BE :: Volume #20

#1903: Goal demon imperial palace

One month of practice, making Xie Aoyu cultivation to strive in the position crest to profound Senior, his practice also stopped because of the Hawode forthcoming news. 一个多月的修炼,令谢傲宇修为精进至玄尊中位顶峰,他的修炼也因哈沃德即将到来的消息而停止下来。 According to information that demon demon clan transmits, Hawode from ancient times execution ground left, the goal is this dying out city, thinking of Hawode can leave at the auction scene that the enemies observe the situation safely, the return ancient times the execution ground, Xie Aoyu was also enhanced vigilance to this person, was far from the generation of being easy. 根据魔魅族传来的情报,哈沃德已经从远古杀场离开,目标就是这寂灭城,想到哈沃德能够在众敌环视的拍卖会现场安然离开,回归远古杀场,谢傲宇对此人也是提高警惕的,绝非易于之辈。 Has again is, perhaps Hawode has the complete Sky Demon bloodline. 再有就是,哈沃德恐怕已经是具备完整的天魔血脉了。 Has the person of Sky Demon bloodline, did not ask may know, was inevitably extraordinary, he and Hawode, Nha cooperated, three people may not be the simple characters, must be careful, had slightly beyond redemption carelessly, possibly. 拥有天魔血脉的人,不问可知,必然是非凡的,他与哈沃德、琳洛雅合作,三人可都不是简单的人物,都要小心谨慎,稍有不慎,就可能万劫不复的。 Is good is in an inferiority because of nowadays Hawode, that cannot expose the secret from ancient times execution ground, but this was grasped by Xie Aoyu, can use. 好在现如今哈沃德处于一个劣势,那就是不能暴露来自远古杀场的秘密,而这已经被谢傲宇掌握,可以加以利用。 Finished closing up, Xie Aoyu waited for when Hawode arrival, Ru Yan one step returned first, on the face was brimming with excitedly the smiling face. 结束闭关,谢傲宇等待哈沃德的到来之际,如烟先一步归来了,脸上洋溢着兴奋地笑容。 These days, she has not practiced, has been busy. 这段时间,她也没怎么修炼,一直都在忙。 Looked that you were so happy, what has to harvest?” Xie Aoyu smiles to ask. “看你这么高兴,是不是有什么收获?”谢傲宇笑问道。 Say (Way) that Ru Yan smiles: Bumper crop.” She drank water , to continue saying: „Did you still remember the bucket of god clan auspicious elder initial purposes in coming of?” 如烟笑眯眯的道:“大丰收啊。”她喝了一口水,继续说道:“你还记得斗神族吉利长老当初的来意吗?” Xie Aoyu naturally remembers that at that time Ru Yan added that about fighting the entanglement of god clan gentle breeze, has her to process, how, did you make their two sides deepen contradictory?” 谢傲宇自然记得,当时如烟还说,关于斗神族和风家的纠缠,有她来处理呢,“怎么,你让他们两方矛盾加深了?” Deepens? That too department of pediatrics, could not demonstrate the strength of stupid girl.” Ru Yan begins supinely, a I very fierce appearance, I use the spirit desire hundred change the method of technique, let fight the god clan to know was wind Wagg who got rid to kill, the intention shifts blame to us, at first two almost hit, was good acts to coordinate because of the exceedingly high level remote antiquity elder, wind made the compensation reluctantly to stabilize, therefore I also hundred changed with the spirit desire the technique back and forth instigated between their two several, now two exceedingly high level remote antiquity elders also had an argument, but restrained reluctantly, but immortal boundary master already each other war several., Has the victory and defeat respectively, but does not have the casualties, but, in some time ago, me used Angel Clan and god casts clan wish to let their two side internecine strife, profited at heart, has provoked the war once again, two have fought the god head of the clan habitat master to be killed, a wind immortal master, five Senior the boundary master to be killed unreliably, cluck-cluck, it is estimated that used soon , the exceedingly high level remote antiquity elder was also possible the internecine strife, so long as in these two died, these two sides had the possibility to extend the flames of war, made war comprehensively.” “加深?那也太小儿科了吧,根本显示不出笨姑娘的实力。”如烟仰起头,一副我很厉害的模样儿,“我利用灵欲百变术的手段,让斗神族知道了是风家出手杀的瓦格两人,意图嫁祸给我们的,起初两家差点打起来,好在通天级太上长老出面协调,风家做出了赔偿才勉强稳定下来,于是我又用灵欲百变术在他们两家之间来回的挑拨了几下,现在两名通天级太上长老也发生了一次口角,但勉强克制,但是长生境界的高手已经彼此大战过几场。,各有胜负,但没有伤亡,不过,就在不久前,我利用天使族和神铸族都想要让他们两方火拼,从中得利的心里,再度挑起了战事,已经有两名斗神族长生境界高手被杀,一名风家长生高手,五名玄尊境界高手被杀了,咯咯,估计用不多久,通天级太上长老也可能火拼,只要这两人中死一个,这两方就有可能将战火延伸开来,全面开战的。” On the Xie Aoyu face reveals the astonished color. 谢傲宇脸上不禁流露出惊愕之色。 Long time, he raises up the thumb. 良久,他才竖起大拇指。 Fierce, my Ru Yan Baobei Er was too fierce.” The Xie Aoyu to praise sighed that must know god five big influences, each other has to fight, but disputes in secret, once fights god clan gentle breeze to have the conflict, even if they want to contain is very difficult, because of Lei, Angel Clan and god will cast the clan to find the way to make them conflict absolutely to intensify, even finally will possibly form entire god the big tangled warfare, he will walk to go forward, is supporting Ru Yan, the say (way) of smiling, said that making me reward you? Or a night of Shichijiro?” “厉害,我的如烟宝贝儿真的太厉害了。”谢傲宇赞叹道,要知道神界五大势力,彼此都有争锋的,只是暗中较量的,一旦斗神族和风家发生冲突,就算是他们想要遏制都很难的,因为雷家,天使族和神铸族绝对会想办法让他们冲突加剧的,甚至可能最后形成整个神界的大混战,他走上前,拥着如烟,笑眯眯的道,“说吧,让我怎么奖赏你?要不一夜七次郎?” I thought that you want to make me use the spirit desire hundred change the technique change to You Lan Ruo and you go to bed.” Ru Yan flatters to say with a smile, rubbed the body of Xie Aoyu with the full chest. “我看你是想让我利用灵欲百变术化作幽兰若和你上床吧。”如烟媚笑道,用饱满的胸部摩擦了一下谢傲宇的身体。 The breath of Xie Aoyu is rapid immediately, facing Ru Yan, he may not have suppression desirably to be enticed, in the eye is then burning the flaming fire of desire. 谢傲宇的呼吸立刻急促起来,面对如烟,他可没有刻意的压制被诱惑的,眼中便燃烧着熊熊的欲火。 A Ru Yan tender body revolution, walks arm in arm into the bosom of Xie Aoyu, that appearance also changes into the You Lan Ruo appearance, the palm downward searches along the chest and belly of Xie Aoyu. 如烟娇躯一转,依偎入谢傲宇的怀中,那模样儿也化为幽兰若的模样儿,手掌则沿着谢傲宇的胸腹往下探去。 I must punish you.” Xie Aoyu both hands make an effort, wish one could to rub into the body Ru Yan, both hands closely grasp are pinching her plentiful buttocks. “我要惩罚你。”谢傲宇双手用力,恨不得将如烟揉入身体,双手紧紧地抓捏着她丰满的臀部。 Feels the Xie Aoyu fiery desire, the Ru Yan elegant face is being crimson, in the eye flatters intent to be full, I also think that but Bing Wu comes back to tell you immediately some important matters.” 感受着谢傲宇火热的欲望,如烟俏脸绯红,眼中媚意十足,“我也想啊,可是冰舞马上就回来告诉你一些重要的事情。” She just said that outside hears the sound of footsteps. 她刚说完,外面传来脚步声。 Bing Wu pushes the door to enter. 冰舞推门而入。 Xie Aoyu sees that to let loose Ru Yan. 谢傲宇见状只得放开如烟 Regarding them hugs, Bing Wu looks but not see, has been used to it, three people arrive at hell demon together, passes through the life and death, the nature relations sentiment was more intimate, in addition the Bing Wu mood greatly is also perfect, reason that once repelled other Xie Aoyu and woman intimate reason remove, naturally let loose. 对于两人拥抱在一起,冰舞视而不见,也已经习惯了,三人一同来到地狱魔界,同经生死,自然关系感情更亲近了,加上冰舞的心境也大完满,曾经之所以排斥谢傲宇和其他女人亲近的原因解除了,自然更是放开了。 Has any information.” Xie Aoyu puts out a hand to draw Bing Wu is sitting in own bosom, palm very natural is stroking on her back buttocks. “有什么情报。”谢傲宇伸手将冰舞拉着坐在自己的怀中,手掌很自然的在她的背臀上抚摸着。 Bing Wu elegant face slightly red, but also a little does not adapt, said: Just obtained the information, fought god clan gentle breeze to have all -out conflict in the strength of dying out city, showed according to the demon demon clan information that Angel Clan played very major role, they run risks to meddle, making both sides achieve the apex contradictory, flaw that showed also by demon demon clan erasing.” 冰舞俏脸微红,还有点不适应,道:“刚刚得到情报,斗神族和风家在寂灭城的力量已经发生了全面的冲突,根据魔魅族情报显示,天使族在其中起到了很大的作用,他们冒着风险插手其中,让双方矛盾达到了顶点,露出的破绽也已经被魔魅族给抹除了。” Good!” Xie Aoyu great happiness. “太好了!”谢傲宇大喜。 It seems like I also pull into which Angel Clan, is correct, the ambition of this race is very big, has wanted to lord over god, dares to take risk to get rid unexpectedly, was really good.” Ru Yan excited -ly said. “看来我将天使族也扯入其中,是正确的,这个种族的野心很大,一直都想要独霸神界的,竟然敢冒险出手,真是太好了。”如烟兴奋地道。 Fights the god clan gentle breeze large-scale conflict the words, then god is voluntarily chaotic, regarding Xie Aoyu and other people of Holy City, absolutely is a big advantage good news. 斗神族和风家大规模冲突的话,那么神界自行混乱,对于谢傲宇圣城之人来说,绝对是一大利好消息。 Bing Wu continues saying: „A matter, is when fights the god clan horizontal poor character gentle breeze family tradition non- shade war, Master Guttery appeared.” 冰舞继续说道:“还有一件事,就是在斗神族横无行和风家风无影大战的时候,格特里谢大师出现了。” Um? The master appeared, he in dying out city?” Xie Aoyu feels somewhat accidentally. “嗯?大师出现了,他在寂灭城?”谢傲宇感到有些意外。 Yes, moreover makes me be what is surprised, the demon demon clan is unable to find a wee bit clues of master unexpectedly.” Bing Wu some say (way) of acclaiming. “是啊,而且更让我感到意外的是,魔魅族居然无法找到大师的一丁点蛛丝马迹。”冰舞有些赞叹的道。 The demon demon clan collects the information, seeks for individual, in this regard, entire hell demon can arrange to first several, formerly was also regarded as important by the big fiendish person, is only for various reasons, the big fiendish person has not used it, Master Guttery can make the demon demon clan unable to find the clue unexpectedly, round trip does not have the trace, demonstrated his uncommonness. 魔魅族搜集情报,寻找个人,在这方面,整个地狱魔界都能排到前几名,先前也被大魔王看重的,只是因为种种原因,大魔王还没有将其利用起来,格特里谢大师居然能够让魔魅族找不到头绪,来去无踪,也显示出他的不凡了。 „Did master appear does really?” Xie Aoyu said. “大师出现干甚了?”谢傲宇道。 Bing Wu said: „A master appearance, defeats the wind not to have the shade single-handed and horizontal poor character, and used Supreme Gold Flame to extinguish has killed two masters of wind, before the wind immortal boundary master caught up, left, now did not have the trail.” 冰舞道:“大师一出现,单手击败风无影和横无行,并且使用至尊金焱灭杀了风家的两名高手,在风家长生境界高手赶来之前,离开了,现在已经没了踪迹。” Only does the hand rout the wind not to have the shade and horizontal poor character? 只手击溃风无影和横无行? Some this as if exaggeration. 这似乎有些夸张啊。 Xie Aoyu naturally knows fierce of Master Doug Trichet, he also has to jump the ranks the ability of murder, moreover possibly only compared with Xie Aoyu again cross level challenge inferior one, absolutely is the rare rare talent. 谢傲宇自然知道格特里谢大师的厉害,他也有着越级杀人的能力,而且可能只比谢傲宇再跨级挑战方面逊色一线而已,绝对是罕见的奇才。 Wants initially they to arrive at hell demon, unreliably Senior the lower position boundary, now looks like, perhaps Master Guttery has not achieved Senior the position crest white soul situation unreliably, is the intensity of golden soul. 想当初两人来到地狱魔界,都是玄尊下位境界,现在看来,恐怕格特里谢大师就算没有达到玄尊中位顶峰的白色灵魂地步,也已经是金色灵魂的强度了。 The practice speed may say that is not inferior compared with Xie Aoyu the least bit. 其修炼速度可说丝毫不比谢傲宇逊色半点。 Six months, from initially enters Senior the lower position to arrive at now so the situation unreliably, perhaps past Sky Demon not so fierce. 半年时间,从初入玄尊下位到达现在这般地步,恐怕当年的天魔也没这般厉害吧。 Xie Aoyu has cannot help but smiled, it seems like that the world powerful rose is hard to prevent. 谢傲宇不由得笑了起来,看来人间界强势崛起已经是难以阻挡了。 Then Bing Wu also told the information that some Xie Aoyu demon demon clans collected. 接下来冰舞又告诉谢傲宇一些魔魅族收集的情报。 This matter ended, Hawode also came. 此事结束,哈沃德也来了。 Hawode who one month does not see had the change obviously, Xie Aoyu also saw that Hawode strength also achieved unexpectedly Senior the crest stage of position white soul unreliably. 一个多月不见的哈沃德明显有了变化,谢傲宇也看出哈沃德的力量竟然也达到了玄尊中位白色灵魂的顶峰阶段。 This time comes, is Hawode comes, other people have not accompanied. 此番前来,是哈沃德一人前来的,并没有其他人陪同。 Therefore Xie Aoyu sends for going to invite Nha, finally Nha spreads the news, said that will be a named demon lan mountain top in demon imperial palace 100,000 li (0.5km) range will wait, but Nha first one step started. 于是谢傲宇派人前去邀请琳洛雅,结果琳洛雅传来消息,说是会在魔皇宫100000里范围内的一处名为魔阑山颠等候,而琳洛雅则已经先一步启程。 Regarding this, Xie Aoyu and Hawode a little are not happy, does not travel together, no one knows that Nha can attempt to pervert in the demon lan mountain ahead of time. 对此,谢傲宇和哈沃德都有点不痛快,不同行,谁也不知道琳洛雅会否提前在魔阑山做手脚的。 But they are unable, who to enable Nha to grasp are entering the secret passage of demon imperial palace, the bystander does not know. 可他们也无法,谁让琳洛雅掌握着进入魔皇宫的秘密通道呢,外人根本不知道的。 Therefore they then immediately start, leave the dying out city. 于是两人便当即启程,离开寂灭城。 Five days later, the group enter in an demon imperial palace 100,000 li (0.5km) range. 五天之后,一行人进入魔皇宫100000里的范围内。 demon imperial palace named palace, the regulations is a symbol, is a big fiendish person arteries control region, wants huge not to know many times compared with the dying out city. 魔皇宫名为宫,实则就是一个象征,是大魔王一脉掌控的区域,比寂灭城还要庞大不知多少倍。 Xie Aoyu and Hawode go on a journey, naturally has prepared complete, particularly Xie Aoyu, has the mind safeguard, can discover the master ahead of time, even if the exceedingly high level master, can in ten thousand meters discover that is ready, at the worst uses Earth Escape Technique to submerge underground runs away is, therefore he momentarily treats with two females in the same place, pours is not worried about the security problem. 谢傲宇和哈沃德出行,自然是都做好了完全准备,尤其是谢傲宇,有心眼保障,可以提前发现高手,哪怕是通天级高手,也能够万米内发现的,做好准备,大不了使用土遁术没入地下逃走便是,所以他随时和两女待在一起,倒也不担心安全问题。 As for Hawode, had two to honor the personal bodyguard of lower position to follow unreliably. 至于哈沃德,也只是带了两名玄尊下位的贴身护卫跟随。 As if both sides are the fair strengths, no one needs to be worried who is common. 似乎双方都是公平实力,谁也无需担心谁一般。 Young master, here scenery is quite beautiful, now in the evening, we rest, Ming said that starts again.” Flies to fall on summit of the mountain, Ru Yan looks that the distant place falls says the afterglow, the mountain range fluctuates, the flowers and plants trees completely all put on some multi-colored sunlight, too beautiful to behold, then said. “少爷,这儿的风景好美啊,今晚上,我们就休息一下吧,明曰再启程。”飞落在一座高山之巅,如烟看着远方落曰余晖,山峦起伏,花草树木尽皆披上一些霞光,美不胜收,便说道。 Foreign, Ru Yan and Bing Wu are Lei Tianze the personal maidservants who Xie Aoyu disguises as, therefore some people time, two females both called Xie Aoyu for the young master. 对外,如烟冰舞就是谢傲宇假扮的雷天泽的贴身侍女,所以有人的时候,两女都称呼谢傲宇为少爷的。 Um, indeed good scenery.” Xie Aoyu looks at that tall and pleasing to the eye scenery, is the gate is at heart clear, flies, the scenery are many, Ru Yan has not said anything, this time actually must rest, feared that was the demon demon clan spreads any news is. “嗯,的确不错的风景。”谢傲宇看着那美轮美奂的景色,心里却是门清的,一路飞来,景色不少,如烟也没说什么,这次却要休息,怕是魔魅族传来了什么消息才是。 Hawode sees that then said with a smile: Such being the case, that then rests an evening.” 哈沃德见状,便笑道:“既然如此,那便休息一晚吧。” At their speeds at least also needs nearly six days to be able to arrive from the demon lan mountain that Nha said that naturally does not worry. 距离琳洛雅所说的魔阑山以他们的速度至少还需要将近六天的时间才能到达,自然也是不着急的。 Is they also wants to select slowly, naturally in secret sends for the going demon lan Chinese hawthorn looking that Nha does have to get up to any tricks and so on, is so the reason, they very tacit not speed promotion to quickest, speed that but slows down to go forward. 还有就是他们也都想要慢点去,自然是暗中派人前去魔阑山查看,到底琳洛雅有没有做什么手脚之类的,也是如此原因,他们才都很默契的没有将速度提升至最快,而是放缓前进的速度。 The determination must stay overnight a evening, side the Ru Yan two female and Hawode two personal bodyguards is busy the tent, and makes some food to fill the belly. 确定要留宿一晚,如烟两女和哈沃德身边的两名贴身护卫便忙着搭帐篷,并且弄一些食物来填饱肚子。 After finishing eating the thing, then returned to the tent. 吃完东西之后,便都回归帐篷了。 After the Xie Aoyu three people enter the tent, Bing Wu then displays Advanced level to shield Incantation technique to isolate is intercepted to talk, Xie Aoyu is unable to hear the voice of next door with the aid of the mind, Hawode tent similarly is the Advanced level Incantation technique shield. 谢傲宇三人进入帐篷后,冰舞便施展高级屏蔽咒术隔绝被人窃听谈话,谢傲宇借助心眼也无法听到隔壁的声音,那哈沃德的帐篷同样是高级咒术屏蔽的。 Said that has any matter.” Xie Aoyu is supporting two females. “说吧,有什么事情。”谢傲宇拥着两女。
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