BE :: Volume #19

#1894: Half the thunder of god 【Two】 Second!

Person who dying is the common cold group. 死的人是风邪群。 A person alone to their attacks, Xie Aoyu is self-confident, knows that is impossible to kill above them all of a sudden, the strength that after all these people collaborate may let revere the peak level masters fully to have a headache unreliably, particularly the wind does not have the shade and Turlogh intrinsic behind attacks, needing 11 explain. 一人独对两人的攻击,谢傲宇再自信,也知道不可能一下子干掉两人以上,毕竟这些人联手起来的力量足可让玄尊巅峰级高手都要头疼的,尤其是风无影和特洛内在后面出击,必须要11破解。 Therefore Xie Aoyu locked one to kill the human. 所以谢傲宇锁定了一个必杀之人。 That is the common cold group. 那就是风邪群。 Reason that choice common cold group, because only he is the wind family member, this time most excessive is the wind family member, first is meets the betrayal of Narrais whole family to hire oneself, is the wind does not have the shade shameless intentionally meddles with disputes, after suffering defeat, wind unexpectedly once again gets rid to aim, makes the homicide intent eruption, does not kill the wind family member to be not enough to deter other people, thinks one quite bully. 之所以选择风邪群,只因为他是风家人,此次最过分的就是风家人,先是接纳雷凡一家人的背叛投靠,接着就是风无影无耻的故意插手与自己较量,败北之后,风家竟然再度出手针对,令他杀意爆发,不杀风家人不足以威慑他人,都以为自己好欺负呢。 The common cold group head cut off, Wagg's front leaves behind a 30 cms in length blood trough, the blood spout, the breastbone almost breaks, presents some fissures. 风邪群头颅被斩断,瓦格的胸前留下一道长达30厘米的血槽,鲜血喷涌,胸骨都差点断裂,出现一些裂痕。 Their rout, Xie Aoyu rapid flashing. 两人溃败,谢傲宇飞速的闪动。 Brush! Brush! 刷!刷! When that aperture plunders to the wind does not have in the shade and Turlogh their front, Xie Aoyu once again about the blade, respectively cut down blade light, is the promotion version Broken Shield Cut strength. 在那光圈掠至风无影和特洛内两人面前之际,谢傲宇再度左右出刀,各自劈出一记刀光,正是升级版破盾斩的力量。 Bang!” “嘭!” The wind does not have in the shade and Turlogh simultaneously routs that aperture strength, they have not gasped for breath, two blades only then loudly arrive, they get rid to resist once again, but that strength obviously wanted to be weaker, particularly above was containing the strength of white lightning, that was the might is infinite. 风无影和特洛内同时将那光圈力量击溃,他们还未喘口气,两记刀光便轰然降临,两人再度出手抵挡,可那力量显然就要弱许多了,尤其是上面蕴含着的白色闪电的力量,那可是威力无穷的。 Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!” In the report, they simultaneously called out pitifully, spurted the blood to fly upside down. 爆裂声中,两人同时惨叫一声,喷血倒飞出去。 Six big master five people are repulsed, dies four wounded. 六大高手五人败退,一死四伤。 The final Lightning Spirit beast also rushed ahead to this time, it with this was assigning Lei Shashu the strength, the strengths in other aspects also merely belong to the Battle Emperor rank, therefore speed on slow were too many. 最后的雷灵兽也到这时候才冲杀过来,它强在与本命雷杀术的力量,其它方面的力量也仅仅是属于战皇级别的,故而速度就慢的太多了。 The Xie Aoyu left hand finds out, grasps void. 谢傲宇左手探出,虚空一抓。 Aperture also automatic dissipation that formerly sent out, is false in view of the strength of Lightning Spirit beast, his goal must capture living Lightning Spirit beast. 那先前发出的光圈也自动的消散,针对雷灵兽的力量根本就是假的,他的目的可是要擒拿活着的雷灵兽。 The Xie Aoyu left hand grasps, grasps to the head of Lightning Spirit beast, simultaneously bit the demon blade back with the mouth, the right hand has also grasped, goal. 谢傲宇左手抓出,抓向雷灵兽的头颅,同时用嘴咬住魔刀刀背,右手也抓了出去,目标正是雷凡。 Since a person of beast takes shape, naturally cannot separate. 一人一兽既然成型,自然是不能分开的。 So long as captures them, can control the Lightning Spirit beast. 只要擒拿他们,便可控制雷灵兽。 Grasps the Lightning Spirit beast, to Xie Aoyu, that significance is extraordinary, sends in the space macrocosm, the growth will surpass now dozens times absolutely, in the future most will then have the safeguard of strength. 掌握雷灵兽,对谢傲宇来说,那意义非凡,送入空间大世界,成长速度绝对会超出现在数十倍的,将来便是最有力量的保障。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu held the top of the head corner of Lightning Spirit beast. 谢傲宇一把抓住了雷灵兽的头顶犄角。 Roar!” “吼!” The Lightning Spirit beastly rave is intermittent, the white lightning fierce bang kills, may encounter and before the assigns Lei Shashu to be the same, entirely integration within the body, is the Xie Aoyu Thun­der and Light­ning strength buys , the baptism the Thun­der and Light­ning strength, was making its rapid unceasingly toward Lei of Jinjie half god, like that the speed was making Xie Aoyu suspect very much that possibly completes the step in the recent several days, even can leave behind the heart of Thun­der and Light­ning, gave these thunder is the master uses. 雷灵兽狂吼阵阵,白色闪电勇猛的轰杀出去,可遭遇与之前的本命雷杀术一样,统统的纳入体内,为谢傲宇雷电力量吸纳,不断地洗礼着雷电力量,令其迅速的向着半神之雷进阶着,那般速度令谢傲宇很怀疑,在最近几天就可能完成进阶的,甚至可以留下雷电之心,送给那些雷系高手使用。 Looks at the bitter experience of Lightning Spirit beast, despaired finally. 看着雷灵兽的遭遇,雷凡终于绝望了。 His dantian was abandoned, did not have the strength to resist, can only , whatever the Xie Aoyu strength is fettering, flies to Xie Aoyu, his destiny seemed doomed. 他的丹田被废,已经没有力量抗拒,只能任凭谢傲宇的力量束缚着,飞向谢傲宇,他的命运似乎注定了。 Also at this time, accident occurred. 也就是在这个时候,意外发生了。 Vague breeze flies to shoot suddenly from the crowd, quickly to acme bang. 一丝若有若无的微风陡然从人群中飞射出来,快到极致的轰向雷凡。 Xie Aoyu first then induced. 谢傲宇第一时间便感应到了。 Under the mind, anybody gave up any idea of that conceals his attention, the wind of that breeze acme, getting rid is immortal boundary master wind Zhaokang. 心眼之下,任何人都休想隐瞒他的注意,那微风正是极致之风,出手的则是长生境界的高手风兆康。 Similarly is the perfect strength, wind Zhaokang can play wind of close 50% might acme, the Xie Aoyu present boundary, even is not enough to display 1/10, naturally is the having no way ratio, the wind of that acme seems like very weak, master who may the second kill the immortal boundary lower position fully. 同样是极致力量,风兆康能够发挥出极致之风接近一半的威力,谢傲宇现在的境界,甚至不足以发挥出1,自然是没法比的,那极致之风看似很微弱,足可秒杀长生境界下位的高手。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Xie Aoyu two torching, let loose the Lightning Spirit beast immediately, the left hand stimulate to movement the complete strength, hits loudly. 谢傲宇两眼喷火,马上放开雷灵兽,左手催动全部的力量,轰然打出去。 This fist is almost his peak performance of this moment strength. 这一拳几乎是他这一刻力量的巅峰表现。 Bang!” “轰!” White fist light has more than two meters fully high. 白色的拳头光影足有两米多高。 The breeze of wind of acme very small, but 22 touch, is actually the wind of acme relaxed then gives to rout the fist light, is similar to boils the gutter on the snow, without the hindrance of least bit, one then penetrated the past, fell on nape of the neck. 极致之风的微风则非常的微小,可是22相碰,却是极致之风轻松的便将拳头光影给击溃,如同沸水落在积雪上面,没有半点的阻碍,一下便穿透过去,落在雷凡的脖颈上面。 Felt that breeze blowing, then anything does not know. 雷凡就感到一丝微风拂面,接着便什么都不知道了。 But the bystander noticed that number of people falls to the ground, is disillusioned together with soul all, this is the wind of acme might, the strength is higher, might that plays true terror. 而外人则看到雷凡的人头落地,连同灵魂一切破灭,这就是极致之风的威力,实力越高的,发挥出来的威力才会真正的恐怖。 Dies, the Lightning Spirit beast sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell immediately, the body starts to rupture. 雷凡一死,雷灵兽登时发出凄厉的惨叫,身体开始爆裂。 Wind Zhaokang!” “风兆康!” Xie Aoyu is roaring to crowd in wind Zhaokang, he cursed without enough time, put out a hand to hold the Lightning Spirit beast hurriedly, wanted to prevent its death, actually cannot. 谢傲宇对着人群中的风兆康怒吼,他却来不及咒骂,急忙伸手抓住雷灵兽,想要阻止它的死亡,却是不能了。 Since is unable to achieve, Xie Aoyu then all of a sudden holds Demon Beast to have the place that the demon nucleus has, finally held one white almost links the lightning that a paper the thickness cannot achieve. 既然无法做到,谢傲宇便一下子抓住魔兽应该有魔核存在的地方,结果抓住了一道白色的几乎连一张纸的厚度都达不到的闪电。 This lightning starts, Xie Aoyu then determined immediately that this is a wee bit superficial knowledge of day God of the Earth thunder. 此闪电一入手,谢傲宇登时便确定,这就是天地神雷的一丁点皮毛。 The formation of Lightning Spirit beast, draws support from the day God of the Earth thunder a wee bit superficial knowledge to succeed. 雷灵兽的成型,正是借助天地神雷的一丁点皮毛而成功的。 This electric light starts, then rapid submerges Xie Aoyu that to enter the step in the lightning, urging the Thun­der and Light­ning strength to enter the step, 22 accommodating, in the Xie Aoyu mind has delimited a year. 此电光入手,便飞速的没入谢傲宇那正在进阶的闪电之中,促使雷电力量进阶,22相容,谢傲宇的脑海中划过一个年头。 The Thun­der and Light­ning strength must complete the step. 雷电力量要完成进阶了。 This is a very natural feeling, does not need to ponder that probably sees the raindrop to drop from the clouds, naturally then knows that must rain the same truth. 这是一种很自然的感觉,不需要去思考,就好像看到雨点从天而降,自然而然的便知道要下雨了一样的道理。 The thunder of half god will certainly take shape. 半神之雷必将成型。 The Xie Aoyu heart surges, can have the thunder of half god, then waits, if the future can sweep away all foundations, when his heart is joyful, similarly also has the anger. 谢傲宇心头激荡不已,能够具备半神之雷,便等若是未来能够横扫一切的基础了,他心头喜悦之余,同样还有愤怒。 That is the windward Zhaokang's anger. 那就是对风兆康的怒火。 Xie Aoyu depresses joyfully, after all obtains that Thun­der and Light­ning strength, if were excessively happy that decides however to be noted, possibly brings the unnecessary trouble, after advancing Lei of Jinjie half god finished, had again troublesome cannot fear. 谢傲宇压下喜悦,毕竟得到那雷电力量,若是过度高兴,定然被注意到的,可能带来不必要的麻烦,还是先行将半神之雷进阶完毕之后,再有麻烦也不许惧怕。 He turns around suddenly, is watching intently wind Zhaokang indifferently. 他霍然转身,冷眼逼视着风兆康。 Wind Zhaokang, leave!” Xie Aoyu gets angry shouts to clear the way. “风兆康,滚出来!”谢傲宇喝道 Wind Zhaokang, immortal boundary superior master, sinks along with the soul valley certainly, the city hides these exceedingly high level masters who to attract to leave, wind Zhaokang said that was the city internal wind status highest person. 风兆康,长生境界上位高手,随着绝魂谷下沉,将城内隐藏的那些通天级高手吸引离开,风兆康可是说是城内风家身份最高的人了。 Was cursed in the presence of everyone so angrily, is the first time. 被人当众如此怒骂,还是第一次。 Dissolute!” Wind Zhaokang gets angry shouts to clear the way. “放肆!”风兆康怒喝道 His big mark time comes out. 他大踏步走出来。 When getting rid, he knows that definitely will offend Xie Aoyu, is the issue of Lightning Spirit beast, makes him understand that rather offends Lei, must like that the procedure, absolutely unable to make Lei Jia people obtain. 早在出手之际,他就知道必然会得罪谢傲宇的,可是雷灵兽的问题,也让他明白,宁可得罪雷家,也必须那般做法,绝对不能让雷家人得到。 I am the wind elder, although you are Lei Jia people, may not so to me, do not think that you are under Lei the competitor of head of the clan successor, has the qualifications to export dirty to me, will have again next time, will not take it ill me to teach you for Lei Jia people.” Saying that wind Zhaokang lets somebody cool off or calm down. “我是风家长老,你虽然是雷家人,也不可如此对我,不要以为你是雷家下任族长继承人的竞争者,就有资格对我出口成脏,再有下次,休怪我代雷家人教训你。”风兆康冷冷的说道。 Xie Aoyu is watching intently wind Zhaokang, desolate say (way): Wind Zhaokang, I have seen shameless, your so shameless person, I am first time see.” He receives the demon blade, now is not gentle breeze Zhaokang conflicts, after all the immortal boundary master of Lei just left, has not dispatched to come from god once again, he can only depend upon itself now, I asked you, I and between was my Lei Jia people gratitude and grudges, why did you make the wind meddle without the shade? This, the wind non- shade has also defeated, why do you make the common cold group get rid? This has not calculated that unexpectedly helps the wind not to have the shade to begin to me darkly once again, you meddle one time not to calculate personally that unexpectedly gets rid to strike to kill, aims at continuously twice with me, wind Zhaokang, you whether thought my Lei Jia people was just withdrawn, had not had the new master arrival, then the so unscrupulous insult I, thought that my Lei does not dare to kill you.” 谢傲宇逼视着风兆康,冷森森的道:“风兆康,我见过无耻的,你这般无耻之人,我是第一次见到。”他收起魔刀,现在可不是和风兆康冲突的时候,毕竟雷家的长生境界高手刚刚离开,还未从神界再度派遣而来,他现在只能依靠自己,“我问你,我与雷凡之间是我雷家人的恩怨,你为何让风无影插手?这也就罢了,风无影败了,你为何又让风邪群出手?这还不算,居然暗助风无影再度向我动手,你亲自插手一次不算,居然又出手击杀雷凡,连续两次针对与我,风兆康,你是否觉得我雷家人刚刚被撤走,还未有新的高手到来,便这般肆无忌惮的欺辱我,觉得我雷家不敢杀你。” Snort!” Wind Zhaokang sneers saying that I meddle, when I once meddled, who can testify, I must ask you but actually, you will kill the enmity of common cold group, wind will not give up!” “哼!”风兆康冷笑道,“我插手,我何时曾插手,谁能作证,我倒要问你,你杀风邪群之仇,风家绝不会善罢甘休!” Ha Ha “哈哈” Xie Aoyu laughs laughs wildly, then refers to wind Zhaokang with the hand point, breaks shouts to clear the way: Shameless wind Zhaokang, you remembers, I pledged in this that I must put to death you personally, you should better, in I begin before you, was not dying.” 谢傲宇纵声狂笑,然后用手点指风兆康,断喝道:“无耻风兆康,你记住,我在此发誓,我必亲手将你诛杀,你最好在我向你动手之前,不要死了。” The audience in an uproar. 全场哗然。 No one has thought that Xie Aoyu selects Tornado Zhaokang unexpectedly, solemn immortal boundary superior master. 谁也没想到谢傲宇居然挑战风兆康,堂堂长生境界上位的高手。 Although is not instantly challenges now, but the wind Zhaokang's boundary was in close exceedingly high boundary situation after all, Xie Aoyu wants to overtake is also very rare. 虽然不是现在即刻挑战,可是风兆康的境界毕竟已经到了接近通天境界的地步,谢傲宇想要追上也是很难得吧。 Wind Zhaokang is the complexion is pale, two narrow the eyes, is glittering the cold glow, he naturally does not fear the challenge of Xie Aoyu, but the heart of hearts does not have the reason unexpectedly inexplicable worries, again at one's convenience is Xie Aoyu that self-confident appearance, a murderous intention then produced in the moral nature. 风兆康则是脸色铁青,两眼眯起,闪烁着寒芒,他自然不惧怕谢傲宇的挑战,只是内心深处没来由的竟然有一丝莫名的担心,再有便是谢傲宇那自信的样子,一股杀机便在心底产生了。 Is waiting for me, will not be long.” The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth overflow a happy expression, turns around then to fall on the Ru Yan side, they then left. “等着我,不会很久的。”谢傲宇嘴角溢出一丝笑意,一转身便落在如烟的身边,两人便离开了。 Nobody dares to stop them. 没有人敢阻拦他们。 Determines after the mind nobody discovered that displays Earth Escape Technique, then in secret returns to the station of demon demon clan, saw has assumed here Bing Wu. 通过心眼确定无人发现之后,施展土遁术,便暗中回归魔魅族的驻地内,见到了坐镇这里的冰舞 All that occurred about outside, in the short time of Xie Aoyu return, the demon demon female collected all processes to give Bing Wu, obviously the demon demon race's ability in intelligence collection indeed very splendid. 关于外面发生的一切,在谢傲宇回归的短短时间内,魔魅女已经收集一切过程交给冰舞了,可见魔魅族在情报收集方面的能力的确非常的出色。 This wind Zhaokang was too hateful, when some Lei people arrive, must weaken his power and prestige surely.” Ru Yan say (way) bitterly. “这个风兆康太可恶了,等到雷家有人到来,定要杀杀他的威风。”如烟恨恨的道。 Bing Wu said with a smile: In my opinion, we should thank wind Zhaokang actually.” 冰舞则笑道:“依我看,我们倒是应该感谢风兆康。” Why?” Ru Yan said in consternation that suddenly makes not the clear reason. “为什么?”如烟愕然道,一时间闹不清楚其中的缘由。 Xie Aoyu has smiled, it seems like Bing Wu most understands itself. 谢傲宇则笑了起来,看来还是冰舞最了解自己啊。 Bing Wu said with a smile: „The Ao Yu Thun­der and Light­ning strength enters step, I think that should be in the inevitably successful situation through the strength of Lightning Spirit beast, if not wind Zhaokang gets rid to strike to kill, caused the Lightning Spirit beast death, then Lightning Spirit beast, once were captured by us, naturally can become is the target of public criticism, no matter Lei Jia lao ancestor whether closed up, because of this Lightning Spirit beast, many influences possibly had the frenzied move to aim at our, even the immortal boundary master will get rid, at that time we possibly by others killing, the Lightning Spirit beast died now, has avoided this crisis, but Ao Yu obtained, even was living compared with the Lightning Spirit beast. Wants the big advantage.” 冰舞笑道:“傲宇雷电力量进阶,我想应该通过雷灵兽的力量已经到了必然成功的地步,若非风兆康出手击杀雷凡,导致雷灵兽死亡的话,那么雷灵兽一旦被我们擒拿,自然会成为众矢之的,不管雷家老祖是否闭关,因这雷灵兽,很多势力都可能有疯狂举动来针对我们的,甚至长生境界高手都会出手,那时候我们可能被人家给杀死的,现在呢,雷灵兽死了,就免除了这个危机,可是傲宇得到的,甚至比雷灵兽活着还。要大的好处。” Ha Ha, knows me, Bing Wu.” Xie Aoyu laughs saying that I felt now entered the step to the critical moment, I must close up, striving made the Thun­der and Light­ning strength enter the step to be successful, you relieved treated here, continued to conform with the strength of demon demon clan, collected all information.” “哈哈,知我者,冰舞啊。”谢傲宇大笑道,“我现在已经感觉到进阶到关键时刻了,我要去闭关,争取让雷电力量进阶成功,你们就安心待在这里,继续整合魔魅族的力量,收集各方情报。” Xie Aoyu said goodbye with two females, displayed Earth Escape Technique, left the dying out city, arrived outside Dacheng more than a 200 inside and outside unmanned mountain valley, then sank underground, opened a space, started the step Thun­der and Light­ning strength. 谢傲宇与两女告辞,施展土遁术,离开寂灭城,到达城外200多里外的一处无人山谷,便沉入地下,开辟出一个空间,开始进阶雷电力量。
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