BE :: Volume #19

#1896: Invitation 【One】 Fourth!

PS: This in addition first chapter! PS:此更为加更第一章! So the consumption, the person of non- unsurpassed god body is unable to withstand, even if the system of exceedingly high level master is also hard to resist, Xie Aoyu is also understands now, initially in the Thun­der and Light­ning strength entered in the step, entered the advantage of step unsurpassed god body, otherwise, an experiment, was hung by oneself, that was also too aggrieved. 如此消耗,非无上神体之人无法承受,就算是通天级高手的体制也难以抵抗的,谢傲宇现在也算是明白,当初在雷电力量进阶中,进阶无上神体的好处了,不然的话,一次实验,就让自己挂掉,那也太憋屈了。 Similarly, Xie Aoyu also has a huge superiority. 同样的,谢傲宇还有一个巨大的优势。 If other people, will again perhaps not use the strength of thunder of half god, only if cultivation to reach the exceedingly high level, is Xie Aoyu is different, he has a superiority, that is the talent ability of Saint soul clan, restores instantaneously. 若是旁人,恐怕不会再动用半神之雷的力量,除非修为达到通天级,可是谢傲宇不同,他有一个优势,那就是圣魂族的天赋能力,瞬间恢复。 Regardless of loses how fiercely, can suddenly restore through this talent ability. 无论损耗多么的厉害,通过这种天赋能力便可瞬息间恢复过来。 In other words, Xie Aoyu has to use thunder of 1/1000 strengths -and-a-half times god opportunities, although only then one time, but uses appropriately, even if the immortal boundary master not necessarily cannot cut to kill. 也就是说,谢傲宇有着使用一次半神之雷1力量的机会,虽然只有一次,可是利用得当,就算是长生境界的高手也未必是不能斩杀。 Just now that might shows to judge, Xie Aoyu believes that even if were the second cannot kill the master of immortal peak level, master who caused heavy losses to the immortal superior boundary. 就方才那威力的展现来判断,谢傲宇相信,就算是秒杀不了长生巅峰级的高手,重创长生上位境界的高手还是可以的。 Wind Zhaokang!” The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth overflow dense sneering. “风兆康!”谢傲宇嘴角溢出一丝森森的冷笑。 Was this murder sets up the prestige! 是该杀人立威了! Xie Aoyu moves the physique, whole body is comfortable incomparable, Lei of Jinjie half god, abatement to the attack help that he brings, a biggest advantage, that is the time is absorbing the hell demon air/Qi, but so many quantities can make the Xie Aoyu time be in the high-speed practice, in the lifting process. 谢傲宇活动一下筋骨,全身都是舒坦无比,半神之雷进阶,除却对他带来的这个攻击方面的帮助,还有一个最大的好处,那就是时刻吸收着地狱魔气,而如此多的量可以让谢傲宇时刻处于高速修炼,提升过程中。 After him promotes, the help of impact higher boundary without doubt is very big. 对他以后提升,冲击更高境界的帮助无疑是非常大的。 Feels the absorption of thunder of half god to hell demon air/Qi to quenching, perhaps the Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression, relieved closed up the practice some time, can achieve Senior the situation of position golden color soul unreliably. 感受着半神之雷对地狱魔气的吸收淬炼,谢傲宇嘴角泛起一丝笑意,或许安心闭关修炼一段时间,便可达到玄尊中位金色灵魂的地步了。 Here did so big sound, Xie Aoyu naturally must leave, he then used Earth Escape Technique to return to the dying out city. 这里搞出如此大的动静,谢傲宇自然要离开了,他便使用土遁术回归寂灭城。 Gathers the examination as for the bystanders, he does not want to pay attention. 至于外人都聚集过来查看,他可不想去理睬。 Now or the low key selects, particularly the thunder of half god, is the final card in a hand, that time unless it is absolutely essential, cannot use absolutely, not only after all this is Lei Tianze this status, is to the Xie Aoyu main body status similarly is the final card in a hand, once uses, was seen, inevitably is referred to as advertisement, the impossible two status also to use, may in the hell demon present situation, safe in order, also really must use, after all the master were too many, threatened were too many his person. 现在还是低调点好,尤其是半神之雷,是最后的底牌,那不到万不得已的时候,绝对不能动用,毕竟这不仅是雷天泽这个身份,就是对谢傲宇本尊身份同样是最后的底牌,一旦使用,被人看到,必然是被认定为招牌式的,不可能两个身份同时使用,可在地狱魔界现在的情况下,安全起见,还真的不可能不动用,毕竟高手太多了,威胁到他的人太多了。 The return dying out city, found Bing Wu and Ru Yan, they have not entered the demon demon clan station, but under two female eagerly anticipating, enters in not a conspicuous yard. 回归寂灭城,找到冰舞如烟,他们并没有进入魔魅族驻地,而是在两女的引领之下,进入一处并不显眼的小院内。 According to two female views is, the demon demon clan is their secret strengths, now the Lei person some people rushed to the dying out city from elsewhere, naturally does not need to dread anything again. 按照两女的说法就是,魔魅族是他们的秘密力量,现在雷家人已经有人从别处赶到寂灭城,自然无需再忌惮什么。 Moreover also the immortal boundary masters from Lei personally assumes personal command in this yard. 而且在这小院内还有一名来自雷家的长生境界高手亲自坐镇。 This personal name is the thunder redundant text. 此人名为雷衍文。 Enters in the yard the flash, the Xie Aoyu mind then locks a common small room, but similarly, as if there is vision penetration wall together, locked Xie Aoyu. 进入小院内一瞬间,谢傲宇的心眼便锁定一个不起眼的小房间,而同样的,似乎有一道目光穿透墙壁,锁定谢傲宇了。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, then enters in that room. 谢傲宇微微一笑,便直入那房间内。 Two females outside, here some Lei masters, all unreliably revere the boundary above master, follows the thunder redundant text to come. 两女则在外面,这里有一些雷家高手,俱都是玄尊境界以上的高手,是跟随雷衍文前来的。 Walks into the room, naturally has strength shield outside the interception of together. 步入房间,自然有一道力量屏蔽外界的窃听。 Senior.” Xie Aoyu sees the thunder redundant text, is an appearance of middle-aged person, does not have any special place, but the whole person momentarily with the world fuses probably in together. “前辈。”谢傲宇看到雷衍文,就是一个中年人的模样儿,没什么特别之处,只是整个人好像随时都与天地融合在一起般。 Even Xie Aoyu can feel that the body of thunder redundant text has the acme thunder of together, although did not have the accomplishment, but the might is not quite weak. 甚至谢傲宇能够感觉到,雷衍文的身上有一道极致之雷,虽然还没有大成,但是威力相当不弱的。 You know my status.” Thunder redundant text light say (way). “你知道我的身份吧。”雷衍文淡淡的道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Knows that the senior is Lei Wuhuang the eldest grandson.” 谢傲宇笑道:“知道,前辈是雷武皇的长孙。” Gave in the Xie Aoyu memory in antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, there are many secrets, including Lei in present many by the status of person of control, have many before the Flood many Wu Huang secrets, only nobody emperor. 在上古圣皇赵天龙送给谢傲宇的记忆中,有许多的秘密,包括雷家内现在的诸多被掌控之人的身份,更有着许多上古时代诸多武皇的秘密,唯独没有人皇的。 This thunder redundant text then with of antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong keeps pace with Lei Wuhuang eldest grandsons world many military emperors, is one that in Lei Wuhuang many descendants most has prospects, it cultivation for has achieved the exceedingly high boundary, in the future achievement, is considered as half giant. 这个雷衍文便是与上古圣皇赵天龙并驾齐驱的人间界诸多武皇之一的雷武皇长孙,也是雷武皇诸多子孙中最有出息的一个,其修为已经达到通天境界,未来成就,也被认为是半巨头的。 Do not look that thunder redundant text was framed as half giant, he before the exceedingly high boundary, with Turlogh, Bolton, the wind does not have shade et al. same is considered as the future giant level, but to the exceedingly high level, can see an achievement of person truly, almost once was considered that can become the giant, 80% framed in the exceedingly high level lower position, only then few people can achieve the exceedingly high level superior, achieved half giant even each generation did not exceed their quantities, very scarce. 别看雷衍文被定格为半巨头,他在通天境界之前,与特洛内,科波顿,风无影等人一样被认为是未来的巨头级的,但是到了通天级,才能够真正的看出一个人的成就,几乎曾经被认为能够成为巨头的,80都定格在通天级下位,只有寥寥几人能够达到通天级上位,达到半巨头的甚至每一代都不超过两人的量,非常稀少的。 Knows then well, my this time comes, is family mainly I helps your helping hand, stable Lei Tianze status.” Lei Yanwen said that I must get rid also to require some time, nowadays the soul banned that by thorough remove, was not needed to be worried about anything actually, later if needed, you told me freely, in hell demon, you did not need any scruples!” “知道便好,我此次前来,是家主要我来助你一臂之力的,稳固雷天泽身份。”雷衍文说道,“本来我要出手还需要一些时间的,现如今灵魂禁制被彻底解除,倒是无需担心什么了,以后有需要的话,你尽管告诉我,在地狱魔界,你无需任何顾忌!” Hell demon, does not need any scruples! 地狱魔界,无需任何顾忌! This is the what kind heroic spirit! 这是何等的豪气! The heart of Xie Aoyu is also one surges, but, is quick he then to calm down, I hope that builds to belong to my prestige through my effort.” 谢傲宇的心也是一阵激荡,不过,很快他便冷静下来,“我还是希望通过我自己的努力来打造属于我的威名。” Only has after the tribulation, can promote itself rapidly, this is the correct path, extremely the dependence back strength, is grows very much difficultly truly. 唯有历经磨难,方能快速的提升自己,这才是正道,太过依靠背后的力量,是很难真正成长起来的。 Ha Ha “哈哈” Lei Yanwen hear [words/that], cannot help but laughs. 雷衍文闻言,不由得大笑起来。 Senior smiles anything.” Xie Aoyu puzzled say (way). “前辈笑什么。”谢傲宇不解的道。 „Before coming, the head of household once joked with me, if I said that I help you, you will decide however will overrule, must depend upon own strength, now looks like, the head of household will understand you.” Lei Yanwen said with a smile. “来之前,家主曾与我开玩笑说,如果我说我来帮你,你定然会否决的,要依靠自己的力量,如今看来,还是家主更了解你啊。”雷衍文笑道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile lightly: Head of household wants to come once is also so.” 谢傲宇轻笑道:“家主想来曾经也是如此。” Lei Yanwen nods, because just they are too similar, therefore Xie Aoyu was approved, is recognized that its future achievement will be uncommon, can stabilize the giant boundary truly, we will say the proper business.” 雷衍文点点头,正因为两人太相似,所以谢傲宇才被认可,更是认定其未来成就不凡的,是真正能够稳定巨头境界的,“我们说说正事吧。” Senior please say.” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈请讲。”谢傲宇道。 „The matter of soul valley, Lei knows certainly that the god all parties influence has also clarified, that is in it that Sky Demon once stayed behind one, after the big fiendish person starts, certainly soul valley submersion underground, initiates the Incantation technique strategy of underground ten thousand meters deep place, the big fiendish person has been missing, according to did not determine completely that the big fiendish person likely entered the core place of demon imperial palace.” “绝魂谷的事情,雷家已经知道,神界各方势力也都弄清楚了,那是天魔曾经留下的所在之一,大魔王启动之后,绝魂谷下沉地下,引发地下万米深处的一个咒术阵法,大魔王失踪了,根据不完全确定,大魔王很可能进入了魔皇宫的核心地方。” The Xie Aoyu eyebrow selects, said: Around demon imperial palace does not have many god masters, why is possible, but certainly doesn't enter?” 谢傲宇眉毛一挑,道:“魔皇宫周围不是有诸多神界高手吗,为何是可能,而不是一定进入?” The thunder spreads out Wendao: demon imperial palace restricted area is far from simplicity that you imagine, the demon imperial palace occupying land area that now is named has 100,000 li (0.5km) fully, but the true demon imperial palace range actually is also about 100 li (0.5km), but in these 100 li (0.5km) central zones, approximately in surrounding area ten li (0.5km) range, then has some establishments that Sky Demon leaves behind, let alone these exceedingly high level superior masters, even if were the giant arrived personally, does not dare to visit easily, therefore the place of demon imperial palace truly most core, was what kind, whether had the human to exist, nobody determined that even once had the person rumor, Sky Demon has not died, throughout went into hiding, was. Because nobody visits reason, therefore guessed that the big fiendish person entered the demon imperial palace most core region.” 雷衍文道:“魔皇宫禁地远非你想象的那么简单,现在俗称的魔皇宫占地足有100000里,可真正魔皇宫范围其实也就是100里左右,而在这100里的中心地带,大约方圆十里的范围中,则有着天魔留下的一些设置,别说那些通天级上位高手,就算是巨头亲自到了,也不敢轻易踏足其中的,所以魔皇宫真正最核心的地方,到底是怎样的,是否有人存在,没有人确定,甚至曾经有人传言,天魔未死,始终隐匿其中,也是。因为没有人踏足其中的缘故,所以都猜测大魔王进入了魔皇宫最核心的区域。” „It is not right.” Xie Aoyu shakes the head. “不对。”谢傲宇摇摇头。 He has thought of a possibility. 他想到了一种可能。 If the big fiendish person can enter, then initially requested destroys the Incantation technique strategy the matter, was insufficient so to go through the complications, moreover can so with ease enter, the exceedingly high level master who he can also arrange hell demon ahead of time entered, destroyed with ease, did not need to lend a hand to help one another. 如果大魔王能够进入其中,那么当初要求的摧毁咒术阵法的事情,也不至于如此费周折了,而且能够如此轻松地进入,他也可以提前安排地狱魔界的通天级高手进入,轻松摧毁,根本不需要自己出手相助的。 But the big fiendish person actually restrains himself with the day incantation contract. 可是大魔王却用天咒契约来约束自己。 This a little issue. 这就有点问题了。 Therefore the biggest possibility only then two types, one type is the big fiendish person so procedure blusters, simply has not destroyed the Incantation technique strategy saying that but this does not need, particularly the Xie Aoyu present strength, being insufficient makes him so take the trouble radically, at the worst ahead of time designs to kill is, is insufficient this, then only then the second possibility, the big fiendish person through the soul valley, does not enter the demon imperial palace certainly. 所以最大的可能只有两种,一种是大魔王如此做法虚张声势,根本没有摧毁咒术阵法之说,可这根本没有必要,尤其是谢傲宇现在的力量,根本不足以让他如此费心,大不了提前设计杀死便是,不至于这样,那么就只有第二种可能,大魔王通过绝魂谷,根本不是进入魔皇宫的。 Isn't right?” The thunder spreads out Wendao. “不对?”雷衍文道。 Xie Aoyu said: „It is not right, the big fiendish person has not entered the demon imperial palace absolutely, his destination should be another place.” 谢傲宇道:“不对,大魔王绝对没有进入魔皇宫,他的目的地应该是另外一个地方。” Lei Yanwen knits the brows: Does not go to the demon imperial palace, but where can also go, where can make Sky Demon suppose to ban personally that leaves behind this dense boundary?” 雷衍文皱眉道:“不去魔皇宫,还能去什么地方,什么地方能够让天魔亲自设下禁制,留下这条密境?” Yes, in hell demon, is worth the Sky Demon so procedure, I want a place to be most likely.” Xie Aoyu said. “是啊,在地狱魔界,值得天魔如此做法的,我想只有一个地方最有可能。”谢傲宇说道。 The thunder spreads out Wendao: Ancient times execution ground?” 雷衍文道:“远古杀场?” Also only had ancient times the execution ground to have qualifications to let Sky Demon such attaching great importance, is unable to enter the Sky Demon discernment. 也唯有远古杀场有资格让天魔如此的重视,余者根本无法入得天魔法眼。 The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth overflow one to sneer, Hawode came from ancient times the execution ground, this was the information that the demon demon clan inquired, at the present Hawode takes away that the key of opening demon imperial palace, was inside has the thorough wash bloodline becomes the person of complete Sky Demon bloodline, did the big fiendish person possibly extremely since the ancient times execution ground, what among these two have to relate? 谢傲宇嘴角溢出一丝冷笑,哈沃德来自远古杀场,这是魔魅族打探出来的情报,而今哈沃德拿走那把开启魔皇宫的钥匙,更是里面有着彻底洗涤血脉成为完整天魔血脉的人,大魔王则极可能进入远古杀场,这两者之间有什么联系? Does not need to want also to know that ancient times between the execution ground and demon imperial palaces have some relation inevitably, moreover very close. 不用想也能知道,远古杀场与魔皇宫之间必然有着某种联系,而且非常的紧密。 It seems like with Hawode, Angel Clan Nha's cooperation, inquires about the demon imperial palace together, is not in the imagination that simple matter. 看来与哈沃德、天使族琳洛雅的合作,共同探寻魔皇宫,并非想象中那么简单的事情啊。 How you concluded that the big fiendish person doesn't go to the demon imperial palace?” The thunder spreads out Wendao. “你如何断定大魔王不是去魔皇宫的?”雷衍文道。 Xie Aoyu said own analysis, said finally: „The mystery that ancient times the execution ground perhaps had Sky Demon to leave behind command big fiendish person arteries that rises once again.” 谢傲宇就将自己的分析说了一遍,最后道:“远古杀场或许就有天魔留下的令大魔王一脉再度崛起的奥妙。” Lei Yanwen nods, has not spoken. 雷衍文点点头,没有说话。 He was also lost in thought. 他也陷入了沉思。 In room suddenly, peaceful exceptionally. 房间内一时间,安静异常。 They are pondering the issue, Xie Aoyu are calculating about the big fiendish person, cooperation between Hawode, he felt faintly, thing that Sky Demon keeps, can be earthshaking inevitably, even breaks three present to be balanced, otherwise his two status, can be said as the apexes, unexpectedly involved in this. 两人都在思考着问题,谢傲宇则盘算着关于大魔王,哈沃德之间的合作,他隐隐感觉,天魔留下来的东西,必然是能够惊天动地的,甚至打破三界现在平衡的,不然他两个身份,都可说是顶尖的,居然都牵扯到了这里面。 Long time, thunder redundant text hesitates saying: This matter I will pass on to the head of household, I think that the head of household will pay attention to ancient times the execution ground that three first restricted area.” 良久,雷衍文沉吟道:“此事我会转告家主的,我想家主会关注远古杀场那三界第一禁地的。” Related to the ancient times execution ground, by his strength, is unable to interfere, after is the thunder redundant text enters, perhaps does not need others to kill him, possibly perishes, ancient times the execution ground, that was the place that the innumerable giants died. 涉及到远古杀场,以他的实力,也无法干涉,毕竟就算是雷衍文进入其中,恐怕不需要别人来杀他,都可能灭亡的,远古杀场,那可是无数巨头陨落的地方。 , Thunder redundant text also said: Another matter, I must inform you, about Lei Wankun one.” 顿了一下,雷衍文又说道:“另外有件事,我要通知你,就是关于雷万坤一家的。” „The family betrays hiring oneself wind, Lei Wankun son grasps the Lightning Spirit beast, this Lightning Spirit beastly book is Lei, now also therefore dies, Lei Jia lao ancestor should also have an action.” Xie Aoyu said. “这一家人背叛投靠风家,雷万坤的儿子雷凡更是掌握雷灵兽,这雷灵兽本是雷家的,如今也因此而死,雷家老祖也应该有所举措吧。”谢傲宇道。 The Lightning Spirit beast, that is means that in the future will kill existence of giant. 雷灵兽,那可是意味着未来杀巨头的存在啊。 Lei Yanwen said with a smile: Lei Jia lao ancestor is furious very much, went to the wind home personally, heard that has blackmailed many good things, while convenient gave two -and-a-half giants to leave behind the internal injury, will also follow Lei Wankun to betray the past person to cut personally to kill entirely, only what was a pity, formerly had not left the dying out city, therefore after Lei Wankun settled the Lei person entered the wind home, then returns to hell demon, therefore avoided a disaster, you were also careful, Lei Wankun definitely hated to the marrow of the bones to you, will decide however will find the opportunity to cope your.” 雷衍文笑道:“雷家老祖很震怒,亲自去了风家,听说敲诈了不少好东西,顺带给两名半巨头留下了暗伤,还亲自将跟随雷万坤背叛过去的人统统斩杀,唯一可惜的是,雷凡先前并没有离开寂灭城,所以雷万坤安顿好雷家人进入风家之后,便重新回归地狱魔界了,所以躲过一劫,你也要小心,雷万坤肯定对你恨之入骨的,定然会找机会对付你的。” Senior felt relieved that I believe he also how me not to.” Xie Aoyu self-confident say (way). “前辈放心,我相信他还奈何我不得。”谢傲宇自信的道。 May display thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god, he believes that even if facing Lei Wankun, there is a certain opportunity, does not have the opportunity of resistance. 可发挥半神之雷1的力量,他相信,就算是面对雷万坤,也有一定的机会的,并非全无对抗的机会。
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