BE :: Volume #20

#1905: The main body is taken to the threshing ground 【Two】

Wind family member in going crazy clan territory, this is the open secret, all people know that resembles in Lei Mozu Territory definitely to have the Lei master, in the hot demon clan territory casts the clan same truth brightly. 风家人在风魔族领地内,这是公开的秘密,所有人都知道,就好像雷魔族领地内肯定有雷家高手,火魔族领地内有神铸族一样的道理。 As by the race that all previous big fiendish person thinks highly , after retreating, the thing that leaves behind is they have wanted to seek, naturally can send for seeking here, moreover captures hell demon to start from god, here moves, has not left. 作为被历代大魔王器重的种族,退走之后,留下的东西一直都是他们想要寻找到的,自然会派人在这里寻找了,而且是从神界攻陷地狱魔界开始,就在这里活动的,从未曾离开过的。 Xie Aoyu has swept these people, what the strength is strongest is one Senior the lower position master unreliably, is following some Battle Emperor level powerhouses, seems the patrol leader is the same, is loafing in the nearby. 谢傲宇扫了一眼这些人,实力最强的是一名玄尊下位高手,跟随着一些战皇级强者,似乎是巡逻队一样,在附近游荡着。 „Do you are do, does not know that here was changed into the forbidden area, quickly leaves.” Distant these wind family members then saw Xie Aoyu they, rapid closes up, the speaker said that the expression is somewhat bad, this is because they cannot completely understand the Xie Aoyu boundary, so, otherwise already directly began to kill people. “你们是干什么的,不知道这里已经被化为禁区了吗,赶快离开。”远远的那些风家人便看到了谢傲宇两人,迅速的靠拢过来,扬声说道,语气有些不善,这还是因为他们看不透谢傲宇的境界,才如此的,不然早就直接动手杀人了。 Here is not going crazy clan territory, when became the forbidden area.” Xie Aoyu said. “这里不是风魔族领地吗,什么时候成为禁区了。”谢傲宇道。 Profound in these wind family members revere the say (way) that the lower position master lets somebody cool off or calm down: This is the forbidden area that our wind assigns, from now on, the person of any my wind will not permit to visit in the going crazy clan territory, you will quickly leave.” 这些风家人中的玄尊下位高手冷冷的道:“这是我们风家划的禁区,从现在开始,任何非我风家之人不准踏足风魔族领地内,你们赶快离开。” Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, said: Wind also is really overbearing.” 谢傲宇淡然一笑,道:“风家还真是霸道。” How is overbearing, the boy, you should better put intelligently, do not bring upon oneself the blind alley.” Say (Way) that this wind family member lets somebody cool off or calm down. “霸道怎的,小子,你最好放聪明点,别自找死路。”这风家人冷冷的道。 To this and other small roles, Xie Aoyu naturally is disinclined with it haggling over, he puts out a hand to grab the hand of Bing Wu, stopping her to get rid, says with a smile: Some people came, how having a look at them to process.” 对这等小角色,谢傲宇自然懒得与之计较,他伸手抓住冰舞的手,制止她出手,笑道:“有人来了,看看他们怎么处理。” Was saying brings Bing Wu floating to retrocede. 说着带着冰舞飘然后退。 They withdraw about 30 meters distance, saw more than 30 people enormous and powerful flies, is the head impressively is horizontally poor character, fights the master of god clan. 他们退后大约30米的距离,就看到30多人浩浩荡荡的飞来,为首的赫然是横无行,正是斗神族的高手。 „The wind restricted area, anybody can not enter.” That wind family member sees horizontal poor character, the complexion also changes, who does not know horizontal poor character, but he accuses to be , can only brace oneself to stop. “风家禁地,任何人不得进入。”那风家人看到横无行,脸色也是一变,谁不认识横无行啊,可他指责所在,只能硬着头皮走过去阻拦。 Horizontal poor character cold -ly snorted and said: Fart! This is the going crazy clan territory, when has become the restricted area of your wind, go away!” 横无行冷哼道:“放屁!这是风魔族领地,何时成了你们风家的禁地,滚开!” Spoke this saying, horizontal poor character is then bringing person stand forth, does not respond these wind family members. 说这话,横无行便带着人向前走去,根本不搭理这些风家人。 Horizontal poor character, you that wind People called out. “横无行,你”那风家人大叫道。 „!” “啪!” Follows of horizontal poor character side Senior unreliably the master lifted a hand palm of the hand this wind family member fan transferred three same place, the spout was bringing the blood of tooth, say (way) that let somebody cool off or calm down: Horizontal poor character three characters are also you have the qualifications to call, go away, dares to be in the way again, kills without the amnesty!” 跟随在横无行身旁的一名玄尊中位高手抬手一巴掌将这名风家人扇的原地转了三圈,吐出口带着牙齿的鲜血,冷冷的道:“横无行三个字也是你有资格叫的,滚,再敢挡路,杀无赦!” Does the bucket of god clan masters to release woods cold killing intent immediately. 一干斗神族高手立刻释放出森寒的杀意。 Fights the god clan to come in the human, strength worst is also the master who Senior the lower position unreliably, how to pay attention to the wind family member who such several Lian Xuanzun boundary will unable to achieve, especially among them the contradiction was very deep, will not care kills several wind family members. 斗神族来人中,实力最差的也是玄尊下位的高手,如何会将这么几个连玄尊境界都达不到的风家人放在眼里,尤其他们之间的矛盾已经很深了,更是不在意多杀几个风家人。 Looks at this stance, that wind family member where also dares to stop. 一看这架势,那风家人哪里还敢阻拦。 Horizontal poor character fought god clan masters then to approach the forward flight to go. 横无行等斗神族高手便向前飞去。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu smile, looks at this situation, knows that horizontal poor character fought the god clan masters is finds fault, the gentle breeze family member opposes intentionally, this indicated that the conflict of bucket of god clan gentle breeze is going a step further in the expansion. 谢傲宇冰舞相视一笑,看这情形,就知道横无行等斗神族高手就是来找茬的,故意和风家人作对的,这就表明斗神族和风家的冲突正在进一步扩大中。 Perhaps in this going crazy clan territory, can taking the opportunity make them promote contradictory once again, if horizontal poor character this fought the Cenozoic talent of god clan to be killed by the wind family member, will make two occur has probably the war of scale.” On the Xie Aoyu face reveals the smiling face that wipes to annihilate to cheat. “或许在这风魔族领地,可以借机让他们矛盾再度升级,若是横无行这等斗神族的新生代天才被风家人杀死的话,大概会让两家发生一些有规模的战争吧。”谢傲宇脸上流露出一抹歼诈的笑容。 He hugs Bing Wu floating to retrocede, in place that nobody sees, displays Earth Escape Technique, enters the central area of going crazy clan territory with ease. 他搂着冰舞飘然后退,在没人看到的地方,施展土遁术,轻松进入风魔族领地的中心区域。 Promotion version Earth Escape Technique displays comprehensively, twinkling ten thousand meters distance. 升级版土遁术全面发挥出来,瞬息万米的距离。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu brave in a no man's land. 谢傲宇冰舞在一处无人区域冒出来。 The position that they are, can clear saw form that horizontal poor character fought the god clan masters, rapid hurrying to forward, the speed is quick. 他们所在的位置,能够清晰的看到横无行等斗神族高手的身影,正飞速的向前赶去,速度很快。 Hissing “嘶” The neighing sound cuts the horizon. 嘶鸣声划破天际。 A huge Demon Beast upper air grazes. 一只巨大的魔兽高空飞掠。 Has one about 30 -year-old master to stand in the back of that Demon Beast, both hands recited backwards from the end, the uncombed hair danced in the air, an appearance of extra mundane master. 在那魔兽的背部有着一名30岁左右的高手站立着,双手倒背,乱发飞舞,一副世外高手的样子。 Blue eyes golden eagle!” Bing Wu said in a low voice. “碧眼金雕!”冰舞低声道。 The blue eyes golden eagle, sky overlord level Demon Beast, the adult stage can reach the immortal boundary peak level, if can become the blue eyes golden eagle Demon Beast race king, may stride in the exceedingly high level the boundary, belongs to very intrepid Demon Beast, and this blue eyes golden eagle and blue eyes golden eagle of world has greatly is very different, the battle efficiency, the contour somewhat is different. 碧眼金雕,天空的霸主级魔兽,成年期能够达到长生境界巅峰级,若能成为碧眼金雕魔兽种族的王,可跨入通天级的境界,属于非常强悍的魔兽,且此碧眼金雕与人间界的碧眼金雕是有很大不同的,无论是战斗力,外形都有些不同。 Can take the blue eyes golden eagle as the person who the demon favors naturally is not simple. 能够以碧眼金雕为魔宠的人自然是不简单的。 Xie Aoyu looks up, the man on that blue eyes golden eagle also lowers the head looks like, with Xie Aoyu four items of relative. 谢傲宇抬头看去,那碧眼金雕上的男子也低头看来,与谢傲宇四目相对。 Whiz! 嗖! The master of blue eyes golden eagle is similar to from his back the big bird throws suddenly to Xie Aoyu, both hands grasp void, ten Dow Jones Index air/Qi then explode to shoot, one locks Xie Aoyu. 碧眼金雕的主人陡然从其背部如同大鸟般向谢傲宇扑过去,双手虚空一抓,十道指气便爆射出来,一下锁定谢傲宇 Senior position crest boundary unreliably! 玄尊中位顶峰的境界! Xie Aoyu also penetrates the soul jade to see this person of real strength, in his heart whispered, was probably possibly recognized, after all he was the main body appears, although did simply has concealed, if paid attention to his person, can recognize. 谢傲宇也透过魂玉看出这人的真实实力,他心中嘀咕,大概可能被认出来了吧,毕竟他是本尊出现的,虽然简单做了些掩饰,若是关注他的人,还是能够认出来的。 Saw with own eyes this person of getting rid, Xie Aoyu separates the spatial fist then to hit. 眼见这人出手,谢傲宇隔空一拳便打了出去。 This fist does not have what positive result but actually, after all with his same level boundary master, but also nobody has the qualifications to make him set out formidable Fights Technique. 这一拳倒也没有什么名堂,毕竟与他同等境界的高手,还没有什么人有资格让他出动强大斗技的。 Nature Xie Aoyu is the use absorbs the spatial technique to refine the strength first, refines temporarily that air/Qi of freezing, causes his air/Qi of ice-bound match's strength not anything freezing function, so is also the difference with Lei Tianze status. 自然谢傲宇先是动用摄空术对战力进行提炼,将那冰冻之气暂时提炼出来,使得他的战力没有什么冰冻之气冰封对手的作用,如此也算是与雷天泽身份的区别吧。 „” “啪啪啪啪” Ten Dow Jones Index air/Qi by Xie Aoyu fist Beng Duan, the strength were shelled. 十道指气被谢傲宇一拳崩断,更是有一股力量轰击上去。 The blue eyes golden eagle wings vibrates, one wind edges sweep across, routs the strength of Xie Aoyu that fist, this male personal appearance flies high to fly, returns to the blue eyes golden eagle the back, ha, good, you have the qualifications to compete.” 碧眼金雕双翼震动,一片风刃席卷下来,将谢傲宇那一拳的力量击溃,这男子则身形凌空飞起,重新回归碧眼金雕的背部,“哈哈哈,不错,你有资格来争夺。” After saying, this person stimulates to movement the blue eyes golden eagle to fly in the direction that fighting the god clan goes far away. 说完之后,这人催动碧眼金雕向着斗神族远去的方向飞去。 Hasn't recognized me? 没认出我? Xie Aoyu cannot help laughing, but also thinks that was seen through, sentimental person extremely arrogant, suddenly is probes itself to have the qualifications to compete for any thing. 谢傲宇哑然失笑,还以为被识破了,感情这人太过高傲,竟然是试探自己有没有资格去争夺什么东西。 Hissing!” “嘶!” Clear and melodious crane whining noise transmits. 清越的鹤鸣声传来。 A white light from remote place lasing, but. 一道白光从遥远的地方激射而至。 That is a variation white crane, arrogant raising head, the snow white feather seems the proud princess, has one person in the back of this white crane similarly, is the famous beautiful woman, wears a white dress, an arrogant color of face, despises has swept Xie Aoyu one, said: Qualifications? Went is also brings death.” 那是一头变异白鹤,高傲的仰着头,雪白的羽毛好似骄傲的公主,在这白鹤的背部同样有着一人,是名美女,身穿一袭白色的裙装,一脸的孤傲之色,蔑视的扫了谢傲宇一眼,道:“资格?去了也是送死的。” Ha Ha, the crane beautiful woman also joins in the fun.” The golden eagle man laughs to say. “哈哈,鹤美女也来凑热闹啊。”金雕男子大笑道。 Snort!” “哼!” The white crane beautiful woman does not treat to the golden eagle man obviously sees, cold snort, then flies to the distant place. 白鹤美女显然对金雕男子不怎么待见,冷哼一声,便向远处飞去。 The golden eagle man laughs is following. 金雕男子大笑着紧随其后。 Their directions all horizontally poor character fought the direction that the god clan goes. 他们的方向全都是横无行等斗神族前去的方向。 It seems like in the going crazy clan territory definitely had any unusual matter to occur.” Xie Aoyu said that otherwise, the impossible these many people to overtake.” “看来风魔族领地内肯定有什么异常事情发生了。”谢傲宇道,“不然的话,不可能这么多人赶过去。” Bing Wu said: And other, I relate the demon demon clan.” 冰舞道:“等一下,我联系一下魔魅族。” She then sits immediately, puts out one to carve the disc of Incantation technique strategy, puts out the written records, above brushes a point has written the thing, then recited the incantation, that Incantation technique strategy operated, the thing that she wrote then transmitted. 她当即便坐下来,拿出一个雕刻着咒术阵法的圆盘,拿出纸笔,在上面刷刷点点的写了东西,便念动咒语,那咒术阵法运行,她写的东西便传送出去了。 This Incantation technique disc is the law of demon demon clan special contact. 咒术圆盘乃是魔魅族特殊的联络之法。 That above Incantation technique transmission, can transmit to the demon demon clan headquarters, compiles information that needs, then delivers. 那上面的咒术传送阵,能够传递给魔魅族总部,汇总需要的情报,然后送过来。 Transmission of order, a half after about minute, a Incantation technique disc then tremor in Bing Wu hand, the ray flashes, the paper appears on the disc. 将命令传达出去,大约半分钟之后,冰舞手中的咒术圆盘便一阵颤动,光芒闪动间,就有一张纸条出现在圆盘上面。 Bing Wu receives the disc, gives Xie Aoyu paper, this is in the information that the demon demon clan collects about going crazy clan territory.” 冰舞收起圆盘,将纸条交给谢傲宇,“这是魔魅族收集的关于风魔族领地内的情报。” Xie Aoyu receives, examined rapidly, is astonished however said: Is so skillful? Before the going crazy clan retreats, possibly stored up many treasures in a space microcosm, but this space microcosm was found.” 谢傲宇接过来,迅速的查看了一遍,讶然道:“这么巧?风魔族退走之前,将诸多宝物可能储存在一个空间小世界内了,而这个空间小世界被找到了。” No wonder that many people overtake, in the space microcosm possibly has many heavy treasures not to be uncertain.” Bing Wu said. “难怪那么多人赶过去,空间小世界内可能有着许多的重宝也不一定。”冰舞说道。 Has a look.” “去看看。” Xie Aoyu the paper crumb, bringing Bing Wu to display the speed full speed to go to the forward flight. 谢傲宇将纸条捏碎,带着冰舞施展速度全速向前飞去。 In that paper, the space microcosm of abatement going crazy clan was opened beside, the narration, that was Angel Clan, Lei, the god casts the clan to have the master to overtake from other places, did not have the person in demon Lingshan to meddle only, can say that now in that space microcosm the influence emerges in every way, lively. 在那纸条内,除却风魔族的空间小世界被打开之外,还有一些叙述,那就是天使族,雷家,神铸族都有高手从其他地方赶过去了,唯独没有魔灵山方面的人插手其中,可以说现在那空间小世界内多方势力涌入,热闹的很。 200 li (0.5km) are away from, under the Xie Aoyu full speed flight, how long to be useless then to rush, he arrived with that blue eyes the tail of golden eagle and white crane. 200里距离,在谢傲宇全速飞行之下,没用多久便赶到了,他是跟着那碧眼金雕和白鹤的尾巴来到的。 Nature Xie Aoyu also desirably hid the aura, does not make them discover. 自然谢傲宇也是刻意隐藏了气息,不让他们两个发现。 The front they stopped sky over a mountain valley. 前方两人在一处山谷上空停了下来。 Xie Aoyu they also stop in summit of the mountain, in Mukaiyamadani looks. 谢傲宇两人也就停在一座高山之巅,向山谷内看去。 Sees only in the mountain valley dense and numerous has 600-700 people fully, is divided into several different circles, each is the vision embarrassed bright is staring at that mountain valley center place. 只见山谷内密密麻麻的足有六七百人,分成几个不同的圈子,每一个都是目光囧囧有神的盯着那山谷中心的地方。 These people have Angel Clan, casts the clan brightly, has the Lei master, the wind powerhouse, fights the god clan has, some masters of some second-class influences. 这些人有天使族,有神铸族,有雷家高手,风家强者,斗神族的均有,更有一些二流势力的高手在内。 And person of many Xie Aoyu understanding. 其中不乏谢傲宇认识的人。 What is strange does not have an immortal boundary master. 奇怪的是没有一个长生境界的高手。 But in this mountain valley center place, is has one by the thick fog is wrapping the strange front door, setting up for no reason in the central place, looking from behind, the mist winds around, does not have what thing, this was the entrance of space microcosm. 而在这山谷中心的地方,则是有着一个被浓雾包裹着的奇异的大门,平白无故的树立在中心地方,从后面看,雾气缭绕,没有什么东西,这就是空间小世界的入口了。 Without the master of immortal boundary, Xie Aoyu naturally was not worried that the mind will be discovered that then completely displays, intercepts all conversations. 没有长生境界的高手,谢傲宇自然也就不担心心眼会被发现了,便完全施展开来,将一切交谈都进行窃听。 Strange, what's the matter, has not come back, will not have any matter.” “奇怪,怎么回事,还没有回来,不会有什么事吧。” Will not have the matter, our these many immortal boundary above masters of influence collaborate to enter, even if inside has the exceedingly high level master, is insufficient Lian Dianfan the resisting force not to have.” “不会有事的,我们这么多势力的长生境界以上高手联手进入,就算是里面有通天级高手,也不至于连点反抗力都没有的。” Is, you looked that this enters the gateway strength fluctuation of space microcosm not to have, inside has not had the large-scale war obviously, otherwise, by the strength of immortal boundary master, the complementary waves can give the disintegration this gateway.” “就是,你们看,这进入空间小世界的门户一点力量波动都没有,里面显然没有发生大规模的战争,不然,以长生境界高手的力量,余波都能将这门户给崩碎的。” In many person discussion sounds, that gateway shivers suddenly. 许多人议论声中,那门户突然颤动起来。
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