BE :: Volume #20

#1906: The main body is taken to the threshing ground 【Three】

The gateway shivers, the hearts of all people have hung. 门户颤动,所有人的心都悬了起来。 Is Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu is the vision is swift and fierce, the respective reassignment strength, is staring at that gateway stubbornly, by the comprehension of Xie Aoyu to space deep meaning, the nature is clearer than others, the mystery of this gateway is, is the entrance of space microcosm, has some entrances of establishment, but concrete anything establishes, he is not quite clear. 就是谢傲宇冰舞都是目光凌厉起来,各自调动力量,死死地盯着那门户,凭借谢傲宇对空间奥义的领悟,自然比别人更加清楚,这门户的奥妙所在,就是空间小世界的入口处,还是有着一些设置的入口,只是具体什么设置,他却不太清楚。 Therefore although Xie Aoyu is staring, first does not have is then ready, do not go is brings death, after all the immortal boundary masters of all influence killed. 所以谢傲宇虽然盯着,却没有第一时间便做好冲进去的准备,别介进去是送死啊,毕竟各方势力的长生境界高手都杀进去了。 Naturally, as the space microcosm, the space is very huge, even if has several hundred thousand li (0.5km) also normally, therefore enters , many utilizable conditions assure the security. 当然了,作为空间小世界,空间是非常庞大的,就算是有个几十万里也正常,所以进入其中,也是有许多可利用的条件来保证安全的。 Mountain valley that was noisy, is all of a sudden peaceful. 原本闹哄哄的山谷,一下子安静下来。 All people are staring at that gateway. 所有人都盯着那门户。 Gateway tremor fierce of more and more, the left leafed door earth movements of two leaves of front doors get up gradually slowly, a slit was opened, transmits rich hell demon air/Qi from inside, has a cream halo to mix in that demon air/Qi, is not very obvious, can actually one come out shortly, that is the Angel Clan unique aura. 渐渐地门户颤动的越来越厉害,两扇大门的左侧一扇门缓缓地动起来,一条缝隙被打开,从里面传来一股浓郁的地狱魔气,更是有着一股乳白色的光晕在那魔气中夹杂着,很不明显,却可以一眼看出来,那就是天使族特有的气息。 Big that more and more gate opens, a partly visible person's shadow flashes in that. 门开启的越来越大,一个若隐若现的人影在那里面闪现出来。 Xie Aoyu penetrates the mind , can only see indistinctly, that is a Angel Clan person, is spelling must turn on the gateway that tries, but this Angel Clan person Senior the peak top player unreliably, belongs to the difference one step to stride in the immortal boundary, was the strength quite tyrannical that kind. 谢傲宇透过心眼,也只能隐约看到,那是一名天使族人,正拼尽全力的要开启着门户,而这天使族人是玄尊巅峰顶级高手,属于差一步跨入长生境界的,也算是实力相当强横的那一类了。 Enters quickly, treasure this Angel Clan person to Angel Clan master shouts to clear the way, the sound is having one to shiver, performance that obviously is understrength. “快进,宝物”这名天使族人对着天使族高手喝道,声音都带着一丝颤抖,明显是力量不足的表现。 But that leafed door that he opens, exactly to a master of Angel Clan side. 而他开启的那扇门,也恰恰就对着天使族一方的高手。 To!” “冲!” Outside Angel Clan master sees that immediately then bellows, explodes to shoot, must break. 外面的天使族高手见状,立刻便大吼起来,率先爆射出去,要冲入其中。 Other influences see that where can agree, in abundance clashes. 其他势力见状,哪能同意,纷纷的冲出去。 The Angel Clan master is away from recent, then clashes three people all of a sudden, the Xie Aoyu mind also locks them, enters, three people then forwarding that the speed speeds up suddenly, then lost the contact all of a sudden. 天使族高手距离最近,一下子便冲进去三人,谢傲宇的心眼也将他们锁定,进入其中,三人便将速度骤然加快的向前,一下子便失去了联系。 Should be all right. 应该没事吧。 Xie Aoyu determined that after that three Angel Clan people are clashes, then accelerates to inside flies, has not stayed, if there is a matter, should to draw back is right. 谢傲宇确定那三名天使族人是冲进去之后,便加速向里面飞去的,并没有停留,若是有事的话,应该是要退出来的才对。 Thinks of here, his left hand is embracing Bing Wu, flushes away to inside. 想到这里,他左手揽着冰舞,也向里面冲去。 That inside Angel Clan master had insisted actually limit, a both hands loosen, the gateway shuts down slowly. 倒是那里面的天使族高手已经坚持到了极限,双手一松,门户缓缓地关闭。 „It is not good, must close, everybody collaborates!” “不好,要关上了,大家联手!” Leaves quickly fully, opens this leafed door!” “快出全力,打开这扇门!” Calls out in alarm the sound to be lingering on faintly. 惊叫声不绝于耳。 The scene several hundred people get rid, the assorted attack from shells in all directions on the gateway, then the two leaves of front doors of town once again open at the scene, but also merely is ajar, then once again must close. 现场数百人纷纷出手,各色的攻击从四面八方纷纷轰击在门户上面,当场便镇的两扇大门再度开启,但是也仅仅是半开,便再度要关闭。 If very obviously wants to open these two leaves of front doors, perhaps even if the immortal superior master is also not necessarily able to achieve, inside Angel Clan master should have a slit that helps to help one another opens. 很显然要想开启这两扇大门,就算是长生上位高手恐怕也未必能够做到,里面的天使族高手应该还有帮助相助才开启的一点缝隙。 Saw that the gateway must shut down, Xie Aoyu accelerates to flush away suddenly. 眼看着门户就要关闭,谢傲宇骤然加速冲去。 Promotion version such as light electricity! 升级版如光似电! Thunder clouds day wing! 雷云天翼! The acme performance of speed, this is Xie Aoyu achieves Senior the first comprehensive stimulation speed after position crest unreliably, quickly to what situation? At least Bing Wu felt, wind non- shade non- shade god trace in front of Xie Aoyu, difference is not a least bit. 速度的极致表现,这是谢傲宇达到玄尊中位顶峰之后的第一次全面激发速度,快到什么地步?至少冰舞感觉,风无影的无影神踪在谢傲宇面前,差的不是一点半点。 In an instant, he then arrived around that gateway. 刹那间,他便到达了那门户附近。 The so astonishing speed also caused one piece to call out in alarm. 如此惊人的速度也引起了一片惊呼。 After all Xie Aoyu stands in most distant place. 毕竟谢傲宇是站在最远处的。 Boy speed is quick, but, you go back to me.” The man on blue eyes golden eagle also stimulates to movement the blue eyes golden eagle to dive, by blue eyes golden eagle velocity profile Demon Beast, unexpectedly by far, when makes he who Xie Aoyu flings is surprised, does not have cares, puts out Divine Knife to separate spatially then cuts. “小子速度很快嘛,不过,你还是给我回去。”碧眼金雕上的男子也催动碧眼金雕俯冲下去,凭借碧眼金雕这速度型的魔兽,竟然被谢傲宇甩的远远地,令他惊讶之余,也没太在意,拿出一把神刀隔空便斩。 A blade cut down to cut, will be void gives to cut to break to pieces. 一刀劈斩,将虚空都给斩碎了。 Xie Aoyu sneers, the boy of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, his weapon is useless, the right hand makes getting rid blade shape, to void is then cutting. 谢傲宇冷笑一声,不知天高地厚的小子,他连兵器都没用,右手做出手刀状,对着虚空便斩出去。 Promotion version Broken Shield Cut. 升级版破盾斩 Uses the arm as the knife, in addition Xie Aoyu that wild strength, has the blade light together to fly to shoot from his hand immediately. 以手臂为刀身,加上谢傲宇那狂暴的战力,立刻就有一道刀光从他的手上飞射出去。 „!” “咔嚓!” That blade light one then cuts off Divine Knife of golden eagle man, the sharp blade light trend does not reduce, leaves behind together the blood trough in his left shoulder, this dissipates , the sore golden eagle man almost stands up from failure to drop the ground. 那刀光一下便将金雕男子的神刀斩断,锋利的刀光趋势不减,在其左肩留下一道血槽,这才消散,也疼的金雕男子差点翻身跌落地面。 Rests!” “休走!” In the flash that Xie Aoyu gets rid , the white crane above beautiful woman also puts out a god spear, separates to select spatially, the light cold twinkle, a light beam then hole shoots together. 就在谢傲宇出手的一瞬间,白鹤上面的美女也拿出一条神枪,隔空点去,一道光寒闪烁,一道光束便洞射过去。 The Xie Aoyu palm turns, has grasped with the hand directly. 谢傲宇手掌一翻,直接用手抓了过去。 „!” “啪嚓!” That light beam then grasping broke to pieces by his palm of the hand. 那光束便被他一巴掌给抓碎了。 Two big masters stop to be routed with ease, the attacks of other people have fiercely, the opportunity of what a pity getting rid of ended, the master who these revere the peak level unreliably just got rid, a Xie Aoyu foot has stepped into the gateway, seeing is unable to prevent, naturally gives up stopping, instead picks up the speed to clash. 两大高手阻拦被轻松击溃,其他人的攻击也有厉害的,可惜出手的时机完了,那些玄尊巅峰级的高手刚出手,谢傲宇一只脚已经踏入门户内了,见无法阻挡,自然放弃阻拦,反而加快速度冲进去。 Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu brings Bing Wu then to pass through gateway, enters the space microcosm of going crazy clan. 谢傲宇带着冰舞便穿过门户,进入风魔族的空间小世界。 May enter, the thing of mind income outside, has not responded that the terrifying strengths all of a sudden have fettered the body of Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu, leading them to overrun forward crazily. 可一入其中,心眼收入外界的东西,还没有反应过来,就有一股恐怖的力量一下子束缚了谢傲宇冰舞的身体,带着他们向前狂冲过去。 It is not good, cheats! 不好,有诈! Xie Aoyu first has then thought three Angel Clan masters who formerly came in suddenly forward flush away, makes him not suspect that has the issue. 谢傲宇第一时间便想到了先前进来的三名天使族高手就是突然向前冲去,才让他不怀疑有问题的。 When he responded that saw the front to stand one group of people. 待他反应过来,就看到前方站着一群人。 The front has more than ten people, looks is the master of going crazy clan, the body demon air/Qi tumbles, the two have the profound wind at the surroundings dance, these two strengths have reached the immortal boundary lower position altitude, but in this going crazy clan masters is standing 78 people, has three Angel Clan masters who that formerly flushed impressively, but on these three faces hangs is wiping the smiling face, as if very happy appearance, may look that behind them on the snow white wing has some black rays, then knows that these three people had been controlled, very possible is the secret technique of soul control. 前方有十多人,一看就是风魔族的高手,身上魔气翻滚,其中两人具有玄风在周围狂舞,这两人的实力更是达到了长生境界下位的高度,而在这风魔族高手的身后则是站着78人,其中赫然就有那先前冲进来的三名天使族高手,只是这三人脸上挂着一抹笑容,似乎很高兴的样子,可看他们背后的雪白羽翼上面有着一些黑色的光芒,便知道,这三人已经被控制了,很可能是灵魂控制的秘术。 Ha Ha, came two.” Going crazy clan a master of immortal lower position noticed that Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu arrive, cannot help but laughs, wields conveniently, the demon light then hit together. “哈哈,又来了两个。”风魔族一名长生下位的高手看到谢傲宇冰舞到来,不由得哈哈一笑,随手一挥,一道魔光便打出来了。 Xie Aoyu at this time, rejoiced with the main body status secretly, if Lei Tianze the status, is unable to contend, but the main body, that was different. 谢傲宇这时候,暗自庆幸用本尊身份,若是雷天泽身份的话,根本无法抗衡,而本尊的话,那就不同了。 In air/Qi of rapid breaking in consciousness sea two dragon god kings. 两道龙神王之气迅速的冲入意识海中。 As he strides in Senior the position crest boundary unreliably, the liquid psychic force that can transfer has also reached a brand-new peak, air/Qi of the two dragon god kings stimulate many psychic forces again, then transfers very astonishing many psychic forces all of a sudden. 那随着他跨入玄尊中位顶峰境界,可以调动的液态化精神力也达到了一个全新的高峰,再有两道龙神王之气激发更多的精神力,一下子便调动起非常惊人之多的精神力。 Energetic storm! 精神风暴! In the Xie Aoyu glabellas flashes through wipes the cold glow, concentrate the solid ray then to proliferate together, that is the liquid psychic force achieves the enough quantity later performance. 谢傲宇眉心间闪过一抹寒芒,一道凝实的光线便扩散出去,那是液态化精神力达到足够量之后的表现。 Bang!” “轰!” The demon light that going crazy head of the clan habitat lower position master makes ruptures immediately, formidable spiritual strength then easily accomplished sweeps across to many going crazy clan masters. 那风魔族长生境界下位高手打出的魔光当即爆裂,强大的精神力量便摧枯拉朽的向诸多风魔族高手席卷过去。 Even if immortal boundary lower position boundary, was hit to be caught off guard, they are unable to get rid of this attack with ease, particularly their eyes then see to show the real boundary Xie Aoyu ability desirably, therefore has very big underestimate, is unable to counter-attack fully. 就算是长生境界下位的境界,被打个措手不及,两人也无法轻松摆脱这种攻击的,尤其是他们一眼便看出刻意表现出真实境界的谢傲宇的能力,所以有着很大的低估,更加无法全力反击了。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Result bang in the sound, the going crazy clan master compelled repetitive backlash, pours has not been injured, is somewhat distressed, but this has given the Xie Aoyu opportunity. 结果一阵轰隆声中,风魔族高手被逼的连连后退,倒也没有受伤,就是有些狼狈,而这已经给予谢傲宇机会了。 He displays the limit the speed, suddenly then flies to shoot to the jungle of distant place, promotion version Earth Escape Technique one transmits ten thousand meters distance, has shunted violent anger getting rid of going crazy clan master by far. 他将速度发挥到极限,眨眼间便飞射至远处的一处丛林中,升级版土遁术一下传送出去万米的距离,远远的躲开了暴怒的风魔族高手的出手。 Shouted “呼” Until this time, Bing Wu grows one breath, the tight heart has put. 直到此时,冰舞才长出一口气,紧张的心放了下来。 Narrow squeak.” Xie Aoyu is also some fear. “好险啊。”谢傲宇也是有些后怕。 He has not thought that this space microcosm is going crazy clan does unexpectedly, clearly is aims at the god master, no wonder does not have the master in demon Lingshan to dope. 他没想到这空间小世界居然是风魔族自己搞出来的,分明就是来针对神界高手的,难怪没有魔灵山方面的高手掺杂进来。 Thinks that formerly had large quantities of immortal boundary master to enter, feared that is the present surname life does not guarantee. 想到先前有大批的长生境界高手进入,怕是现在姓命不保了吧。 Good sinister method! 好阴险的手段! Xie Aoyu believes that going crazy clansman such procedure absolutely was not one time two, but formerly possibly these people were cut to kill or control by them, therefore has not spread similar news. 谢傲宇相信,风魔族人这么做法绝对不是一次两次了,只是先前可能那些人都被他们斩杀或者控制了而已,所以没有传出类似的消息。 This narrow squeak, if not you use the main body to have the energetic storm, in addition the opposite party has a low opinion of the enemy, we were really dangerous.” Bing Wu said. “这次好险啊,若非你用本尊有精神风暴,加之对方过于轻敌的话,我们就真的危险了。”冰舞道。 The Xie Aoyu racket the fragrant shoulder of Bing Wu, said with a smile: Is my main body goes into action fortunately, otherwise, but also is somewhat dangerous, at least must expose the status.” 谢傲宇拍拍冰舞的香肩,笑道:“还好是我本尊出马,不然的话,还真有点危险,至少也是要曝光身份的。” The thunder of half god in that situation, is unable to use, even if the use , can only get rid to that two immortal boundary lower position masters at most, is unable to achieve the attack of comprehensive wide scope, will tie down. 半神之雷在那个场合,根本无法使用,就算是使用,顶多也只能对那两名长生境界下位高手出手,无法做到全面大范围的攻击,还是会被缠住的。 After the security, Xie Aoyu examines this space microcosm. 安全之后,谢傲宇才查看这空间小世界。 Other did not say that the hell demon air/Qi is very thick, is thicker than the outside has 34 times fully, moreover is primarily the wind is the surname and thunder is surnamed, is not the sole wind is the surname. 别的不说,地狱魔气很浓厚,比外界浓厚足有34倍,而且以风属姓和雷属姓为主,并非是单一的风属姓。 The space microcosm is very huge, cannot look at the boundary, by the experience judgment of Xie Aoyu, this space microcosm at least 100,000 li (0.5km) huge spaces, very huge . Moreover the mountain range fluctuates, the forest onion onion, Demon Beast appears and disappears, obviously this space microcosm opening time is not very short, looks at this inside Demon Beast purely so, knows that this place danger numerous, because of being the space microcosm, therefore Demon Beast of this place definitely was being controlled by the going crazy clan, the strength of coordinate going crazy clan, even if a god side big influence wants to attack, very difficult. 空间小世界很庞大,一眼望不到边际,以谢傲宇的经验判断,这空间小世界至少有100000里的巨大空间,非常的庞大,而且山峦起伏,林木葱葱,魔兽出没,显然此空间小世界开辟时间很不短暂了,单纯看这里面的魔兽如此之多,就知道此地危险重重,因是空间小世界,所以此地的魔兽肯定都被风魔族掌控着的,配合风魔族的力量,就算是神界一方大势力想要攻打,都很困难的。 Xie Aoyu naturally must be careful the low key. 谢傲宇自然更要小心低调才可以。 Has some masters of going crazy clan in that upper air, at this moment got rid of the energetic storm attack of Xie Aoyu, has sent out the human to start to chase down Xie Aoyu they, but leaves behind an immortal boundary lower position master to assume personal command, controls the master who unceasingly rushes from outside. 在那高空则是有着风魔族的一些高手,此刻已经摆脱了谢傲宇的精神风暴攻击,已经派出人开始追杀谢傲宇两人,但还是留下一名长生境界下位高手坐镇,不断地控制从外面闯进来的高手。 Naturally, formerly the Xie Aoyu attack ran away, some people seize the chance to rush, for example that blue eyes golden eagle above man and white crane above beautiful woman, they follow one group of people to clash, sees the situation not to be wonderful, then first one step stimulates to movement Demon Beast to run away to the distant place. 当然,先前谢傲宇攻击逃走,也有人趁机闯进来,比如那碧眼金雕上面的男子和白鹤上面的美女,两人跟随一群人冲进来的,一见情况不妙,便先一步催动魔兽向远处逃去。 This aspect somewhat messed up. 这一下局面就有些乱套了。 The remaining that immortal boundary lower position masters see that the anger snort, wields conveniently, the demon light hits together on the gateway of that difference space microcosm, this gateway completely opened wide all of a sudden. 剩下的那名长生境界下位高手见状,怒哼一声,随手一挥,一道魔光打在那出入空间小世界的门户上面,这门户一下子完全敞开了。
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