BE :: Volume #19

#1871: Middle-aged man status 【Three】

Before Beastly Soul pavilion , the stream of people retreats. 兽魂阁前人流退去。 Wind Zhaokang waves, bringing the wind not to have the shade, common cold group et al. then enters in the secret room in Beastly Soul pavilion, he does not have just now the kind appearance again, fierce color that reveals alarmed and afraid, even if the wind does not have the shade and common cold group felt that the strength of wind Zhaokang heart of hearts has killed intent. 风兆康一挥手,带着风无影,风邪群等人便进入兽魂阁的一处密室内,他再无方才和蔼的模样儿,流露出的狰狞之色更加的令人惊惧,就算是风无影和风邪群都感觉到了风兆康内心深处的浓烈杀意。 Elder.” The wind does not have the shade to say. “长老。”风无影道。 In god has in the big influence of giant, as long as becomes the immortal boundary promotes for the elder immediately, if becomes the exceedingly high level master becomes the remote antiquity elder. 在神界拥有巨头的大势力中,但凡成为长生境界立刻晋升为长老,若是成为通天级高手则成为太上长老。 The natural elder, in the remote antiquity elder also has the division of height, like wind Zhaokang is the immortal boundary superior, therefore the status in the elder is very high. 自然长老,太上长老里面也是有高低之分的,像风兆康已经是长生境界上位,所以在长老里面地位是非常高的。 To Lei Tianze how the matter to regard?” Wind trillion condar. “你们对雷天泽之事如何看待?”风兆康道。 Elder thinks really he is Lei Tianze? The boundary like Lei head of household, can definitely use Lei Yinghuan the shape technique to change an appearance of person willfully, moreover Lei Tianze it is said two years ago died, I do not believe that he is really Lei Tianze.” The wind reveals the color of suspicion without the shade. “长老真的认为他是雷天泽?像雷家家主那样的境界,完全可以使用雷影幻形术任意改变一个人的容貌的,而且雷天泽据说两年前已经死了,我不相信他真的是雷天泽。”风无影流露出怀疑之色。 Wind Zhaokang looks to the common cold group. 风兆康看向风邪群。 The common cold group shakes the head, said: I do not think that who after dropping the Battle Emperor boundary, can in two years return Senior the boundary of position unreliably.” 风邪群摇摇头,道:“我不认为谁在跌落战皇境界之后,能够两年内回归玄尊中位的境界。” Your suspicions are correct, I also once so suspected that is just now because of the matter of sword spirit, my wind remote antiquity elders who in assuming personal command dying out city catches up with the signalling told me, that person should be Lei Tianze is not false.” Wind Zhaokang said. “你们的怀疑都正确,我也曾如此怀疑,可是方才因剑灵之事,赶过来的坐镇寂灭城的我风家太上长老已经传信告诉我,那人应该是雷天泽不假。”风兆康说道。 No doubt this dying out city is unable to have the exceedingly high level master to display the compensation, was suppressed in the immortal boundary peak, but the deterrent force is very strong, therefore several side influences have the exceedingly high level master to assume personal command, where treats, the person of all influence specifically does not know. 固然这寂灭城无法有通天级高手发挥全部力量,被压制在长生境界巅峰,但是威慑力还是很强的,故而几方势力都有通天级高手坐镇,具体都待在什么地方,则连各方势力的人也不知道。 How possible.” The wind does not have the shade to be unbelievable. “怎么可能。”风无影难以置信。 Two years stride from third-order Battle Emperor revere the position unreliably, even if once practiced to have been to this boundary, are two years, the so swift and violent promotion, this span too will be how big. 两年从三阶战皇跨入玄尊中位,就算是曾经修炼到过这个境界,可是两年时间,怎会如此迅猛的提升,这跨度实在太大了吧。 Remote antiquity elder said that Lei Ying the imaginary shape technique of Lei has a small flaw, in displaying, the exceedingly high level master can observe it whether in the change appearance, said according to the remote antiquity elder, he indeed was the true self, has not changed the appearance.” Wind Zhaokang said. “太上长老说了,雷家的雷影幻形术有一个微小的破绽,就是在施展的时候,通天级高手是可以观测到其是否在改变容貌的,根据太上长老所言,他的确是本来面目,没有改变容貌。”风兆康说道。 If this word were heard by Xie Aoyu, inevitably surprised middle-aged man considers thoroughly, hundred changes technique not this kind of flaw because of the spirit desire, naturally also impossible to be discovered the flaw, but so the procedure, exactly looks on him is Lei Tianze, letting the human is unable to suspect that his status, it may be said that kills two birds with one stone. 此言若被谢傲宇听到,必然惊讶中年男子考虑周到,因灵欲百变术没有此类破绽的,自然也就不可能被人发现破绽了,而如此做法,恰好坐视他就是雷天泽,让人无法怀疑他的身份,可谓是一举两得。 Lei Tianze!” The wind has gotten hold of the fist without the shade. “雷天泽!”风无影握紧了拳头。 The common cold group is to also fight intent abundant. 风邪群也是战意盎然。 In the god five big influences, early has a comparison, the strongest person is also recognizes, that is Lei Tianze, defeats the wind not to have the shade and horizontal poor character person only, recognizes as the Lei monstruous talent, if the wind does not have the shade likely, horizontal poor character et al., said that has the giant potential, indicated that they will become the giant probability will be very in the future big, but that does not mean that they certainly will become the giants, not only will be said how they need to go on living, will have on is, will be similar their so potential the person to have many, may many arrived at some boundary. Then life-long bogs down, this kind of example were too many, otherwise, giant He Zhiyu only has such several, naturally, possibly some influences by no means only then a giant, the new giants went into hiding, may on many people not be outwardly able after achieving the exceedingly high level superior, but can also promote. 在神界五大势力当中,早有过一番比较,最强的人也是公认的,那就是雷天泽,也是唯一打败风无影和横无行的人,公认为雷家妖孽,如果说像风无影,横无行等人,都说是具有巨头潜力的话,表明他们未来成为巨头几率很大,可那并不意味着他们一定成为巨头,不仅仅是说他们需要活下去怎样的,还有就是,类似他们这般潜力的人有不少,可许多都是到达了某个境界。便终生停滞不前,这类例子太多了,不然的话,巨头何至于仅有这么几个,当然,也可能有些势力并非只有一个巨头,新巨头都隐匿起来了,可明面上很多人还是都无法在达到通天级上位之后,还能提升的。 Therefore do not look at the wind not to have the shade, god Bolton is considered in the future a giant, can achieve truly, no one can guarantee that possibly is, possibly cannot the achievement giant. 故而别看风无影,神目科波顿被认为未来巨头,真正能够达到的,谁也不敢保证,可能全都是,可能一个都不能成就巨头的。 However by all influence recognition, the percentage hundred achievement giants, through the ages, had one person truly. 但是真正被各方势力公认的,百分百成就巨头的,古往今来,只有一人。 That is Lei Tianze. 那就是雷天泽。 Lei Tianze is known as the monstruous talent in god, he from being born then to display the astonishing talent, constantly breaks the record that Sky Demon leaves behind, for this reason lets other square giants alarmed and afraid, does not hesitate to get rid to cut in secret to kill it, finally Lei Tianze suddenly drops the boundary two years ago, the frequency boundary, this matter is considered as four big giants collaborates the behavior at the point of death consistently, because, since this matter, Lei in handling affairs, obvious and other giant some differences, even the Lei giant also once personally placed four big giants, it is said to demand/search. from four big giant hands walks many heavy treasures, when making all giants love dearly, Has no alternative. 雷天泽在神界号称妖孽,他从出世便表现出惊人的天赋,不断地打破天魔留下的记录,为此让其他四方巨头都为之惊惧,不惜暗中出手要将其斩杀,结果雷天泽就在两年前突然跌落境界,频临死境,此事一致被认为是四大巨头联手所为,因自从此事之后,雷家在行事中,明显和其他巨头有些分歧,甚至雷家巨头还曾亲自摆放四大巨头,从四大巨头手中据说索走许多的重宝,让各方巨头心疼之余,却无可奈何。 Can the monstruous talent to this situation, Lei Tianze also be a god fable. 能够妖孽到这种地步,雷天泽也算是神界一个传说了。 But he appears now once again, how can not bring to the attention. 可如今他再度出现,怎能不引起注意。 Lei Tianze must die!” Wind Zhaokang cold sound track. “雷天泽必须死!”风兆康寒声道。 The wind does not have the shade saying: Elder, you do not need to get rid, I kill him!” 风无影道:“长老,你无需出手,我来杀他!” Loses to the experience of the same generation master only, making the wind not have the shade to be still unforgettable. 唯一败给同辈高手的一次经历,让风无影至今难忘。 „Do I get rid? Hey, you thought that the immortal boundary above master does dare to get rid?” Wind Zhaokang sneers saying that „the Lei head of household comes personally, in warning all parties, if occurred again for two years ago that elders master gets rid, he will open the buddhist commandment against taking life.” “我出手?嘿嘿,难道你们觉得,长生境界以上的高手敢于出手吗?”风兆康冷笑道,“雷家家主亲自现身,就是在警告各方,若是再发生两年前那种老辈高手出手的话,他是会开杀戒的。” That is also what kind, he is the exceedingly high superior boundary, if he dares to open the buddhist commandment against taking life, naturally half giants put to death him.” The wind does not have the shade to say. “那又怎样,他不过是通天上位境界罢了,他若敢开杀戒,自然有半巨头诛杀他。”风无影道。 Wind Zhaokang snort said: Stupid!” 风兆康哼道:“愚蠢!” The wind does not have the shade scold for a while was shocked. 风无影被骂的一时愣住了。 Elders get rid again, Lei occupies the truth not to mention, once half giant gets rid, Lei Jia lao ancestor is not works? He gets rid to seize the chance to cut inevitably to kill our half giant, but our old ancestors?” Wind trillion condar. “老辈再出手,雷家占据道理暂且不说,一旦半巨头出手,难道雷家老祖是吃闲饭的吗?他必然出手趁机斩杀我们的半巨头,而我们的老祖呢?”风兆康道。 Closed up.” The wind does not have the shade then to think that this god four big giants close up are not the habit close up, but was cut to kill 1/10 souls, is forced to close up, damn Xie Aoyu!” “闭关了。”风无影这才想起来,这次神界四大巨头闭关可不是常态闭关,而是被人斩杀了1的灵魂,被迫闭关的,“该死的谢傲宇!” Wind trillion condar: Lei Jia lao ancestor is three so far, can only the unconstrained old ancestor, if the elders get rid, you said that Lei Jia lao ancestor can taking the opportunity kill our wind, even closes up while our old ancestor, gives the disturbance, that old ancestor meets any situation, but my wind how, you should be clear.” 风兆康道:“雷家老祖是三界目前为止,唯一能够不受拘束的老祖,若是老辈出手的话,你们说,雷家老祖会否借机杀上我们风家,甚至趁着我们老祖闭关的时候,给予干扰,那老祖会什么情况,而我风家会如何,你们应该清楚。” The wind does not have the shade, the common cold group they startles shivers spirit. 风无影,风邪群两人激灵灵打个冷颤。 Indeed, at least 13 years, dare to get rid without the elders character of any side influence, even if in demon Lingshan does not need to close up, but demon Lingshan banned that also made them unable to display many strengths, instead possibly rode for Lei Jia lao ancestor, gives fatally strikes, does not dare to meddle. 的确,至少13年内,没有任何一方势力的老辈人物敢出手,就算魔灵山内不需要闭关,可是魔灵山禁制也令他们发挥不出多少力量,反而可能为雷家老祖所乘,给予致命一击,更加不敢插手。 Therefore only has among of the same generation the characters. 所以唯有同辈人物之间才可以。 Among peer, you in my wind are top, the strength also achieved Senior the superior unreliably, but that Lei Tianze delayed for two years, now also unreliably Senior the position, the strength was inferior you, therefore you must find the opportunity, cut to kill it!” Wind Zhaokang waves, makes a hand signal of killing. “同辈当中,你们两人在我风家算是顶尖的,实力也达到了玄尊上位,而那雷天泽耽搁两年时间,现在也不过玄尊中位,实力逊色你们,所以你们要找机会,将其斩杀!”风兆康一挥手,做出一个杀的手势。 The wind does not have the shade they to make an effort to nod. 风无影两人用力点头。 Wind Zhaokang continues saying: Except for you, I thinks that several other sides will also send for getting rid, moreover other Lei below let the head of household competitor also absolutely to get rid, hey, I do not believe that Lei Tianze can live is leaving the dying out city, how obtains the demon eye source, same will fall from the sky.” 风兆康继续说道:“除了你们,我想其他几方也会派人出手的,而且雷家其他的下任家主竞争者也绝对会出手的,嘿嘿,我就不信,雷天泽能够活着离开寂灭城,得到魔眼本源又如何,一样会陨落的。” Elder, can he leave?” The wind does not have the shade to say. “长老,他会否离开呢?”风无影道。 Cannot!” Wind Zhaokang sneers saying that Lei Wankun had been expelled, then on behalf of Lei's deciding in dying out city however is Lei Tianze without doubt, but don't forgot the god to cast clan auction last something by auction the demon imperial palace key, Lei how possibly gives up capturing Sky Demon to leave behind the heavy valuable the opportunity.” “不会!”风兆康冷笑道,“雷万坤已经被赶走,那么代表雷家在寂灭城的定然是雷天泽无疑,别忘了神铸族拍卖会最后一件拍卖品的可是魔皇宫钥匙,雷家如何可能放弃夺取天魔留下重宝的机会。” On wind non- shade face reveals to wipe the fierce color, said: Elder, you said that Lei Tianze buys Long Langhun, whom will give to?” 风无影脸上流露出一抹狰狞之色,道:“长老,你说雷天泽买下龙狼魂,会送给谁?” Wind Zhaokang reveals the pleasantly surprised color, said: How I this forgetting, Long Langhun have given Lei the head of household inevitably, then he inevitably is 风兆康露出惊喜之色,道:“我怎么把这个给忘了,龙狼魂必然送给雷家家主,那么他必然是” In the secret room, three people have exuded a sinister smile sound. 密室内,三人发出了一阵阴笑声。 The same matter is occurring in other places, for example in Turlogh, Pohl et al. also obtain the corresponding instruction. 同样的事情在其他地方发生着,比如特洛内,波尔等人也得到相应的指示。 Such that just like wind Zhaokang guessed, the middle-aged man has not had the Xie Aoyu three people to leave, they arrived in an inn room of medium scale. 正如风兆康猜测的那样,中年男子并没有带着谢傲宇三人离开,他们来到了一家中等档次的客栈房间内。 The middle-aged man wields conveniently, has the strength isolation outside together. 中年男子随手一挥,自有一道力量隔绝外界。 The Xie Aoyu three people are very actually confident, if the middle-aged man must begin to him, had already gotten rid, does not need so to take time. 谢傲宇三人倒是都很坦然,若是中年男子要对他动手的话,早就出手了,也不必如此费事。 Is very strange, why I will look for you, why will present as a gift your Lei Shaling, why will turn into Lei Tianze you, why must use the spirit desire hundred changes the technique, why robs the sword spirit to use the exceedingly high level above strength.” A middle-aged man aperture, then gave Xie Aoyu all issues says ahead of time. “是不是很奇怪,我为什么会找上你,为什么会赠你雷杀令,为什么会把你变成雷天泽,为什么要会使用灵欲百变术,为什么抢夺剑灵可以使用通天级以上的力量。”中年男子一开口,便将谢傲宇所有的问题都给提前说出来了。 Yes, is very strange, is very puzzled.” Xie Aoyu is staring at this Lei head of household, he who always thinks was extremely mystical, I even suspected that you are the Lei head of household.” “是,很奇怪,很不解。”谢傲宇盯着这位雷家家主,总觉的他太过神秘了,“我甚至怀疑你是不是雷家家主。” The middle-aged man laughs saying: I naturally am the host of Lei, if not I am the true body, you thought that these exceedingly high level master in secret won't be able to bear patiently?” 中年男子哈哈大笑道:“我当然是雷家之主,若非我是真身,你觉得那些暗中的通天级高手会隐忍不出吗?” Xie Aoyu said: „Does dying out city have the exceedingly high level master really?” 谢傲宇道:“寂灭城真的有通天级高手?” Naturally, they come from the god five side influences, demon Lingshan, but by the soul was banned, does not come easily, but, I think that now the deep sea area person also arrived at the dying out city.” The middle-aged man said. “当然,他们来自神界五方势力,还有魔灵山,只是受到灵魂禁制罢了,不轻易现身罢了,不过,现在我想深海域的人也来到了寂灭城。”中年男子说道。 Deep sea area?” Xie Aoyu said. “深海域?”谢傲宇道。 The middle-aged man said: Right, not only came, but also has the exceedingly high level master to go into hiding here, the deep sea area three big giants worthily are the unrivalled rare talents, they are really not simple, facing the soul ban of world is unable, actually to be able after this hell demon soul bans was destroyed, gets rid to transmit the master to arrive at hell demon, is rasher, steals the sword to work.” 中年男子道:“没错,不但来了,而且还有通天级高手隐匿在此,深海域三大巨头不愧是旷世奇才,他们真的是不简单啊,面对人间界的灵魂禁制无法,却能够在这地狱魔界灵魂禁制被破坏之后,出手传送高手来到地狱魔界,更是胆大妄为到,盗取剑灵。” The Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing said: „Are these assassins the deep sea area masters?” 谢傲宇哑然道:“那些刺客是深海域的高手?” The middle-aged man nods, his topic revolution, said: Now you first replied that I an issue, I 11 explained again your issue, have you killed ice evil Monarch?” 中年男子点点头,他话题一转,道:“现在你还是先回答我一个问题,我再11解释你的问题,你杀了冰邪君?” Initially read ice evil Monarch to remember that Ru Yan has said that makes the ice evil Monarch strength dropped ten step Battle Emperor levels temporarily is at present this middle-aged man, moreover he also inevitably knows that iced that ice evil Monarch of demon valley spirit spar from the spirit spar mineral lode that controlled, naturally can also infer ice evil Monarch to be killed by them. 当初读取冰邪君记忆,如烟就说过,令冰邪君力量暂时跌落十阶战皇级的就是眼前这名中年男子,而且他也必然知道,冰魔谷灵晶石来自那冰邪君控制的灵晶石矿脉,自然也能推断出冰邪君被他们杀死的。 Is we kills, but, must thank the senior, if not the senior gets rid, three moves of command its use being overwhelmed technique self-preservation, we will not be easy to obtain the ice evil Monarch buried treasure.” Xie Aoyu said. “是我们杀的,不过,还是要感谢前辈,若非前辈出手,三招令其使用断魂术自保,我们也不会那么容易得到冰邪君宝藏的。”谢傲宇道。 The middle-aged man nods saying: This was right.” 中年男子点头道:“这就对了。” Xie Aoyu said: Now the senior can answer my issue.” He, deeply has inspired, said: Who is senior?” 谢傲宇道:“现在前辈可以回答我的问题了吧。”他顿了一下,深吸一口气,道:“前辈到底是谁?” Say (Way) that the middle-aged man smiles: Who I am, thinks that you once had also guessed, but you guessed with my strength, the Lei head of household status made you unable to conclude, will therefore have this question, good, I told you, I was antiquity Saint Emperor Zhao Tianlong!” 中年男子笑眯眯的道:“我是谁,想必你也曾猜测过,只是你所猜测的和我的实力,雷家家主身份都让你不敢断定了,所以才会有此疑问,好吧,我告诉你,我就是上古圣皇赵天龙!”
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