BE :: Volume #19

#1887: Strange auction 【Two】

This grade of aspect is anybody has not thought. 这等局面是任何人都没想到的。 After the auctioneers also plans Xie Aoyu to tender, possibly raises new round crazy, must be able to lay out the astonishing high price, has not thought that unexpectedly does not have tendering. 拍卖师还打算谢傲宇竞价之后,可能掀起新一轮的疯狂,必能拍出惊人的高价,没想到居然没有一个竞价的。 Also has the human to bid?” “还有没有人出价?” Also has the human to pay a higher price?” “还有没有人出更高的价?” Asked continuously three, nobody replied. 连续问了三遍,无人应答。 When Xie Aoyu is funny, has endless emotion, has the status, has the status, has the financial resource, who also dares to tender, once drove up high, oneself did not want, they must owe. 谢傲宇好笑之余,也是感慨不已,有身份,有地位,有财力,谁还敢来竞价,一旦哄抬高了,自己不要了,那他们就要亏死了。 Troublesome a bit faster.” Xie Aoyu saw that the auctioneer was still inquiring, impatient say (way). “麻烦快点。”谢傲宇看到拍卖师还在询问,不耐烦的道。 But, the auctioneer must announce that Xie Aoyu pats the god shade sword by 1 million spirit spars. 无奈之下,拍卖师只得宣布,谢傲宇以1000000灵晶石拍下神影剑。 Xie Aoyu gets rid, nobody tenders. 谢傲宇一出手,无人竞价。 When the auctioneers are depressed , can only restrain the mood , to continue to carry on the following auction, „the tenth something by auction, is my god casts one that the clan refines to increase 50% striking power the bangles, is named as the dark hawk bangle, the base price is 1.5 million spirit spars.” 拍卖师郁闷之余,也只能收敛心情,继续进行接下来的拍卖,“第十件拍卖品,是我神铸族炼制出来的一件具有增加五成攻击力的手镯,定名为暗鹰手镯,底价为1500000灵晶石。” The dark hawk bangle, listening to the name then to know that is suits darkly is the person of surname. 暗鹰手镯,听名字便知道是适合暗属姓的人。 The light darkly is the surname has considerable partial mass, the light is Angel Clan of surname, darkly is the hell demon many races of surname. 光暗属姓都有相当的一部分群体,光属姓的天使族,暗属姓的地狱魔界诸多种族都可以的。 3 million spirit spars!” “3000000灵晶石!” The auctioneers offered the base price, some fourth distinguished guest indoor people of Xie Aoyu left side on hearing offer, then grew a time of price all of a sudden. 拍卖师报出底价,谢傲宇就听到左侧第四个贵宾室内有人报价,一下子便长了一倍的价格。 After arriving at 1 million spirit spars, can leave price is also the distinguished guest indoor person, sits in the hall, can put out 500,000-600,000 spirit spars are not many, do not say above 3 million spirit spars. 到达了1000000灵晶石之后,能够出的起价格的也就是贵宾室内的人,坐在大厅内的,能拿出五六十万灵晶石的都不多,更不要说3000000灵晶石以上。 3 million spirit spars, but also there is a high price, 50% amplification bangles, but can make you fight to promote 50% treasure.” The auctioneer fervent say (way), obtains the dark hawk bangle, the same level strength match, you may obtain the treasure of winning.” “3000000灵晶石,还有没有更高价的,五成的增幅手镯,可是能够让你战斗提升一半的宝贝。”拍卖师慷慨激昂的道,“得到暗鹰手镯,同等实力对手,你可获得完胜的宝贝。” The scene was still but quiet. 可是现场仍旧静悄悄的。 The people in hall look at the VIP suite, they do not have financial resource tendering. 大厅内的人都看着贵宾室,他们没财力竞价。 Each VIP suite is but quiet, nobody responded. 可是各个贵宾室静悄悄的,没有人回应。 The auctioneers asked continually five, nobody again increases price. 拍卖师连问了五遍,都无人再加价。 Finally dark hawk bangle was used 3 million spirit spars to pat, but nobody increases price successively twice, situation that but the first offer pats, has brought to the attention of some people. 最终暗鹰手镯被人用3000000灵晶石拍下,可是先后两次都无人加价,只是第一次报价拍下来的情况,也引起了一些人的注意。 „The 11 th something by auction is glimmer soft Armor, defensive power, can make it arrange the altitude of Advanced level Battle Emperor level god soldier, moreover is very facile, puts on does not have any weight on the body, and is very soft, is similar to the ordinary clothing, the personal wear, the bystander is unable to see through, the use is many.” The auctioneer secret passage, the Battle Emperor level weapon of this defense surname is rare, even if in the big influence is also very rare, should be able to lay out the high price, glimmer soft Armor, base price 2 million spirit spars!” “第11件拍卖品是微光软甲,防御力之强,可以让它排进高级战皇级神兵的高度,而且很轻便,穿在身上没有任何重量,并且很柔软,如同普通的衣物,贴身穿着,外人也无法识破,用处多多。”拍卖师暗道,这防御姓的战皇级兵器可是非常罕见的,就算是大势力中也很少见,应该能够拍出高价吧,“微光软甲,底价2000000灵晶石!” 4 million spirit spars!” “4000000灵晶石!” The auctioneer voice falls, left side of Xie Aoyu in the second distinguished guest transmits the offer, the sound impressively by his move of a Angel Clan master Turlogh of defeating. 拍卖师话音落下,谢傲宇左侧第二个贵宾室内传来报价,声音赫然是被他一招击败的天使族高手特洛内。 His offer conclusion, each VIP suite fell into once again silent. 他的报价结束,各个贵宾室再度陷入沉默。 Unexpectedly nobody tenders again. 居然没人再竞价。 In the hall took a look at the person who wanted to watch the fun to be chaotic eagerly immediately, whooped, the auctioneer shouted out the price continuously, nobody replied, on his forehead also started to sweat. 大厅内眼巴巴瞅着想要看热闹的人登时乱了,议论纷纷,那拍卖师连续叫价,无人应答,他的额头上也开始冒汗了。 Finally, this time something by auction was patted by Turlogh by 4 million spirit spars. 结果,这次的拍卖品以4000000灵晶石被特洛内拍走。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: „Is this strange place that you discover?” 谢傲宇笑道:“这就是你发现的诡异之处?” Right, I noticed that all influence as if has a contact, follows spreads the news in demon Lingshan master Pohl's demon demon female, they decided that starts from the god shade sword, only then a person offers, the price turns time, other people cannot offer, give the god to cast clan enough spirit spar.” Ru Yan said that words that naturally you offer, they will not be silly are bidding.” “没错,我看到各方势力似乎有过一次接触,跟随在魔灵山高手波尔身边的魔魅女传来消息,他们都决定从神影剑开始,只有一人报价,价格翻倍,其他人不能报价,给予神铸族足够的灵晶石。”如烟说道,“当然你报价的话,他们也不会傻着去竞拍的。” Why such does?” Xie Aoyu puzzled say (way). “为什么这么做?”谢傲宇不解道。 Surely the spirit spar seems like many, may to their these big influences, as if not regard as important. 千万灵晶石看似很多,可对他们这些大势力来说,似乎并不太看重。 Ru Yan said: Concrete is not clear, only knows that the god casts the clan to need enough spirit spar to do a secret matter, is important to them, will have this at one fell swoop.” 如烟道:“具体不清楚,只知道神铸族需要足够的灵晶石来干一件隐秘的事情,对他们非常重要,才会有此一举。” Like such that Ru Yan said that the following auction was also so. 就像如烟说的那样,接下来的拍卖也是如此。 Has a person to tender, price is one time of base price, unmanned tenders again. 只有一个人竞价,价格是底价的一倍,再无人竞价。 The gods cast the clan also really urgently needed spirit spar to be as if same, increased 78 something by auctions to auction unexpectedly, finally still so. 神铸族似乎也真的急需灵晶石一样,竟然又增加了78件拍卖品进行拍卖,结果仍旧如此。 These something by auctions have not entered the Xie Aoyu discernment, he has not bid, if he always gets rid, instead may rally together to attack it, the low key selects. 这些拍卖品没有入得谢傲宇的法眼,他也没有竞拍,而且若是他总是出手,反而有可能被群起攻之的,还是低调点好。 Quickly to final three types of hidden surname something by auctions. 很快到了最后三样隐姓拍卖品。 So-called hidden surname something by auction has two meanings, one type is something by auction god casts the clan not to know that is any value, but is not definitely low, takes a higher position does not know that you can bet, those who stopped up the possible 1 million spirit spars to pat being 100 million spirit spars cannot pat the treasure, also possibly was only the things of value 100,000 spirit spars. 所谓隐姓拍卖品有两种含义,一种是拍卖品连神铸族都不知道是什么价值,但是肯定不低,到底多高就不知道了,你可以赌,堵到了可能1000000灵晶石拍下的是100000000灵晶石都拍不下来的宝贝,也可能只是价值100000灵晶石的东西。 One type intentionally tempts you to come to bid, started to the auction, the bulletin leaves something by auction the value. 还有一种则是故意引诱你前来竞拍的,到了拍卖会开始,会报出拍卖品的价值。 Then is this something by auction third thing from the bottom.” The auctioneer worn out say (way), he was also discouraged, the world clearly collaborates to cast the clan in view of the god. “接下来是此次拍卖品倒数第三件东西。”拍卖师有气无力的道,他也泄气了,人间分明联手针对神铸族的。 If before, definitely immediately defers to the announcement something by auction, but the god casts the clan urgently needed spirit spar now . Moreover the quantity is very big, if public purchases the spirit spar massively, inevitably causes all parties to pay attention, this purchases through the auction, has not thought that had been realized, has carried on resisting. 若是以前,肯定是马上按照公布的拍卖品进行的,可是现在神铸族急需灵晶石,而且量很大,要是公开大量收购灵晶石,必然引起各方注意,这才通过拍卖来进行收购,没想到还是被人察觉了,进行了抵制。 The beautiful woman service person holds a fine porcelain tray to arrive on the stage. 美女服务员托着一个精致的瓷盘来到台上。 On the porcelain tray has the boulder, above is carving many patterns, looks at apparent that is chart mark Incantation technique. 瓷盘上面有着圆石,上面雕刻着许多的花纹,一看便知那是图纹咒术 This is demon stone curb that person of accident my clan obtains.” The auctioneers hit some spirits slightly, this type does not know that perhaps the thing auction of foundation, causes some competitions, demon stone curb, it is well known, that is the thing that a ten thousand time hell demon giant creates, it can the seal treasure, this kind of treasure be the soft surname, in other words the value is high, the might is big, can be ruined with ease, but chart mark Incantation technique of this demon stone curb internal surface looks, is most Advanced level that kind, my clan had not found the law of explaining, therefore is anything, has not known, naturally, possible in what not., This possibility surname is very low, after all attempts mark Incantation technique is highest, according to the ordinary circumstances inference, inside certainly is the heavy treasure.” He, bright sound track, demon stone curb, base price 7 million spirit spars!” “这是我族之人意外得到的一块魔缘石。”拍卖师略微打起一些精神,这种不知根底的东西拍卖,或许引起一些竞争吧,“魔缘石,众所周知,那是万界时代地狱魔界一名巨头创造的东西,其可以封印宝物,这类宝物都是软姓的,也就是说价值再高,威力再大,也能被轻松毁掉,而这个魔缘石内表面的图纹咒术看,是最高级的那一类,我族还未找到破解之法,所以里面到底是什么,还不知道,当然了,也可能里面什么都没有。,这种可能姓很低,毕竟图纹咒术是最高的,根据一般情况推断,里面一定是重宝。”他顿了一下,朗声道,“魔缘石,底价7000000灵晶石!” His offer, in hall then lived it up. 他的报价一出,大厅内便热闹起来了。 Each VIP suite also discussed that several distinguished guest indoor the argument sound of spreading Xie Aoyu can hear was unceasing. 各个贵宾室也是都议论起来,谢傲宇能够听到的几个贵宾室内传出的争论声不断。 Ru Yan said: „Before this definitely is not, one of final three something by auctions they said that is they do not purchase enough spirit spar, was feared with.” 如烟道:“这肯定不是之前他们说的最后三件拍卖品之一,是他们收购不到足够的灵晶石,才被怕拿出来的。” Then, their urgently needed spirit spar, possibly hid the thing of treasure to take the auction including this type of machine really emphatically, is anything, needs so many spirit spars, casts the spirit spar that the clan controls to need by the god claim so, it seems like it is not an ordinary important matter.” The Xie Aoyu whisper said. “这么说来,他们急需灵晶石是真的了,连这种机器可能隐藏着重宝的东西都要拿出来拍卖,到底是什么呢,需要如此多的灵晶石,以神铸族掌控的灵晶石都需要这般的索取,看来不是一件普通的大事。”谢傲宇嘀咕道。 So is thinking, the Xie Aoyu mind also investigated. 如此想着,谢傲宇的心眼也探查了出去。 He wants to have a look with the mind whether to completely understand in this demon stone curb is hiding anything. 他想看看用心眼能否看透这魔缘石内隐藏着什么。 Finally the mind just touched the demon stone curb, then surges from inside an invisible strength fluctuation, all of a sudden Xie Aoyu that feeling of mind investigation rebounding. 结果心眼刚刚触及魔缘石,便从里面涌动出一股无形的力量波动,一下子就将谢傲宇的心眼探查的那种感觉给反弹开来了。 Cannot.” Xie Aoyu stands all of a sudden. “不会吧。”谢傲宇一下子站起来。 How?” Ru Yan also stands up, say (way) of doubts. “怎么了?”如烟也跟着站起身,疑惑的道。 Xie Aoyu said: In demon stone curb can release the strength to give unexpectedly to shield my mind investigation, any treasure can have this ability.” 谢傲宇道:“魔缘石内居然能释放出力量将我的心眼探查都给屏蔽掉,什么宝物能够有这种能力。” The Ru Yan whole face is also stunned. 如烟也满脸错愕。 The mind investigation, to put it bluntly, that is a feeling, simply does not have the concrete strength to describe that also wants the mysterious thing compared with the psychic force, unexpectedly can also repel. 心眼探查,说白了,那就是一种感觉,根本没有具体的力量来形容,比精神力还要玄奥的东西,居然也可以排斥。 7 million spirit spars!” Xie Aoyu offer without hesitation, other does not have, the spirit spar are many are, pats is. “7000000灵晶石!”谢傲宇毫不犹豫的报价,别的没有,灵晶石多得是,拍下来便是。 The hall that was noisy was once again peaceful. 本来闹哄哄的大厅再度安静下来了。 Is the imprecations that in several other distinguished guests hears is not feeling well, moreover cancels shields Incantation technique, makes Xie Aoyu hear intentionally, obviously knows Xie Aoyu to get rid, they select the opportunity not to have. 就是其他几个贵宾室内都传来不爽的咒骂声,而且是取消屏蔽咒术,故意让谢傲宇听到的,显然是知道谢傲宇出手,他们连点机会都没有的。 demon stone curb, most Advanced level chart mark Incantation technique close demon stone curb, 7 million spirit spars are only the base prices, has the human to increase price, has the human to increase price?” The auctioneers hear the Xie Aoyu offer, a little cannot spunk up. “魔缘石,最高级的图纹咒术封闭的魔缘石,7000000灵晶石只是底价,有没有人加价,有没有人加价?”拍卖师听到谢傲宇报价,就有点打不起精神。 Xie Aoyu simply opens the door, before arriving at corridor, said: Did not use the selling quotation, nobody dares to increase price, when the time comes the price came up, if I did not want, others could not put out that many spirit spars.” 谢傲宇干脆推开门,来到走廊前,道:“不用来喊价了,没人敢加价的,到时候价格上去,我若不要,别人也拿不出那么多灵晶石。” Auctioneer speechless. 拍卖师一阵无语。 This is actually the fact, after to the distinguished guest indoor person, the next to last act something by auction is their goals, here tenders, but take risks to be fallen by oneself, let alone they do not want to make the god cast the clan to obtain more spirit spars, there some people will come out to tender. 这却是事实,毕竟对贵宾室内的人来说,压轴拍卖品才是他们的目标,在这里竞价,只是冒险让自己陷下去而已,何况他们都不想让神铸族得到更多的灵晶石,那里有人会出来竞价。 Finally asked that had the human to increase price.” The auctioneer loud say (way) of as far as possible, that tune is somewhat low and deep, mood not high appearance. “最后问一遍,有没有人加价。”拍卖师尽可能的大声道,那腔调还是有些低沉,情绪不高的样子。 Nobody increases price. 无人加价。 The auctioneer helpless announcement demon stone curb was patted by Xie Aoyu by the prices of 7 million spirit spars. 拍卖师无奈的宣布魔缘石以7000000灵晶石的价格被谢傲宇拍下。 At the scene then some people deliver the god shade sword and demon stone curb, Xie Aoyu also puts out the spirit spar payment, the god shade sword gives the Ru Yan use, he takes up the demon stone curb to hold appreciatively. 当场便有人将神影剑和魔缘石送上,谢傲宇也拿出灵晶石支付,神影剑交给如烟使用,他则拿起魔缘石把玩起来。 In the demon stone curb has a fluctuation of energy of faint trace, is very weak, almost could not feel that however the Xie Aoyu mind can actually the obvious detection, this fluctuation of energy even also be able to obstruct the psychic force investigation of Xie Aoyu, very marvelous. 魔缘石内有着一丝丝的能量波动,很微弱,几乎感觉不到,但是谢傲宇的心眼却能明显的察觉到,这能量波动甚至还能阻挠谢傲宇的精神力探查,非常的奇妙。 Lei is brother, interested in coming the field gambling to fight.” Before the second something by auction from the bottom takes, Coombs walked from a distinguished guest. “雷兄,有没有兴趣来场赌斗。”在倒数第二件拍卖品拿出来之前,库姆斯从一间贵宾室内走了出来。 His words arouse the interests of many people immediately. 他的话登时引起许多人的关注。 Has VIP suites to open, all people walked, has to Turlogh that in Xie Aoyu hates to the marrow of the bones, there is a Pohl of watching the fun, has the wind of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes not to have the shade, has Wagg who the murderous intention flashes before wait / etc.. 更是有一个个的贵宾室打开,各方人都走了出来,有对谢傲宇恨之入骨的特洛内,有看热闹的波尔,有幸灾乐祸的风无影,有杀机闪现的瓦格等等。 „Does gambling fight? How does a gambling spar?” In the Xie Aoyu palm presented soul jade, he starts to examine the accurate strengths of these people, first is Coombs, the result is the strength of Coombs's in position white soul for profound Senior, to unreliably was revered the crest situation in position. “赌斗?怎么个赌斗法?”谢傲宇手掌中已经出现魂玉,他开始查看这些人的确切实力,第一个就是科姆斯,结果是科姆斯为玄尊中位白色灵魂的实力,也就是到了玄尊中位的顶峰地步。 Such strength, he naturally does not care. 此等实力,他自然不放在心上。 Bets that demon stone curb in your hand.” In Coombs hand brilliance dodges, are many a cloak, impressively is the Lightning Spirit cloak, my gambler's character was this Lightning Spirit cloak, the auction ended, outside, your my fair war, how?” “就赌你手中的那枚魔缘石。”科姆斯手中光华一闪,多出一个披风,赫然是雷灵披风,“我的赌品则是这件雷灵披风,拍卖结束,就在外面,你我公平一战,如何?” Xie Aoyu Ha Ha said with a smile: Wishes for earnestly!” 谢傲宇哈哈笑道:“求之不得!” Their gambling fight, immediately causes discussions of many person, instead the auction will interrupt. 两人的赌斗,登时引起很多人的热议,反而将拍卖会给中断了。 Wagg also walked, say (way) that lets somebody cool off or calm down: You rob the demon blade, this I must make you pay the price surely, present you are not two years ago runs amuck the invincible time, remember, can not pass through several moves to be killed in Coombs's hand, I must fight with you, bring back to be my demon blade.” 瓦格也走了出来,冷冷的道:“你抢走魔刀,今次我定要让你付出代价,现在的你可不是两年前横行无敌的时候,记住,不要在科姆斯的手中走不过几招就被干掉,我还要与你一战,拿回属于我的魔刀。” demon blade is my!” Say (Way) of common cold group letting somebody cool off or calm down. “魔刀是我的!”风邪群冷冷的道。 They also send out very unfriendly provocation. 两人也都发出的很不友好的挑衅。 Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu smiles: I am waiting for your challenge!” 谢傲宇笑眯眯的道:“我等着你们的挑战!” He also same fights intent to be soaring. 他也一样战意高昂。
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