BE :: Volume #19

#1880: Cooperation 【Two】

PS: The distinguished guest ticket has sufficed, a additional chapter, will renew at 2 : 00 pm, the normal three time were still not changed! PS:贵宾票够了,加更一章,将在下午两点更新,正常三更时间仍旧不变! Remembers to show according to ice evil Monarch that dense say (way) truly exists, was the big fiendish person once told him, but Sky Demon has not left behind the entrance of dense say (way) there, even if were all previous big fiendish people exhausts the thoughts, had not found. 根据冰邪君记忆显示,那条密道的确存在,是大魔王曾经告诉他的,只是天魔并未留下密道的入口在那里,就算是历代大魔王都穷尽心思,也未曾找到。 The Xie Aoyu nature was skeptical on Nha's view. 谢傲宇自然对琳洛雅的说法表示怀疑。 demon imperial palace secret passage, I know, entire three, only then I know.” Affirmation that very Nha said. “魔皇宫秘密通道,我知道,整个三界,也只有我知道。”琳洛雅说的很肯定。 Really?” Xie Aoyu is taking a look at Nha, cannot see a feeling of lying, you, since knows why must cooperate with me, but is not and your paternal great-grandfather coordination, he is half giant, hopefully becomes the giant, he helps you, isn't the success possible surname bigger?” “真的?”谢傲宇打量着琳洛雅,看不出一点说谎的感觉,“你既然知道,为什么要与我合作,而不是和你的曾祖配合,他可是半巨头,更是最有希望成为巨头的,他帮你,成功可能姓不是更大?” Smiles bitterly, Nha said: Immortal boundary being doomed immortal, so long as were not killed, will not die, although this view is not necessarily correct, but lives several million years, does not have the issue, you thought that in this case, the kinship will attach great importance to? Not, if not I initially found the Holy Ghost god water for him, I am doomed unable the achievement exceedingly high level, he was already clean, said again, he who I forgot for Senior of achievement giant, three years ago formally started to close up, did not reach the giant not to go out, according to his potential talent, if not the Holy Ghost god water, were very difficult including half giant, therefore he can be successful, at least also needs to spend for several hundred years closed up, several hundred years, I may not wait, perhaps at that time I already was given to kill.” 苦笑一声,琳洛雅道:“长生境界注定长生,只要不被杀死,绝不会死亡的,这说法虽然未必正确,但是活个几百万年,还是没问题的,你觉得这种情况下,亲情会被重视吗?不会的,若非我当初为他找到圣灵神水,我注定无法成就通天级,他早就将我忘的一干二净了,再说,他为成就巨头之尊,从三年前正式开始闭关,不达巨头不出关,依照他的潜力天赋,若非圣灵神水,连半巨头都很困难的,所以他就算是能够成功,至少也需要花费数百年的时间来闭关,数百年,我可等不起,说不定那时候我早就被人给杀了。” The after life infinite length of human, kinship very natural will be light. 人的寿命无限长之后,亲情很自然的就会平淡。 Xie Aoyu hesitates saying: You said that you know secret passage, moreover is only some of your knows how I believe you, after all our first meeting, actually must discuss that the cooperation of this grade of matter, seems very difficult to believe.” 谢傲宇沉吟道:“你说你知道秘密通道,而且是唯有你一人知道,我怎么相信你,毕竟我们第一次见面,却要谈这等事情的合作,似乎很难让人相信。” You have the mind, when the time comes, can only be inevitably I and you goes, you said that I can threaten you?” Nha said that reason that I cooperate with you, but also is a little, the three stars lotus simply does not have any use to you, its only function is to then develop the meridians, do this you need? You do not need, moreover looked that you put out the natural degree of spirit spar, even if there is massive spirit spars, may be so generous, indicated that your surname standard, finally is my time are not many, I must bet one.” “你有心眼,到时候,必然只能是我自己与你前去,你说我能威胁到你吗?”琳洛雅说道,“我之所以与你合作,还有一点就是,三星莲对你根本没有任何用处,它唯一的作用便是拓展经脉的,这个你需要吗?你不需要,而且看你方才拿出灵晶石的大方程度,哪怕是有大量的灵晶石,可如此慷慨,也表明你的姓格,最后就是我的时间不多了,我必须赌一把。” You said also right.” Xie Aoyu has thought that so, „is this time are not indeed much, what meaning also?” “你说的也没错。”谢傲宇想了一下,的确如此,“这时间不多了,又是什么意思?” Nha smiles bitterly saying: This relates my secret, generally speaking is, if no three stars lotus, I over the next three years momentarily will possibly be killed.” 琳洛雅苦笑道:“这个关系我的一个秘密,总体来说就是,若没有三星莲的话,我可能在未来三年内随时都会丧命的。” Looks at Nha's expression, does not counterfeit likely, especially the mind felt that has not discovered falsely, Xie Aoyu some have then believed why will have such disaster as for Nha, he has little interest to know actually. 看着琳洛雅的表情,不像是作假,尤其心眼感觉也没有发现虚假,谢傲宇便有了一些相信,至于琳洛雅为何会有如此劫难,他倒是没多大兴趣知道。 Good, I will bid as far as possible.” Xie Aoyu said that when the time comes, we discussed the cooperation again.” “好吧,我会尽量竞拍下来的。”谢傲宇道,“到时候,我们再谈合作。” The cooperation puts out the common benefit. 合作是拿出共同的利益。 Xie Aoyu only has to receive demon imperial palace key, Nha possibly puts out the place of secret passage, so they can cooperate, enter the demon imperial palace. 谢傲宇唯有拿到魔皇宫钥匙,琳洛雅才可能拿出秘密通道的地点,如此两人方能合作,进入魔皇宫。 After coming to an arrangement, then no longer talked too much. 谈妥之后,便不再多言。 Nha is taking two blades, eagerly anticipates Xie Aoyu to enter in the backyard of this other institute. 琳洛雅拿着两把刀,引领谢傲宇进入这别院的后院内。 Casts the emperor stove then to place this place. 铸皇炉便放在此地。 Other people retreat respectively, Nha remove banned that presents a secret channel in that backyard, in that flower garden central place. 其他人各自退去,琳洛雅解除禁制,在那后院内出现一条隐秘的通道,就在那花圃中心位置。 Gets down following the channel, under the Xie Aoyu mind sensation, discovered that here has many Incantation technique establishments, once initiates, the might is infinite. 顺着通道下去,谢傲宇的心眼感知之下,发现这里有着诸多的咒术设置,一旦引发,威力无穷。 The channel has more than 300 meters fully, under the destination, there is a quite spacious region. 通道足有300多米长,到达地下,有一个相当宽敞的区域。 Here also four unreliably revere the peak master to protect. 在这里还有四名玄尊巅峰高手守护着。 Nha also gives to wield them draws back, here on only remaining her and Xie Aoyu. 琳洛雅将他们也给挥退,在这里就只剩下她和谢傲宇 In the big space, anything does not have, Xie Aoyu discovered that has the Incantation technique strength that almost can ignore together to fluctuate, is his mind can discover that trades to be other people, but also is really impossible to discover. 诺大的空间内,什么都没有,谢傲宇则发现有一道几乎可以忽略不计的咒术力量波动,也就是他的心眼能够发现,换做旁人,还真的不可能发现。 Recited the incantation, the snow white wing that Nha carried on the back fanned gently, cream brilliance fell together, that left wall then flashed through wipes luminously, presented one seems not the big space, was standing erect there about person of high giant refiner stove, that then casts the emperor stove. 念动咒语,琳洛雅背上的雪白羽翼轻轻扇动,一道乳白色的光华落下,那左侧的墙壁便闪过一抹光亮,出现一个看上去不大的空间,在那里矗立着一个约有一人高的巨大炼器炉,那便是铸皇炉。 Nha grasps void, that casts the emperor stove then slowly to fly from inside, falls on this space central place. 琳洛雅虚空一抓,那铸皇炉便缓缓地从里面飞出来,落在这空间的中心位置。 Looks at her action, Xie Aoyu stands in the distant place, calmly is waiting and seeing, has not disturbed her. 看着她的举动,谢傲宇站在远处,静静地观望着,没有干扰她。 After casting the emperor stove stabilizes, Nha then rapid reading moves the incantation, puts out a snow white color feather, wields gently, everywhere is the cream luminous spot, high and low is dancing in the air, when the luminous spot falls, that casts on the emperor stove then to reappear the innumerable stripes, obviously is chart mark Incantation technique. 铸皇炉稳定之后,琳洛雅便飞速的念动咒语,拿出一根雪白色的羽毛,轻轻一挥,漫天都是乳白色的光点,上下飞舞着,待光点落下,那铸皇炉上面便浮现无数的条纹,明显是图纹咒术 Afterward Nha puts out more than ten feathers, after hitting, these feathers fall on casting the surroundings of emperor stove, then the automatic combustion control, braves the white flame, falls above the ground. 随后琳洛雅拿出十多根的羽毛,打出去之后,这些羽毛落在铸皇炉的周围,然后自动燃烧起来,冒着白色的火焰,落在地面之上。 This ground reappears immediately the innumerable Incantation technique marks. 这地面立刻浮现无数的咒术符号。 To guarantee to cast the security of emperor stove, this Incantation technique on casting the emperor furnace stack, strips it, even if were stolen away to cast the emperor stove, is the waste product.” Nha answered. “为了保证铸皇炉的安全,这个咒术原本是在铸皇炉身上的,将其剥离开来,就算是被人偷走铸皇炉,也是废品。”琳洛雅解释道。 Xie Aoyu looks, said with a smile: Your protections are very thorough.” 谢傲宇看着一幕幕,笑道:“你们的保护工作很周密。” That is natural, if lost has cast the emperor stove, it is estimated that I must pay damages with the life, I do not want dead.” Dexterous that Nha said that on the face was still flashed through one not to be willingly. “那是自然,若是遗失了铸皇炉,估计我就要用命来赔付,我可不想死。”琳洛雅说的轻巧,脸上仍是闪过一丝不甘心。 If not angel god water fetters her future achievement, how to reduce to so the situation. 若非天使神水束缚她的未来成就,怎会沦落到这般地步。 „!” “啪!” A Nha palm of the hand claps is casting the angle of emperor stove. 琳洛雅一巴掌拍在铸皇炉的一角。 Cast the emperor stove to shiver steadily immediately, Nha, fire gets up void!” 原本平稳的铸皇炉立刻颤动起来了,琳洛雅虚空一点,“火起!” Bang!” “轰!” Casts in the emperor stove to emit one group of blazing flame immediately, what this flame presents is the blue color. 铸皇炉内登时冒出一团炽烈的火焰,这火焰呈现的是蓝色。 The Xie Aoyu dark to praise, this blue flame should be the fire of might close acme, but also is in the accomplishment profound hot situation. 谢傲宇暗赞,这蓝色火焰应该是威力接近极致之火,还处于大成的玄火地步。 Advanced level spirit spar.” Nha said. 高级灵晶石。”琳洛雅道。 Puts Advanced level spirit spar Space Ring to throw to Nha that conveniently, Xie Aoyu said: You do not need to be worried to waste, although uses is.” 随手将那盛放着高级灵晶石的空间戒指抛给琳洛雅,谢傲宇道:“你不用担心浪费,尽管用就是。” Received Space Ring, Nha has swept one, immediately screamed: How many are this?” 接过空间戒指,琳洛雅扫了一眼,登时尖叫道:“这是多少?” 1 million, sufficient not?” Xie Aoyu said. “1000000,够用不?”谢傲宇道。 Nha corners of the mouth twitches, black sheep of the family!!!” 琳洛雅嘴角一阵抽搐,“败家子!!!” With million Advanced level spirit spars, that if 100 million ordinary spirit spars, were used to refine a Advanced level Battle Emperor level god soldier unexpectedly, if bid, can pat next several. 用一百万高级灵晶石,那等若100000000普通灵晶石了,居然用来炼制一把高级战皇级神兵,若是竞拍的话,都能拍下好几件。 Xie Aoyu has not thought will consume the Advanced level spirit spar, and has not thought will use, after knowing, hears Divine Knife and demon blade fusion, after having the probability achievement might unusual god demon blade, he naturally must try the luck, others take on the core loss malfunction spar, the spirit spar in his hand, is not worried about any consumption. 谢傲宇本来也没想过会消耗高级灵晶石,而且也没想过会用很多的,当知道了之后,听闻神刀和魔刀融合,有几率成就威力超凡的神魔刀之后,他自然要试一下运气,别人担心损失灵晶石,他手中的灵晶石,根本不担心任何消耗。 „” “啪啪啪” Since Xie Aoyu so said that Nha suppresses is wanting violent punching to make her envy the envy Xie Aoyu, puts out more than 100 Advanced level spirit spars, casts in its investment the emperor stove. 既然谢傲宇都如此说了,琳洛雅强忍着要暴揍让她羡慕嫉妒的谢傲宇,拿出100多块高级灵晶石,将其投入铸皇炉内。 The blue flame had the transformation immediately, changes to the scarlet red, but its might also rapid is attacking toward the boundary of fire of acme. 原本蓝色的火焰立刻发生了蜕变,化作赤红色,而其威力也迅速的向着极致之火的境界冲击着。 This is the fire of promotion smelting might. 这是提升熔炼之火的威力。 After a while, Nha invests more than 100 Advanced level spirit spars once again. 过了一会儿,琳洛雅再度投入100多高级灵晶石。 So repeatedly more than 20 times, altogether the investment close more than 3000 Advanced level spirit spars, that flame then will thoroughly transform into the scarlet red, has been the degree of fire of acme. 如此反反复复将近20多次,总共投入接近3000多枚高级灵晶石,那火焰便彻底转换为赤红色的,也达到了极致之火的程度。 Afterward Nha then puts out about 10,000 Advanced level spirit spars, the smashing of it entirely pinching, changes to powdery, sprinkles on casting the emperor stove, these cast emperor stove outside chart mark then to glitter the point halo, seems the free wheeling comes general, starts to cast the semblance of emperor stove to loaf. 随后琳洛雅便拿出将近10000枚高级灵晶石,将其统统的捏的粉碎,化作粉末状,洒在铸皇炉上面,那些铸皇炉外面的图纹便闪烁着点点的光晕,好似活转过来一般,开始在铸皇炉的外表游荡着。 Nha then starts to recite the incantation. 琳洛雅这才开始念动咒语。 Cast the Incantation technique strategy of emperor stove inner layer true smelting god soldier also to operate. 铸皇炉内层真正熔炼神兵的咒术阵法也运行了起来。 The critical moment came. 关键时刻来了。 Xie Aoyu is also paying attention to inside change with the mind. 谢傲宇也用心眼关注着里面的变化。 Whiz!” Whiz!” “嗖!”“嗖!” Divine Knife and demon blade simultaneously invests casts in the emperor stove, Nha starts to cast in the emperor stove to deliver to that the Advanced level spirit spar unceasingly, loads, that spirit spar melts unceasingly, that scarlet red flame starts to start to transform gradually transparently, under the Xie Aoyu mind attention, inside Divine Knife and demon blade also starts to melt, then in the massive Advanced level spirit spar inner absorption hell demon air/Qi of enough depuration, and there are to cast the Incantation technique strategy in emperor stove to stimulate to movement, starts to fuse mutually. 神刀和魔刀同时投入铸皇炉内,琳洛雅开始将高级灵晶石不断地向那铸皇炉内投送着,一枚枚的送入,那灵晶石不断地消融,那赤红色的火焰渐渐地开始向透明开始转化,在谢傲宇心眼关注下,里面的神刀和魔刀也开始融化,然后在大量的高级灵晶石内吸收着足够的提纯的地狱魔气,并且有铸皇炉内的咒术阵法催动着,开始相互融合。 Is about one hour, Nha has delivered about 50,000 Advanced level spirit spars to inside. 前后不过一个小时,琳洛雅向里面投送了将近50000枚高级灵晶石。 Inside hell demon air/Qi is also an astonishing degree. 内里的地狱魔气也达到一个惊人的程度。 Thump! Thump! Thump “咚!咚!咚” It seems the day drum is struck to make a sound general, making the circular port shape casting emperor stove east , south , west and north four directions reappear gradually four seems the bulge of wolf head. 好似天鼓被擂响一般,令圆形口状的铸皇炉东西南北四个方向渐渐地浮现出四个好似狼首的凸起。 Xie Aoyu discovered immediately that these four seem in the bulge of wolf head is actually containing the air/Qi of astonishing Spiritual God, moreover inside also has the Incantation technique strategy to mount, as if must operate, actually lacks the strength. 谢傲宇立刻发现,这四个好似狼首的凸起里面竟然蕴含着惊人的神灵之气,而且里面还有咒术阵法镶嵌着,似乎要运行起来,却又缺少力量。 This casts the secret Incantation technique strategy in emperor stove, may increase smelts the successful probability, only then the god casts the clan to grasp to have the method that it tempts, how this time to appear.” The Nha's surprised say (way), has thought immediately as if of anything, the pleasantly surprised say (way), I knew, hell demon air/Qi! Is hell demon air/Qi.” He closely is grasping the Advanced level spirit spar in hand, no wonder, no wonder the god casts the clan, when two hell demon invasion, will guide the massive hell demon air/Qi seal in the clan, originally is the gas phase of conflict hell demon air/Qi and Spiritual God, then draws support from the Advanced level spirit spar to guide.” “这是铸皇炉内的隐秘咒术阵法,可增加熔炼成功几率的,只有神铸族掌握有将其引诱出来的方法,这次怎会出现了。”琳洛雅惊讶的道,随即似乎想到了什么,惊喜的道,“我知道了,地狱魔气!是地狱魔气。”他紧紧地抓着手中的高级灵晶石,“难怪,难怪神铸族在两次地狱魔界入侵的时候,都会导引大量的地狱魔气封印在族地内,原来是地狱魔气和神灵之气相冲突,然后借助高级灵晶石才可引导出来。” Pleasantly surprised, Nha rapid the Advanced level spirit spar crumb, sends in four wolf first shape bulge unceasingly, the secret Incantation technique strategy that is unable to revolve shivers immediately, all Incantation technique marks revolved. 惊喜中,琳洛雅飞速的将高级灵晶石捏碎,不断地送入四个狼首状的凸起中,那原本无法运转的隐秘咒术阵法立刻颤动起来,所有的咒术符号都运转了起来。 Therefore saw that has the air/Qi of Spiritual God to release unceasingly from that wolf first bulge, breaks in casts in the emperor stove. 于是就看到从那狼首凸起中不断地有神灵之气释放出来,冲入铸皇炉内。 Suddenly, originally in casting emperor stove of demon air/Qi tumbling, turned into fighting of two aura, each other junction strikes, causes to cast the emperor stove to shiver unceasingly. 一时间,原本魔气翻滚的铸皇炉内,变成了两股气息的争锋,彼此的交击,使得铸皇炉不断地颤动起来。 Inside two blades also started the smelting. 里面的两把刀也开始了熔炼。 Surpasses the matter that they imagine also to occur. 超出两人想象的事情也随之发生了。
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