BE :: Volume #19

#1882: Fang Jun fine jade is mysterious 【Two】

PS: Every day foundation three second! PS:每天基础三更第二更! The air/Qi of massive demon spirit floods in the space, that nimble and resourceful feeling strives to excel compared with air/Qi of the purest Spiritual God does not know many times, particularly has entered ten thousand vestiges Nha, realizes that also wants pure many compared with the world vitalities of these ten thousand time in ten thousand vestiges leaving behind. 大量的魔灵之气充斥在空间内,那种灵动的感觉比最为纯粹的神灵之气都要强不知多少倍,尤其是进入过万界遗迹的琳洛雅,也察觉到,比万界遗迹内遗留下来的那些万界时代的天地元气还要纯粹的多。 If can practice using the air/Qi of demon spirit, the effect is obvious. 若能利用魔灵之气进行修炼,效果显而易见的。 In Nha's heart gives birth for one point to envy the envy unavoidably, particularly looks at Xie Aoyu simply in progressing by leaps and bounds -type spanning forward, has the intense envy feeling. 琳洛雅的心中难免生出一分羡慕嫉妒,尤其是看着谢傲宇简直就是在突飞猛进式的向前跨越,更是有着强烈的嫉妒感。 Shouted “呼” Long time, Nha thoroughly suppresses killing intent that envy feeling produces, she also felt in own mind was somewhat exhausted. 良久,琳洛雅才将那份嫉妒感产生的杀意彻底压制下去,她也都感到自己心灵上有些疲惫了。 Finally simply the less seen the better, turns away to pass away, did not pay attention to Xie Aoyu. 最后干脆眼不见为净,背转过身,不去关注谢傲宇了。 Her change in the attention of Xie Aoyu, sees finally Nha's choice, puts the heart secretly, other did not say that only this point indicated Nha must cooperate. 她的变化都在谢傲宇的注意当中,见到最后琳洛雅的选择,也是暗暗放下来心,别的不说,仅此一点就表明琳洛雅只得合作。 Then, Xie Aoyu then comprehensively practices. 就这样,谢傲宇便全面修炼起来。 The function of air/Qi of demon spirit is really astonishing, does not have the tiny bit waste, so naturally is makes the practice speed obtain the astonishing promotion. 魔灵之气的作用实在是惊人,没有一丝一毫的浪费,如此自然是让修炼速度得到惊人的提升。 Xie Aoyu also felt that own strength is inflating rapidly, regarding unreliably master who Senior the boundary, this and other swift and violent promotion, is almost the life rarely meets one time. 谢傲雨也感觉到自己的力量飞速的膨胀着,对于玄尊境界的高手来说,这等迅猛提升,几乎是一生都难得遇到一次的。 After three hours, the air/Qi of demon spirit stops suddenly. 三个小时之后,魔灵之气戛然而止。 The practice halts. 修炼止步。 Xie Aoyu opens eyes, discovered that casts the emperor stove above all Incantation technique strategies to stop operating, an demon blade floats is casting the fire hole position of emperor stove, is glittering the dark demon light, four wolf broke out also vanishes. 谢傲宇睁开眼,发现铸皇炉上面所有咒术阵法都已经停止运行,一把魔刀漂浮在铸皇炉的炉口位置,闪烁着幽暗的魔光,四个狼首突起也消失了。 demon blade smelts successfully, cast the emperor stove voluntarily to stop.” Nha said. “魔刀熔炼成功,铸皇炉就自行停止了。”琳洛雅说道。 Grasps void, the demon blade starts, Xie Aoyu looked how has not looked at the demon blade, said: Tries the operation to have a look again, can achieve just now appearance once more.” 虚空一抓,魔刀入手,谢傲宇看都没看魔刀到底如何,道:“再试着运行看看,能不能再次达到方才的样子。” Nha then once more starts casts the emperor stove. 琳洛雅便再次启动铸皇炉。 All, only that four wolf break out simply not to appear, tossed about for one hour, forces to stimulate once again four wolf, but inside Incantation technique strategy in any event is actually not able to operate. 一切都可以,唯独那四个狼首突起根本没有显现出来,足足折腾了一个多小时,勉强将四个狼首再度激发出来,可是里面的咒术阵法却无论如何都无法运行了。 „It is not good, probably lacks any condition.” Nha said that you, since can use the air/Qi of demon spirit, that simply found the way to clarify in wolf the mystery of Incantation technique strategy to be then OK.” “不行,好像是缺少什么条件。”琳洛雅说道,“你既然可以使用魔灵之气,那就干脆想办法弄清楚狼首内咒术阵法的奥妙便可以了。” That but actually also right, um, this ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars give to you, hopes that you can help me keep this secret.” Xie Aoyu said. “那倒也对,嗯,这一万高级灵晶石送给你,希望你能帮我保守这个秘密。”谢傲宇说道。 Nha simply receives very much, that I am impolite, you so are in any case rich, support my this pitiful poor person also right, let alone I help you stimulate the air/Qi of demon spirit , helping you to practice, the promotion are not few! How possible, you, you actually unreliably revere the position purple soul!” 琳洛雅很干脆的收下来,“那我就不客气了,反正你那么富有,支援支援我这可怜的穷人也没错,何况我帮你激发魔灵之气,助你修炼,提升也不算少啊!怎么可能,你,你竟然是玄尊中位紫色灵魂了!” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: „The air/Qi of demon spirit is indeed out of the ordinary, how many hours make me have the so rapid promotion, if there is the air/Qi of enough demon spirit, give me in one year, do I have confidence to attack the exceedingly high level boundary am not impossible? Senior the position purple soul unreliably? What meaning?” 谢傲宇笑道:“魔灵之气的确非比寻常啊,几个小时就让我有如此迅速的提升,若是有足够的魔灵之气,给我一年之间,我有把握冲击一下通天级境界也不是不可能嗯?玄尊中位紫色灵魂?什么意思?” „!” “啊!” Nha covers mouth hurriedly to spread open, this knows that said inadvertently. 琳洛雅急忙一捂嘴巴,这才知道说漏嘴了。 Sees the Xie Aoyu fiery vision, Nha knows not to conceal, the palm spreads out, presents a crystal ball, greatly thumb fingernail, glittering and translucent carving, inside has the strange design that some marvelous silk threads outlined. 见到谢傲宇炯炯有神的目光,琳洛雅知道隐瞒不过,手掌摊开,出现一枚水晶球,大不过拇指指甲盖,晶莹剔透,里面有着一些奇妙的丝线勾勒成的奇怪图案。 What is this?” Xie Aoyu said. “这是什么?”谢傲宇道。 Soul jade, Fang Jun fine jade is mysterious.” Nha replied. “魂玉,也方君瑜奥妙。”琳洛雅回答道。 Fang Jun fine jade? Also is Fang Jun fine jade! 方君瑜?又是方君瑜! Since arrives at hell demon, in the ear of Xie Aoyu resounds many are two people, one is Sky Demon, one is Fang Jun fine jade, two both mystically are missing, most has the opportunity to attack above the giant super existence of boundary. 自从来到地狱魔界,在谢傲宇的耳中响起最多的就是两个人,一个是天魔,一个是方君瑜,两个都是神秘失踪,最有机会冲击巨头之上境界的超级存在。 „Does soul jade, what have to affect?” Xie Aoyu said. “魂玉,有什么作用?”谢傲宇道。 Nha said: So far, knows two functions, but I can use an function of surface.” She also knows unable to conceal, then explained: To ten step Battle Emperor later boundary divisions is very unusual, each boundary is higher than more than nine times compared with following boundary Qi, is less than ten times, moreover each time of promotion, will not make the breakthrough, instead needs to achieve nine times to break through in every way, will therefore have the boundary division so, in the same boundary, the strength high and low disparity achieves more than nine times, this with Battle Emperor below, promoting one time to be able the breakthrough next boundary, very big difference, will be its segmentation is impossible.” 琳洛雅道:“目前为止,知道两个作用,但我只是能使用一个最表面的作用。”她也知道无法隐瞒,便解释道:“到了十阶战皇之后的境界划分是很奇特的,每一个境界比下面的境界斗气高出九倍多,不到十倍,而且每一倍的提升,都不会有突破,反而需要达到九倍多方能突破,所以才会有这般境界划分,同一个境界内,实力上下差距达到九倍多,这与战皇以下,提升一倍便可突破下一个境界,很大的不同,而且就算是将其细分都是不可能的。” These Xie Aoyu are oneself has realized. 这些谢傲宇都是自身体会过的。 This soul jade?” Xie Aoyu said. “这魂玉?”谢傲宇道。 The first function of soul jade, is surface, draws an analogy, you revere the position boundary unreliably, formerly had not bought in the air/Qi of practice demon spirit time, you initially enter revere the position boundary unreliably, right.” Nha said. “魂玉的第一个作用,也是最表面的,打个比方吧,你是玄尊中位境界,先前没有吸纳魔灵之气修炼的时候,你只是初入玄尊中位境界,没错吧。”琳洛雅说道。 Xie Aoyu nods. 谢傲宇点点头。 Nha continues saying: At that time, your soul was the black, but now, your soul is the purple, explained that before your present strength is 2.3 times.” 琳洛雅继续说道:“那个时候,你的灵魂是黑色的,而现在,你的灵魂是紫色的,说明你现在的力量是之前的2.3倍。” Right.” Xie Aoyu said. “没错。”谢傲宇道。 By this soul jade, will discover that the tourmaline of soul, separately is the black, the purple, the golden color and white, when the soul changes to the white, to this boundary crest.” Nha answered, this soul tourmaline started from ten step Battle Emperor, each boundary will be duplicating four color changes, therefore I was accustomed to dividing the four strength small boundary divisions of same level boundary, naturally, this was I am used to divide, did not have what concrete basis.” She puts out the second soul jade, in my hand, only then two, obtain in ten thousand vestiges, delivers you one, person who from now henceforth, you and I can only determine the opposite party concrete strength.” “透过这魂玉,会发现灵魂的颜色变化,分别是黑色,紫色,金色和白色,而当灵魂化作白色的时候,就是到了这个境界的顶峰。”琳洛雅解释道,“这种灵魂颜色变化是从十阶战皇开始的,每个境界都会重复着四种颜色的变化,所以我就习惯于划分同等境界的四个力量小境界划分,当然了,这是我自己用来划分的,并没有什么具体的依据。”她拿出第二枚魂玉,“我手中只有两枚,是在万界遗迹中得到的,送你一枚吧,从今以后,你与我就是唯一能够确定对方具体力量的人喽。” Received the soul jade, Xie Aoyu is holding appreciatively, examined Nha by the soul jade, really saw that Nha's body surface reappeared to wipe the soul, impressively was the white, demonstrated that she Senior the position crest strength unreliably. 接过魂玉,谢傲宇把玩着,透过魂玉查看琳洛雅,果然看到琳洛雅的体表浮现出一抹灵魂,赫然是白色的,显示出她是玄尊中位顶峰的实力。 Xie Aoyu whispered: Soul also has tourmaline unexpectedly.” 谢傲宇嘀咕道:“灵魂居然还有颜色变化。” Our naked eyes, pupil technique, the psychic force is unable to see that only has this type of soul jade to see the soul color change.” Nha said. “我们的肉眼,瞳术,精神力都是无法看到的,唯有这种魂玉可以看到灵魂颜色的变化。”琳洛雅说道。 What meaning does that this soul tourmaline have?” Xie Aoyu asked. “那这灵魂颜色变化有什么含义吗?”谢傲宇问道。 Nha said: Naturally has, but I have not made clear, outside two soul jade that I obtain, the content that a broken paper, inside records is the soul jade function is a lot, also mentioned the human soul tourmaline, Fang Jun fine jade judgment possibly with surmounting the giant boundary has some relation.” 琳洛雅道:“自然有,只是我还没搞清楚,我得到的两枚魂玉之外,还有一张残破的纸张,里面记载的内容是魂玉作用很多,也提及人类灵魂颜色变化,方君瑜判断可能与跨越巨头境界有着某种联系。” Xie Aoyu shouted lowly: Surmounts the giant boundary to be related with the soul tourmaline?” 谢傲宇低呼道:“跨越巨头境界与灵魂颜色变化有关?” Yes, you had not discovered that our boundaries start to appear from ten step Battle Emperor are unable to subdivide the small boundary, starts from ten step Battle Emperor, the soul color presents the transformation, these are the reasons of Fang Jun fine jade inference, behind also mentioned, but was broken, is unable to distinguish the content.” Nha said. “是啊,你没发现嘛,我们的境界是从十阶战皇开始出现无法细分小境界的,也是从十阶战皇开始,灵魂颜色出现转变的,这些都是方君瑜推断的缘由,后面还提及了许多,但都已经残破,无法识别内容了。”琳洛雅说道。 Surmounts the color transformation of giant boundary and soul has the reason. 跨越巨头境界与灵魂的颜色转变有原因。 Why then the color of soul will have the change, this is Xie Aoyu has not thought perhaps the change, the function of soul jade also has a more mystical function. 那么灵魂的颜色为什么会有变化呢,这是谢傲宇从未曾想过的变化,魂玉的作用或许还有更神秘的作用。 Xie Aoyu is grasping the soul jade, this and Nha cooperates, has gained seriously, even if that demon blade fusion thorough abandonment, similarly gains greatly gains especially, let alone the demon blade smelts successfully, cultivation to the position black soul from profound Senior stride in the purple soul the situation, moreover later he judges to jump the ranks the limit of challenge through the color and boundary of this soul, is insufficient the error in judgment, causing oneself to fall into passively. 谢傲宇握着魂玉,这次与琳洛雅来合作,当真是赚了,就算是那魔刀融合彻底报废,同样是大赚特赚,更何况魔刀熔炼成功,修为更是从玄尊中位黑色灵魂跨入紫色灵魂的地步,而且以后他通过这灵魂的颜色与境界来判断出自己越级挑战的极限,不至于判断错误,导致自己陷入被动中。 Formerly, he can easily defeat in Turlogh, that is because in Turlogh is Senior the superior black soul unreliably the situation, if Senior the superior purple soul unreliably? Xie Aoyu has confidence to win reluctantly, but if bumps into Senior the superior golden color soul unreliably, that almost must use the Xie Aoyu main body some Fights Technique, when acts Lei Tianze, in order to the security, naturally did not use main body these Fights Technique is wonderful. 就先前来讲,他能够轻松地击败特洛内,那是因为特洛内是玄尊上位黑色灵魂的地步,如果是玄尊上位紫色灵魂呢?谢傲宇勉强有把握获胜,可若是碰到玄尊上位金色灵魂,那几乎是要动用谢傲宇本尊的一些斗技了,所以在扮演雷天泽的时候,安全起见,自然是不动用本尊那些斗技为妙了。 Now we may be sit on a ship.” Nha somewhat helpless say (way). “现在我们可算是坐在一条船上了。”琳洛雅有些无奈的道。 The soul jade, demon imperial palace secret passage, the air/Qi of demon spirit, all these cannot expose, therefore they can only cooperate, will otherwise only let each other move toward the dead end. 魂玉,魔皇宫秘密通道,魔灵之气,这一切都是不能暴露的,所以两人只能合作,不然只会让彼此走向末路的。 This is not better, we accord to his need, perhaps for this reason moves toward the road of giant, even surmounts the giant boundary.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “这样不是更好,我们各取所需,或许因为这个原因走向巨头之路,甚至跨越巨头境界呢。”谢傲宇笑道。 Only can like this.” Nha also knows that the matter is unable to change. “只能这样了。”琳洛雅也知道事情无法改变了。 With being bewitched blade, Xie Aoyu then said goodbye to leave. 拿着魔刀,谢傲宇便告辞离开了。 Returns to the inn on the way, Xie Aoyu uses the soul jade to examine unceasingly, is really as long as above ten step Battle Emperor level powerhouses, is the soul color changes, is black, purple, gold, white four color changes. 返回客栈的途中,谢傲宇不断地使用魂玉进行查看,果然是但凡十阶战皇级强者以上,都是灵魂颜色的变化,全都是黑,紫,金,白四种色彩的变化。 This also made him grasped a brand-new small boundary. 这也让他算是掌握了一种全新的小境界。 Do not despise this kind of small boundary, each disparity of small boundary has more than two times fully, regarding warring parties, if knows the opposite party concrete strength ahead of time . Moreover the opposite party is also mastering the ability of hideaway strength, can definitely grasp ahead of time, establishes various strategies, most critically the Xie Aoyu main body engaged in factional strife by all parties, so can maximum degree the exposition of avoidable status. 别小看这类小境界,每一个小境界的差距足有两倍多,对于交战双方,若是提前知道对方的具体实力,而且对方还掌握着隐藏实力的能力,完全可以提前把握,设定各种策略的,更关键的是谢傲宇本尊是受到各方倾轧的,如此可以最大程度的避免身份的暴露。 Returns to the inn, Ru Yan and Bing Wu has not returned. 回归客栈,如烟冰舞并没有返回。 Some mind readings of Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan, determined that they do not have what danger, then research that soul jade, wants to make clear its has any mystery. 谢傲宇如烟的一些心灵感应,确定她们并没有什么危险,便研究那魂玉,想要搞清楚其有什么奥妙。 The result did not discover, but after all this type of thing Fang Jun fine jade stays behind. 结果是毫无发现,毕竟这种东西可是方君瑜留下的。 Thinks Fang Jun fine jade stays behind also has jade together, he then takes the jade, both are related with Fang Jun fine jade, he then received the different thing. 想到方君瑜留下的还有一块玉石,他便将玉石拿出来,两者都与方君瑜有关,他便将两样东西都收了起来。 Finally he puts out that demon blade. 最后他才拿出那魔刀。 Smelted the demon blade, has not thought that finally instead was the demon blade most lowers to the Xie Aoyu attraction. 本来是熔炼魔刀的,没想到最后反而是魔刀对谢傲宇吸引力最低了。 Divine Knife and demon blade fusion, although finally the air/Qi of constitution demon spirit fused two blades, but the hell demon air/Qi urges the hell demon blade that obviously even better, the demon blade that smelts is partial to and demon blade. 神刀和魔刀融合,最终虽然构成魔灵之气融合了两把刀,但是其中地狱魔气促使的地狱魔刀显然更胜一筹,熔炼成的魔刀更加偏向与魔刀。 Xie Aoyu counting on the fingers has shot knife. 谢傲宇屈指弹了一下刀身。 Clank!” “铮铮!” The knife shivers, the blade recited intermittently. 刀身颤动,刀吟阵阵。
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