BE :: Volume #19

#1879: Cooperation 【One】

PS: Renews the winding to sleep, distinguished guest ticket over 400, additional supreme emperor tribal group! PS:更新完下线睡觉,贵宾票过400者,加至尊皇族群! Neat woman, this is Xie Aoyu first time contacts the later feeling with Nha, slightly not loathsome, the meaning of beating around the bush, did not say that Nha is very pure is very straightforward, this female in that case, already by Turlogh in Bolton gnawing selects the dregs not to remain. 干脆利落的女人,这是谢傲宇第一次与琳洛雅接触之后的感觉,丝毫没有拖泥带水,拐弯抹角的意思,却不是说琳洛雅很单纯很直白,此女若是那样的话,早就被特洛内和科波顿给啃的连点渣都不剩了。 Xie Aoyu said: I come indeed to ask you to have the matter.” 谢傲宇道:“我来的确找你有事。” Said.” Nha has hit a strength conveniently, forms the isolation sound Incantation technique, making the people in this other institute unable to hear them to talk. “说吧。”琳洛雅随手打了一道力量,形成隔绝声音的咒术,让这别院的人无法听到他们谈话。 So the procedure also demonstrates Nha's discretion. 这般做法也显示出琳洛雅的谨慎。 Xie Aoyu said: I know you to control one to cast the emperor stove, but is right?” 谢傲宇道:“我知你控制一个铸皇炉,可对?” „Do you want to smelt the god soldier?” The Nha's stunned say (way), you never use any weapon, smelts to others.” “你想熔炼神兵?”琳洛雅错愕的道,“你可是从来不用任何兵器的,难道是给别人熔炼的。” About Lei Tianze, this monstruous talent madman, has not used the weapon, he once threatened that a pair of fist is he best weapon, some toward said that his double fist can break the exceedingly high level god soldier. 关于雷天泽,这个妖孽狂人,从未曾使用过兵器,他曾扬言,一双拳头就是他最好的兵器,有朝一曰,他的双拳会打断通天级神兵。 Xie Aoyu also to this Lei Tianze arrogance, feels a little speechless, has gone beyond the category of madman, crazily to not side. 谢傲宇也对这雷天泽的狂妄,感到有点无语,已经超出狂人的范畴,狂到没边了。 If not does not have the god soldier, two years ago I am also insufficient almost to be killed.” Xie Aoyu found an excuse. “若非没有神兵,两年前我也不至于差点被杀死。”谢傲宇找了个理由。 Two years ago” Nha spoke of here, stopped talking suddenly, this was others secrets, was naturally impossible saying that I do not want to ask that was is only frank for a while.” She put out a hand to gather together luxuriant before volume, cast the emperor stove, I have indeed controlled one, but can only the casting have the Advanced level Battle Emperor god soldier high.” “两年前”琳洛雅说到这里,猛然住口,这是人家的秘密,自然是不可能说出来的,“我不是想问,只是一时口快而已。”她伸手拢了一下额前的秀发,“铸皇炉,我的确控制了一个,但是最高只能铸造出高级战皇神兵。” Xie Aoyu said: That was enough.” 谢傲宇道:“那已经足够了。” Nha bursting out laughing said: You have Lei Shaling, under Lei let the head of household most powerful competitor, hasn't Lei bestowed your Advanced level Battle Emperor level god soldier?” 琳洛雅哑然道:“你可是有雷杀令,雷家下任家主最有力的竞争者,难道雷家没有赐给你高级战皇级神兵?” Naturally has given, but, does not suit me, I obtain an demon blade exactly, in the hand Divine Knife, smelts these two blades.” Xie Aoyu said that he puts out ten thousand Intermediate level spirit spars, this is casts the emperor stove to use an expense.” “自然是给了,不过,不适合我,恰好我得到一把魔刀,手中又有一把神刀,就将这两把刀熔炼吧。”谢傲宇说道,他拿出一万中级灵晶石,“这是铸皇炉使用一次的费用。” Looks at that ten thousand Intermediate level spirit spars, that is equal to 100,000 ordinary spirit spars. 看着那一万中级灵晶石,那就是相当于100000普通灵晶石。 By Nha's qualifications, can obtain 10,000 ordinary spirit spars every year, is good controls because of her is casting the emperor stove, can the initial price to smelt the opportunity of god soldier, obtains certain spirit spar. 以琳洛雅的资历,每年也不过能得到10000普通灵晶石罢了,好在她控制着铸皇炉,可以开价让人来熔炼神兵的机会,得到一定的灵晶石。 But smelting god soldier, where is that easy. 怎奈熔炼神兵,哪里是那么容易的。 The Emperor level god soldier are many, but two Emperor level god soldiers smelt, becomes the probability of Battle Emperor level god soldier is also 40%, only if has enough spirit spar to promote the success ratio, is the smelting expenses of 100,000 spirit spars, who is not can take. 就说天王级神兵不少吧,可是两件天王级神兵熔炼,成为战皇级神兵的几率也不过是四成罢了,除非具有足够的灵晶石才能够提升成功率,可是100000灵晶石的熔炼费用,就不是什么人能够拿出来的。 Therefore Nha is very poor. 所以琳洛雅很穷。 You formerly helped my one time, I should not gather your spirit spar, but I am very indeed poor, does not have the spirit spar in this hell demon practice, extremely will be limited, therefore this 10,000 spirit spars, I accepted, even if my Nha owes you a friendship.” Nha said. “你先前助我一次,我不应该收取你的灵晶石,可我的确很穷,没有灵晶石在这地狱魔界修炼,就会受到极大地限制,所以这10000灵晶石,我收下了,就算我琳洛雅欠你一个情分。”琳洛雅道。 Xie Aoyu Ha Ha said with a smile: Good, happy, I only know the Angel Clan person to like with the plans, resembles you so refreshedly is actually extremely few, this 10,000 spirit spars are we give the friend.” 谢傲宇哈哈笑道:“好,痛快,我只知天使族人喜欢用心机,似你这般爽快的却是极少的,这10000灵晶石就算是我们交给朋友吧。” I am impolite, in any case this 10,000 spirit spars to you are also a drop in the bucket.” Nha accepted 10,000 spirit spars entirely, this serious say (way), smelting god soldier, the success ratio is not high, the smelting success ratio of Emperor level god soldier is only 40%, the ordinary Battle Emperor level god soldier melts only then less than 30% probabilities, can you probably take risk?” “那我就不客气喽,反正这10000灵晶石对你来说也是九牛一毛。”琳洛雅将10000灵晶石统统的收下了,这才严肃的道,“熔炼神兵,成功率不高,天王级神兵的熔炼成功率仅为四成,普通战皇级神兵相融则只有不到三成的几率,你可要冒险?” About casting the emperor stove, Xie Aoyu has also understood. 关于铸皇炉,谢傲宇也是有所了解的。 World only then casts the emperor stove, but the success ratio is 100%. 人间界就只有一个铸皇炉,可是成功率为100。 God, hell demon and deep sea area has casts the emperor stove, but success ratio actually less than half, is so, even if has to cast the emperor stove, the Battle Emperor level god soldier who they have was still limited, at least Cenozoic, only had to let the competitor of successor to have the qualifications to obtain, but the immortal boundary also only then had the Battle Emperor level god soldier less than one-third people. 神界,地狱魔界和深海域有许多铸皇炉,但是成功率却都不到一半,也是如此,就算是有铸皇炉,他们具有的战皇级神兵仍然非常有限,至少新生代当中,唯有下任继承人的竞争者才有资格得到,而长生境界也只有不足1的人具有战皇级神兵。 „Can't spirit spar raise the smelting success ratio?” Xie Aoyu said. “灵晶石不是可以提高熔炼成功率吗?”谢傲宇道。 Emperor level god soldier smelts, if can provide enough spirit spar indeed, but the god soldier of Battle Emperor level smelts, must be the Advanced level spirit spar can promote the success ratio, if achieves over 80% probabilities, at least needs ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars.” Nha said. 天王级神兵熔炼,若能提供足够的灵晶石的确可以,但是战皇级的神兵熔炼,必须是高级的灵晶石才能够提升成功率的,若要达到八成以上的几率,至少需要一万高级灵晶石才可以。”琳洛雅说道。 Ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars, that was 1 million ordinary spirit spars. 一万高级灵晶石,那就是1000000普通灵晶石了。 Moreover the person who 1 million ordinary spirit spars take are more, but ten thousand Advanced level spirit spar actually few people can take, the Advanced level spirit spar itself forms is difficult. 而且1000000普通灵晶石拿出来的人很多很多,但是一万高级灵晶石却很少有人可以拿得出来,高级灵晶石本身形成就非常困难的。 Xie Aoyu puts out Space Ring with a smile, said: In this can ten ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars, be 100% success ratios?” 谢傲宇笑着拿出一枚空间戒指,道:“这里面有十万高级灵晶石,能不能达到100的成功率?” Nha was shocked. 琳洛雅愣住了。 „Haven't I misunderstood? Ten ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars?” Refined tastes a while, stares the big pupil, the inquiry that does not dare to believe said. “我没听错吧?十万高级灵晶石?”琳洛雅好一会儿,才瞪大眸子,不敢置信的询问道。 I can put out 300 million spirit spars conveniently, you thought that what ten ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars in my hands are?” Saying that Xie Aoyu smiles. “我能随手拿出300000000灵晶石,你觉得十万高级灵晶石在我手中算什么吗?”谢傲宇笑眯眯的说道。 Nha deeply inspires, good long while said: You suppress!” 琳洛雅深吸一口气,好半天才说道:“你狠!” Ten ten thousand Advanced level spirit spars are used for the success ratio that promotes the god soldier to smelt, perhaps in her opinion, has Xie Aoyu so luxuriously. 十万高级灵晶石只是用来提升神兵熔炼的成功率而已,在她看来,恐怕也只有谢傲宇如此的奢侈。 Too was simply luxurious. 简直太奢侈了。 Xie Aoyu laughs in one's heart, the Advanced level spirit spar has not known to have hundreds of millions in the ice demon valley, even ten hundreds of millions, for him, cannot say inexhaustible, feared that was 100-200 years enough uses. 谢傲宇暗笑不已,高级灵晶石在冰魔谷还不知道有几亿,甚至十几亿呢,对他来说,不能说取之不尽,怕是一两百年足够用了。 This is my two god soldiers.” Xie Aoyu has put out two blades. “这是我的两把神兵。”谢傲宇拿出了两把刀。 A blade was antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong bestows, one demon blade that was he snatches. 一把刀是上古圣皇赵天龙赠送的,一把是他抢来的魔刀。 In two blade contours has difference, the aura that itself carries is different, makes a great show of one's talents, but Divine Knife is passing nimble and resourceful air/Qi, what demon sword strap is the tyrannical air/Qi. 两把刀外形上有差别,本身所携带的气息更是不同,都是锋芒毕露,可是神刀透着一股灵动之气,魔刀带着的是暴虐之气。 „Can you smelt Divine Knife and demon blade really?” Nha's strange say (way). “你真的是要熔炼神刀和魔刀?”琳洛雅古怪的道。 What view also has?” Xie Aoyu puzzled say (way). “还有什么说法吗?”谢傲宇不解的道。 Nha said: It seems like you are want to use the weapon, still relied on both hands, did not have what thorough research to the weapon.” She reorganized the mentality, Divine Knife, in the god achievement, in its source, the implication has the air/Qi of Spiritual God obviously \; The demon blade, from hell demon, in the source, naturally was the hell demon is mad, both melted, inevitably was the air/Qi and the conflict of hell demon air/Qi Spiritual God, never had such god soldier to succeed, moreover cast the inference of clan according to the god, even if has succeeded, strong that its might possibly will not imagine.” 琳洛雅道:“看来你就算是想要使用兵器,也仍旧是依赖双手,对兵器并没有什么深入的研究啊。”她整理了一下思路,“神刀,明显是在神界成就的,其本源之中,蕴含有神灵之气\;魔刀,来自地狱魔界,本源之内,自然是地狱魔气了,两者相融,必然是神灵之气和地狱魔气的冲突,从未有过这样的神兵成功过,而且根据神铸族的推断,就算是成功了,其威力可能也不会想象的那么强。” Xie Aoyu shrugs, said: Was defeated, auction bidding.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,道:“失败了,就去拍卖会竞拍。” That actually, what your spirit spar are many, does not need to be worried.” Say (Way) that Nha envies, „, if I have that many spirit spars, does not fear the defeat, moreover if successful, possibly weakens except for the might, there is a certain possible surname might to increase, can compare favorably with the best quality goods Battle Emperor level god soldier.” “那倒是,你的灵晶石多的是,根本无需担心。”琳洛雅不无羡慕的道,“要是我有那么多灵晶石,也不怕失败,而且如果成功,除了威力可能减弱,也有一定的可能姓威力是大增,能够媲美极品战皇级神兵。” Xie Aoyu smiles not to speak. 谢傲宇笑而不语。 Has enough spirit spar, this is the capital. 拥有足够的灵晶石,这就是资本。 Battle Emperor level god soldier who the auction must auction, but there is Advanced level, as for whether will have the best quality goods, that was very difficult saying that after all the god cast the clan god soldier to be many, the best quality goods Battle Emperor level god soldier should also limited be right. 拍卖会要拍卖的战皇级神兵,可是有高级的,至于是否会有极品的,那就很难说了,毕竟神铸族神兵再多,极品战皇级神兵也应该有限才对。 Nha has not smelted the god soldier immediately, but is the delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, seems thinking anything. 琳洛雅并没有立刻去熔炼神兵,而是秀眉微蹙,似乎在想些什么。 Sees her so, Xie Aoyu has not then said anything, is only the static waiting. 见她如此,谢傲宇便没有说什么,只是静静的等待着。 Some little time, Nha makes the decision, said: How do we make to trade?” 好一会儿,琳洛雅才做出决定似地,道:“我们做个交易如何?” What trades?” Xie Aoyu said. “什么交易?”谢傲宇道。 I and you called the god monstruous talent, but I was actually only a joke, thinks that you were also very clear.” Nha expression is very tranquil, but in the eye shows intense unwilling, indicated her innermost feelings is not tranquil. “我与你并称神界妖孽,但是我却只是一个笑话,想必你也很清楚吧。”琳洛雅语气很平静,可眼中透出的强烈不甘,表明她内心的不平静。 Xie Aoyu nods, I know that initially also wanted to fight with you, whom having a look at to be fiercer.” 谢傲宇点点头,“我知道,当初还想要与你一战,看看谁更厉害。” In Lei Tianze the memory, in peer is worth him regarding as important only, has one, that is at present this with for Nha of name of monstruous talent. 在雷天泽的记忆中,同辈中唯一值得他看重的,只有一个,那就是眼前这个同为妖孽之名的琳洛雅。 Nha, 22 years old, Senior the position crest unreliably. 琳洛雅,22岁,玄尊中位顶峰。 Is this age, this boundary, said that is the monstruous talent is not overrated, Xie Aoyu must stride in the 26-year-old threshold now, is enters Senior shortly after the position unreliably, from the crest also has quite a distance, obviously Xie Aoyu is on the other hand more inferior than him. 仅仅是这个年龄,这个境界,说是妖孽不为过,谢傲宇如今也要跨入26岁的门槛了,也不过是进入玄尊中位不久,距离顶峰还有相当一段距离,相对来说,显然谢傲宇都比他逊色一些。 But Nha is actually a joke, the joke of god recognition. 可是琳洛雅却是一个笑话,神界公认的笑话。 Because Nha can have so nearly abnormal winding speed, has the reason, that is when her childhood, there are his paternal great-grandfather to bring to go to a vestige, the result is she is relying on inborn to some unique heavy valuable sensation strength, had found some Holy Ghost god water, making his paternal great-grandfather be able to become half giant, existence that in most hopeful achievement giant in Angel Clan recognizes, in his paternal great-grandfather digests the Holy Ghost god water, immature Lin had found elegantly the angel god water, under and its will drink. 因琳洛雅能够有如此近乎变态的提升速度,是有原因的,那就是在她幼年时,有其曾祖父带着去一处遗迹,结果是她凭借着天生对特有的一些重宝感知力,找到了一些圣灵神水,让其曾祖父得以一跃成为半巨头,更是在天使族中公认的最有希望成就巨头的存在,但是在其曾祖父消化圣灵神水的时候,幼小的琳洛雅又找到了天使神水,并将其喝下。 From now on Nha becomes the monstruous talent is incomparable. 自此琳洛雅就变得妖孽无比。 The practice speed enabled record that Sky Demon left behind only to pass away, shakes the large past and present absolutely, but the angel god water had a fatal issue, that was as long as drank the angel god water, his meridians can obtain expand enormously, but also can only expand to the immortal peak boundary degree, but Qi of exceedingly high level surpassed this boundary Qi, but once future Nha must attack the exceedingly high level boundary, even if were successful, that meridians are unable to withstand Qi, but was torn to pieces, making her the average person. 修炼速度让天魔留下的记录都只能作古,绝对是震硕古今的,怎奈天使神水有一个致命的问题,那就是但凡饮用天使神水,其经脉会得到极大地扩张,但也只能扩张至长生巅峰境界的程度,而通天级的斗气远超过这一境界的斗气,可一旦将来琳洛雅要冲击通天级境界,就算是成功,那经脉也将无法承受斗气,而寸断,让她成为普通人。 Therefore Nha can only achieve the immortal peak boundary life-long high. 所以琳洛雅终生最高只能达到长生巅峰境界。 I want to trade with you, the content is, under your bidding this auction final next to last act something by auction, the key of demon imperial palace, but I may help you to arrive at the demon imperial palace through the secret passage in secret, bypasses place that god and hell demon top player pester, opening demon imperial palace.” Nha said that my request is very simple, I want an three stars lotus in demon imperial palace.” “我想与你交易,内容就是,你竞拍下此次拍卖会最后的压轴拍卖品,魔皇宫的钥匙,而我可暗中助你通过秘密通道到达魔皇宫,绕过神界和地狱魔界顶尖高手纠缠的地方,开启魔皇宫。”琳洛雅说道,“我的要求很简单,我只要魔皇宫内的一株三星莲。” Secret passage? 秘密通道? This was Xie Aoyu heard once again, before Shen Tianming has said that afterward Ru Yan searched his memory, finally indeed had, what a pity he does not know that searched the ice evil Monarch's memory, the answer of getting also existed, but there, nobody knows. 这是谢傲宇又一次听到了,之前沈天明说过,后来如烟搜索他的记忆,结果的确是有,可惜他不知道,搜索冰邪君的记忆,得到的答案也是存在,但是到底在那里,没人知道。 „Do you know the secret passage to demon imperial palace really?” Some Xie Aoyu suspicions. “你真的知道通往魔皇宫的秘密通道?”谢傲宇有些怀疑。
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