BE :: Volume #19

#1889: Tyrannical 【One】 Second!

Other master from all influence also gathers here, with their gazes, also means that Xie Aoyu is more discrete, cannot expose a wee bit flaws absolutely, otherwise the main body Xie Aoyu status possibly exposes, but Fights Technique that Lei Tianze grasps is scarce, therefore the Xie Aoyu best means at the maximum speed ended the fight, only had so can surrounding not to have the opportunity to see one exposed weaknesses. 其他的来自各方势力的高手也都聚集在这里,与他们的注视之下,也就意味着谢傲宇更加谨慎才可以,绝对不能暴露出一丁点的破绽,不然本尊谢傲宇身份就可能暴露,而雷天泽掌握的斗技有非常稀少,所以谢傲宇最好的办法就是以最快的速度结束战斗,唯有如此才能让周围的人没有机会看到自己露出破绽的。 Decides, Xie Aoyu one step, confronts with Coombs forward distantly. 打定主意,谢傲宇向前一步,与科姆斯遥遥对峙。 The Lightning Spirit cloak that the gambling fights already took, places in the one side, Xie Aoyu naturally must put out the thing that he needs to bet to fight, that was the demon stone curb. 赌斗的雷灵披风已然拿出来,摆放在一旁,谢傲宇自然也要拿出他需要赌斗的东西,那就是魔缘石了。 Under is in the glare of the public eye , some impossible people to run risks to rob. 众目睽睽之下,也不可能有人冒着风险抢夺的。 Xie Aoyu then gives Ru Yan the demon stone curb, has her to take. 谢傲宇便将魔缘石交给如烟,有她拿着。 So atmosphere also along with it is warm, they anticipated gambler's character that the start of this war, they take particularly, is mouth-watering. 如此气氛也随之便的热烈起来,他们期待这一场大战的开始,尤其是两人拿出来的赌品,更是令人垂涎。 Lightning Spirit cloak, the wrap of exceedingly high level coverall Lightning Spirit coverall. 雷灵披风,通天级套装雷灵套装的一件套。 The demon stone curb, the semblance has most Advanced level chart mark Incantation technique, inside has big possible hideaway emphatically treasure, the god who if not so the achievement auctions a side cast clan Coombs to be also insufficient to request Xie Aoyu to take something by auction with the demon stone curb, all demonstrated two heavy treasures the unusualness. 魔缘石,外表有最高级的图纹咒术,内里有非常大的可能隐藏着重宝,若非如此作为拍卖一方的神铸族科姆斯也不至于要求谢傲宇用魔缘石来作为拍卖品了,一切都显示出两件重宝的非同寻常。 Xie Aoyu is fearless and vertical, his corner of the eye split vision shoots a look at to that Lightning Spirit cloak. 谢傲宇昂然而立,他的眼角余光瞥向那雷灵披风。 In that moment that he walked, Lightning Spirit fights the boots to have the response, probably met does not know the old friend who many years have not seen, as if must bring Xie Aoyu to walk to converge. 就在他走出来的那一刻,雷灵战靴就已经产生了反应,好像遇到了不知多少年未见的老朋友似地,似乎要带着谢傲宇走过去汇合。 Their vision relative, Mars scatter. 两人目光相对,火星四溅。 War!” “战!” They also open the mouth, send out to fill to fight the rave of intent, the scene that vibration all around is noisy are all of a sudden peaceful, makes their intermediate formation strong winds, revolving, the constitution small tornado, to airborne flies voluntarily together, resembles to all tearing. 他们同时开口,发出充满战意的狂吼,震动的四周闹哄哄的场面一下子安静下来,更是令两人中间形成一股狂风,自行旋转,构成一道小型龙卷风,向空中飞去,似要将一切撕裂般。 War intent of crazy tyrant passes the highest heaven. 狂霸的战意直透九霄。 War intent stimulates mutually, their imposing manners are soar. 彼此间的战意相互刺激,他们的气势更是直线攀升。 At first is two stones, in an instant as if changes to two mountains, passes that constrictions that sends out, made to honor superior master some unreliably irresistibly. 起初还是两块石头,刹那间仿佛化作两座高山,透发出的那一股股的压迫感,令玄尊上位高手都有些无法抵抗。 Bang!” “轰!” Coombs body shakes, the hair is calm, the blazing flame bursts out together suddenly from his body, this flame flaming combustion, encirclement all around, making him seem is similar to the flame war-god. 科姆斯身体一震,头发无风自动,一道炽烈的火焰猛然从他的身上迸发出来,这火焰熊熊燃烧,环绕四周,令他看上去如同火焰战神般。 The imposing manner is dreadful, fireworks burning down, a pressure side. 气势滔天,焰火焚烧,威压一方。 Has not gotten rid, Coombs demonstrated the strength that made to honor the superior master to have one to dread unreliably, that can let initially enter absolutely Senior the superior unreliably the master terror strength. 未曾出手,科姆斯展示出来的力量就令玄尊上位高手产生了一丝忌惮,那绝对是能够让初入玄尊上位的高手恐怖的力量。 Xie Aoyu both arms prestige moves, raises slowly, the uncombed hair blasts out suddenly, has everywhere golden lightning to radiate suddenly to all around, the ground presented cracks, spreads to all around, he lifts a hand figure of Coombs, say (way) that despises: Fights!” 谢傲宇双臂威动,头缓缓扬起,乱发猛然炸开,更是有漫天的金色闪电骤然向四周辐射出去,地面都出现了一道道的裂纹,向四周蔓延,他抬起手一指科姆斯,蔑视的道:“来战!” Bang!” “嘭!” Already prepared the good Coombs violent force foot pedal place. 早已准备好的科姆斯猛力的一脚踏地。 The ground presents the innumerable fissures immediately, the place that he treadons is presents the surrounding area the whole within ten meters to be hollow, Coombs is similar to the shell of chest cavity, howls is carrying everywhere roaring flame, dashing maliciously in the past, the air vibrated, became is not real, as if that roaring flame gave to light the air, void as must be torn into shreds by it, was similar to the flood dragon in discussion gets out of trouble finally, the dragon flew for nine days, the agitation world changes color. 地面登时出现无数的裂痕,他脚踏的地方更是出现方圆十米内的整体凹陷,科姆斯则如同出膛的炮弹,呼啸着携带着漫天的烈焰,狠狠的冲撞过去,空气振动,变得不真实起来,仿佛那烈焰将空气都给点燃了,虚空似是要被其撕碎,如同浅谈内的蛟龙终于脱困,龙飞九天,搅动天地变色。 This is Coombs's strength. 这就是科姆斯的力量。 Without any Fights Technique, only then absolute strength. 没有任何的斗技,只有绝对的力量。 „, This clearly is unreliably Senior the superior the strength.” “不得了,这分明是玄尊上位的力量啊。” Said that Coombs peerless rare talent, the god casts the hope of clan, in the strength of position crest by profound Senior routs the master who Senior the superior unreliably to be a cinch, if is really not false.” “都说科姆斯绝世奇才,神铸族的希望,以玄尊中位顶峰的力量击溃玄尊上位的高手不在话下,果真不假。” That is also only the fable, Lei Tianze is one move has defeated in Turlogh, that is real.” “那也只是传说,雷天泽可是一招击败过特洛内,那是真的。” Disregards the surrounding discussion, the vision that hates Turlogh in does not care, Xie Aoyu mind like still water, only then that flaming war intends to the chest to seethe with excitement. 无视周围的议论,更是不将特洛内仇恨的目光放在心上,谢傲宇心如止水,只有那熊熊的战意在胸中沸腾着。 Pure strength competion? 纯粹的力量比拼? Xie Aoyu has smiled, he grasps, but the strengths of Qi more than 12 times of might, are mixing with the air/Qi of freezing, can give to freeze all. 谢傲宇笑了,他掌握的可是斗气12倍多威力的战力,更是夹杂着冰冻之气,能够将一切都给冰冻起来的。 Bang!” “轰!” The people wait and see, sees the Xie Aoyu knee slightly tune, the muscle blows up suddenly, the ground is hollow, the both feet sinks slightly, his choice getting rid way, causes calling out in alarm of countless person immediately. 众人观望中,就看到谢傲宇膝盖微曲,肌肉猛然鼓起,地面凹陷,双脚微微下沉,他的选择出手方式,也登时引起无数人的惊叫。 Immovability! 不动如山! As long as fights, everyone knows that the initiator has the superiority, the full speed impact, will make the strength have an addition, let alone Coombs, but Senior the crest boundary of position unreliably, itself holds the superiority, even if initially enters the master who Senior the superior unreliably, the hard anti- his good impact of coming to a stop body, has the defeat not to win. 但凡战斗,谁都知道,主动者占据优势,全速冲击,会令力量有所加成的,更何况科姆斯可是玄尊中位的顶峰境界,本身就占有优势,哪怕是初入玄尊上位的高手,站稳身体的硬抗他的好冲击,也是有败无胜的。 The choice of Xie Aoyu can only describe stupid with a character! 谢傲宇的选择只能用一个字来形容蠢! Others' idea, Xie Aoyu naturally knows, he wants is this effect, wants the powerful to attack, establishes Lei Tianze that crazy tyrant all aggression. 别人的想法,谢傲宇自然知道,他要的就是这个效果,要强势出击,重新建立雷天泽那狂霸一切的霸气。 Is staring at the hurricane indifferently, but to Coombs, feels that to be shocking everybody the strength that is mixing with the torrential roaring flame, the right hand of Xie Aoyu shakes, strength wild flowing, making his entire right arm as if inflate three, the above fluctuation of energy was makes one have the feeling of explosion surname. 冷眼盯着狂飙而至的科姆斯,感受着那惊世骇俗的力量夹杂着的滔滔烈焰,谢傲宇的右手一震,战力狂暴的流动上去,使得他的整条右臂都仿佛膨胀了三圈似地,上面的能量波动更是令人有了爆炸姓的感觉。 When arrives at the near to Coombs two meters, Xie Aoyu lifted the hand to grasp suddenly. 待到科姆斯到达近前两米之际,谢傲宇猛然抬手抓了出去。 They collide like lightning. 两人闪电般碰撞。 „!” “啪!” Without the startled day explosive, some are only the clear sounds. 没有惊天爆响,有的只是清脆的响声。 The right hand of Xie Aoyu one then held Coombs's gigantic fist, the wild strength surges, collides with Coombs's Qi. 谢傲宇的右手一下便抓住了科姆斯硕大的拳头,狂暴的战力激荡而出,与科姆斯的斗气碰撞。 22 confrontation, Xie Aoyu then felt immediately differently. 22交锋,谢傲宇登时便感觉到了不同。 Coombs's Qi might compares ordinary Qi powerful about three times unexpectedly, obviously he should obtain any fortuitous encounter, making Qi enter the step. 科姆斯的斗气威力居然比普通的斗气强盛三倍左右,显然他应该得到过什么奇遇,令斗气进阶的。 Three times, were very indeed strong, enough Coombs mops up the master who Senior the superior black soul unreliably, what however faces is Xie Aoyu, a more abnormal master, he actually must have bad luck. 三倍,的确很强了,足够科姆斯扫灭玄尊上位黑色灵魂的高手,但是面对的是谢傲宇,一个更变态的高手,他却要倒霉了。 The strength and Qi collide, a nature is high, a quantity are many. 战力和斗气碰撞,一个质高,一个量多。 22 confrontation, thunder unceasingly, is only the time of twinkling, that Qi was then routed by the strength, Coombs looks the color of shock, his response is extremely quick, immediately defends stably, the Qi protection right hand of whole body, was not attacked and captured, once the strength enters the body, will certainly its destiny of destroying. 22交锋,轰鸣不断,只是瞬息的功夫,那斗气便被战力击溃,科姆斯面露震惊之色,他的反应极快,立刻稳固防守,全身的斗气守护右手,不被攻克,一旦战力入体,必将将其摧毁的命运。 He defends at risk of life, reluctantly anti- strength invasion, the air/Qi of freezing but the strength carries suddenly erupts. 他拼死防守,勉强抗住战力入侵,但是战力所携带的冰冻之气则猛然爆发出来。 Therefore bystander dumbfounded of appeared. 于是围观者目瞪口呆的一幕出现了。 Takes Coombs's right hand as the outset, Coombs's body rapid icing up, the ice-bound whole body, changes to matchmaker this him but actually , what is most astonishing, Coombs body is burning roaring flame, goes directly to more than two meters high, was frozen unexpectedly, has formed the flame ice sculpture, quite magnificent. 就是以科姆斯的右手为起始,科姆斯的身体迅速的结冰,冰封全身,将他化作冰人这倒也罢了,可是最令人吃惊的是,科姆斯身上燃烧着的烈焰,直达两米多高,竟然也被冰冻,形成了火焰冰雕,相当的壮观。 Snort!” “哼!” Xie Aoyu cold snort, strength increases suddenly, must rumble to enter Coombs's within the body, its one strikes does not die is also the severely wounded destiny. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,战力骤然加大,要轰入科姆斯的体内,将其一击不死也是重伤的命运。 „!” “嗷!” A beast roar crazy hissing sends out from Coombs's mouth. 一声兽吼般的狂嘶从科姆斯的口中发出。 That ice-bound place rapid splitting, inches (2.54 cm) rupturing, an astonishing tension erupts, the Coombs airborne turn over, one separates with Xie Aoyu. 那冰封的地方迅速的裂开,寸寸爆裂,一股惊人的弹力爆发出来,科姆斯空中翻转,一下与谢傲宇分离开来。 Clatter clatter clatter “嗒嗒嗒” After falling to the ground, Coombs backs up again and again 78 steps, leaves behind 89 a depth about ten centimeters footprint on the ground, this stands firm the personal appearance. 落地之后,科姆斯连连倒退78步,在地上留下89个深达十厘米左右的脚印,这才稳住身形。 Strikes, he then defeated. 只是一击,他便败了。 Xie Aoyu extends the right hand index finger, swung swinging, you are not good!” 谢傲宇伸出右手食指,摇了摇,“你不行!” Outcome is undecided, you do not want happily too early.” Coombs cold -ly snorted and said. “胜负未定,你不要高兴的太早了。”科姆斯冷哼道。 „? Also has any method, although takes.” Xie Aoyu said. “哦?还有什么手段,尽管拿出来。”谢傲宇道。 Coombs both arms vibration, wipes the blazing flame to flash through, looks at Coombs again, his body already a well-dressed coverall. 科姆斯双臂震动,一抹炽烈的火光闪过,再看科姆斯,他的身上已经穿戴整齐一副套装。 The head wears has to set upright the upper bands of three strange flame feathers, wears is surrounding the mail-armor and helmet of strange flame Demon Beast design, that roaring flame embellished, making flame Demon Beast be similar to reactivated generally, lifelike, the both arms had arm Armor, above the skill two wristers, above are also carving chart mark Incantation technique, leg Armor, fought the boots red, has the roaring flame to attach above, both hands holds up one to have two meters high great sword fully. 头上戴着有竖着的三根奇异火焰羽毛的头箍,身穿环绕着奇异火焰魔兽图案的甲胄,那烈焰点缀,使得火焰魔兽如同复活了一般,活灵活现的,双臂有臂甲,手腕之上还有两个护腕,上面雕刻着图纹咒术,腿甲,战靴统统都赤色的,更是有着烈焰附着在上面,双手擎着一把足有两米高的巨剑。 His back, partly visible as if has a huge Demon Beast form. 他的背后,若隐若现的似乎有一个巨大的魔兽身影。 Scarlet soul coverall!” “赤魂套装!” This is the scarlet soul coverall, ten thousand time special Demon Beast scarlet soul beast that strange Demon Beast design early vanished!” “这是赤魂套装,那奇异的魔兽图案就是早已经绝迹的万界时代特殊魔兽赤魂兽!” „The Advanced level Battle Emperor level coverall, the god casts the clan is the collection is really astonishing, the thing that including this type early been lost has, but also has bestowed Cenozoic.” 高级战皇级套装啊,神铸族果然是收藏惊人啊,连这种早已经失传的东西都有,还赐给了新生代。” Scarlet soul coverall, may make Coombs's battle efficiency promote two to three times fully, some looked, Coombs battle efficiency suddenly to increase, must have one to spell.” “赤魂套装,足可让科姆斯的战斗力在提升两到三倍,这次有的看了,科姆斯战斗力暴增,必有一拼啊。” Is this scarlet soul coverall? 这就是赤魂套装吗? Xie Aoyu curls the lip, passed to his memory in antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, has the explicit explanation, that was god, hell demon, in the deep sea area hand had the coverall, but the major part was the coverall of Emperor level, to ten step Battle Emperor levels above, lost the function, but the coverall of Battle Emperor level was few, even collaborated completely, was not necessarily able to put out 30 sets of complete coverall, the incomplete coverall were actually many. 谢傲宇撇撇嘴,在上古圣皇赵天龙传给他的记忆中,有着明确的说明,那就是神界,地狱魔界,深海域手中都有套装,但是绝大部分都是天王级的套装,到了十阶战皇级以上,就失去作用的,而战皇级的套装屈指可数,甚至全部联手,也未必能够拿出30套完整的套装,残缺的套装倒是不少。 Promotes two to three times to be also what kind. 提升两到三倍又怎样。 Scarlet soul coverall, the fable most wonderful place is the soul of scarlet soul beast adheres to stick cohere above, can the flame promotion might that the user grasps, but does not know that your accomplishment profound fire does have the qualifications to let its promotion to the intensity of fire of acme.” Xie Aoyu said. “赤魂套装,传说最神妙的地方是赤魂兽的灵魂附着在上面,能够将使用者掌握的火焰提升威力,但不知你的大成玄火有没有资格让其提升至极致之火的强度。”谢傲宇道。 Meets your request!” “满足你的要求!” Coombs grins fiendishly wear a look, he must attack comprehensively. 科姆斯面带狞笑,他要全面出击。 „!” “嗷!” The beastly roar transmits suddenly from that scarlet soul beastly design, on the entire scarlet soul coverall is adhering to stick cohere flame rapid elevation of temperature, behind that scarlet soul beast fuzzy form also swiftly disappears, submerges in the flame, is only suddenly, can only be the profound fire of accomplishment rank, has gone all of a sudden then to the situation of fire of acme. 兽吼声陡然从那赤魂兽图案上面传递出来,整个赤魂套装上面附着着的火焰迅速的升温,那背后的赤魂兽模糊身影也倏然消失,没入火焰之中,只是眨眼间,原本只能算是大成级别的玄火,一下子便达到了极致之火的地步。 This blazing perfect fire falls on that great sword. 这炽烈的极致之火落在那巨剑上面。 The Coombs double hand-held sword, aims at Xie Aoyu distantly, erupts astonishing war intent once again. 科姆斯双手持剑,遥遥指向谢傲宇,再度爆发出惊人战意。 „Is scarlet soul coverall, very fierce? I hit to abandon it!” Xie Aoyu stuns the world, causes all around screams. “赤魂套装,很厉害吗?那我就打废了它!”谢傲宇更是语出惊人,引起四周一片的惊呼声。 Was these immortal boundary masters by Xie Aoyu this kind of boastful talk being shocked. 就是那些长生境界高手都被谢傲宇这类狂言给惊呆了。 Too crazy! 太狂了吧!
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