BE :: Volume #20

#1902: 1/1000 strength might 【Three】

So long as restores, all have the possibility. 只要恢复,一切就都有可能。 Xie Aoyu also secretly rejoiced that he has the ability that instantaneous restores, if not so, the thunder of half god enters the step to be successful , can only treat as the ornaments, is unable to use. 谢傲宇也是暗自庆幸,自己拥有瞬间恢复的能力,若非如此,半神之雷就算是进阶成功,也只能当做摆设,无法使用的。 He restores, wind Zhaokang has encountered the threat of death. 他恢复过来,风兆康则遇到了死亡的威胁。 That thin, if the electric light of gossamer is the strength of thunder of half god, although is only thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god, still had to destroy his might. 那一道细若游丝的电光可是半神之雷的力量,虽然只是半神之雷1的力量,仍旧具有毁灭他的威力。 Roar!” “吼!” Among the life and death, wind Zhaokang erupts the earthshaking strength, exudes one to whoosh suddenly, wild wind Qi the wind of acme together is manifesting suddenly, the vigorous strength contends with that electric light together. 生死之间,风兆康爆发出惊天动地的力量,猛然发出一声嘶吼,狂暴的风斗气连带着极致之风一起发作,雄浑的力量与那一道电光抗衡。 Both encounter then in the wind Zhaokang's body are the battlefields. 两者交锋便是在风兆康的身体为战场的。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” Saw that the wind Zhaokang's body flashes before the snow white color luminous spots unceasingly, flashes before the place convenience of luminous spot to have the explosion along with it that. 就看到风兆康的身上不断地闪现一个个都雪白色的光点,随之那个闪现光点的地方便会发生爆炸。 The shoulders, the chest, the abdomen, buttocks, the both legs, the abatement forehead, almost every place has the luminous spot to flash through, transmits rupturing sounds. 双肩,胸膛,腹部,臀部,双腿,除却头部,几乎每个地方都有光点闪过,都传来一声声的爆裂响动。 Suddenly, a small blood drop piece by piece then to all directions volatilizes. 一时间,一片片的小血滴便向四面八方挥发出去。 Wind Zhaokang called out pitifully is retroceding unceasingly. 风兆康惨叫着不断地后退。 He retrocedes 18 steps, the body transmits 18 sounds to move, it may be said that is cut and bruised, even if the internal organs is quite attacked, spurts blood Shan Tui to kneel, stopped has drawn back the potential. 他后退18步,身上传来18声响动,可谓是遍体鳞伤,就算是内脏都受到了相当的冲击,喷着血单腿跪地,止住了退势。 Under the Xie Aoyu mind sensation, discovered immediately wind Zhaokang's aura very feeble, the strength is also in the lax edge, in other words, wind Zhaokang has been incapable of resisting. 谢傲宇心眼感知下,立刻发现风兆康的气息非常的衰弱,力量也处于涣散的边缘,也就是说,风兆康已经无力抵抗了。 Can withstand thunder of strengths 1/1000 half god to strike not dead fully, indicated that his cultivation to have reached the extraordinary altitude. 能够承受着1的半神之雷力量全力一击而不死,也表明他的修为真的已经达到了非凡的高度。 I have killed you!” Wind Zhaokang is whooshing, then strikes an attitude to attack, stands up suddenly, then turns around to exit to the behind hurricane. “我杀了你!”风兆康嘶吼着,便作势欲出击,猛然站起,接着便是一转身向后面狂飙出去。 Xie Aoyu taunted: Your strength frequency is near lax, the strength less than 1/1000, is perhaps insufficient including the Battle Emperor boundary, wants to disguise to begin unexpectedly, taking the opportunity runs away, do you think the possibility?” 谢傲宇嘲讽道:“你力量频临涣散,实力不足1,恐怕连战皇境界都不够,竟然还想假装动手,借机逃走,你觉得可能吗?” His voice does not fall, if then the time explodes to shoot together. 他话音不落,便若一道流光般爆射出去。 Reaches the sky in a single bound, goes directly to the wind Zhaokang's near. 一步登天,直达风兆康的近前。 Wind is nimble and resourceful, the perfect wind changes!” Wind Zhaokang long hissing, that was almost dispersed by the perfect wind of thunder of 1/1000 strength thorough elimination half god loudly, changes to tornado, the volume gets windy Zhaokang then to flush away to the distant place. “风灵动,极致风变!”风兆康长嘶一声,那几乎被半神之雷1力量彻底消灭的极致之风轰然散开,化作一股旋风,卷起风兆康便向远处冲去。 Resolution that Xie Aoyu windward Zhaokang displays also secretly admires. 谢傲宇对风兆康表现出的决断也是暗自佩服。 This totally gives up the procedure of wind of acme, even if runs away is surnamed the life, the wind of acme will thoroughly also dissipate, but so the procedure actually may let wind Zhaokang with the aid of the strength of wind of acme , to promote the speed to a very considerable situation, then may run away is surnamed the life. 这是彻底放弃极致之风的做法,就算是逃得姓命,极致之风也将彻底消散,但是如此做法却可让风兆康借助极致之风的力量,将速度提升到一个很可观的地步,便有可能逃得姓命的。 Xie Aoyu sneers, under the mind, all within ten thousand meters get a panoramic view, the coordinate auricle passes, can say all within ten thousand meters to be hard to escape his observation. 谢傲宇冷笑一声,心眼之下,万米内的一切都尽收眼底,配合心耳通,可以说万米内的一切都难以逃过他的观察。 Nearby nobody. 附近没人。 Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu shakes conveniently, corona flies to shoot together. 谢傲宇随手一抖,一道光轮飞射出去。 The time of time Fights Technique static! 时间斗技之时间静止! This is his main body has three unique Fights Technique, the huge time corona once appeared, immediately enlarges, then covers all of a sudden wind Zhaokang. 这正是他本尊所具有三界独一无二的斗技,巨大的时间光轮一经出现,立刻放大,一下子便将风兆康罩住。 If the heyday, wind Zhaokang sneezes can destroy the time corona. 若是全盛时期,风兆康打个喷嚏就能摧毁时间光轮。 But now, his strength cannot achieve including the Battle Emperor level, how also to break the time static fetter, was fixed immediately then. 可现在,他的力量连战皇级都达不到,又怎会破开时间静止的束缚,当即便被固定住了。 Xie Aoyu flies to like lightning, a fist bombardment in the wind Zhaokang's heart position. 谢傲宇闪电般飞至,一拳轰击在风兆康的心脏位置。 Bang!” “轰!” That strength penetration wind Zhaokang's heart, is the ice-bound his body. 那战力穿透风兆康的心脏,更是冰封其身体。 You, you wind Zhaokang said with amazement. “你,你”风兆康骇然道。 Xie Aoyu cold -ly snorted and said: Right, I am world Crazy Blade Violent Monarch Xie Aoyu!” 谢傲宇冷哼道:“没错,我就是人间界刀狂暴君谢傲宇!” After saying, Xie Aoyu wields together the electric light, surrounds thunder of half god slight electric light Saint thunder. 说完之后,谢傲宇挥动一道电光,是环绕半神之雷的细微电光圣雷。 Under strikes, wind Zhaokang is reduced to ashes, is the soul thorough deconstruction, after all the immortal boundary, the soul and human body unite. 一击之下,风兆康化为灰烬,就是灵魂都彻底的毁灭,毕竟长生境界,灵魂和肉体是合一的。 Strikes to kill wind Zhaokang, Xie Aoyu also grows the one breath. 击杀风兆康,谢傲宇也长出一口气。 Although he is a little self-confident, but wind Zhaokang eventually is the immortal boundary superior master. 虽然他有点自信,可风兆康终究是长生境界上位高手。 A little is only a pity is wind Zhaokang's Space Ring, when their fist contact on arm thorough was ruined. Otherwise can also obtain wind Zhaokang's many things. 唯一有点可惜的就是风兆康的空间戒指在两人拳头一接触的时候就连带着臂膀彻底的被毁掉了。不然还能得到风兆康的许多东西。 Xie Aoyu displays Earth Escape Technique, leaves this place. 谢傲宇施展土遁术,离开此地。 After this war, will definitely bring to the attention. 经此一战,必然会引起注意的。 He in underground, puts out Victor's Space Ring, cleaning banned that puts out something from inside, then has Fights Technique reel of that sudden and violent thunder fist impressively, does not know that Victor takes is being goes to and human trades, does, was obtained by Xie Aoyu in any case, he naturally must accept. 他在地下,拿出维克多的空间戒指,扫除禁制,从里面拿出一些东西,其中赫然便有那暴雷拳的斗技卷轴,也不知道维克多拿着是去和人交易,还是干什么,反正被谢傲宇得到,他自然要收下。 Looked at law of the sudden and violent thunder fist practice roughly. 大体的看了一下暴雷拳修炼之法。 Good overbearing Chinese boxing, pure this Fights Technique might kills a figure of intrepid far more than least bit, may compare favorably with me to fuse three big thunder fully is surnamed the side thunderstorm that Fights Technique becomes.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu muttered. “好霸道的拳法,单纯这斗技的威力比雷杀指强悍何止一点半点,足可媲美我融合三大雷属姓斗技而成的极雷暴了。”谢傲宇喃喃自语的道。 The might of thunderstorm, the coordination surrounds some Saint thunder strengths of thunder of half god extremely, may compare favorably with the promotion version Bandung worship, if can fuse the sudden and violent thunder fist and Lei Shazhi and in, inevitably is achieving the altitude that is hard to imagine, fuses own In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent help when regarding Xie Aoyu enormous. 极雷暴的威力,配合环绕半神之雷的些许圣雷力量,可媲美升级版万隆朝拜,若是能够融合暴雷拳和雷杀指与其中,必然是达到难以想象的高度,对于谢傲宇融合出属于自己的刹那芳华帮助时极大的。 Xie Aoyu is also excited. 谢傲宇也是兴奋不已。 An only disappointment is the practice of sudden and violent thunder fist must in the mine field practice only then, this keeps the Xie Aoyu short time from practicing the sudden and violent thunder fist. 唯一的一点缺憾就是暴雷拳的修炼必须是在雷区修炼方可,这让谢傲宇短时间无法修炼暴雷拳。 Abatement sudden and violent thunder fist, this Victor's some Space Ring also things, but is hard to arouse the Xie Aoyu interest, the letter was only taken up to come to see by Xie Aoyu. 除却暴雷拳,这维克多的空间戒指还有一些东西,但难以引起谢傲宇的兴趣,唯有一封信被谢傲宇拿起来看了一遍。 The letter was ripped open, obviously Victor has looked. 信是被撕开的,显然维克多是看过的。 Looked at the content, Xie Aoyu has smiled, Victor's parents also were really fierce, had placed unexpectedly already the inside connection in Nha's side, the bonus was Nha in childhood is then extremely intelligent, did not have to think certainly own person was others arranges unexpectedly, this time Victor came the oar wind building unexpectedly also with the aid of the opportunity that the human traded, must assassinate Nha, good, good, interesting, it seems like Angel Clan was very unharmonious.” 看完内容,谢傲宇不由笑了起来,“维克多的父母还真是厉害,竟然早就在琳洛雅的身边安插了内线,饶是琳洛雅幼时便聪明绝顶,也绝没想到自己身边的人竟然是人家安排的,这次维克多前来濯风楼居然也是借助与人交易的机会,要刺杀琳洛雅,好,好,有意思,看来天使族是很不和谐啊。” He ruins the letter. 他将信毁掉。 Nha is also the plans deep fearfulness, Xie Aoyu naturally also wants to leave behind some methods in view of Nha, he whispered secretly, could through the content of this letter, dug out that Nha's inside connection using the strength of demon demon clan in secret, controls. 琳洛雅其人也是心机深沉的可怕,谢傲宇自然也想留下一些手段针对琳洛雅,他暗自嘀咕,或许可以通过这封信的内容,暗中利用魔魅族的力量挖出那个琳洛雅身边的内线,加以控制。 Reorganizes slightly, Xie Aoyu then returns to the great power moon/month pavilion. 略微整理一下,谢傲宇便重新返回天月阁。 Through the mind, Xie Aoyu discovered that here does not have the wind master, obviously the wind family member does not think that Xie Aoyu can maintain a livelihood in the wind Zhaokang's front. 通过心眼,谢傲宇发现这里并没有风家高手,显然风家人不认为谢傲宇能够在风兆康的面前活命的。 Went well?” On Nha face hangs is wiping the happy expression. “得手了?”琳洛雅脸上挂着一抹笑意。 Xie Aoyu shrugs, said: Also with asking? A Victor.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,道:“还用问吗?一个维克多而已。” Victor, should be Senior the peak black soul unreliably the boundary, you can so fast cuts to kill it, I must carry on to appraise to your battle efficiency.” Nha said. “维克多,应该是玄尊巅峰黑色灵魂的境界,你能如此快速的将其斩杀,我要对你的战斗力重新进行评估了。”琳洛雅道。 Lucky.” Xie Aoyu smiles secretly, naturally cannot say also has been killing wind Zhaokang, does not know when you can tell me the news of big fiendish person.” “侥幸而已。”谢傲宇暗自一笑,自然不会说出连带着将风兆康也干掉了,“不知你什么时候能够将大魔王的消息告诉我。” Now.” Nha said. “现在就可以。”琳洛雅道。 Xie Aoyu two narrow the eyes, he where?” 谢傲宇两眼眯起,“他在哪里?” Nha is slowly typical: Ancient times execution ground!” 琳洛雅缓缓地道:“远古杀场!” Really with being without change of inference, Xie Aoyu whispered secretly, since big fiendish person in the ancient times execution ground, then can show that Hawode arteries went ancient times the execution ground, radically was the big fiendish person instruction. 果然与推断的一般无二,谢傲宇暗自嘀咕,既然大魔王在远古杀场,那么可以证明,哈沃德一脉前去远古杀场,根本就是大魔王指令的。 You did not suspect what I said is the false information?” Nha sees Xie Aoyu to ponder, then said. “你就不怀疑我说的是假的情报?”琳洛雅见谢傲宇似在沉思,便说道。 Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, said: I believe you, since must cooperate, that wants sincerely, if false, I want is very disadvantageous to our later cooperation, where let alone the big fiendish person, simply does not have what benefit connection to you, does not need saying that the lie deceives me.” 谢傲宇淡然一笑,道:“我相信你,既然要合作,那就要真诚一点,若是假的,我想对我们以后的合作会很不利,何况大魔王在什么地方,对你根本没有什么利益关联,也没有必要说假话蒙骗我。” Nha cluck-cluck smiles, said: Cooperates with you is very happy.” 琳洛雅咯咯一笑,道:“与你合作真的很痛快。” Knew the son who personal enemy was killed, the Nha obvious emotions ran high. 得知仇人的儿子被杀,琳洛雅明显情绪高涨起来了。 I also think very happy, was only a pity that must enhance vigilance frequently.” Xie Aoyu by the chair, where big fiendish person, person few that perhaps three know, you can actually know that it seems like your Nha's back has one to belong to your strength.” “我也觉得很痛快,只可惜要时刻提高警惕。”谢傲宇靠在椅子上,“大魔王在什么地方,恐怕三界知道的人都没几个,你却能知道,看来你琳洛雅的背后真的有一支属于你自己的力量啊。” Nha smiles not to speak. 琳洛雅笑而不语。 They have not then talked anything, but optional chatted. 两人接下来并没有交谈什么,只是随意的闲扯起来。 Until the night, two talented people leave respectively. 直至深夜,两人才各自离开。 Returns to the residence, Xie Aoyu also to make Bing Wu start to investigate behind the Nha mystical strength using the demon demon clan, by the Nha's intelligence and ability, Xie Aoyu had not expected that quick will have the answer. 回到住所,谢傲宇也让冰舞利用魔魅族开始调查琳洛雅背后的神秘力量,以琳洛雅的聪明才智,谢傲宇也没奢望很快会有答案。 He then starts the relieved practice, waits for Hawode arrival. 他便开始安心的修炼起来,等待哈沃德的到来。 So long as Hawode came, then cooperates with Nha, goes to the demon imperial palace together, naturally Xie Aoyu will also start to pay attention to Hawode situation, if simultaneously has the opportunity, he will not even hesitate the price captures Hawode, making Ru Yan read his memory, but the current situation looked, but also is not very suitable. 只要哈沃德来了,便是与琳洛雅合作,一起前往魔皇宫的,当然谢傲宇也会开始注意哈沃德的情况,同时若是有机会,他甚至会不惜代价的擒拿哈沃德,让如烟读取他的记忆,只是目前的情况看,还很不适宜。 Following more than ten said that Xie Aoyu puts in order to say closes up the practice. 接下来十多曰,谢傲宇整曰闭关修炼。 Regarding the matter of outside, he is disinclined to respond, Victor's death, has caused some motions of Angel Clan, how the wind Zhaokang's death does not have what sound in the wind aspect, after is wind Zhaokang looks for the trouble of Xie Aoyu, once opened, instead will make the Lei Jia lao ancestor windward family get rid once again. 对于外界的事情,他懒得搭理,维克多的死,也引起了天使族的一些行动,风兆康的死在风家方面怎没有什么动静,毕竟是风兆康找谢傲宇的麻烦,一旦揭开的话,反而会让雷家老祖对风家再度出手的。 Has the ability of massive absorption hell demon air/Qi with the aid of the thunder of half god, has that spirit spar palace again, the best quality goods spirit spar wait / etc. multiple helping one another, Xie Aoyu practice speed that is very astonishing. 借助半神之雷具有大量吸收地狱魔气的能力,再有那灵晶石宫殿,极品灵晶石等等多重的相助,谢傲宇的修炼速度那是非常惊人的。 Self-torture that more than ten said that may compare favorably with other people to practice fully for 45 months. 十多曰的苦修,足可媲美旁人修炼45个月的。 Ru Yan unceasingly goes out, does not know how he solves to fight the death of god clan Wagg, has again is Bing Wu has not been idling, conforms with the demon demon clan thoroughly, making the demon demon clan fully operate, various information from compile in all directions, Bing Wu also abatement these matters, are the full speed practice, strives early saying that breaks in Senior the position boundary unreliably. 如烟在此期间则是不断外出,不知道他到底如何解决斗神族瓦格之死,再有就是冰舞也没闲着,彻底整合魔魅族,让魔魅族全面运行起来,各种情报从四面八方汇总过来,冰舞也除却这些事,便是全速修炼,争取早曰冲入玄尊中位境界。 One month passes in an instant. 一个月的时间转眼即逝。 Xie Aoyu of relieved practice welcomed striving of strength finally again, the golden soul completed the transformation, changed to the white soul, achieved Senior the crest of position unreliably, the distance Senior the superior boundary not to be remote unreliably. 安心修炼的谢傲宇终于再次迎来实力的精进,金色灵魂完成蜕变,化作白色灵魂,也就是达到了玄尊中位的顶峰,距离玄尊上位境界也不遥远了。 This practice, makes Xie Aoyu joyful. 这番修炼,也让谢傲宇大为欣喜。 He arrives at hell demon insufficient six months, is then hopeful to attack Senior the superior unreliably, the rapidness of practice speed, it can be said that has created a record. 他来到地狱魔界才不足半年的时间,便有望冲击玄尊上位,修炼速度之快,可说是创造了一个记录吧。
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