BE :: Volume #19

#1891: Many thanks 【One】 Fourth!

PS: Distinguished guest ticket in addition one chapter, is today late, an apology in addition chapter! PS:贵宾票加更的一章,接下来是今天晚更,道歉加更的一章! Along with action, an unprecedented sense of crisis climbs up the Xie Aoyu heart, he is almost a foot of conditioned reflex that by him the master who from airborne hits kicking out. 随着雷凡的举动,一种前所未有的危机感爬上谢傲宇的心头,他几乎是条件反射的一脚将那被他从空中打下来的高手给踢了出去。 The might of this foot quite fierce. 这一脚的威力相当的猛。 The strength one then emerges in this person of body, is killed by shock it at the scene, its corpse horizontally flies, has pounded to fierce. 战力一下便涌入这人的身体内,将其当场震死,其尸体则横飞出去,向雷凡凶猛的砸了过去。 Bang!” “轰!” The corpse leaves a 78 meters distance, loudly explosion. 尸体离开不过78米的距离,轰然爆炸。 The wreaking havoc complementary waves seem the energy long line, the impact in all directions, causes the surrounding area in hundred meters a piece in confusion, the explosion area of center presents a gulf. 肆虐的余波好似能量长龙,冲击四面八方,使得方圆百米内一片狼藉,最中心的爆炸区域则是出现一个深坑。 Xie Aoyu responded enough quickly, by that energy long line shaking retreating in defeat again and again. 谢傲宇反应够快,也被那能量长龙给震的节节败退。 The might was too violent. 威力太猛烈了。 Is good because of the Xie Aoyu unsurpassed god body defensive power strong, rapidness that in addition retrocedes, has not been injured, he waits and sees indifferently, in that hazy dust center, together Thun­der and Light­ning strength towering emergence. 好在谢傲宇的无上神体防御力超强,加之后退的快,也没有受伤,他冷眼观望,在那迷蒙的灰尘中心,一道雷电力量突兀的出现。 Roar!” “吼!” An earthshaking beast roar crack. 一声惊天动地的兽吼炸响。 That dust scatters in all directions suddenly, this huge Thun­der and Light­ning strength also appears the ancestral portrait. 那灰尘猛然四散开来,这巨大的雷电力量也显现出真影。 His head has a corner, is two meters, Long Shou, Niu Shen, the scale, the eagle claw, the wings, three snake tails, had ten meters Thun­der and Light­ning strength to cover by one all over the body thickly. 其头上有一根犄角,长达两米,龙首,牛身,鱼鳞,鹰爪,双翼,三条蛇尾,通体被一道粗有十米的雷电力量笼罩着。 Lightning Spirit beast!” 雷灵兽!” This is the Lightning Spirit beast in fable, unrivalled Qi Shou of 1 million years of rare birth!” “这是传说中的雷灵兽,1000000年难得诞生的旷世奇兽!” Day earth deities beast that outside one Demon Beast ten thousand time then spread, exists unexpectedly.” “万界时代便流传的一种魔兽之外的天地灵兽,居然真的存在。” Calls out in alarm the sound to be lingering on faintly. 惊叫声不绝于耳。 Is that calm wind does not have the shade, Wagg, Pohl et al. reveal the panic-stricken color, the whole face looks at who that keeps aloof inconceivable. 就是那冷静的风无影,瓦格,波尔等人都流露出惊骇之色,满脸的不可思议看着那高高在上的雷凡。 The Lightning Spirit beast, he has the Lightning Spirit beast unexpectedly. 雷灵兽,他居然拥有雷灵兽。 The two eyes are glittering the cold and gloomy cold glow, gloomy say (way): This time, you died!” 雷凡两眼闪烁着森冷的寒芒,阴森森的道:“这次,你死定了!” Dependence external force, you visit at most revere the peak unreliably, even possibly only achieves Senior the position crest unreliably, wants to kill me, is very difficult.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), begins with his you, not, if makes your father get rid.” “依靠外力,你顶多不过踏足玄尊巅峰,甚至可能只达到玄尊中位顶峰,想要杀我,很难。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,“与其你来动手,不若让你父亲出手。” Does not wait to reply that Ru Yan walks to go forward, said in a low voice: Just received the information, Lei Wankun the false biography order, in the dying out city all Lei people will have carried off, return god Lei, and he will relate the intimate people to carry off with him, betrayed Lei, investment wind.” 不等雷凡回答,如烟走上前,低声道:“刚刚收到情报,雷万坤假传命令,将寂灭城内所有雷家人都带走了,回归神界雷家,并且他将与他关系亲近的人都带走,背叛雷家,投入风家了。” Nod that Xie Aoyu unemotionally. 谢傲宇面无表情的点点头。 Ru Yan also puts in Xie Aoyu Space Ring the demon stone curb, she then quietly retrocedes, by her strength, cannot meddle, does not make people capture her, threatens Xie Aoyu is she must do. 如烟也将魔缘石放入谢傲宇空间戒指,她便悄然后退,以她的实力,根本插不上手,不让人将她擒拿,威胁谢傲宇才是她要做的。 Lei Wankun betrays Lei, the extension throws wind, the false biography order, in the transfer dying out city Lei Jia people, no wonder you dares to get rid, originally you are the running dog of wind.” Xie Aoyu swept the wind not to have shade one. “雷万坤背叛雷家,转投风家,假传命令,调走寂灭城内雷家人,难怪你敢出手,原来你已经是风家的走狗了。”谢傲宇扫了风无影一眼。 This answer also made the wind be startled without the shade, obviously he has not known the circumstances of the matter. 这个答案也让风无影怔了一下,显然他还不知情。 hear [words/that], laughs says with a smile crazily: You, since knew, that should know that nobody can save you, you accept fate!” 雷凡闻言,纵声狂笑道:“你既然知道了,那就应该知道,没有人可以救你,你就认命吧!” Roar!” “吼!” The Lightning Spirit beast sends out startled day whooshing, the rapid reduction, hits to body. 雷灵兽发出惊天的嘶吼,迅速的缩小,撞向雷凡之体。 Kills!” “杀!” Xie Aoyu sees that catches up suddenly. 谢傲宇见状,猛然发力。 His Lightning Spirit fights the boots also no longer to conceal, emerges the golden lightning, explodes projects ten thousand Lei Guang, the back cloak dance, was increasing the Xie Aoyu speed with the wind. 他的雷灵战靴也不再掩饰,涌入金色闪电,爆射出万道雷光,背后的披风随风狂舞着,更加增加了谢傲宇的速度。 Under treads Lei Shu to fight in addition of boots and Lightning Spirit cloak in Lightning Spirit holds, the speed went to the astonishing situation. 踏雷术在雷灵战靴和雷灵披风的加持之下,速度达到了惊人的地步。 At that moment, Xie Aoyu drew near limit, even if were the promotion of version Wind and rain line such as only resembles the electricity to add on the thunder clouds day wing is also this speed. 那一刻,谢傲宇快到了极限,就算是风雨行之升级版如光似电加上雷云天翼也就是这个速度。 Lightning Spirit fights the boots!” 雷灵战靴!” He has Lightning Spirit to fight the boots, the speed addition!” “他有雷灵战靴,速度加成!” „The Lightning Spirit cloak also has the ability of addition, had the suites of two big Lightning Spirit coveralls!” 雷灵披风也有加成的能力,具备了两大雷灵套装的套件!” The wind does not have the shade unable to bear call out in alarm makes noise. 风无影也忍不住惊叫出声。 The Lightning Spirit coverall is not the scarlet soul coverall, that is the coverall of exceedingly high level, each wrap takes, may make the coverall of best quality goods Battle Emperor level be overshadowed. 雷灵套装可不是赤魂套装,那是通天级的套装,每一件套拿出来,都可令极品战皇级的套装黯然失色的。 Two wrap unions, the might is above the imagination. 两件套联合,威力超乎想象。 Can stimulate Xie Aoyu to display reckless Lightning Spirit fights the boots and Lightning Spirit cloak only has that Lightning Spirit beast. 能够刺激谢傲宇不顾一切施展雷灵战靴和雷灵披风的唯有那雷灵兽。 The Lightning Spirit coverall is the exceedingly high level coverall, why is named as Lightning Spirit? 雷灵套装是通天级套装,为何被命名为雷灵 It is not other, because of the Lightning Spirit beast. 不为别的,就是因为雷灵兽。 The designer of fable Lightning Spirit coverall, inventor, then designs according to the day earth deities beast Lightning Spirit beast of Wan Jie time fable. 传说雷灵套装的设计者,创造者,便是依照万界时代传说的天地灵兽雷灵兽而设计出来的。 The Lightning Spirit beast is uncommon, it can be imagined. 雷灵兽有多么不凡,可想而知。 On individual battle efficiency, actually Lightning Spirit beast averagely not wonderful, it is grown is also the exceedingly high level lower position boundary, may be the giant will rob the grown Lightning Spirit beast, because the Lightning Spirit beast most major function is the strength promotion. 论个体战斗力,其实雷灵兽平平无奇,它就算是成年也不过是通天级下位境界,可就算是巨头都会抢夺成年的雷灵兽的,因为雷灵兽最大的作用是力量提升。 Obtains the Lightning Spirit beast, can make the main body the strength promote ten times to 20 times to continue. 得到雷灵兽,便可让本尊的力量提升十倍到20倍不止。 This is the Lightning Spirit beast most major characteristics. 这才是雷灵兽最大的特点。 Regardless of you are any rank, so long as can fuse the strength of Lightning Spirit beast, temporarily goes to the situation that the person beast unites, then can let your strength suddenly to increase, naturally the rank of Lightning Spirit beast also has the difference, the underage Lightning Spirit beast most can promote ten times of might, if grown may achieve 20 times. 无论你是什么等级,只要能够融合雷灵兽的力量,暂时达到人兽合一的地步,便能够让你的实力暴增的,当然雷灵兽的级别也有不同,未成年的雷灵兽最多能够让人提升十倍的威力,若是成年的可达到20倍。 This kind of Demon Beast is called the day earth deities beast that the clock world attractively becomes. 此类魔兽被称为钟天地灵秀而成的天地灵兽。 In ten thousand time also merely is a fable, remains is a myth legend, because of until now, nobody can understand why will have the Lightning Spirit beast this and other spirit beasts, their existences broke all rules completely, even said that gave to destroy including the world balanced order. 在万界时代也仅仅是个传说,留下来的更是一个神话般的传奇,因到现在为止,都没有人能明白为何会存在雷灵兽这等灵兽,它们的存在完全打破了一切规律,甚至说连天地平衡秩序都给破坏了。 Asked that the Lightning Spirit beast of exceedingly high level lower position can make the exceedingly high level peak the giant strength violent increase 20 times, reasonable? 试问通天级下位的雷灵兽能够让通天级巅峰的巨头力量暴增20倍,合理吗? Is unreasonable, this spirit beast exists. 根本不合理,偏偏这种灵兽就是存在的。 No matter you understand also well, did not understand that the Lightning Spirit beast appeared in any case, that must mean that will obtain its master strength to have the rococo architecture promotion, even if temporary, will be strength suddenly to increase. 不管你理解也好,不理解也罢,反正雷灵兽出现了,那就要意味着得到它的主人实力将会有变态式的提升,就算是暂时的,也是实力暴增。 Person beast unites!” “人兽合一!” Saw that Xie Aoyu attacks on own initiative, clearly must stop the Lightning Spirit beast and fuses, crazy hissing, displays the limit the speed, dashes suddenly. 看到谢傲宇主动出击,分明是要阻拦雷灵兽和自己融合,雷凡狂嘶一声,也将速度发挥到极限,猛然冲撞过去。 He must coincide with the Lightning Spirit beast. 他要与雷灵兽相合。 The Lightning Spirit beast is under master's order, rapid approaches. 雷灵兽得到主人的命令,也飞速的向雷凡靠近。 May be the person and firing into of beastly speed limit each other, their speeds in the face of the Xie Aoyu absolute speed, still appeared inferior. 可就算是人与兽速度极限的冲向彼此,他们的速度在谢傲宇的绝对速度面前,仍然显得逊色。 Brush! 刷! The speed eventually is the Xie Aoyu superiority. 速度终究是谢傲宇的优势。 Even if has not promoted the version such as the light electricity and thunder clouds day wing, was still the superiority, biggest superiority. 哪怕没有升级版如光似电和雷云天翼,仍旧是优势,最大的优势。 He such as being an excellent likeness demon arrives in the front of Lightning Spirit beast. 他如神似魔般降临在雷灵兽的面前。 Falls face down!” The Xie Aoyu palm from airborne one has clapped. “趴下!”谢傲宇手掌从空中一下拍了下去。 The Lightning Spirit beast, the itself battle efficiency is ordinary, grown is also the exceedingly high level lower position, nowadays seems also merely is nine step Battle Emperor intensities, his strength nature inferior many. 雷灵兽,本身战斗力一般,成年也不过是通天级下位,现如今看上去也仅仅达到九阶战皇的强度,其自身实力自然逊色的多。 Its strength collapses at the first blow in front of Xie Aoyu radically. 它的力量在谢傲宇面前根本不堪一击。 What may surprise people are, who went all out to attack stops the personal appearance suddenly, exudes one to be full of the pleased laughing wildly sound, dies, this assigns Lei Shashu!” 可让人意外的是,原本拼命冲击的雷凡陡然停止身形,发出一声充满快意的狂笑声,“去死吧,本命雷杀术!” The Lightning Spirit beast that draws back crazily also abruptly stops the personal appearance, wraps its build huge Thun­der and Light­ning to receive within the body swiftly, giant dragon raises. 那狂退的雷灵兽也嘎然停止身形,包裹着它体型的巨大雷电倏然收入体内,巨大的龙首扬起。 Roar!” “吼!” The strange white electric light explodes to shoot together suddenly from the mouth of Lightning Spirit beast. 一道奇异的白色电光陡然从雷灵兽的口中爆射出来。 This attacks one, all around all people, no matter you are the immortal boundary peak master, is the ordinary master, all felt the deconstruction. 这攻击一出,四周所有人,不管你是长生境界巅峰的高手,还是普通的高手,全都感觉到了毁灭。 As if this attack can give the deconstruction them. 仿佛此攻击能够将他们都给毁灭。 What is different from all person feelings, Xie Aoyu feels unexpectedly is kind! 与所有人感触不同的是,谢傲宇感受到的居然是亲切! His that enters the Thun­der and Light­ning strength in step is pit-a-pat the tremor, initially obtained the heart of Thun­der and Light­ning more intense than hundred times of thousand times, even transmits an inexplicable joy, is similar to saw that the family member felt generally. 他那进阶中的雷电力量更是突突的颤动起来,比当初得到雷电之心更强烈百倍千倍,甚至传来一种莫名的喜悦,如同见到亲人一般的感觉。 Very strange feeling. 很奇怪的感觉。 However attack of Lightning Spirit beast is extremely sudden, Xie Aoyu are not in addition many to the Lightning Spirit beast understanding, does not think that nine step Battle Emperor can threaten itself, when this so-called this assigns Lei Shashu appearance, he already was hid not to be possible to hide. 但是雷灵兽的出击太过突然,加之谢傲宇雷灵兽了解不多,也不认为一个九阶战皇能够威胁到自己,等到这所谓的“本命雷杀术”出现,他已然是躲无可躲。 „!” “咻!” Palm that center that white electric light Xie Aoyu pats. 那一道白色的电光正中谢傲宇拍下来的手掌。 Dies, ha Ha Ha said with a smile crazily. “去死吧,哈哈哈”雷凡狂笑道。 Felt that including the masters of immortal peak boundary threat of death, let alone unreliably Senior Xie Aoyu of position, almost all people recognized that Xie Aoyu was finished. 连长生巅峰境界的高手都感觉到死亡的威胁,更何况是玄尊中位的谢傲宇,几乎所有人都认定谢傲宇完蛋了。 Finally? 结果呢? Xie Aoyu stands hangingly, two shut, is feeling that white electric light, indeed is having the strength of deconstruction surname, but it just about to erupts the strength to destroy Xie Aoyu, that enters the Thun­der and Light­ning strength in step to shiver suddenly several, the strength that this white electric light embodiment contains has contracted unexpectedly all of a sudden, then rapid from the palm of Xie Aoyu, flows through the arm, then the fast traversing chest, arrives directly in the dantian. 谢傲宇悬空站立,两眼微闭,感受着那白色电光,的确具有着毁灭姓的力量,但是它刚要爆发力量摧毁谢傲宇,那进阶中的雷电力量猛然颤动几下,这白色电光内蕴含的力量竟然一下子收缩了,然后迅速的从谢傲宇的手掌,流经臂膀,然后快速的穿越胸部,直接降临在丹田内。 Flip-flop! 噼啪! The white lightning submerges the step in the Thun­der and Light­ning strength. 白色闪电没入进阶的雷电力量内。 The next quarter saw that the shining thunder ball started to have the astonishing transformation, is about one second, thoroughly transforms into white Lei Qiu. 下一刻就看到原本金灿灿的雷球开始发生惊人的蜕变,前后不过一秒钟的时间,就彻底蜕变为白色的雷球。 Is the white lightning is surrounding around that thunder ball, is similar to crazy Long Luanwu. 在那雷球周围更是白色闪电环绕着,如同狂龙乱舞。 Xie Aoyu has a strange feeling. 谢傲宇有一个古怪的感觉。 Enters the step to succeed! 进阶将会成功! This feeling does not talk clearly the reason, in a flash has the sensibility that the mind brings, as if beforehand Thun­der and Light­ning strength on bad white electric light, if no it, enters the step only to become the accomplishment boundary Saint thunder, is certainly difficult becomes the thunder of half god, similarly, Xie Aoyu will as if induce soon to complete the step to Thun­der and Light­ning. 这种感觉说不清来由,就是那么一瞬间有心眼带来的感悟,仿佛之前的雷电力量就差白色电光了,若是没有它,进阶只能成为大成境界的圣雷,绝难成为半神之雷,同样的,谢傲宇似乎感应到雷电即将完成进阶。 Fuses the heart of Thun­der and Light­ning, perhaps immediately then can complete the step, in the Xie Aoyu mind flashes through such a thought. 融合雷电之心,或许立刻便能够完成进阶,谢傲宇的脑海中闪过这么一个念头。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Is being thought that a vocal cord unbelievable whooshed broke the Xie Aoyu train of thought. 正在思索中,一声带着难以置信的嘶吼打破了谢傲宇的思绪。 Xie Aoyu looks down, saw shivers both hands to point at Xie Aoyu, the whole face is inconceivable, the expression that the startled anger occurred simultaneously, you, you, how you possibly resist the Lightning Spirit beast this assigns Lei Shashu, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!” 谢傲宇低头看去,就看到雷凡颤抖着双手指着谢傲宇,满脸不可思议,惊怒交加的表情,“你,你,你怎么可能抵挡雷灵兽的‘本命雷杀术’,这不可能,这绝对不可能!” Anything is impossible.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “没什么不可能的。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 Exclaimed crazily: Is impossible, Lightning Spirit beast the assigns Lei Shashu to let it after the human unites, the strength suddenly to increase fundamental force, is my ancestor spends for 100,000 years to study.” 雷凡狂吼道:“不可能,雷灵兽的本命雷杀术就是能够让其与人合一之后,力量暴增的根本力量,是我先祖花费100000年研究出来的。” Xie Aoyu said: Your ancestor affirmation research made a mistake.” 谢傲宇道:“你的先祖肯定研究错了。” Possibly, 100,000 years have not studied certainly, will not be wrong, Lightning Spirit beast the assign Lei Shashu to be able the giant severe wound superior power, once it is grown, even if assigns Lei Shashu to cut to kill the giants using the book yes, how you possibly resist, but has not been injured, this is impossible.” Roared. “绝没有可能,100000年研究,绝不会错,雷灵兽的本命雷杀术是可以将巨头重伤的超级力量,一旦它成年,就算是利用本命雷杀术斩杀巨头都是可以的,你怎么可能抵抗,而没有受伤,这绝不可能。”雷凡咆哮道。 Hears this word, Xie Aoyu also feels astonished. 闻听此言,谢傲宇也感到惊愕。 Lightning Spirit beast the assigns Lei Shashu to achieve the exceedingly high level lower position boundary to cut unexpectedly grown to kill the strength of giant, how could it not be will that this Lightning Spirit beast be equal to a future giant? 雷灵兽的本命雷杀术居然在成年达到通天级下位境界便可斩杀巨头的力量,那这雷灵兽岂非等于一个未来的巨头了?
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