BE :: Volume #19

#1890: Tyrannical 【Two】 Third!

PS: Today the foundation three finished, is distinguished guest ticket in addition! PS:今天基础三更完毕,接下来是贵宾票加更! Knits the waste scarlet soul coverall! 打废赤魂套装! Must know the scarlet soul coverall, but the coverall series of Advanced level Battle Emperor level, each coverall takes, its quality, compared with defense surname weapon difference many of Advanced level Battle Emperor level, do not knit waste this class scarlet soul coverall, radically is dream of a fool, at least the immortal boundary master has not grasped. 要知道赤魂套装可是高级战皇级的套装系列,每一件套装拿出来,就其品质,都不比高级战皇级的防御姓兵器差多少,要将这类的赤魂套装打废,根本就是痴人说梦,至少长生境界高手没有把握。 Not possibly melts is the possibility, this is Xie Aoyu. 化不可能为可能,这就是谢傲宇 Crazy Blade Violent Monarch tyrannical will still shock hell demon, does not have to prevent. 刀狂暴君的强横仍将震惊地狱魔界,无可阻挡的。 Clatter clatter clatter “嗒嗒嗒” Xie Aoyu steps rapidly, every step made the earth shiver, every step made the surrounding people feel endless world strength as if crazy emerged the body of Xie Aoyu, every step was to let all around person has to retrocede, makes way a road, the crushed stone in ground along with waving of his stature alienation rapidly, seemed Xie Aoyu changes to a Shenlong, swept across all, fierce incomparable dashing in the past. 谢傲宇急速的踏步,每一步都令大地颤动,每一步都让周围的人感觉到无尽的天地力量似乎都疯狂的涌入谢傲宇的身体,每一步都是让四周的人不得不后退,让开一条路,地面上的碎石随着他急速的身躯狂乱的舞动,好似谢傲宇化作一条神龙,席卷一切般,凶猛无比的冲撞过去。 Attacks fully! 全力出击! Before one struck, was only 80% strengths, particularly the special surname thorough eruption of strength, by Xie Aoyu suppression desirably, do not confirm now tyrannical of battle efficiency. 之前一击,只是八成力量,尤其是战力的特姓没有彻底的爆发出来,被谢傲宇刻意的压制,就是要验证现在战斗力的强横。 Now is unretentive. 如今再无保留。 Xie Aoyu is similar to a fierce cow of going crazy, even if a mountain must wreck it. 谢傲宇就如同一头发狂的猛牛,就算是一座山都要将其冲倒的。 Roaring flame rupturing kills!” “烈焰爆裂杀!” Feels the threat that Xie Aoyu is bringing to soar, Coombs also explodes roars, the scarlet soul Excalibur holds up high, is dividing to cut maliciously to the Xie Aoyu bowel movement. 感受着谢傲宇带来的威胁直线上升,科姆斯也爆吼一声,赤魂神剑高高举起,对着谢傲宇便恶狠狠地劈斩下去。 This sword cuts, the strong winds that forms, blow the crack the ground, the crushed stone fly to shoot to all around, the overwhelming power is peerless. 这一剑斩下,形成的狂风,将地面吹裂,碎石向四周飞射出去,威猛绝伦。 Lets go!” “撒手!” Xie Aoyu explodes shouts to clear the way. 谢傲宇喝道 His fist to that great sword then bombardment maliciously in the past. 他的拳头对着那巨剑便狠狠的轰击过去。 Complete strength strikes. 全部战力的一击。 That biting cold chill in the air gives this side world ice-bound, cold exceptionally, making the battle efficiency of person sell at a discount greatly. 那彻骨的寒意更是将这一方天地都给冰封起来似地,寒冷异常,令人的战斗力大打折扣。 A fist, a sword, hits with the people gaze under loudly. 一拳,一剑,与众人注视下轰然撞击。 Bang!” “嘭!” Xie Aoyu fist numerous pounding on Jianfeng of that great sword, that is containing the terrorist force fist resistance scarlet soul Excalibur strike, but has not been injured, this is not only the mystery of unsurpassed god body, is the strength of strength is routed, in turn is the strength one then transports Coombs enters fire of Qi and acme of great sword crushes loudly. 谢傲宇拳头重重的砸在那巨剑的剑锋上面,那蕴含着恐怖力量的拳头抵抗赤魂神剑的一击而没有受伤,这不仅仅是无上神体的奥妙,更是战力的力量没有被击溃,反过来则是战力一下便将科姆斯输送进入巨剑的斗气和极致之火轰然击碎。 Just now fully, then cannot make Coombs be incapable of resisting, this time attacks fully, simply does not have the least bit resistivity, surmounts the Qi 12 times of strength might also completely to burst out. 方才未曾全力,便能够令科姆斯无力抵挡,此番全力出击,根本没有半点抵抗力,超越斗气12倍的战力威力也完全迸发出来。 The strength and acme fire of flinch, Coombs both hands that then shakes all of a sudden almost explode, under the severe pain, a both hands loosen, that great sword then revolves to fly. 战力和极致之火退缩,一下子便震的科姆斯双手差点爆掉,剧痛之下,双手一松,那巨剑便旋转着飞出去。 duo!” “咄!” The scarlet soul Excalibur submerges in auction wall, humming sound the tremor, exudes the intermittent sword whining noise. 赤魂神剑没入拍卖会墙壁内,嗡嗡的颤动,发出阵阵剑鸣声。 Strikes the flying Excalibur, the Xie Aoyu surface faces directly Coombs. 击飞神剑,谢傲宇面直面科姆斯。 „!” “啪!” Xie Aoyu both hands are appropriate, the thumb, the ring finger and caudula refers to the tune, only before having the index finger and middle finger rise together simultaneously suddenly, strength wild surges. 谢傲宇双手合适,将拇指,无名指和小尾指曲起,唯有食指和中指并起突前,战力狂野的涌动起来。 Lei Shazhi! 雷杀指! Lei Shazhi who both hands coincide, that was equal to that two Lei Shazhi, is more violent than the superimposition, the might compared with displays more powerful one time single-handed. 双手相合的雷杀指,那就等于两道雷杀指,却比叠加还要猛烈,威力比单手施展更强盛一倍有余。 Golden lightning with strength flowing, but. 金色的闪电伴随着战力流动而至。 That four fingers changed to the shining color, is having the vigorous strength, all gather in the Xie Aoyu fingertip, violently is then poking to Coombs's former heart. 那四根手指化作了金灿灿的颜色,带着雄浑的力量,一切都汇聚在谢傲宇的手指尖,对着科姆斯的前心便猛烈地戳下去。 „!” “啊!” Coombs frightens screams one, almost conditioned reflex stimulation of movement strength defense of then. 科姆斯吓得尖叫一声,几乎条件反射的便催动力量防御。 Design then rapid circling of that scarlet soul beast, constitutes one group of roaring flame to gather in his heart position, defends. 那赤魂兽的图案便迅速的盘旋,构成一团烈焰汇聚在他的心脏位置,进行防御。 Bang!” “嘭!” Center Xie Aoyu finger that group of roaring flame. 谢傲宇手指正中那团烈焰。 Lei Shazhi the strength also erupts, in addition Xie Aoyu itself fearful strength. 雷杀指的力量也随之爆发出来,加上谢傲宇本身可怕的力量。 Bang!” “轰!” That group of roaring flame explode the powder immediately. 那团烈焰当即爆散。 Coombs called out pitifully, he of tremendous strength impact takeoffed to fly, called out pitifully to spurt the blood to fly upside down backward. 科姆斯惨叫一声,巨大的力量冲击的他离地飞起,惨叫着喷血向后倒飞出去。 Whiz! 嗖! Xie Aoyu soars, achieves the apex, then puts one's foot down, both hands are once again appropriate, to Coombs's heart position, once again stamp maliciously. 谢傲宇一飞冲天,达到顶点,然后头下脚上,双手再度合适,对着科姆斯的心脏位置,再度狠狠的戳下去。 Full speed impact, quick nearly abnormal. 全速冲击,快的近乎变态。 But the twinkling, Coombs has not even responded from the injured severe pain that at this time saw in the greenhouse the flowers and experience for a long time the person difference of informed and experienced life and death test. 瞬息而至,科姆斯甚至还没有从受伤剧痛中反应过来,这时候就看出温室中花朵和久经历练生死考验的人差别。 If trades to make Xie Aoyu, Zhou Zhenwang, Lang Zhantian et al., in this grade of crisis time, are present gets rid of the grief self-help or the counter-attack inevitably, but these have not experienced the person who many life and death tests have disciplined, everything is satisfactory, has come across the difficult problem truly, processing appears the huge disparity. 若是换做谢傲宇,周震王,浪战天等人,在这等危机时刻,必然是现行摆脱伤痛自救或者反击,可是这些没有经历过多少生死考验磨练的人,事事顺心,真正遇到了难题,处理方面就显出巨大的差距。 Bang!” “嘭!” Four finger once again numerous point Coombs' former heart positions. 四根手指再度重重的点中科姆斯的前心位置。 Tremendous strength impact made that scarlet soul coverall is a tremor, as if must disrupt general, Xie Aoyu was attacking Coombs's numerous landings. 巨大的力量冲击令那赤魂套装都是一阵颤动,似乎要碎裂一般,谢傲宇则冲击着科姆斯重重的落地。 The earth was pounded a gulf. 大地被砸出一个深坑。 The Xie Aoyu also both feet falls to the ground, lifts the fist once again, maliciously has then been pounding to Coombs. 谢傲宇也双脚落地,再度抬起拳头,对着科姆斯便狠狠的砸了下去。 Bang bang bang!” “嘭嘭嘭咔嚓!” Nobody can see clearly Xie Aoyu to rumble many fists in the time of a twinkling, the conservative estimate also in 300 fists above, all fully attacks. 没有人能看清楚谢傲宇在一眨眼的功夫内轰出去多少拳,保守估计也在300拳以上,全都是全力出击。 Damage that in addition formerly Lei Shazhi caused. 加上先前雷杀指造成的伤害。 That scarlet soul coverall stiffly by the appearance that Xie Aoyu knit the fissure. 那赤魂套装硬生生被谢傲宇打的出现了裂痕。 Stop!” “住手!” Saw with own eyes that Coombs must be killed while still alive, the god casts the immortal boundary masters of clan unable to endure patiently finally, rave, Coombs admitted defeat!” 眼见科姆斯就要被活活打死,神铸族的长生境界高手终于忍耐不住,狂吼一声,“科姆斯认输了!” The fist that Xie Aoyu hits once again stopped. 谢傲宇再度打下去的拳头停止了。 He stands up slowly, looks to be barely alive, Coombs of bleeding profusely from the head, stretches out the finger, despises swung swinging, you were too bad!” 他缓缓站起身,看着半死不活,七窍流血的科姆斯,伸出手指,蔑视的摇了摇,“你太差了!” Then, Xie Aoyu then no longer looks at Coombs, turns around to move toward that Lightning Spirit cloak. 说完,谢傲宇便不再去看科姆斯,转身走向那雷灵披风。 Wins, attains the Lightning Spirit cloak, then the exceedingly high level coverall Lightning Spirit coverall then can hold up two wraps, the Lightning Spirit cloak and Lightning Spirit fight the boots, will help to be enormous with him. 获胜,拿到雷灵披风,那么通天级套装雷灵套装便能够举起两件套,雷灵披风和雷灵战靴,与他帮助将会极大的。 Fights with Coombs, he has not even displayed Lightning Spirit to fight the might of boots. 与科姆斯一战,他甚至都没有施展雷灵战靴的威力。 Because Coombs has not matched. 因为科姆斯还不配。 More is approaches the Lightning Spirit cloak, Xie Aoyu more can feel that Lightning Spirit fights the change of boots, even on that Lightning Spirit cloak has the electric light to glitter, floats slowly. 越是靠近雷灵披风,谢傲宇越是能够感觉到雷灵战靴的变化,甚至那雷灵披风上面都有着电光闪烁起来,缓缓地漂浮起来。 This strange made the human feel surprised. 这奇异一幕令人更是感到惊讶。 Lightning Spirit cloak unexpectedly automatic flying to Xie Aoyu. 雷灵披风竟然自动的飞向谢傲宇的。 Xie Aoyu searches the hand to grasp, must grasp the Lightning Spirit cloak in the hand, grasps the series strengths of two Lightning Spirit coveralls, his palm bumps into the flash of Lightning Spirit cloak, incisive howling resounds from the horizon suddenly. 谢傲宇探手抓去,要将雷灵披风抓在手中,掌握两件雷灵套装的系列力量,他的手掌碰到雷灵披风的一瞬间,一声尖锐的呼啸骤然从天际响起。 Bang!” “轰!” Huge has ten meters thick or thin Thun­der and Light­ning strength to change to a Brontosaurus fully, in this clear sky, sends out the thunderclap thunderous sound, cut-throat dashes. 一条巨大的足有十米粗细的雷电力量化作一条雷龙,在这晴空之中,发出霹雳雷鸣响动,凶狠的冲撞下来。 Union of Thun­der and Light­ning strength and Qi. 雷电力量和斗气的结合。 Some this person of long-premeditated sneak attacks. 这是有人蓄谋已久的偷袭。 A person's shadow also flashes in the place above of that huge Thun­der and Light­ning light beam. 一条人影也在那巨大的雷电光束的上方闪现出来。 Treads Lei Shu! 踏雷术! Xie Aoyu displays the speed suddenly, under foot golden color dodges electroexplosive dodges, a sprint, seizes the chance to hold the Lightning Spirit cloak forward, explodes to shoot more than ten meters distances, has shunted the bombardment of that Thun­der and Light­ning. 谢傲宇骤然施展速度,脚下金色闪电爆闪,向前一个冲刺,趁机一把抓住雷灵披风,爆射出去十多米的距离,躲开了那雷电的轰击。 Does not wait for the Xie Aoyu coming to a stop personal appearance, in the opposite crowd explodes suddenly projects two person's shadows, is carrying the electric light, came from about converging attack. 可不等谢傲宇站稳身形,对面的人群中陡然爆射出两条人影,携带着电光,从左右夹击过来。 In the Xie Aoyu mind flashes through Ru Yan has said the demon demon clan acquired information. 谢傲宇的脑海中闪过如烟说过的魔魅族收集到的情报。 After auction, some people to its disadvantageous, but according to the result of search, cares to deal with the Xie Aoyu Lei person. 拍卖会之后会有人对其不利,而根据搜查的结果,意欲对付谢傲宇的正是雷家人。 These people should be the intelligence office refer. 这些人应该就是情报所指了。 Two assassin strengths are average, is hard to constitute the injury to him radically, then they true killing does not incur, he has not moved aside, both hands wield averagely. 两名刺客实力平平,根本难以对他构成伤害,那么他们就不是真正的杀招,他没有躲闪,双手平平挥出。 Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!” These two assassins immediately the hit five main internal organs (entrails) have broken to pieces, called out pitifully to fly horizontally, fell into the crowd. 这两名刺客当即被打的五脏六腑都碎了,惨叫着横飞出去,跌入人群中。 Airborne that person of once again rave, the both hands rapid change, overcomes together the huge Thun­der and Light­ning strength, shells, Xie Aoyu washes one's hands to revolve the Lightning Spirit cloak, that Thun­der and Light­ning strength then falls on the Lightning Spirit cloak. 空中那人则再度狂吼一声,双手飞速的变化,打下一道庞大的雷电力量,轰击下来,谢傲宇抖手将雷灵披风旋转起来,那雷电力量便落在雷灵披风上面。 Brushes “刷” The Thun­der and Light­ning strength as if traveller far from home of thundering goes home, entirely submerges in the Lightning Spirit cloak, is difficult to start the mighty waves, Xie Aoyu immediately the Lightning Spirit cloak is on the body. 轰鸣的雷电力量仿佛游子归家,统统的没入雷灵披风内,再难掀起波澜,谢傲宇随即将雷灵披风系在身上。 The black, without the Lightning Spirit cloak of any design, reappeared the electric lights of innumerable say (way) to surround, constitutes a fuzzy Thun­der and Light­ning vortex, as if can give the income all lightnings is ordinary. 原本黑色,没有任何图案的雷灵披风,浮现出无数道的电光环绕着,构成一个模糊的雷电漩涡,似乎能够将一切闪电都给收入其中一般。 Whiz! 嗖! Xie Aoyu displays to tread Lei Shu, reaches the sky in a single bound. 谢傲宇施展踏雷术,一步登天。 Gets down!” “下去!” He makes the wind not have in the shade eye to flash through quickly wipes the chill in the air. 他快的让风无影眼中都闪过一抹寒意。 That airborne master only thought that at present a flower, a person then arrived at him then by fist numerous treading on the back, bang, this person spurts the blood crazily, from airborne drops, numerous pounding on the ground. 那空中的高手只觉得眼前一花,一人便到了他的身后接着被一拳重重的踏在后背上面,轰的一下,这人狂喷鲜血,从空中跌落下去,重重的砸在地上。 Xie Aoyu also lowers from the upper air, a foot pedal in this person of back, the say (way) that lets somebody cool off or calm down: Said that who sends you to come!” 谢傲宇也从高空降下,一脚踏在这人的背部,冷冷的道:“说,谁派你来的!” I!” “我!” Behind the crowd transmits is full of the hatred sound. 人群后面传来充满恨意的声音。 The crowded crowd disperses immediately, a familiar person's shadow walked. 拥挤的人群立刻分散开来,一个熟悉的人影走了出来。 „?!” Xie Aoyu is somewhat stunned. “雷凡?!”谢傲宇有些错愕。 Comes the human to be punished impressively returns to get back one's composure Lei Lei Shashan 1000, he has not left unexpectedly, but also gets rid to oneself, the Lei big elder one had decided that broke off with a Lei head of household Fangzheng? 来人赫然是应该被罚返回神界雷家雷杀山1000年的雷凡,他居然没有离开,还向自己出手,难道雷家大长老一系已经决定与雷家家主一方正是决裂了? No, this is impossible, but the Lei giant has not closed up, how could it not be such does to bring about own destruction. 不,这绝不可能,雷家巨头可是没有闭关,那样做岂非自寻死路。 If not, is the Lei fathers and sons behavior. 若不是,就是雷家父子自己所为。 So the procedure, inevitably is the capital crime, since is the capital crime, but also there is anything to be good to fear that therefore father, Lei Wankun of immortal boundary superior also possibly in secret begins to oneself. 如此做法,必然是死罪,既然是死罪,还有什么好怕的,所以雷凡的父亲,长生境界上位的雷万坤也可能在暗中向自己动手。 Thinks master who immortal boundary superior is waiting for an opportunity to kill itself in secret, a chill in the air then ascends from the back. 一想到长生境界上位的高手在暗中伺机欲杀自己,一股寒意便从后背升腾起来。 Xie Aoyu mind immediately comprehensive displays, even if Lei Wankun can realize, before he shields, can clutch him. 谢傲宇的心眼立刻全面的施展开来,就算是雷万坤能够察觉到,在他屏蔽起来之前,也可以将他揪出来的。 In ten thousand meters, does not have Lei Wankun the trail. 万米之内,并没有雷万坤的踪迹。 Where is he at? 他在哪? „, You must betray Lei to be inadequate!” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “雷凡,你要背叛雷家不成!”谢傲宇冷冷的道。 Is fierce: Betrayal? Ha Ha, Lei Shashan, that punishes the place of immortal boundary master, I revere the boundary unreliably, unexpectedly will want me to face the wall in 1000 in Lei Shashan, that will not want me to bring death, all these will be you create, you will want me dead, I must draw you to front the back!” 雷凡狰狞道:“背叛?哈哈,雷杀山,那是惩罚长生境界高手的地方,我只是玄尊境界,居然要我在雷杀山面壁1000年,那不是要我去送死吗,这一切都是你造成的,你们要我死,我就要拉你垫背!” You did not fear that implicates your family member? Your father, your mother, your brothers elder sisters.” Xie Aoyu said that in Lei, if similar this grade betrays the behavior of Lei, no matter he most intimate directly-related family member knows the circumstances of the matter or not, severely will be punished. “你就不怕连累你亲人吗?你的父亲,你的母亲,你的兄弟姐们。”谢傲宇道,在雷家若是类似雷凡这等背叛雷家的行为,他最亲近的直系亲属不管知情与否,都将遭到严厉的惩罚。 I cannot control that many, I only know that wants you dead!” Lifts the foot pedal place suddenly, made the earth shock. “我管不了那么多,我只知道要你死!”雷凡猛然抬脚踏地,令地面震动。 An intense restlessness climbs up the Xie Aoyu heart. 一股强烈的不安爬上谢傲宇的心头。
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