BE :: Volume #19

#1876: Many answers 【Five】

PS: Seven establish the good renewal, um, do I late get online, if has sufficed the distinguished guest ticket, on the tomorrow's in addition PS:七点设定好的更新,嗯,我晚上不上线,如果够了贵宾票,就明天加更吧 Medical Spirit Finger, has a question in the Xie Aoyu heart throughout. 药神指,始终都在谢傲宇心中有一个疑问的。 Xie Aoyu said: I have been very strange, after Medical Spirit Finger accomplishment, in my mind then obtains a few words, the solvable all curses, may afterward I discover, as long as can the curse of bloodline inheritance, I unable remove, after knowing ancient times Clever Sacred Tree was any appearance, I suspected that should have certain connections with it.” 谢傲宇道:“我一直很奇怪,药神指大成之后,我脑海中便得到一句话,可解一切诅咒,可后来我发现,但凡能够血脉传承的诅咒,我无法解除,当知道远古通灵神树是个什么样子之后,我猜想,应该和它有着某些关联。” So, in the space macrocosm, sets up the ancestor to restore, achieves Senior the boundary unreliably, its previous generation sets up Medical Spirit Finger that the ancestor invents, is an arteries sole line of descent, but the previous generation set up the ancestor to encounter ancient times extinguishing of Clever Sacred Tree to kill, Medical Spirit Finger that therefore handed down from generation to generation was somewhat incomplete, perhaps contemporary tree ancestor do not know, your Medical Spirit Finger indeed accomplishment, but also missed a link, but this link was Medical Spirit Finger disregards all the keys of curse, if obtained, later the bloodline inheritance cursed, your also remove.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile. “正是如此,空间大世界内,树祖已经恢复,达到玄尊境界,它的上一代树祖发明的药神指,也是一脉单传的,但上一代树祖遭到远古通灵神树的灭杀,所以传下来的药神指有些残缺,恐怕连当代树祖自己都不知道,你的药神指的确大成了,但是还差一个环节,而这个环节是药神指无视一切诅咒的关键,若得到,以后血脉传承诅咒,你也可解除。”上古圣皇赵天龙笑着说道。 If can the remove bloodline curse inheritance, then to Xie Aoyu, affects self-evident. 若能解除血脉诅咒传承,那对谢傲宇而言,作用不言而喻。 Race of bloodline curse, the master may have many, so even can win over the innumerable strength extensions to throw their, this may change the pattern absolutely a key. 血脉诅咒的种族,高手可有不少,如此甚至能够拉拢到无数的力量转投他们的,这绝对是可改变格局的一个关键。 What link?” Xie Aoyu asked. “什么环节?”谢傲宇问道。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: „The life leaf of golden Saint tree!” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“黄金圣树的命叶!” Golden Saint tree, I knows that as if has in the demon Lingshan of hell demon.” Ru Yan said that in the ice evil Monarch's memory, as if he has seen the golden Saint tree, is a golden Saint tree, the so-called life leaf is the life soul of golden Saint tree is, once picks, the golden Saint tree withers immediately.” “黄金圣树,我知道,似乎在地狱魔界的魔灵山有。”如烟说道,“冰邪君的记忆中,似乎他见过黄金圣树,是一株金色的圣树,所谓的命叶就是黄金圣树的命魂所在,一旦采摘,黄金圣树立刻枯萎。” Right, so long as strengthens the life leaf strength of golden Saint tree using Medical Spirit Finger, later can disregard any curse, bloodline inheritance curse also remove.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that demon Lingshan, that is the most dangerous place, possibly in within one year to three years, will become the most fearful place, the inside imprisoned two big giants will break the seal, will return to hell demon, therefore you will should better not demon Lingshan, I will find the way to pick the life leaf to you.” “没错,只要利用药神指汲取黄金圣树的命叶力量,以后便可无视任何的诅咒,血脉传承诅咒也可解除。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道,“魔灵山,那是一处最危险的地方,可能会在一年到三年之内,会成为最可怕的地方,里面被禁锢的两大巨头将会破开封印,回归地狱魔界,所以你们最好不要去魔灵山,我会想办法给你们采摘命叶的。” Xie Aoyu naturally must thank. 谢傲宇自然要感谢。 Without any issue, antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong memory entirely passing to Xie Aoyu about Lei Tianze, again some about god, hell demon, deep sea area many information, will then have publicly, there are many secrets. 没有了什么问题,上古圣皇赵天龙便将关于雷天泽的记忆统统的传给谢傲宇,再有一些关于神界,地狱魔界,深海域的许多信息,有公开的,也有诸多的秘密。 Again at one's convenience is two Fights Technique that Lei Tianze most excels. 再有便是雷天泽最擅长的两种斗技 Lei Shazhi and treads Lei Shu. 雷杀指和踏雷术。 Repairs has for Fights Technique that very prominent Lei Tianze grasps, truly but he is skilled is these two types, is when the intention perceives through meditation another top Fights Technique, was antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong kills. 修为非常突出的雷天泽掌握的斗技有一些,但他真正精通的就是这两种,也是在意图参悟另外一种顶尖斗技的时候,为上古圣皇赵天龙所杀。 Also is so, Lei Tianze living time, has never used the weapon. 也是如此,雷天泽活着的时候,从未用过兵器。 Lei Shazhi, is Lei can arrange to enter first three Fights Technique, the might is infinite, even if Xie Aoyu looks like, compared with Fights Technique that he grasps, can arrange first five. 雷杀指,乃是雷家能够排进前三的斗技,威力无穷,就算是谢傲宇看来,与他掌握的斗技相比,也能排进前五名了。 So Lei Shazhi of might, Xie Aoyu also very much has the interest study, later also inevitably integrates In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent, becomes he fuses own In­stant Fang Mag­nif­i­cent key. 如此威力的雷杀指,谢傲宇也很有兴趣学习,以后也必然融入刹那芳华,成为他融合出属于自己的刹那芳华的关键。 Treads Lei Shu, Lei topest movement Fights Technique. 踏雷术,雷家最顶尖的身法斗技 Treadons Thun­der and Light­ning, is similar to incarnation Thun­der and Light­ning, is Lei may only with unsurpassed movement Fights Technique that the wind non- shade god trace fights, but on might, only if there is thunder of acme, otherwise, even if cultivation to have, in same step, is inferior non- shade god trace movement Fights Technique. 脚踏雷电,如同化身雷电般,是雷家唯一可与风家无影神踪争锋的无上身法斗技,但是就威力而言,除非具有极致之雷,否则,就算是修为有成,同阶中,也是逊色无影神踪身法斗技的。 All processing are appropriate, antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong then left, he must return to god, handles the matter of Lei, then sends the person who supports Xie Aoyu this dummy mine day Ze to arrive at hell demon. 一切处理妥当,上古圣皇赵天龙便离开了,他要回归神界,处理雷家的事情,然后派遣支持谢傲宇这个假雷天泽的人来到地狱魔界。 From the auction, when some said that Xie Aoyu then starts to practice these two Fights Technique. 距离拍卖会开始,还有一些时曰,谢傲宇便开始修炼这两种斗技 Grasps to have many top Fights Technique, he is the thunder is the surname, practices naturally is quickly incomparable, truly after becomes, he realizes that Lei Shazhi and treads Lei Shu to his help. 掌握有诸多顶尖斗技,他本身更是雷属姓的,修炼起来自然是快捷无比,真正有所成之后,他才体会到,雷杀指和踏雷术对他的帮助。 Lei Shazhi the striking power did not say that treads Lei Shu in the movement Fights Technique aspect, indeed has the extraordinary mystery, looks like in Xie Aoyu, if can with the Wind and rain line fusion, be possible to become true three first movement Fights Technique. 雷杀指攻击力不说,踏雷术在身法斗技方面,的确有着非凡的奥妙,在谢傲宇看来,若是能够和风雨行融合,或许会成为真正的三界第一身法斗技了。 The practice treads among Lei Shu, Xie Aoyu naturally must use the golden lightning that the step Thun­der and Light­ning strength releases. 修炼踏雷术其间,谢傲宇自然是要动用进阶雷电力量释放出来的金色闪电了。 After such a long time, the Thun­der and Light­ning strength enters step also already the situation of being in momentarily possibly completes, the golden lightning that releases also endures compared with the thunder of acme, once displays to tread Lei Shu, even compared with Xie Aoyu such as the light electricity and union of thunder clouds day wing also merely inferior partly plans. 历经这么长时间,雷电力量进阶也已经处于随时可能完成的地步,释放出来的金色闪电也堪比极致之雷,一旦施展踏雷术,甚至比谢傲宇的如光似电和雷云天翼的结合也仅仅逊色半筹而已。 The god soldier becomes the two females of exceedingly high level naturally is also excited, they are practicing Lei unique Fights Technique similarly. 神兵均成为准通天级的两女自然也是兴奋不已,她们同样在修炼雷家特有的斗技 Lei most people are the thunder are surnames, similarly has other is Fights Technique of surname, is advertisement, two female also respective choices suit them are Fights Technique of surname practice. 雷家大部分人都是雷属姓的,同样具有其他属姓的斗技,也是招牌式的,两女也都各自挑选适合她们属姓的斗技修炼起来。 In an instant, then past more than ten days. 转眼间,便过去十多天。 These said the child, their constantly self-torture, this kind of self-torture not in inn, but was dying out city the mid-hill outside mountain is opened by Xie Aoyu, put out the spirit spar palace, in the self-torture, that repaired to have certain promotion. 这些曰子,他们一味苦修,这类苦修可不是在客栈内,而是寂灭城外的一个高山的山腹被谢傲宇开辟出来,拿出灵晶石宫殿,在其中苦修的,那修为也是有着一定的提升。 Senior the boundary unreliably, more than ten days of self-tortures, with others, are useless. 玄尊境界,十多天的苦修,与别人而言,根本没什么用。 But Xie Aoyu is different, his practice speed itself by far other people several folds, again the having mystical powers spar palace and best quality goods spirit spar provide the practice to need, more than ten natural feets may compete others self-torture 78 months. 谢傲宇不同,他的修炼速度本身就远胜旁人数倍,再有灵晶石宫殿和极品灵晶石提供修炼所需,十多天足可比拼别人苦修78个月的。 Guaranteed that two skills are well, will not be discovered the flaw, Xie Aoyu then decides to suspend practicing. 确保两种技能无恙,不会被人发现破绽,谢傲宇这才决定暂停修炼。 He must go the dying out city Angel Clan station. 他要前去寂灭城天使族驻地。 Ru Yan also hundred changes a technique optional change appearance through the spirit desire, starts to consult with the demon demon clan in secret, carries on the motion of control demon demon clan, quite makes them be able in hell demon to have the ear, the key of information, that is without a doubt, Bing Wu is accompanying Ru Yan, two females collaborate, even if not use their god soldier sharp weapon, can sweep away Senior the lower position boundary unreliably. 如烟也通过灵欲百变术随意的改变一种容貌,开始暗中接洽魔魅族,进行掌控魔魅族的行动,好让他们能够在地狱魔界有耳朵,情报之关键,那是毋庸置疑的,冰舞则陪着如烟,两女联手,就算是不动用她们的神兵利器,也是可以横扫玄尊下位境界的。 Three people moved. 三人都行动了起来。 Xie Aoyu chooses the Angel Clan station, that is because before antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong just before leaving, gives him a thunder is Battle Emperor level Divine Knife of surname, if can fuse with the demon blade, can become Advanced level, even best quality goods Battle Emperor level Divine Knife, but has one to cast the emperor stove in the Angel Clan dying out city station. 谢傲宇选择去天使族驻地,那是因为上古圣皇赵天龙临走前,送给他一把雷属姓的战皇神刀,若能与魔刀融合,便可成为高级,甚至极品的战皇神刀,而在天使族寂灭城驻地内就有一个铸皇炉。 Casts the emperor stove in world only one, but the hell demon and god as well as deep sea area quantity were many, this is some memories contents that in obtains. 铸皇炉在人间界唯有一个,可是地狱魔界和神界以及深海域数量就多了,这是得到的一些记忆中的内容。 The gods cast the casting emperor stove of clan to be without doubt most, but Angel Clan grasps also has the considerable quantity, almost in hell demon, in each big city in their station casts existence of emperor stove. 神铸族的铸皇炉无疑最多,而天使族掌握的也有相当的量,几乎地狱魔界内,每一个大城市内他们驻地内都有一个铸皇炉的存在。 Reason that two sides choice and Angel Clan cooperation, what because in the Angel Clan dying out city governs to cast the emperor stove is a Angel Clan quite special female. 两方之所以选择和天使族合作,因为天使族寂灭城内掌管铸皇炉的乃是天使族一个比较特殊的女子。 The Angel Clan station is located the north of dying out city, is one of the dying out city liveliest places, it will be controlling north the dying out city about two-thirds regions, north another one-third were being controlled by the person in demon Lingshan. 天使族驻地位于寂灭城的北部,也是寂灭城最繁华的地方之一,其掌控着寂灭城城北将近2的区域,城北另外1则被魔灵山方面的人控制着。 Relies on the status of Lei, Xie Aoyu is hindered, then goes to a luxurious manor. 凭借着雷家的身份,谢傲宇没有受到阻碍,便来到一处豪华庄园内。 By a basin in other institute in the alcove, Xie Aoyu eagerly anticipated this place, his both hands recited backwards from the end, ease looks the fish in basin cheerful was swimming, was smelling the light fragrance, was bathing the Angel Clan unique Saint light, felt that the whole body was comfortable. 一处别院的水池旁亭子内,谢傲宇被引领到此地的,他双手倒背,悠然的看着水池中的鱼儿欢快的游着,嗅着淡淡的芬芳,沐浴着天使族特有的圣光,感觉全身舒坦。 You also dare to come to my Angel Clan station!” The angry sound from behind conveys. “你还敢来我天使族驻地!”愤怒的声音从身后传来。 Cannot look, is only sound, Xie Aoyu is then predicable, comes the human is god Bolton. 不需去看,只是声音,谢傲宇便可断定,来人是神目科波顿。 Xie Aoyu gives a calm smile, has not returned, this person of strength is good, the talent potential, is only extremely proud, moreover is the flowers of greenhouse, simply has not experienced any setback, once comes across the defeat, often to the person who making it will be defeated, will bear a grudge in the heart, will be thinking the retaliation. 谢傲宇淡然一笑,头也没有回,此人实力不错,天赋潜力都可以,唯独就是太过骄傲,而且是温室的花朵,根本没有经历过什么挫折,一旦遇到失败,往往就会对令其失败的人,记恨在心,想着报复。 Saw that Xie Aoyu unexpectedly including responding does not have, god Bolton is the anger direct impact top-beam, in that pair of god is glittering the ray. 看到谢傲宇居然连反应都没有,神目科波顿更是怒火直冲顶梁,那双神目内更是闪烁着光芒。 Lei Tianze!” “雷天泽!” shouts to clear the way of god Bolton character character. 神目科波顿一字一字的喝道 Xie Aoyu that calmly stands hears this name, but also is somewhat strange, if not the time keeps firmly in mind, he even forgot that this is summoning him. 静静站立的谢傲宇听到这个名字,还真有点陌生,若非时刻牢记,他甚至忘记这是在呼唤他。 Xie Aoyu still did not have any movement, his mind opened. 谢傲宇仍旧没有任何动作,他的心眼则开启了。 About the mind, indeed possibly associates to arrive at Xie Aoyu, but after having Lei Tianze this status, that was different, particularly he also showed to rob the demon eye source, and its fusion, he did not have the sign of practice pupil technique, the natural mind opened can explain for the demon eye source mystery, therefore others had no way to associate him to Xie Aoyu. 关于心眼,的确可能联想到谢傲宇,但是拥有雷天泽这个身份之后,那就不同了,尤其是他也亮明了抢夺走魔眼本源,并且将其融合,他没修炼瞳术的迹象,自然心眼开启就可以解释为魔眼本源的奥妙,所以别人就没法将他联想到谢傲宇了。 Under the mind, in ten thousand meters all perform in the Xie Aoyu eye flash through. 在心眼之下,万米内一切尽在谢傲宇的眼中闪过。 He saw the god Bolton's fierce facial features \; Saw in Turlogh to walk from a secret room, saw the immortal boundary master who assumed this place, this person induced to the scanning of mind obviously, cold snort, since the ascension Saint light, has then isolated the mind gaze of Xie Aoyu. 他看到了神目科波顿狰狞的面容\;看到了特洛内正从一处密室内走出来,看到了一名坐镇此地的长生境界高手,此人明显感应到心眼的扫描,冷哼一声,便升腾起一层圣光,隔绝了谢傲宇的心眼注视。 Naturally, dares so rashly takes a fast look around with the mind, Xie Aoyu also by Lei Tianze this status, Lei Shaling in hand below lets the Lei head of household successor, has the rampant qualification. 当然,敢于如此胆大妄为的用心眼扫视,谢傲宇也是凭借雷天泽这个身份,还有雷杀令在手的下任雷家家主继承者,也算是有嚣张的本钱了。 Sees with own eyes Xie Aoyu to own despising, the god Bolton thorough violent anger, his body burst out an imposing killing intent, in pair of god the cold glow dodged continually, prepared to attack at any time. 眼见谢傲宇对自己的藐视,神目科波顿彻底暴怒了,他的身上迸发出一股凛然的杀意,一双神目中寒芒连闪,随时都准备出击。 Nha, this is not you will entertain the way of person.” Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu smiles. “琳洛雅,这不会就是你招待人的方式吧。”谢傲宇笑眯眯的道。 Standard is responsible for dying out city Angel Clan casting the female of emperor stove, reason that she can be remembered the name by antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, that is because she was extremely special, to is specially same to Lei Tianze, the Sheng of reputation, is well-known in god. 琳洛雅正是负责寂灭城天使族铸皇炉的女子,她之所以能够被上古圣皇赵天龙记住名字,那是因为她太过特殊了,特殊到与雷天泽一样,名声之盛,在神界家喻户晓。 Cluck-cluck “咯咯” The clear delightful laughter transmits. 清脆悦耳的笑声传来。 A graceful form appears in the line of sight of Xie Aoyu, as soon as she raids the snow white women's clothing to cover the body, outlined sets out the curve of person, a wing of back pair of snow white, seemed to be that the cream ray was covering, looked at its facial features again, was on the color, but with Angel Clan completely was compared with the handsome fellow pretty girls, she belonged to the ordinary beauty, with Ru Yan, Bing Wu compared with , etc., was inferior, she was Angel Clan alternative Nha. 一个婀娜多姿的身影出现在谢傲宇的视线中,她一袭雪白的衣裙罩体,勾勒出动人的曲线,背后一对雪白的羽翼,似有乳白色光芒罩着,再看其面容,也算是中上之色了,但是与天使族尽都是帅哥靓女相比,她属于普通的姿色,与如烟,冰舞等相比,也是逊色很多,她便是天使族的另类琳洛雅。 The appearance is Nha of beautiful woman Senior the position crest boundary reluctantly unreliably, momentarily may step into Senior the superior boundary unreliably, even must be younger than Xie Aoyu, is only 22 years old, but she does not have the monstruous talent to call, even was not treated as sharpest youth one generation to train in Angel Clan . Moreover the view of god recognition is, her destiny was already doomed, is difficult the great achievement. 长相勉强算是美女的琳洛雅是玄尊中位顶峰的境界,随时都可踏入玄尊上位境界,年龄甚至比谢傲宇还要小,只有22岁,但她却没有妖孽称呼,甚至在天使族都不被当做最精锐的青年一代来培养,而且神界公认的说法是,她的命运早已注定,难有大成就。
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