BE :: Volume #19

#1898: Shock 【One】

PS: A day three chapters few? Each chapter of more than 3000 characters, in addition about ten thousand characters, asked troublesome, several can guarantee these many, always do not think that everything should go according to your thought that that will only make people think that you were weak! PS:一天三章很少吗?每章3000多字,加起来近万字,麻烦问一下,有几个能保证这么多的,不要总觉得事事应该按你的思维去,那只会让人觉得你幼稚! Today, I start preinstall to renew on the 13 th at the end of the month, every day three chapters, the time are 9 : 00 am, 17 : 00 pm, 20 : 00 pm, establishes, the technical question, is unable to guarantee that specific time comes out, I do not have the means! 今天13号,我开始预设更新到月底,每天三章,时间是早上9点,下午17点,晚上20点,设定好,技术问题,无法保证那个具体时间更出来,我也没办法! Day moon/month pavilion 天月阁 As the construction of dying out city symbol surname, is the famous love affair place, the day moon/month pavilion , since god captures hell demon, then transforms into many influences each other eliminates the contradiction, the compromise place, calculates that into the dying out city most had the place of symbol surname, moreover came to here to drink to brush the happy person also mostly to have the status person, can eavesdrop on many news, the demon demon clan then here achievement main collection information region. 作为寂灭城标志姓的建筑,更是有名的风月场所,天月阁自从神界攻陷地狱魔界之后,便转换为许多势力彼此消除矛盾,妥协的地方,也算成为寂灭城最具有标志姓的地方了,而且来这里喝酒刷乐的人也大都是有身份地位的人,能够探听到许多的消息,魔魅族便是将这里作为主要的收集情报区域。 Before Xie Aoyu arrives the day of moon/month pavilion, Bing Wu transferred the demon demon clansman to monitor comprehensively here, had determined indeed only then Nha arrives the day of moon/month pavilion, not other people, nobody protects in secret, follows in secret and so on. 谢傲宇来到天月阁之前,冰舞已经调动魔魅族人将此处全面监视起来,也确定了的确只有琳洛雅一人来到天月阁,并无其他人,也没有人暗中保护,暗中跟随之类的。 Then made Xie Aoyu formerly pull into not being feeling well in cooperation Hawode to Nha to subside slightly. 这才让谢傲宇对琳洛雅先前将哈沃德扯入合作中的不爽略微平息了一些。 The day moon/month pavilion altogether has nine, becomes turreted, the ninth area is not big, be only more than hundred about square meters, are only Fang people to order every day, no matter other people any status , can only move on below nine. 天月阁共有九层,成塔状,第九层面积不大,只有百余平米左右,每天也只有一方人预订,其他人不管什么身份,也都只能在九层以下活动。 Nha is scheduled day moon/month pavilion ninth. 琳洛雅便是预定的天月阁第九层。 Marches into, mind also automatic opening of Xie Aoyu, Lei Tianze the status also has the mind, does not need to be worried that was seen through. 步入其中,谢傲宇的心眼也自动的开启,雷天泽的身份也具有心眼,无需担心被人识破的。 Under the mind, the surrounding area all within ten thousand meters integrate in the inner world, anything is hard to escape the observation of Xie Aoyu, only if use Advanced level desirably shields the Incantation technique shield isolation. 心眼之下,方圆万米内的一切都纳入心海中,任何事情都难以逃过谢傲宇的观察,除非是刻意的使用高级屏蔽咒术屏蔽隔绝才可以。 Xie Aoyu also inspected turned, finally saw that had seven places to be used Advanced level to shield Incantation technique in the day moon/month pavilion to shield, is unable to investigate anything, other places, received the eyeground, naturally also had the immortal boundary master to induce, has not expressed anything, naturally had the mind to associate to Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇也查验了一翻,结果看到在天月阁内有七处地方被使用高级屏蔽咒术屏蔽了,无法探查到什么,其他的地方,都收入眼底,自然也有长生境界的高手感应到了,却没有表示什么,自然是有心眼联想到谢傲宇了。 The day moon/month pavilion is the ban flies into one from outside directly, has the ban that the exceedingly high level master supposes because of the day moon/month pavilion, only has the main entrance. 天月阁是禁制从外面直接飞入某一层的,因天月阁有通天级高手设下的禁制,唯有走正门才可以。 Xie Aoyu walks into the day of moon/month pavilion, does not walk the flight channel that sets up specially, step by step steps onto day of moon/month pavilion nine, simultaneously penetrates the mind to have a look at all around situation , is thinking deeply about the real objective that Nha this time called himself to come, he does not think that Nha spent the large amount of money to invite itself on day moon/month pavilion ninth, will not have the serious matter to speak in detail. 谢傲宇走入天月阁,也不走那专门设下的飞行通道,就是一步步的走上天月阁九层,同时透过心眼看看四周的情况,也是在思索琳洛雅这次叫自己来的真正目的,他可不认为琳洛雅花费巨资在天月阁第九层邀请自己,会没有重大的事情详谈。 But thinks it over, as if except for the tour of demon imperial palace, cannot find out anything. 可是思来想去,似乎除了魔皇宫之行,也想不出什么。 Is thinking, then to day of moon/month pavilion eighth. 这么想着,便到了天月阁第八层。 Just arrived at this, these eight buildings shield Incantation technique of between distinguished guests eliminated exactly, some people used up the meal to walk from inside, finally Xie Aoyu saw sat in inside wind Zhaokang. 刚到这一层,这八楼的一个贵宾间的屏蔽咒术恰好消除,有人用完餐从里面走出来,结果谢傲宇一眼就看到了坐在里面的风兆康。 Their four items of relative, erupt one group of eye-catching cold glow immediately, the temperature also suddenly drops, makes the person of opening the door, feeling that the it behind person one type crashes into the ice hole. 两人四目相对,登时爆发出一团夺目的寒芒,气温也骤然下降,令开门之人,连带其身后的人都有一种坠入冰窟的感觉。 Wind Zhaokang!” “风兆康!” Lei Tianze!” “雷天泽!” They with stylish. 两人同时道。 Xie Aoyu has not thought that will bump into wind Zhaokang here, this is he resolves to as Lei Tianze one of characters it must kill, and has informed widely, therefore their relations are doomed are the mortal enemies, Lei Tianze the status, making wind Zhaokang not dare to get rid, can only the challenge of passive waiting Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇没想到会在这里碰到风兆康,这是他立志要以雷天泽身份将其必杀的人物之一,而且已经广而告之了,所以两人的关系注定是死敌,偏偏雷天泽的身份,让风兆康不敢出手,只能被动的等待谢傲宇的挑战。 What when side wind Zhaokang does not have the shade by the wind that Xie Aoyu defeats. 待在风兆康身旁的是被谢傲宇击败的风无影。 Wind at this moment without the shade looked that has been full of the hatred to the Xie Aoyu vision, but in that hatred is also mixing with alarmed and afraid, he was afraid Xie Aoyu, was easily defeated, making him not have the guts to fight again, therefore the wind did not have the shade also directly to be disregarded by Xie Aoyu, even this attack, will make the wind not have the shade heart to heart in staying behind indelible shadow, will want to attack the exceedingly high level the boundary difficulty to increase many times. 此刻的风无影看向谢傲宇的目光充满了恨意,但那恨意之中还夹杂着一丝的惊惧,他真的害怕谢傲宇了,被轻松击败,令他没有胆量再战,所以风无影也被谢傲宇直接无视,甚至此次打击,会让风无影心心里留下难以磨灭的阴影,想要冲击通天级的境界难度会加大很多倍的。 Wind Zhaokang stands up slowly, in eye Li Mang flashes. 风兆康缓缓地站起身,眼中厉芒闪动。 Xie Aoyu has also turned around, windward Zhaokang. 谢傲宇也转过身,正对风兆康。 Has courage to challenge me, why does not dare to fight with me now.” Wind Zhaokang cold sound track. “有胆挑战我,为何不敢现在与我一战。”风兆康寒声道。 „Did you fear?” The Xie Aoyu taunt said. “你怕了?”谢傲宇嘲讽道。 Wind Zhaokang sneers saying: „Do you have the qualifications to make me be afraid?” 风兆康冷笑道:“你有资格让我害怕吗?” Xie Aoyu curls the lip saying that „, if you did not fear why wants me and you now a war, our age gap has many, had the skill you to suppress the strength the boundary to fight with me at age 30, I battled with you with a hand, in three moves, will certainly you strike to kill.” 谢傲宇撇嘴道,“如果你不怕,为何要我与你现在一战,我们年龄差距有多少,有本事你将实力压制在30岁的时候境界与我一战,我就用一只手与你交战,三招之内,必将你击杀。” The wind Zhaokang complexion is pale, kills intent to be heavier. 风兆康脸色铁青,杀意更重。 At age 30, he is ten step Battle Emperor, naturally had no way compared with Xie Aoyu, that time he artificially did not even have many potential, but walked, with his same time was called has the giant potential actually unreliably to honor the boundary to fall from the sky, potential thing, sometimes instead was the trap of death, you had the potential, the enemy do not make you grow. 30岁的时候,他才不过是十阶战皇,与谢傲宇自然没法相比的,那时候的他甚至不被人为有多少潜力,可是一路走来,与他同期的被称为有巨头潜力的却都在玄尊境界陨落了,潜力这东西,有时候反而是死亡的陷阱,你有潜力,敌人才不让你成长起来。 Snort, even if there is Lei Shaling, does not have the immortal boundary person to begin to you not necessarily, I hope actually you can live to challenge me.” Say (Way) of wind Zhaokang threat. “哼,就算有雷杀令,也不见得没有长生境界的人对你动手的,我倒是希望你能够活下来挑战我。”风兆康不无威胁的道。 Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, he knows certainly, many are called the potential unusual person possibly falls from the sky in the Battle Emperor boundary, the reason is a lot does not imagine, the benefit institute , can definitely not hesitate the price to get rid. 谢傲宇淡然一笑,他当然知道,许多的被称为潜力超凡的人可能在战皇境界就陨落的,原因就是很多事情并非是想象出来的,利益所及,完全可以不惜代价出手的。 Relax, I will not die, but you, were difficult.” Xie Aoyu sneers saying that he said no longer pays attention to wind Zhaokang, the steps to ninth walking. “放心,我不会死的,但你,就难了。”谢傲宇冷笑道,他说完不再理睬风兆康,踏步向第九层走去。 Gazes after back that he goes far away, wind Zhaokang crumb the wine class in hand, a cold and gloomy killing intent surges from his body, making several people startle shivers spirit. 目送他远去的背影,风兆康一把捏碎了手中的酒杯,一股森冷的杀意从他的身上激荡出来,令几人都激灵灵打个冷颤。 The wind does not have the shade to say in a low voice: Elder, not, if copes with Wagg like that gets rid in secret, kills him.” 风无影低声道:“长老,不若对付瓦格那般,暗中出手,干掉他。” Wind Zhaokang hear [words/that], the corners of the mouth overflow a fierce happy expression. 风兆康闻言,嘴角溢出一丝狰狞的笑意。 Marches into ninth, Xie Aoyu saw that here arrangement is not luxurious, instead the flavor of giving up affectation, is giving off the light fragrance, has place that the rest chatted, had the dining position . Moreover the place that dined in the window, sat there, can integrate the eyeground many places. 步入第九层,谢傲宇看到这里的布置并不怎么奢侈,反而有一种返璞归真的味道,散发着淡淡的香气,有休息聊天的地方,有用餐的位置,而且用餐的地方就在窗口,坐在那里,能够将很多地方纳入眼底。 Nha is standing in the window at this moment, the delicate eyebrows variety, the corner of the eye brow tip is bringing a sadness, seems thinking deeply about anything, suddenly has not discovered the arrival of Xie Aoyu. 琳洛雅此刻正站在窗口,秀眉簇起,眼角眉梢带着一丝的忧愁,似乎正在思索什么,竟然没有发现谢傲宇的到来。 Xie Aoyu has not made noise to disturb her, then before arriving at the window. 谢傲宇也没有出声打扰她,便来到窗前。 „, You came.” Nha then felt that some people arrive. “啊,你来了。”琳洛雅这才感觉到有人来到。 Looked that you are thinking the matter, has not disturbed you.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), regarding Nha, he has a discretion of instinct, the female who always thinks is not simple. “看你在想事情,就没打扰你。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,对于琳洛雅,他有一种本能的谨慎,总觉的这个女子不简单。 Also is all right, is Nha speaks of here, the look suddenly changes, the surprised say (way), you, you revere the position golden color soul unreliably!” “也没什么事,就是”琳洛雅说到这里,神色陡然一变,惊讶的道,“你,你已经是玄尊中位金色灵魂了!” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Lucky.” 谢傲宇笑道:“侥幸。” He the position purple soul from profound Senior strides in the golden soul, that is because fights pill's reason spirit, had not the small progress. 他从玄尊中位紫色灵魂跨入金色灵魂,那是因为灵斗丹的缘故,也算是有了不小的进步。 My first time sees you are the black soul, achieves the purple soul with the aid of the air/Qi of demon spirit, this is less than 20 days, you have achieved the golden soul boundary, the monstruous talent, is really the monstruous talent, perhaps we next time will meet, you were the white soul.” Nha said. “我第一次见到你是黑色灵魂,借助魔灵之气达到紫色灵魂,这才不到20天,你又达到了金色灵魂境界,妖孽,真的是妖孽,说不定我们下次见面,你就是白色灵魂了。”琳洛雅说道。 The so rapid promotion, indeed is makes her feel inconceivable. 如此迅速的提升,的确是让她感到不可思议。 Do not look that unreliably Senior the position boundary, but the golden soul has more than two times compared with the time strength of purple soul tyrannicalally, the battle efficiency is strengthens more than two times. 别看都是玄尊中位境界,可是金色灵魂比紫色灵魂的时候实力强横有两倍多,战斗力更是增强两倍多。 Xie Aoyu said: What matter do you ask me to have?” 谢傲宇道:“你找我来有什么事?” A little matter wants to chat with you.” Nha gathered together luxuriant before volume, the whole person got rid from that sad makings, to human very agile feeling. “有点事情想和你谈谈。”琳洛雅拢了拢额前的秀发,整个人都从那忧愁的气质中摆脱出来,给人很利落的感觉。 Any matter, can make you invite me here.” Xie Aoyu looks at outside dying out city night scene, say (way) with a laugh, „the expense of this meal are perhaps many.” “什么事,能让你在这里邀请我。”谢傲宇看着外面的寂灭城夜景,笑呵呵的道,“这一餐的消费恐怕不少吧。” Nha said: Are very many, making me love dearly, was inferior that you deliver me to select the spirit spar again.” 琳洛雅道:“很不少,让我心疼啊,不如你再送我点灵晶石。” Xie Aoyu laughs, said: Good, but, I must know that is any matter, is worth my heart movement the matter.” 谢傲宇哈哈一笑,道:“好啊,不过,我要知道到底是什么事情,是不是值得我心动的事情才可以。” We eats while said that I was very hungry.” Nha said. “我们边吃边说吧,我很饿了。”琳洛雅说道。 On the dinner table has put completely the delicacy delicacies, is covering with the special heat preservation Incantation technique light cover, Nha waves, then elimination these heat preservation establishments, thick fragrance then heads on. 餐桌上已经放满了美味佳肴,都用特殊的保温咒术光罩覆盖着,琳洛雅一挥手,便去除那些保温设置,一股浓浓的香气便扑面而来。 Xie Aoyu and Nha sits facing each other. 谢傲宇和琳洛雅相对而坐。 In advance ate a vegetable, Xie Aoyu said: Good.” 先行吃了一口菜,谢傲宇道:“不错。” That eats, eats entirely the spirit spar that I spend.” Nha is also gratefully, probably really must eat to be the same. “那就多吃点,把我花费的灵晶石统统吃回来。”琳洛雅也是毫不客气,好像真的要吃回来一样。 Xie Aoyu laughs, this simplicity.” 谢傲宇哈哈一笑,“这个简单。” They eat are eating, topic has also torn, then pulled on the parents quickly, Xie Aoyu very natural asked about Nha's parental situation. 两人吃着吃着,话题也扯开了,很快便扯到了父母上面,谢傲宇很自然的询问琳洛雅的父母情况。 Did not have, if not so, I am also insufficient to reduce to so the situation.” Nha somewhat bitter and astringent say (way). “都没了,若非如此,我也不至于沦落到如此地步。”琳洛雅有些苦涩的道。 Excuse me.” On the Xie Aoyu mouth so said that whispered at heart, as if he knew Nha parents not dead. “不好意思。”谢傲宇嘴上如此说,心里嘀咕,似乎他所知琳洛雅父母并没死啊。 Nha's indifferent say (way): I have been used to it, as 51 generations, if not they die, early is my Angel Clan 51 generations of outstanding people, will become the master of my Angel Clan special trained.” 琳洛雅无所谓的道:“我都已经习惯了,作为51代,若非他们陨落,早已经是我天使族51代佼佼者,甚至会成为我天使族特殊培养的高手呢。” 51 generations, those who refer to is some 50-year-old people, among them the outstanding person, more than 20 years ago, is similar to the present wind does not have the shade, Wagg et al., was recognized in the future the giant potential, trains specially, along with the growth of age, the promotion of strength, instead gradually vanishes in the field of vision of people, wholly-absorbed self-torture. 51代,指的是50多岁的一些人,他们当中的佼佼者,在20多年前,就如同现在的风无影,瓦格等人,是被认定未来巨头潜力的,也是特别培养的,随着年龄的增长,实力的提升,反而会渐渐的在众人的视野中消失,专心苦修。 51 generations, master, if said ten, what a pity falling from the sky 78.” Xie Aoyu sighed lightly. “51代,高手如云啊,可惜陨落的十之78了。”谢傲宇轻叹道。 Bestowed in antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong to his memory, has the detailed content about 51 generations, initially 51 generations of god five side influences may be that generation of certainly generation of Tianjiao, that generation of masters compared with present this generation splendid, Lei Tianze exception that naturally Xie Aoyu disguised as, that was cases, the abatement fought the god clan horizontal poor character, the wind family tradition did not have the shade, beside Angel Clan Dukat, basic nobody can compare favorably, moreover now on having 51 generations has reached the immortal boundary peak level, was hopeful to attack the exceedingly high level, once naturally strided in the exceedingly high level, at that time. Must want to break through the speed to plummet dozens times, but also needs some sudden enlightenment to have the opportunity to break through, will therefore have below hundred immortal boundary many people, in the exceedingly high level above the position boundary, has not been lower than the thousand years lives. 在上古圣皇赵天龙赠送给他的记忆中,关于51代有着详细的内容,当初神界五方势力的51代可都是那一代的绝代天骄,那一代的高手可是比现在这一代更加的出色,当然谢傲宇假扮的雷天泽例外,那是一个个例,余者,除却斗神族横无行,风家风无影,天使族杜卡特之外,根本没人能够媲美,而且现在就有51代已经达到长生境界的巅峰级,有望冲击通天级呢,当然一旦跨入通天级,那时候。要想突破速度就会骤降数十倍的,还需要一些顿悟才有机会突破,所以才会有百岁以下长生境界很多人,通天级中位境界以上,没有低于千年寿命的。 Falls from the sky ten 78? In my opinion, that is a plot, a damn plot!” Say (Way) that Nha clenches jaws, „, if not this plot, my parents will not die, but my adoptive father adoptive mother is also insufficient present not any development potential, can only be detained the immortal boundary life-long.” “陨落十之78?依我看,那是一个阴谋,一个该死的阴谋!”琳洛雅咬牙切齿的道,“若非这个阴谋,我父母也绝不会死去,而我的义父义母也不至于现在没有任何发展潜力,只能终生滞留长生境界了。” Xie Aoyu said: Plot? Adoptive father adoptive mother?” 谢傲宇道:“阴谋?义父义母?”
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