BE :: Volume #19

#1872: Many answers 【One】

He was antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong! 他就是上古圣皇赵天龙! Lei who one of the god five big giants establish, it manages the head of household of entire Lei is the person of god in all directions must seek, pledged that must cut antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong who kills it. 神界五大巨头之一建立的雷家,其统管整个雷家的家主就是神界之人四处都要寻找,发誓要将其斩杀的上古圣皇赵天龙。 Xie Aoyu does not know how should describe Zhao Tianlong. 谢傲宇已经不知道该怎样形容赵天龙了。 Too brave! 太胆大了! Dares to survive under the Lei head of household nose, can the achievement so status, manage the entire Lei, this is what kind of performance, with the monstruous talent described that is not enough to indicate Zhao Tianlong performance, may be called perfect, making these probably kill his person, salutes to pay respect to him, can with the major giants directly relative. 敢于在雷家家主眼皮底下生存,更是能够成就如此地位,统管整个雷家,这是怎样的表现,用妖孽形容都不足以表明赵天龙的表现,堪称完美,让那些要杀他的人,对他行礼参拜,可以与各大巨头正面相对。 Five that just like the senior said why, I am very indeed puzzled, how the senior can become the Lei head of household, why can three moves N defeat half giant to ice evil Monarch, how to build the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, how at hell demon soul ban also in the situation, can display the exceedingly high level strength, why is also must turn into Lei Tianze me, I think that will not be will be aimless, this Lei Tianze as if very much not simple appearance, his reappearing, I clearly felt that these people will surmount to 200 million spirit spars must fierce killing intent.” Xie Aoyu said that why has again is wind spirit places the dying out city the sword, but does not stay in the wind headquarters, why Long Langhun must take the sell, all these are make me not understand.” “正如前辈所说的五个为什么,我的确很不解,前辈如何能够成为雷家家主的,为何能够三招杀败半巨头冰邪君,怎会修成灵欲百变术的,怎样在地狱魔界灵魂禁制还在的情况下,可以发挥出通天级力量的,又是为什么要将我变成雷天泽,我想绝不会是无的放矢吧,这个雷天泽似乎很不简单的样子,他的重现,我分明感觉到那些人超越对200000000灵晶石还要厉害的杀意。”谢傲宇说道,“再有就是风家为何将剑灵放在寂灭城而不是留在风家总部,为什么龙狼魂要拿出来出售,这一切都是让我不理解。” A series of issues already puzzled Xie Aoyu for a long time. 一系列的问题早就困扰谢傲宇很长时间了。 He actually could not find the answer. 他却找不到答案。 Takes your time, does not worry, I answered your issue.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile, „, before I said that gave me first one bottle of Fond Il­lu­sion Licor, the taste of this liquor was good, I liked very much.” “慢慢来,不着急,我一个个的回答你的问题。”上古圣皇赵天龙笑着说道,“嗯,在我说之前,是不是先送给我一瓶迷梦酒,这酒的滋味不错,我很喜欢。” Bing Wu puts out some Fond Il­lu­sion Licor immediately. 冰舞立刻拿出一些迷梦酒 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong has drunk two, smacked the lips, say (way) with a laugh: Nice wine.” Afterward starts to explain: First said that how I become the host of Lei, this somewhat accidental, but, is the boost of person emperor and sea emperor makes me succeed, initially we went to god, you can also imagine, is what kind of difficult position, particularly person emperor, starting from nothing, five big giants seek, after the untold hardships, is calm and steady finally in Lei, afterward I entered god with the sea emperor, foundation that some people of emperors build, this is calm and steady, but I 50,000 years ago one generation of sharpest juniors by Lei was seen through accidentally, then its will cut. Kills, to prevent his death, causes Lei high and low to pay attention, then disguises as with him , some people of emperors, the sea emperor support secretly, coordination, this host of achievement Lei.” 上古圣皇赵天龙自顾自的喝了两口,咂咂嘴,笑呵呵的道:“好酒啊。”随后才开始解释道:“先说一下,我如何成为雷家之主的,这个有些意外,不过,也是人皇和海皇的助力才让我成功的,当初我们前往神界,你也能想象得出来,是怎样的困境,尤其是人皇,从零开始,又有五大巨头寻找,历经千辛万苦,最终在雷家安稳下来,后来我与海皇进入神界,有人皇打下的基础,这才安稳下来,而我无意中被雷家50000年前的一代最精锐的子弟识破,便将其斩。杀,为防止他的死,引起雷家上下关注,便假扮与他,又有人皇,海皇暗中支持,配合,这才成就雷家之主的。” Coming out that the superficialness that he said that Xie Aoyu can actually imagine, after the untold hardships, countless tribulations has now the status inevitably. 他说的轻描淡写,谢傲宇却能想象的出来,必然是历经千辛万苦,无数磨难才有如今地位的。 Mentioned Senior of person of emperor achievement giant, outside abatement that Nangong mystical place, my this Lei the main function was not but actually minor.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong say (way) with a laugh, as if this matter was in his life the biggest pride, „the second issue and fourth issue regulations were one, why I can three moves N defeat half giant to ice evil Monarch, why can, in this soul banned that under displayed the exceedingly high level the strength, the reason was I comes hell demon, this had the duty, had again is to your with all one's heart spoiling by trying to be too helpful -type promotion, has not thought that really also had the fortuitous encounter that time ten thousand th rare one has met, I suddenly found one that one generation of giants of ten thousand time hell demon have left behind. Holy blood quartz.” “说来人皇成就巨头之尊,除却那南宫秘境之外,我这雷家之主的作用倒也不小。”上古圣皇赵天龙笑呵呵的道,似乎此事是他一生中最大的骄傲,“第二个问题和第四个问题实则是一个,我为何能够三招杀败半巨头冰邪君,为何能够在这灵魂禁制之下施展通天级的力量,原因就是我来地狱魔界,本是有任务的,再有就是对你尽心拔苗助长式的提升,没想到竟然也有了一次万世难得一遇的奇遇,我竟然找到了万界时代地狱魔界的一代巨头遗留下来的一。枚圣血水晶。” Holy blood quartz!” Ru Yan was startled to call out. “圣血水晶!”如烟惊叫道。 This name, Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu first hearing. 这名字,谢傲宇冰舞还是第一次听到。 Searches for the thing that arrives at as for Ru Yan from the ice evil Monarch's memory without doubt. 至于如烟无疑是从冰邪君的记忆中搜去到的东西。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: You, since searched the ice evil Monarch's memory, that has you to explain that this fortuitous encounter was also in my life the biggest fortuitous encounter.” 上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“你既然搜索了冰邪君的记忆,那就有你来解释吧,此次奇遇也算是我一生中最大的奇遇了。” Holy blood quartz is ten thousand time, one wonderful incomparable thing that the giant hands down, the hearsay ten thousand time, the giant quantity is numerous, each giant one desire, that surmounts the giant boundary his entire life, but never has the human to be successful, afterward had the giant not to know why falls into the dead boundary, but some giants are not alone travelers, grew strong, for was not perished along with own death by own descendant, then created the holy blood quartz, before the giant died, sent in the holy blood quartz the strength of lifetime, gives the person of later generation selected, but this person can buy in the holy blood. The strength in quartz, generally, is half giant buys in strength, thus becomes the giant, but this giant does not practice by oneself, therefore they after becoming giant, forever is like that the boundaries, in any event practices, is unable to strive the half minute.” Ru Yan own awareness related, this is ice evil Monarch remembers the content.” “圣血水晶是万界时代,巨头相传的一种神妙无比的东西,传闻万界时代,巨头数量众多,每一个巨头一生都只有一个愿望,那就是跨越巨头境界,可是从来没有人能够成功,后来却有巨头不知为何陷入死境,可是有些巨头并非独行客,已经发展壮大起来,为了不让自己的后裔随着自己的死亡而灭亡,便创造出了圣血水晶,在巨头死前,将毕生的力量送入圣血水晶,交给选中的后辈之人,而这人便可吸纳圣血。水晶内的力量,一般情况下,都是半巨头来吸纳其中的力量,从而一跃成为巨头,但是这种巨头不是靠自己修炼出来的,所以他们在成为巨头之后,也永远都是那般境界,无论如何修炼,都无法精进半分的。”如烟将自己的知道的诉说了一遍,“这是冰邪君记忆中的内容。” Xie Aoyu and Bing Wu look at each other, really also has the so wonderful thing to exist. 谢傲宇冰舞相视一眼,竟然还有如此神妙的东西存在。 Holy blood quartz, strength inheritance! 圣血水晶,力量传承! Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: These basic correct, I supplement again, the holy blood quartz also function, may resist the soul to ban that for example in this dying out city, the soul bans still exists, so long as I stimulate to movement the holy blood quartz the strength, can in one minute by the disturbance of soul ban, not be displayed the strongest strength, why this is I can rob the sword spirit reason, but I am only the exceedingly high level superior boundary , is more inferior than the kind teacher sea emperor, obtains this holy blood quartz, making me become half giant, moreover is the half giant of closest giant, I could be said as a foot visit the giant boundary now, by my present strength, let alone the half giant of ice evil Monarch that crude person, even if were known as that god hopefully became the half giant of giant, I also had confidence in hundred moves to strike to kill it.” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“这些基本正确,我再补充一下,圣血水晶还有一个作用,就是可抵抗灵魂禁制,比如在这寂灭城,灵魂禁制还存在,我只要催动圣血水晶的力量,便可在一分钟内不受灵魂禁制的干扰,发挥出最强的力量,这就是我为何能够抢走剑灵的原因,而我本来只是通天级上位境界罢了,比恩师海皇还要逊色许多,得到这枚圣血水晶,令我一跃成为半巨头,而且是属于最接近巨头的半巨头,我现在可说是一只脚踏足巨头境界了,以我现在的实力,别说冰邪君那种半吊子的半巨头,就算是号称神界最有希望成为巨头的半巨头,我也有把握百招内将其击杀。” A foot visits the giant boundary. 一只脚踏足巨头境界。 At recent matter, no wonder the sea emperor soul does not know. 还是在最近的事情,也难怪海皇灵魂不知道了。 Xie Aoyu also has saying that the antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong luck was really good to not side, holy blood quartz type of thing can meet. 谢傲宇也不得不说,上古圣皇赵天龙的运气真的是好到没边了,圣血水晶这种东西都能够遇到。 Spirit desire do hundred change the techniques?” Xie Aoyu asked. “灵欲百变术呢?”谢傲宇问道。 This method, before not having achievement giant, is absolutely huge to Xie Aoyu help that if can practice to have, was naturally freer, is insufficient extremely to rely on Ru Yan. 此手段,在没有成就巨头之前,对谢傲宇的帮助那绝对是巨大的,若是能够修炼有成,自然就更加的自如了,不至于太过依赖如烟 Therefore he noticed that antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong can display, naturally has had the intense practice impulsion. 所以他看到上古圣皇赵天龙能够施展,自然是产生了强烈的修炼冲动。 Yeah!” “哎!” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong took up Fond Il­lu­sion Licor gurgle gurgle to fill one bottle, the whole person became melancholy, in the eye flashed through wipes the helpless bitter and astringent sentiment. 上古圣皇赵天龙拿起迷梦酒咕嘟咕嘟的灌了一瓶,整个人都变得忧郁起来,眼中闪过一抹无奈的苦涩之情。 The Xie Aoyu three people look at each other in blank diamay. 谢傲宇三人不禁面面相觑。 Long time, antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong opened the mouth saying: Spirit desire hundred change the technique is my beloved woman creation, is only the woman can practice, when several thousand years ago, I was competed several people of host of Lei to collaborate to besiege, life and death, is she uses the spirit desire hundred changes the technique incarnation becomes I, dies auxiliary, before dying , the soul for me on my body, I can display the spirit desire hundred change the technique.” 良久,上古圣皇赵天龙才开口道:“灵欲百变术是我心爱的女人创造的,本来只是女人才能修炼的,在几千年前,我被竞争雷家之主的几人联手围攻,生死之余,是她利用灵欲百变术化身成我,替我而死,死前将灵魂辅助在我的身上,我才能够施展灵欲百变术的。” Senior excuses me.” Xie Aoyu has not thought that unexpectedly is this reason. “前辈见谅。”谢傲宇没想到居然是这个原因。 Beckons with the hand, antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said with a smile: I have been used.” He has restrained the sad mood, said that restores your fifth issue, reason that I turn into Lei Tianze also to have the reason you, Lei Tianze, you thinks that also knew from the Ru Yan mouth.” 摆摆手,上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“我已经习惯了。”他收敛了一下悲伤的心情,又说道,“恢复你第五个问题,我之所以将你变成雷天泽也是有原因的,雷天泽,你想必也从如烟的口中知道了一些吧。” Xie Aoyu nods, said: Yes, Lei Tianze is the monstruous talent of god recognition, is the percentage of recognition hundred can become existence of giant, however two years ago died mystically.” 谢傲宇点点头,道:“是,雷天泽是神界公认的妖孽,是公认的百分百能成为巨头的存在,但是两年前神秘死去。” That is killed by me.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said. “那是被我杀的。”上古圣皇赵天龙道。 What?!” “什么?!” The Xie Aoyu three people feel the accident. 谢傲宇三人更感意外。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong spooky say (way): The disaster that in my this life, has been through repeatedly are innumerable, but can make me face the dead boundary truly, only then three times, one time is to leave world, fierce Yun Zhu I get out of trouble \; One time competed for Lei the main person to collaborate to plot with me, my beloved woman dies for me \; One time was Lei Tianze, high of this child talent, still above person emperor, the rapidness of practice speed, agile of thought that thorough, might be called unprecedented rare, I once suspected that he was some old monster soul seizes the shed.” 上古圣皇赵天龙幽幽的道:“我这一生中,历经的劫难无数,但是能让我真正面临死境的,只有三次,一次是离开人间界,烈云助我脱困\;一次是被与我争夺雷家之主的人联手暗算,我心爱的女人替我而死\;还有一次就是雷天泽了,此子天分之高,犹在人皇之上,修炼速度之快,思维之敏捷,周密,都堪称旷古罕见,我曾怀疑他是某个老怪物灵魂夺舍的。” So a character, if adopted by us, to our world, inevitably is big powerful, but he was too astute, to had discovered astutely unexpectedly my real status, lets in the situation that I almost expose, cuts to kill it, but also dreads Lei Tianze on other four big giants, if grows, Lei then has two big giants, is they do not permit, must collaborate to force out, here cuts to kill Lei Tianze, shifts blame four big giants.” “如此一个人物,若是为我所用,对我们人间界来说,必然是大大的有力,怎奈他太精明了,精明到居然发现了我的真实身份,让我几乎暴露的情况下,才将其斩杀,而恰逢其他四大巨头也忌惮雷天泽若是成长起来,雷家便是有两大巨头,是他们所不允许的,要联手封杀,就借此机会才将雷天泽斩杀,嫁祸四大巨头。” After I read his memory, discovered that Lei Tianze is really not general, although is not the soul seizes the shed, actually is also his mother, when cherishes him, opened accidentally for one several million years ago the broken soul of ten thousand time giant the vestige that leaves behind, in the result is having a consciousness basically thoroughly cancel, therefore Lei Tianze shows so the ability of monstruous talent, but I arrive at one of the hell demon duties, on is must spoil by trying to be too helpful you, the result is unable to carry on, must choose you become Lei Tianze as soon as possible by you to grow.” “当我读取他的记忆之后,发现雷天泽真的是不一般,虽不是灵魂夺舍,却也是他的母亲在怀他的时候,无意中开启了一处数百万年前留下的遗迹,结果里面正有一个意识基本被彻底抹去的万界时代巨头的残破灵魂,所以雷天泽才表现出这般妖孽的能力,而我来到地狱魔界的任务之一,就是要对你进行拔苗助长,结果无法进行,只得选择让你成为雷天泽来尽快的让你成长起来。” This was Xie Aoyu second time hears to spoil by trying to be too helpful. 这是谢傲宇第二次听到拔苗助长了。 He is skeptical. 他本身对此是持怀疑态度的。 Spoils by trying to be too helpful, effect that forcefully the promotion, that and oneself practice absolutely different. 拔苗助长,强行提升,那与自身修炼出来的效果绝对是两样的。 Saw the Xie Aoyu complexion, antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong says with a smile: I know that you are any idea, at first I did not agree that the successor emperor told me to spoil by trying to be too helpful what's the matter, I also agreed.” 看到谢傲宇的脸色,上古圣皇赵天龙笑道:“我知道你是什么想法,起初我也不同意,后来人皇告诉我拔苗助长是怎么回事,我也就同意了。” What kind of spoiling by trying to be too helpful law?” Xie Aoyu asked. “怎么样的拔苗助长法?”谢傲宇问道。 Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said: That is the unusual mysterious one method that ten thousand time leave behind, almost displayed the acme Incantation technique mysteriously, was only generally, once spoiled by trying to be too helpful possibly life-long can only be the boundary of half giant, but studied the confirmation according to us in every way, discovered that you can explain this difficult problem, because you had the unsurpassed god body, has the liquid psychic force, but also had Sky Prestige Spirit Soul, had again is the mind opens, these may make you explain that predicament, again some people of emperor's families from helping one another, the achievement giant was not the difficult problem, all was appropriate, is short of the same thing, that thing on. In the ice demon valley, who knew that thing to be given to destroy unexpectedly, but I received the person emperor to inform, must return to get back one's composure as soon as possible, therefore this spoiled by trying to be too helpful also can only become invalid.” 上古圣皇赵天龙道:“那是万界时代留下的非常奥妙的一种手段,几乎是将咒术奥妙发挥到了极致,只是一般情况下,一旦拔苗助长可能终生只能是半巨头的境界,但是根据我们多方研究验证,发现你可以破解这个难题,因你具有无上神体,更是拥有液态化精神力,还拥有天威灵魂,再有就是心眼开启,这些都可让你破解那个困局的,再有人皇亲自相助,成就巨头也非难题,本来一切都已经妥当,只是欠缺一样东西,那东西就。在冰魔谷,谁知那东西居然被人给毁了,而我又接到人皇通知,必须尽快返回神界,所以这拔苗助长也就只能作废了。” Yes, I do not want to do.” Xie Aoyu said that can break through half giant predicament, is only an inference, if has made a mistake, how could it not be is the road of alienating oneself giant. “就是可以,我也不想那么做。”谢傲宇说道,能够突破半巨头困局,也只是一个推断而已,若是错了,岂非是自绝巨头之路。 You have this idea also to understand that now you can feel relieved, this procedure needs must be destroyed, was unable to use.” Antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong said that I must return to some god processing matters, how can make you rapidly grow, this is a very difficult issue that I thought, therefore I have thought of Lei Tianze, if Lei Tianze came back to life, in this time, did not have any elders character to dare to begin again, why as, me thinks that you can also think, but other god four big giants, were the demon Lingshan two big giants, or the deep sea area three big giants, did not allow Lei Tianze to grow, therefore definitely will send out of the same generation the master in view of you. In this grade of life and death informed and experienced, your growth is most rapid, since this has been the ancient truth, but your performance exactly has also indicated this point, aren't you only then achieving with more than two years of time from third-order Battle Emperor Senior the position boundary unreliably? So can bring the huge danger to you, but this danger exactly is an opportunity of your swift and violent promotion, but can also depend upon Lei Tianze this status, depends upon other giants to be forced to be closed up or imprisoned in some place, only has in the foundation that the Lei giant may move freely, does not receive the threats of these elders masters, comprehensive growth.” “你有此想法也可以理解,现在你可以放心,这做法所需的必须品被毁,已经无法使用了。”上古圣皇赵天龙说道,“我也要回归神界处理一些事情,如何才能让你迅速的成长起来呢,这是我想到的一个很棘手的问题,所以我想到了雷天泽,若是雷天泽复生,在这个时间段,是没有任何老辈人物再敢动手的,至于为什么,我想你也能想到的,而无论是神界其他四大巨头,还是魔灵山两大巨头,亦或是深海域三大巨头,决不允许雷天泽成长起来,所以必然会派出同辈高手针对你。的,在这等生死历练中,你的成长才是最迅速的,这是亘古以来的真理,而你的表现也恰恰表明了这一点,你不正是从三阶战皇仅用两年多的时间便达到了玄尊中位境界吗?如此更能给你带来巨大的危险,而这个危险恰恰是一个你迅猛提升的机遇,还能依靠雷天泽这个身份,依靠其他巨头被迫闭关或被禁锢在某地,唯有雷家巨头可自由活动的基础上,不受到那些老辈高手的威胁,全面成长起来。”
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