BE :: Volume #19

#1888: Strange auction 【Three】 First!

PS: Excuse me, we last night system upgrade, the result promotion defeat, can access the net now, as the apology, a traceless additional chapter was sorry, moreover saw to cast the distinguished guest ticket a coca chapter, therefore today before down! PS:不好意思,我们着昨晚系统升级,结果升级失败,现在才能上网,作为道歉,无痕加更一章表示歉意,另外看到有投贵宾票的也可加更一章,故今天五更! Feels the strength that within the body is rushing, Xie Aoyu was also planning that has the giant potential person to contest with these god and hell demon. 感受着体内澎湃的战力,谢傲宇也正打算与这些神界和地狱魔界中有着巨头潜力的人过过招呢。 With the aid of the soul jade, Xie Aoyu has also completely understood the real strengths of these people. 借助魂玉,谢傲宇也看透了这些人的真实实力。 Finally indeed has to make him feel that surprised master, bearing the brunt is the wind of wind does not have the shade, his soul demonstration unexpectedly is the golden color, in other words the wind does not have the shade is Senior in the superior to approach the crest unreliably the strength, revere superior master intrepidly more than one least bit compared with several other unreliably. 结果的确有让他感到吃惊的高手,首当其冲的便是风家的风无影,他的灵魂显示居然是金色的,也就是说风无影是玄尊上位中已经接近顶峰的实力,要比其他的几名玄尊上位高手强悍不止一点半点。 This is a powerful enemy. 这是个劲敌。 Xie Aoyu has thought horizontal poor character, he can kill an evenness with the wind without the shade, probably is also so the strength, is the genuine master who that type may take to the Xie Aoyu threat. 谢傲宇又想到了横无行,他能够与风无影杀个平手,大概也是如此实力,都属于那种可带给谢傲宇威胁的真正高手。 Naturally other person of boundaries are not perhaps high, everyone is hard to guarantee in their hands whether has the thing of promotion strength, for example coverall and so on. 当然其他人境界或许不高,谁也难以保证他们手中是否有提升实力的东西,比如套装之类的。 Auctioneer, continue!” Colm Sidong. “拍卖师,继续!”科姆斯道。 The auctioneers then once again open the mouth, carry on the second something by auction from the bottom. 拍卖师这才再度开口,进行倒数第二件拍卖品。 When the beautiful woman service person takes something by auction, immediately scene on some ebullition. 当美女服务员拿上来拍卖品,登时现场就有些沸腾了。 Because the fame of this something by auction is very big, is a circular, the diameter about one meter round shield, peripheral has some chart grains, these chart grains are to have point Mars are dancing in the air, has is setting upright the Excalibur design of combustion in the central place. 因为这个拍卖品的名气很大,是一个圆形的,直径大约一米左右的圆盾,周边有着一些图纹,那些图纹更是有着点点的火星飞舞着,在中心位置则是有着一个竖着的燃烧的神剑图案。 I think that did not need me to introduce again, everybody knew.” The auctioneers said that this explodes the flame shield!” “我想不需要我再介绍了吧,大家都认识。”拍卖师说道,“这就是爆炎盾!” About exploding the flame shield, remembers in Lei Tianze who Xie Aoyu accepts, has the explicit record, that is explodes the flame shield is one of the god one generation of giant flame Monarch old ancestor's exploding flame coveralls. 关于爆炎盾,在谢傲宇接受的雷天泽记忆中,有着明确的记载,那就是爆炎盾乃是神界一代巨头炎君老祖的爆炎套装之一。 Flame Monarch old ancestor, god one of the giants, the strength was once dreadful, grasps the accomplishment boundary perfect fire, has the exploding flame coverall of best quality goods Battle Emperor level, in his time, is almost the first powerhouse of god default, does not have the rival, particularly its one explodes the flame Excalibur it is said is the exceedingly high level, must exploding the flame coverall gives the evolution for the standard exceedingly high level, once succeeds, feared that is difficult to seek the match. 炎君老祖,神界曾经巨头之一,战力滔天,掌握大成境界的极致之火,更是具有极品战皇级的爆炎套装,在他那个时代,几乎是神界默认的第一强者,无所敌手,尤其是其一把爆炎神剑据说是准通天级的,要将爆炎套装都给进化为准通天级的,一旦成功,怕是再难寻对手。 Thereupon, he stared by Sky Demon. 于是乎,他就被天魔盯上了。 But this flame Monarch old ancestor was also cut the first giant who kills by Sky Demon. 而这位炎君老祖也是被天魔斩杀的第一个巨头。 The fable the Sky Demon three fists will explode the flame coverall to hit in the past waste, only had to explode the flame shield to preserve, but has also damaged, cast the clan to carry on the repair for the god. 传说当年天魔三拳将爆炎套装打废的,唯有爆炎盾保存了下来,但是也是有所破损,为神铸族得到进行修复的。 It can be said that explodes the flame shield is the fire is one of defense surname magical instruments the person of surname most wants to obtain. 可以说爆炎盾就是火属姓之人最想要得到的防御姓神器之一。 Explodes the flame shield, casts the clan six generations of effort after my god, finally restores certain might, the base price 10 million spirit spars!” Auction normal university sound track. “爆炎盾,历经我神铸族六代人的努力,终于恢复一定的威力,底价10000000灵晶石!”拍卖师大声道。 Fights god clan Wagg to leave sound track immediately: I leave 10 million spirit spars!” 斗神族瓦格立刻出声道:“我出10000000灵晶石!” 10 million, were too few.” Xie Aoyu said. “10000000,太少了吧。”谢傲宇道。 What's wrong, you feared that makes me obtain, a while weren't you my match? Therefore wants to obstruct ahead of time, this not like in the monstruous talent that god rides roughshod.” The Vanuatu grain said with a smile. “怎么,你怕让我得到,等会儿你就不是我的对手了?所以想提前阻挠,这可不像在神界横行无忌的妖孽。”瓦格冷笑道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile lightly: You are feared that I tender, wants to take the words to run on a bank me intentionally, is?” 谢傲宇轻笑道:“你是怕我竞价吧,想要故意拿话挤兑我,是不是?” Wagg begins supinely, said: Also is what kind, you do not think.” 瓦格仰起头,道:“是又怎样,你难道不是这么想的吗。” Good, I help you.” Xie Aoyu said. “好吧,那我就成全你。”谢傲宇道。 It seems like you are surnamed the standard have not changed.” Wagg said. “看来你姓格还是没变。”瓦格道。 Xie Aoyu shakes the head, you have made a mistake, I said helps you, is I must tender, 20 million spirit spars!” 谢傲宇摇摇头,“你错了,我说的成全你,是我要竞价,20000000灵晶石!” Thinks Wagg who steady grass confidence in victory almost must spit blood, he is pointing at Xie Aoyu, the air/Qi actually could not speak. 本来以为稳艹胜券的瓦格差点要吐血,他指着谢傲宇,气的竟然说不出话来了。 Xie Aoyu visits him with a smile, I am not two years ago I, wants to dispute with me, I must give you on own initiative a blade, I do not have am so stupid, this explodes the flame shield, I must decide!” 谢傲宇笑吟吟的看着他,“我已经不是两年前的我了,想要和我较量,我还要主动送给你们一把刀,我没那么蠢,这爆炎盾,我要定了!” You must decide, did not say that you can obtain.” “你要定了,不是说你就能得到。” In this crowd of Cenozoic the strongest wind opened the mouth without the shade. 这群新生代中最强的风无影开口了。 What's wrong, does the wind brother want to bid with me?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “怎么,风兄要和我竞拍?”谢傲宇笑道。 Isn't good?” The wind does not have the shade to say. “不行?”风无影道。 Xie Aoyu shrugs, said: Naturally, only fears wind brother not that financial resource.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,道:“当然可以,只怕风兄没那份财力。” The wind laughs without the shade, you despised my wind, the income of Beastly Soul pavilion, let alone Lei the brother initially the one breath bought Long Langhun and paraselenae demon Bao Hun, paid 100 million many spirit spars, I was useless.” He stretches out four fingers, 40 million spirit spars.” 风无影哈哈一笑,“你太小看我风家了,兽魂阁的收入还是可以的,何况雷兄当初一口气就买下龙狼魂和幻月魔豹魂,付出100000000多的灵晶石,我还没用呢。”他伸出四根手指,“40000000灵晶石。” The auctioneer spirit that soon depressed dies shakes. 快要郁闷死的拍卖师精神一震。 Finally came to select to stimulate. 终于来点刺激了。 80 million.” Xie Aoyu also looks at the wind not to have the shade, offered the high price. “80000000。”谢傲宇也看着风无影,报出了高价。 The wind narrows the eye to stare at Xie Aoyu without the shade, said: 100 million!” 风无影眯着眼睛盯着谢傲宇,道:“100000000!” Audience all people have suffocated, 100 million spirit spar purchases have not repaired, can only be the exploding flame shield of heyday certain might, obviously is Qi. 全场所有人都窒息了,100000000灵晶石购买根本未曾修复,只能是全盛时期一定威力的爆炎盾,明显是斗气 The people look to Xie Aoyu, anticipates his price. 众人都看向谢傲宇,期待他的价格。 I the Xie Aoyu sound draws is long, said in the vision that the people anticipate that gives up.” “我”谢傲宇声音拉得很长,在众人期待的目光中说道,“放弃。” Gives up?” “放弃?” He gave up unexpectedly, did not say that can decide?” “他居然放弃了,不是说要定了吗?” Fool, had not noticed that others intentional playing wind does not have the shade.” “傻瓜,没看到人家根本就是故意的耍风无影的。” In the hall makes a mess immediately. 大厅内登时乱作一团。 Xie Aoyu gives a tongue-lashing the tooth to smile, said: „The exploding flame shields of 100 million spirit spar purchase insufficient heyday half might, the wind brother is the family is really private, I candidly admit defeat.” 谢傲宇呲牙一笑,道:“100000000灵晶石购买不足全盛时期一半威力的爆炎盾,风兄果然是家私雄厚啊,我甘拜下风。” The wind did not have the shade to be also startled, he has not thought that Xie Aoyu such quickly gave up unexpectedly. 风无影也怔了一下,他可没想到谢傲宇居然这么快就放弃了。 Has the huge spirit spar, unexpectedly not real Qi wastes. 有着庞大的灵晶石,居然并不真的斗气去浪费。 Xie Aoyu is not the playboys, how he possibly for no reason casts the clan to send to the spirit spar to the god, is Coombs's race, is more impossible. 谢傲宇可不是纨绔子弟,他如何可能平白无故得给神铸族送去灵晶石,还是科姆斯的种族,更加不可能。 Two years, you really changed, was suave.” The wind sneers to say without the shade. “两年的时间,你果然变了很多,更加世故了。”风无影冷笑道。 Two years ago I am so, but you simply did not have the qualifications to make me so treat you at that time, that time you did not match.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “两年前的我就是如此,只是当时你根本没有资格让我如此待你,那时候的你根本不配。”谢傲宇笑道。 The wind does not have in the shade eye cold glow to dodge continually, the bystander who the he and Xie Aoyu war, are held secretly does not know, but that fights to him is actually the lifetime shame. 风无影眼中寒芒连闪,他与谢傲宇之战,是秘密进行的外人不知道,可是那一战对他却是一生的耻辱。 Shouted “呼” Body strong killing intent puts out foul air to dissipate without the shade along with wind. 身上浓重的杀意随着风无影吐出一口浊气而消散。 Two years, made him calmer similarly. 两年的时间,同样让他更加的沉稳了。 Coombs, I remembers that you said that if I can pat to explode the flame shield, must by many 1 million spirit spars buys again? Now exploded the flame shield is you, do not forget to me 101 million spirit spars.” The wind does not have the shade then to look that said to Coombs. “科姆斯,我记得你说若是我能拍下爆炎盾,就要以多1000000灵晶石的再买走的吧?现在爆炎盾是你的了,别忘了给我101000000灵晶石哦。”风无影转而看向科姆斯说道。 One that Coombs's complexion brushes becomes extremely ugly. 科姆斯的脸色刷的一下变得极其难看。 The people only know that the sentiment is Coombs gets rid in secret. 众人这才知道,感情是科姆斯暗中出手的。 His goal is very simple, does not have the shade and Xie Aoyu tendering using the wind makes Xie Aoyu pay a higher price, the goal naturally must make the god cast the clan to obtain enough spirit spar, carries on their secret events. 他的目的很简单,利用风无影与谢傲宇竞价来让谢傲宇出更高的价,目的自然是要让神铸族得到足够的灵晶石,进行他们隐秘的活动。 God casts the clan to break the rule!” “神铸族破坏规矩!” Is, the god casts clan to auction, oneself bid, the price pushing, was too intentionally ignominious.” “就是,神铸族自己拍卖,自己竞拍,故意哄抬价格,太可耻了。” Lei Shao are wise, sees clearly the situation, deliberately supposes a wrap, making them bear the consequences of evil acts, instead has compensated 100 million spirit spars, this auction is equal to not gaining, all compensated.” “还是雷少英明啊,洞察先机,故意设个套,让他们自食恶果,反而赔了100000000灵晶石,这次拍卖等于没赚,全赔了。” Compensates good, Ha Ha “赔的好啊,哈哈” Listens to many people of satires to ridicule, muscle on Coombs face twitched, has gotten hold of the fist, looked at Xie Aoyu one wickedly, turned around then to return to the VIP suite. 听着诸多人的讽刺奚落,科姆斯脸上的肌肉一阵抽搐,握紧了拳头,恶狠狠地看了谢傲宇一眼,一转身便回归贵宾室。 All people know that auction ended, Xie Aoyu and Coombs fought some to live it up. 所有人都知道,拍卖会结束,谢傲宇和科姆斯一战有的热闹了。 Xie Aoyu gentle breeze non- shade looks at each other one, reveals to wipe the happy expression, this smiling face makes people feel very cold, the back braves the happy expression of cold air/Qi. 谢傲宇和风无影对视一眼,都流露出一抹笑意,这笑容让人感到很冷,后背直冒冷气的笑意。 Hello! Auctioneers a bit faster, last something by auction.” “喂!拍卖师快点啊,最后一件拍卖品。” Is quicker, we must watch a fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents, everybody could not wait.” “快一些,我们还要看一场龙争虎斗呢,大家都等不及了。” Shouted in the sound, the auctioneer must carry on the auction of next to last act something by auction. 叫嚷声中,拍卖师只得进行压轴拍卖品的拍卖。 That naturally is the key of demon imperial palace. 那自然就是魔皇宫的钥匙。 Five keys, one is only real, front four are false, these almost does not need to examine, is the real key. 五把钥匙,唯有一把是真实的,前面四把都是假的,这一把几乎无需去测验,就是真实的钥匙。 The Xie Aoyu heart somewhat is serious. 谢傲宇的心头则有些沉重。 Five keys have the mystery, obtains to make to have the person of Sky Demon bloodline, the achievement complete Sky Demon bloodline, in other words may facilitate five giants born, but also is the Sky Demon descendants. 五把钥匙均有奥妙,得到可令具有天魔血脉的人,成就完整的天魔血脉,也就是说有可能促成五个巨头诞生,还都是天魔的后裔。 Once they succeed, hell demon formidable will achieve an apex. 一旦他们成功,地狱魔界的强大将达到一个顶点。 The named key, seems the regulations is a sword, is only the sword sharp position is curving. 名为钥匙,看上去实则是一把剑,只是剑尖位置是弯曲的。 This something by auction does not have the base price.” The auctioneers had not introduced that said such one. “这件拍卖品无底价。”拍卖师也没有介绍,就说了这么一句。 The insiders will not inquire, the non- insider is shouting roared. 知情者不会去询问,不知情者则是嚷嚷的吼叫起来。 200 million!” “200000000!” Hawode opens the mouth to offer first, the high price of also being the fixed-price goes straight up to this auction never presents, lets digit that countless people look at to sigh. 哈沃德最先开口报价,也是一口价直升到今次拍卖会的从未出现的高价,让无数人望而兴叹的数字。 The Xie Aoyu secret passage, no wonder Hawode dreads him, the tendering threats to other people completely disregards, the capital in his hand is very indeed strong. 谢傲宇暗道,难怪哈沃德只是忌惮他,对其他人的竞价威胁完全无视,其手中的资本的确很雄厚。 Was eager to try, early has Pohl of preparation, in Turlogh et al., as soon as listens, has closed the mouth, their this time is the preparation is also full, may not have 200 million spirit spars, after all the elders of immortal boundary need to practice, some sharp juniors also need the spirit spar to guarantee a minimum the practice, is impossible to collect entirely, what is main, hell demon many places have the war, the consumption of spirit spar every day is a terrifying digit, is unable to assemble bidding. 原本跃跃欲试,早有准备的波尔,特洛内等人一听,也都闭上了嘴巴,他们此次也算是准备充分,可也没有200000000灵晶石,毕竟长生境界的长老们需要修炼,一些精锐子弟也需要灵晶石保底修炼的,不可能统统收集上来的,更主要的是,地狱魔界许多地方还有战事进行着,灵晶石的消耗每天都是一个恐怖的数字,也无法调集过来竞拍。 Finally can be imagined, Hawode obtains the key of demon imperial palace by 200 million spirit spars. 结果可想而知,哈沃德以200000000灵晶石得到魔皇宫的钥匙。 The auction that this was placed the great expectations like this winds up things hastily, has not made the god cast the liveliness in clan imagination, ultra high price emergence that nobody anticipates, arouses the interest only instead is Xie Aoyu and Coombs's showdown. 这场被寄予厚望的拍卖会就这样草草收场,既没有让神铸族想象中的热闹,更没有人期待的超高价出现,唯一引起兴趣的反而是谢傲宇和科姆斯的对决。 Hawode obtains the demon imperial palace key, immediately enters leaves. 哈沃德得到魔皇宫钥匙,立刻进入离开了。 Naturally many people follow. 自然有许多人跟随。 How to leave as for Hawode, that is not the matter of Xie Aoyu care, now what he must care, goes out of the bidding block, greets his these enemies. 至于哈沃德如何离开,那不是谢傲宇关心的事情,他现在要关心的是,走出拍卖会场,迎接他的那些敌人们。 Xie Aoyu returns to the VIP suite first. 谢傲宇先回归贵宾室。 He then first calmly cultivation, no matter outside liveliness, must promote best own condition, is completes to deal with the wind not to have the possibility that the shade the class master goes to battle with, in order to avoid being forced to expose main body unique Fights Technique, how to use only several Fights Technique to gain the victory, particularly with Coombs's showdown, must win. 他便先静修起来,不管外面的热闹,要将自己的状态提升到最佳,还有就是做好应付风无影之流的高手出战的可能,以免被迫暴露出本尊特有斗技,如何利用仅有的几个斗技来取得胜利,尤其是和科姆斯的对决,必须获胜。 The Lightning Spirit cloak is his goal. 雷灵披风是他的目标。 Enough after one hour, Xie Aoyu the spiritual Yi Yi's going out VIP suite, in many person attention, trod the bidding block. 足足一个小时之后,谢傲宇才精神奕奕的走出贵宾室,也在许多人关注中,踏出了拍卖会场。 Outside early has been fully occupied. 外面早已经是人满为患。 All around the crowded crowd causes the dense and numerous completely all ten people, is almost hard to look including the building. 拥挤的人群使得四周密密麻麻的尽皆十人,几乎连建筑物都难以看的到。 The street midpoint, Coombs stands proudly, is laying aside the Lightning Spirit cloak in its side. 街道正中央,科姆斯傲然而立,在其身旁放置着雷灵披风。
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