BE :: Volume #19

#1893: Half the thunder of god 【One】 First!

PS: Today erupts the closure, today the foundation three, outside have the Meng travelers to cast the distinguished guest ticket, the additional two chapters! Five chapters, will start to restore to say three tomorrow every time! PS:今天爆发截止,今天基础三更,外有蒙山过客投贵宾票,加更两章!共五章,明天开始恢复每曰三更! The Lightning Spirit beast is one type existence that breaks all rule general knowledge, is the existence adapted rule of giant that rank is broken. 雷灵兽是一种打破所有规律常识的存在,就是巨头那个级别的存在所适应的规律都被打破的。 Why does the Lightning Spirit beast have such ability? 为何雷灵兽有如此能力? Since has looked over several million years all courses, can break the world order, only has the Lightning Spirit beast, has not had such ability in other Demon Beast, even in ten thousand time, has the oversized group of people to clarify the origin of Lightning Spirit beast specially, actually nobody can explain, is really the scarcity of Lightning Spirit beastly quantity, can only rare describe with several million years. 纵观数百万年以来的一切历程,能够打破天地秩序的,也唯有雷灵兽,在没有其他的魔兽有如此能力,甚至在万界时代,有过大批的人专门想要弄清楚雷灵兽的来历,却无人可以破解,实在是雷灵兽数量之稀少,只能用几百万年难得一见来形容。 Xie Aoyu naturally does not know how the Lightning Spirit beast is born. 谢傲宇自然也是不知道雷灵兽如何诞生的。 But obtains the Lightning Spirit beast after the assigns Lei Shashu the Thun­der and Light­ning strength, making his soon enter the Thun­der and Light­ning strength rapid occurrence that the step finished to transform completely, what strength will this be? Moreover Thun­der and Light­ning strength. 可是得到雷灵兽的本命雷杀术的雷电力量之后,让他那即将进阶完毕的雷电力量迅速的发生完全蜕变,这是什么样的力量?而且还是雷电力量。 At that time Xie Aoyu then had the bold false appearance. 当时谢傲宇便有了大胆的假象。 Until he uses that to enter the thin Xiao Bai color lightning of surroundings the step the Thun­der and Light­ning strength releases, discovered that these white lightnings the might is the astonishing accomplishment boundary perfect thunder intensity unexpectedly, is then predicable, Lightning Spirit beast so-called the white lightning that assigns Lei Shashu is the day God of the Earth thunder! 直至他使用那进阶的雷电力量释放出来的周围的细小白色闪电,发现这些白色闪电的威力居然达到惊人的大成境界的极致之雷的强度,便可断定,雷灵兽所谓的本命雷杀术的白色闪电乃是天地神雷! Only has the day of God of the Earth thunder to have the qualifications to break all rules, because the day God of the Earth thunder historically has the record of few pen, the content is, the great distance long distance, the remaining prestige of its explosion also fully may one destroy, huge of might, far exceeds beyond the imagination of people, in front of the day God of the Earth thunder, the so-called giant, that is similar to the contrast of ant and elephant, the disparity cannot the mileage computation. 唯有天地神雷才有资格打破一切规律,因为天地神雷在历史上有过寥寥几笔的记载,内容就是,相隔十万八千里,其爆炸的余威也足可将一界摧毁,威力之庞大,远远超出人们的想象之外,在天地神雷面前,所谓的巨头,那就如同蚂蚁和大象的对比,差距不可以道里计算的。 The nature, the day God of the Earth thunder is so fearful, the white lightning of Lightning Spirit beast control is not the strength source of day God of the Earth thunder, judges according to Xie Aoyu, this white lightning extremely possibly is the strength superficial knowledge of most edge the day God of the Earth thunder strength sends out, the day God of the Earth flame of a little similar samsara phoenix, is the superficial knowledge, the day God of the Earth thunder that but this Lightning Spirit beast grasps is slightly more succinct, and itself day God of the Earth thunder be more intrepid than the day God of the Earth flame, the natural might is more abundant plans, when cultivation to achieve, plays the might enough time, struck to kill the giant also in the reason. 自然,天地神雷如此可怕,雷灵兽控制的白色闪电也不是天地神雷的力量本源,按照谢傲宇判断,这白色闪电极可能是天地神雷力量散发出来的最边缘的力量皮毛,有点类似轮回凤凰的天地神炎,都是皮毛,只是这雷灵兽掌握的天地神雷略微精粹一些,且本身天地神雷就是要比天地神炎强悍许多的,自然威力更盛一筹,当修为达到,足够发挥威力的时候,击杀巨头也在情理之中了。 Admission day God of the Earth thunder a wee bit superficial knowledge, encourage the growth of Thun­der and Light­ning strength, if the original Thun­der and Light­ning strength enters the thunder of step half god, even if through the help of countless person, the support of various strengths, said over 80% probabilities, but that also means that 10% many probability defeats, do not despise this probability, often will therefore have the accident, particularly in the region that the hell demon this all parties strongest strength dominates. 接纳天地神雷一丁点皮毛,助长雷电力量的成长,如果说原来雷电力量进阶半神之雷,就算是通过无数人的帮助,各种力量的支持,都说有超过八成的几率,可那也意味着有一成多的几率失败,别小看这点几率,往往都会因此而发生意外的,尤其是在地狱魔界这各方最强力量把持的区域。 After this day God of the Earth thunder superficial knowledge strength integrates, Xie Aoyu knows that the thunder of Thun­der and Light­ning strength achievement half god is the matter of being settled. 当这一丝天地神雷皮毛力量融入之后,谢傲宇知道,雷电力量成就半神之雷已经是板上钉钉的事情。 The thunder of half god, probably quickly wants the achievement. 半神之雷,或许很快就要成就吧。 Don't forget, he also has the heart of Thun­der and Light­ning. 别忘了,他还有雷电之心。 The Xie Aoyu mind is joyful, the state of mind of whole person obtains the large scale promotion, the strength revolves is more rapid, the brains were more sober. 谢傲宇心神愉悦,整个人的精神状态就得到大幅度的提升,力量运转更迅速,头脑更加清醒了。 Especially after defeats to draw back the wind does not have shade, Xie Aoyu treading Lei Shu displays the acme, the white lightning in the sole is glittering, the speed grew about one time baseless. 尤其是一击败退风无影之后,谢傲宇更是将踏雷术发挥到极致,白色闪电在脚底闪烁着,速度更是凭空增长了将近一倍。 Compares favorably with the thunder of accomplishment acme white lightning, how could the might is the common perfect thunder can compare. 媲美大成极致之雷的白色闪电,威力岂能是一般的极致之雷所能比的。 Stands of same place, intense attention, sees this, immediately looks the dead grey, in the eye flashes through wipes the crazy color, he is very clear, once were captured by Xie Aoyu, the consequence is dreadful. 站在原地,紧张关注的雷凡,看到这一幕,登时面露死灰色,眼中闪过一抹疯狂之色,他很清楚,一旦被谢傲宇擒拿,后果不堪设想。 At the present nobody can save him. 而今又没有人能够救他。 The Lightning Spirit beast is strong, present stage is actually hard to contend with Xie Aoyu, particularly this assigns Lei Shashu after Xie Aoyu is useless, basically can say that the Lightning Spirit beast has not threatened to Xie Aoyu. 雷灵兽强是强,现阶段却难以抗衡谢傲宇,尤其是本命雷杀术都对谢傲宇无用之后,基本可以说雷灵兽对谢傲宇没有威胁了。 Explodes!” “爆!” About dies, was searched the soul to remember with it that was suffered, not, if simple dies, nearly crazy death latter, the body inflates rapidly. 左右是死,与其被人搜索灵魂记忆,被人折磨,不若干脆的去死,雷凡近乎疯狂的死后一声,身体迅速膨胀起来。 „, I help you!” The common cold group in that wind without the flash that shade is repulsed, is under the wind Zhaokang's order, does not hesitate at all costs protects, the time of this flash, Xie Aoyu approached. “雷凡,我来助你!”风邪群在那风无影败退的一瞬间,便得到风兆康的命令,不惜一切代价的保护雷凡,这一瞬间的功夫,谢傲宇已经逼近了。 Also my demon blade!” Fights god clan Wagg to be played tricks on by Xie Aoyu, robs the demon blade from the fingertip, the hatred was already dreadful, seizes the chance to kill. “还我魔刀!”斗神族瓦格被谢傲宇戏弄,从手指尖抢走魔刀,早就恨意滔天了,也趁机扑杀出去。 Two people are unreliably revere the superior the boundary. 两人均都是玄尊上位的境界。 They move, speed perhaps slightly slow, but they are away from not to be far, intercepts Xie Aoyu from about. 他们一动,速度或许略慢,但是他们距离雷凡却不远,从左右截杀谢傲宇 Looked that some people save a life, must die the heart then to melt immediately, can maintain a livelihood, he does not certainly want dead, particularly the later Lightning Spirit beast grows, has him to control, he is equal to the giant common status, asked that who is willing dead? Therefore he also takes the bull by the horns, gives up from exploding, exclaimed crazily: „The Lightning Spirit beast, the sudden and violent thunder kills!” 一看有人来救命,雷凡的必死之心登时便消融了许多,能够活命,他当然不想死,尤其是以后雷灵兽成长起来,有他掌控着,他就等同于巨头一般的地位,试问谁愿意去死?所以他也当机立断,放弃自爆,狂吼道:“雷灵兽,暴雷杀!” Roar!” “吼!” The Lightning Spirit beast face upwards the long and loud cry, wild behind dashes from Xie Aoyu, its body reappears once again one group of white lightnings, do not look that its rank is low, but that white lightning, then made all people feel oncoming of death, even if were the immortal boundary masters has the inexplicable fearing feeling. 雷灵兽仰天长啸,狂暴的从谢傲宇身后冲撞上来,它的身上再度浮现一团白色的闪电,别看它级别低,但是那白色闪电一出,便令所有人都感觉到死亡的来临,哪怕是长生境界的高手都有莫名的惧怕感。 Is grasps a pill to squeeze in the mouth. 雷凡更是抓出一把药丸塞入口中。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Shortly, strength presented suddenly to increase, then achieved all of a sudden Senior the imposing manner that the superior had unreliably, even wanted tyrannical one to have compared with the common cold group and Wagg. 顷刻间,雷凡的力量出现了暴增,一下子便达到了玄尊上位才拥有的气势,甚至比风邪群和瓦格都要强横一线有余。 Waits if four big masters collaborate to encircle. 等若是四大高手联手围剿。 Shameless generation, damn!” Xie Aoyu flies into a rage. “无耻之辈,该死!”谢傲宇勃然大怒。 Formerly wind non- shade powerful meddled, has let the Xie Aoyu unusual anger, currently really also has the common cold group and Wagg meddles, they think really don't one dare to kill people? 先前的风无影强势插手,已经让谢傲宇非常的愤怒,现在竟然又有风邪群和瓦格来插手,他们真的以为自己不敢杀人吗? Since disguises as Lei Tianze, that must display the Lei background enough powerful to be good. 既然假扮雷天泽,那就要表现出雷家背景的足够强势才行。 Kill! 杀! In the Xie Aoyu heart surges intense killing intent, he naturally also wants to obtain the Lightning Spirit beast, but at present looks like, perhaps difficulty increase rapidly, therefore cannot have any scruples. 谢傲宇心中涌动出强烈的杀意,他自然是也想得到雷灵兽的,可是目前看来,恐怕难度急速的加大,所以不能有任何顾忌的。 The intention moves, Xie Aoyu then did not prepare to have any retains. 心念一动,谢傲宇便不准备有任何保留了。 He took the demon blade. 他将魔刀取了出来。 This demon blade, fuses god Battle Emperor level Divine Knife, the might may compare favorably with Advanced level Battle Emperor extremely Divine Knife. 此魔刀,是融合神界战皇神刀而成的,威力可媲美高级战皇神刀的。 Meanwhile, the wind of being repulsed does not have shade to feel a strength to spread to within the body suddenly, erases his injury instantaneously, and stops him to retrocede the potential, promoting him to clash once again. 与此同时,败退的风无影突感一股力量传入体内,将他的伤势瞬间抹除,并且止住他后退之势,推动着他再度冲出去。 The wind does not have the shade to know immediately that this was wind Zhaokang gets rid. 风无影立刻知道,这是风兆康出手了。 Non- shade god trace! 无影神踪! The wind does not have the shade to reply on the strength that wind Zhaokang supports secretly immediately, changes to together the tornado, rushes ahead once again, so is shameless proficient, formerly the fair competition with Xie Aoyu did not care. 风无影马上借助风兆康暗中支持的力量,化作一道旋风,再度冲杀上来,如此可谓是无耻到家,先前与谢傲宇的公平竞争也不在乎了。 Lei Tianze, you injures my brother Bolton, this I want you to pay the price!” In the Angel Clan Turlogh already was under the immortal boundary master's order, must win the Lightning Spirit beast, worst cuts to kill it, cannot make any side have this future absolutely to cut to kill Demon Beast of giant to exist. “雷天泽,你伤我兄弟科波顿,今次我要你付出代价!”天使族特洛内早就得到长生境界高手的命令,一定要夺走雷灵兽,最不济将其斩杀,绝对不能让任何一方拥有这种未来可斩杀巨头的魔兽存在。 In Turlogh itself hates to the marrow of the bones to Xie Aoyu, naturally is getting rid without hesitation, back angel wing rapidly is flashing the cream halo, the fast circulation to the Excalibur above, is holding up the Excalibur also from one side cut-throat killing. 特洛内本身就对谢傲宇恨之入骨,自然是毫不犹豫的出手,背后的天使羽翼急速的闪动着乳白色的光晕,快速的流转到神剑之上,擎着神剑也从一侧凶狠的杀至。 Six big masters collaborate to encircle. 六大高手联手围剿。 No longer had scruples completely formerly so-called fair, did not consider the outside the view. 完全不再顾忌先前的所谓公平,更加不去考虑外界的说法。 They have an idea, that is the Lightning Spirit beast absolutely cannot fall in the hand of Xie Aoyu, controls for Lei Jia people. 他们只有一个想法,那就是雷灵兽绝对不能落在谢傲宇的手中,为雷家人掌控的。 Brush! 刷! Xie Aoyu stops attacking suddenly. 谢傲宇猛然停止冲击。 He stands firm with the upper air, hand being possessed by a demon blade demon brilliant Sheng, is glittering the dark ray, as if must swallow the outside all, at the same time, that enters the step around the Thun­der and Light­ning strength all tiny white lightnings entirely was extracted by Xie Aoyu, integrates in that demon blade. 他与高空站定,手中魔刀魔光大盛,闪烁着幽暗的光芒,似乎要吞噬外界的一切,于此同时,那进阶的雷电力量周围所有的细小的白色闪电统统的被谢傲宇抽取出来,融入那魔刀之内。 These superficial knowledge lightning strengths seem like weak, the regulations are accomplishment boundary the strength of perfect thunder, once fuses, is unable to display the complete strength including Xie Aoyu, he is stimulation of movement without hesitation, gave to transfer the complete strength, the reassignment of being outspoken, did not have tiny bit retention, in order to avoid after attack, met troublesome, this kind of matter in the innumerable fights that Xie Aoyu had been through repeatedly, almost did not exist. 这些皮毛闪电力量看似微弱,实则是大成境界的极致之雷的力量,一旦融合起来,连谢傲宇都无法发挥出全部的力量,他则是毫不犹豫的催动,更是将全部的战力都给调动起来了,毫无保留的调动,没有一丝一毫的保留,以免出击之后遇到麻烦,这类事情在谢傲宇历经的无数战斗中,几乎是不存在的。 The biting cold chill in the air also sends out from his body, freezes the air, causes in his surrounding ten meters void, congealed the ice air/Qi, as if froze all. 彻骨的寒意也从他的身上散发出来,冰冻空气,使得他周围十米的虚空之中,都凝结成了冰气,似乎冰冻了一切。 The demon blade has also lifted. 魔刀也举了起来。 Lei Shazhi is very strong, but can only serve as the individual to battle, if gangs up on, its weakness was exposed, cannot strike many people. 雷杀指很强,但是仅能用作单兵作战,若是群殴的话,它的弱点就暴露出来了,不能一击多人的。 Perhaps the Xie Aoyu secret passage, should practice other groups kill the big move as Lei Tianze this status has concealed, now but he adopts is in many Fights Technique that the main body grasps , to promote version Broken Shield Cut that the bystander is very difficult to differentiate. 谢傲宇暗道,或许该修炼一种其他的群杀大招作为雷天泽这个身份的掩饰了,不过现在他采取的则是本尊掌握的诸多斗技中,外人很难区分出来的升级版破盾斩 Must say that broken against Fights Technique indeed are not specially many, however in almost all big influences has almost this class Fights Technique, but might is more inferior, words that must therefore display, is Xie Aoyu grasps in Fights Technique, was discovered difficultly, other Fights Technique extremely in having symbolic significance, only has his Xie Aoyu to use. 要说专门破防的斗技的确不多,但是几乎所有的大势力中几乎都拥有这类的斗技,只是威力方面要逊色许多罢了,所以要施展的话,是谢傲宇掌握斗技中,最难被人发现的,其它的斗技则太过于有象征意义了,唯有他谢傲宇才能使用的。 Revolution Fights Technique simultaneously, two coveralls also start to stimulate the strength. 运转斗技同时,两件套装也开始激发力量。 The Lightning Spirit cloak and Lightning Spirit fight boots tremor slightly, has two white lightnings to past, they then release a strange strength fluctuation, enabling the Xie Aoyu strength might to obtain about 60%-70% enhancements. 雷灵披风和雷灵战靴微微的颤动,更是有着两道白色闪电流转进去,它们便释放出一股奇异的力量波动,使得谢傲宇的战力威力得到了将近六七成的增强。 Cut! 斩! Wild war intent, dreadful murderous intention. 狂暴战意,滔天杀机。 The Xie Aoyu zero forward velocity operation, brings strong winds, the air that that sweeps freezes presents the fissure, the demon blade along with his rotation, from the sky has delimited a circle. 谢傲宇原地旋转起来,带起一股狂风,扫动的那冰冻的空气出现裂痕,魔刀则随着他的转动,在空中划了一个圆圈。 Bang!” “轰!” The circle formation, that is the promotion version Broken Shield Cut strength. 圆圈成型,那是升级版破盾斩的力量。 In all bystander attention, after that circle appears, 1% seconds of stops, many people are unable to look, but the strange matter is everyone can see this flash beyond description, along with, even if the circle proliferates suddenly, separate hindrance the air/Qi of freezing, one then kills to six big master bang. 所有围观者关注中,那圆圈出现之后,有1秒的停顿,本来很多人是无法看出来的,可怪异的事情就是每个人都能看到这难以形容的一瞬间,随即便是圆圈骤然扩散出去,割裂阻碍的冰冻之气,一下便向六大高手轰杀过去。 Is under the impact first is. 最先受到冲击的就是雷凡。 He was away from recently, was cut-throat attack, making him encounter the total destruction first, was hit by that aperture, one then in the sword his hand gave to strike off, spurted the blood crazily, dropped the ground, its strength entered the body direct bang broken dantian, making his strength completely lose, did not have including the opportunity of suicide. 他距离最近,也最是凶狠的出击,使得他先遭遇灭顶之灾,被那光圈击中,一下便将其手中剑给击断,狂喷鲜血,跌落地面,其力量入体直接轰碎丹田,让他的力量尽失,连自杀的机会都没有了。 Then is Wagg and common cold group they. 紧接着便是瓦格和风邪群两人。 That contained then to collapse their weapon that the aperture of Xie Aoyu strength was not hindering all of a sudden, their Battle Emperor god soldiers did not have extremely, how to resist? 那蕴含着谢傲宇力量的光圈毫无阻碍的一下子便崩断了两人的兵器,他们连战皇极神兵都没有,如何抵抗? The aperture passed over gently and swiftly, the blood light spatters in all directions, a large number of people then flies from. 光圈掠过,血光迸溅,一颗斗大的人头便飞离出去。
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