BE :: Volume #19

#1884: The news of big fiendish person 【Two】

PS: The additional second chapter! PS:加更的第二章! This World War II was a war of ten thousand time deconstruction. 这第二战就是万界时代毁灭的一战。 Ten thousand time final deconstructions have any secret, nobody knows, but before ten thousand time destroy, many giants collaborate to resist, truly knows that the final result is the disastrous defeat, although all giants die, however their skeleton not thorough exterminations, but crashed in hell demon, fell in the ancient times execution ground exactly. 万界时代最后的毁灭到底有什么秘密,没人知道,但是万界时代毁灭前,诸多巨头联手对抗,确实都知道的,最终的结果是惨败,虽然所有的巨头陨落,但是他们的尸骸并没有彻底的灭绝,而是坠落在了地狱魔界,恰恰也是落在远古杀场内。 Once some people suspected that ten thousand time deconstructions, many giant skeletons fell into ancient times the execution ground, was not the surface seems that simple, once caused suspicion once, but ancient times the execution ground truly dared to step were too few, dared to enter most core region, it is said was rare, because of did not reach the greatly perfect boundary, touched the core region, possibly let the person mood collapse. 曾经有人怀疑,万界时代毁灭,诸多巨头骨骸落入远古杀场,绝不是表面看上去那么简单,曾经引起一度的怀疑,只是远古杀场真正敢于涉足的太少了,敢于进入最核心区域的,据说更是罕见,因不达大完满境界,触及核心区域,就可能让人心境崩溃的。 The third war, is the Sky Demon creation. 第三战,则是天魔创造的。 Sky Demon is proud, he always to exceed in ten thousand time kings the king, the first person of Fang Jun fine jade is the goal, then met then giant in the ancient times execution ground, was slaughtered six big giants by him. 天魔骄傲,他向来以超越万界时代王中之王,第一人方君瑜为目标的,便在远古杀场约战当时的巨头,更被他屠戮六大巨头。 From now on, ancient times the execution ground has become starting from the high antiquity, the recognized first restricted area, is the three first restricted area, who dares to step in? 自此,远古杀场就成了远古时代开始,都被公认的第一禁地,更是三界的第一禁地,谁敢涉足? Hawode, since is demon emperor arteries, even if bloodline of demon emperor arteries most edge, can be the Sky Demon descendant, how can he have the relations with the ancient times execution ground?” Xie Aoyu said. “哈沃德既然是魔皇一脉,即便是魔皇一脉最边缘的血脉,也能算是天魔后裔,他怎会和远古杀场扯上关系?”谢傲宇道。 Fact indeed so, I also very much wonder, therefore makes the demon demon clan continue to investigate, must dig thoroughly Hawode background.” Bing Wu said that „the content that so far, investigates is, Hawode arteries after the contemporary big fiendish person just becomes the big fiendish person, is separated from demon emperor arteries, since the ancient times execution ground, does not know whether is the big fiendish person's order, but since then, then again does not have the news, until six months, Hawode went out of ancient times the execution ground, looked for help everywhere, but with him the human since ancient times execution ground, did not have one to come out together, does not know that was living whether.” “事实的确如此,我也很纳闷,所以让魔魅族继续调查,务必将哈沃德的背景给彻底挖出来。”冰舞说道,“目前为止,调查出来的内容是,哈沃德一脉在当代大魔王刚刚成为大魔王之后,便脱离魔皇一脉,进入远古杀场的,不知道是否是大魔王的命令,但自此之后,便再无消息,直至半年前,哈沃德才走出远古杀场,四处活动,但是与他一起进入远古杀场的人,却没有一个出来,不知是否还活着。” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu thought aloud: Hell demon was getting more and more interesting, in these three first restricted areas some people walked, interesting, was livelier, I more liked.” 谢傲宇自言自语的道:“地狱魔界越来越有意思了,这三界第一禁地内都有人走出来了,有意思,越热闹,我越喜欢。” Is the complex aspect, to Xie Aoyu, is the pressure is bigger, instead can stimulate his potential , to promote strength rapidly. 越是复杂的局面,对谢傲宇而言,越是压力大,反而能够激发他的潜力,急速的提升实力。 The Ru Yan connection continues saying: Hawode the secret spread the news, hopes that one side can see with you, is wants you to give up bidding, if you want to see him, can inn that goes he to live, momentarily waits for your presence.” 如烟接口继续说道:“哈沃德已经秘密传出消息,希望能和你见一面,就是想要你放弃竞拍,要是你想见他的话,可以前去他住的客栈,随时等候你的光临。” Xie Aoyu shakes the head saying: Does not have the interest.” 谢傲宇摇头道:“没兴趣。” Has Nha's cooperation, but can also provide to enter the secret passage of demon imperial palace, naturally impossible Ping Bai demon imperial palace key letting. 有琳洛雅的合作,还能提供进入魔皇宫的秘密通道,自然不可能平白将魔皇宫钥匙给让出去。 You definitely are interested in the following information.” Ru Yan has thrown a coquettish look to Xie Aoyu, how you plan to thank our sisters.” “那你对接下来的情报肯定非常感兴趣。”如烟谢傲宇抛了个媚眼,“你打算怎么感谢我们姐妹啊。” On bed Xie Aoyu ambiguous say (way). “床上”谢傲宇暧昧的道。 Four white hands threateningly have delivered immediately then. 四只玉手登时便张牙舞爪的送了上来。 The Bing Wu elegant face is red, big sexual harasser!” 冰舞俏脸通红,“大色狼!” Ru Yan put out a hand to pinch Xie Aoyu, immediately lay near his ear, said in a soft voice: You want to make me change to Bing Wu and You Lan Ruo appearance make to you.” 如烟伸手掐了谢傲宇一把,随即趴在他的耳边,轻声道:“你是不是又想让我化作冰舞幽兰若的样子给你弄出来啊。” This saying also wants fierce many compared with the most intense aphrodisiac. 这话比最激烈的春药还要厉害的多。 Xie Aoyu immediately then provoked fire of desire combustion, put out a hand to pinch on the buttocks of Ru Yan. 谢傲宇登时便被撩拨的欲火燃烧,伸手在如烟的臀部上捏了一下。 Was good, you two individual, when I do not exist.” Bing Wu looks down to elsewhere. “好了,你们两个别当我不存在。”冰舞低头看向别处。 „Haven't we done.” Ru Yan speaks, the hand maliciously has actually grasped in the Xie Aoyu crotch department, this makes own position. “我们可没干什么。”如烟说着话,手却在谢傲宇的裆部狠狠的抓了一下,这才做回自己的位置。 Is clenched jaws by Xie Aoyu that Ru Yan teases, must the stance that Ru Yan overthrows. 如烟挑逗的谢傲宇咬牙切齿,一副要将如烟推倒的架势。 The Ru Yan laughter said: Bing Wu, you looked that he wants to do, we discussed the proper business, knew to indulge in flights of fancy, perhaps, he Nha overthrowing.” 如烟嬉笑道:“冰舞,你看他想干什么呢,我们可是谈正事,就知道胡思乱想,说不定啊,他都已经将琳洛雅给推倒了。” Next time will look I make you beg for mercy.” Xie Aoyu said in a low voice that then made vigor cough two, subsided that ebullition the fire of desire, said that any information.” “下次看我让你求饶。”谢傲宇低声道,然后使劲儿咳了两声,平息那沸腾的欲火,“说吧,什么情报。” For fear that they again flirted nearby themselves, Bing Wu said immediately: Had the big fiendish person and Maria's news.” 生怕两人再在自己跟前调情,冰舞马上道:“有大魔王和玛利亚的消息了。” Xie Aoyu immediately then calm. 谢傲宇登时便冷静了下来。 With the day incantation contract of big fiendish person signing throughout is one of the he most issues of concern, that is restrains him to destroy the Incantation technique strategy, can the threat of remove day incantation contract. 与大魔王签订的天咒契约始终是他最关心的问题之一,那可是约束着他必须要摧毁咒术阵法,才能够解除天咒契约的威胁。 Naturally, if can obtain the life leaf of golden Saint tree, perhaps the day incantation contract breaks a contract the later curse, Xie Aoyu can also pass Medical Spirit Finger remove. 当然,如果能够得到黄金圣树的命叶,或许天咒契约违约之后的诅咒,谢傲宇也是可以通过药神指解除的。 They now where.” Xie Aoyu said. “他们现在什么地方。”谢傲宇道。 They are separating less than ten days of us, has separated, Ma Li Ya moves in the mountain range near demon imperial palace now, the information of demon demon clan indicated that she last time comes, yesterday, then mystically vanished afterward, specifically where hides, is unable to ascertain.” Bing Wu said. “两人在与我们分开不到十天的时间,就已经分开了,玛丽娅现在尚在魔皇宫附近的山脉中活动,魔魅族的情报显示,她最后一次现身,是在昨天,随后便神秘消失了,具体隐藏在什么地方,无法查知。”冰舞说道。 About Ma Li Ya that person, Xie Aoyu has had too many social dealings. 关于玛丽娅其人,谢傲宇可是打过太多交道了。 So long as this female has an action, has very deep goal inevitably, otherwise she will not give up practicing absolutely, this time moves near the demon imperial palace, has its goal inevitably. 此女只要有所举动,必然有着很深的目的,否则她绝对不会放弃修炼的,此番在魔皇宫附近活动,也必然有其目的的。 Bing Wu continues saying: Big fiendish person left the demon imperial palace range, he arrived at certainly the soul valley!” She uses a hand figure of booklet, you look at p. 326.” 冰舞继续说道:“大魔王则离开了魔皇宫范围,他到了绝魂谷!”她用手一指小册子,“你看第326页。” Turns according to the word to 326 pages, Xie Aoyu examines the above content, impressively is certainly the soul valley related that this certainly soul valley and ice demon valley is similar, was once place of hell demon one generation of giant living in seclusion, afterward after falling from the sky, becomes some generation of big fiendish people designated that takes one of the demon emperor restricted areas. 依言翻到326页,谢傲宇查看上面的内容,赫然是绝魂谷的诉说,这绝魂谷与冰魔谷相类似,是曾经地狱魔界一代巨头隐居之地,后来陨落之后,成为某一代大魔王选定作为魔皇禁地之一。 Big fiendish person is very active.” Xie Aoyu said. “大魔王真的很活跃啊。”谢傲宇道。 „Before leaving hell demon, takes away many treasures from ice evil Monarch there, obtains the thing that Sky Demon leaves behind in world, returns to hell demon, enters certainly the soul valley once again, has the restraint of day of incantation contract with us, wants us to ruin an Incantation technique strategy in demon imperial palace, all these, I felt that likely has the connection with the Sky Demon fable.” Ru Yan said. “离开地狱魔界前从冰邪君那里拿走诸多宝物,在人间界得到天魔留下的东西,回归地狱魔界,再度进入绝魂谷,更是与我们有天咒契约的约束,要我们毁掉魔皇宫内的一处咒术阵法,这一切,我感觉很可能都与天魔传说有关联。”如烟说道。 Xie Aoyu also has same opinion. 谢傲宇对此也是持相同意见。 Now they had not had many information, regarding this also can only carry on some simple speculations, as for correct or is not also hard to determine. 只是现在他们还没有掌握更多的信息,对此也只能进行一些简单的推测,至于正确与否也难以确定。 Afterward two females also to Xie Aoyu related information that some demon demon clans have, related to hell demon , the bright all parties influence, later is perhaps useful to Xie Aoyu, now temporarily could not have used. 随后两女又向谢傲宇诉说一些魔魅族掌握的情报,涉及到地狱魔界的,也有神界各方势力的,以后对谢傲宇或许有用,现在暂时还用不上。 After saying, a Ru Yan topic revolution, said: This demon demon clan headquarters are Shen Tianming and Cao Yonggao have wrested away, I and Bing Wu had discovered in the place that Cao Yonggao lived in a ban, should be Cao Yonggao supposes, both of us collaborated not to have remove to ban, does not want to be known by the demon demon clansman, now that ban, was still inferior had a look.” 说完之后,如烟话题一转,道:“这魔魅族总部一直都是沈天明和曹永高霸占的,我和冰舞在曹永高所居住的地方发现了一处禁制,应该是曹永高设下的,我们两人联手没有解除禁制,又不想被魔魅族人知道,现在那禁制还在,不如过去看看吧。” Also good.” Xie Aoyu agreed. “也好。”谢傲宇同意了。 Three people then leave this place, enters in courtyard that Cao Yonggao lives. 三人便离开此地,进入曹永高居住的院落内。 The demon demon clan is a very special race, entire clan many times is also two men, the major part is by a man is controlled, therefore Shen Tianming and Cao Yonggao dwelling is most luxurious, enters, some enters the feeling of palace, resplendent in gold and jade green, is very the style. 魔魅族是一个很特殊的种族,全族最多的时候也就是两个男人,绝大部分都处于被一个男人掌控的,所以沈天明和曹永高的住处都是最为豪华的,进入其中,就有进入宫殿的感觉,金碧辉煌,很是气派。 Two female familiar houses directs in Xie Aoyu the bedroom in this residence. 两女熟门熟路的将谢傲宇引到这住所的卧室内。 Ru Yan displays the Incantation technique strength to open a channel on that wall, walks along the channel, the front terminus place then can feel the intense strength fluctuation, the banned seal in the ground, looks at that banned strength fluctuation degree, the obvious two females have attacked after a period of time, do not have the result. 如烟施展咒术力量在那墙壁上打开一条通道,沿着通道走下去,前方尽头处便能感受到强烈的力量波动,有一个禁制封印在地面,看那禁制力量波动程度,显然两女已经攻击过一段时间,却没结果。 Is here, showed according to Shen Tianming memory that he places in Cao Yonggao person has told him, Cao Yonggao obtained a heavy treasure, but he is unable to begin using, then has sealed, wants to come is under this ban.” Ru Yan said. “就是这里,按照沈天明的记忆显示,他安插在曹永高身边的人告诉过他,曹永高曾经得到过一件重宝,但是他无法启用,便封存了起来,想来就是这个禁制下。”如烟说道。 The Xie Aoyu squatting lower part of the body, puts out a hand according to above that ban. 谢傲宇蹲下身,伸手按在那禁制上面。 This banned strength unreliably Senior the powerhouse to stay behind, sweeps away by two female strengths Senior the lower position unreliably, collaborates is not Senior the match of master unreliably, the disparity is very indeed big, let alone this ban has not gotten down one, has 67 say (way), after the superimposition, the might has been possible to compare favorably basically Senior the position crest unreliably. 这禁制力量正是玄尊中位强者留下的,以两女的实力就算横扫玄尊下位,联手也不是玄尊中位高手的对手,差距的确很大,何况这禁制并非下了一道,有着67道之多,经过叠加,威力已经基本可媲美玄尊中位顶峰了。 You withdraw.” Xie Aoyu said that Cao Yonggao has gotten down these many bans, difficult insurance inside not to have what dangerous establishment.” “你们退后。”谢傲宇道,“曹永高下了这么多禁制,难保里面没有什么危险的设置。” Two females retrocede according to the word. 两女依言后退。 The body of Xie Aoyu also ascends a light cover, is the patron god light. 谢傲宇的身上也升腾起一层光罩,正是守护神光。 So his defense also achieves the extreme. 如此他的防御也达到极点。 The strength wells up crazily, gathers above fist, cold meaning of cold penetrating releases, rapid then that banned that gives ice-bound, outside the strength fluctuation cannot realize. 战力狂涌,聚集在拳头之上,一股寒彻的冷意释放出来,迅速的便将那禁制都给冰封起来,力量波动外面都察觉不到。 „The chill in the air of this strength implication good is good, but that also gave to get Lei Tianze the label, later came with the main body, how could it not be to arouse suspicion.” The Ru Yan delicate eyebrows are pressed, somewhat anxious say (way). “这战力蕴含的寒意好是好,可那也给打上了雷天泽的标签,以后用本尊现身,岂非会引起怀疑。”如烟秀眉蹙起,有些忧虑的道。 Once Lei Tianze and Xie Aoyu is a news of person expose, the consequence is dreadful. 一旦雷天泽和谢傲宇是一个人的消息暴露出来,后果不堪设想。 Bing Wu said with a smile: This difficult problem, the Ao Yu practice has to absorb the spatial technique actually, displays to absorb the spatial technique to oneself, integrates the gloom and cloudy thirty demon fog cities in strength attracting, when the time comes the strength might as before is Qi more than 12 times, but did not have the air/Qi of that freezing.” 冰舞笑道:“这个倒不是难题,傲宇修炼有摄空术,对自己施展摄空术,融入战力内的阴气和阴卅魔雾都给吸引出来,到时候战力威力依旧是斗气12倍多,只是没有了那股冰冻之气。” Listened to two female dialogs, Xie Aoyu to smile, has not cared, shook the fist then to hit to that ban. 听着两女的对话,谢傲宇笑了一下,也没在意,挥拳便打向那禁制。 Bang!” “轰!” By his present strength, can easily defeat in Turlogh that Senior the superior unreliably, do not say that this might Senior the position crest strength merely unreliably. 以他现在的力量,都能轻松地击败玄尊上位的特洛内,更不要说这威力仅仅是玄尊中位顶峰的力量。 Under a fist, that ban explodes loudly broken. 一拳之下,那禁制轰然爆碎。 Under mind also rapid inspection of Xie Aoyu. 谢傲宇的心眼也迅速的查验下方。 Sees only in boots static place, this boots are very clean, seem have not distinguished with ordinary boots anything, but carefully looked that will discover, as if has an electric light of faint trace to be partly visible in inside. 只见一双靴子静静的放在里面,这双靴子很干净,看上去与普通的靴子没什么区别,但是仔细看,会发现,似乎有一丝丝的电光在里面若隐若现的。 Puts out a hand to take the boots, a familiar feeling climbs up the heart, the Xie Aoyu doubts said: This boots as if are his vision fall on the inside of boots, on that has two character that impressively has Thun­der and Light­ning to compose, Lightning Spirit fights the boots, this is the boots in Lightning Spirit coverall!” 伸手将靴子拿起来,一股熟悉感爬上心头,谢傲宇疑惑道:“这靴子似乎是”他的目光落在靴子的内侧,那上面赫然有着两个有雷电组成的字,“雷灵战靴,这是雷灵套装中的靴子!” Two female hear [words/that], collects rapidly. 两女闻言,迅速凑过去。 No wonder I far away felt that the familiar feeling, the Lightning Spirit cloak is the same with Coombs is taking.” Bing Wu said. “难怪我老远就感觉到一点熟悉感,与科姆斯拿着的雷灵披风一样。”冰舞说道。 Coombs this time must have bad luck!” Ru Yan said with a smile, where she can not be clear, Xie Aoyu attained Lightning Spirit to fight the boots, was interested in the Lightning Spirit cloak inevitably, particularly he was the thunder is the surname, but the Lightning Spirit coverall combined completely, that was the coverall of exceedingly high level, when the time comes coordinated the moon/month to fall to execute Divine Knife again, perhaps half giant can cut to kill the giant level to be a cinch. “科姆斯这次要倒霉了!”如烟笑道,她哪能不清楚,谢傲宇拿到雷灵战靴,必然对雷灵披风感兴趣,尤其是他本身就是雷属姓的,而雷灵套装完整组合起来,那可是通天级的套装,到时候再配合月陨诛神刀,恐怕半巨头能够斩杀巨头级不在话下。 Xie Aoyu smiles, knows me, Ru Yan!” 谢傲宇嘿嘿一笑,“知我者,如烟也!” Bing Wu looks that Lightning Spirit fights the boots, loses says with a smile: How Coombs said that is also the master who the god casts the clan fully cultivation, even if were the present is also not the god casts clan Cenozoic to be strongest, was his potential is biggest, the body cast the heavy treasure of clan inevitably brightly, the battle efficiency feared that was ordinary profound Senior the superior masters not necessarily is his match.” 冰舞看着那雷灵战靴,失笑道:“人家科姆斯怎么说也是神铸族全力栽培的高手,就算是现在还不是神铸族新生代最强的,可是他的潜力最大,身上必然有神铸族的重宝,战斗力怕是普通的玄尊上位高手都未必是其对手。” Relax, kills him and me, an issue does not have.” Xie Aoyu self-confident say (way). “放心,杀他与我而言,一点问题都没有。”谢傲宇自信的道。
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