BE :: Volume #19

#1873: Many answers 【Two】

PS: The pony rolls of noisy book uncultivated land, can have a look at friend profound imaginary work «of To move Day of Military God»! PS:闹书荒的筒子们,可以去看看朋友的玄幻作品《动天武神》! Grows regarding the tribulation, Xie Aoyu naturally is the approval, he chooses to arrive at hell demon, but non- easy and comfortable self-torture in the world space macrocosm, is not just for this reason. 对于磨难中成长,谢傲宇自然是认可的,他选择来到地狱魔界,而非是在人间界空间大世界内安逸的苦修,不正是为此吗。 Asked that can achieve after two years from third-order Battle Emperor Senior the position boundary unreliably, to these giant descendants, hears something never heard of before simply, at all impossible matter, but places world? Has not depended upon, can only by own Holy City, be able in a big way to pick up one to achieve from third-order Battle Emperor two years Senior the lower position unreliably. 试问能够从三阶战皇历经两年达到玄尊中位境界,对那些巨头后裔们来说,简直是闻所未闻,根本不可能的事情,但是放在人间界呢?没有依靠,只能靠自己的圣城,能够挑出一大把两年从三阶战皇达到玄尊下位的。 Why? 为什么? The tribulation, the life and death disciplines. 磨难,生死磨练。 This is know-how of swift and violent growth, with it with various way training, various heavy valuable support, like that the growth, places the life and death informed and experienced, is nothing to speak. 这就是迅猛成长的窍门,与其用各种方式培养,各种重宝支持,那般成长速度,放在生死历练中,都是不值一提的。 After Xie Aoyu arrived here, the issues of some headaches, were each boundary disparity were too big, he was fierce is also hard to surmount two boundaries to go to resist with others, therefore must always cautiously. 只是谢傲宇来到这里之后,有些头疼的问题,就是每一个境界差距太大了,他再厉害也难以跨越两个境界去与人家对抗,所以总是要小心翼翼的。 If can have this Lei to safeguard, can not have this to dread actually. 若是能够有这雷家保障,倒是能够无此忌惮了。 Is so best.” The Xie Aoyu self-confident say (way), is only, I heard that these so-called have the giant potential person, was focused on protecting, as if after coming across the crisis, can occasionally draw support from the strength self-preservation of half giant.” “如此最好。”谢傲宇自信的道,“只是,我听说,那些所谓有巨头潜力的人,都是被重点保护的,似乎遇到危机之后,能偶借助半巨头的力量自保。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: This matter indeed has, but, that will be the fifth-order Battle Emperor following talent will have such treatment, if to certain intensity, but must protect, what achievement can such person have? Does not undergo the life and death tribulation, how can break through? Knows why god, hell demon demon Lingshan, world deep sea area, has the potential becomes many of giant, can until now, how many not be born? Because they have not disciplined after the life and death, did not undergo the sensibility of that death, was at all the impossible achievement exceedingly high level, did not have been through repeatedly the multiple sensibility, was hard to break through in the exceedingly high level boundary, reason why this was that many potential masters, the major part in the exceedingly high level lower position, the Chinese position is also hard to have overstepping again.” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“此事的确有,不过,那都是五阶战皇以下的才会有如此待遇,若是到了一定强度,还要保护,这样的人能有什么成就?不经历生死磨难,怎能突破自我?知道为什么神界,地狱魔界魔灵山,人间界深海域,有潜力成为巨头的很多,可迄今为止,没有诞生几个吗?因为他们没有历经生死磨练,不经过那种死亡的感悟,是根本不可能成就通天级的,不历经多重感悟,难以在通天级境界突破,这也是为什么那么多潜力高手,绝大部分都是在通天级下位,中位都难以再有逾越的原因。” Without this threat, that did not matter, I can also these by the so-called elites who the giants approve.” Xie Aoyu fights intent abundant. “没有这个威胁,那就无所谓了,我也会会这些被巨头们都认可的所谓精英们。”谢傲宇战意盎然。 Hu Family already passed to me about your material all, on your mother rain joyful bosom your time, started to consider for you, these once the skeleton essence of world giant under Lang Ya City, for you obtained, because the skeleton essence of these giants had already disappeared, that skeleton essence that therefore you obtain from soul change essentially, this also guaranteed you, once after cultivation Qi, key that can so swiftly and violently grow, moreover can with you in the together person, absorb the part for a long time imperceptibly the essence, after all you are unable to buy in completely, this is also you. Woman, the friend grows a rapid key, has the fight that is you have been through repeatedly again, compared with my more than 50,000 years many, in fight that the life and death disciplines compared with my many times, I think that you become Lei Tianze, then can continue this winding speed.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said. 胡家早就将一切关于你的资料都传给我了,你母亲雨欣怀上你的时候,就已经开始为你考虑了,在琅琊城下方那些曾经人间界巨头的骨骸精华,为你所得,由于那些巨头的骨骸精华早就散失了,所以你得到的那种骨骸精华是从灵魂本质上的改变,这也是保证你一旦修出斗气之后,能够如此迅猛成长的关键,而且能够长期与你在一起的人,会无形中吸收部分的精华,毕竟你是无法吸纳全部的,这也是你。身边的女人,朋友成长如此迅速的一个关键,再有就是你历经的战斗之多,比我这50000多年都不少,在生死磨练的战斗次数更是比我多很多倍,我想你成为雷天泽,便可以延续这种提升速度的。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道。 Slightly does to hesitate, Xie Aoyu then said: I have the confidence maintain winding speed do not reduce.” 略作沉吟,谢傲宇便说道:“我有信心保持提升速度不减。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: You have any issue, raises freely, after explaining, I will pass to you Lei Tianze the memory entirely, two Fights Technique that moreover most excels at Lei Tianze pass to you.” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“你还有什么问题,尽管提,在解释完毕之后,我会将雷天泽的记忆统统传给你的,另外将雷天泽最擅长的两种斗技传给你。” Sword works, why wind places the dying out city the sword spirit.” Xie Aoyu has thought that raised own question. “剑灵,风家为什么将剑灵放在寂灭城。”谢傲宇想了一下,提出了自己的疑问。 The sword spirit, that is the achievement exceedingly high level god soldier not two electing. 剑灵,那可是成就通天级神兵的不二之选。 Exceedingly high level god soldier, that is the thing that the wind giants must long, actually must attain the Beastly Soul pavilion in this dying out city, making Xie Aoyu think that is very unreasonable. 通天级神兵,那是风家巨头都要渴望的东西,却要拿到这寂灭城的兽魂阁,让谢傲宇觉得很不合理。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: This, I also really know.” He reorganized the mentality, this said that you may know ten thousand time deconstruction fable.” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“这个,我还真知道。”他整理了一下思路,这才说道,“你可知道万界时代毁灭传说。” Listens to a sea emperor soul to mention, once listened to the Dragon God Emperor soul to mention, but the Dragon God Emperor soul restores 5/9 memories, thinks about ten thousand time deconstructions instead are not many.” Xie Aoyu said that heard, as if ancient times Clever Sacred Tree and god sixth giant has some relations, their strength of deconstruction, was obtained the strength of life, grows because of that ten thousand time deconstruction.” “听海皇一线灵魂提及过,也曾听龙神皇灵魂提及过,不过龙神皇灵魂只是恢复5的记忆,关于万界时代毁灭想起来的反而不多。”谢傲宇说道,“只是听说,似乎和远古通灵神树和神界第六巨头有着一些联系,他们两个一个得到毁灭之力,一个得到生命之力,也是因那万界时代毁灭而成长起来的。” Indeed so, ten thousand time deconstruction fable, until now is a riddle, although 1 million years ago, ancient times Saint Emperor in every way investigated, the result of verifying is the giant are too many, the strength is too strong, has surpassed the boundary of withstanding, the regulations after the confirmation, that conclusion were afterward wrong, ten thousand time deconstructions have the plot that a person does not know, but knows ten thousand time deconstruction reason truly perhaps only then ancient times Clever Sacred Tree and god sixth giant.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that „what I knew, in some materials that Lei recorded, the recent several thousand years, I once had gone to the thing that ten thousand time vestiges left behind, the synthesis drew a conclusion.” “的确如此,万界时代毁灭传说,迄今为止都是个谜,虽然在1000000年前,远古圣皇多方调查,查明的结果是巨头太多,力量太强,已经超出了承受的界限,实则后来经过证实,那个结论是错误的,万界时代毁灭有着一个人所不知的阴谋,而真正知道万界时代毁灭原因的恐怕只有远古通灵神树和神界第六巨头了。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道,“而我所知道的是,在雷家记载的一些资料,还有最近几千年,我曾去过的一些万界时代遗迹留下的东西,综合得出一个结论。” Xie Aoyu has raised up the ear, said: Any conclusion.” 谢傲宇竖起了耳朵,道:“什么结论。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong narrowed the eyes to focus, sinking sound track: Ten thousand time by artificial destroying, this matter should real, but similarly, had carried on the resistance in ten thousand time also some people, preserves ten thousand time not to destroy , to continue the human most magnificent time, finally naturally was defeated, but this resistance, gathered as if much reached about 70 giants, after suffering defeat, these giants left behind many things, dispersed in each region, had at least three exceedingly high level god soldiers to drop in the dying out city, but these exceedingly high level god soldier was also destroyed worked.” 上古圣皇赵天龙眯着眼,沉声道:“万界时代是被人为的摧毁的,此事应该是真的,但同样的,在万界时代也有人曾经进行过抵抗,保住万界时代不会毁灭,延续人类最辉煌的时代,结果自然是失败了,但是这次抵抗,聚集了似乎多达近70名的巨头,在败北之后,这些巨头留下诸多的东西,分散在各地,其中就有至少三件通天级神兵跌落在寂灭城,而这些通天级神兵也被摧毁了器灵。” Destroyed worked? 摧毁了器灵? Xie Aoyu does not have the reason has thought that Holy Ghost Excalibur, similarly destroyed works. 谢傲宇没来由的想到了那圣灵神剑,同样是被摧毁的器灵。 Reason that sword works is selected to place the dying out city, loses the spirit exceedingly high level god soldier for that three, although loses works, has not induced by no means that by the body of sword spirit, so long as places in a region, the time is long-time, then automatically will attract that to lose the spirit exceedingly high level god soldier to close up voluntarily.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said. “剑灵之所以被选中放在寂灭城,就是为了那三件失去器灵的通天级神兵,虽然失去器灵,并非没有感应的,以剑灵之身,只要安置在一个区域,时间长久,便会自动的吸引那失去器灵的通天级神兵自行的靠拢过来。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道。 So also can indeed explain the issue. 如此也的确可以解释问题了。 Xie Aoyu hesitation a while, said: This answer can accept, that please ask the senior, you said that exceedingly high level god weapon spirit loss, is this losser spirit exceedingly high level god soldier has?” 谢傲宇沉吟一会儿,道:“这个答案可以接受,那请问前辈,你说通天级神兵器灵损失,是不是这种损失器灵的通天级神兵有许多?” Many, exceedingly high level god soldier is not rare in ten thousand time, may almost not have in the present age, only then two it is said retain completely, has been lost, after that fights, leaves behind many ten thousand vestiges, discovery many exceedingly high level god soldier, but does not have to work, therefore in the major giant hands has some god soldiers of exceedingly high level, they lack conform to the exceedingly high level god soldier works.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that the sword that „the wind aspect put out worked, has not taken shape, coincided with the exceedingly high level god soldier, hard to bring about was similar your moon/month to fall to execute the Divine Knife might, brought to draw out other three big god soldiers actually, helped its growth again, there is a complete protection, was the foolproof plan, but they have not thought that unexpectedly by the assassin who deep sea area sent out to the protection that explaining them has supposed, hey, perhaps you do not know that deep sea area got rid, that may not be is so simple, the masters of wind family you saw were almost transferred, this by. They have an opportunity, finally for me obtained.” “很多,通天级神兵在万界时代并不罕见,可在当代却几乎没有,只有两个据说保留完整的,也失传了,那一战之后则留下许多的万界遗迹,其中发现不少通天级神兵,但都是没有器灵的,所以各大巨头手中都有一些准通天级的神兵,他们只是缺少符合通天级神兵的器灵罢了。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道,“风家方面拿出的这剑灵,也是还未成型的,与通天级神兵相合,也难成就类似你那月陨诛神刀的威力,倒是拿来引出其他三大神兵,再助其成长,又有完全的保护,也算是算无遗策,只是他们没想到居然被深海域派出的刺客给破解了他们设下的保护,嘿嘿,你恐怕不知道吧,深海域出手,那可并非你们看到的那么简单,风家的高手几乎被调动一空,这才让。他们有机可乘,最后为我所得。” Put out the sword spirit to say regarding wind that Xie Aoyu not too paid attention. 对于风家拿出剑灵之说,谢傲宇已经不怎么太关注。 What he considers is the Holy Ghost Excalibur loses the spirit matter. 他考虑的是圣灵神剑失去器灵的事情。 „Does senior, Fang Jun fine jade, how many you know?” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈,方君瑜,你知道多少?”谢傲宇道。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong hesitated saying: Knows are not many, this Fang Jun fine jade is in ten thousand time the preliminary character, is the recognition person who is most likely to surmount the giant boundary, but afterward actually mystically was missing.” 上古圣皇赵天龙沉吟道:“知道的不多,这方君瑜是万界时代中前期的人物,也是公认的最有可能跨越巨头境界的人,可是后来却神秘的失踪了。” Xie Aoyu said: Said that he with these ten thousand time deconstructions, has not been connected.” 谢傲宇道:“这么说,他与这万界时代毁灭,没有关联了。” Naturally cannot have, after Fang Jun fine jade is missing, nearly 3 million years, ten thousand time move toward the deconstruction, how can pull to relate with him.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said. “自然不会有,方君瑜失踪之后将近3000000年,万界时代才走向毁灭的,如何能与他扯上联系。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道。 Fang Jun fine jade Holy Ghost Excalibur that along but I obtain, does not have to work.” Xie Aoyu was saying took the Holy Ghost Excalibur. “可我得到的方君瑜随身的圣灵神剑,也是没有器灵的。”谢傲宇说着将圣灵神剑拿了出来。 Holy Ghost Excalibur!” “圣灵神剑!” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong stood up suddenly, surprised looks at that Excalibur. 上古圣皇赵天龙猛然站起,惊讶的看着那神剑。 Holy Ghost Excalibur tranquil lying down on table, already sent out that sharp meaning by the scabbard. 圣灵神剑平静的躺在桌子上面,透过剑鞘已然散发出那股锋锐之意。 „Do you obtain from there?” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong shivered both hands to take up the Holy Ghost Excalibur. “你从那里得到的?”上古圣皇赵天龙颤抖着双手拿起圣灵神剑。 Process that Xie Aoyu must come related, has put out that jade. 谢傲宇就将得来的过程诉说了一遍,也拿出了那枚玉石。 An antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong brow wrinkle, said: In ten thousand vestiges obtained? Ices the demon to stay behind, Sky Demon the mystical jade that doesn't hesitate the price to compete for?” He examined the jade, shakes the head saying that I have not seen, since is the thing that Sky Demon competes, has some function inevitably, you well receive.” 上古圣皇赵天龙眉头一皱,道:“万界遗迹中所得?冰魔留下的,还有天魔不惜代价争夺的神秘玉石?”他查看了一下玉石,摇头道,“我也没见过,既然是天魔争夺的东西,必然有着某种作用,你还是好好收起来吧。” Senior, I have a bold suspicion.” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈,我有个大胆的怀疑。”谢傲宇说道。 You said that leaves behind the exceedingly high level god soldiers who not to spirit from ten thousand time, the Holy Ghost Excalibur of Fang Jun fine jade does not have to work, infers, Fang Jun fine jade is missing mystically with ten thousand time deconstructions has the same plot goal?” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said. “你是说,从万界时代遗留下来的通天级神兵都是没有器灵的,方君瑜的圣灵神剑也没有器灵,来推断,方君瑜的神秘失踪与万界时代毁灭是有一样的阴谋目的?”上古圣皇赵天龙道。 Xie Aoyu said: This is only I felt suddenly that now was unable to determine, but we can look for an indirect evidence.” 谢傲宇道:“这只是我突然之间的感觉,现在还无法确定,但是我们可以找一个间接的佐证。” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: What indirect evidence?” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“什么间接佐证?” Xie Aoyu deeply inspires, say (way) slowly: Sky Demon!” 谢傲宇深吸一口气,徐徐的道:“天魔!” Sky Demon?” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong took a seat, is lost in thought that long time said that „after Sky Demon indeed could be said as is Fang Jun fine jade, another was hopeful to surmount the giant boundary, this point acknowledged including ancient times Saint Emperor, Fang Jun fine jade it is said was when must attack surmounted the giant boundary, mystically is missing, Sky Demon similarly so, if that the Sky Demon god soldier along did not have to work, can indeed be the indirect evidence to indicate that they possibly were encounter the similar plot missing, by ten thousand time deconstructions.” 天魔?”上古圣皇赵天龙重新落座,陷入沉思中,良久才说道,“天魔的确可以说是即方君瑜之后,又一个有望跨越巨头境界的,这一点连远古圣皇都承认了,方君瑜据说是在要冲击超越巨头境界的时候,神秘失踪的,天魔同样如此,那么如果天魔的随身神兵也没有器灵的话,的确可以作为间接的证据来表明他们可能是遭到同样的阴谋才失踪的,才让万界时代毁灭的。” Xie Aoyu pushed the Holy Ghost Excalibur to antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong, said: Senior, this sword, you give to the person of emperor senior, the sword that the coordinate senior captures works, at least can make the Holy Ghost Excalibur play the might of not inferior exceedingly high level god soldier, the human the emperor senior, if has this sword in the hand, must be possible with the battle efficiency that other giants fight . Moreover, I always thought that Israeli Jun fine jade that type exists, even if were the death, must leave behind a thing, I thought that this Holy Ghost Excalibur decided but not yet announced however has the thing that Fang Jun fine jade left behind, my boundary was really hard to unearth, moreover this sword placed in my hand, simply was thing awfully, I. Suspected very much that does not know when stimulated in the Holy Ghost Excalibur certain secrets, exposes, even if there is great bow cap, I possibly by the class of half giant killing.” 谢傲宇将圣灵神剑推给上古圣皇赵天龙,道:“前辈,此剑,你送给人皇前辈吧,配合前辈夺取的剑灵,至少可以让圣灵神剑发挥出不逊色通天级神兵的威力,人皇前辈若有此剑在手,必可与其他巨头争锋的战斗力,而且,我总觉得,以方君瑜那种存在,哪怕是死亡,也不可能不留下一点东西的,我觉得这圣灵神剑内定然存在着方君瑜留下的东西,我的境界实在难以挖掘出来,而且这剑放在我手中,简直就是要命的东西,我。很怀疑,不知什么时候激发了圣灵神剑内某些秘密,暴露出来,就算是有巨头罩着,我都可能被半巨头之流给干掉的。” I come to see in this to have anything to establish.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that I, when obtained that holy blood quartz, inside also had the incomplete memory that giant left, many ten thousand time some can leave behind the special record opening method of inheritance.” “我来看看这里面是不是有什么设置。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道,“我在得到那圣血水晶的时候,里面还有那名巨头留下的残缺记忆,其中不乏万界时代一些能够留下传承的特殊记载开启方法。” Saying, him was then starting to recite the incantation. 说着,他便开始念动咒语。
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