BE :: Volume #20

#1900: 1/1000 strength might 【One】

How many years a person when can so mature, even can say that have the tolerance idea to decide the life, is this person possibly pure? Possibly simple? 一个人在几岁的时候都能够有如此成熟的,甚至可以说非常有忍耐力的想法去决定一生,这个人可能单纯吗?可能简单吗? It can be said that the woman who Nha is Xie Aoyu sees first has made him feel some fear. 可以说琳洛雅是谢傲宇见过的第一个让他感觉到有些后怕的女人。 This woman absolutely does not have in the surface to be so simple. 这个女人绝对没有表面上那么简单。 The Xie Aoyu mind deep place marks an extremely dangerous label to Nha, cannot despise this woman absolutely, how otherwise, perhaps dead does not know. 谢傲宇的脑海深处给琳洛雅画上一个极度危险的标签,绝对不能小看这个女人,不然的话,恐怕怎么死的都不知道。 Looks at Nha, did not have Xie Aoyu of reason actually to think cloudy god Ge Mingde and said Meng Yao they, as if their wisdom were a scale. 看着琳洛雅,没来由的谢傲宇竟然想到了阴神葛明德和云梦瑶两人,似乎他们的智慧是一个档次的。 I have been used.” Nha's bitter and astringent say (way). “我已经习惯了。”琳洛雅苦涩的道。 Xie Aoyu said in consternation: Can't?” 谢傲宇愕然道:“不会吧?” Nha shakes the head saying: A lot are you do not know that I do not want to say that perhaps some toward said that I will tell you.” 琳洛雅摇摇头道:“很多事情是你不知道的,我也不想说,或许有朝一曰,我会告诉你吧。” She did not say that the relations with Xie Aoyu is not naturally near, is naturally impossible to say. 她不说自然是与谢傲宇的关系可没有那么近,自然不可能说出来的。 You formerly said that wants me to help to be pressed with overwork a person, this what's the matter?” Xie Aoyu said. “那你先前说,要我帮忙杀一个人,这又是怎么回事?”谢傲宇道。 Nha deeply inspires, said: „A sworn enemy, a Angel Clan giant in secret cultivation true sharp, a future giant.” 琳洛雅深吸一口气,道:“一个死对头,一个天使族巨头暗中栽培的真正精锐,一个未来的巨头。” Three explanations, selected a lot of contents. 三个解释,点出了很多内容。 Those who most make Xie Aoyu pay attention, Angel Clan giant in secret cultivation true sharp, in other words in similar Turlogh, Bolton et al. at all are not Angel Clan youth one generation of sharpest strengths, some people train in secret, this can also understand that after all each big influence, must foster the talent in secret. 最让谢傲宇关注的是,天使族巨头暗中栽培的真正精锐,也就是说类似特洛内,科波顿等人根本不是天使族青年一代最精锐的力量,还有一些人是暗中培养的,这也可以理解,毕竟每个大势力,都是要暗中培养人才的。 As for the so-called future giant, Xie Aoyu does not spare a glance, that is only a view, can succeed, but also needs to look at individual effort. 至于所谓的未来巨头,谢傲宇则是不屑一顾,那只是一个说法而已,能否成功,还需要看个人的努力。 Should with some enmity of also relations parents.” Xie Aoyu said. “应该和父母之仇也有些关系吧。”谢傲宇道。 Nha sinking sound track: Right, in the past my parents entered the place of that sixth giant birth, was the parents of this person personally eagerly anticipates, but they actually found the excuse, has not entered, afterward this then first initiated to the people had suspected that this many person potential talents were unusual, caused the final five big giants to use so the method.” 琳洛雅沉声道:“没错,当年我父母进入那第六巨头诞生之地,就是此人的父母亲自引领去的,而他们却找借口,没有进入其中,随后这对狗男女便首先发起了怀疑这许多人潜力天赋超凡,才导致最后的五大巨头使用了如此手段。” Xie Aoyu one smile, cannot help but is startled, if really so, indeed is a plot, at least aims at Nha parents' plot. 谢傲宇一听,不由得一怔,若真的如此,的确是一个阴谋,至少是针对琳洛雅父母的阴谋。 „After this person of two hours, will arrive at the oar wind building, if you help me strike to kill it, I may promise you to kill one person.” Nha said. “此人两个小时之后会到濯风楼,你若帮我将其击杀,我可答应你杀一人。”琳洛雅说道。 Why looks for me?” Xie Aoyu has not made the decision immediately. “为什么找上我?”谢傲宇并没有马上做出决定。 Nha said: First, I know that you definitely wanted to be interested with Cenozoic of Angel Clan giant training personally, the master of these trained, perhaps in the future the achievement not necessarily certainly will surmount in secret in Turlogh, Bolton and other public one generation, but they must surpass in the practice achievement of present stage absolutely their, you must want into god , the road that and even the three Cenozoic first person, needs to take were many \; Second, this person is Victor, thought some of your also memories \; Third, I know in his hand to have Fights Technique, the named sudden and violent thunder fist, you should a little interest.” 琳洛雅道:“第一,我知道你肯定想要和天使族巨头亲自培养的新生代感兴趣,这些暗中培养的高手,或许未来成就未必一定超越特洛内,科波顿等公开的一代,但是他们在现阶段的修炼成就绝对是要超过他们的,你要真的想要成为神界,乃至三界新生代第一人,需要走的路还很多\;第二,此人叫维克多,想必你也有些记忆吧\;第三,我知道他手中有一种斗技,名为暴雷拳,你应该有点兴趣。” Xie Aoyu two narrow the eyes, is staring at Nha, said: You plan may really be fierce.” 谢傲宇两眼眯起,盯着琳洛雅,道:“你算计的可真是厉害啊。” Does not have the means that to revenge, to maintain a livelihood, me can only so.” The Nha's bitter and astringent say (way), „one of the Victor trip of goals then must kill me, I can only think the means to solve it first.” “没办法,为了报仇,为了活命,我只能如此。”琳洛雅苦涩的道,“维克多此行的目的之一便是要杀我,我只能想办法先将其解决了。” Scoffs “嗤” Xie Aoyu exudes one to laugh, he somewhat is not feeling well to Nha that bitter and astringent expression, will plan so fierce, has to get rid, actually uses so the expression, this female seriously is the plans deep fearfulness. 谢傲宇发出一声嗤笑,他对琳洛雅那苦涩的表情有些不爽,将自己算计的如此厉害,不得不出手,却用这般表情,此女当真是心机深沉的可怕。 These three that she arranges in order, first has very strong attraction to Lei Tianze really inevitably, this has the fight of enticement surname according to one that Lei Tianze the surname standard comes, this can make Xie Aoyu accept reluctantly \; The second article, the Victor three characters, can indeed cause very big killing intent to genuine Lei Tianze, because genuine Lei Tianze has a beloved woman, was killed by Victor, afterward Lei Tianze wanted to ask Victor to revenge, finally Victor then returned to the Angel Clan station to go into hiding, has not come out again \; The third article, the sudden and violent thunder fist in god is very famous, is a god 1 million years of previous thunder is Fights Technique that the surname giant creates, appraises according to Lei Jia lao ancestor now, the might of sudden and violent thunder fist may be Lei Fights Technique first three. 她列出来的这三条,第一条对真的雷天泽必然有很大的吸引力,这是根据雷天泽的姓格而来的一个具有诱惑姓的战斗,这可以让谢傲宇勉强接受\;第二条,维克多三个字,的确对真正的雷天泽能引起非常大的杀意,因为真正的雷天泽有一个心爱的女人,便是被维克多所杀,后来雷天泽想要找维克多报仇,结果维克多便回归天使族驻地隐匿了起来,再也没有出来\;第三条,暴雷拳在神界是很有名的,是神界1000000年前一名雷属姓巨头创造的斗技,据当今雷家老祖评价,暴雷拳的威力可名列雷家斗技的前三名。 These three, regardless of, as long as is genuine Lei Tianze, definitely will be excited. 这三条,无论哪一条,但凡是真正的雷天泽,必然会心动的。 Although Xie Aoyu is false, but or wants to be seen through, definitely will begin, particularly Nha gives his feeling is too intelligent, the plans were too deep, in front of a such woman, if not begin, certainly will cause her suspicion. 谢傲宇虽然是假的,可要不想被识破,也必然会动手,尤其是琳洛雅给他的感觉是太聪明,心机太深沉了,这样的一个女人面前,若是不动手,一定会引起她的怀疑。 Must kill Victor, not necessarily is now, I can in one month, one year later kills him.” Xie Aoyu is not feeling well by Nha is used, then desolate saying. “要杀维克多,也不一定是现在,我可以在一个月,一年之后杀他。”谢傲宇不爽被琳洛雅利用,便冷淡的说道。 Victor trip besides killing me, a goal, that is aims at your.” The Nha's tranquil say (way), that appearance seems has very big self-confidence, „before several years, he is inferior to you to be many, therefore only has to avoid, these years, cultivation to progress by leaps and bounds, have the cultivation of Angel Clan giant, only use the several years time, then from eight step Battle Emperor one year ago achieve revere the superior white soul unreliably the altitude, whether now stride in revere the peak unreliably, are an unknown, but your reappearing, and cultivation are two years ago drop, restore to profound Senior in the position boundary, think that he decided however had the confidence to strike to kill absolutely. You, will arrive, I think the homicide you, but answers multiple purpose, therefore you are hard to shunt several days of radically, with it like that not, if the present has killed Victor, is my Nha owes you a human sentiment, later with obtaining my, if I can achieve, whole-heartedly, you do look inevitably what kind of?” “维克多此行除了杀我之外,还有一个目的,那便是针对你的。”琳洛雅平静的道,那模样儿看上去就是有着很大的自信,“数年前他不如你很多,所以唯有躲避起来,这些年,修为突飞猛进,更是有着天使族巨头的栽培,只用数年的时间,便从八阶战皇与一年前达到玄尊上位白色灵魂的高度,如今是否跨入玄尊巅峰,也是一个未知数,而你的重现,并且修为两年前跌落,重新恢复至玄尊中位境界,想必他定然已经有了绝对的信心可击杀。你,才会到来的,我想他杀你,可是一举多得的,所以你根本难以躲开几天的时间,与其那般,不若现在杀了维克多,也算是我琳洛雅欠你一个人情,以后用得到我的,若我能做到的,必然全力以赴,你看怎样?” The Xie Aoyu intention phonograph, said: Good, I kill Victor, but you must find out the contemporary big fiendish person within three days now where.” 谢傲宇心念电转,道:“好,我去杀维克多,但是你必须在三天之内查出当代大魔王现在何处。” Nha shows a faint smile, good!” 琳洛雅微微一笑,“好!” Xie Aoyu is watching intently refined tastes a while, if Nha can clarify, then side Nha one group of people support her absolutely, but not like surface, only then she is supporting by strenuous efforts. 谢傲宇逼视着琳洛雅好一会儿,若是琳洛雅真的能够弄清楚,那么琳洛雅身边绝对有一群人支持她,而非像表面一样,只有她一个人在苦苦支撑。 He turns around to depart. 他随之转身离去。 Leaves the day of moon/month pavilion nine buildings, Xie Aoyu then rapidly goes to the oar wind building, prepares to rush to the oar wind building to go into hiding ahead of time, kills Victor. 离开天月阁九楼,谢傲宇便迅速的向濯风楼而去,准备提前赶到濯风楼隐匿起来,袭杀维克多。 Leaves that moment of day of moon/month pavilion in him, person's shadow ghosts and demons walk from the hidden place, he is wind Zhaokang. 在他离开天月阁的那一刻,一条人影鬼魅般从暗处走出来,他就是风兆康。 Strange, this boy has not used the situation that the mind momentarily pays attention to the outside unexpectedly, um, is thinks probably Lei came the human to be stationed in the dying out city, nobody dares to get rid to him.” On the wind Zhaokang face reveals to wipe the fierce smiling face, this time I want you dead without the burial ground, whether there is the shade coordination conceals, Lei is also hard to discover that is my behavior.” “奇怪,这小子居然没有使用心眼随时关注外界的情况,嗯,大概是以为雷家已经来人驻扎寂灭城,没人敢对他出手。”风兆康脸上流露出一抹狰狞的笑容,“这次我要你死无葬身之地,有无影配合掩饰,雷家也难以发现是我所为。” Wind Zhaokang moves sideways, without a trace of disappearance. 风兆康一闪身,消失的无影无踪。 The oar wind building is the place of similar day moon/month pavilion, is only the fame is slightly small, at this time is the stream of people maximum time, the Xie Aoyu mind opens completely, may be ten thousand meters distance, so long as Victor appears, can prepare ahead of time. 濯风楼是类似天月阁的一个地方,只是名气略微小一点,此时正值人流最大的时候,谢傲宇的心眼完全开启,可达到万米的距离,只要维克多出现,便可提前做准备。 To Victor's appearance, in the genuine Lei Tianze memory is very profound, because genuine Lei Tianze to practice, is not interested in the female sexual attractiveness, the person who makes him move only the woman who is also accompanies him to step onto the peak, was actually killed by Victor, how can not hate to the marrow of the bones to Victor. 对维克多的长相,真正雷天泽的记忆中是非常深刻的,因为真正的雷天泽为了修炼,对女色并不怎么感兴趣,唯一让他动心的女人也是陪伴他一路走上巅峰的人,却被维克多杀死,怎能不对维克多恨之入骨。 Is because obtains Lei Tianze the complete memory, some stimulates the Xie Aoyu killing intent, may know Lei Tianze to have the how deep hatred to Victor. 仅仅是因为得到雷天泽完整的记忆,都有一些刺激谢傲宇的杀意,可知雷天泽对维克多有多么深的恨意。 One -and-a-half hours then passed by suddenly. 一个半小时眨眼间便过去了。 In the Xie Aoyu inner world presented a familiar form finally, that is Victor, long loose clean, is very the charming golden hair man, his side has the protect guard appearance master who two revere the lower position unreliably to follow, is merry, obviously is personal bodyguard that kind. 谢傲宇的心海中终于出现了一个熟悉的身影,那就是维克多,一个长的风流倜傥,很是帅气的金发男子,他的身边有两名玄尊下位的护卫模样儿高手跟随着,彼此间有说有笑的,显然是贴身护卫那一类的。 Their march direction oar wind building. 他们的行进方向正是濯风楼。 Through the mind, Xie Aoyu then locks one to be possible quickly the stealth good place, as soon as he moved sideways then to arrive at the distance oar wind building more than 3000 meters places, that was a very secluded place, was the Victor three people must by it place. 通过心眼,谢傲宇很快便锁定一处可隐身的好地方,他一闪身便到了距离濯风楼大约3000多米的地方,那是一处很僻静的地方,也是维克多三人必经之地。 Xie Aoyu stands in the hidden place, the whole person integrates in the world, seems changes to a world member, is that flower, that grass, that stone, does not have the human aura of least bit. 谢傲宇站在暗处,整个人都融入天地间,好似化作天地一份子,就是那花,那草,那石头,没有半点的人类气息。 This is the harmony of nature and man boundary, does not need practice any assassin unique skill, can achieve the altitude that the topest assassin can reach. 这就是天人合一的境界,无需修行什么刺客特有的技能,便可做到最顶尖刺客所能达到的高度。 After one minute, the Victor three people of voices then spread to near the ear of Xie Aoyu, does not need the mind and auricle to pass may also hear to be very clear, arrived at about 200 meters, in this silent place, the sound passes on is very far. 一分钟之后,维克多三人的声音便传入谢傲宇的耳边,不需要心眼、心耳通也可听得很清楚,已经到了200米左右,在这寂静的地方,声音传的很远。 Young master, you said that this that old boy can send any good thing to you.” “少爷,你说这次那老小子会不会给你送来什么好东西。” That is certain, otherwise he asked our young masters to do, our young masters may not have the time to accompany him to play.” “那是一定的,不然他请我们少爷干什么,我们少爷可没时间陪他玩耍。” Does not know that old boy does have to the young master I prepares two beautiful women, the young master I am every day do not have beautiful not happy.” Listens words that two protect guards were flattering, saying that Victor smiled. “就是不知道老小子有没有给少爷我准备两个美人儿,少爷我可是每天无美不欢的。”听着两个护卫谄媚的话,维克多笑眯眯的说道。 And a protect guard said: That is certain, I already disclosed to him, liking of young master, perhaps, this old fogy flattered the young master, has prepared 45 beautiful pretty little girls to the young master.” 其中一个护卫道:“那是一定的,我可是早就透露给他,少爷的爱好了,说不定,这老家伙巴结少爷,给少爷准备了45个美娇娘呢。” Victor hey said with a smile: This is best, I 维克多嘿嘿笑道:“这样最好,我” His words have not said that went to about four meters place that Xie Aoyu was, early has preparation Xie Aoyu to rush ahead suddenly. 他话还未说完,已经到了谢傲宇所在的大约四米左右的地方,早有准备的谢傲宇骤然冲杀出去。 Treads Lei Shu! 踏雷术! Gets rid of then speed promotion to the limit, fights the boots with the aid of Lightning Spirit, causes to tread the thunder technique to go to very astonishing situation, makes high fully a Xie Aoyu boundary, practices the bright first amazingly quick non- shade god trace the wind not to have the shade only to keep pace, conceivable is what kind of speed. 一出手便是将速度提升至极限,借助雷灵战靴,使得踏雷术达到非常惊人的地步,足让高过谢傲宇一个境界,修炼有神界第一神速无影神踪的风无影都只能并驾齐驱,可以想象是怎样的速度。 They are distanced have four meters. 两人相距更是只有四米。 That time feared that is 1% seconds, Xie Aoyu then arrived at Victor's front, quickly rises together simultaneously to the acme right hand index finger and middle finger, the place exits maliciously. 那时间怕是连1秒都不到,谢傲宇便已经到了维克多的面前,快到极致的右手食指和中指并起,狠狠地点出去。 Lei Shazhi! 雷杀指! As Lei Tianze adept Fights Technique, Lei Shazhi the might with the altitude of thunder of Thun­der and Light­ning strength achievement half god, the might has been possible the lid to press all Fights Technique fully. 作为雷天泽的拿手斗技,雷杀指的威力伴随着雷电力量成就半神之雷的高度,威力已经足可盖压过一切斗技 The Fights Technique might height, looks at displaying of same person, Xie Aoyu with Lei Shazhi, white lightning coordination of thunder of release half gods, but this white lightning along with the thunder of Thun­der and Light­ning strength achievement half god, from the perfect thunder might of accomplishment boundary, compared favorably with the Saint thunder, even if were this Lei Guang, that also needed the giant to play the complete might reluctantly, even if Xie Aoyu can only play a might, that was also the overwhelming power peerless. 斗技的威力高低,是看同一个人的施展,谢傲宇用雷杀指,有半神之雷释放的白色闪电配合,而这白色闪电随着雷电力量成就半神之雷,也从大成境界的极致之雷威力,媲美圣雷了,就算是这一线雷光,那也需要巨头才能够勉强发挥出全部威力的,即便谢傲宇只能发挥出一点威力,那也是威猛绝伦的。
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