,一年多以来,不知道杀死多少神界高手了,而且外面的风魔族人分明也是隐匿在一个类似空间小世界的奇特空间内,不然的话,谢傲宇一路飞来,心眼观测下,不可能发现不到的。 In other words, going crazy clan simply has not retreated, they always move in the going crazy clan territory, but the bystander could not find them. 也就是说,风魔族根本没有撤退,他们始终在风魔族领地内活动,只是外人根本找不到他们罢了。 In the consideration, saw that closure the gateway opens once again. 思虑中,就看到那关闭的门户再度开启。 Meanwhile, outside god masters already or kill or capture by that about ten thousand going crazy clansmen, as long as is captured takes, was controlled the soul obviously, became the slave of going crazy clansman, but outside about ten thousand going crazy clansmen also in abundance flood into the space microcosm, under the direction of that immortal boundary lower position master, started to search to kill Xie Aoyu , etc. formerly to enter, had not been captured the master of control by them. 与此同时,外面的神界高手都已经被那近万的风魔族人或杀或擒拿,但凡被擒拿的,明显都被控制了灵魂,成为了风魔族人的奴隶,而外面的近万风魔族人也纷纷涌入空间小世界,在那长生境界下位高手的指引下,开始搜杀谢傲宇等先前进入,未曾被他们擒拿控制的高手。 We walk.” Xie Aoyu naturally cannot keep this place again, runs away through the Earth Escape Technique straight line to the distant place with Bing Wu. “我们走。”谢傲宇自然不会再留在此地,与冰舞通过土遁术直线向远处遁去。 By to the comprehension of space deep meaning, Xie Aoyu does not need anything to know to this space microcosm that then can determine there is an edge, there is the center. 凭借对空间奥义的领悟,谢傲宇无需对这空间小世界有什么认识,便能确定那里是边缘,那里是中心。 Therefore Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu the central place of direction this space microcosm. 故而谢傲宇冰舞的方向正是这空间小世界的中心地方。 Because of these about ten thousand going crazy clansmen along the edge position, carries on the rug -type search to inside, must drive away them to the central zone. 因那些近万风魔族人是沿着边缘位置,向里面进行地毯式的搜索,也是要将他们驱赶向中心地带的。 Promotion version Earth Escape Technique comprehensive display, twinkling ten thousand meters. 升级版土遁术全面发挥,瞬息万米。 Consecutively for thirty times, left that entrance more than 40 li (0.5km) places, Xie Aoyu suddenly stopped, he stayed in as before underground, two narrowed the eyes to stare at not far away. 连续三十几次,离开那入口越有40多里的地方,谢傲宇猛然停了下来,他依旧停留在地下,两眼眯起盯着不远处。 How?” Bing Wu asked. “怎么了?”冰舞问道。 Xie Aoyu said: Front has the earth of acme, moreover is the accomplishment boundary.” His mind complete opening, examines all around situation, the result is anything had not discovered that is saw piece of Huang Mengmeng's perfect earth disperses thoroughly, extends toward the front, „the earth of this acme is very thin, but looks at this situation, was melted with the earth obviously here has several thousand years of fully, therefore here hell demon air/Qi very abundant, I can thoroughly destroy the earth of acme, subsequently fused the pure hell demon air/Qi, carried on the practice the words, could be broken through by me.” 谢傲宇道:“前面有极致之土,而且是大成境界的。”他的心眼完全的开启,查看四周的情况,结果是什么都没发现,就是看到一片黄蒙蒙的极致之土彻底分散开来,向着前方延伸下去,“这极致之土很稀薄,但是看这情形,明显是已经在这里与大地相融足有数万年之久了,所以这里的地狱魔气非常的充沛,我可以将极致之土给彻底摧毁,继而融合纯粹的地狱魔气,进行修炼的话,或许能够让我突破。” Destroys the earth of acme?” Bing Wu has been startled, immediately awakens, destroys the perfect strength, regarding suddenly practice is very helpful, but regarding the function of perfect strength, instead uses a talented person in an insignificant position, extreme waste, but Xie Aoyu so said that the situation that only then a possibility, the earth of this acme to was unable to take shape thin, remained is also wasting, that then in this practice, I protected buddhist law to you.” “摧毁极致之土?”冰舞怔了一下,随即醒悟过来,摧毁极致力量,对于一时间的修炼是很有帮助的,但是对于极致力量的作用而言,反而是大材小用,极度浪费的,但谢傲宇如此说,就只有一种可能了,这极致之土已经稀薄到无法成型的地步了,留着也是浪费,“那便在这修炼吧,我给你护法。” First waits, I examine here perfect earth what's the matter.” Xie Aoyu said. “先等一下,我来查看一下这里的极致之土是怎么回事。”谢傲宇说道。 He opens a space temporarily, making Bing Wu in underground treat. 他临时开辟一个空间,让冰舞在地下待着。 To their this boundaries, even if in this small space the oxygen is insufficient, can arrive at the air of surface by the soil respiration, therefore does not need to be worried to suffocate. 到了他们这个境界,即便这个小空间内氧气不足,也可以透过土壤呼吸到地表的空气,所以根本不用担心窒息。 Xie Aoyu then forward runs away. 谢傲宇便向前遁去。 He discovered that the earth of this acme is very scarce, what is a little strange, is the earth of acme fuses with the earth in this place obviously does not know that many ten thousand years, but was taken, may take the law to be very strange, does not regain the earth of acme directly, but is a little similar the sign that pulls forcefully, will therefore leave behind a wee bit thin perfect earth. 他发现这极致之土很稀少,但是有点诡异的是,明显是极致之土在此地与大地融合不知多少万年了,而被人取走的,可取走之法很怪异,不是直接收复极致之土,而是有点类似强行拉扯走的迹象,所以才会留下一丁点稀薄的极致之土。 Finally along thin perfect earth that leaves behind, his earth escapes more than ten li (0.5km), unexpectedly has not arrived at the terminus, and does not have anything to establish, nobody was using this earth of point pole sending, Xie Aoyu then stopped, so much perfect earth enough he broke through. 结果沿着那一路留下的稀薄的极致之土,他土遁出去十多里地,居然还没有到尽头,且在此期间也没什么设置,更没有什么人在使用这点极致之土,谢傲宇便停了下来,如此多的极致之土已经足够他突破了。 After the decision breaks through, again along earth of path this strange thin acme tracks down. 随决定突破之后,再沿着这条古怪的稀薄极致之土道路追寻下去。 Xie Aoyu displays to absorb the spatial technique to begin to the thin perfect earth. 谢傲宇施展摄空术对稀薄的极致之土动手。 Absorbs the strength of spatial technique to world nature production to have the unusual function, in Xie Aoyu absorbs under the spatial technique, saw that an unreal palm appears, that thin perfect earth then rapidly gathers in that giant palm center. 摄空术对天地自然生成的力量有着非常的作用,在谢傲宇的摄空术之下,就看到一只虚幻的手掌出现,那稀薄的极致之土便迅速地汇聚在那巨大的手掌中心。 These ten li (0.5km) earth within of thin acme concentrate about, the quantity was still scarce, but also is not enough to form the thunder of similar acme, fire of that acme and other existences of strength, the simple point said that is visible atheistic, is similar to the water is the same, does not need to absorb the spatial technique, they will be for a long time lax. 将这十里内的稀薄极致之土凝合起来,量仍旧非常稀少,还不足以形成类似极致之雷,极致之火那等力量的存在,简单点说,那就是有形无神,如同水一样,不用摄空术,它们已久会涣散开来的。 Xie Aoyu puts out the best quality goods spirit spar, squeezes in it the earth of that acme, then with the Bing Wu round, in space when opens before that takes the spirit spar palace, marches into. 谢傲宇拿出极品灵晶石,将其塞入那极致之土内,然后与冰舞回合,待在那个之前开辟出来的空间内,将灵晶石宫殿拿出来,步入其中。 In the spirit spar palace hell demon air/Qi is vigorous. 灵晶石宫殿内地狱魔气雄浑无比。 Therefore best quality goods spirit spar then starts to buy in the hell demon air/Qi crazily with that thin perfect soil phase fusion, after being the ration, the strength of Xie Aoyu within the body stimulates to movement suddenly, clashes crazily. 于是极品灵晶石便开始疯狂地吸纳地狱魔气与那稀薄的极致之土相融合,当达到一定量之后,谢傲宇体内的战力猛然催动,狂冲进去。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” In a bellow, the earth of that acme then starts thoroughly was destroyed. 一阵轰鸣声中,那极致之土便开始彻底的被摧毁。 The earth of itself acme is the pure earth essence for the prototype formation, but the essence of earth has the earth is the similar giant essence and blood fusion hell demon air/Qi of surname. 本身极致之土就是纯粹的土之精华为原型成型的,而土之精华则是有土属姓的类似巨头精血融合地狱魔气而成。 Therefore the earth of acme once were destroyed, immediately changes to the purest earth is the surname hell demon air/Qi. 所以极致之土一经摧毁,立刻化作最为纯粹的土属姓地狱魔气。 Xie Aoyu then sits cross-legged immediately. 谢傲宇当即便盘坐下来。 He seems changes to black hole, buys in this pure earth crazily is being the hell demon air/Qi of surname, almost does not need after quenchinging, can transform as the strength, becomes his strength. 他好似化作一个黑洞,疯狂地吸纳着这纯粹的土属姓的地狱魔气,几乎不需要经过淬炼,便可转化为战力,成为他的力量。 Suddenly, in the Xie Aoyu surrounding ten meters, is all tumbling pure hell demon air/Qi. 一时间,谢傲宇周围十米内,俱都是翻滚着的纯粹的地狱魔气。 But Xie Aoyu I look to disappear. 谢傲宇本人则看不见了。 Bing Wu looks in side that sighed darkly, this was Xie Aoyu, traded to be other people, perhaps this hell demon air/Qi does not need to quenching, can transform directly is Qi, was too only high because of the Xie Aoyu strength rank, needed a wee bit quenchinging. 冰舞在旁边看着,暗叹不已,这就是谢傲宇,换做旁人,恐怕这地狱魔气根本不需要淬炼,直接便可转化为斗气的,只因谢傲宇的战力级别太高,还是需要一丁点的淬炼。 She also knows that Xie Aoyu was impossible to practice to finish in a short time, then took the spirit spar to go to the rear palace to spirit spar palace, oneself practiced. 她也知道谢傲宇短时间内不可能修炼结束,便拿着灵晶石去到灵晶石宫殿的后殿,自己修炼起来。 Along with the practice, bought in enough hell demon air/Qi, the Xie Aoyu complexion turned into the pale golden color. 随着修炼,吸纳足够的地狱魔气,谢傲宇的脸色变成了淡金色。 This hell demon is mad the itself pure earth is the surname, therefore buys in the practice the words, will show that unearthed is the characteristics of surname, the color on Xie Aoyu face is getting more and more heavy, has achieved the golden color from the pale golden color, then directly soars golden yellow, his body skin is also so, so looks that Xie Aoyu seems a metal statue. 这地狱魔气本身就是纯粹土属姓的,所以吸纳修炼的话,会显示出土属姓的特色,谢傲宇脸上的颜色越来越重,从淡金色达到了金色,然后直奔金黄色,他的身体皮肤也是如此,如此看去,谢傲宇就好似一个金人。 His body sends out the light golden halo. 他的身上散发出淡淡的金色光晕。 This golden light is not very at first obvious, he practices two days later, that thick hell demon air/Qi was still tumbling in ten meters range, has not proliferated, has not reduced, may actually be able to see, in the jet black mist of this tumbling, has golden light to scatter, may see the Xie Aoyu form from outside indistinctly. 起初这金光很不明显,当他修炼两天之后,那浓密的地狱魔气仍旧在十米范围内翻滚着,并没有扩散,也未曾减少,可却能看到,在这翻滚的漆黑雾气中,有着一道道的金光散射出来,隐约可从外面看到谢傲宇的身影。 Two days of practice, Xie Aoyu felt finally own boundary distance Senior position one separation unreliably, was the time impact boundary. 两天的修炼,谢傲宇终于感觉到自己的境界距离玄尊中位只有一线之隔,是时候冲击境界了。 Xie Aoyu opens the eye, opens mouth, suddenly an inspiration. 谢傲宇睁开眼睛,张开嘴,猛然一吸气。 Brushing Saw that the Xie Aoyu oronasal eye ear seems changes to strange eddy currents, tumbles the hell demon air/Qi entirely to buy in the surroundings, then can see on his golden yellow body, the hell demon air/Qi that then bought in the neck place gathers one greatly is similar to up the group, the straight line passes through the chest cavity, enters in the dantian, but in the golden yellow dantian also comprehensively revolves, to be above the speed of imagination is quenchinging the hell demon air/Qi, transforms it as the strength. 就看到谢傲宇口鼻眼耳都好似化作一个个的奇诡漩涡,将周围翻滚着的地狱魔气统统的吸纳进去,然后在其金黄色的身上就能看到,那被吸纳进去的地狱魔气在脖子处汇聚成一条巨大的如同光团,直线穿越胸腔,直入丹田之内,而金黄色的丹田内也全面运转起来,以超乎想象的速度淬炼着地狱魔气,将其转化为战力。 Strength of new production are many, in consistent breaking in meridians. 新生成的战力很多,都一致的冲入经脉内。 But strength rapid revolving in meridians, flows through the meridians of whole body, making the strength rotational speed quicker and quicker, the quantity are also getting more and more. 而经脉内的战力则飞速的旋转起来,流经全身的经脉,使得战力转动速度越来越快,量也越来越多。 Impact! 冲击! Xie Aoyu controls strength more rapid revolving suddenly, each revolving is makes the strength grow rapidly, the strength is promoting. 谢傲宇猛然控制战力更加飞速的旋转起来,每一次旋转都是令战力急速的增长着,力量提升着。 After ten minutes, the Xie Aoyu seven orifices bought in the hell demon air/Qi to stop suddenly. 十分钟之后,谢傲宇七窍吸纳地狱魔气陡然停了下来。 All around hell demon air/Qi still in tumbling, the quantity was also reducing, but was still tumbling in the Xie Aoyu surrounding 67 meters scopes. 四周的地狱魔气仍旧在翻滚着,量也缩小了,但仍旧在谢傲宇周围67米的范围内翻滚着。 „” “啪啪啪” After stopping buying, in the body of Xie Aoyu hears a clear sound, the body also gently trembles, the spirit spar palace that the golden yellow light beam of skin surface also shines upon turned into the golden world. 停止吸纳之后,谢傲宇的身体内传来一阵清脆的响声,身体也是轻轻地一颤,皮肤表面的金黄色光束也映照的这灵晶石宫殿变成了金色的世界。 Shouted “呼” Long time, the sound stops. 良久,响声停下来。 Xie Aoyu grows the one breath, he closes eye, opens once again, wipes the ray to flash through, is similar to the lightning plunders spatially, finally broke through, Senior the superior unreliably!” 谢傲宇长出一口气,他闭上眼睛,再度睁开,一抹光芒闪过,如同闪电掠空,“终于突破了,玄尊上位!” Visits Senior the superior unreliably, is extraordinary to the Xie Aoyu significance, after this, by his battle efficiency, may sweep away fully all Senior the master unreliably, even uses the energetic storm to be able with the immortal lower position master to contend, but what is most essential, displays thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god words, he is insufficient to consume like that was astonishing, there is certain opportunity a might display of thunder of half god is bigger. 踏足玄尊上位,对谢傲宇意义非凡,从此之后,凭借他的战斗力,足可横扫所有玄尊高手了,甚至利用精神风暴能够与长生下位的高手抗衡一下,而最关键的是,施展半神之雷1力量的话,他不至于消耗那般的惊人了,也有一定的机会将半神之雷的威力发挥的再大一些。 By the soul jade, Xie Aoyu can see clearly that what own soul presents is the black, no longer unreliably Senior the position crest white soul condition. 透过魂玉,谢傲宇能够清晰地看到,自己的灵魂呈现的是黑色的,不再是玄尊中位顶峰的白色灵魂状态。 From now on by the soul jade, he witnessed own soul from the black to the purple and golden color, finally changes into the white four tourmalines, is a change of big boundary, in the Xie Aoyu mind flashes before Nha to say the words, ten thousand King, first person of Fang Jun fine jade Zeng [words/that], the change of soul and bridged over the giant boundary to have the connection, at the present Xie Aoyu sees with one's own eyes change, wants from now on, then started the reason that tried to have a look at this soul change, has clarified, could find to bridge over the method of giant boundary. 自此透过魂玉,他目睹了自己的灵魂从黑色到紫色、金色,最后化为白色四种颜色变化,也是一个大境界的变化,谢傲宇的脑海中闪现琳洛雅说过的话,万界王中王,第一人方君瑜曾言,灵魂的变化与跨过巨头境界有关联的,而今谢傲宇亲眼看到其中的变化,也想要从现在开始,便开始试着去看看这灵魂变化的原因,弄清楚了,或许能够找到跨过巨头境界的方法。 Decides, Xie Aoyu then restrains the mind, has a look at these hell demon air/Qi again, looks like may also help me to promote, and does not know that can let my soul whether transforms from the black into the purple.” 打定主意,谢傲宇便收敛心神,再看看那些地狱魔气,“看来还可助我有所提升,且不知能让我的灵魂是否从黑色蜕变为紫色的。”
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