BE :: Volume #19

#1874: Many answers 【Three】

PS: Later the renewal every day three chapters, time separately are 9 : 00 am, 17 : 00 pm and 20 : 00 pm! PS:以后更新每天三章,时间分别是早上9点,下午17点和晚上20点! I am rubbing the eruption, I rub the grinding, rubs to the grandmother bridge, supports me!】 【我正在磨爆发,我磨啊磨,磨到外婆桥啊啊啊啊啊,支持我吧!】 The incantation is very jerky, antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong also unceasingly from the sky was paddling in this period, stripes reappear, that impressively is chart mark Incantation technique, in addition incantation Incantation technique, two superimposition of Incantation technique, finally antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong both hands reappeared wipe the light white halo, stroked above the Holy Ghost Excalibur gently. 咒语很生涩,其间上古圣皇赵天龙也是不断地在空中划动着,一道道的条纹浮现出来,那赫然是图纹咒术,再加上咒语咒术,两种咒术的叠加,最后上古圣皇赵天龙双手浮现一抹淡淡的白色光晕,轻轻地在圣灵神剑之上抚摸一下。 Pit-a-pat “突突突” The Holy Ghost Excalibur then shivered immediately. 圣灵神剑登时便颤动了起来。 Simultaneously made the person palpitation pressure transmit from that Holy Ghost Excalibur. 同时一股令人心悸的威压从那圣灵神剑内传递了出来。 This pressure, the Xie Aoyu three people withstand not much, affected majority on antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, finally saw that this foot visited the giant boundary super master whole body to tremble lightly, on the face the sweat thunderclap fell to keep, obviously was withstanding the oppression strength that was hard to resist. 这股威压,谢傲宇三人承受不多,大部分都作用在上古圣皇赵天龙身上,结果就看到这一只脚踏足巨头境界的超级高手全身轻颤,脸上汗水霹雳啪啦的落个不停,显然承受着难以抵抗的压迫力。 Puff!” “噗!” Suddenly, the antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong yawn blowout blood from the pores of the feet, the incantation was also together forced to stop. 猛然间,上古圣皇赵天龙张口喷出一道血箭,咒语也被迫停止。 Looked again that Holy Ghost Excalibur returns to normal. 再看那圣灵神剑重新恢复平静。 Senior!” “前辈!” Senior, you are all right.” “前辈,你没事吧。” The Xie Aoyu three People is startled, has not thought of the pressure that in the Holy Ghost Excalibur releases so to be unexpectedly fearful, must know that antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong had some abilities of giant. 谢傲宇三人大吃一惊,没想到圣灵神剑内释放出来的威压居然如此可怕,要知道上古圣皇赵天龙已经具有巨头的一些能力了。 Is the pressure on so the situation, if releases completely? 仅仅是威压就这般地步,若是全部释放呢? Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong has scratched the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, said with a smile: Fortunately, fortunately, if not I responded rapidly, perhaps wrote off at the scene.” 上古圣皇赵天龙擦了擦嘴角的血迹,笑道:“还好,还好,若非我反应迅速,恐怕当场就被抹杀了。” Hissing “嘶” Xie Aoyu sucks in cold air, said: Is insufficient.” 谢傲宇倒抽一口凉气,道:“不至于吧。” Does not have the exaggeration.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong patted the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, you can take, gave me, has rescued a oneself life, in this Holy Ghost Excalibur indeed had many secrets, moreover during very huge strengths, are de-archiving slowly, once untied, if the giant has not been ready, possibly was struck the destiny that must kill.” “没有夸大。”上古圣皇赵天龙拍拍谢傲宇的肩头,“你能够拿出来,交给我,也算是救了自己一命,这圣灵神剑内的确有着许多秘密,而且还有一股非常庞大的力量,正在缓慢的解封当中,一旦解开,若是巨头没有做好准备,都可能是被一击必杀的命运。” If not saw antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong just now bitter experience, the pressure released merely, made him be injured, Xie Aoyu was also very difficult to believe that but this was the fact. 若非看到上古圣皇赵天龙方才的遭遇,仅仅是有一丝威压释放出来,就让他受伤,谢傲宇也很难相信,可这就是事实。 Xie Aoyu just now also by oneself realized. 谢傲宇方才也亲身体会到了。 As a result of here others, Xie Aoyu has not been the mind opens, the induction acuity, is far from the average man can compare, he can also determine, the strength in that Holy Ghost Excalibur indeed in the middle of slow untying, but has not thought that unexpectedly is so fearful. 由于这里没有别人,谢傲宇也是心眼开启,感应敏锐度,绝非常人所能比的,他也能确定,那圣灵神剑内的力量的确在缓慢的解开当中,只是没想到居然这么可怕。 In the Holy Ghost Excalibur is possibly hiding Fang the Jun fine jade missing secret, even possibly is unties ten thousand time deconstructions the secret, if can explain, that ten thousand time giant many grand occasions possibly reappear, but we have knowledge of this secret, perhaps has the means to make world appeared many some giants.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong inspired say (way). “圣灵神剑内可能隐藏着方君瑜失踪的秘密,甚至可能是解开万界时代毁灭的隐秘,若是能够破解,那万界时代巨头诸多的盛况就可能再现,而我们掌握这个秘密,或许有办法让人间界出现多一些的巨头。”上古圣皇赵天龙振奋的道。 Xie Aoyu said: Truly so, the senior gives the person of emperor senior it.” 谢傲宇道:“确实如此,那前辈就将其交给人皇前辈吧。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: „Do you give up really?” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“你真舍得?” Gives up!” Xie Aoyu indifferent say (way), what I walk is the road of blade tyrant, the Swordsmanship refuses to accept with me, moreover my ten years repair, perform above blade, if leave behind the Holy Ghost Excalibur, disturb the heart of my self-torture blade say (way) surely, I think that the senior read my complete material, should note, I to Incantation technique, even if most preliminary Incantation technique does not touch with the hand, the martial arts, electing of this sword, from initial had decided wholeheartedly that does not have the change to be possible certainly.” “舍得!”谢傲宇淡然的道,“我走的是刀道霸者之路,剑道与我不服,而且我十年修理,尽在刀道之上,若留下圣灵神剑,必定干扰我苦修刀道之心,我想前辈看了我的全部资料,也应该注意到了,我对咒术,哪怕是最低级的咒术绝不沾手,一心武道,这刀剑之选,自初始已经决定,绝无更改可能。” Ha, good, good that said that can complete.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong clapped saying that only had wholeheartedly, can Senior of achievement giant, this was these giants once procedures, after achieving giant boundary, they started to browse other techniques.” “哈哈哈,好,说的好,做得好。”上古圣皇赵天龙拍手道,“唯有一心一意,方能成就巨头之尊,这何尝不是那些巨头们曾经的做法,直到达到巨头境界之后,他们才开始涉猎其他的一些技艺。” Is what kind about the giant, Xie Aoyu does not know that he only knows, takes own road, does not deviate, others' road not suitable oneself, only to have itself to walk most suits own. 关于巨头怎样,谢傲宇不知道,他只知道,走自己的路,绝不偏离,别人的路不适合自己,唯有自己走出来的才是最适合自己的。 Xie Aoyu also early has the plan to own path. 谢傲宇对自己的道路也是早有规划。 He must surmount Sky Demon is the goal. 他更是要超越天魔为目标的。 Senior, besides the Holy Ghost Excalibur, I must bestow your same thing.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “前辈,除了圣灵神剑,我还要赠送你一样东西。”谢傲宇笑道。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: Is the spirit spar mineral lode?” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“是不是灵晶石矿脉?” Xie Aoyu nods, said: Right, big of that spirit spar mineral lode, is above the imagination, person who I want quantity enough to support our arteries in hell demon needed.” 谢傲宇点点头,道:“没错,那灵晶石矿脉之大,超乎想象,我想其中的量足够支持我们一脉的人在地狱魔界的所需了。” Ha Ha, you did not say that I also planned begs to you.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong patted the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, Lei was actually not such that you imagined, still some people's main status to my this Lei have very big idea, these once competed for of head of household person with me, they congealed a rope, this time came hell demon, had been forestalled by them, must know hell demon Jieji united resources, that was what kind rich, this time had you to act, planned by Lei Tianze, one was drives out them, then by the contribution of spirit spar mineral lode, must be possible to side with us by middle-of-the-roaders thoroughly., But I, show a boundary of step giant again, may make Lei thoroughly our it's in the bag within three years fully.” “哈哈,你不说,我也打算向你讨要呢。”上古圣皇赵天龙拍拍谢傲宇的肩头,“雷家其实并非你想象的那样,仍然有人对我这雷家之主的地位有着很大的想法,那些曾经与我争夺家主之位的人,他们都凝成一股绳了,此次前来地狱魔界,就被他们抢先了,要知道地狱魔界集合一界的资源,那是何等的丰富,此次有你出面,假借雷天泽计划,将他们一系赶出去,然后再以灵晶石矿脉的贡献,必可让中间派彻底倒向我们。,而我呢,再展现一步巨头的境界,足可让雷家在三年之内彻底成为我们囊中之物。” Good is good, but that Lei giant?” Xie Aoyu hesitates to say. “好是好,不过那雷家巨头?”谢傲宇沉吟道。 The giant level exists truely dangerously. 真正危险地还是巨头级存在。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong laughed saying: „The matter of Lei giant, has not told you now the time, when you can achieve half giant boundary, I naturally can tell you.” He, complexion became serious, speaks the truth, if told you, but you were having been through repeatedly the life and death to discipline, had very big probability to be cut to kill to capture, searches to take to remember, then to us will be the deathblow, therefore I cannot tell you temporarily, will let pass to you some Lei Tianze, many Lei, god, hell demon, deep sea area memory, had the choice surname, had on again is, if you were captured take, searched to take the memory, we will be will not acknowledge that knows you were Xie Aoyu.” 上古圣皇赵天龙哈哈大笑道:“雷家巨头的事情,现在还不是告诉你的时候,等你能够达到半巨头境界,我自然会告诉你。”他顿了一下,脸色变得严肃起来,“说实话,若是告诉你,而你在历经生死磨练,就有很大几率被人斩杀擒拿,搜取记忆,那对我们将是致命的打击,所以我暂时不能告诉你,而且等会让传给你一些雷天泽,还有许多雷家,神界,地狱魔界,深海域的记忆,也都是有选择姓的,再有就是,如果你被擒拿,被搜取记忆,我们是不会承认知道你是谢傲宇的。” Sounds to be very brutal. 听起来很残酷。 Once is captured with searching to take to remember that got rid. 一旦被擒拿搜取记忆,就被抛弃。 But this is chooses the life and death to discipline, price of rapid elevation, and has provided the so big help, is insufficient to be worried that the threat of elders master, Xie Aoyu was very already satisfied. 但这就是选择生死磨练,迅速提升的代价,而且已经提供如此大的帮助,不至于担心老辈高手的威胁,谢傲宇已然很满足了。 Senior felt relieved that these I know, if I, inevitably so procedure.” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈放心,这些我都知道,若是我的话,也必然如此做法。”谢傲宇说道。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong patted the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, bore the pressure that can bear inhuman, can achieve the boundary that can achieve inhuman, I favored you, the issue, was right, that what Long Langhun who you said?” 上古圣皇赵天龙拍拍谢傲宇的肩头,“承受非人所能承受的压力,方能达到非人所能达到的境界,我看好你,还有问题吗,哦,对了,你说的那个什么龙狼魂?” Xie Aoyu covers the light that Long Langhun was fettering Long Langhun with. 谢傲宇就将那龙狼魂连带着束缚龙狼魂的光罩给拿了出来。 Long Langhun was still that tranquil appearance. 龙狼魂仍然是那副平静的模样儿。 Um?” “嗯?” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong who had not cared about looked at this Long Langhun, the complexion immediately changed, „was this descendants of three ghost god wolf Wang Hean gold demon flame dragons?” 本来没怎么在意的上古圣皇赵天龙一看这龙狼魂,脸色登时就变了,“这是三煞神狼王和暗金魔炎龙的后裔?” „.” Xie Aoyu said. “正是。”谢傲宇道。 „The wind ambition is not small!” In the antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tian longan flashed through wipes the cold and gloomy murderous intention. “风家野心不小啊!”上古圣皇赵天龙眼中闪过一抹森冷的杀机。 Xie Aoyu said: How did senior word say?” 谢傲宇道:“前辈此言怎讲?” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: If not I obtain in the incomplete memory that in the holy blood quartz that includes, has the inside story about three ghost god wolf Wang Hean gold demon flame dragon descendants, hey, wind was very indeed low-key recently, that always wild triplets half giant also went into hiding, good that if I guess, perhaps by this Long Langhun killing!” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“若非我得到圣血水晶中那含有的残缺记忆内,就有关于三煞神狼王和暗金魔炎龙后裔的内幕,嘿嘿,我说呢,风家最近很低调,那一向猖狂的三胞胎半巨头也销声匿迹了,若我猜的不错,恐怕已经被这龙狼魂给干掉了!” The Xie Aoyu three people were scared. 谢傲宇三人傻眼了。 About any triplets half giant, Xie Aoyu does not know, but Long Langhun kills half giant, as if also possibly is three, made his some fear looks at that Long Langhun. 关于什么三胞胎半巨头,谢傲宇不知道,但是龙狼魂干掉半巨头,似乎还可能是三个,却令他有些后怕的看着那龙狼魂。 Ru Yan said: I search to have been to the triplets half giant in the ice evil Monarch's memory, it is said under their three brothers minds are interlinked, collaborate, may compare favorably with a giant, therefore there is wind is -and-a-half giants, are more than half giant other influences, is this, making wind be known as in god is next to Angel Clan, even some people said in secret wind exceeds Angel Clan, these three brothers are the keys, they then specially were taken care of by the wind giant 1 million years ago, training, the intention lets their three brothers fully simultaneously the achievement giant, thus makes wind dominate god, After 1 million years, even if has not succeeded, thinks that was the distance giant is also near.” 如烟道:“我在冰邪君的记忆中搜索到过三胞胎半巨头,据说他们三兄弟心灵相通,联手之下,可媲美一个巨头,故而有风家是一个半的巨头,比其他的势力多出半个巨头,也是这样,使得风家在神界号称仅次于天使族,甚至有人暗中说风家更胜过天使族,这三兄弟便是关键,他们更是在1000000年前便被风家巨头特别照顾,全力培养,意图让他们三兄弟同时成就巨头,从而让风家称霸神界的,历经1000000年,就算是没成功,想必也是距离巨头非常近了吧。” Makes concrete their three what kind, whether all died, I cannot guarantee, if not sees this Long Langhun, I am also hard to determine that now is predicable, these three people of two were killed inevitably, remaining that are living, feared that was barely alive, the possible surname that but on this Long Langhun, three people died to be biggest.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said. “具体他们三个怎样,是否真的全都死了,我也不敢保证,若非看到这龙狼魂,我还难以确定,现在可断定,这三人必然有两人被杀了,剩下的那个就算是活着,怕是半死不活了,不过就这龙狼魂来讲,三个人都死的可能姓最大。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道。 In the Xie Aoyu heart moves, said: Dragon wolf soul is so fearful, they actually must sell, by the strength of exceedingly high level the dragon wolf soul displays, even if in Turlogh, who Pohl obtains, must take to request half giant help, then these half giants also decided the however killed destiny, wind this was to other influences cruelly harms using Long Langhun half giants.” 谢傲宇心中一动,道:“龙狼魂如此可怕,他们却要出售,以龙狼魂表现出来的通天级的力量,就算是特洛内,波尔谁得到,也必须拿回去要求半巨头帮助的,那么那些半巨头也定然是被杀的命运了,风家这是利用龙狼魂对其他势力的半巨头进行残害。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: Should be this, wind lost half giant, makes other influence also lose, this makes them balance.” He looks at that as if a little without saying a word appearance the dragon wolf soul, sighed lightly: If were confused by its semblance, that is must die without doubt, Long Langhun, this is, at is not the descendants of three ghost god wolf Wang Hean gold demon flame dragon unions Wan Jie destroys born, its strength is not strong, is only the exceedingly high level, but within the body has the strength of deconstruction, once releases, does not attack, unobstructive, once wants to change into it works, or controls it, definitely will initiate its within the body the strength of deconstruction, that strength, only has the giant only then to resist, half giant must die without doubt!” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“应该是这样,风家损失了半巨头,就让别的势力也损失,这才让他们平衡。”他看着那似乎有点蔫蔫的样子的龙狼魂,轻叹道:“若被它的外表所迷惑,那是必死无疑啊,龙狼魂,这可是万界毁灭所诞生的,根本不是三煞神狼王和暗金魔炎龙结合的后裔,它本身力量不强,只是通天级,但是体内具有毁灭之力,一旦释放出来,不攻击的话,无碍,一旦想要将它化为器灵,或者控制它,必然会引发它体内的毁灭之力,那力量之强,唯有巨头方可抵抗,半巨头必死无疑!” This Long Langhun does want the giant to subdue?” Xie Aoyu said. “难道这龙狼魂非要巨头方能收服?”谢傲宇道。 No.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that dragon wolf soul, you thought the god of dragon was surnamed, was the god of wolf surnamed?” “不。”上古圣皇赵天龙道,“龙狼魂,你觉得龙的神姓强,还是狼的神姓强?” Xie Aoyu has thought a while, the forced smile shakes the head. 谢傲宇想了一会儿,苦笑摇头。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: „The god of dragon is surnamed, moreover by far strong the god surname of wolf, first is the dark gold Moyan dragon has been through repeatedly six times variations, the so-called variation, that only has the thing of giant level to make its variation, six variations, that means anything, if not ten thousand time dark gold Moyan dragon died, its future, can attack to surmount the boundary of giant, three ghost god wolf king fame are big, giant but who presents are many, but in giant, three ghost god wolf kings on inferior some, if not depends upon three big acme strengths, they. The battle efficiency possibly is weakest \; Next, is most essential, the god of dragon is surnamed the god surname of inborn restraint wolf, therefore this kind of dragon wolf is, the semblance of wolf, the soul of dragon, but the soul is the essential key, therefore this Long Langhun has the god surname of dragon, I think that Long Langhun appears, the keel sword of Ru Yan girl should respond.” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“龙的神姓强,而且远远强过狼的神姓,首先就是暗金魔炎龙是历经六次变异而成,所谓变异,那就是唯有巨头级的东西才能够令其变异的,六次变异,那意味着什么呢,若非万界时代暗金魔炎龙死去,它的未来,便可冲击跨越巨头的境界,三煞神狼王名气大,只是出现的巨头多,但是在巨头中,三煞神狼王就逊色一些了,若非依靠三大极致力量,它们。的战斗力可能是最弱的\;其次,也是最关键的,龙的神姓天生克制狼的神姓,所以这类龙狼就是,狼的外表,龙的灵魂,而灵魂才是关键的关键,所以这龙狼魂具有龙的神姓,我想,龙狼魂出现,如烟姑娘的龙骨剑应该有所反应吧。” Right, is the keel sword has the response.” Ru Yan immediately nod acknowledgment. “对,是龙骨剑率先有反应的。”如烟马上点头承认。
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