BE :: Volume #19

#1875: Many answers 【Four】

PS: The eruption starting today, cuts off Zhou Yue 24 : 00 am, every time increases 1000 distinguished guest ticket in addition one chapters, does not have the upper limit, now the distinguished guest ticket total is 114240! Started to calculate PS:爆发从今天开始,截止周曰凌晨24点,每增加1000贵宾票加更一章,无上限,现在贵宾票总数为114240张!开始计算了 This and that's the end.” Say (Way) that antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong smiled, keel sword material quality of the bone sword's, should be ten thousand time Long Jie is supreme, the skeleton of dark gold Moyan dragon!” Looks at three people of surprised appearances, he continues saying that „should not be surprised, falling from the sky of dark gold Moyan dragon, is very mystical to the bystander, in classified material that but the god five big giants have, has the detailed record, it falls from the sky in world, when the enemy robs its skeleton, Dragon God Emperor rushes, then buried it on a world nameless island, I said that about the keel sword, in the view of source of Saint dragon, the record that has being clear, the keel sword must take shape, only had the skeleton of giant level Dragon Clan. Foundation, because of keel sword formation, even if no any external force, it can also grow into the exceedingly high level god soldier voluntarily, coordinates the source of Saint dragon, will break the Dragon Clan giant unable simultaneously to have the views of two big giants.” “这就是了。”上古圣皇赵天龙笑眯眯的道,“龙骨剑的这骨剑本身的材质,应该是万界时代龙界至尊,暗金魔炎龙的骨骸!”看着三人吃惊的样子,他继续说道,“不要吃惊,暗金魔炎龙的陨落,对外人来说很神秘,但是神界五大巨头掌握的秘密材料中,都有详细的记载,它就是在人间界陨落的,在敌人抢夺它骨骸的时候,龙神皇赶到的,便将其就地埋在人间界一个无名小岛上了,我就说嘛,在关于龙骨剑,圣龙之源的说法中,有着明确的记载,龙骨剑要成型,唯有巨头级龙族的骨骸为。基础才可以,因龙骨剑成型,就算没有任何外力,它也可以自行成长为通天级神兵的,配合圣龙之源,将打破龙族巨头不能同时有两大巨头的说法。” Xie Aoyu said: „The dark gold Moyan dragon is the giant, Dragon God Emperor, is it at that time the soul condition?” 谢傲宇道:“暗金魔炎龙是巨头,龙神皇呃,它那时候已经是灵魂状态了?” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: Is body that it automatically gives up, new Dragon Clan giant who so is born, but falling from the sky of dark gold Moyan dragon, has the new Dragon Clan giant born, throughout made Dragon Clan unable simultaneously to have two complete Dragon Clan giants, but this hearsay, only then the keel sword was born, the source of master Saint dragon was born, can break this rule, may the keel sword after several million years, Dragon Clan spend countless painstaking care, is unable to succeed, now looks like, in the Lei stunt secret recorded, the keel sword formation must be based on the Dragon Clan great skull body, at the same time by the Dragon Clan nine Saints also perished. Can the achievement, be by no means false.” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“是它自动放弃的身体,如此才诞生的新的龙族巨头,而暗金魔炎龙的陨落,才又有新的龙族巨头诞生的,始终令龙族无法同时具有两个完整的龙族巨头,而这个传闻,只有龙骨剑出世,圣龙之源主人诞生,才能够打破这个规律,可偏偏龙骨剑历经数百万年,龙族花费无数心血,就是无法成功,如今看来,雷家特技秘密中记载的,龙骨剑成型必须以龙族巨头骨体为基础,同时让龙族九圣同时灭亡。才能成就,并非虚假。” Do not despise the Dragon Clan nine Saints, nine mahatma dragons seem like do not have in Dragon Clan the strength, on has the dragon emperor about hundred, Long Shenwang are many, but true ten thousand time, Dragon Clan nine Saints in Dragon Clan, only if they surmount the Saint dragon status, otherwise was focused on protecting inevitably, because of them is the foundation of Dragon Clan development, Dragon Clan of various high and low boundaries are many, the only Saint dragon only then nine, are unable absolutely the situations of over nine Saint dragons, therefore Dragon Clan has the giant to fall from the sky, certainly is actually not able to achieve nine mahatma dragons also to fall from the sky, reason that even there are fable Dragon Clan nine Saints so, has. The significant secret, as for what kind of secret, I was not quite clear.” “你们可不要小看龙族九圣,九大圣龙在龙族看似毫无实力,上有龙皇近百,龙神王很多,而真正的万界时代,龙族九圣在龙族中除非他们跨越圣龙地位,否则必然被重点保护的,因他们才是龙族发展的根基,上下各种境界的龙族都很多,唯独圣龙只有九条,绝对无法超过九条圣龙的地步,故而龙族有巨头陨落,却绝无法做到九大圣龙同时陨落,甚至有传说龙族九圣之所以如此,是有着。重大秘密的,至于怎样的秘密,我就不太清楚了。” Dragon Clan mystery, to clarify completely, the best means are the Dragon God Emperor soul obtain other four dragon scales, restores the complete soul, brings back all memories. 龙族奥秘,要想全部弄清楚,最好的办法就是龙神皇灵魂得到其他四枚龙鳞,恢复全部灵魂,拿回所有的记忆。 To know from others mouth, difficult! 想从别人口中得知,难! Xie Aoyu said: Already so, that this Long Langhun can in the dragon soul by keel sword be swallowed , to promote the grade of keel sword?” 谢傲宇道:“既如此,那这龙狼魂可以被龙骨剑内的龙魂吞噬,提升龙骨剑的品级?” Ok.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that he then destroyed that to fetter Long Langhun the light cover conveniently. “可以。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道,他随手便毁去了那束缚龙狼魂的光罩。 Only covers, once drove out, the without saying a word dragon wolf soul immediately changed the appearance. 光罩一经驱除,原本蔫蔫的龙狼魂立刻变了样子。 Roar!” “吼!” Low and deep similar Long Yin whooshing resounds. 低沉的类似龙吟的嘶吼响起。 Within the body of Long Langhun that soul fluctuates a formidable strength to be turbulent, its eye is glittering the cruel ominous light, discrete was staring at antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong. 龙狼魂那灵魂之体内波动出一股强大的力量动荡,它那双眼睛更是闪烁着残忍的凶光,谨慎的盯着上古圣皇赵天龙。 Soul banned that has the function to the giants, I suggested that do not presumptuously think to untie the strength of deconstruction, even if unties the ban, the strength of that deconstruction under the soul ban, the strength will also maintain at the immortal boundary peak, but I can display the strength of half giant.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong speaks, released own strength with the aid of the holy blood quartz. “灵魂禁制对巨头都有作用,我建议你还是不要妄想解开毁灭之力,就算是解开禁制,那毁灭之力也将在灵魂禁制之下,力量维持在长生境界巅峰,而我可以发挥出半巨头的力量。”上古圣皇赵天龙说着话,借助圣血水晶释放自己的力量。 The dragon wolf soul that this strength emergence, oppresses immediately almost collapses. 这股力量一出现,登时压迫的龙狼魂差点崩溃。 Long Langhun reveals to wipe the cut-throat color. 龙狼魂流露出一抹凶狠之色。 Does not wait for Ru Yan to put out keel sword on own initiative, in his Space Ring then transmits a weak strength fluctuation, that keel sword automatic ejection comes out. 不等如烟主动拿出龙骨剑,他的空间戒指内便传来一阵微弱的力量波动,那龙骨剑自动弹射出来。 Roar!” “吼!” The keel sword appears, immediately but actually sets upright in the midair, above reappears light, a partly visible dragon soul flashes in that sword blade. 龙骨剑出现,立刻倒竖在半空中,上面浮现一道道的光影,一条若隐若现的龙魂在那剑身里面闪现。 To this Long Hun, Xie Aoyu, Ru Yan et al. had already seen, has not discovered any unusual place. 对这龙魂,谢傲宇,如烟等人早就见过,也没发现什么奇特之处。 But that Long Langhun after the keel sword appears, immediately is critical situation looks to the keel sword, even more fearful antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong will give to throw in one side. 可是那龙狼魂在龙骨剑出现之后,立刻如临大敌的看向龙骨剑,甚至将更加可怕的上古圣皇赵天龙都给抛在一边了。 Xie Aoyu stares at Long Langhun the eyes to look. 谢傲宇盯着龙狼魂的眼睛看。 From that eye, he saw the joyful and alarmed and afraid two complex mood. 从那双眼睛内,他看到了喜悦和惊惧两种复杂的情绪。 Roar!” “吼!” Long Hun neighed, Ru Yan the source of forehead reappearing Saint dragon. 龙魂嘶鸣,如烟的眉心浮现圣龙之源。 All are the dragon soul of keel sword guide, the Ru Yan heart lives the induction, immediately stimulates to movement the source of Saint dragon, this time has not gone to the request anything strength desirably, the feeling of but with that dragon soul transmitting displays. 一切都是龙骨剑的龙魂引导出来的,如烟心生感应,立刻催动圣龙之源,这次没有去刻意的要求什么力量,而是跟着那龙魂传来的感觉施展。 Finally saw that in the source of Saint dragon nine dragon emperors simultaneously dance in the air. 结果就看到圣龙之源内九条龙皇同时飞舞出来。 Suddenly, in this room the dragon shade tuck dive, the picture is really magnificent. 一时间,这房间内龙影翻腾,景象煞是壮观。 Secret nod that antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong also looked, nine Saint Long Jinjie were the Kowloon emperors, that indicated that the Ru Yan strength was growing rapidly, once reached the limit, inevitably was opening of Dragon Clan brand-new magnificent time. 上古圣皇赵天龙也看的暗暗点头,九圣龙进阶为九龙皇,那就表明如烟的力量在飞速的成长着,一旦达到极限,必然是龙族全新辉煌时代的开启。 Nine dragon emperor forms break in the keel sword together. 九条龙皇身影一起冲入龙骨剑内。 The keel sword ray Sheng, that agilisaurus soul also as if had the support of some strength immediately greatly, its build had the subtle change, this Long Hun did not have what unique element, is different from the ordinary dragon emperor, but rapidly is changing now, its, although is the soul condition, but still could look at the change of body to be out of the ordinary, but biggest different lay in his body has also adhered to stick cohere dark golden flame. 龙骨剑登时光芒大盛,那器灵龙魂也似乎得到了某种力量的支持,其体型发生了微妙的变化,原本这龙魂并没有什么特殊之处,与普通的龙皇没啥两样,可现在则是迅速的变化着,其虽然是灵魂状态,可是仍然看得出来身体的变化与众不同,而最大的不同还在于其身上附着了一层暗金色的火焰。 Dark gold Moyan Long Hunwei works! 暗金魔炎龙魂为器灵! Even if has not seen the dark gold Moyan dragon in this fable, coming out that Xie Aoyu, Bing Wu, the Ru Yan three people can also guess, this Long Hun is the dark gold Moyan dragon that six variations become. 即便没见过这传说中的暗金魔炎龙,谢傲宇,冰舞,如烟三人也能猜测的出来,这龙魂就是六次变异而成的暗金魔炎龙。 So also confirmed that initially the nameless island of place of dark gold Moyan dragon falling from the sky, by Angel Holy Island that world Angel Clan opened. 如此也证实了,当初暗金魔炎龙陨落之地的无名小岛,正是被人间界天使族开辟出来的天使圣岛 Roar!” “吼!” The dark gold Moyan dragon soul sends out whooshing of sound shaking soul, the keel sword shivers all over the body, erupts one group of dark golden flame. 暗金魔炎龙魂发出一声震动灵魂的嘶吼,龙骨剑通体都颤动起来,爆发出一团暗金色的火焰。 A wild strength releases suddenly, carries the dark gold flame to cover directly to the dragon wolf soul. 一股狂暴的力量陡然释放出来,携带着暗金火焰直接笼罩向龙狼魂。 Long Langhun lowers roars, an eye reveals the crazy color. 龙狼魂低吼一声,一双眼睛则流露出疯狂之色。 Soul in that crazy, as if must transform is two souls, going all out flushes away to the keel sword, one is going all out wants to run away. 本身的灵魂更是在那股疯狂之下,似乎要蜕变为两个灵魂,一个拼命的向龙骨剑冲去,一个则是拼命的想要逃走。 This is dashing that dragon wolf two gods are surnamed. 这是龙狼两种神姓的冲撞。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong showed a faint smile, wielded conveniently, a boundless strength attacked, all of a sudden that Long Langhun sending in dark gold flame. 上古圣皇赵天龙微微一笑,随手一挥,一股磅礴的力量冲击过来,一下子就将那龙狼魂给送入暗金火焰中。 The dark gold flame flaming combustion, was bound into the keel sword all of a sudden. 暗金火焰熊熊燃烧,一下子被裹入龙骨剑内。 Dark gold Moyan Long Hun Long Langhun swallowing down. 暗金魔炎龙魂一口将龙狼魂给吞了下去。 Afterward on keel sword dark gold flame rapid disappearance, Long Hun goes into seclusion, the forms of nine dragon emperors have not appeared, only has the keel sword to float in airborne, once for a while tremor several, demonstrated that the revolt is still in progress, but Long Langhun the destiny was unable to change. 随后龙骨剑上面的暗金火焰迅速的消失,龙魂隐退,就连九条龙皇的身影也没有出现,唯有龙骨剑漂浮在空中,时不时的颤动几下,显示出反抗依然在进行,但是龙狼魂的命运已经无法改变。 The Xie Aoyu mind completely opens wide. 谢傲宇心眼完全敞开。 Under the mind in his might large scale promoted, in the keel sword reappears faintly a fuzzy map elephant, that is the dark gold Moyan dragon float in void, nine dragon emperor forms surround its periphery, these nine dragon emperor forms are absorbing the strength that releases from dark gold Moyan Long Hunnei unceasingly, they are also carrying on the subtle change. 在他那威力得到大幅度提升的心眼之下,龙骨剑内隐隐浮现一个模糊地图像,那就是暗金魔炎龙漂浮在虚空,九条龙皇身影环绕其周围,这九条龙皇身影不断的吸收着从暗金魔炎龙魂内释放出来的力量,它们也在进行着微妙的变化。 Reviews the speed that the dark gold Moyan dragon soul strength inflates to be quicker. 反观暗金魔炎龙魂力量膨胀的速度更快。 Along with its might enhancement, might naturally increasing of keel sword rapidly. 随着它的威力增强,龙骨剑的威力自然是急速的攀升的。 About about a half hour appearance, nine dragon emperors then fly from the keel sword, is turning over the personal appearance, returns to the source of Saint dragon. 大约半个小时左右的样子,九条龙皇便从龙骨剑内飞离出来,翻转着身形,重新回归圣龙之源内。 Xie Aoyu et al. also clearly saw that nine dragon emperors arrived at the strongest crest, next step perhaps becomes Long Shen, if naturally has enough opportunity, is possible one to stride in Long Shenwang the situation. 谢傲宇等人也分明看到,那九条龙皇已经到了最强的顶峰,下一步恐怕是会成为龙神的,当然如果有足够的机会,也是可能一下跨入龙神王地步的。 Several minutes later, in keel sword transmits dark gold Moyan Long Hun Long to recite, the dark golden flame covers together on the keel sword. 再过几分钟,龙骨剑内传来暗金魔眼龙魂的龙吟,一道暗金色的火焰重新覆盖在龙骨剑上面。 „The strength of deconstruction?” Under the Xie Aoyu mind, one then locks in the dark gold flame to contain one to fill kills the oppressive aura wild, enabling the keel sword to seem fearful. “毁灭之力?”谢傲宇心眼之下,一下便锁定暗金火焰中蕴含着一丝充满狂暴杀虐的气息,使得龙骨剑看上去更加的可怕。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: Should, the strength of deconstruction ambush in the dragon wolf soul, now Long Langhun was absorbed, this strength exists, is not can transform easily, but, this is also good, the strength that the strength of deconstruction is to slaughter, may strengthen the destructive power of keel sword, in addition the dark gold flame, has that dark gold Moyan Long Hun strength enhancement to urge the might of round of keel sword again, so calculates that perhaps the might of this keel sword was inferior exceedingly high level god soldier, at least also and ten thousand wood used to make an ancestral tablet swords were equally matched.” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“应该是的,毁灭之力在龙狼魂内潜伏着,如今龙狼魂被吸收,这股力量还是存在的,并不是轻易就能够转化的,不过,这样也好,毁灭之力就是杀戮的力量,可增强龙骨剑的破坏力,加上暗金火焰,再有那暗金魔眼龙魂的力量增强催发龙骨剑的威力,如此算下来,这龙骨剑的威力恐怕就算不如通天级神兵,至少也与万界神木剑不相上下了。” Ru Yan one smile, cannot help but smiles to blossom. 如烟一听,不由得笑开了花。 With ten thousand wood used to make an ancestral tablet sword general might, that relies on this sword, in addition six times of Qi strengths, Ru Yan can sweep away unreliably the master who Senior the lower position boundary. 与万界神木剑一般的威力,那凭借此剑,加上六倍斗气的战力,如烟便可横扫玄尊下位境界的高手。 „The Ru Yan keel sword has bought in Long Langhun, my moon/month dance Divine Knife should also buy in the paraselenae demon leopard soul.” Bing Wu was early impatient. 如烟的龙骨剑吸纳了龙狼魂,我的月舞神刀也该吸纳幻月魔豹魂了吧。”冰舞早已经迫不及待了。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: It seems like you are many in Beastly Soul pavilion harvest.” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“看来你们在兽魂阁收获不少啊。” I have not thought that the Beastly Soul pavilion has so many good things unexpectedly.” Xie Aoyu paraselenae demon Bao Hun releasing, this Beastly Soul is the strength of exceedingly high level right, but the devil curse in the body, the strength can display to honor the lower position to be good unreliably, naturally does not dare to revolt. “我也没想到兽魂阁居然有如此多的好东西。”谢傲宇将幻月魔豹魂给释放出来,这兽魂是通天级的实力没错,但是恶魔诅咒在身,力量能发挥出玄尊下位就不错了,自然更加不敢反抗。 Exceedingly high level?!” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong surprised say (way). “通天级?!”上古圣皇赵天龙吃惊的道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: It is in luck very much , the bad luck, should be very much has entered in ten thousand vestiges, strided in the exceedingly high level, but also devil curse.” 谢傲宇笑道:“它很走运,也很背运,应该是进入过万界遗迹中,跨入了通天级,但也中了恶魔诅咒。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: Devil curse is very fierce, Medical Spirit Finger can remove its curse, so moon/month dance Divine Knife also the achievement exceedingly high level god soldier.” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“恶魔诅咒很厉害,药神指还是能够解除其诅咒的,如此月舞神刀也将成就准通天级神兵了。” Struggles differently with that Long Langhun, appearance that paraselenae demon Bao Hun accepting fate. 与那龙狼魂挣扎不同,幻月魔豹魂一副认命的样子。 The devil curse suffered it not to know many years, if can remove, it be even willing into to work, let alone the antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong imposing manner oppression, making its there have the guts of revolt. 恶魔诅咒折磨它不知多少年了,若能解除,它甚至甘愿成为器灵,更何况上古圣皇赵天龙的气势压迫,令它那里有反抗的胆量。 Xie Aoyu stretches out the left hand caudula to refer, void. 谢傲宇伸出左手小尾指,虚空一点。 Wipes the shining halo then to reappear from above, falls on the paraselenae demon Bao Hun body unceasingly, is washing on it that devil curse strength. 一抹金灿灿的光晕便从上面浮现出来,不断地落在幻月魔豹魂的身上,洗涤着它身上的那恶魔诅咒的力量。 Paraselenae demon Bao Hun soul within the body gradually reappears swarthily together seems the shadow of devil head, in rapid lax, some black aura is scattering. 渐渐的幻月魔豹魂的灵魂体内浮现出一道黝黑的好似恶魔头颅的影子,正在迅速的涣散,更是有一些黑色的气息飘散出来。 In the paraselenae demon Bao Hun eyes also reveals the wild with joy color. 幻月魔豹魂的眼中也流露出狂喜之色。 Other curse, Xie Aoyu remove is almost the slight effort, so spends similarly for enough one hour, will curse remove, is very scarce. 别的诅咒,谢傲宇解除几乎都是举手之劳,类似这般花费足足一个小时,才将诅咒解除的,则是非常稀少的。 The remove devil cursed, paraselenae demon Bao Hun sends out excited whooshing immediately. 解除恶魔诅咒,幻月魔豹魂立刻发出一声兴奋的嘶吼。 Excited, does not need others to intimidate, it very initiative turns around to break in moon/month of dance Divine Knife, paraselenae demon Bao Hun of that low-order Battle Emperor level swallowing, then started the director spirit transformation. 兴奋过后,无需别人威逼,它很主动的转身冲入月舞神刀内,将原本那低阶战皇级的幻月魔豹魂给吞噬了,然后开始向器灵转变。 Becoming works, is not Beastly Soul checks can, that also needs to spend the time transformation. 成为器灵,并非是兽魂寄存其中便可的,那也是需要花费时间转变的。 It is content actually very much.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “它倒是很知足。”谢傲宇笑道。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: Has me, it does not have the guts revolt.” He then looks to Xie Aoyu Medical Spirit Finger, „are you to your Medical Spirit Finger remove curse, content very much?” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“有我在,它也没胆量反抗。”他转而看向谢傲宇药神指,“你对你的药神指解除诅咒方面,是不是很知足呢?” PS: Next time will erupt to be in August, the present is in five months, will seem like the great distance is not too for a long time? PS:下次爆发应该是八月份,现在是五月,貌似相隔不是太长时间?
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