BE :: Volume #20

#1904: The main body is taken to the threshing ground 【One】

The information that the demon demon clan that Ru Yan on the way will obtain transmits said. 如烟就将在途中得到的魔魅族传来的情报说了一下。 The content is very simple, in their front place about one great distance, one group of Lei masters is moving, but is the person of head is under the competition lets of a plain-clothed security policeman magnificent Lei heads of household, this person is the Cenozoic master who Lei Wankun that clique elects in Lei, matter of Lei Tianze the because now Lei Wankun Xie Aoyu disguises as betrayed, causing them to be reproven one by Lei Jia lao ancestor maliciously, the benefit that grasped also seized the chance to eliminate by the antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong this Lei head of household many, if they continue now, can meet affirmative. 内容很简单,就是在他们前方大约一千里的地方,有一群雷家高手正在活动,而为首之人则是竞争下任雷家家主之一的雷子华,此人在雷家属于雷万坤那个派系推选出来的新生代高手,如今雷万坤因为谢傲宇假扮的雷天泽之事背叛,导致他们被雷家老祖狠狠地训斥了一顿,掌握的利益也被上古圣皇赵天龙这位雷家家主趁机剥夺许多,所以如果他们现在继续前行的话,肯定会遇到的。 According to the demon demon clan information, side plain-clothed security policeman magnificent follows many support his Lei masters, the immortal boundary powerhouse is being not infrequent. 根据魔魅族情报,雷子华身边可是跟随着诸多的支持他的雷家高手,长生境界的强者就不在少数。 If this, it seems like must stop to be good.” Xie Aoyu hesitates to say. “若是这样,看来的确要停下来才行。”谢傲宇沉吟道。 The itself going demon lan mountain round does not worry, possibly puts in the deathtrap with its risk, not, if stops, waits for some time, does not have any issue. 本身前去魔阑山回合就不着急,与其冒险可能置于死地,不若停下来,等候一段时间,也没什么问题。 Plain-clothed security policeman magnificent and other Lei Jia people had as if discovered in that place anything mystery, has not collected the information in this aspect temporarily, according to the inference, they will possibly be detained for ten days to about 40 days.” Ru Yan said. “雷子华等雷家人在那个地方似乎是发现了一些什么奥妙,暂时还没有收集到这方面的情报,根据推断,他们可能会滞留十天到40天左右。”如烟说道。 In the Xie Aoyu hand has a detailed hell demon map, is the treasure of demon demon clan, inside has in detail through the ages, some region has left behind any fact. 谢傲宇手中有一份详细的地狱魔界地图,是魔魅族的一件宝物,里面有着非常详细的古往今来,某个区域留下过什么事迹的。 He then takes to examine. 他便拿出来查看一下。 Really in plain-clothed security policeman magnificent et al. the activity region, on this map has explicit labelling, the thunder of six -and-a-half giants are the master here die, if leaves behind any treasure, is understandable. 果然在雷子华等人活动的区域,这地图上面有着明确的标注,就是有六名半巨头的雷系高手在这里陨落,若是留下什么宝物,也是可以理解的。 Can inform the thunder redundant text they?” Bing Wu said. “要不要通知雷衍文他们?”冰舞道。 Xie Aoyu hesitates saying: Does not want, Lei is divided into two cliques now, each other distinguishes right from wrong, after Lei Wankun the matter, a plain-clothed security policeman magnificent department definitely aims at attaching great importance to beyond our check, at this time had the exposed status danger, to these treasures, hides the identity more important.” 谢傲宇沉吟道:“还是不要了,雷家现在分成两个派系,彼此泾渭分明,经过雷万坤的事情,雷子华一系肯定针对我们这一方格外的重视,这时候就有暴露身份的危险,相对于那些宝物,隐藏身份更重要。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, Lei Yanwen and others had spent countless painstaking care, stood firm after many tribulations, if exposed the status, that price was too big, is unable to withstand. 上古圣皇赵天龙,雷衍文等花费了无数心血,历经多少磨难才站稳脚跟的,若是暴露身份,那代价就太大了,是无法承受的。 Cannot make plain-clothed security policeman magnificent they obtain the treasure that half giant leaves behind easily.” Bing Wu said. “总不能让雷子华他们容易的得到半巨头留下的宝物吧。”冰舞道。 Six big thunder that this falls from the sky are half giant, high and low is separated by for several hundred thousand years, if there is heavy treasure, also definitely will be discovered that not necessarily is the good thing that anything is worth getting rid.” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand position on a map, you look, here also signs, were once the Angel Clan giant here by the severe wound, and loses a Angel Clan treasure, had not been discovered that you said whether we can use.” “这陨落的六大雷系半巨头,上下相隔几十万年,若是真的有重宝的话,也肯定会被人发现的,未必是什么值得我们出手的好东西。”谢傲宇伸手一点地图上的位置,“你们看,这里还有一个标志,是曾经有一名天使族巨头在这里被重伤,并且遗落天使族的一件宝物,至今还没有被发现,你说我们是不是可以利用一下呢。” Bing Wu has smiled, you want us to spread the news, said the treasure that Angel Clan giant leaves behind was born, attracts Angel Clan in the past, they had the conflict with plain-clothed security policeman magnificent.” 冰舞笑了,“你想要我们传出消息,说那天使族巨头遗留的宝物出世,吸引天使族过去,和雷子华他们发生冲突。” „The Angel Clan overbearing surname, will definitely have the conflict, even if cannot kill plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, will certainly cause heavy losses to a strength of plain-clothed security policeman magnificent department, is advantageous with us.” Xie Aoyu said. 天使族的霸道个姓,绝对会有冲突的,就算杀不死雷子华,也一定会重创雷子华一系的力量,与我们有利。”谢傲宇道。 This matter gives me to process.” Bing Wu said with a smile. “这事交给我来处理。”冰舞笑道。 She leaves immediately, in secret transmission news, making the demon demon clan sell the information to give Angel Clan intentionally, how as for Angel Clan and a plain-clothed security policeman magnificent department, that will not be they can control. 她马上离开,暗中传递消息,让魔魅族故意出售情报给天使族,至于天使族和雷子华一系会如何,那就不是他们能够管得了的。 Ru Yan said: One is moves in front except for plain-clothed security policeman magnificent, nearby the demon lan mountain also has demon Lingshan and god casts the masters of clan to appear and disappear, if goes now, may also cause many troubles.” 如烟则道:“除了雷子华一系在前面活动,魔阑山附近也有魔灵山和神铸族的高手出没,若是现在前去的话,可能也会引起许多的麻烦。” Xie Aoyu before coming, once had examined, the demon lan mountain had the fierce combat of giant, how the victory and defeat, had fallen from the sky several times, throughout is a riddle, some people move in the nearby are also very normal, this is also Xie Aoyu chooses the demon lan mountain to Nha is an assembly area, very somewhat discrete reason. 谢傲宇在来之前,就曾查看过,魔阑山曾经有过数次巨头的激战,胜负如何,是否有陨落,始终都是个谜,有人在附近活动也很正常,这也是谢傲宇对琳洛雅选择魔阑山为集合地,很有些谨慎的原因。 They leave the dying out city, line, discovered that many place some people gather, are seeking for anything. 他们离开寂灭城,一路行来,也发现许多的地方都有人聚集着,在寻找着什么。 The thing that after all in demon imperial palace range, almost every inch place possibly once the powerhouse of some time left behind, it can be said that a stretch of treasure trove, particularly recently, after frequently exposes some people found the treasure, is the attraction massive masters arrives at the demon imperial palace treasure hunt. 毕竟魔皇宫范围内,几乎每一寸地方都可能曾经某个时代的强者遗留下来的东西,可说是一片宝地,尤其是在最近一段时间,经常曝出有人找到宝物之后,更是吸引大量的高手来到魔皇宫寻宝的。 demon demon clan also sends any information.” Xie Aoyu said. “魔魅族还送来什么情报。”谢傲宇道。 Did not have anything, i.e. in our left front more than 500 li (0.5km) places, was the territory of going crazy clan, recently that place had many people to move.” Ru Yan said. “也没什么了,就是说在我们左前方大约500多里的地方,是风魔族的领地,最近那个地方有很多人在活动。”如烟说道。 Xie Aoyu hesitates saying: This, you disguise as here my, said that has important matter processing, delays next time, wants to come Hawode also to know that demon lan mountain nearby many masters appear and disappear, will therefore agree to keep this place temporarily, I come by the main body status, going crazy clan territory has a look.” 谢傲宇沉吟道:“这样吧,你在这里假扮我的,就说有要事处理,拖延一下时间,想来哈沃德也知道魔阑山附近诸多高手出没,所以会同意暂时留在此地的,我以本尊身份现身,去风魔族领地看看。” I do not think that you should go.” Ru Yan shakes the head saying that in going crazy clan territory, since many people hurry, has the considerable immortal boundary master inevitably, you go, was too dangerous.” “我不认为你该去。”如烟摇头道,“风魔族领地内既然有很多人赶去,必然有相当的长生境界高手,你去的话,太危险了。” Ha Ha, relax, I have the mind observation, has the danger, runs away through Earth Escape Technique is.” Personally after wind Zhaokang who Xie Aoyu puts to death the immortal boundary superior, had the brand-new understanding to the immortal boundary, even if not the match, the security leaves, he has confidence. “哈哈,放心吧,我有心眼观测,有危险,通过土遁术逃走便是。”谢傲宇亲手诛杀长生境界上位的风兆康之后,也对长生境界有了全新的认识,就算不是对手,安全离开,他还是有把握的。 Has again is, going crazy clan is not a small race. 再有就是,风魔族可不是一个小种族。 In hell demon, demon imperial palace big fiendish person arteries are supreme unsurpassed, but big fiendish person arteries have four big demon clans to protect, separately is the going crazy clan, Lei Mozu, hot demon clan and earth demon clan. 在地狱魔界,魔皇宫大魔王一脉是至尊无上的,而大魔王一脉有四大魔族守护着,分别是风魔族,雷魔族,火魔族和土魔族。 These four big demon clans, loyally in all previous big fiendish person, therefore they also win all previous big fiendish person's trust, can say that in hell demon status very high, the thing that in the hand grasps is also extremely. 这四大魔族,忠诚于历代大魔王,故而他们也得到历代大魔王的信任,可以说在地狱魔界地位非常之高,手中掌握的东西也是极其之多的。 After hell demon god captures, four big demon clans have carried on the resistance of certain extent, but afterward, four big demon clans simultaneously give up resisting, is missing mystically, until now is tracked down by the god five side influences, does not have the trail, but also spreads in the god five side influences, is four big demon clans, although withdraws mystically, but they have not carried off all things, therefore in the territories of four big demon clans some people are treasuring hunt throughout. 地狱魔界被神界攻陷之后,四大魔族都进行了一定程度的抵抗,但随后,四大魔族同时放弃抵抗,神秘失踪,至今都被神界五方势力追寻,却毫无踪迹,而在神界五方势力中也有流传,就是四大魔族虽然神秘撤走,但是他们并没有带走所有的东西,所以四大魔族的领地内始终都有人在寻宝。 Xie Aoyu wants to come, stays here to wait is also dull, presents because of Hawode, the practice receives some limits, with it so, not, if goes to the recent going crazy clan territory to have a look. 谢傲宇想来,留在这里干等也是没趣,因哈沃德在场,修炼都受到一些限制,与其如此,不若去最近的风魔族领地看看。 In the evening, Ru Yan hundred changes the appearance that through the spirit desire the technique changes into Lei Tianze, remains in this. 当晚,如烟通过灵欲百变术化为雷天泽的样子,在此留守。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu leave this place by true self, directly soars the going crazy clan territory. 谢傲宇冰舞则以本来面目离开此地,直奔风魔族领地。 So Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan have a subtle relation, if Ru Yan has the danger, can induce, ahead of time hurries back, moreover now is during Hawode cooperation, even if there is danger, Hawode is impossible to place oneself beside, but Bing Wu and demon demon clan can contact, has any information also to transmit Xie Aoyu promptly, is reasonable matching. 如此谢傲宇如烟有着一丝微妙的联系,若是如烟有危险,也能感应到,提前赶回来,而且现在处于和哈沃德的合作期间,就算是有危险,哈沃德也不可能置身之外的,而冰舞与魔魅族能够联络,有什么情报也可及时的传递到谢傲宇这边,也算是合理的搭配。 After Earth Escape Technique is far away from this place in secret about 30-40 li (0.5km), the Xie Aoyu mind completely opens, examines the surrounding situation. 通过土遁术暗中远离此地大约三四十里之后,谢傲宇的心眼完全开启,查看周围的情况。 „Do you already want to come to this going crazy clan territory?” Bing Wu and Xie Aoyu pass through, does not have other people again, the speech did not have any taboo, then said own idea. “你是不是早就想来这风魔族领地了?”冰舞谢傲宇通行,再无他人,说话也没什么禁忌了,便将自己的想法说了出来。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: How do you think?” 谢傲宇笑道:“你怎么这么想?” Bing Wu said: Nha said that must after the demon lan mountain moves, you then formulate to go to the demon lan mountain with Hawode the route, definitely does not need to pass through here, but you suggested to walk here, but the route that we take now, met the way two places, one was the going crazy clan territory, one was Lei Mozu Territory, but in the information of demon demon clan showed that the going crazy clan and in Lei Mozu have windward are the surname and thunder are the surname very helpful thing, even said that was if under can find in two demon clan territories Sky Demon once to suppose in the restricted area to practice, compared with. Usually practices the speed to promote ten times to continue, therefore you before leaving dying out city, has thought must enter the going crazy clan territory.” 冰舞道:“琳洛雅说要在魔阑山行动之后,你便和哈沃德制定前往魔阑山的路线,本来完全不必经过这里的,可是你却建议走这里,而我们现在走的这条路线,会途径两个地方,一个是风魔族领地,一个是雷魔族领地,而魔魅族的情报中显示,风魔族和雷魔族内有着对风属姓和雷属姓非常有帮助的东西,甚至说是若能找到两魔族领地内天魔曾经设下的禁地内修炼,比。平常修炼速度提升十倍不止,所以你早在离开寂灭城之前,就已经想过要进入风魔族领地了。” Ha Ha “哈哈” Listened to the Bing Wu words, Xie Aoyu to laugh. 听着冰舞的话,谢傲宇大笑了起来。 Such that just like Bing Wu said that when initially the Xie Aoyu examination map, discovered that the going crazy clan and Lei Mozu Territory was distanced not far, and can pass through time, he had the thoughts, from the demon demon clan hand the narration about two demon clans, has the detailed record, a point was locked by Xie Aoyu, that was Sky Demon once granted four big demon clans to have a practice restricted area respectively, if can practice there, the help was enormous. 正如冰舞所言的那样,早在当初谢傲宇查看地图的时候,发现风魔族和雷魔族领地相距不远,并且都可以经过的时候,他就动了心思,从魔魅族手中关于两魔族的叙述,有着详细的记载,其中一点被谢傲宇锁定,那就是天魔曾经赐予四大魔族各有一处修炼禁地,若能在那里修炼,帮助是极大的。 Therefore Xie Aoyu then plans if possible, to place Bing Wu there, so adds on the best quality goods spirit spar, believing Bing Wu can in the shortest time impact on a very high boundary. 所以谢傲宇便打算如果可以的话,就将冰舞安置在那里,如此加上极品灵晶石,相信冰舞能够在最短的时间冲击到一个非常高的境界。 He planned is toward vanguard, then looks for the excuse shift direction, has not thought that plain-clothed security policeman magnificent one is moves in front, has saved some argument. 本来他打算是再往前行,便找借口转移方向的,没想到雷子华一系在前面活动,也省却了一些口舌。 „The practice restricted area that clarity that very demon demon clan records, Sky Demon supposes is very special, your condition is very suitable, if enters, so long as you do not walk, even if the exceedingly high level master does not dare to visit threatens you, therefore I hope that you can enter practices relieved.” Xie Aoyu said that nowadays, along with Lei of Jinjie my half god, the soul ban thorough smashing, the exceedingly high level master can arrive at hell demon freely, to us, the threat was bigger, should better or advances the promotion to certain boundary, such security surname will increase.” Xie Aoyu said. “魔魅族记载的很清楚,天魔设下的修炼禁地很特殊,你的条件很适合,若是进入其中,只要你自己不走出来,就算是通天级高手也不敢踏足其中威胁到你的,所以我希望你能进入其中安心修炼。”谢傲宇说道,“现如今,随着我的半神之雷进阶,将灵魂禁制彻底粉碎,通天级高手可以自由来到地狱魔界,对我们来说,威胁更大了,最好还是先行提升至一定的境界,这样安全姓才会增加。”谢傲宇说道。 Bing Wu smiles, said: You do not need to worry that said I am the burden attack my self-respect , can only be the master of low level including you this hell demon present, I was naturally worse, your pains, I understood, if I can enter Sky Demon to keep the place practice, will enter absolutely, does not reach the exceedingly high level not to go out.” 冰舞嫣然一笑,道:“你不用担心说我是累赘打击我的自尊,连你在这地狱魔界现在也只能属于低层次的高手,我自然更差了,你的苦心,我理解,如果我能进入天魔所留之地修炼的话,绝对会进入其中的,不达通天级绝不出关。” Some Bing Wu so views, Xie Aoyu also felt relieved. 冰舞如此说法,谢傲宇也就放心了。 They accelerate to the going crazy clan territory fly. 两人加速向风魔族领地飞去。 The going crazy clan territory is located in the northeast direction of demon imperial palace, the occupying land area 500 li (0.5km) scopes, the genuine station life region has more than 20 li (0.5km) scopes, central zone situated in this stretch of territory, is a mountainous region . Moreover the wind of this place is very big, but also is the gales. 风魔族领地位于魔皇宫的东北方向,占地越有500里的范围,其中真正的驻地生活区域则只有20多里的范围,位于这片领地的中心地带,也是一处多山的区域,而且此地的风很大,还都是大风。 Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu basis demon demon clan map guide, the straight line flies forward, about after about 100 li (0.5km), the front presented one group of people. 谢傲宇冰舞根据魔魅族地图指引,直线向前飞行,大约100里左右之后,前方出现了一群人。 These people are god wind family members! 这些人是神界风家人!
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