BE :: Volume #19

#1897: Invitation 【Two】 Before down!

PS: This in addition second chapter! Ming said that restored the habit to renew, said three chapters! PS:此更为加更第二章!明曰恢复常态更新,曰更三章! Then, they also talked. 接下来,两人又交谈了许多。 The thunder redundant text nothing but is reminds Xie Aoyu do not expose the status, the danger that in that case, brings will make possibly world person emperor these 100,000 years of efforts vanish into thin air thoroughly, is the special urging. 雷衍文无非是提醒谢傲宇千万不要暴露身份,那样的话,带来的危险将可能让人间界人皇这100000年的努力彻底化为乌有的,也算是特别的叮嘱。 Regarding this, Xie Aoyu naturally especially pays attention. 对此,谢傲宇自然是格外注意的。 They chat, pulled the Xie Aoyu Thun­der and Light­ning strength to enter on the huge phenomenon that the thunder of step half god initiated the topic, regarding this Xie Aoyu naturally kept one's mouth shut, besides two females, did not make anybody know, was not worried that the thunder redundant text can reveal, but was few person knows that were few one point of danger. 他们谈着谈着,就将话题扯到了谢傲宇雷电力量进阶半神之雷引发的巨大异象上面,对此谢傲宇自然是守口如瓶,除了身边的两女之外,决不让任何人知晓,并非是担心雷衍文会泄露出去,而是少一个人知道,就少一分危险。 When they talked about the dying out city situation, Ru Yan informed, fights the god clan to come the human. 当他们谈到寂灭城局势的时候,如烟来告知,斗神族来人了。 They then terminate the conversation. 两人这才终止交谈。 Lei has numerous strengths in the dying out city similarly, follows has the considerable master who the thunder redundant text comes, the powerhouse of many immortal boundary, is stationed in the region of dying out city, the area is very big, but truly leading role in dying out city the thunder redundant text of this place, is similar to wind, Angel Clan , etc. all parties, seem like the immortal peak level master manage, the regulations have the exceedingly high level master to move in other hidden place. 雷家在寂灭城内同样有着众多的力量,跟随雷衍文前来的有相当的高手,不少长生境界的强者,都驻扎在寂灭城的一处区域内,占地面积很大,但是真正在寂灭城内起主导作用的还是此地的雷衍文,如同风家,天使族等各方,看似长生巅峰级高手主持,实则是有通天级高手在另外暗处活动的。 Now the soul bans remove, the exceedingly high level master did not need to hide, came blatantly. 如今灵魂禁制解除,通天级高手也无需隐藏了,公然现身。 You go to be able they, Lei the status of successor may any person from god talk with hell demon in the future fully.” Lei Yanwen said. “你去会会他们吧,雷家未来继承人的身份足可与地狱魔界内来自神界的任何一人对话了。”雷衍文说道。 Xie Aoyu naturally cannot dispute. 谢傲宇自然没的说。 This is in determining his Lei successor status, increases the prestigious the opportunity, after all head of the clan successor under Lei definite by no means only then, but can be so treated by the exceedingly high level master, processes matter, that indicates among the successor, is the component is very heavy, if later the elders masters feel embarrassed Xie Aoyu, needs to consider over and over. 这是在确定他雷家继承人身份,更是增加威信的机会,毕竟在雷家下任族长继承人被确定的并非只有一个,但是能够被通天级高手如此对待,来处理事情,那就表明在继承人当中,也是分量很重的,以后老辈高手要是为难谢傲宇,也需要考虑再三的。 Goes out of the room, the thunder redundant text supposes to ban. 走出房间,雷衍文重新设下禁制。 He does not listen to outside all, does not look, is the relieved practice, to this kind of person, can not meddle to should better not to interfere, the practice is the key, early said that achieves a higher boundary, has qualifications to gesticulate to outside all, has the qualification of maintaining life, after all present situation, three chaos, even if the giant falls from the sky is normal, let alone is the exceedingly high level master. 他不听外面的一切,也不去看,就是安心修炼,对这类人来说,能不插手最好不去干涉,修炼才是关键,早一曰达到更高的境界,才更有资格对外界的一切指手画脚,也才有保命的本钱,毕竟现在的局势,三界大乱,就算是巨头陨落都是正常的,何况是通天级高手。 How to chat?” Ru Yan collects to say with a smile. “聊得如何?”如烟凑上来笑道。 „To know some secrets not?” The Xie Aoyu laughter said that evening washed cleanly, in bed superior I.” “想知道一些秘密不?”谢傲宇嬉笑道,“晚上洗干净了,在床上等着我。” „To result in beautiful.” Ru Yan character and style ten thousand in vain his eyes. “想得美。”如烟风情万种的白他一眼。 The heart fire in a stove that Xie Aoyu looks at gets up, this girl more and more unscrupulous enticed itself, particularly Bing Wu not after interfering other him and women pestered the connection, bold exposed the infinite character and style. 谢傲宇看的心底火起,这妮子越来越肆无忌惮的诱惑自己了,尤其是冰舞不在干涉他与其他女人纠缠瓜葛之后,更是大胆的展露无限风情。 Pinched the plentiful chest of Ru Yan, Xie Aoyu has depressed the flame in heart, walked into the living room in this yard. 捏了一下如烟的丰满的胸部,谢傲宇才压下心中的火焰,走入这个小院的客厅内。 At this time Bing Wu has taken the master, calls is fighting the god clan comes the human. 此时冰舞一直作为主人,招呼着斗神族的来人。 Fights the god clan to come the personal name to auspicious, is an immortal boundary elder. 斗神族来人名为吉利,是一名长生境界的长老。 Auspicious elder comes visiting, does not know that what matter has?” Xie Aoyu after it has seen, then on the seat of honor sat, naturally makes people think that he can take responsibility with the auspicious negotiation. “吉利长老来访,不知有什么事?”谢傲宇与其见过之后,便在主位上坐了下来,自然而然的就让人觉得他可以做主与吉利交涉。 Auspicious does not think the accident, wants to come in him, at present the monstruous talent ability of this young people, becomes the Lei head of household is also only a matter of time. 吉利对此并不觉得意外,在他想来,眼前这个年轻人的妖孽能力,成为雷家家主也只是时间早晚的问题。 My this has two matters to with Lei Shao negotiate.” Is auspicious moderate, not arrogance. “我此来是有两件事要和雷少交涉的。”吉利语气平和,并无傲气。 Elder please say.” Xie Aoyu said. “长老请讲。”谢傲宇道。 Auspicious say (way): One is to hope to subside Lei Shao to fight the misunderstanding of god clan to us.” 吉利道:“一是希望平息雷少对我们斗神族的误会。” Mentioned and fights the gratitude and grudges dispute between god clans, a key point or Wagg annoys, naturally, can let fight the god clan to make so decided that came to melt the basic reason that on own initiative is Lei Jia lao ancestor. 提及与斗神族之间的恩怨纠葛,关键一点还是瓦格惹起来的,当然了,能够让斗神族做出这般决定,前来主动化解的根本原因是雷家老祖。 Lei Jia lao ancestor enters the wind station, leaves behind the internal injury to two most giants, does not know whether to restore, is Lei Jia people who massacres the betrayal, the wind old ancestor closes up, is unable to meddle, causing wind only to be submissive, if Lei Jia lao ancestor gave a pretext again to fighting the god clan launches an attack, they were also hard to deal. 雷家老祖杀入风家驻地,给两大半巨头留下暗伤,也不知能否恢复,更是残杀背叛的雷家人,风家老祖闭关,无法插手,导致风家只能低声下气的,若是雷家老祖再借口对斗神族发难,他们也难以应对。 This matter should better Wagg solve contradictory good.” Xie Aoyu cold -ly snorted and said, Cenozoic did not slaughter anything, was the destruction custom, that two said. “此事最好还是瓦格来解决矛盾的好。”谢傲宇冷哼道,新生代厮杀没什么,可是破坏规矩,那就两说了。 „The my this second matter about Wagg, he died.” Auspicious say (way). “我这第二件事就是关于瓦格的,他已经死了。”吉利道。 Xie Aoyu is startled slightly, said: „Did Wagg die?” 谢傲宇微微一怔,道:“瓦格死了?” Bing Wu and Ru Yan also look at each other, they had not obtained the news. 冰舞如烟也相视一眼,她们还没得到消息呢。 Wagg before a half hour was killed, at present my clan is tracing the murderer fully.” Answered auspicious. “瓦格与半个小时前被人袭杀,目前我族正在全力追查凶手。”吉利解释道。 Won't suspect me?” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “不会是怀疑我吧?”谢傲宇沉声道。 Auspicious look somewhat low-spirited say (way): Lei Shao have misunderstood, at that time Wagg and my clan elder in the same place, that elder were also killed.” 吉利神色有些黯然的道:“雷少误会了,当时瓦格与我族一名长老同在一起的,那名长老也被袭杀了。” As long as the elder inevitably is the immortal boundary master. 但凡长老必然是长生境界的高手。 Powerhouse who can kill the immortal boundary, the nature and Xie Aoyu were very difficult to have the relations. 能袭杀长生境界的强者,自然与谢傲宇很难扯上关系了。 Wagg died, came to explain with me, this as if very much did not have the sincerity.” Xie Aoyu curls the lip. “瓦格死了,来和我解释了,啧啧,这似乎很没有诚意啊。”谢傲宇撇撇嘴。 Here has a grain of spirit to fight pill, bestows Lei Shao, hoping our two to be able the peaceful coexistence.” Puts out a small jar to place on the table auspicious. “这里有一粒灵斗丹,赠送雷少,希望我们两家能够和平共处。”吉利拿出一个小瓶子放在桌子上。 The spirit fights pill, that fights the god clan unique one miracle cure, to the practice is very helpful. 灵斗丹,那是斗神族特有的一种灵丹,对修炼是非常有帮助的。 Xie Aoyu said: Since Wagg died, I and fought the god clan not to have any connection.” 谢傲宇道:“既然瓦格已死,那我和斗神族也没什么瓜葛了。” To this view, some auspicious expectations, two strengths were early similar, have the conflict, will only give others the opportunity, auspicious access road: „The my second matter is, asking Lei Shao to help me fight the suspect who the god clan paid attention to kill Wagg, Lei Shao, if can help to look, I fought the god clan to have thank again.” 对这个说法,吉利早有预料,本来嘛,两家实力差不多,起冲突,只会给别人机会的,吉利便道:“那我第二件事便是,请雷少帮我斗神族注意一下袭杀瓦格的可疑人,雷少若能帮忙找出来,我斗神族必有重谢。” This matter I will pay attention.” Xie Aoyu said. “这事我会关注的。”谢傲宇说道。 Afterward was auspicious pulls two not to have the words of nutrition, then said goodbye. 随后吉利又扯了两句没营养的话,便告辞了。 When he leaves, Ru Yan and Bing Wu then rapidly relate the demon demon clan, result quick demon demon clan spread the news. 待他离开,如烟冰舞便迅速地联系魔魅族,结果很快魔魅族方面传来消息。 Auspicious what said is really?” Xie Aoyu saw that they take the information to walk, then inquired. “吉利说的可是真的?”谢傲宇看到两人拿着情报走进来,便询问道。 Bing Wu said with a smile: Really . Moreover the status of murderer also investigated.” 冰舞笑道:“真的,而且凶手的身份也已经调查出来了。” „? The demon demon clan is not really simple in information.” The Xie Aoyu surprised say (way), fights the god clan not to have the means that demon demon clan unexpectedly so quick then knew, is who does?” “哦?魔魅族在情报方面真的不简单啊。”谢傲宇惊讶的道,斗神族都没办法的,魔魅族居然如此快的便知道了,“是谁干的?” Wind family member, they want to shift blame we, lets fight the god clan to have the conflict with us, good to profit, was discovered by the people of demon demon clan exactly, will therefore shift blame our something erasing.” Bing Wu said. “风家人,他们想要嫁祸我们,让斗神族与我们发生冲突,好从中得利,恰好被魔魅族的人发现,所以将嫁祸我们的一些东西给抹除了。”冰舞说道。 Is wind!” “又是风家!” Xie Aoyu pounds the table, was really angry. 谢傲宇拍案而起,真的愤怒了。 Wind can say again and again in view of oneself, that wind Zhaokang, Lei Jia lao ancestor just taught to them particularly, unexpectedly comes this set. 风家可以说三番两次的针对自己,尤其是那个风兆康,雷家老祖刚刚给他们教训,居然又来这一套。 It seems like was the time teaches to wind one. 看来是时候给风家一个教训了。 „The contest of giant level, the dying out city internal wind family member is away from is also very remote, cannot affect them, does not give them a severe warning, they later will play also a trick on the plot.” Bing Wu also is very the vitality. “巨头层次的较量,寂灭城内风家人距离也很遥远,根本波及不到他们,不给他们一个严厉的警告,他们以后还会耍弄阴谋的。”冰舞也很是生气。 A Ru Yan eyeball revolution, said with a smile: This matter gives me, you look my and ensure makes wind rude awakening.” 如烟眼珠一转,笑道:“这事交给我吧,你们看我的,保证让风家后悔莫及。” How do you want to do?” Xie Aoyu said. “你想怎么做?”谢傲宇道。 Security, is quick you to know that if utilizes appropriately, even makes wind disintegrate has possibly.” Ru Yan said that speedily ran. “保密,很快你就会知道的,若是运用得当,甚至让风家瓦解都不是没有可能的。”如烟说完,一溜烟的跑出去了。 Regarding the Ru Yan conduct, Xie Aoyu feels relieved very much. 对于如烟行事,谢傲宇是很放心的。 After all grasps to have mystical powers to want hundred changes technique, grows in mistrusting each other Black Lotus Holy Church, moves words that the thoughts give people a hard time, matter that she most excels at absolutely. 毕竟掌握有灵欲百变术,又是在尔虞我诈的黑莲圣教成长起来的,动心思整人的话,绝对她最擅长的事情。 Xie Aoyu has not then stopped. 谢傲宇便没有阻拦。 He puts out a hand with beginning the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket fights pill, this fights the treasure of god clan, it is said each fights the god clansman in the childhood time, will take a spirit to fight pill, can change the system, can grow cultivation is, naturally the Xie Aoyu present boundary, definitely is not that type fights pill to the spirit that the average person takes, but is the Advanced level spirit fights pill. 他伸手拿起灵斗丹,这是斗神族的宝物,据说每一个斗神族人在幼年时期,都会服用一枚灵斗丹的,能够改换体制,也能够增长修为的,当然谢傲宇现在的境界,肯定不是那种给普通人服用的灵斗丹,而是高级的灵斗丹。 In this time, some outside person of incoming telegrams, Angel Clan Nha is sending a letter. 正在这时,外面有人来报,天使族琳洛雅送来一封信。 Xie Aoyu takes the letter, has swept one, the content is very simple, is invites Xie Aoyu before tonight , the bygone days moon/month pavilion, some important matters consulted, and mentioned by name specially, wanted the Xie Aoyu independent person to go, cannot lead other people. 谢傲宇拿过信件,扫了一眼,内容很简单,就是邀请谢傲宇今天晚上前往天月阁,有要事相商,且特别点名,要谢傲宇单独一个人前去,决不可带其他人。 Nha wants to do.” Xie Aoyu is somewhat repugnant. “琳洛雅又想干什么。”谢傲宇有些反感。 This Nha does the person of Hawode to join among them the cooperation, makes Xie Aoyu unusual is not happy, one types by Nha is pulling the feeling, now once again invites itself to go the day of moon/month pavilion, does not know that has any person to join in their cooperation matters concerned once again. 这琳洛雅搞出哈沃德之人加入他们之间的合作,就让谢傲宇非常的不痛快,有一种被琳洛雅牵着走的感觉,现在又一次邀请自己前去天月阁,也不知道是不是有什么人再度加入他们的合作事宜中。 Therefore Xie Aoyu many are somewhat unhappy. 所以谢傲宇多少有些不快。 The crumb the letter, Xie Aoyu made human pass on to Angel Clan to come the human, said that he will keep an appointment as scheduled. 捏碎了信件,谢傲宇让人转告天使族来人,就说他会如期赴约的。 Nha is grasping the secret passage to demon imperial palace, this is doomed , to enter the demon imperial palace, Nha must a link. 琳洛雅掌握着通往魔皇宫的秘密通道,这就注定要想进入魔皇宫,琳洛雅是必须的一个环节了。 What idea isn't Nha will have to you?” Bing Wu smiles to ask, is she wants to display the badger game?” “不会是琳洛雅对你有什么想法吧?”冰舞笑问道,“难道是她想施展美人计?” Xie Aoyu ill-humored say (way): I may not have interest to her.” 谢傲宇没好气的道:“我可对她没兴趣。” Bing Wu curls the lip saying: That actually, I have forgotten, my family's Sir Ao Yu is only interested in the beautiful woman, not only wants the stature to be good, but also is attractive, must have the practice talent, the brain does not want the stupid person line.” 冰舞撇嘴道:“那倒是,我忘了,我家的傲宇大人只对美女感兴趣,不但要身材好,还要漂亮,更要有修炼天赋,脑子也不要笨才行。” Was jealous?” Xie Aoyu hey supports into Bing Wu the bosom with a smile. “吃醋了?”谢傲宇嘿嘿笑着将冰舞拥入怀中。 Yes was jealous.” Bing Wu said is very optional, not once haggling over like that. “是啊吃醋了。”冰舞说的很随意,并没有曾经那般的计较。 Xie Aoyu tight is hugging her, will fight pill to deliver to her mouth spirit, that this is to give your compensation.” 谢傲宇紧紧的抱着她,将灵斗丹送到她的嘴边,“那这个就算是给你的补偿吧。” Bing Wu puts out a hand to receive, immediately a backhand, will fight Dancdr to enter in the Xie Aoyu mouth spirit, „the present is the time of your full speed promotion, any can promote your strength the thing, do not assign, wants to take, only then you are about to grow, becomes the giant, we can be safe.” 冰舞伸手接过来,随即一反手,将灵斗丹塞入谢傲宇的口中,“现在是你全速提升的时刻,任何能够提升你力量的东西,都不要分配下去了,一定要自己服用,只有你快些成长起来,成为巨头,我们才能够安全的。” Since the Bing Wu procedure, Xie Aoyu also no longer were so polite. 既然冰舞如此做法了,谢傲宇也不再客气。 He then swallows fights pill spirit, has Medical Spirit Finger, he does not fear to have anything to be violently poisonous and so on, the spirit fights pill to enter the body, then changes to the mighty current, Xie Aoyu also immediately returns to the room, has Bing Wu is it protects buddhist law, starts to build up this spirit to fight pill, his strength also once again presented the promotion. 他便吞下灵斗丹,有药神指,他也不惧怕有什么剧毒之类的,灵斗丹一入体,便化作洪流,谢傲宇也立刻回归房间,有冰舞为其护法,开始炼化这枚灵斗丹,他的力量也再度出现了提升。
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