BE :: Volume #19

#1877: Lesson 【One】

PS: Yesterday the distinguished guest ticket had not met the requirements, still three! PS:昨天贵宾票没达到要求,仍旧三更! After Nha appears, god Bolton that anger suppressed slightly, the Xie Aoyu mind opened, their each slight expressions are unable to escape his observation, at that moment, he saw the god Bolton corners of the mouth brought back wiped to sneer, hatred that in the eye flashed through, has not concealed to Nha's hatred, otherwise was Nha's one despising to god Bolton. 琳洛雅出现之后,神目科波顿那愤怒的情绪稍微压制了一下,谢傲宇心眼开启,两人的每一个细微的表情都无法逃过他的观察,那一刻,他看到了神目科波顿嘴角勾起的一抹冷笑,眼中闪过的一丝恨意,没有隐瞒的对琳洛雅的恨意,反之则是琳洛雅对神目科波顿的一种藐视。 They do not cope. 两人不对付。 Xie Aoyu watches, smiles secretly, this could use, since has produced the contradiction with the Angel Clan Turlogh in god Bolton, then maintains the relations with Nha, can the person cooperation with Angel Clan aspect. 谢傲宇看在眼里,暗自一笑,这或许可以利用一下,既然与天使族的特洛内和神目科波顿产生了矛盾,那与琳洛雅搞好关系,也可以与天使族方面的人合作嘛。 Lei brother forgives, I came late.” Nha then looks to god Bolton, light that the sound immediately changes, Bolton, Lei the brother is looks my, we have the matter to discuss that please leave.” “雷兄恕罪,我来晚了。”琳洛雅转而看向神目科波顿,声音登时变的平淡,“科波顿,雷兄是来找我的,我们有事要谈,请你离开。” Having the matter can discuss? That and my what Gan.” God Bolton sneers to say. “有事要谈?那与我何干。”神目科波顿冷笑道。 Nha sinking sound track: This is my other institute!” 琳洛雅沉声道:“这是我的别院!” Tilts the head, looks at Nha slantingly, god Bolton said: Your other institute is also what kind, this Lei Tianze seizes my demon eye source, he must hand over, otherwise, hey, I must give you this other institute to clean with the blood.” 歪着头,斜看着琳洛雅,神目科波顿道:“你的别院又怎样,这雷天泽夺我魔眼本源,他必须交出来,不然的话,嘿嘿,我就要给你这别院用鲜血清洗一下了。” He disregards Nha completely. 他根本就是无视琳洛雅。 Nha is angry saying: Bolton, I limit you in three seconds, get lost to me, do not think that in you and Turlogh the relations, dare to act in a self-serving manner here.” 琳洛雅大怒道:“科波顿,我限你三秒内,给我滚出去,不要以为你和特洛内关系好,就敢在我这里为所欲为。” God Bolton was so treated by Nha, in front of Xie Aoyu, feels ashamed and resentful, the delicate and pretty facial features appear fierce fearful, kills intent to burst out imposingly. 神目科波顿被琳洛雅如此对待,更是在谢傲宇面前,更是感到羞愤,俊美的面容更显得狰狞可怕,一股凛然的杀意迸发出来。 Watches critically, meaning that Xie Aoyu has not meddled. 冷眼旁观,谢傲宇并没有插手的意思。 However in the Xie Aoyu mind, in Turlogh that Senior the superior unreliably already arrived at outside other institute, immediately has not actually come, was observing in secret. 但是在谢傲宇的心眼内,那个玄尊上位的特洛内已然来到别院外,却没有立刻进来,正在暗中观察。 Xie Aoyu sees that sneers, in this Turlogh obtains Long Langhun to oneself probably is also the heart lives the hatred, feared that will have the murderous intention to him, let alone he will disguise as Lei Tianze, Cenozoic of major influences have been ordered inevitably, can have the opportunity to kill him, will not miss an opportunity. 谢傲宇见状,冷笑不已,这特洛内大概对自己得到龙狼魂也是心生恨意吧,怕是也会对他有杀机的,何况他假扮雷天泽,各大势力的新生代必然得到命令,能够有机会杀死他,绝不错过机会的。 It seems like today a little will be lively, the Xie Aoyu look is indifferent, seems stays out general. 看来今天会有点热闹了,谢傲宇神色淡然,好似置身事外一般。 „The ugly woman who your this forever is hard to amount to something, dares to insult me!” God Bolton gets angry exclaims. “你这永远难以上台面的丑女人,竟敢侮辱我!”神目科波顿怒吼道。 Nha cannot say attractively, but is not absolutely ugly, moreover lives in the place of Angel Clan this good-looking man pretty girl, she indeed is an ugly girl, but she is also a woman, as long as the woman is likes to look good, therefore most was gets angry and hate others saying that she was an ugly girl, desolate say (way): You will not roll, I help you.” 琳洛雅说不上漂亮,但绝对不丑,而且生在天使族这个俊男靓女的地方,她的确算是丑女,可她也是女人,但凡女人就是爱美的,所以最是恼恨别人说她是丑女,冷森森的道:“你自己不会滚,我帮你。” Her in big strides then stand forth. 她大踏步便向前走去。 Senior position crest pressure to pass to send unreliably, the direct role on the god Bolton's body, he of oppression cannot ventilate, Nha one step, he is forced to retrocede forward one step. 玄尊中位顶峰的威压透发出来,直接作用在神目科波顿的身上,压迫的他透不过气,琳洛雅向前一步,他就被迫后退一步。 Arrives Senior the boundary unreliably, the disparity of same boundary also has the difference of heaven and earth. 到达玄尊境界,同一个境界的差距也是有着天壤之别的。 This Senior the crest master like Nha unreliably, can definitely only the hand second kill ten initially to enter Senior the master unreliably, copes with god Bolton naturally to be a cinch. 像琳洛雅这等玄尊中位顶峰高手,完全可以只手秒杀十名初入玄尊中位的高手,对付神目科波顿自然不在话下。 Nha!” God Bolton is staring at present this woman with clenched jaws, he is suppressing the shame, you can only be detained the immortal boundary life-long, now I am inferior to you, when I stride in the exceedingly high level boundary, will you pay the deeply grieved price to today's actions!” “琳洛雅!”神目科波顿咬牙切齿的盯着眼前这个女人,他强忍着羞辱,“你终生只能滞留长生境界,现在我不如你,等到我跨入通天级境界,必要你对今天的所作所为付出惨痛的代价!” Nha cold spooky say (way): A little, you have forgotten, if wants the achievement exceedingly high level, the prerequisite to be, you can also live are being good.” 琳洛雅冷幽幽的道:“有一点,你忘记了,要想成就通天级,前提条件是,你还能活着才行。” You!” One that the god Bolton complexion brushes becomes pale. “你!”神目科波顿脸色刷的一下变得惨白。 Potential giant person does not know many, but can arrive Senior the boundary unreliably actually few, that is because they were killed, died the big potential is also in vain however. 潜力巨大的人不知有多少,但是能够走到玄尊境界的却很少,那是因为他们都被杀了,死了再大的潜力也是枉然。 „Does Nha, you want to cruelly harm the consanguinity?” At this time, that concealment walked in Turlogh of hidden place. “琳洛雅,你想残害同族吗?”这时候,那隐匿在暗处的特洛内走了出来。 In Turlogh, is not only Angel Clan three big sharp one, was the Cenozoic powerhouse of god recognition, now is Senior the superior unreliably the boundary. 特洛内,不仅仅是天使族三大精锐之一,更是神界公认的新生代强者,现在已经是玄尊上位的境界。 He naturally wants Nha to be stronger. 他自然要比琳洛雅更强。 Snort, how could I had said that must kill the clansman, no wonder Dukat said the skill that your this tells tales is the special skill.” Nha responds with Turlogh in similarly sneers, does not fear him. “哼,我何曾说过要杀族人了,难怪杜卡特说你这搬弄是非的本事是看家本领。”琳洛雅对特洛内同样报以冷笑,并不惧怕他。 The complexion in Turlogh immediately becomes exceptionally ugly. 特洛内的脸色登时变得异常难看。 Regarding Angel Clan three big sharp, Xie Aoyu saw in Turlogh with god Bolton, regarding another Dukat, has not seen, but in obtaining in memory, Dukat's appearance and material are very detailed, this Dukat was the first person of Angel Clan Cenozoic, Senior the superior boundary unreliably, compared with Turlogh that in initially entered tyrannical more than one least bit, belonged to be able the gentle breeze not to have the shade, existence that horizontal poor character kept pace with. 对于天使族三大精锐,谢傲宇见到了特洛内和神目科波顿,对于另外一个杜卡特,还未见过,但在得到的记忆中,杜卡特的样子和资料都很详细,这杜卡特才是天使族新生代的第一人,玄尊上位境界,要比初入的特洛内强横不止一点半点,属于能够和风无影,横无行并驾齐驱的存在。 Moreover angel three big sharp, in Turlogh collaborates to repel Dukat with god Bolton, therefore three people of relations are very bad. 而且天使三大精锐中,特洛内和神目科波顿联手一直都在排斥杜卡特,所以三人的关系很糟糕。 Nha, I more than once warned you, so intentionally slandered me again, did not take it ill me not to be impolite to you.” In Turlogh the cloudy and cold vision is full is killing intent, I did not mind that makes you die in the dying out city.” “琳洛雅,我不止一次警告你,再如此故意污蔑我,休怪我对你不客气。”特洛内阴冷的目光饱含着杀意,“我也不介意让你陨落在寂灭城内。” He is the frank and upright threat. 他更是光明正大的威胁。 In Nha and Turlogh four items of looking at each other, Mars scatter. 琳洛雅与特洛内四目对视,火星四溅。 In her inferior Turlogh some strengths, really must begin eventually, inevitably is the passive aspect, even is possibly injured, encounters the shame of these two. 她终究还是逊色特洛内一些实力,真的要动手,必然是被动的局面,甚至可能受伤,遭到这两人的羞辱。 I thought good that actually Nha said that tells tales, this special skill indeed is very disgusting.” Xie Aoyu sees that then on own initiative acts, was extended the olive branch to Nha. “我倒是觉得琳洛雅说的不错,搬弄是非,啧啧,这个看家本领的确是很恶心。”谢傲宇见状,便主动出面,也算是向琳洛雅抛出了橄榄枝。 Nha hear [words/that], is startled slightly, immediately to a Xie Aoyu grateful nod. 琳洛雅闻言,微微一怔,随即向谢傲宇感激的一点头。 In Turlogh turns around suddenly, sneers saying: You are bringing about own destruction, Lei Tianze, present you, are not two years ago, initially you revere the position crest unreliably, I and your strength quite, but present I am revere superior unreliably 特洛内猛然转身,冷笑道:“你这是在自寻死路,雷天泽,现在的你,可不是两年前,当初你是玄尊中位顶峰,我与你实力相当,可现在的我已经是玄尊上位” Superior how, I , to kill you, still with hands down.” The Xie Aoyu light say (way), has filled in despising to Turlogh, just now you go into hiding outside, looks intentionally Bolton makes a boner, this finds the opportunity to act, probably must to the appearance that Bolton tries to rectify an embarrassing situation, has not come to my dragon wolf soul.” “上位又如何,我若想杀你,仍然不费吹灰之力。”谢傲宇淡淡的道,充满了对特洛内的蔑视,“方才你隐匿在外面,故意看着科波顿出丑,这才找机会出面,好像要给科波顿找回面子的样子,还不是冲着我的龙狼魂来的。” God Bolton has doubts looks to Turlogh, if makes him make a boner intentionally makes an appearance, to him , is very difficult to accept, after all they are always altogether the onset and retreat. 神目科波顿疑惑的看向特洛内,若是故意让他出丑才露面,对他而言,也是很难接受的,毕竟两人向来是共进退的。 Fart, when I was hiding outside.” In Turlogh gets angry said. “放屁,我什么时候在外面躲着了。”特洛内怒道。 Do not deny.” The say (way) that Xie Aoyu smiles, I obtained the demon eye source, opened the mind, under my mind, anybody is hard to hide, you are when Nha appears, then rushes, this will not have the mistake.” “不要否认。”谢傲宇笑眯眯的道,“我得到了魔眼本源,开启了心眼,在我心眼之下,任何人都难以隐藏,你是在琳洛雅出现的时候,便赶到的,这不会有错。” God Bolton unemotionally, no one knows that he now is any taste, particularly the demon eye source is the Xie Aoyu opening mind, is stimulates to him enormously. 神目科波顿面无表情,谁也不知道他现在是什么滋味,尤其是魔眼本源已经为谢傲宇开启心眼,更是对他刺激极大。 Turlogh model of domestic virtue was revealed later angry. 特洛内则是被揭穿之后的恼怒。 Lei Tianze, you tells tales, falsely accuses me intentionally.” In Turlogh is angry, the wing of back snow white fans, tilts strong winds, takes away as many things as possible. “雷天泽,你是搬弄是非,故意诬陷我。”特洛内大怒,背后雪白的羽翼扇动,掀动一股狂风,席卷而去。 The violent that he becomes angry out of shame strikes. 他恼羞成怒的暴击。 Sees him so, god Bolton is also two explodes dodges the ray, stimulation of movement angel god rapidly, must assist in Turlogh to lash out. 见他如此,神目科波顿也是两眼爆闪光芒,急速的催动天使神目,要辅助特洛内出手攻击。 Nha then wants to get rid to stop. 琳洛雅便欲出手阻拦。 Nha, this matter you did not need to manage, these two and I had resentful, I made them know that I forever was existence that they are unable to surmount.” Xie Aoyu prevented Nha to get rid. “琳洛雅,此事你就不用管了,这两人与我有怨,那我就让他们知道,我永远都是他们无法超越的存在。”谢傲宇阻止了琳洛雅出手。 Nha thinks that gave up getting rid, but is maintaining the optimum condition, momentarily can get rid, after all in his opinion in Xie Aoyu and Turlogh have the boundary disparity, that is very difficult to make up. 琳洛雅想了想,放弃了出手,但保持着最佳状态,随时可以出手,毕竟在他看来谢傲宇和特洛内是有境界差距的,那是很难弥补的。 Bolton, you do not need to get rid, I was enough.” In Turlogh also prevented god Bolton to help one another, felt relieved that I will refine the demon eye source, gave to you.” “科波顿,你无需出手,我一人足够了。”特洛内也阻止了神目科波顿相助,“放心,我会将魔眼本源提炼出来,送给你的。” He speaks, arrived at the Xie Aoyu near. 他说着话,已经到了谢傲宇的近前。 Without using any weapon, is a pair of fist, rapid attack, changes to everywhere the fist shade, blotting out the sky pounds toward Xie Aoyu, the following basin of that formidable strength vibration is loudly stave, the alcove was raised flies, all around flowers and plants also entirely devastated in a complete mess. 没有动用任何兵器,就是一双拳头,迅速的出击,化作漫天的拳影,铺天盖地的向着谢傲宇砸去,那强大的力量震动的下面的水池轰然破碎,亭子被掀飞,四周的花草也统统的被蹂躏的一塌糊涂。 Strikes, this other institute is disorder one piece. 只是一击,这别院便是狼籍一片。 Xie Aoyu optional getting rid, he do not train two big Fights Technique with Turlogh, builds and fights the use completely is two matters, needs to display enough skilled. 谢傲宇没有随意的出手,他要用特洛内来演练两大斗技,修成和战斗中使用完全是两码事,需要表现出足够的熟练度才可以的。 The intention moves, on that Thun­der and Light­ning strength is surrounding the golden lightning is then separated, arrived under the Xie Aoyu sole, he displayed to tread Lei Shu. 心念一动间,那雷电力量上面环绕着的金色闪电便脱离出来,到达了谢傲宇的脚底下方,他施展出了踏雷术。 The foot pedal golden color lightning, in the body anger sea a small boat, Xie Aoyu then up and down dances in the air in the fist shade of that everywhere, vacillates, in Jeantelot is unable to hit him. 脚踏金色闪电,身似怒海中一叶扁舟,谢傲宇便在那漫天的拳影中上下飞舞,左右摇摆,让特洛内无法击中他。 Treads Lei Shu, is fastidious is one quick character. 踏雷术,讲究的就是一个“快”字。 If people lightning, if quickly gust of wind. 人若闪电,快若疾风。 Xie Aoyu floats to swing, feels is revering the superior unreliably the strength, in this Turlogh initially enters this boundary, the might that releases still made Xie Aoyu feel alarmed, if Senior the superior boundary to have the practice of certain extent unreliably, perhaps he is also hard to jump the ranks it is defeated. 谢傲宇飘来荡去,感受着玄尊上位的力量,这特洛内是初入此境界,释放出来的威力仍然令谢傲宇感到惊心,若是在玄尊上位境界有着一定程度的修炼,恐怕他也难以越级将其打败。 Even if there is strengths of 12 times of might, if Xie Aoyu wants in the position by profound Senior to sweep away Senior the superior unreliably, at least needs to achieve Senior the position crest to achieve unreliably. 就算是有着12倍威力的战力,谢傲宇要想以玄尊中位横扫玄尊上位,至少需要达到玄尊中位顶峰才可以做到。 Ha Ha, Lei Tianze, you were not known as that the god monstruous talent, you were not known as the god seventh giant, you are not known as for two years to re-enter from third-order Battle Emperor revere the position unreliably, how my fist does not dare to meet, your this strength, but also wants to reappear was once magnificent, dream of a fool, told you, two years, you fell behind!” In Turlogh laughs saying that he left the speed of fist to be quicker, the strength was fiercer. “哈哈,雷天泽,你不是号称神界妖孽吗,你不是号称神界第七巨头吗,你不是号称两年内从三阶战皇重回玄尊中位吗,怎么连我一拳都不敢接,就你这实力,还想再现曾经辉煌,痴人说梦,告诉你,两年的时间,你落后了!”特洛内哈哈大笑道,他出拳的速度更快了,力量更猛了。 A series of airing sounds are seem the firecrackers sound together. 一系列的气爆声更是好似鞭炮齐鸣。 He fiercely competes and successfully competes, excited, as if stepped on Xie Aoyu in the under foot is the same. 他是越战越勇,兴奋不已,仿佛已经将谢傲宇踩在脚下了一样。 The Xie Aoyu search remembers, about Lei Tianze occurring together and Turlogh, indeed one time, then Lei Tianze was severe wound of one move in Turlogh. 谢傲宇搜索记忆,其中关于雷天泽和特洛内的交集,的确有一次,当时的雷天泽是一招将特洛内重伤的。 Compared with the previous time, in Turlogh the strength promotion are many, the battle efficiency was also stronger. 与上次相比,特洛内实力提升很多,战斗力也更强了。 Xie Aoyu was still a wind light Yun Dan appearance, tranquil say (way): In Turlogh, you cannot to me pleasantly surprised, but such selects the strength the words, I did not have the interest and you play.” 谢傲宇仍旧是一副风轻云淡的样子,平静的道:“特洛内,你就不能给我一点惊喜吗,只是这么点实力的话,那我可没兴趣和你玩了。” Plays?” In Turlogh the nose of air/Qi was crooked, I make you crazy!” “玩?”特洛内气的鼻子都歪了,“我让你狂!” The getting rid speed of his violent anger is faster, is fiercer. 他暴怒的出手速度更快,更加凶猛。 Xie Aoyu light say (way): Should finish, a move, copes with you, I only need one move!” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“是该结束了,一招,对付你,我只需一招!” In is words shareI do not want to pester with them, time, toward flying 在是的话的份【一我可不想与他们纠缠,流光,向着飞
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