BE :: Volume #19

#1895: Half the thunder of god 【Three】 Third!

The thunder of profound Lei Jinjie acme, will have certain strength leak, but will not be intense, but once the thunder of acme to Saint Lei Jinjie, that is can cause a side world to vibrate, as long as because the strength formation, definitely will release about 1/10 strength outward diffusions, at that time, often was the time that all masters do not dare to approach, once released, might, does not dare to imagine, only if in Water Deity Arteries, god of thun­der ar­ter­ies this and other practice unsurpassed gods, will not be assigned away from the capital, instead was buys by other's acme strength. 玄雷进阶极致之雷,会产生一定的力量外泄,但是并不会太强烈,可一旦极致之雷向圣雷进阶的话,那是能够引起一方天地震动的,因为但凡力量成型,必然会释放出1左右的力量向外扩散的,那个时候,往往是所有高手都不敢接近的时刻,一旦释放出来,威力之强,可不敢想象,除非是在水神脉,雷神脉这等修炼无上神地,才不会外放,反而是被其它的极致力量吸纳。 Xie Aoyu deep place hell demon, in place of nobody, naturally must leak, therefore he then by far shunts the dying out city, nearly 300 li (0.5km) distance. 谢傲宇深处地狱魔界,更是在一无人之地,自然是不可能不外泄的,所以他便远远的躲开寂灭城,将近300里的距离。 Then relieved practices. 这才安心修炼起来。 The underground kilometer distance , the Xie Aoyu whole person enters the elusive condition, the unmanned altruism, his whole person probably turned into the wood or clay figure, all stopped, only had that dantian place, was having the transformation. 地下千米的距离,谢傲宇整个人都进入空灵的状态,无人无我,他整个人都好像变成了木雕泥塑,一切都停止下来了,唯有那丹田处,正在发生着蜕变。 The white Thun­der and Light­ning strength center has a small luminous spot, sends out the aperture unceasingly, is washing the Thun­der and Light­ning strength. 白色的雷电力量中心有着一个小光点,不断地散发出光圈,洗涤着雷电力量。 The strength of that small luminous spot day God of the Earth thunder integrates the later formation, in the baptism the Thun­der and Light­ning strength, making it transform unceasingly, toward Lei of Jinjie half god. 那小光点正是天地神雷的力量融入之后形成的,正在洗礼着雷电力量,让其不断地蜕变,向着半神之雷进阶着。 Xie Aoyu seemed has forgotten all, the whole person invested. 谢傲宇好似忘记了一切,整个人都投入其中。 Three days of blinked then passes by. 三天的时间眨眼便过去了。 This lonesome and quiet mountain valley also welcomed the change, while noontime, fiercely said overhead time, suddenly, wells up jet black such as the dark cloud of black ink in all directions. 这幽静的山谷也迎来了变化,在正当午时,烈曰当头的时候,忽然之间,四面八方涌来漆黑如墨的乌云。 Nobody knows how these dark clouds appear, suddenly, has covered sky, around the mountain valley in the great distance turned into the dark world, cannot see point light, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers. 没有人知道,这些黑云是怎么出现的,突然之间,就已经覆盖了一片天空,将山谷周围千里之内都变成了黑暗的世界,看不到一点的光明,伸手不见五指。 Some dying out city naturally also a large number of positions. 寂灭城自然也有相当一部分位置在其中。 Suddenly, eight Fang Yundong. 一时间,八方云动。 Almost all influences, all masters stop the matter on hand, the flying upper air in abundance, looked that to mountain valley position that this Xie Aoyu is. 几乎所有的势力,所有的高手都停下手上的事情,纷纷的飞上高空,看向这谢傲宇所在的山谷位置。 An electric light of faint trace emerges out of thin air. 一丝丝的电光凭空出现。 Around the mountain valley reappears the innumerable electric lights, each thin, if gossamer, if some people see, will be absolutely panic-stricken, because these all are the thunder of acme. 山谷周围浮现无数的电光,每一道都细若游丝,若是有人看到的话,绝对会惊骇的,因为那些全都是极致之雷。 So many perfect thunder are dense and numerous, seems the fish in water is fluctuating in the mountain valley surface, and is fluctuating the might very fearful strength, the thunder of these acmes can stimulate the strongest strength, that might is not, even if wind Zhaokang this grade of immortal boundary superior master who the immortal boundary can resist also can only stimulate the perfect strength 40%-50% might, the complete stimulation, may make the exceedingly high level be repulsed fully to become a fugitive. 如此多的极致之雷密密麻麻的,好似水中的鱼儿在山谷地表浮动着,并且波动着威力非常可怕的力量,这些极致之雷可是都能够激发出最强力量的,那威力就不是长生境界能够对抗的了,就算是风兆康这等长生境界上位高手也只能激发出极致力量四五成的威力罢了,全部激发,足可让通天级败退逃亡的。 After the thunder of light acme is the certain amount, then starts the orderly revolution, is centered on the Xie Aoyu vertical direction, each perfect thunder light slowly around revolving, each other is connected gradually, constitutes a huge Thun­der and Light­ning light beam, and crosses the mountain, goes toward the upper air. 当极致之雷光达到一定数量之后,便开始有规律的运转起来,以谢傲宇垂直的方向为中心,每一道极致雷光都缓缓地绕着旋转起来,渐渐的,彼此相连,构成一个巨大的雷电光柱,并且越过高山,向着高空而去。 Even if several hundred inside and outside people can see, the thunder photolysis day, is separated by together continually several hundred li (0.5km), that Thun­der and Light­ning strength makes the immortal boundary master soul tremble, nobody dares forward close. 就算是数百里外的人都能够看到,一道雷光解天连地,相隔数百里,那雷电的力量都让长生境界高手灵魂颤栗,没有一个人敢于向前接近。 In the dying out city, Bing Wu and Ru Yan same whole face anticipates looks. 寂灭城内,冰舞如烟同样满脸期待的看着。 They are naturally clear that are the Xie Aoyu Thun­der and Light­ning strength enter the world phenomenon that the step has, two females both somewhat anxious looks, succeeds or not, the significance has greatly is very different. 她们自然清楚那是谢傲宇雷电力量进阶产生的天地异象,两女都有些紧张的看着,成功与否,意义可是有很大不同的。 Underground kilometer Xie Aoyu of isolates outside all as before, seems the mind is quiet. 地下千米的谢傲宇依旧隔绝外界一切,好似心神都沉寂下去。 He did not have the thought. 他没有了思维般。 Does not disturb, but is creating a best environment to give the Thun­der and Light­ning strength the entering step. 不去干扰,只是在创造一个最好的环境给予雷电力量的进阶。 A halo of this moment Thun­der and Light­ning strength center sending out are getting fewer and fewer, but the entire Thun­der and Light­ning strength turned into the pure white, does not have impurity. 此刻雷电力量中心一点散发的光晕越来越少,但是整个雷电力量已经变成了纯白色的,没有一丝的杂质。 Also was three days passes. 又是三天过去了。 Space Ring of Xie Aoyu fingertip trembles slightly, heart of crystal ball that Thun­der and Light­ning then flies from. 谢傲宇手指尖的空间戒指微微一颤,那雷电之心水晶球便飞离出来。 „!” “啪嚓!” The crystal ball disrupts automatically. 水晶球自动碎裂。 The heart of inside Thun­der and Light­ning also suddenly disperses, changes to a Thun­der and Light­ning light cover, entire covers Xie Aoyu, and Thun­der and Light­ning light covers Thun­der and Light­ning strengths in many Thun­der and Light­ning ray and dantian connects. 里面的雷电之心也猛然散开,化作一个雷电光罩,将谢傲宇给整个笼罩起来,并且雷电光罩有诸多的雷电光线与丹田内的雷电力量相连接。 Then slowly from underground ascends along with the body of it Xie Aoyu, all these, Xie Aoyu I do not know the circumstances of the matter, his mind early quietly has gotten down, as if merges into one organic whole with the world, has a communication with the world, is sensing Sky Prestige Spirit Soul, senses the mind to be mysterious. 随之谢傲宇的身体便缓缓地从地下升腾出来,这一切,谢傲宇本人是不知情的,他的心神早已经沉寂下去,似乎与天地融为一体,与天地有一份沟通,在感悟天威灵魂,感悟心眼奥妙。 Leaves the ground, Xie Aoyu then sits cross-legged to ascend in that Thun­der and Light­ning center, arrives in the midair. 离开地面,谢傲宇便盘坐着在那雷电中心升腾上去,到达半空中。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The bellow is unceasing. 轰鸣声不断。 Above the horizon, the thunderclap bang, the innumerable Thun­der and Light­ning production, from the fast gathering in the past, were complicated in all directions with that Thun­der and Light­ning light beam central place. 天际之上,雷声轰隆,无数的雷电产生,从四面八方快速的汇聚过去,与那雷电光柱中心位置交缠起来。 Thereupon, innumerable Thun­der and Light­ning start the rapid concentration. 于是乎,无数的雷电开始迅速的浓缩。 Was this has the huge Thun­der and Light­ning light beam that the thunder of acme condensed also to start to inside to gather the past. 就是这有极致之雷凝聚起来的巨大的雷电光柱也开始向里面聚集过去。 Huge Thun­der and Light­ning photosphere gradually starts to form. 渐渐的一个巨大的雷电光球开始成形。 Strange, why hasn't that to shatter soul ban strength appeared? Even if were damaged, with soon after will collapse, is so the strength, early has surmounted the immortal boundary strength, why doesn't direct it?” The wind looks at that Thun­der and Light­ning strength without the shade, is really puzzled. “奇怪,为什么那破碎的灵魂禁制力量没有出现?就算是已经破碎不堪,用不多久就会崩溃,可是如此力量,早已经超越长生境界的力量了,为什么不将其引下来?”风无影看着那雷电力量,甚是不解。 Wind Zhaokang's light say (way): Has the appearance, but has not appeared at that place's soul ban is broken to pieces to the bang by that strength.” 风兆康淡淡的道:“不是没出现,而是在那个地方的灵魂禁制还未出现就已经被那力量给轰碎了。” How possible!” The wind does not have the shade to say with amazement. “怎么可能!”风无影骇然道。 Anything is impossible, that Thun­der and Light­ning strength should surmount the exceedingly high level.” Wind Zhaokang said that is good because of that strength has not proliferated, perhaps otherwise, the soul ban of entire hell demon at one fell swoop will be destroyed.” “没什么不可能,那雷电力量应该已经超越通天级了。”风兆康说道,“好在那力量没有扩散,不然的话,恐怕整个地狱魔界的灵魂禁制都将被一举摧毁的。” Surmounts the exceedingly high level the strength, that does not surmount the strength of giant, is the Saint thunder strength?” The wind does not have the shade to say. “超越通天级的力量,那不是超越巨头的力量,难道是圣雷力量?”风无影道。 Wind Zhaokang hesitates saying: I am also in doubt.” 风兆康沉吟道:“我也拿不准。” Saint thunder strength formation what kind difficulty, even if in god and hell demon is also very rare, almost few has seen personally. 圣雷力量的成型何等困难,就算是在神界和地狱魔界也是非常罕见的,几乎没有几个人见到过的。 Two days of passed by. 两天的时间过去了。 Hell demon gathered the Thun­der and Light­ning strength that came in all directions already many to a situation beyond description, Thun­der and Light­ning light beam also thorough integration in which that acme Lei Guang constituted, constituted a huge diameter about hundred meters giant Lei Qiu. 地狱魔界四面八方汇聚而来的雷电力量已经多到了一个难以形容的地步,极致雷光构成的雷电光柱也彻底的融入其中,构成了一个巨大的直径大约百米的巨大雷球。 That moment that this Lei Qiu takes shape, the surrounding area the hell demon air/Qi within ten thousand li (0.5km) transforms as entirely the thunder is the surname, moreover above the sky presents greatly has Shenlong that ten thousand meters Thun­der and Light­ning condenses to circle fully unceasingly, the entire world as if entered end said the countdown to be ordinary, all masters of pressure do not dare to act rashly. 此雷球成型的那一刻,方圆万里内的地狱魔气统统转化为雷属姓的了,而且天空之上出现一道道巨大的足有万米长的雷电凝聚的神龙不断地盘旋,整个世界仿佛进入了末曰倒计时一般,威压的一切高手都不敢妄动。 The float also slowly integrates that giant Lei Qiunei in airborne Xie Aoyu. 漂浮在空中的谢傲宇也缓缓地融入那巨大的雷球内。 Enters, the strength strength in dantian then shivers. 一入其中,丹田内的力量力量即可颤动起来。 Hundred meters big thunder ball starts the rapid ablation, its essence in abundance integrates in the Thun­der and Light­ning strength, so made the Thun­der and Light­ning strength carry on the last time baptism. 百米大的雷球开始迅速的消融,其精华纷纷的融入雷电力量之内,如此令雷电力量进行最后一次的洗礼。 Along with the promotion of Thun­der and Light­ning strength, the Xie Aoyu mind finally restores. 随着雷电力量的提升,谢傲宇的心神终于恢复过来。 He has opened the eye. 他睁开了眼睛。 The flash of also in his both eyes opening, the Thun­der and Light­ning strength stops buying in the Thun­der and Light­ning photosphere the strength, it completed exactly entered the step, the thunder of achievement half god, to human the most profound feeling. 也是在他双目开启的一瞬间,雷电力量停止吸纳雷电光球的力量,它恰好完成了进阶,成就半神之雷,给人一种玄之又玄的感觉。 Flip-flop!” “噼啪!” The thunder of snow white color half god slightly trembles, trembles merely. 雪白色的半神之雷微微的一颤,也仅仅是一颤而已。 That did not have to buy in strength the Thun­der and Light­ning photosphere one then to rupture completely suddenly, void above, the innumerable Thun­der and Light­ning long lines also shiver. 那还没有完全被吸纳力量的雷电光球猛然一下便爆裂开来,虚空之上,无数的雷电长龙也随之颤动起来。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Suddenly earth-shattering. 一时间天崩地裂般。 The surrounding area in 100,000 li (0.5km), the horizon presents the innumerable fissures, is similar to the hell demon collapse is ordinary, that so-called disorderly soul ban along with the it thorough smashing, has not affected again, but in these 100,000 li (0.5km), the ground has not come under the attack of deconstruction surname, does not have the city to cave, however all masters, even if the exceedingly high level powerhouse also in abundance falls to the ground, nobody dares from the sky to soar. 方圆100000里内,天际出现无数的裂痕,如同地狱魔界崩溃一般,那所谓的凌乱的灵魂禁制也随之彻底的粉碎,再也没有作用,而在这100000里内,地面并未受到毁灭姓的打击,也没有城市塌陷,但是所有的高手,哪怕是通天级强者也纷纷落地,没有一个人敢于在空中飞翔。 The so large-scale turbulence continued for three minutes to end. 如此大规模的动荡足足持续三分钟才结束。 The strength of that terror may be called destroys day to extinguish. 那恐怖的力量堪称毁天灭地。 Xie Aoyu sees this might, is the shock, that may be only thunder of a half god weak turbulence, if the personnel displays the strength to describe, on, if a person sneezes, unexpectedly can make a side world almost collapse, if plays 1/10 might, can being lower than demon destroying? 谢傲宇见此威力,也是震惊不已,那可只是半神之雷的一次微弱的动荡,若用人施展力量来形容,就等若一个人打个喷嚏而已,居然可以令一方世界几乎崩溃,若是发挥出1的威力,岂不是也可以将低于魔界给毁灭了? Has the thunder of this half god, so long as own strength were enough, plays 2-3 tenths might, may the second kill the ordinary giant fully, plays 50% might, even if were ancient times Clever Sacred Tree, the generation of Angel Clan giant can the second kill similarly, true achieving, swept away all situations. 有此半神之雷,只要自己的实力足够了,发挥出两三成的威力,足可秒杀普通的巨头,发挥一半的威力,就算是远古通灵神树,天使族巨头之辈同样可以秒杀的,真正的做到,横扫一切的地步。 The thunder of half god in the hand, has increased the Xie Aoyu confidence. 半神之雷在手,更是增添了谢傲宇的信心。 His light falls, stands has three kilometers mountain in one fully. 他轻飘飘的落下来,站在一座足有三千米的高山脚下。 Raises the head to look at the mountain, the Xie Aoyu heart surges, he wants to give a try, oneself can display thunder of many half god strength. 仰首看着高山,谢傲宇的心头激荡不已,他想要试试看,自己能够发挥出半神之雷多少的力量。 Thunder of 1% strength estimates half god can the ordinary exceedingly high level master dread that therefore Xie Aoyu did not expect that can achieve so the situation, he has a thought that can display thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god, was very good. 半神之雷1的力量估计都可以普通的通天级高手忌惮的,所以谢傲宇也不奢望能做到这般地步,他只有一个念头,就是能够发挥半神之雷1的力量,也是非常不错了。 Deeply inspires, the Xie Aoyu whole body exudes the sound. 深吸一口气,谢傲宇全身发出噼里啪啦的响声。 The dantian thunder of half god shivered slightly, wipes the snow white electric light then to send out from the thunder of half god, does not need to stimulate to movement the strength, a Xie Aoyu conveniently figure. 丹田内的半神之雷微微的颤动了一下,一抹雪白的电光便从半神之雷内散发出来,也无需催动战力,谢傲宇随手一指。 „!” “咻!” The snow white color electric light projects from the fingertip. 雪白色的电光从手指尖射出。 Does not have what dreadful power and influence strength to fluctuate, some are only a weak ray flashes through. 没有什么滔天的威势力量波动,有的只是一丝微弱的光芒闪过。 That snow white electric light then submerges in these three kilometers mountains. 雪白电光便没入这三千米高山内。 Xie Aoyu closes the eye, attentive felt that he must with the aid of this strike the strength that has a look at himself to display thunder of many half god the strength. 谢傲宇则闭上眼睛,用心的去感觉,他要借助这一击的力量才看看自己到底能够发挥出半神之雷多少的力量。 Rumbling “轰轰” The snow white electric light submerges the mountain, shivers along with it earth then one. 雪白电光没入高山,随之大地便一阵颤抖。 Made one that Xie Aoyu a little stared dumbfounded appear, that three kilometers high mountain after rocking two next, changed to everywhere the dust to diverge in all directions, such vanished, only then looks that almost filled in the mountain valley that covered, knows that there once had a mountain. 随之令谢傲宇都有点瞠目结舌的一幕出现了,那三千米高的高山在晃动两下之后,随之化作漫天的灰尘向四面八方散去,就这么消失了,只有看着那几乎被填盖起来的山谷,才知道,那里曾经有一座高山。 Must destroy three kilometers mountain, 67 step Battle Emperor may achieve with ease, but must look like so, thoroughly destroys, the stone of fist size does not stay behind, the immortal boundary is also hard to achieve. 要摧毁三千米高山,67阶战皇可轻松做到,但是要像这般,彻底摧毁,连个拳头大小的石头都不留下,长生境界也难以做到的。 He was a little just sigh with emotion, feels to have a dizzy spell. 他刚刚有点感慨,就感到头晕目眩。 The strength of whole body as if all of a sudden was found time, that does not have strength inferior disappearance of use, the human also falls down, at present becomes dark, almost faints. 全身的力量仿佛一下子被抽空了,那没有动用的战力都逊色的消失,人也一头栽倒,眼前发黑,差点昏死过去。 Stimulates to movement a strength that Lei of Wei half god cannot be observed, almost makes Xie Aoyu because of consume dead unexpectedly excessively, this is also he has the quality of unsurpassed god body, trades to be other people, perhaps so consumed died. 只是催动着半神之雷微不可察的一线力量,竟然差点让谢傲宇因过度消耗而死,这也就是他具有无上神体的素质,换做旁人,恐怕这般消耗就已经死了。 Even if so, in the Xie Aoyu mind still passed over gently and swiftly a thought. 即便如此,谢傲宇脑海中仍然掠过一个念头。 Thunder of 1/1000 strengths half god! 半神之雷1的力量!
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