BE :: Volume #19

#1885: The news of big fiendish person 【Three】

PS: Yesterday before down, today except for foundation three, but also in addition? PS:昨天五更,今天除了基础三更,还会加更吗? Coverall, only if the rank is specially high, otherwise is unable to honor above the boundary to promote to surmounting the situation of rank the strength unreliably, the situation at present knowing, the Advanced level Battle Emperor level coverall can achieve, but this kind of coverall are not many in ten thousand time quantities, therefore Xie Aoyu was not worried but actually, even if can Coombs have the Advanced level Battle Emperor level coverall to be also what kind of? 套装,除非是级别特别高的,否则根本无法在玄尊境界以上将力量提升到跨越级别的地步,就目前所知的情况来看,高级战皇级套装可以做到,但此类套装就算是在万界时代数量都不多,所以谢傲宇倒也不担心,就算是能够科姆斯有高级战皇级套装又怎样? This person previous time almost sees through own camouflage, then appearance, a series of crises, can say that the chief criminal is Coombs, how Xie Aoyu can let off him. 此人上次差点识破自己的伪装,接着雷凡的出现,一系列的危机,可以说罪魁祸首就是科姆斯,谢傲宇怎能放过他。 Exceedingly high level coverall combines, the might is it is said terrorist, but the words of independent wrap, the might sharp decline, can only play one-fifth might of wrap, but still may promote battle efficiency near time of might.” Ru Yan said. “通天级套装组合起来,威力据说非常恐怖,但是单独一件套的话,威力锐减,只能发挥出一件套的1的威力,但仍可提升战斗力近倍的威力。”如烟说道。 Xie Aoyu then fights boots to put on this Lightning Spirit. 谢傲宇便将这雷灵战靴穿上。 After appropriate, a Thun­der and Light­ning strength then fights in the boots to release from Lightning Spirit, Xie Aoyu feels Lightning Spirit to fight the change of boots, his intention moves, the golden lightning flows. 妥当之后,一股雷电力量便从雷灵战靴内释放出来,谢傲宇感受着一下雷灵战靴的变化,他心念一动,金色闪电流动下来。 „” “噼里啪啦” A clear sound transmits. 一阵清脆的响声传来。 But sees that Lightning Spirit to fight the boots to be surrounded by a golden lightning. 但见那雷灵战靴已经被一层金色的闪电环绕着。 Treads Lei Shu! 踏雷术! Xie Aoyu must display it to tread Lei Shu the might, his personal appearance in a flash, the under foot golden color lightning sparkle, the time of a twinkling, the human arrived at outside of this channel. 谢傲宇要施展其踏雷术的威力,他身形一晃,脚下金色闪电闪耀,一眨眼的功夫,人就已经到了这通道的外面。 Two females pursued. 两女追了出来。 What kind of?” Bing Wu asked. “怎样?”冰舞问道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Is very good, is good, independent treading thunder technique, even if there is golden lightning support, such as the light electricity and thunder clouds day wing union partly plans compared with the Wind and rain line promotion version inferior, has Lightning Spirit to fight the boots support, is only inferior one, ha-ha, wants to come to be able the gentle breeze non- shade non- shade god trace to dispute, should be able to give him a pleasant surprise.” 谢傲宇笑道:“很不错,非常不错,单独的踏雷术来讲,就算是有金色闪电支持,也比风雨行的升级版如光似电和雷云天翼结合逊色半筹,有着雷灵战靴支持,也只是逊色一线而已,呵呵,想来可以和风无影的无影神踪较量一下了,应该可以给他一个惊喜。” „Was this only has promoted the speed, the strength?” Bing Wu said. “这只是提升了速度,力量呢?”冰舞道。 Also near time of enhancements.” Xie Aoyu lifts the foot to kick. “也有近倍的增强。”谢傲宇抬脚踢出。 ! 啪! Void actually by an appearance slit that his foot kicks, seems the black hole is ordinary, the space disruption, this is Lightning Spirit fights the might of boots, the wrap of exceedingly high level coverall , the non- ordinary goods can compare. 虚空硬是被他一脚踢的出现一道缝隙,好似黑洞一般,空间碎裂,这就是雷灵战靴的威力,通天级套装的一件套,也非普通货色所能比的。 From this Lightning Spirit fights the boots, several may increase the Xie Aoyu about half battle efficiency . Moreover the thunder explodes Fights Technique to fight the boots to conceal by Lightning Spirit extremely, words that displays, the bystander is also very ugly thoroughly, can definitely display, does not need to be worried that was seen through. 由此雷灵战靴,几可增加谢傲宇近半战斗力,而且极雷爆斗技透过雷灵战靴掩饰,施展的话,外人也很难看透,完全可以施展了,不必担心被看穿。 Following several days, two female conformity demon demon clans, Xie Aoyu feel at ease in the spirit spar palace practice. 接下来几天,两女整合魔魅族,谢傲宇安心在灵晶石宫殿内修炼。 Sixth day, the auction formally starts. 第六天,拍卖会正式开始。 In two females Bing Wu remains, assumes the demon demon clan, Ru Yan accompanies Xie Aoyu to go to participate in the god to cast the auction that the clan holds together, this auction converges the innumerable powerhouses, attracts large quantities of masters to come. 两女中冰舞留守,坐镇魔魅族,如烟则陪着谢傲宇一起前去参加神铸族举行的拍卖会,此次拍卖会可谓是云集无数强者,吸引大批的高手前来。 The demon imperial palace key, the average person does not know, but these have the big background person to know, this time clashes being bewitched imperial palace key. 魔皇宫钥匙,普通人不知道,可是那些有着大背景的人可都知道了,此次更是都冲着魔皇宫钥匙来的。 They enter the auction hall time, here gathered many people, even has some crowded, is noisy, was discussing matter of this auction, many mentioned Lei Tianze three characters, the Xie Aoyu mind opened, all got a panoramic view. 两人进入拍卖会大厅的时候,这里已经聚集了很多人,甚至是有些许的拥挤,闹哄哄的,都在议论着此次拍卖的事情,其中也不乏提及雷天泽三个字的,谢傲宇的心眼开启,一切尽收眼底。 The mind may penetrate the ordinary Incantation technique shield strength, sees some secret conversations, to the auction of Xie Aoyu, has the enormous help. 心眼可穿透普通的咒术屏蔽力量,看到一些隐秘的交谈,对谢傲宇的拍卖来说,也是有着极大的帮助。 Has the status naturally has the VIP suite in two buildings. 有身份的自然是在二楼有贵宾室。 Xie Aoyu and Ru Yan then ascend a height to get a broad view two buildings, their appearances, cast the service personnel of clan to eagerly anticipate immediately brightly are entering a luxurious VIP suite. 谢傲宇如烟便登临二楼,他们的出现,立刻有神铸族的服务人员引领着进入一间豪华的贵宾室。 Here space is not big, decoration actually very luxurious. 这里空间不大,装饰却非常的奢华。 When the service person retreats, Ru Yan then displayed has shielded Incantation technique, has put out a paper. 待服务员退走,如烟便施展了屏蔽咒术,拿出了一张纸条。 That paper is they come, females of demon demon clan fill to Ru Yan, all processes under the mind attention of Xie Aoyu, anybody had not discovered. 那纸条是他们来进来的时候,一个魔魅族的女子塞给如烟的,一切过程都在谢傲宇的心眼关注下,没有任何人发现。 Two news.” The Ru Yan complexion is dignified. “两个消息。”如烟脸色凝重起来。 The Xie Aoyu very rare Ru Yan so expression, then asked: What news?” 谢傲宇很少见如烟如此表情,便问道:“什么消息?” First about big fiendish person.” Ru Yan said that one smile of this words Xie Aoyu sat straight the body immediately, listened to Ru Yan saying that before one hour, the soul valley that certainly the big fiendish person was at mystically vanishes.” “第一个是关于大魔王的。”如烟说道,一听此话谢傲宇登时坐直了身体,就听如烟说道,“就在一个小时前,大魔王所在的绝魂谷神秘消失。” Vanishes? Does the soul valley vanish certainly?” Xie Aoyu astonished say (way). “消失?绝魂谷消失?”谢傲宇惊愕道。 Certainly the soul valley is station of one generation of giants, its area huge compared with ice demon valley also small not many, how possibly baseless to vanish. 绝魂谷可是一代巨头的驻地,其面积之庞大比冰魔谷也小不多少,怎么可能凭空消失的呢。 Ru Yan said: According to the information of collection, the soul valley likely undercuts to enter at present certainly underground, the surface that but the soul valley is at certainly is very smooth, changed to a plain, these big tens of thousands meters mountains possibly submerged underground, this matter attracted the attention of god five big influence and demon Lingshan, sending out the massive immortal boundary master to hurry.” 如烟道:“根据目前收集的情报,绝魂谷很可能下陷进入地下了,但是绝魂谷所在的地表则是很平整的,化作了一个平原,那些高大几万米的高山都可能没入地下了,此事已经吸引神界五大势力和魔灵山的注意,派出大量的长生境界高手赶去了。” Has such matter, Lei has not informed me in the strength of dying out city unexpectedly.” The Xie Aoyu complexion is somewhat ugly, after all his present status is under Lei lets one of the head of household successors, has Lei Shaling. “有此等事情,雷家在寂灭城的力量居然没有通知我。”谢傲宇脸色有些难看,毕竟他现在的身份是雷家下任家主继承人之一,有着雷杀令的。 „This second news was related with Lei.” In the Ru Yan foreheads reveals to wipe the chill in the air, Lei is divided into two cliques, a head of household department naturally is supports your, but the Lei people in dying out city are the hostile cliques of head of household, a big elder department, although gave a pretext by the head of household catches up to get back one's composure, now has not left, demonstrated according to the information, after this auction, possibly some people will be disadvantageous to us, but the information that the demon demon clan collects indicated that what the intention is disadvantageous to us is the Lei person!” “这第二个消息就和雷家有关了。”如烟眉宇间流露出一抹寒意,“雷家分为两个派系,家主一系自然是支持你的,但是寂灭城的雷家人一直都是家主的敌对派系,大长老一系的,虽然被家主借口赶回神界,现在还未曾离开,根据情报显示,此次拍卖会之后,可能会有人对我们不利,而魔魅族收集的情报表明,意图对我们不利的正是雷家人!” Lei person! 雷家人! In the Xie Aoyu heart gushes out one to kill intent immediately, since is the sworn enemy, that cannot make them maintain a livelihood. 谢傲宇心中登时涌出一股杀意,既然是死对头,那就决不能让他们活命。 He put out a hand to stroke boots, what that seemed with the ordinary boots is different was Lightning Spirit fights the boots, so long as stimulated to movement the Thun­der and Light­ning strength to enter, will change immediately then into Lightning Spirit to fight the boots. 他伸手抚摸了一下靴子,那看上去与普通靴子没什么两样的正是雷灵战靴,只要催动雷电力量进入,立刻便会化为雷灵战靴。 Feels the strength that within the body is rushing, Xie Aoyu also wants to get rid. 感受着体内澎湃的力量,谢傲宇也想出手了。 He Senior the strength of position purple soul unreliably, coordinating Lightning Spirit to fight the boots and that the demon blade, will try the battle efficiency strongly. 他已经是玄尊中位紫色灵魂的实力,配合雷灵战靴和那把魔刀,正要试试战斗力有多强呢。 You appoint the demon demon clan comprehensive attention certainly soul valley and Lei.” Xie Aoyu said. “你去指派魔魅族全面注意绝魂谷和雷家。”谢傲宇道。 Ru Yan nods, then set out to leave the VIP suite. 如烟点点头,便起身离开了贵宾室。 She just left the sound that the VIP suite outside transmits Nha. 她刚离开贵宾室外便传来琳洛雅的声音。 Under the mind attention of Xie Aoyu, naturally can see Nha, but also had discovered side Nha is standing a young man, wears a black clothed, the strength quite not weak master. 谢傲宇的心眼关注下,自然可以看到琳洛雅,还发现了琳洛雅身旁站着一个青年男子,穿着一袭黑衣,实力相当不弱的高手。 Making noise makes them come. 出声让两人进来。 The VIP suite gate shoves open, these two then walked. 贵宾室门推开,这两人便走了进来。 Nha passing through the gate then displays to shield Incantation technique, isolated the outside to hear the sound the possibility. 琳洛雅一进门便施展屏蔽咒术,隔绝了外界听到声音的可能。 This is?” Xie Aoyu is impolite with Nha, straightforward aperture. “这位是?”谢傲宇没有和琳洛雅客气,直截了当的开口。 The men introduced oneself: Hawode, thinks that Lei the brother has heard.” 男子自我介绍道:“哈沃德,想必雷兄听说过吧。” Because Hawode came from ancient times the execution ground, therefore Xie Aoyu also made the human give special attention, basically knew about his all motions that has waited for Xie Aoyu to go in the inn, naturally also has seen the portrait to his appearance. 因哈沃德来自远古杀场,所以谢傲宇也让人特别关注,对他的一切行动都基本了解,一直都在客栈内等候谢傲宇前去,对他的长相自然也是看到过画像。 „, You are Hawode, what matter do you ask me to have?” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “哦,你就是哈沃德啊,你来找我有什么事?”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 In front of sighted person did not speak the code words, my this comes is thinks that Lei the brother gives up competing the next to last act something by auction of this auction.” Hawode said. “明人面前不说暗话,我此来是想雷兄放弃竞争此次拍卖会的压轴拍卖品的。”哈沃德说道。 The Xie Aoyu eyebrow selects, looks to Nha. 谢傲宇眉毛一挑,看向琳洛雅。 This next to last act something by auction is he and Nha's goal, opens the key of demon imperial palace, how present will make Hawode come suddenly. 这压轴拍卖品乃是他和琳洛雅的目标,更是开启魔皇宫的关键,怎的现在突然会引哈沃德前来。 Anything that this Nha hits pays attention. 这琳洛雅到底打的什么注意。 Some matters I have forgotten and Lei the brother say understand that the person of opening demon imperial palace, must have the Sky Demon bloodline only then.” Nha fills with be sorry meaning. “有件事我忘了和雷兄讲明白,开启魔皇宫之人,必须具有天魔血脉方可。”琳洛雅满怀抱歉之意。 The Xie Aoyu vision immediately becomes sharp. 谢傲宇的目光登时变得犀利起来。 Forgot? 忘了? The joke, that concerns key one step that being bewitched imperial palace opens, unexpectedly said that has forgotten, possibly forgot? Kills Xie Aoyu not to believe that elegant gathering forgot. 笑话,那可是关乎着魔皇宫开启的关键一步,居然说忘了,可能忘吗?打死谢傲宇都不相信琳洛雅会忘记。 I underestimated you.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu lets somebody cool off or calm down. “我真的低估你了。”谢傲宇冷冷的道。 Nha said: Some matters do not look like like that but also looks at Lei the brother who you imagine should not be offended, moreover I, if must deceive you, can be said as to this matter does not know the circumstances of the matter completely, shirking knows from Hawode mouth.” 琳洛雅道:“有些事情并非像你想象的那般,还望雷兄不要见怪,而且我若是要骗你的话,完全可以说是对此事不知情,推脱是从哈沃德口中得知的。” Snort!” “哼!” Xie Aoyu cold snort, if such, is more doubtable, so the view, instead displays Nha's wise, explained that her confessing, drags into Hawode by this their cooperation again at one's convenience. 谢傲宇冷哼一声,若是那样,更让人怀疑,如此说法,反而表现出琳洛雅的高明,说明她的坦白,再有便是以此将哈沃德拉入他们的合作中。 Facing Xie Aoyu cold meaning, Nha has not displayed to be startled, light very much, she knows Xie Aoyu is impossible to get angry, they must unite. 面对谢傲宇的冷意,琳洛雅并没有表现出多么惊慌,平淡的很,她知道谢傲宇不可能翻脸,他们三人是必须联合才可以的。 Such being the case, do you why cooperate with me? Collaborates to bid is.” Xie Aoyu also calm, sound appears very light. “既然如此,你们何必与我合作?联手竞拍下来便是。”谢傲宇也冷静了下来,声音显得很平淡。 We do not have Lei brother's financial resource, perhaps now all people know, so long as Lei the brother bids, share that others can only stare dry.” Hawode said. “我们没有雷兄的财力,恐怕现在所有人都知道,只要雷兄竞拍的话,别人都只能干瞪眼的份。”哈沃德说道。 Xie Aoyu knits the brows: That is all? I pat the cooperation then am, why wants me to give up bidding?” 谢傲宇皱眉道:“仅此而已吗?那我拍下来合作便是,何必要我放弃竞拍?” Hawode hesitation a while, said: Lei brother possibly does not know that the demon imperial palace key has five, however the genuine key only then, I know, other four appeared, after the determination, is false, therefore the key possible surname of this auction to be really big, but must determine the genuine and fake, only has to have the talented person of Sky Demon bloodline to be able . Moreover, regardless on the genuine and fake key has the thing that some Sky Demon keep, I hope to obtain, therefore please Lei the brother give up, the key will give me.” 哈沃德沉吟一会儿,才说道:“雷兄可能不知道,魔皇宫钥匙有五把,但是真正的钥匙只有一把,就我所知,其他的四把都已经出现,经过确定,都是假的,所以这次拍卖的钥匙真的可能姓非常大,但是要确定真假,唯有具有天魔血脉的人才可以,而且,无论真假钥匙上面都有着一些天魔所留的东西,我希望得到,所以请雷兄放弃,将钥匙让给我。” Thing that Sky Demon leaves behind?” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu thought aloud. 天魔留下的东西?”谢傲宇自言自语的道。 He somewhat hesitates, whether this agreement. 他有些犹豫,是否该同意。 Looked on the current situation that they must collaborate. 就目前的形势看,他们三人是必须联手的。 Xie Aoyu grasps to have enough spirit spar, the demon imperial palace key can definitely take, therefore he has the key, Nha grasps to have the secret passage, Hawode has the Sky Demon bloodline, three people collaborate to open the demon imperial palace, seems the good combination. 谢傲宇掌握有足够的灵晶石,魔皇宫钥匙完全可以自己拿下来,所以他具有钥匙,琳洛雅掌握有秘密通道,哈沃德有天魔血脉,三人联手开启魔皇宫,似乎是天作之合。 Especially Xie Aoyu does not want to disclose that can draw support from the fact of air/Qi of practice demon spirit. 尤其是谢傲宇不想透露可以借助魔灵之气修炼的事实。 Lei Tianze who itself Xie Aoyu disguises as was very garish, making all influence not hesitate to collaborate to aim, if adds on again can draw support from the air/Qi of practice demon spirit, perhaps they will be reckless the price the sending out immortal boundary master to kill his, he is not willing to face the threat of immortal boundary master. 本身谢傲宇假扮的雷天泽就已经很扎眼了,让各方势力不惜联手针对,若是再加上可以借助魔灵之气修炼,恐怕他们会不顾一切代价的出动长生境界高手来袭杀他的,他可不愿意面对长生境界高手的威胁。 Therefore he can only cooperate with them. 所以他只能与两人合作。 Naturally, he can also get rid to capture them, controls them, is good means. 当然,他也可以出手将两人擒拿,控制两人,也是一个不错的办法。 Lei brother, our matters, knows are not many, but about your secret, I have manufactured a Incantation technique letter it, stays in a secret place, once I have the problem, that Incantation technique messenger meeting first spreads over entire hell demon.” Nha has as if seen through the idea of Xie Aoyu, tranquil say (way), „, therefore we should better are the intimate cooperation are best.” “雷兄,咱们的事情,知道的不多,但是关于你的秘密,我将其制作了一个咒术信,留在一个隐秘的地方,一旦我出现问题,那咒术信便会第一时间传遍整个地狱魔界。”琳洛雅似乎看穿了谢傲宇的想法,平静的道,“所以我们最好还是亲密无间的合作最好。”
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