BE :: Volume #20

#1901: 1/1000 strength might 【Two】

Draws back!” “退!” The sudden assassination has not made Victor have any flurry, as if early is prepared to be ordinary, the right hand, wipes the cream halo to flash through void, a giant shield then appears before his body, covers it, simultaneously about his side two revere the lower position master same forward racket of unreliably, constitutes two shields once again, forms three shields each other to superimpose the defense the stance, three people are the rapid backlash. 突然的刺杀并没有让维克多有什么慌乱,仿佛早有准备一般,右手虚空一点,一抹乳白色的光晕闪过,一个巨大的盾牌便出现在他的身前,将其遮挡起来,同时他身旁左右的两名玄尊下位高手同样的向前一拍,再度构成两个盾牌,形成三面盾牌彼此叠加防御的架势,三人则是迅速的后退。 This is not flurried, performance of going hand to hand, passes through probably innumerable trains is the same, making Xie Aoyu have one type, oneself assassinate, strange feeling that as if Victor already knew. 这毫不慌乱,应付自如的表现,好像经过无数次演练一样,让谢傲宇有一种,自己来刺杀,似乎维克多早就知道的怪异感觉。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu right hand finger above shield. 谢傲宇右手手指点在盾牌之上。 Adheres to stick cohere Saint thunder Lei Shazhi to glitter the snow white color electro-optic, in a Xie Aoyu direction, that first shield then loudly to shatter, does not have the least bit resistivity, the second shield also pointed by him hits the mark, but has not ruptured, but was exposed a central point, Lei Shazhi the strength is mixing with the Saint thunder strength by the second shield, shells, in Victor's that side has on the shields of many chart mark Incantation technique marks. 附着着圣雷的雷杀指闪烁着雪白色的光电,谢傲宇一指点中,那第一面盾牌便轰然破碎,没有半点抵抗力,第二面盾牌也被他手指点中,但并没有爆裂,而是被点破中心一点,那雷杀指的力量夹杂着圣雷力量透过第二面盾牌,轰击在维克多的那一面有着诸多图纹咒术符号的盾牌上面。 By the Xie Aoyu present strength, plays the Saint thunder 1% might, this is the reason of his strength far ultra same step, trades does other Senior the master unreliably, perhaps links 4% to be hard to display. 谢傲宇现在的力量,也就是发挥出圣雷1的威力,这还是他本身战力远超同阶的缘故,换做其他的玄尊中位高手,恐怕连4都难以发挥出来的。 Bang!” “轰!” This shield defensive power is obviously stronger, but is facing the terror strikes, under that Saint thunder bombardment, was still pierced in the middle, on the shield then reappears fissures, is above has the Incantation technique establishment, the scatterable mine kills the strength that refers to unexpectedly, has undertaken the considerable strength. 这面盾牌防御力明显更强,可是面对着恐怖的一击,在那圣雷轰击下,仍然在中间被戳穿,盾牌上面便浮现一道道的裂痕,却是上面有着咒术设置,竟然分散雷杀指的力量,承担了相当的力量。 Even if so, Lei Shazhi light beam also penetrated passes. 就算如此,雷杀指一道光束也穿透过去了。 Puff!” “噗!” The blood light spatters in all directions. 血光迸溅。 Victor has not shunted that to strike eventually, was pierced the left shoulder by Lei Shazhi, under the severe pain, he called out pitifully, was led by that strength flew upside down backward. 维克多终究是没有躲开那一击,被雷杀指洞穿右肩,剧痛之下,他惨叫一声,被那力量带动的向后倒飞出去。 Young master!” “少爷!” Two personal bodyguards are surprised, puts out the Excalibur hurriedly, the back cream color wing extends, then about attacks from both sides, prevents chasing down of Xie Aoyu. 两名贴身护卫大吃一惊,急忙拿出神剑,背后乳白色羽翼伸展开来,便左右夹攻,阻挡谢傲宇的追杀。 Strikes to go well, Xie Aoyu also darkly sighs one, Victor is very strong, does not have the shade to be fiercer than the wind. 一击得手,谢傲宇也是暗叹一声,维克多真的很强,比风无影还要厉害。 He Senior the peak black soul boundary unreliably. 他是玄尊巅峰黑色灵魂境界。 This does not have shade tyrannicalally more than one least bit compared with the wind. 这比风无影强横不止一点半点啊。 The bonus is Xie Aoyu currently also has promotion, achieves Senior the altitude of position golden color soul unreliably, but does not expose in the main body Fights Technique situation , can only adopt the sneak attack, Fights Technique that after all Lei Tianze grasps were too few, moreover might strong is also Lei Shazhi and treads Lei Shu, other is too ordinary, to jumping the ranks the challenge does not help. 饶是谢傲宇现在也有提升,达到玄尊中位金色灵魂的高度,可是不暴露本尊斗技的情况下,也只能采取偷袭,毕竟雷天泽其人掌握的斗技太少了,而且威力强的也就是雷杀指和踏雷术,其他的都太平凡,对越级挑战毫无帮助。 Lei Shazhi, Lei Tianze!” During Victor spits blood, has not forgotten to send out to call out in alarm. “雷杀指,雷天泽!”维克多吐血之中,还不忘发出惊呼。 Bang! 嘭! Xie Aoyu does not pay attention to two to honor the attack of lower position master unreliably, he then dashes directly from them, the double fist also hits hard on two Excalibur, the formidable strength erupts, one then reluctantly is the Excalibur of Emperor level god soldier gives to strike off this, the air/Qi of huge deconstruction strength and formidable freezing that the strength carries also plays the role, one then freezes them, under afterward strength impact, their expected explosions loudly. 谢傲宇根本不理睬两名玄尊下位高手的攻击,他直接便从两人中间冲撞过去,双拳也重击在两把神剑上面,强大的战力爆发出来,一下便将这勉强算是天王级神兵的神剑给击断,战力所携带的巨大毁灭力和强大的冰冻之气也发挥作用,一下便将两人冰冻起来,随后的战力冲击之下,两人意料之中的轰然爆炸。 Two protect guards like this wrote off. 两名护卫就这样被抹杀。 Xie Aoyu is the straight line attacks, as if has not received the least bit hindrance goes toward Victor hurricane, under foot snow white color Thun­der and Light­ning glitters unceasingly, the hominization wiped the electric light then to arrive at the near. 谢傲宇则是直线出击,似乎没有受到半点阻碍的向着维克多狂飙而去,脚下雪白色的雷电不断地闪烁,人化一抹电光便到了近前。 Ka!” “咔!” The crucial moment, Victor stops the potential of backlash forcefully, inspires in the chest and belly a colic, he also can only endure patiently, both hands simultaneously hit. 生死关头,维克多强行止住后退之势,引动胸腹内一阵绞痛,他也只能忍耐着,双手同时打出去。 At this important moment, only attacks, hinders Xie Aoyu to flicker, can have the opportunity life. 在此关键时刻,唯有出击,阻碍谢傲宇一瞬,才能有机会活命。 Xie Aoyu cold snort, a both hands also beginning exits. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,双手也一起点出去。 Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!” Lei Shazhi who his two hands rise together simultaneously hits Victor's double fist separately. 他的两只手并起的雷杀指分别击中维克多的双拳。 Under impact of formidable strength surging forward, the command is injured, does not have Victor who the time displays the compensation how to contend? 强大的战力汹涌澎湃的冲击出去,令受伤之下,没时间发挥全部力量的维克多如何抗衡? Finally is the light beam that two fingers condense directly pierces Victor's both arms, was crushed his skeleton, explodes to shoot from the shoulder. 结果便是两根手指凝聚的光束直接洞穿维克多的双臂,将其骨骼都被粉碎,从肩头爆射出去。 Victor both arms abandonment. 维克多双臂报废。 Under the severe pain, almost faints, the human also drops the ground. 剧痛之下,差点昏死过去,人也跌落地面。 A Xie Aoyu foot pedal in Victor's dantian position, steps on its dantian explodes, making Victor be hard to use any strength, can only wait for the death. 谢傲宇一脚踏在维克多的丹田位置,将其丹田踩爆,令维克多在难以动用任何力量,只能等待死亡。 Victor, four years ago, you hide in Angel Clan are not willing to come out, I once threatened that sooner or later one will say must kill you, this cash promise.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “维克多,四年前,你躲在天使族不肯出来,我曾扬言,早晚有一曰必杀你,这次兑现诺言。”谢傲宇冷冷的道。 You, you and Lin Victor surface such as dead grey, difficult say (way). “你,你和琳”维克多面如死灰色,艰难的道。 Xie Aoyu one smile, wields conveniently, takes away Victor's Space Ring, the under foot flashes through together the electric light. 谢傲宇一听,随手一挥,将维克多的空间戒指拿走,脚下闪过一道电光。 Bang in the sound, Victor was rumbled selects the residual that immediately kills not to remain. 轰隆声中,维克多当即被轰杀的连点残渣都不剩。 Afterward Xie Aoyu begins supinely, looks to the left front, capital that lets somebody cool off or calm down: Wind Zhaokang, comes out!” 随后谢傲宇仰起头,看向左前方,冷冷的都:“风兆康,出来吧!” Reason that he displays Chu Leitian Ze's style procedure Fights Technique , because wind Zhaokang hides in the hidden place, does not want to be seen through. 他之所以表现楚雷天泽的行事风格做法斗技,就是因为风兆康隐藏在暗处,不想被识破罢了。 Even if has certain probability to depend upon the thunder stroke of half god to kill wind Zhaokang, may have very in a big way possibly ran away by him, therefore in order to the security, not expose to wonderfully. 就算是有一定几率依靠半神之雷击杀风兆康,可也有很大的可能被他逃走的,所以安全起见,不暴露为妙。 Receives Space Ring, Xie Aoyu icy is staring front. 空间戒指收起来,谢傲宇冷冰冰的盯着前面。 You already know that I came.” The wind Zhaokang's cloudy and cold sound sound, he walked from the hidden place. “你早就知道我来了。”风兆康阴冷的声音响了起来,他从暗处走出来。 Xie Aoyu sneers saying: I have the mind, how unable to discover you.” 谢傲宇冷笑道:“我有心眼,如何会发现不到你。” Your cultivation to differ with me so remotely, even if there is mind, if opens time, I can also feel, why I had not felt that you do use the mind in view of me?” Wind Zhaokang cold sound track. “你的修为与我相差如此遥远,就算是有心眼,若是开启的时候,我也可以感觉到的,为何我没有感觉到你用心眼针对我?”风兆康冷声道。 That can only say that you were too stupid.” Xie Aoyu sneers secretly, he has not certainly used the mind, that definitely will be discovered that what he uses is the auricle passes. “那只能说你太笨了。”谢傲宇暗自冷笑,他当然没有用心眼,那肯定会被发现,他用的是心耳通。 Mind, once is the strength disparity is too big, is then findable. 心眼,一旦是实力差距太大的,便可发现。 But the auricle passes does not have this to dread, when leaves the day of moon/month pavilion, Xie Aoyu then used the auricle to pass, similarly was ten thousand meters distance, his wind Zhaokang thought aloud that spoke hears clear, where can not know that wind Zhaokang followed behind. 可是心耳通没有这个忌惮,所以在离开天月阁的时候,谢傲宇便动用了心耳通,同样是万米的距离,他连风兆康自言自语的说话都听得一清二楚,哪里会不知道风兆康跟随在身后。 Stupid?” The wind Zhaokang's fierce say (way), I am stupid, you are stupider, knew perfectly well that I must come, unexpectedly also dares to come out alone, to this no man's land, gives me the opportunity that you strike to kill.” “笨?”风兆康狰狞的道,“我笨,你更愚蠢,明知我要来,居然还敢单独出来,到这无人区域,给我将你击杀的机会。” Xie Aoyu shakes the head, disappointed say (way): You were really stupid enough to were incurable, since knows that you came, how possibly not to inform other people to arrive, you had not discovered that was your strength and Lei comes to help my person to have the too big disparity obviously.” 谢傲宇摇摇头,失望的道:“你还真是愚蠢到没救了,既然知道你来了,如何可能不通知其他人到来呢,你没发现,那显然是你的实力与雷家前来助我之人有着太大的差距了。” The wind Zhaokang complexion changes. 风兆康脸色微变。 Immediately, wind Zhaokang was then calm, you, if draws on the Lei master, I have also accepted fate, if no you to suffer to death!” 随即,风兆康便冷静了下来,“你若是真的招来雷家高手,那我也认命了,若是没有你就受死吧!” Xie Aoyu sneers secretly, he so spoke with wind Zhaokang, the reason was mobilizing the strength of thunder of half god, after all the strength of thunder of these half god easily cannot use, required a wee bit time. 谢傲宇暗自冷笑,他如此与风兆康说话,原因就是在调动半神之雷的力量,毕竟这半神之雷的力量可不是轻易能够使用的,需要一丁点的时间的。 Now he has prepared appropriately. 现在他已经准备妥当了。 „Before beginning, I want to ask your several questions.” The Xie Aoyu tranquil say (way), your decision, making my Lei Jia lao ancestor enter the wind station, haven't you accepted the lesson?” “动手之前,我想问你几个问题。”谢傲宇平静的道,“你的决定,让我雷家老祖杀入风家驻地,你难道还不接受教训吗?” Wind Zhaokang cold -ly snorted and said: Has killed you, Lei does not have the evidence to indicate that is I does, can my what, and has killed you, I gain wind high-level attaching great importance to of inevitably, the return wind station, can enter the restricted area practice, the achievement exceedingly high boundary, therefore kills you, has the advantage to me.” 风兆康冷哼道:“杀了你,雷家没有证据表明是我干的,又能奈我何,而且杀了你,我必然得到风家高层的重视,回归风家驻地,得以进入禁地修炼,成就通天境界,所以杀你,对我只有好处。” „, Is this, that does not know in your hand whether whether there is shade god trace movement Fights Technique?” Xie Aoyu said. “哦,是这样啊,那不知你手中是否有无影神踪身法斗技呢?”谢傲宇道。 Some wind Zhaokang spoke thoughtlessly saying that you asked were too many.” “有”风兆康随口说道,“你问的太多了。” He does not want to waste the time, presents any mistake. 他可不想浪费时间,出现什么差池。 The voice has not fallen, if then together tornado, hurricane, but, even if not use formidable movement Fights Technique, is relying on the wind Zhaokang immortal superior boundary strength, that speed is also far from the Xie Aoyu comprehensive eruption speed can compare, after all the boundary disparity was really too big. 话音未落,便若一道旋风般,狂飙而至,就算是不动用强大的身法斗技,凭借着风兆康长生上位境界的实力,那速度也绝非谢傲宇全面爆发速度所能比的,毕竟境界差距实在是太大了。 Xie Aoyu only thought that at present a flower, a vigorous strength then bang kills. 谢傲宇只觉得眼前一花,一股雄浑的力量便轰杀过去。 If not the mind can lock the wind Zhaokang's personal appearance reluctantly, where he is not even able to judge wind Zhaokang to arrive, early has prepared appropriate Xie Aoyu to shake the fist then to hit. 若非心眼能够勉强锁定风兆康的身形,他甚至无法判断风兆康到了什么地方,早已经准备妥当的谢傲宇挥拳便打。 This is he opposes the enemy with the thunder of half god for the first time, is the immortal boundary superior master, how the effect, he cannot guarantee. 这是他首次用半神之雷对敌,还是长生境界上位的高手,效果如何,连他自己都不敢保证。 snow white color electric light flowing to the fist of Xie Aoyu above. 雪白色的电光流动到谢傲宇的拳头之上。 That electric light seems very weak, is similar to the small flame is ordinary, looks is not very real, does not have what fearful power and influence to fluctuate, the wind Zhaokang actually heart that but that kills lives the crisis. 那电光看上去很微弱,如同小火苗一般,看的很不真实,也没有什么可怕的威势波动,可是那扑杀过来的风兆康却心生危机。 He also felt that strange, after all he is the immortal superior master, facing unreliably master who Senior the boundary, even a finger can stab to death, how to have the sense of crisis? 他也只是感到一丝奇怪罢了,毕竟他是长生上位高手,面对玄尊境界的高手,甚至一根手指都能戳死的,如何会有危机感? The time of fleeting thought that a fist of Xie Aoyu then welcomed the fist that wind Zhaokang has hit. 一闪念的功夫,谢傲宇的一拳便迎上了风兆康打来的拳头。 This also through mind locking, if not has the mind, even if Xie Aoyu can display a wee bit strengths of thunder of half god, danger that must facing be hit by wind Zhaokang. 这也是通过心眼锁定的,若非具有心眼,就算谢傲宇能够发挥半神之雷的一丁点力量,也要面对被风兆康击中的危险。 Bang!” “嘭!” The fist collides, exudes one to thunder. 拳头碰撞,发出一声轰鸣。 In front of thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god, let alone wind Zhaokang because of despising Xie Aoyu, but has used 40% strengths, that may also the second kill the immortal boundary lower position master, even if he attacks fully, is unable to hit the strength, one washed out by thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god. 半神之雷1力量面前,别说风兆康因藐视谢傲宇而只是动用了四成的力量,那也是可秒杀长生境界下位高手的,就算是他全力出击,也无法将力量打出来,被半神之雷1的力量一下冲散了。 Bang!” “轰!” The wind Zhaokang's right arm changes to blood fog immediately, thin, if the electric light of gossamer takes advantage of opportunity to enter the wind Zhaokang's left shoulder, attacks his body. 风兆康的右臂当即化作一片血雾,更是有一道细若游丝的电光顺势进入风兆康的右肩,冲击他的身体。 Once this strength erupts, then wind Zhaokang also inevitably was the result of death. 一旦这一丝力量爆发出来,那么风兆康也必然是死亡的结局。 Roar!” “吼!” The wind Zhaokang beard and hair all opens, an arm vanishes thoroughly, the severe pain nature is beyond description, is he is clearer, the strength of that deconstruction arm drilled into own body, to maintain a livelihood, must guarantee first removed the threat of this together electric light. 风兆康须发皆张,一条手臂彻底消失,剧痛自然难以形容,可是他更清楚,那毁灭手臂的力量钻入自己的身体了,要想活命,必须先保证去除这一道电光的威胁。 Almost in a time of twinkling, wind Zhaokang's complete wind Qi then fierce attack, protects the body, in view of that thin, if the electric light strength of gossamer. 几乎是在一瞬息的功夫,风兆康全部的风斗气便凶猛的出击,保护身体,针对那一道细若游丝的电光力量。 Meanwhile, Xie Aoyu also once again felt that the consumption is excessive, almost wants the feeling of asphyxia. 与此同时,谢傲宇也再度感觉到消耗过度,几乎要昏厥的感受。 He also all of a sudden forward throws down. 他也一下子向前摔倒。 This is the phenomenon of excessive drain. 这是过度消耗的现象。 The talent ability restores instantaneously! 天赋能力瞬间恢复! Early has preparation Xie Aoyu to display this ability immediately, is he can display the safeguard of thunder of half god, when the body has not thrown down, then restored to peak condition. 早有准备的谢傲宇立刻施展这份能力,也算是他能够施展半神之雷的保障,在身体还未摔倒的时候,便已经恢复至巅峰状态。
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