BE :: Volume #19

#1881: Fang Jun fine jade is mysterious 【One】

PS: This chapter is in addition! Um, some people have cast 1000 distinguished guest tickets, 9 : 00 pm add second, the foundation renews three chapters of time points to renew as usual! PS:这一章算是加更!嗯,又有人投了1000贵宾票,晚上九点加第二更,基础更新三章照旧时间点更新! The smeltings of two blades have not presented anything exceptionally, the Xie Aoyu mind closely is paying attention, had not discovered that their fusions have to have any special change, making the blade might of fusion promote anything, but faint as if had the hell demon air/Qi and Spiritual God air/Qi has some fusions. 两把刀的熔炼没有出现什么异常,谢傲宇的心眼始终关注着,也未曾发现,它们的融合有发生什么特殊的变化,令融合的刀威力提升什么的,只是隐隐中似乎有地狱魔气和神灵之气有着一些融合。 This fusion appears along with the fusions of two blades. 这种融合是随着两把刀的融合而出现的。 At first Xie Aoyu has not thought anything, thinks that is natural phenomenon that two blades fuse, but the time is slightly long, actually accidentally discovered that entire cast the emperor stove air/Qi and the hell in demon air/Qi Spiritual God started the fusion, and was condensing a brand-new world vitality. 起初谢傲宇也没觉得什么,以为是两把刀融合的自然现象,可是时间稍微一长,却意外地发现,整个铸皇炉内的神灵之气和地狱魔气都开始了融合,并且在凝聚成一种崭新的天地元气。 If the world vitality of world is most primitive, anything has not distinguished, anybody practices, then the hell demon air/Qi and Spiritual God air/Qi of after the change, suit the hell demon and god person of use, they each other apply, needs to undergo processing, the spirit spar then arises at the historic moment, is the fusions of these two world vitalities, is Xie Aoyu never has actually seen, but the feeling, as if the might wins, moreover more than one least bit. 如果说人间界的天地元气是最原始的,没有什么分别,任何人都修炼的话,那么地狱魔气和神灵之气就是经过改变的,适合地狱魔界和神界之人使用,他们彼此应用的话,需要经过处理的,灵晶石便应运而生,可是这两种天地元气的融合,却是谢傲宇从未见过的,但就感觉而言,似乎威力更胜,而且不止一点半点。 Until this time, the refiner master of Nha this crude person discovered issue. 直到这时候,琳洛雅这个半吊子的炼器师才发现其中的问题。 Cast the emperor stove to have many Incantation technique strategy establishments, does not make the human take the trouble the hard sledding, does not need too high refiner skill then to operate. 本来嘛,铸皇炉都是有着诸多的咒术阵法设置的,不让人费心费力的,不需要太高的炼器技能便可以运行的。 „Can the air/Qi of Spiritual God really with the hell demon air/Qi fusion?” Say (Way) that Nha thought aloud. “神灵之气真的可以和地狱魔气融合?”琳洛雅自言自语的道。 Xie Aoyu regarding this, has never heard, in Lei Tianze remembers that not view about this point, he then asked: You good to know anything.” 谢傲宇对此,从未听说过,在雷天泽记忆中也没有关于此点的说法,他便问道:“你好想知道点什么。” Has a view in our Angel Clan, is to promote the practice speed to over 30 times of ordinary speed, is by no means impossible, but this possibility surname is the air/Qi and the fusion of hell demon air/Qi Spiritual God, the achievement fable air/Qi of demon spirit.” Nha said. “在我们天使族有一个说法,就是要想将修炼速度提升到普通速度的30倍以上,并非不可能的,而这种可能姓就是神灵之气和地狱魔气的融合,成就传说中的魔灵之气。”琳洛雅说道。 30 times of ordinary practice speed?!” Xie Aoyu surprised say (way). “普通修炼速度的30倍?!”谢傲宇吃惊的道。 His some cannot believe their ear. 他有些不敢相信自己的耳朵。 30 times of practice speed that are any concepts, by the Xie Aoyu practice speed, is 56 times of average person practice speed, in addition the spirit spar palace and best quality goods spirit spar, his practice speed is also 12 times of average person practice speed to 14 times, even if the talent ability of crazy thunder Beastly Soul stimulation of movement Yuan spirit beast, attraction world vitality words, can achieve 17-18 times of appearances, this is the multiple superimposition. 30倍的修炼速度那是什么概念,凭借谢傲宇的修炼速度,都是普通人修炼速度的56倍,加上灵晶石宫殿和极品灵晶石,他的修炼速度也不过是普通人修炼速度的12倍到14倍之间,就算是狂雷兽魂催动元灵兽的天赋能力,吸引天地元气的话,也不过能够达到十七八倍的样子,这可是多重叠加啊。 Now unexpectedly can have 30 times of practice speeds. 如今居然能有30倍的修炼速度。 If, how could it not be to practice the time to reduce 30 times really stiffly. 若真的可以,岂非修炼时间硬生生缩短30倍。 This is only an inference, is a content that my Angel Clan giant obtains the ten thousand time of leave behind in some treasures that records, inside said is, the air/Qi of demon spirit the air/Qi and the hell demon air/Qi fusion Spiritual God becomes has the extraordinary place, is the air/Qi of demon spirit almost by the complete transformation is Qi, does not need to waste a wee bit quantities . Moreover the air/Qi of demon spirit compatible and two world vitalities, but these two world vitalities both are adopt the different way evolutions from the world world vitality but becomes, therefore very overbearing, if not there is a special physique, is unable. Withstands, instead possibly explodes the body to perish, reason that initially ten thousand time were born that many giants, the air/Qi of demon spirit has lasting achievements, why were also ten thousand time strange physique innumerable reasons, but to the present, even if were the giants, do not dare unable to buy in the air/Qi of demon spirit to transform as their strength.” Nha said. “这只是一种推断,是我天使族巨头得到的万界时代留下的一些宝物中记载的一点内容,里面说是,神灵之气和地狱魔气融合而成的魔灵之气具有非凡之处,就是魔灵之气几乎可是被完全转化为斗气,不需要浪费一丁点的量,而且魔灵之气兼容和两种天地元气,而这两种天地元气都是从人间界的天地元气通过不同的途径进化而成的,所以非常的霸道,若非有特殊的体质,根本无法。承受,反而可能爆体而亡,当初万界时代之所以诞生那么多的巨头,魔灵之气功不可没,也是为什么万界时代奇异体质无数的原因,而到了现在,就算是巨头,也不敢无法吸纳魔灵之气转化为自己的力量。”琳洛雅说道。 Only needs the special physique then?” Xie Aoyu asked. “只需要特殊体质便可以吗?”谢傲宇问道。 Nha said: I not really am clear, wants to come the matter not to be simple, has many other restrictive conditions inevitably, otherwise, these giants must change the physique of descendant not to be simple, is only my status is too low, are not many, you who knows have the opportunity to your host of inquiry Lei, he should know.” 琳洛雅道:“我也不甚清楚,想来事情没那么简单,必然还有其他的许多约束条件,不然的话,那些巨头们要改变后裔的体质还不简单,只是我地位太低,知道的不多,你有机会可以向你们雷家之主询问,他应该知道的。” Xie Aoyu hear [words/that] nods. 谢傲宇闻言点点头。 He indeed very much wants to clarify, if, he definitely will use, so the promotion of speed, not trial, the issue that because the giants are unable to solve gives up, is not his style. 他的确很想弄清楚,若是可以,他必然会去使用的,如此速度的提升,不试一下,就因为巨头们无法解决的问题而放弃,可不是他的风格。 As a result of the appearance of air/Qi of demon spirit, on the air/Qi of their attention place demon spirit as if by prior agreement, as for the smelting god soldier, they have not cared, has too many spirit spars, at the worst auctions is \; One is crude person refiner master, can only achieve so the situation, other she is not really clear. 由于魔灵之气的出现,两人的注意力都不约而同的放在魔灵之气上面,至于熔炼神兵,他们还真不是太放在心上,一个是有太多的灵晶石,大不了拍卖就是\;一个是半吊子炼器师,只能做到如此地步,别的她也不甚明白。 Quick they had discovered the issue is. 很快两人就发现了问题所在。 „In these four wolf break out the secret Incantation technique strategy to have the mystery.” Xie Aoyu said. “这四个狼首突起内的隐秘咒术阵法有奥妙。”谢傲宇道。 Say (Way) that Nha has doubts: As if was they the hell demon air/Qi transforms in spirit spar has refined into being mad of Spiritual God, then the hell demon air/Qi fusion in air/Qi and the spirit spar these Spiritual God, became the air/Qi of demon spirit.” 琳洛雅疑惑的道:“似乎是它们将灵晶石内提炼过的地狱魔气转变为神灵之气了,然后这些神灵之气和灵晶石内的地狱魔气融合,成为魔灵之气的。” You do not need to be worried to waste the spirit spar , to continue many uses, after had better be able satisfy the smelting god soldier, can be unnecessary some.” Xie Aoyu said. “你不用担心浪费灵晶石,继续多多的使用,最好能够满足熔炼神兵之后,能够多余出一些。”谢傲宇说道。 „Aren't you will want to experiment the air/Qi of demon spirit?” Nha said. “你不会是想要试验魔灵之气吧?”琳洛雅道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: „The air/Qi of demon spirit at present, if not test can be used to practice, perhaps after me, was very difficult to practice relieved.” 谢傲宇笑道:“魔灵之气就在眼前,若是不试用到底能不能用来修炼,恐怕我以后很难安心修炼了。” Looks at Xie Aoyu, Nha long time smiles bitterly saying: No wonder you are the god monstruous talent, does not dare to use the giants, you have the guts application.” 怔怔的看着谢傲宇,琳洛雅良久才苦笑道:“难怪你是神界妖孽,连巨头都不敢使用的,你都有胆量应用。” Shrugs, Xie Aoyu has not said anything. 耸耸肩,谢傲宇也没说什么。 If Lei Tianze, perhaps does not dare to use, after all antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that in Lei Tianze the soul has the incomplete soul that a ten thousand time leaves behind, in the instinct should know that the bad risk of air/Qi of demon spirit, is he is different, has him of unsurpassed god body, has Sky Prestige Spirit Soul, does not fear these things, what is most essential is the liquid psychic force, in the event of the accident, can use the liquid psychic force to stop forcefully. 如果是雷天泽,恐怕真的不敢使用,毕竟上古圣皇赵天龙说了,雷天泽的灵魂内有一个万界时代遗留下来的残缺灵魂,本能中应该知道,魔灵之气的凶险,可是他不同,具有无上神体的他,更是有着天威灵魂,根本不惧怕这些东西,最关键的是液态化精神力,一旦出现意外,可以使用液态化精神力强行中止的。 Nha does not know this many reasons, then unceasingly crumb spirit spar. 琳洛雅不知这许多原因,便不断地捏碎灵晶石。 Part sends to cast in the emperor stove, part sends in four wolf prominence above, causes both's the hell demon air/Qi and Spiritual God air/Qi of increases unceasingly, each other fusion, forms the air/Qi of demon spirit. 一部分送入铸皇炉内,一部分送入四个狼首突起上面,使得两者的地狱魔气和神灵之气不断增加,彼此融合,形成魔灵之气。 The air/Qi of demon spirit has both two characteristics, is similar to the black fog, has very nimble and resourceful feeling. 魔灵之气兼备两种特征,就是如同黑雾般,却有着非常灵动的感觉。 The surface looks that does not have what danger. 其表面看去,并没有什么危险。 Enough many spirit spar consumptions, the air/Qi of demon spirit then surpasses the quantity that the smelting god soldier has needed, sends out gradually, for safety, Xie Aoyu wields conveniently. 足够多的灵晶石消耗,魔灵之气便超出了熔炼神兵所需的量,渐渐地散发出来,为了安全起见,谢傲宇随手一挥。 Then has the demon spirit air/Qi of together to fall in own hand. 便有一道魔灵之气落在自己的手中。 You determined that can test?” Nha asked. “你确定要试用?”琳洛雅问道。 Xie Aoyu nodded, deeply inspires, the strength in within the body surges, enters in air/Qi of info clerk this wisp of very slight demon spirit own meridians. 谢傲宇点了点头,深吸一口气,体内的战力涌动起来,将这一缕非常细微的魔灵之气收纳进入自己的经脉内。 Unrelieved. 无变化。 Changes over to the dantian, quenchings. 转入丹田,进行淬炼。 Air/Qi of after wisp of demon spirit quenchings, transforms for the strength impressively completely, if is really similar to Nha says, has not wasted the tiny bit quantity, moreover his strength, but the Qi 12 times of might, can transform completely, if transfers Qi, how could it not be can promote more. 一缕魔灵之气淬炼之后,赫然全部转化为了战力,果真如同琳洛雅所讲,没有浪费一丝一毫的量,而且他的战力可是斗气的12倍威力,都能完全转化,若是转为斗气,岂非能够提升更多。 Xie Aoyu pays attention to a strength that the air/Qi of that demon spirit is transforming discretely, does not have what difference, melts with the itself strength, has not had the accident. 谢傲宇谨慎的关注着那魔灵之气转化来的一丝战力,并没有什么不同,与本身战力相融,也未发生变故。 What kind of?” Nha asked hurriedly, she also wanted to practice fast, naturally also very much paid attention. “怎么样?”琳洛雅急忙问道,她也想要快速修炼,自然也很关注。 Has not felt.” Xie Aoyu said. “没感觉啊。”谢傲宇道。 Nha said in consternation: „, Isn't the air/Qi of demon spirit you use too will be few?” 琳洛雅愕然道:“不会吧,难道是你用的魔灵之气太少?” Does not know that gives a try again.” Xie Aoyu then once again receives the air/Qi of some demon spirits, this time quantity increases. “不知道,再试试看。”谢傲宇便再度收入一些魔灵之气,这次的量有所增加。 Finally the air/Qi of demon spirit still transformed into the strength, still did not change. 结果魔灵之气仍旧是转换为战力,仍旧毫无变化。 Xie Aoyu gradually then starts to try the increment. 渐渐的谢傲宇便开始试着加量。 Throughout does not have what accident to occur. 始终没有什么意外发生。 Looks at the performance of Xie Aoyu, Nha has also had the suspicion to the beforehand view, cannot repress scratching with the finger in heart to move, she also tries to receive air/Qi of weak demon spirit. 看着谢傲宇的表现,琳洛雅也对之前的说法产生了怀疑,按耐不住心中的搔动,她也试着收入一丝微弱的魔灵之气。 „!” “啊!” The air/Qi of that demon spirit just entered the body, Nha then exudes one to call out in alarm, face whiten hurried repels the air/Qi of demon spirit, reveals a still shaken appearance. 那魔灵之气刚刚入体,琳洛雅便发出一声惊叫,脸色苍白的急忙将魔灵之气排斥出去,更是流露出一副惊魂未定的样子。 Xie Aoyu said: You how?” 谢傲宇道:“你怎么了?” I do not know that the air/Qi of that demon spirit enters the body, my mood had the collapse sign unexpectedly immediately, but air/Qi of demon spirit almost makes me overstate.” Say (Way) that Nha has a lingering fear. “我也不知道,那一丝魔灵之气入体,我的心境居然立刻出现了崩溃迹象,只是一丝魔灵之气都差点让我走火入魔。”琳洛雅心有余悸的道。 Mood collapse? 心境崩溃? Is my mood is greatly perfect is therefore unvexed? Xie Aoyu whispered secretly, but from Nha's performance, the air/Qi of demon spirit can indeed make the person mood produce the crisis, but this also merely just entered the body, other threats had not discovered that after all the mood achieved the greatly perfect person to be few, had, all giants know that this method, has not used the promotion, only then an explanation, that was the mood greatly is perfect is only a condition, in addition had other conditions to need to satisfy. 难道是我的心境大完满所以不受干扰?谢傲宇暗自嘀咕,但从琳洛雅的表现来看,魔灵之气的确可以令人心境产生危机的,而这还仅仅是刚刚入体,其它的威胁还未发现,毕竟心境达到大完满的人少,却不是没有,各方巨头知道这种手段,还不使用推广,只有一个解释,那就是心境大完满只是一个条件,另外还有其他的条件需要满足。 Xie Aoyu does not know that is any condition, but is a little without a doubt. 谢傲宇不知道是什么条件,但有一点毋庸置疑。 He satisfies the condition, he can use the air/Qi of demon spirit. 他是满足条件的,他是可以使用魔灵之气的。 Therefore Xie Aoyu the air/Qi of demon spirit uses these to come out unnecessarily practices, before not needing resembles, to practice like that puts behind the outside, only needs to divide one point of mind, then can have the astonishing practice speed, transforms as the strength entirely. 于是谢傲宇就用那些多余出来的魔灵之气进行修炼,无需似之前修炼那般,忘却外界,只需要分一分心神,便能够有惊人的修炼速度,统统转化为战力的。 Nha, we make a transaction.” Xie Aoyu said. “琳洛雅,我们做个交易吧。”谢傲宇道。 Ok.” The transaction of Nha nature clear Xie Aoyu was anything, I also hope that your strength was enough, to the tour of our demon imperial palace was helpful, but you must pay me 1000, no, ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars.” “可以。”琳洛雅自然清楚谢傲宇的交易是什么了,“我也希望你的实力足够,对我们的魔皇宫之行有帮助,但你必须支付我1000,不,一万高级灵晶石。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: 10,000 were too few, five ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars!” 谢傲宇笑道:“10000太少了,五万高级灵晶石!” To the air/Qi of this demon spirit, five ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars, if exchanges, Xie Aoyu rather puts out the complete Advanced level spirit spar to exchange. 相对于这魔灵之气,五万高级灵晶石若是兑换的话,谢傲宇宁愿拿出全部的高级灵晶石来兑换。 To Xie Aoyu, was too cost-effective. 谢傲宇来说,太划算了。 Again at one's convenience is, he and Nha so cooperates, coca body friendship, even if establishes the friendship in benefit, they later may also reply on the strength of match mutually, has enormously the advantage to later. 再有便是,他和琳洛雅如此合作,也可加身友情,就算是建立在利益上的友情,他们以后也可相互借助对手的力量,对以后有极大地好处。 Nha then starts unceasingly to increase the application of spirit spar quantity. 琳洛雅便开始不断地加大灵晶石量的应用。 So produces the air/Qi of massive demon spirit, Xie Aoyu then starts the buying in practice cautiously, transforms as the strength, after determining is all right, this accelerates to practice, naturally, he also branches out a mind to pay attention to Nha, prevents to have any improper matter occurrence. 如此产生大量的魔灵之气,谢傲宇便开始小心翼翼的吸纳修炼,转化为战力,当确定真的没事之后,这才加速修炼,当然,他也分出一份心神关注着琳洛雅的,防止有什么不妥的事情发生。
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