BE :: Volume #20

#1899: Shock 【Two】

Looks at a Nha face angry appearance, a Xie Aoyu whisper, Nha this time invites itself to come at heart, has any goal. 看着琳洛雅一脸愤怒的样子,谢傲宇心里一阵嘀咕,琳洛雅这次邀约自己前来,到底有什么目的。 Xie Aoyu also hit the spirit, seemed like has not cared, the regulations heart of hearts had enhanced vigilance, he has thought that the strategy, listened little to say much. 谢傲宇也打起了精神,看似没在意,实则内心深处已经提高了警惕,他已经想好了策略,多听少说。 Plot, in view of 51 generations of plots!” Nha voice ice is cold, your status, wants to come also to hear the god Kui Yin Mountains arteries dreadful calamity.” “阴谋,针对51代的阴谋!”琳洛雅声音冰寒无比,“你的身份,想来也应该听说过神界奎阴山脉惨祸吧。” Kui Yin Mountains arteries dreadful calamity is shocking god, even made the god five big giants stop closing up, an influence very profound matter that walked. 奎阴山脉惨祸是震惊神界,甚至令神界五大巨头都停止闭关,走出来的一件影响很深远的事情。 Xie Aoyu naturally knows. 谢傲宇自然是知道的。 I heard that Kui Yin Mountains arteries once were born a god soldier, is the exceedingly high level, but does not have to work, therefore is categorized as the god soldier of exceedingly high level, once were born, then causes the stir, eight side elites gather together, prepare to compete for that exceedingly high level god soldier, five Fang Shili discussed that half giant acts, Feng Kunkui the Yin Mountains arteries, only allowed 51 generations to go to rob at that time, in order to avoid the older generation got rid to initiate the box-up, was disadvantageous to god, was afterward, when 51 generations of all sent out got together in the place of exceedingly high level god soldier birth, actually does not want the exceedingly high level god soldier. In actually contains the soul to explode together suddenly, 51 generations of sharpest master buckles 80%.” The content that Xie Aoyu will know said simply. “我听说奎阴山脉曾经出世一把神兵,是通天级的,但是没有器灵,故而被归类为准通天级的神兵,一经出世,便引起轰动,八方精英汇聚一堂,准备争夺那件准通天级神兵,有五方势力商议,半巨头出面,封困奎阴山脉,仅允许当时51代的人进去抢夺,以免老一辈出手引发大混乱,对神界不利,可是后来,在51代全体出动齐聚准通天级神兵出世之处的时候,却不想准通天级神兵。内竟然蕴含着一道灵魂猛然爆炸,将51代最精锐的高手折损80。”谢傲宇将所知的内容简单的说了一遍。 That radically is a plot!” Nha cold sound track. “那根本就是一个阴谋!”琳洛雅寒声道。 Plot?” Xie Aoyu knits the brows saying that at that time gathered our god five big influences and other major influences youth one generation of sharp masters, who dares to aim at entire god, supposes so the plot? Did not fear that enrages five big giants?” “阴谋?”谢傲宇皱眉道,“当时可是聚集我们神界五大势力和其他各大势力的青年一代的精锐高手,谁敢针对整个神界,设下如此阴谋?难道就不怕激怒五大巨头?” Nha deeply inspires, said: Because that is five big giants collaborates the behavior!” 琳洛雅深吸一口气,道:“因为那就是五大巨头联手所为!” The bonus is the mood is greatly perfect, the heart that Xie Aoyu still could not control jumps fiercely, mood slightly rocks, this answer indeed was too unexpected. 饶是心境大完满,谢傲宇仍然控制不住的心头猛跳一下,心境微微的一阵晃动,这个答案的确是太出乎意料了。 What you said is real?” Xie Aoyu is having a suspicion. “你说的是真的?”谢傲宇带着一丝怀疑。 Naturally real.” Nha's affirmative say (way). “当然是真的。”琳洛雅肯定的道。 Xie Aoyu knits the brows: I am very difficult to believe why five big giants must begin to 51 generations . Moreover the attack of deconstruction surname, most critically, contains 51 generations of almost all who five big giants control, their so procedure, I am very why difficult to believe.” 谢傲宇皱眉道:“我很难相信,五大巨头为什么要对51代动手,而且还是毁灭姓的打击,更关键的是,其中可是包含五大巨头掌控的51代几乎所有人,他们为何如此做法,我很难相信。” Nha deeply inspires, said: I do not want to believe that but this is the fact.” 琳洛雅深吸一口气,道:“我也不想相信,可这就是事实。” If, inevitably is the secret between giants, how you do know?” Xie Aoyu said. “若是真的,必然是巨头之间的隐秘,你怎么知道的?”谢傲宇道。 How I know that is very difficult to tell you, but I can guarantee that this is real, moreover I can tell you, does the real cause of giant so procedure, believe as for you, I do not need certainly to make you believe that I only hope after you listen, helping me kill a person.” Nha said. “我如何知道的,很难告诉你,但我可以保证这是真的,而且我可以告诉你,巨头如此做法的真正原因,至于你信不信,我没有必要一定让你相信,我只希望你听完之后,帮我杀一个人。”琳洛雅说道。 Xie Aoyu light say (way): You said.” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“你说吧。” He should not to help to be pressed with overwork a person, has not overruled. 他没有应下来要帮忙杀一个人,也没有否决。 Nha stands up, looks at the night scene of out of the window, fell into deeply has suspected, the expression was gentle, was bringing faint trace weak shivering, that facial expression could not hide the truth from Xie Aoyu, she was very indeed excited, did not disguise, the mind can see the genuine and fake in this aspect. 琳洛雅站起身,看着窗外的夜景,陷入了深深地怀疑中,语气平缓,却带着一丝丝微弱的颤抖,那神情瞒不过谢傲宇,她的确很激动,不是假装的,心眼在这方面还是能够看出真假的。 Therefore Xie Aoyu somewhat believes that Nha will possibly tell the truth. 所以谢傲宇有些相信琳洛雅可能会说真话。 Nha said slowly: 51 generations are especially prominent, it can be said that since these giants are born, most magnificent one generation, even if our generation, besides your 2-3 special, attains 51 generations, does not have the qualifications to attach great importance, because of 51 generations before 30 years old, achieves the immortal lower position boundary has about 40 people fully, that is any digit, at the present we, before perhaps 30 years old , achieves the immortal lower position boundary cannot discover five people, their magnificence are regarded as the hopes that god rises, will be regarded as the god future hope, god possibly is going the birth new giant, moreover. Possibly more than 1-2, the balance of god strength will be broken now, has some side influence possibly to dominate above other influences.” 琳洛雅缓缓说道:“51代格外突出,可以说是自从那些巨头诞生之后,最辉煌的一代,即便是我们这一代,除了你们两三个特殊之外,余者拿到51代,也根本没资格被重视的,因51代在30岁之前,达到长生下位境界的足有近40人之多,那是什么数字,而今我们呢,恐怕30岁以前达到长生下位境界的都找不出五个人,他们的辉煌被认定是神界崛起的希望,更被认定是神界未来的希望,神界可能将要诞生新的巨头,而且。可能不止一两个,现在神界力量的平衡将会被打破,有某一方势力可能凌驾其他各方势力之上。” This time continued soon, finally some people have had some ideas to the person who so massively presented the giant potential, in their opinion, these person of each took is 1 million years rare, if presented 56, poured can also understand, but the one breath presented 40 people, was not normal, therefore the people of five side influences jointly have investigated, actually obtained a result, that was in the middle of these 40 people unexpectedly 35 people had gone to the same place, therefore they then a that place inspected.” “这种光阴持续了不多久,终于有人对如此大规模的出现巨头潜力的人产生了一些想法,在他们看来,这些人每一个拿出来都是1000000年难得一见的,若是出现56个,倒也可以理解,但是一口气出现40人,根本不正常,所以就有五方势力的人联合进行了调查,却得出一个结果,那就是这40人当中竟然有35人曾经去过同一个地方,于是他们便去那个地方查验。” Xie Aoyu has raised up binaural. 谢傲宇竖起了双耳。 He knows that the essential content came. 他知道,关键的内容来了。 Listens to Nha saying: Result discovered that there unexpectedly is the place that the god sixth giant is born!” 就听琳洛雅说道:“结果发现,那里居然是神界第六巨头诞生的地方!” The god sixth giant birthplace? 神界第六巨头诞生地? This answer indeed big stems from unexpected of Xie Aoyu, is relying on the sensation of mind to Nha this moment mood, he could not feel that Nha that excited, angry, fears, intense and other complex mood are perform, since is not, that real possible surname very big. 这个答案的确大大的出乎谢傲宇的意料之外,凭借着心眼对琳洛雅此刻心情的感知,他丝毫感觉不出琳洛雅那激动,愤怒,惧怕,紧张等复杂情绪是表演出来的,既然不是,那真实的可能姓就非常的大。 „Are you very shocked?” Nha carries to Xie Aoyu was saying. “你很震惊吧?”琳洛雅背对着谢傲宇说道。 Xie Aoyu nods, said: Is very accidental.” 谢傲宇点点头,道:“很意外。” Five big giants were shocked at that time, even fears, was worried that they had been subverted by the god sixth giant thoroughly, will therefore suppose the next strategy, uses the exceedingly high level god soldier to attract many masters to go intentionally, then has killed all there person entirely extinguishing.” Nha voice ice is cold. “五大巨头当时更震惊,甚至是惧怕,担心他们被神界第六巨头给彻底颠覆了,所以才会设下一个计策,故意利用准通天级神兵吸引诸多高手前去,然后将所有去过那里的人统统的灭杀。”琳洛雅声音冰寒无比。 So, five big giants have not grasped ensure these people do use for them? Cannot control through other methods, for example does the control soul and so on, why need to adopt this grade of method?” Xie Aoyu is somewhat puzzled, properly speaking, these five big giants, casually put out one are the big masters of great learning and integrity in Incantation technique aspect, has the innumerable mystiques to control others, why will choose this and other intense methods. “就算如此,五大巨头难道就没有把握保证这些人都为他们所用吗?难道就不能够通过其他的手段来控制,比如控制灵魂之类的,为何要采取这等手段?”谢傲宇有些不解,按理来说,就这五大巨头,随便拿出一个都是咒术方面的大宗师,有着无数的秘法控制别人的,为何会选择这等激烈的手段。 Nha taunted: Because they do not have that skill, the god sixth giant, others does not know, but I actually know that this sixth giant once appeared by another status in god, his actions are not the least bit off compared with hell demon Sky Demon, is only he is very low-key, fights with the giant, always non- foreign propaganda, but the god five big giants know that the sixth giant had slaughtered at least six giants, including two giants who survives from ten thousand time, restores after 1 million years, the result page was cut to kill by him, this has not calculated, the sixth giant afterward somehow. Is forced to go into hiding, as if carries on one time to belong to his special transformation, to prevent the god major giants collaborates to seize the chance to kill him, therefore has trained ten big masters, is half giant, this was afterward chaotic of god famous ten king, these ten most giants they collaborate to be able with a giant to fight not to drop the wind, afterward was defeated to capture by the giant, controls, the result half giant explosion, that strength has killed to the bang the giant directly, afterward underwent the confirmations of some people to know, person who as long as had been fudged by the sixth giant, not only cultivation to swiftly and violently quickly, in soul. Has the unusual Incantation technique establishment, once touches, even if after is the master of Battle Emperor level explodes the strength can also let the giant severe wound, therefore they do not have the guts to meddle, is worried to bring the attack of deconstruction surname , the worry is the sixth giant stays behind in view of their plots.” 琳洛雅嘲讽道:“因为他们没那个本事,神界第六巨头,别人不知道,可我却知道,这第六巨头曾经以另外一个身份出现在神界,他所作所为比地狱魔界天魔丝毫不差,只是他很低调,与巨头交手,从来都不对外宣传,但是神界五大巨头都知道,第六巨头曾经屠杀过至少六名巨头,其中包括从万界时代存活下来的两名巨头,历经1000000年才恢复过来的,结果页被他斩杀,这还不算,第六巨头后来不知何故。被迫隐匿起来,似乎进行一次属于他自己的特殊蜕变,但是为了防止神界各大巨头联手趁机杀他,所以培养了十大高手,全都是半巨头,这就是后来神界有名的十王之乱,这十大半巨头两人联手便可与一名巨头大战而不落下风,后来被巨头击败擒拿,进行掌控,结果半巨头爆炸,那力量直接将巨头给轰杀了,后来经过一些人的验证才知道,但凡被第六巨头动过手脚的人,不但修为迅猛快捷,灵魂内。都有奇特的咒术设置,一旦触及,就算是战皇级的高手爆炸之后的力量也能让巨头重伤的,所以他们根本没胆量插手,担心带来毁灭姓的打击,也担心是第六巨头留下针对他们的阴谋。” Is listening to Nha related that Xie Aoyu has thought. 听着琳洛雅的诉说,谢傲宇想了很多。 The sixth giant is always a thorn in Xie Aoyu heart, this person is sinister, the rejection mortal body, the soul checks unexpectedly on a world person of body, enters Holy City, enters the high level, but he is actually not able to seek. 第六巨头始终是谢傲宇心中的一根刺,这人最是阴险,竟然舍弃肉身,灵魂寄存在人间界一人的身上,更是进入圣城,进入高层,而他却无法寻找出来。 Regarding this person, if can understand some, naturally is Xie Aoyu is glad. 对于此人,若是能够多了解一些,自然是谢傲宇乐意的。 The sixth giant who he knows inherited ten thousand time deconstruction the strength of deconstruction, but what ancient times Clever Sacred Tree just the opposite inherited is the strength of life. 他所知的第六巨头是继承了万界时代毁灭的毁灭之力,而远古通灵神树则恰恰相反继承的是生命之力。 Since both each other repel one another, even is complements one another, that sixth giant so is why intrepid, ancient times some were Clever Sacred Tree instead potentials on the other hand weak? 既然两者彼此相克,甚至是相辅相成的,那为什么第六巨头如此强悍,相对来说,远古通灵神树反而有些势弱呢? Was ancient times Clever Sacred Tree in hideaway strength?! 难道是远古通灵神树在隐藏实力?! This non- not possibly, at Xie Aoyu and several times of ancient times Clever Sacred Tree contact, this old fogy most understood that hides one's incompetence by remaining silent, most excels is the cloudy person. 这非是没有可能,以谢傲宇和远古通灵神树接触的几次来看,这老家伙最懂得就是藏拙,最擅长的就是阴人。 It hid the real strength absolutely! 它绝对隐藏了真实实力! Hideaway so many years, his goal perhaps only then one, that aims at robbing of heart of Saint Emperor. 隐藏如此多年,他的目的恐怕只有一个,那就是针对圣皇之心的抢夺。 Xie Aoyu sneers secretly, since knew, that gives you to expose, making your 1 million years of hideaway unable to apply, decides however the towering rage of air/Qi. 谢傲宇暗自冷笑,既然知道了,那就给你曝光,让你1000000年隐藏派不上用场,定然气的火冒三丈。 Your parents also in?” Xie Aoyu said. “你父母也在其中?”谢傲宇道。 In.” Nha voice some say (way) of shivering, they at age 28, had achieved in the immortal boundary the situation in position, can say that in the future the achievement giant, has at least 40% assurances, badly becomes half giant is not the difficult matter, was planned by five big giants hatefully, finally died a tragic death, but my adoptive father adoptive mother to protect me was not affected, will be content to give up the future, the boundary will forever frame in the immortal rank, therefore in my mind, they will be my birth parents, but I was just born at that time, the bystander does not know, therefore thinks that I will be their biological daughter.” “在。”琳洛雅声音有些颤抖的道,“他们在28岁的时候,已经达到长生境界中位的地步,可以说未来成就巨头,有着至少四成的把握,最不济成为半巨头也非难事,可恨被五大巨头算计,最终惨死,而我的义父义母为了保护我不受波及,也自甘放弃未来,境界永远定格在长生级别,所以在我的心目中,他们就是我的亲生父母,而我当时刚出生,外人根本不知道,所以都以为我就是他们的亲生女儿。” Xie Aoyu hear [words/that], adoptive father adoptive mother who also admires Nha. 谢傲宇闻言,也不禁佩服琳洛雅的义父义母。 When may admire, Xie Aoyu realized issue that deserves pondering, he is staring at Nha, said: You take angel god water 可佩服之余,谢傲宇意识到一个更值得深思的问题,他盯着琳洛雅,道:“你服用天使神水” The rapid breath some little time, Nha said: Right, I, I recognized the angel god water intentionally at that time, knows that takes the angel god water the consequence.” 急促的呼吸了好一会儿,琳洛雅才说道:“没错,我故意的,当时我就认出天使神水,更加知道服用天使神水的后果。” That time you as if were only several years old.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “那时候的你似乎才几岁吧。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 A young child has such plans unexpectedly. 一个几岁的孩子居然有如此心机。 You not also same very relaxed then inferred from my word.” Nha's tranquil say (way). “你不也一样很轻松的从我的只言片语中便推断出来了吗。”琳洛雅平静的道。 If I am you, I do not have that determination, does not have that many ideas.” Xie Aoyu said. “如果我是你,我没有那份决心,更没有那么多的想法。”谢傲宇道。 Nha scoffs to say with a smile: You want to say that my plans are deep, spoke frankly, this nothing.” 琳洛雅嗤笑道:“你想说我心机深沉,就直说,这没什么。” Xie Aoyu said: I and you cooperate, it seems like must carefully be especially good.” 谢傲宇道:“我与你合作,看来要格外小心才行。” PS: The coin-tossing, Nha is good is bad, the goal is anything, she and Xie Aoyu can be anything relate, ahead of time said that definitely could not guess correctly could not guess correctly! PS:猜猜猜,琳洛雅是好是坏,目的是什么,她和谢傲宇会是什么关系,提前说,肯定猜不到啊猜不到!
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