BE :: Volume #19

#1883: The news of big fiendish person 【One】

PS: Every day foundation three third! PS:每天基础三更第三更! The blade air/Qi projects from the knife together, one delimits a deep gully the ground, Xie Aoyu says with a smile: Careless.” 一道刀气从刀身之上射出,一下就将地面划出一个深深的沟壑,谢傲宇笑道:“马马虎虎吧。” With Nha formerly said that Divine Knife and demon blade fusion, even if successful, to achieve that probability is almost zero best weapon, is unlikely radically, the demon blade that the Xie Aoyu luck not, the expenditure massive spirit spars smelt is also only the Advanced level Battle Emperor god soldier. 与琳洛雅先前所说的一样,神刀和魔刀融合,就算是成功,要想达到那几率几乎为零的最佳兵器,根本不太可能,谢傲宇的运气也不咋地,花费大量灵晶石熔炼出来的魔刀也只是高级战皇神兵。 Such Xie Aoyu is also very satisfied, he did not expect that luck oneself, particularly this next best line of harvests, have made him very excited. 这样谢傲宇也很满意,他可不奢望运气都在自己这边,尤其是此次之行的收获,已经让他非常兴奋了。 The demon blade receives, Xie Aoyu then relieved practices, awaits calmly two female returns. 魔刀收起来,谢傲宇便安心修炼,静待两女回归。 Until night, two females have not returned, practice Xie Aoyu felt that summon from Ru Yan, that is a very subtle feeling. 直至深夜时分,两女也没有回归,修炼的谢傲宇则感觉到来自如烟的召唤,那是一种很微妙的感觉。 They relate do not have Evil Spirit like that to clear the situation of mind channel eventually, all are only a dark relation. 两人联系终究没有邪灵那般可以开通心灵通道的地步,一切只是一种冥冥中的联系。 Is relying on that relation, Xie Aoyu in a dying out city very ordinary inn, saw Ru Yan and Bing Wu two females, but this inn impressively is the headquarters of demon demon clan, the semblance is an inn, in inn underground about 600 meters place, is the genuine headquarters, the inside facility unusual improvement, is similar to a specially luxurious manor. 凭借着那份联系,谢傲宇在寂灭城城西的一家很普通的客栈内,见到了如烟冰舞两女,而这家客栈赫然是魔魅族的总部,外表是客栈,在客栈地下将近600米的地方,则是真正的总部,里面设施非常的完善,如同一个特别豪华的庄园。 Ru Yan eagerly anticipates to enter that demon demon clan headquarters Xie Aoyu personally. 如烟亲自将谢傲宇引领进入那魔魅族总部。 Shen Tianming and Cao Yonggao had been killed, Ru Yan has read Shen Tianming memory, by her ability, naturally very relaxed then some group of people without a leader demon demon clans controlling. 沈天明和曹永高都已经被杀,如烟更是读取了沈天明的记忆,凭借她的能力,自然很轻松的便将有些群龙无首的魔魅族给掌控了。 Nowadays demon demon clan in her and Bing Wu conformity, is eradicating some alien elements, controls the demon demon clan thoroughly, but also requires certain time. 现如今魔魅族正在她和冰舞的整合中,铲除一些异己分子,彻底将魔魅族控制,还需要一定的时间。 In an demon demon clan headquarters independent yard, Ru Yan sends away the demon demon clansmen, only then they stay behind. 魔魅族总部一个单独的跨院内,如烟将魔魅族人都屏退,只有他们三人留下。 Progress is smooth.” Xie Aoyu said. “进展还顺利吧。”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan and Bing Wu are acquainted, said with a smile: Is very smooth, now the demon demon clan had been controlled 70% strengths by us, ha-ha, said that this may want many thanks Shen Tianming and Cao Yonggao, if is not their deaths, we also really very difficultly so smooth.” 如烟冰舞相识一眼,笑道:“很顺利,现在魔魅族已经被我们控制七成力量了,呵呵,说起来,这可要多谢沈天明和曹永高啊,若非是他们的死,我们还真的很难如此顺利呢。” Three people have cannot help but smiled. 三人不由得都笑了起来。 They lack the informer, lacked the collection of information, the demon demon clan has met their request exactly. 他们本身就缺少耳目,缺少情报的收集,魔魅族恰恰满足了他们的要求。 Do not look that Xie Aoyu disguises as Lei Tianze now, can obtain the information from Lei in hell demon strength that may Lei Jia arrive at hell demon after all several days, collects information compared with demon demon clan this specially the hell demon race, is unable to place on a par, after this demon demon clan, was they in the hell demon ear and eye. 别看谢傲宇现在假扮雷天泽,能够从雷家在地狱魔界的力量那得到情报,可毕竟雷家来到地狱魔界才几天,与魔魅族这专门搜集情报的地狱魔界种族相比,根本无法相提并论的,这魔魅族以后就是他们在地狱魔界的耳朵和眼睛了。 We still obtained many useful information in the demon demon clan hand.” Bing Wu puts out a map, this is the hell demon complete picture map, is detailed, even each possibly exists for 1 million years ago, and even ten thousand time the place of vestige gave to label.” “我们还在魔魅族手中得到了许多有用的情报。”冰舞拿出一张地图,“这是地狱魔界全貌地图,非常详细,甚至每一个可能存在1000000年以前,乃至万界时代的遗迹的地方都给标注出来了。” Xie Aoyu received the map to look at one, clarity that very above described, had the illustration under the map, very detailed, good thing.” He had found the dying out city on the map, finally labelled in the dying out city unexpectedly reached six places, but in these places by Angel Clan, the god was cast the clan separately, wind, fought the god clan, demon Lingshan and Lei occupies, these six places with the blue circle, the middle have dead out the marks of two characters, Xie Aoyu had then found the explanations of these six marks in map below illustration, „the place of giant life essence and blood sprinkling?” 谢傲宇接过地图看了一眼,上面描绘的很清楚,在地图下面还有注解,非常的详细,“好东西。”他在地图上找到了寂灭城,结果在寂灭城内竟然标注了多达六处的地点,而那些地方上分别被天使族,神铸族,风家,斗神族,魔灵山和雷家所占据,这六个地点都是用蓝色圆圈,中间有着寂灭二字的符号,谢傲宇便在地图下方的注解中找到了这六个符号的解释,“巨头生命精血洒落之地?” Immediately Bing Wu puts out a booklet, turns to a number of pages, you have a look.” 随即冰舞又拿出一个小册子,翻到一个页数,“你看看吧。” Xie Aoyu received the booklet, sees above to have very detailed record, 2.3 million years ago, the dying out city still did not exist, this place had had battle between giants, in this period fought not the detailed description, but has recorded, a giant routs, is the escape, uses the mystique, the consumption massive life essence and blood, then sprinkles in six places, is the position that on the map labels, but six big influences also lock this point, sets up the station. 谢傲宇接过小册子,看到上面有着非常详细的记载,2300000年前,寂灭城尚不存在,此地曾经发生过巨头之间的厮杀,其间战斗并没有详细描述,但是记载了,其中一个巨头大败,为逃命,使用秘法,消耗大量生命精血,便洒落在六处地方,就是地图上标注出来的位置,而六大势力也是锁定这一点,设立驻地的。 The life essence and blood of this giant after 2 million years, changed these region underground stones, making the hell demon air/Qi of that six position be more abundant than other dying out city places. 这巨头的生命精血就算是经过2000000年的时间,已经改变了这些区域地下的土石,使得那六个位置的地狱魔气要比寂灭城其它地方更加雄厚。 Before Xie Aoyu had not discovered but actually that now recalls, as if really so. 之前谢傲宇倒没有发现,现在回忆一下,似乎真的如此。 This map and booklet are demon demon clan the treasures of town clan, it can be said that after this race was established, collects the synthesis of information to manifest.” Bing Wu said. “这地图和小册子就是魔魅族的镇族之宝,可以说是这个种族成立之后,收集情报的综合体现。”冰舞道。 Xie Aoyu is taking the different thing, said: Good thing!” 谢傲宇拿着两样东西,道:“好东西啊!” Better.” Bing Wu said. “还有更好的呢。”冰舞说道。 „? What also has?” Xie Aoyu pursues asks. “哦?还有什么?”谢傲宇追问道。 Bing Wu said with a smile: „The demon demon clan biggest special skill collects the information, even they can exist are so long, the masters of immortal boundary have not been born several, can exist, depends upon the sell information, maintains with the relations of all big influence, once when big fiendish person that generation of big fiendish people of grandfathers', demon demon clan the intelligence collection race that but the demon imperial palace serves as a tool, the status venerates incomparably, when other big fiendish person fathers and brothers compete for the big fiendish person position, the demon demon clan supported to make a mistake the object, finally put in disfavor, information that but the demon demon clan had, had too many capitals. Is the secret of that generation of big fiendish people, how making him not dare to the demon demon clan.” 冰舞笑道:“魔魅族最大的特长就是收集情报,甚至他们能够存在这么久,长生境界的高手都没诞生过几个,能够存在,就是依靠出售情报,来维持和各方大势力的关系,曾经在大魔王的祖父辈的那一代大魔王的时候,魔魅族可是魔皇宫御用的情报收集种族,地位尊崇无比,只是在大魔王父亲与其他兄弟争夺大魔王位置的时候,魔魅族支持错了对象,结果被打入冷宫,可魔魅族掌握的情报,有太多的都。是那一代大魔王的秘密,让他不敢对魔魅族如何呢。” Can make the big fiendish people of host of hell demon helpless, demonstrated that the demon demon race's ability in collection information, indeed is out of the ordinary. 能让地狱魔界之主的大魔王都无奈,也显示出魔魅族在收集情报方面的能力,的确是非同凡响。 What information did demon demon clan also collect?” Xie Aoyu asked. “魔魅族还收集到了些什么情报?”谢傲宇问道。 First is the demon imperial palace truly has a secret passage, but Sky Demon has not informed his descendant mystically to be then missing, therefore nobody knows secret passage is.” Bing Wu said. “首先就是魔皇宫的确存在一条秘密通道,但是天魔并未告知他的后裔便神秘失踪了,所以没人知道秘密通道的所在。”冰舞说道。 Xie Aoyu has thought Nha's words, both happened to hold the same view. 谢傲宇不由想到了琳洛雅的话,两者不谋而合了。 He then said this matter, after not having the least bit conceals. 他便将此事说了出来,经过没有半点隐瞒。 Two female hear [words/that] also expressed admiration. 两女闻言也是啧啧称奇。 Nha luck is good, perhaps she can obtain the three stars lotus remove crisis, he said that the achievement is inevitably extraordinary.” Bing Wu said. “琳洛雅运气不错,或许她真的能够得到三星莲解除危机,他曰成就必然非凡。”冰舞说道。 Ru Yan up and down sizes up Xie Aoyu, said: What beautiful male idea won't you have used?” Immediately curls the lip, is not right, your this appearance, is not the beautiful male.” 如烟则是上下打量谢傲宇,道:“你不会是用了什么美男计吧?”随即又撇撇嘴,“不对啊,就你这模样儿,也不是美男啊。” Bing Wu hear [words/that], is chuckle gets up. 冰舞闻言,则是轻笑起来。 What beautiful male idea, do I need like this?” Xie Aoyu looks away saying that I thought at that time cannot excessive relates badly with Angel Clan, will move to us will be very disadvantageous, exactly in Nha and Turlogh, Bolton will have the resentful crack, happen to can consult, who thinks that will develop this grade of situation unexpectedly.” “什么美男计,我需要这样吗?”谢傲宇翻眼道,“我当时就是觉得不能过分的与天使族关系恶劣,对我们行动会很不利的,恰好琳洛雅和特洛内,科波顿有怨隙,正好可以接洽一下,谁想到竟然会发展到这等地步。” By my observation, this Nha will not be simple.” Ru Yan is holding the chin, beautiful pupil winks winks. “以我的观察嘛,这个琳洛雅不会那么简单的。”如烟托着下巴,美眸眨呀眨的。 Xie Aoyu said: I also thought that she is not very simple, what now displays is only the matter evolution has to so, genuine she, definitely very much has the strategy.” 谢傲宇道:“我也觉得她很不简单,现在表现出来的只是事情演变不得不如此,真正的她,肯定是很有谋略的。” The Ru Yan laughter said: Hero sees slightly with.” 如烟嬉笑道:“英雄所见略同啊。” That two heroes gave to say.” Bing Wu said with a smile. “那两位英雄就给说说呗。”冰舞笑着说道。 Xie Aoyu hints Ru Yan to say first. 谢傲宇示意如烟先讲。 Ru Yan has thought that this said: She can find the Holy Ghost god water, the angel god water, explained that she inborn in sensation specially keen, this is doomed she to be simpler difficultly, why otherwise her paternal great-grandfather must select her to explore ten thousand vestiges, moreover that time she was obviously young, can obtain the soul jade, did not tell his paternal great-grandfather, what to explain? Explained her, when is very small, had the plans very much, again at one's convenience is, she discovers the demon imperial palace secret passage, has not told anybody, has indicated this point, finally is in she and Turlogh, Bolton did not cope, can actually control to cast the emperor stove, this also indicated that her is not simple.” 如烟想了一下,这才说道:“她能够找到圣灵神水,天使神水,说明她天生在感知方面特别的敏锐,这就注定她想要简单一些都困难,不然她的曾祖为何要选中她去探索万界遗迹,而且那时候的她显然年龄不大,能够得到魂玉,却不告诉其曾祖,说明白什么?说明她在很小的时候,已经很有心机,再有便是,她发现魔皇宫秘密通道,也未曾告诉任何人,也表明了这一点,最后就是她与特洛内,科波顿一直不对付,却能够掌控铸皇炉,这也表明她的不简单。” Ru Yan said with me wants to be without change, therefore Nha must cooperate, but must guard.” Xie Aoyu said. 如烟所讲与我所想一般无二,所以琳洛雅要合作,但也要提防。”谢傲宇说道。 About Nha, they will not despise. 关于琳洛雅,他们都不会小看的。 This matter uncovers, Bing Wu said: demon demon clan obtains an information, is related with you.” 此事揭过去,冰舞道:“魔魅族得到一个情报,和你有关。” Is related with me?” Xie Aoyu knows that certainly was not all influence Cenozoic must under the matter of extreme methods to him, this is not the information, open secret. “跟我有关?”谢傲宇知道肯定不是各方势力新生代要对他下死手的事情,这已经不是情报了,公开的秘密。 You have the matters of massive spirit spar, now has spread over entire hell demon, therefore this auction, the something by auction of next to last act, the key of demon imperial palace is most likely to be patted finally by you, noisy that this matter already passed on, even if others wants to disturb, is very difficult to achieve, therefore some people want you to give up competing.” Ru Yan said. “你具有大量的灵晶石之事,现在已经传遍整个地狱魔界,所以这次拍卖会,最后压轴的拍卖品,魔皇宫的钥匙最有可能被你拍下,此事已经是被人传的沸沸扬扬,就算是别人想要捣乱,也很难做到,所以有人想要你放弃竞争。”如烟说道。 Xie Aoyu said: Who?” 谢傲宇道:“谁?” Ru Yan said with a smile: Hawode!” 如烟笑道:“哈沃德!” The strange name, in the Xie Aoyu memory does not have this person. 陌生的名字,谢傲宇记忆中并没有这个人。 Hawode is an demon emperor arteries person, with big fiendish person, if discussed certainly the relations, should be the cousins, had the bloodline of Sky Demon, but Hawode bloodline were not pure, is a character in demon emperor arteries edge.” Bing Wu in the one side, answered, after the demon demon clan received this information, I then made the demon demon clan investigate Hawode, as a result, Hawode and hell demon first restricted area ancient times the execution ground has some relation.” “哈沃德是魔皇一脉的人,与大魔王若是一定论关系的话,应该是表兄弟,都具有天魔的血脉,但哈沃德的血脉不纯正,已经算是魔皇一脉边缘的人物了。”冰舞则在一旁,解释道,“在魔魅族收到这个情报之后,我便让魔魅族调查了一下哈沃德,结果发现,哈沃德与地狱魔界第一禁地远古杀场有着某种联系。” In the memory that obtains antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong who grants in Xie Aoyu, ancient times the execution ground has the explicit memory, because of it was the hell demon first restricted area. 谢傲宇得到的上古圣皇赵天龙赠与的记忆中,远古杀场是有着明确的记忆的,因其是地狱魔界第一禁地。 Hell demon has demon Lingshan, but deep sea area of this demon Lingshan similar world, inside is the space are general, has two giants to assume personal command, but there also can only become the second restricted area, regarding this two big giants are willing to acknowledge, and openly acknowledged that ancient times the execution ground was the hell demon first restricted area, moreover god captured hell demon not to be false, currently also has large quantities of god master to move near demon Lingshan, prepares permanent to force out two big giants not to leave demon Lingshan, but absolutely did not have a god master to dare to step in ancient times the execution ground, or dared to say to the ancient times execution ground that must force out. 地狱魔界有魔灵山,而这魔灵山类似人间界的深海域,里面都是空间广大,有着两名巨头坐镇,但是那里也只能被成为第二禁地,对此两大巨头甘愿承认,并且公开承认远古杀场是地狱魔界第一禁地,而且神界攻陷地狱魔界不假,现在还有大批的神界高手在魔灵山附近活动,准备永久封杀两大巨头不得离开魔灵山,但是绝对没有一个神界高手敢于涉足远古杀场,或者说敢于对远古杀场说,要封杀。 Ancient times the execution ground, can make the giant hear the discoloration place. 远古杀场,一个能够让巨头闻之色变的地方。 This place it is said undergoes to pass through three times wars, the first war, from ten thousand time Fang Jun fine jade time, Fang Jun fine jade swept away eight sides at that time, does not have the rival, finally causes being hostile to of ten thousand time many giants, the fable has 18 giants to collaborate to encircle the offense Jun fine jade, the place was the hell demon ancient times execution ground, finally Fang a Jun fine jade person fought vigorously 18 giants, slaughtered 13 giants, caused heavy losses to five big giants, his also severe wound in body, five big giants who therefore that ran away then mobilized the strengths of their 18 giant general's subordinates, half giant, the exceedingly high level master hurried to encircle Fang Jun innumerably. The fine jade, the final result is disastrous defeat, innumerable exceedingly high level above master falls from the sky, it is said after that fights, ten thousand time entered the first winter, the master completely extinguishes, afterward 13 years, ancient times execution ground every year in that nine days of time that in 13 giants will fall from the sky, will have the hemorrhaging rain. 此地据说历经过三次大战,第一战,来自万界时代方君瑜时代,那时候方君瑜横扫八方,无所敌手,结果引起万界时代诸多巨头的敌视,传说有18名巨头联手围攻方君瑜,地点就是地狱魔界的远古杀场,结果方君瑜一人力战18名巨头,屠戮13名巨头,重创五大巨头,他本身也重伤在身,于是那逃回去的五大巨头便调动他们18巨头麾下的力量,半巨头,通天级高手无数赶去围剿方君。瑜,最后的结果是惨败,无数通天级以上高手陨落,据说那一战之后,万界时代进入了第一个衰退期,高手尽灭,随后的13年时间内,远古杀场每年都会在13巨头陨落的那九天时间内,降下血雨。 As for the World War II, was overawes now, still made the human fear. 至于第二次大战,更是威震到现在,仍旧让人惧怕。
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